Night Reading Checks

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Which word could replace 'beseeching' in the following sentence: "A plaintive, beseeching voice caught me in the spine: 'Eliezer... my son... bring me...a drop of coffee...'"


Some of the religious Jews interpreted the camp situation as

both a test and a punishment

The Jews were shipped by ____ from place to place.

cattle cars

What narrative tone does the following quote create? "I sat next to him, watching him; I no longer dared to believe that he could elude death. I did all I could to give him hope."


Of what does Eliezer's father most likely die?


(T/F) Elie was one of five children.


In the cattle car, what does Madame Schachter scream that she sees?


Madame Schachter's hysterical cries are an example of what type of figurative language?


Identify who said the following quote. "From the depths of the mirror, a corpse gazed back at me. The look in his eyes, as they stared into mine, has never left me."

Elie Wiesel

Why will Elie's father not let Elie fast for Yom Kippur?

he has been starved enough already

*** Which statement best describes the unspoken connection between the French girl and Elie? - "I knew she wanted to talk to me but that she was paralyzed with fear." - "We did not speak: she did not know German and I did not understand French." - "Across the aisle, a beautiful woman with dark hair and dreamy eyes." - "It was imprudent of me to say those few words to you, but I knew that you would not betray me..."

"I knew she wanted to talk to me but that she was paralyzed with fear."

Which of the following is an example of a metaphor? -"The camp looked as though it had been through an epidemic; empty and dead" (47). - "At first my father simply doubled over under the blows, but then he seemed to break in two like an old tree struck by lightening" (54). - "Death, which was settling in all around me, silently, gently. It would seize upon a sleeping person, steal into him and devour him bit by bit" (89). - "We were withered trees in the heart of the desert" (37).

"We were withered trees in the heart of the desert" (37).

Of the one hundred men in the cattle car with Eliezer and his father, how many arrive alive in Buchenwald?


What was the setting and year(s) for the first chapter of the book?

1942-1944 in Sighet, Transyvlania

How many people are forced to ride in each cattle car? (Part 1)


Why does Moishe the Beadle leave the village?

All foreign Jews are expelled from Sighet

*** What can be inferred from the conversation with his father about his mother and sister? "Mother is still a young woman," my father once said. "She must be in a labor camp. And Tzipora, she is a big girl now. She too must be in a camp ..." "How we would have liked to believe that. We pretended, for what if one of us still did believe?" (46) - Both of them know that the mother and sister are probably dead. - They know Dr. Mengele was easier on women than on men. - There is a chance because of their ages that one or both of them is alive. - They are both depending on the belief that their family is still alive.

Both of them know that the mother and sister are probably dead.

What can be inferred from the quote "I might have found something like: Free at last" on page 112?

Elie feels guilty because part of him is glad to be free of his father

What is ironic about the loss of Elie's gold crown?

Elie finally gives up his crown and two weeks later the Pole is transferred to another camp.

What lie(s) do Elie and his father tell to Dr. Josef Mengele?

Elie lies about his age and his occupation. His father lies about his age.

Why does the Gypsy strike Elie's father?

Elie's father felt sick and asked to use the lavatory.

*** "ALL DAY I PLODDED AROUND like a sleepwalker. Tibi and Yossi would call out to me, from time to time, trying to reassure me. As did the Kapo who had given me easier tasks that day. I felt sick at heart. How kindly they treated me. Like an orphan. I thought: Even now, my father is helping me." Based on the author's use of details and language, which of the following can the reader infer from these lines? - Eliezer finds it difficult to fact the reality that his father may no longer be alive. - Any prisoner whose family member had died was treated kindly and given special consideration for a short period of time. - All prisoners tried to help other prisoners facing personal losses as members of a community would help their neighbors. - Eliezer's father was respected throughout the camp.

Eliezer finds it difficult to fact the reality that his father may no longer be alive.

(T/F) Elie and his father decide to stay in the hospital rather than evacuate the camp.


What well-known journalist wrote the foreword for this edition of the book Night?

Francois Mauriac

What can be inferred by the Germans desperate relocation of the Jews to the center of Germany?

Germany is losing the war.

During the bombing, what did one inmate try to do that caused his death?

He attempted to steal soup.

What was NOT a detail from Moishe's stories from when he was deported to Galicia?

He describes his wife's death.

Which of the following was NOT a detail from Moishe's stories from when he was deported to Galicia?

He describes his wife's death.

What is ironic about the loss of Elie's shoes?

He ends up losing the shoes with nothing in return.

How has the narrator changed over the course of chapter 3?

He has witnessed events so horrific that he has lost his faith in God's goodness.

What type of tattoo does Elie recieve inside of the concentration camp?

He is tattooed with his identification number.

Which fatal event does Elie witness that he finds deeply disturbing?

He sees the hanging of three people, two adults and one child.

What does the narrator achieve in his depictions of common German people throwing bread into the train cars on the way to Buchenwald?

He shows that even average people were cruel to the Jews.

*** Why was Elie angry when Idek beat Elie's father for no reason? - He was angry at himself for not being able to help. - He was angry at God because he was responsible for the suffering. - He was angry at his father for not knowing how to avoid the beating. - All of the above

He was angry at his father for not knowing how to avoid the beating.

Why is Elie whipped twenty-five times by a Kapo at the warehouse?

He witnessed the Kapo having sex with a young Polish girl.

What is Elie's job in Buna?

He works in an electrical warehouse.

What is Elie's last view of his mother and sister?

His mother is walking away and stroking his sister's hair.

While in the infirmary, who does Elie realize that he may have the most faith in?


*** What does the knife and spoon inheritance symbolize? - How Elie would eventually use the tools to escape - How smart Elie's father was for keeping those. - How important utensils were to eating. - How much Elie had lost.

How much Elie had lost.

Prior to deportation, where were the Jews of Sighet living?

In ghettos

Excerpt 1: "You're lucky to have been brought here so late. Today, this is paradise compared to what the camp was two years ago. Back then, Buna was a veritable hell. No water, no blankets, less soup and bread. At night, we slept almost naked and the temperature was thirty below. We were collecting corpses by the hundreds every day. Work was very hard. Today, this is a little paradise. The Kapos back then had an order to kill a certain number of prisoners every day. And every week, selection. A merciless selection...Yes, you are lucky." Excerpt 2: "I hope you will all pass. But you must try to increase your chances. Before you go into the next room, try to move your limbs, give yourself some color. Don't walk slowly, run! Run as if you had the devil at your heels! Don't look at the SS. Run, straight in front of you!" Which comparison is more powerful concerning the author's use of figurative language?

In the first excerpt, the author uses imagery to depict the harsh conditions of camp life as described by the prisoners. In the second excerpt, the author uses an idiom to emphasize the importance of the prisoners presenting themselves as healthy and nimble.

What can be implied by the repetition of "Blessed be God's name" and the anger it caused Elie?

It caused Elie to rebel because he barely has any faith left in him

How do the lines below at the end of Chapter 2 impact the mood? "In front of us, those flames. In the air, the smell of burning flesh."

It creates a dreary and terrifying mood.

*** What is the effect of the irony regarding Elie's foot surgery? - It implies that Nazis believed all people deserve basic health care. - It highlights the inhumane absurdity of the Nazis. - It presents that idea that Elie was healthier than he thought. - It suggests that perhaps some Nazis cared for Jewish people.

It presents that idea that Elie was healthier than he thought.

What does the effect of using the word anxiously have on the paragraph, "I anxiously thought of my father, who was at work. But I was glad nevertheless. To watch the factory go up in flames- what revenge!..." on page 60?

It shows that he was worried about his father

What is ironic about the decision to leave the hospital?

It was liberated by the Russians two days later

What are kapos?

Jewish prisoners put in charge of other prisoners

Who did Elie Wiesel get to help train him in the Kabbalah?

Moishe the Beadle

What does the author mean when he uses the word "avail"? "He had lost his son in the commotion. He had searched for him among the dying, to no avail." (90)

That Rabbi Eliahu isn't having success finding his son.

What does Elie mean by this quote? "After my father's death, nothing could touch me anymore."

That he has already hurt so much that nothing can affect him

Which is a synonym for the word pious on page 24? "Her husband was a pious man who spent most his days and nights in the house of study."


*** What is the purpose of the French girl speaking to Elie on page 53? - To reveal that she knows what is going to happen next - To distract Elie from what is happening - It gives the reader insight as to what is going to become of their relationship - She is trying to console Elie and encourage him that everything will work out

She is trying to console Elie and encourage him that everything will work out

*** Identify who said the following quote. "yellow star?" Oh, well, what of it? You don't die of it..."

Shlomo Wiesel

What is implied by the sentence below from the end of the chapter? "They were all smiles; all things considered, it had gone very smoothly" (22)

The Gestapo are more concerned with order than they are with human suffering.

What can be inferred from this quote? "Moishe had changed. There was no longer any joy in his eyes. He no longer sang. He no longer talked to me of God or of the Kabbalah, but only what he had seen." (7)

The author demonstrates that what Moishe had seen had changed him as a person.

About what do Moishe the Beadle and Eiezer talk?

The mysteries of the Jewish faith

On page 32, the author says, "We did not know which was the better side, right or left; which road led to prison and the other to the crematory. But for that moment, I was happy; I was near my father." What can the reader infer about the narrator from this quote?

The narrator doesn't care what happens to himself as long as he is with his father.

Which of the following is NOT a detail from when the ghetto is evacuated? - Many items were left abandoned in the street. - The police were brusque but helpful. - The day was extremely hot. - The people could have nothing to eat or drink.

The police were brusque but helpful.

What news does Elie's father return with after his council meeting?

They are going to be deported to destinations unknown.

What describes Elie's operation?

They drained pus and infection from his foot.

What is the effect of the parallelism between the two quotes below? "I remember that on that evening, the soup tasted better than ever..." (p.63) "That night, the soup tasted of corpses." (p.65)

They emphasize the devastating impact of the child hanging by showing how numb he had become.

What does the author accomplish with the final words "No one cried out" from the quote below? 'Knowing that I was crushing him, preventing him from breathing, I wanted to get up and disengage myself to allow him to breathe. But I myself was crushed under the weight of other bodies. I had difficulty breathing. I dug my nails into unknown faces. I was biting my way through, searching for air. No one cried out.' (93)

They no longer cared if they lived or died.

Which of the following is NOT a reason why people didn't believe Moishe's story?

They thought he was trying to get them to give him money.

*** On page 24, why does the author use short sentences, "The two disappeared. The doors clanked shut," following the officer's last words? - To show the officer's lack of education. - To emphasize the harsh, abrupt manner they were treated. - To highlight the narrator's anger with the other people on the cart. - To indicate that the narrator could no longer think full thoughts.

To emphasize the harsh, abrupt manner they were treated.

What was the author's purpose for having Madame Schachter repeat that there is a fire.

To foreshadow something

What is the author's purpose in the passengers' treatment of Madame Schachter?

To show the inhumanity that everyone is capable of

"As far as I'm concerned, this whole business of deportation is nothing but a big farce" (21) Which of the following best defines "farce."

an absurd event or joke

Which word could best replace emaciated in the following quote? "A poor emaciated Jew questioned him anxiously, his voice trembling" (p. 73)?


What gift does Elie's father give him?

a knife and a spoon

Which word could replace indiscriminately in the following quote? "The Hungarian police struck out with truncheons and rifle butts, to right and left, without reason, indiscriminately, their blows falling upon old men and women, children and invalids alike." (16)


What does the quote show about Elie's character at this point in the text? "I stood amid the praying congregation, observing it like a stranger."

he resents God for the horrors he has faced

Who found the teacher for Elie?


The author included Moishe the Beadle in his narrative because Moishe...

influenced his thinking.

Which type of conflict is exemplified by the following quote? "Yet at the same time a thought crept into my mind: If only I didn't find him! If only I were relieved of this responsibility. I could use all of my strength to fight for my own survival, to take care of only myself...Instantly, I felt ashamed, ashamed of myself forever."

man vs. self

Night is an example of a(n): __________.


After the prisoners first arrive at Auschwitz-Birkenau

men and women are separated.

After the prisoners first arrive at Auschwitz-Birkenau...

men and women are separated.

What type of figurative language is "Everywhere rooms lay open... An open tomb?"


What does Juliek do just before he dies?

plays the violin

What does the narrator accomplish in Chapter 1?

portrays how difficult it is for people to face hard truths

What word could best replace "jostling" in the following sentence? "There was shoving and jostling as if this were the ultimate haven, the gateway to life." (93)


*** Which type of figurative language does the following quote exemplify? "He looked all around him, taking it all in as if he had suddenly decided to make an inventory of his universe, to determine where he was and why he was there" (90).


Which type of irony does the following quote exemplify? "Three days after the liberation of Buchenwald, I became very ill: some form of poisoning. I was transferred to a hospital and spent two weeks between life and death" (115).


*** Juliek's trampled violin could be a symbol for? - the broken Jewish spirit - the death of classical music - Juliek's own death - the harsh conditions the Jews suffered through

the broken Jewish spirit

*** Ultimately, the two ghettos were set up in Sighet... - to further dehumanize the town's Jewish population - to protect the Jews from hostile townspeople. - before the Jews were sent to the camps. - to contain and control the Jews.

to further dehumanize the town's Jewish population

At the beginning of the book, where does Eliezer go each evening?

to the synagogue to pray

It was obvious that Hitler was waging a war against Jewish religion, Jewish culture, and Jewish _______________.


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