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What from the Vatican II states the Jesus was both God and man?

" He worked with human hands, he thought with the human mind. He acted with a human will, and with a human heart he loved"

1st "I Am" statement

"I Am the bread of life" live in eternity with God

3rd "I Am" statement

"I Am the gate for the sheep" only gate which we may enter and be saved leads us into the "sheepfold"

4th "I Am" statement

"I Am the good Shepard" Jesus, the good shepard unique in character

5th "I Am" statement

"I Am the resurrection and the life" who believes in him will never die

7th "I Am" statement

"I Am the vine, you are the branch" without Jesus cannot live a faith with God

6th "I Am" statement

"I Am the way and the truth and the life" the Father is through him

Seven special statements that Jesus makes about himself in John

"I Am" statements

2nd "I Am" statement

"I am the light of the world" Jesus is the light-divinity of Jesus

Poem that begins John's Gospel

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God."

What is the Incarnation best described as?

"the fact that the Son of God assumed a human nature in order to accomplish our salvation in it"


"the fact that the Son of God assumed a human nature in order to accomplish our salvation in it" the Son of God actually came in the flesh to save us form death is "the distinctive sign of Christian faith"


"to become flesh" because the Father loves sum he sent his Son to redeem us

what standards did early bishops use to discern which books belong in canon of the bible?

1. Is this text from the apostles or someone close to them? 2. Do major Christian communities universally accept this text? 3. Is this text used to determine liturgical celebration? 4. Is this text consistent with other Christian, Hebrew, or Jewish writing?

5 characteristics of parables

1. teach timeless spirituality and ethical truths, which give a deeper insight into the true meaning of the Reign of God 2. based on everyday life 3. usually told these as a response to questions or situations, it is the easiest to understand the parable when it the question asked is shown 4. one must have the eyes of faith to understand the truth of parable 5. often filed with surprises to capture the attention of the listeners, they challenge people to implement to good work of God

Three signs the Lord gave Moses to help him convince Pharaoh to let his people leave Egypt

1. throw his staff on the ground and it would become a serpent, when he would grab its tail it would turn back into a staff 2. Moses would put his hand in bosom and when Moses would remove his hand, it would be leprous. put it in again it would be like the rest of his body 3. take some of the water from the river and pour it on dry land and it would become blood on the dry land

How many judges led the Israelites after Joshua?

12- eleven men and one women

How many prophets have books in Bible named after them?


How old was Joseph when he was sold into slavery by his brothers?


Main differences in the two Creation stories

1st- God said "Let there be..." it was created and good sense of days day of rest 2nd- God makes everything with his hands sounds like it i created in one day

New testament

27 books of the Bible written in apostolic times, which have the life, teachings, Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ and the beginnings of the Church as their central theme

What position does Joseph end up in in Egypt?

2nd to the Pharaoh

Who are Martha, Mary, and Lazarus?

3 siblings who live in Bethany, not far from Jerusalem Jesus often visits their home allow Jesus to experience friendship

How old was Isaac when he got married?


How long were the Israelites in the desert?

40 years

How long had the Israelites been in Egypt?

430 years

When does Ezekiel end his prophetic ministry?

573 BC

How many children did Abraham and his second wife have?


How old was Noah when the water begin to dry up on the earth?


Weakness of Solomon

700 wives and 300 concubines allowed his foreign wives to practice his idolatrous ways forces tazes and labor on people

When was the Acts of the Apostles written?

80 AD


A Christian sacrament commemorating the Last Supper by consecrating bread and wine.


A Greek word meaning "work" the title of the Jesus Christ found in the Gospel of John that illuminates the relationship between the three Persons of the Holy Trinity of John the illuminates the relationship between the three Persons of the Holy trinity


A Jewish sect at the time of Jesus known for the strict adherence of the Law


A Jewish sect of people known for its strong commitment to the Temple in Jerusalem

Whose mother conceived and bore a son and then hid him for three months?

A certain man of the house (Amram) of Levi married a Levite woman (Jochebed) who conceived a son (Moses)

stump of Jessie

A phrase taken from Isaiah 11:1 that traces Jesus' lineage to Jesse's son, King David


A series of Jesus' teachings in which he pronounces as "blessed" certain unlikely groups of people, such as the poor in spirit and the meek

Moses' brother


When Moses told the Lord he was not a good speaker, who did the Lord send to speak for Moses to Pharaoh and the people?

Aaron, the Levite and God also help them

Adam and Eve's second child


What was Abram's name changed to?


How was Abraham tested by the Lord?

Abraham tested the Lord by telling him to take Isaac to the top of the land Moriah and shall offer him holocaust. Abraham took Isaac, his donkey, and his two servants. Abraham took he wood and laid it on Isaac's shoulders (like Jesus), while he carried the fire and knife. He told Isaac that God was providing the sheep for the sacrifice. Abraham then built an alter and then tied his son to the alter and reached to slaughter him. The Lord called out to Abraham and told him not to care out killing. He then went and offered a ram instead. An angel came and told him that he would have numerous descendants.

What were the terms of the Covenant between God and Abraham?

Abraham will be the father of the nations and God will render you exceedingly fertile and great kings will stem will come from them. The covenant is between you and all of your descendants throughout the ages to your God and the God of the descendants. God also changes Sarai name to Sarah and Abram to Abraham and tells them they will have a son. The covenant made reveals his law to his People through Moses.

What does Esau symbolize?

Abraham's descendants who will not live directly under the Covenant

Who did God direct to leave his kinsfolk and grandfather's house? What promise did he make?

Abram and he would make him great


Abram's wife

Terah's children?

Abram, Nahor, and Haran

Hebrew name for God


When is the Book of Isaiah usually read?


Why did Sarai tell Hagar to be with Abram?

After Abram and Sarai had tied the bear child for ten years in Canaan, Sarai asked Hagar to do this

What happened as a result of the Fall?

After the first sin, they lost their original holiness and became subject to death. This means that all the descendants of Adam and Eve, except Jesus and Mary, are deprived of original holiness and justice.

What days (dates and events) are days of holy obligation?

All Sundays Christmas- Dec. 25 Solemnity if the Blessed Virgin Mary, The Mother of God- Jan 1 Ascension of the Lord- forty days after Easter Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary- Aug. 15 All Saints' Day- Nov. 1 Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary- Dec. 8

Young Joseph's first dream

All his brothers were binding sheaves in the field and the brothers formed a ring around his ahead and bowed down to it

Why do Catholics reverse for and protection of human life "the consistent ethic of life"?

All life is sacred from the very beginning, to the very end, and every point in between

What happened to everyone and everything during the flood?

All the creatures perished on Earth. Everything on dry land died out. Everything breathing and living on Earth was wiped out.

What are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabets?

Alpha and Omega

Moses' father


Luke's description of the incarnation through the Holy Spirit

Angel Gabriel tells Mary she will give birth to a son named Jesus (God Saves) Jesus is conceived by the HS in order to begin his saving work among us

What are some prophets that do not have their own books?

Anna, Moses, Nathan, and Elijah

What allows us to access the grace of Jesus, who heals the wounds of our sins and turns us back toward God?


What are the two books in the prophets action of the Old Testament that are not collections of prophetic speeches?

Baruch and Lamentations

Why Seth used to connect Adam to Noah?

Because Cain and Abel are no longer apart of the family.

Who did not go with the brothers to get the rations? Why?

Benjamin because he was afraid something bad would happen to him

Nahor and Milkah child


Jesus the mediator

Between humanity and God he is a bridge connecting Earth to Heaven allowing God to be accessible even after we lost his friendship through sin


Bibles sole & supreme author; everything he says/teaches has no error; ultimate author of sacred scripture

Rachel's slave girl


Who was the first born to Adam and Eve?


What did Cain do to Abel?

Cain took Abel to come out in the field. Cain then attacked Abel and killed him

Where did Abram go after Haran?


Where did Abram go on his journey?


Fourth Ecumenical Council

Chalcedon, AD 451 officially established the doctrine of hypostatic union the bishops agreed that Jesus is one person with both divine and human natures the bishops issued a decree summarizing the agreements they had reached

7 Miracles/Signs

Changing the water into wine Brings health to the official's son heals the paralytic feeds 5,000 walks on water brings the sight to a blind man brings Lazarus back to life

Lazarus's resurrection from the dead symbolism

Christ's power over life and death and shows that Jesus is the path of eternal life foreshadows the death and Resurrection of jesus

Paschal Mystery

Christ's work of redemption through his Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension of glory God's glorious love is revealed in the death of his Son and Jesus willingly hands over his life for the ransom of man and paying the debt for out sins to save us

Examples of Jesus following Jewish law

Circumcision follow the law of Leviticus- sacrifice a lamb and a turtledove 40 days after birth of a boy-- poor families brought 2 turtle doves celebrates Jewish holidays

Gospel of Luke's description of Jesus

Compassionate Healer- restores humanity to right relationship with God

Another Ecumenical Council

Constantinople, AD 553 further explained the hypostatic union maintained that God did everything that human Jesus did, including his suffering and dying on the cross

Good Friday


Examples of how information about Jesus' life time can help us understand his life and teachings

Cruelty of Herod the Great- Escaped death as a baby Tax collectors were hated- Jesus called tax collectors Roman valued violence, militarism, and practiced political and economic oppression

Bilhah's children

Dan Baphtali


David's future wife while her husband was away he committed adultery with her becomes pregnant tries to cover it up by arranging for Uriah to be killed in battle the david marries her first child dies then have Solomon

Three judges

Deborah, Gideon, and Samson

Mary's Immaculate Conception

Dec. 8 celebrates Mary's Conception in her mothers womb was concieved w/out original sin, which is why her conception is described as immaculate she remained free from all personal sin her whole life

After canaan, where did Abram go?


Who was Isaac's favorite?

Esau- because he was fond of game

Who was born first of the twins?

Esau- he was reddish and his whole body was covered with hair

Blood and water out of Jesus symbolic


Who wrote the Acts of the Apostles?

Evangelist Luke

Which books contain the stories of each of the kings of Israel?

First Samuel Second Samuel First Kings

Zilphah's children

Gad Asher

Who was Moses' son?


Who is placed at the center of human experience in the historical books?


Why is the New Testament called "new"?

God broke into the human condition by sending his only Son to initiate a New covenant wit his People Jesus fulfills all that was promised as the Old Covenant


God called them to speak to the people on his behalf, a word coming from the Hebrew nano, probably meaning "spokesperson" or "one who is called," refers to a person chosen by God to communicate a message of salvation

How is the Incarnation an invitation from God?

God came to us as Jesus which show/lead to love for humanity sent us his only son to set us free from our sins

Explain the covenant of circumcision.

God comes to Abram and tells him he will multiply you exceedingly. He tells him that he will become the father of all the nations. It states that every male in land must be circumcised.

Why should we respect human life in all its forms?

God created all human life we all have inherent dignity

God's description in the 2nd story

God created human and has seen that he is crewing God in his likeness through humans as life of beauty, peace, and joy wants to be in communication with human

Mary's Assumption

God didn't let her body decay brought her whole being (body and soul) into heaven August 15

How did God fulfill the covenant promise made with Abraham?

God gave Abraham many children that lead to many more descendants

How does God being "our first and ultimate goal" relate to our happiness?

God is our beginning and we are destine, so with a life of committed to him we can find true happiness will lead us to choose god with our whole hearts

Why can only God decide when it is time of an individual life to end?

God is the author of all human life

Church is Holy

God is unfailingly holy but we must acknowledge that all people are not fully holy because we sin through Christ, we become sanctifies

When does God renew the covenant with Jacob?

God renews the covenant with Jacob in a dream when he is returning to his homeland

What did God tell Noah to do after the land dried?

God said to Noah that he should bring his family out of the ark. Bring all of the living creatures on the earth. He told him to let them breed and multiply.

What is the Good News proclaimed by the Gospels

God sent his only Son to save his people from sin contain accounts of Jesus' teachings and actions and the events of the Paschal Mystery, his Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension

What does the Lord tell Noah?

God tells Noah he is going to destroy all of the humans and life on Earth.

What instructions are given to Noah by God

God tells him to build an ark. It should be made of gopher wood with various compartments. It should be covered with pitch and it will be 300 hundred cubits, width of 50 cubits, and the height of thirty cubits. It should have an opening for daylight and finish the ark a cubic above. There should be three floors and an entrance at the bottom.

What did God tell Laban about Jacob?

God told Laban, "Take care not threaten Jacob with any harm." in a dream

Explain the covenant that God made with Noah. Be sure to include al the key details and sign of the covenant. Who is the covenant made with?

God told Noah that he would never again destroy the bodily creatures by the waters of a flood. There will never again be another flood to devastate the earth. The covenant was with Noah, his family, and all of his decadents. This was a sign that God is giving for all the people. He will set his bow (rainbow) in the clouds to serve as a sign of the covenant between him and the earth. He will restore this covenant, so that the waters will never flood the earth. God gives us every creature that is alive to eat, except man. This covenant will be everlasting between God and his people and every living creature. This covenant was made between Noah and God.

Why did Abraham let Hagar and Ishmael leave?

God told him it was ok

Why did Pharaoh have the same dream twice?

God was affirming that this would happen

why was God pleased with Abel's sacrifice and displeased with Cain's sacrifice?

God was pleased with Abel's offering because it was his best animal. Cain's offering was just regular or meager fruit and not giving his best to God.

What promised did Joseph ask from his brothers before he died?

God will take care of them and lead the out of this land that he promised on the oath to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

Emmanuel means...

God with Us

What does Jacob symbolize?

God's plan to create a people note numerous than the "stars of the sky"

people in both the OT & NT wanted to preserve what? How?

Gods message of salvation so they began written tradition

What other religions found their way into religious culture?

Greek gods and goddesses of Mt. Olympus and the Egyptian cult Isis

What happened to Hagar and Ishmael after the birth of Isaac?

Hagar and Ishmael were told to leave by Sarah because she did not want Ishmael and Isaac to share the inheritance.

What happened to Hagar?

Hagar was abused by Sarai until she ran away

Where did Abram go first?


What was the prayer that Abraham's servant said when trying to find a wife for Isaac

He asked the Lord for it to be favorable to him and when he asks a girl for a drink of water they would willingly give him and his camels it to drink for

What did Isaac do because it was not easy for Rebekah to have children?

He asked the Lord to help and God then made Rebekah pregnant

What does the snake ask this person in the garden?

He asked the woman if God really told them not to eat from any of the trees in the garden

What does the Lord decide to do because he is ashamed of the humans and creatures?

He decided to wipe out all man and creatures of the Earth

What does Jacob do to get the blessing?

He does and gives his mother the animals. He then puts the animal skin on the bare part of his body. He puts of Esau's best clothes. He then does in quickly to his father. He tells Isaac that the Lord blessed him and allowed him to get the animal quickly. Isaac then tells him to come close to make sure it was Esau. Isaac then blessed Jacob.

What did the Lord tell Jacob?

He must return to the land of his fathers and God will be with him.

How did Abram rescue Lot?

He mustered three hundred and eighteen of his retainers, born in his house, and went in pursuit. He recovered all of his possessions, Lot, and the women and the other captives.

What did Pharaoh plan to do when he heard about his affair?

He planned to kill him Moses than fled and stayed in the land of Midian

What did Joseph do to his brothers?

He told them the youngest must come to Egypt. he then threw them in jail for three days on the third day he released them and one of them had to stay and the others must only return if they brought the youngest brother back

What happened to Joseph after he died?

He was embalmed and laid to rest in a coffin in Egypt. His bones will be carried to Canaan many, many years later

original languages of Bible were...

Hebrew Aramaic Greek

Who were Shiphrah and Puah?

Hebrew midwives


Hebrew word for the poor and marginalizes

Where was the burning bush?

Hebron the mountain of God

What did God tell Rebekah about the children she is carrying?

Her children quarrel within but the one would surpass the other and the older will serve the younger

Minor Prophets

Hosea Amos Jonah Nahum Zephaniah Joel Obadiah Micah Habakkuk Haggai

What is named God's name to Moses at this time?

I am who I am

Babylonian Exile

In 587 BC, the Babylonians pillaged Judah, destroyed the Temple and city of Jerusalem, and banished the people in chains to serve as slaves in Babylon. The Exile lasted until 539 BC

Explain how the story in Genesis 7 is different from the story in Genesis chapter 6. Please note all the differences.

In Genesis 7-- it does not explain that God saw the wickness of the hearts of humans It just starts with telling Noah what he is planning on doing and what his role is. it states that seven pairs of clean animals and birds and one pair unclean animals will be taken on the ark. In Chapter 6-- it says to bring one pair, male and female, onto the ark. God tells Noah how the ship should be built and all of its measurements. is more descriptive and gives more details for the building of the ship.

Where did Ishmael and Isaac bury Abraham when he died?

In the cave of Machpelah, in the field of Ephron, son of Zohar the Hittite, which faces Mamre, the field that Abraham bought from Hitties. He was buried next to Sarah, his wife

How are men and women alike?

In the ways that matter most dignity, rights, and capacity to be signs of God's presence in the world

Gospel of John's description of Jesus

Incarnate Word of God- the Word of God in flesh, present since the beginning of time "who takes away the sin of the world"

What blessing did Isaac give Jacob before he sent him to Laban?

Isaac gave Jacob a blessing that he will multiply, be fertile, and make an assembly of the people. He also said that he would have many descendants, so he can have the land. It is an extension of the covenant with Abraham and God.

Who received all of Abraham's possessions

Isaac, but he granted his other sons and gave them gifts when he was still alive

Major Prophets

Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel Daniel

What is Jacob's new name?


What are Jacob's descendants called?


Why is it important to realize that Cain freely chose to act contrary to God's law?

It is important to realize that Cain freely chose to act contrary to God's law because this represents that we as humans also chose to act against God's law. It shows that we have free will and we can do what we would like to do. This also follows Adam and Eve and their free choice of eating off of the tree.

What does the Old Testament do for the New Testament?

It prepares us for the coming of Christ

How long did it rain?

It rained for forty days and forty nights. After it stopped raining, the waters were still covering the earth.

Who does Isaac bless?


Who are the two feuding twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah?

Jacob and Esau

What did Jacob ask Laban for when Laban asked what wages he should pay Jacob? What does Jacob tell Laban he will do? Why does he do this?

Jacob asked Laban for if he served seven years and would get to marry Rachel. Laban says to stay with him and he would rather her be married to him instead of an outsider. Jacob does this because he loves her

How does Jacob become the patriarch after Isaac's death?

Jacob becomes the patriarch after Isaac's death because he stole the blessing.

Who did Jacob meet when he arrived in Haran? What happened when they met?

Jacob first meets the shepherds. Jacob meets and kisses Rachel and then she goes to get Laban, her father. When they met him they wept aloud and kissed him.

What vow did Jacob make to God after having this dream?

Jacob makes a vow that if God remains with me to protect me on this journey. He will then return save to his father's house. The stone he set up will be a memorial stone to God's abode and everything God gives him, he will return one tenth of what he is given.

Who did Jacob marry? Why did he marry this person?

Jacob married Leah because she was tricked into marrying her.

How did Esau greet Jacob?

Jacob saw Esau was coming with 400 hundred men. He then divided his children among Rachel, Leah, and the two maids, and their children. He pot the maids and their children first, Leah and her children next, and Rachel and Joseph last. He then went ahead of them and bowed to the ground seven times, until he reached his brother. Esau then ran to meet him and embraces him, flinging himself on our neck, and kissed him as he cried. Esau invites them home

How did Jacob prepare to see Esau again?

Jacob sends messages and gifts to Esau. Jacob prepares to see Esau again by splitting everything into two tribes, so that incase Esau attacked them. He then prayed to the Lord to save him from Esau. He is sorry for what he had done

How does Jacob obtain the birthright?

Jacob was cooking stew and Esau came in hungry. Esau told him to give him some, but Jacob said give me your birthright. Esau then said he was at the point of dying and Jacob insisted on swearing on him under other. Then Esau ate, drank, and went on his way

What happened when Jacob struggled with the Angel?

Jacob was fighting with the Angel when the Angel struck him in the hip at the socket. The sun then rose and the Angel said they could stop fighting. Jacob said that he would not stop unless the Angel blesses him. The angel then asked his name. He then told him he would no longer be spoken of as Jacob, but Israel. His name was now Israel

Jacob's dream- stairway

Jacob's dream started with a stairway to heaven and God's messengers were going up and down the stairs. God told him that the land he was laying on was his. His descendants will be as numerous as the dust on the Earth. God will protect him wherever he goes. Jacob then wakes up and sets a stone that he had pit under his head, set it up as a memorial stone and poured oil on top of it.

Why is Jacob's name changed?

Jacob's name was changed because God changed it in a dream.

Who was Rebekah's favorite?

Jacob- because he stayed close to house and was simple

Who was born second?

Jacob- he came out gripping the others heel

Who has restored the divine image to its original beauty and given us back what had been lost?


Who is referred to as the Alpha and Omega?


How is Jesus described?

Jesus Christ, only Son of God, who is true and God and Man, through the Incarnation

Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque

Jesus appeared to her in visions, told her she was chosen to spread devotion took a while for her ideas to be accepted- 200 yrs. later Pope Pius IX put them into action celebrated on the 3rd friday after Penetecost

Miracles of healing

Jesus cures people with leprosy, fever, blindness, deafness, and paralysis

walking on water symbolism

Jesus has the power to calm our every feat and rid our hearts of all anxiety

How was the Church founded?

Jesus in his preaching, healing, and saving work of his passion

What does fulfill mean in the Incarnation?

Jesus perfects the law reveals its ultimate meaning redeems any sins people had committed against it

Crucification in Luke's Gospel

Jesus says "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do" people next to him are enemies of the state the conversation between the two men next to him--- one says to save us and yourself- other on says not to talk to him like that, at least we did something- one asked to remember him in heaven and Jesus responds that he will be with him in Paradise reason it was dark- eclipse of the sun doesn't say "my God.." before he dies

What happens when Jesus redeems our sins?

Jesus strengthened our relationship with God and opened Heaven

The Books of Signs

Jesus taught through them seven miraculous signs Jesus preformed special attention to our relationship with God and one another

How prayer deepens our faith

Jesus wants us to pray sincerely, seeking our God's presence with humility and not to pray for other's approval

How almsgiving deepens our faith

Jesus wants us to share in our generosity act our of an authentic desire to lessen the suffrage and not to seek out a reward for ourselves


Jesus was in-between creature, more than a man, but less than a God


Jesus was two separate persons, one divine and one human

Water to wine symbolism

Jesus will be the Blood (wine) of the New Covenant

What does Jesus being sat on the judge's bench represent?

Jesus will judge the world controls his fate and the those who surround him

What events reveal God's saving work?

Jesus' perfect obedience to his Father, sinlessness, sacrificial death, glorious Resurrection and Ascension reveal his saving work

Emphasis in the Passion and death of Jesus

Jesus' willingness to lay down his life for the salvation of all embodies the most selfless act of love humans will ever experience portrays every moment from Jesus' betrayal to his Resurrection

Who is the true leader of the Church?

Jesus- the Church embodies every aspect of Jesus Christ himself


Jewish government officials and scholars of the Law

Moses' mother


Who does Pharaoh choose to be in charge of the food for the next years?


Rachel's children

Joseph Benjamin

What happened when Judah and his brothers returned to Egypt with Benjamin?

Joseph sees them and tells his head servant to go slaughter an animal brothers tell him them in their sacks with a man's money for a month and they return it, but he said that it was a gift from good they give their gifts and bow down to Joseph he sees Benjamin and starts weeping and has to leave the room. When he returns the food is ordered. Benjamin gets 5 times as much food as the other brothers

Who was Jacob's favorite son? Why?

Joseph was his favorite because of his ability to interpret dreams and Rachel's child.

Why were Joseph's brothers jealous of him? What did they do as a result of their jealousy?

Joseph's brothers are jealous of him because he could interpret dreams and he was Jacob's favorite. They sold him as a slave to a passing merchant. He then ends up in Egypt.

How did Joseph's family end up living in Egypt?

Joseph, himself, is second to the Pharaoh and he wants his father and brothers to all come to Egypt

Who is Moses' successor?


Major characters of the historical books

Joshua three kings of Israel- Saul David, and Solomon

What happens when the brothers sit down for a meal at the camp?

Judah sees Ishmaelites, who were headed to Egypt he says they should sell him sold for 20 pieces of silver Reuben finds out and his clothes were shred and sent to the father saying he was eaten my a monster

What religion did Jesus practice?


Who Abraham marry after Sarah died?


Greek name for God


Betheul and wife's children

Laban Rebekah

What did Laban agree to do after Jacob completed the bridal week? What did Jacob have to do then?

Laban agreed to him Rachel after the bridal week was completed. Jacob then had to stay in Laban's service for another seven years.

st. Jerome's translated (latin) version of the bible is called?

Latin Vulgate

Laban and wife's children

Leah Rachel

Who were Laban's daughters?

Leah and Rachel

What tribe did Moses' father belong to?


What are two titles often given to Jesus?

Lord and Redeemer

How did the Lord feel about evilness in the hearts of humans?

Lord regretted he ever made man and his heart grieved.

How were each of the offering received? (C and A)

Lord was in favor with Abel and his offering and Cain's was not liked

Why did Abram have to rescue Lot?

Lot was taken and all of his possessions by two of the kings.

What can wipe away sin?


The two sons born to Joseph and Asenath

Manasseh Ephraim

Who received Israel's blessing before he died?

Manasseh and Ephraim. He did this because they had a chance to return to the promise land. Israel was taking the two sons. it was passing on the covenant promised

Which of the Gospels is the shortest?


Who does not believe until she sees him?

Mary Magdaline

Who were born without original sin?

Mary and Jesus

Where are Infancy Narratives found?

Matthew and Luke

Which Gospel is structured around five major discourse or speeches?

Matthew's Gospel

Moses' sister


What did the Pharaoh's daughter name the baby?

Moses because he was found out of the water

Symbolism in the "I Am" statements

Moses in the burning bush

Who watched over Moses to see what would happen to him?

Moses' sister watched the baby

Where did the ark come to rest

Mt. Ararate

Was the death of Abel an accident?

NO, Cain freely chose to kill Abel

Were the Hebrew happy about Moses and Aaron asking the Pharaoh to let them go?

NO, told the people in charge to no longer supply straw for the brick making. They can get it themselves. They had to increase their work.

Where did Abraham's senior servant go?

Nahor, in Aram Naharaim

Tower of Babel

Nations are sinning Hungry for power Want to reach God Build tower There speech is confused to the can not build the self-served tower of greed.

different translations of the Bible

New American, New revised standard version, New Jerusalem, and Good News translation

Difference from the other Passion's

No agony in the garden focus on the "I Am" statements shows he is the lord of all judges the world says "It is finished"

Was it easy for Rebekah to have children?

No it was not

Was Moses happy to answer God's call to free the Hebrews?

No, he questioned the Lord's call. God would help and guide him. God told him that he would guide and help him. Moses said he had trouble speaking, so God told him that Aaron, his brother, would come him and help him

Did the man take responsibility for eating the forbidden fruit? Explain.

No, the man blamed the woman for eating the forbidden fruit.

Did the woman take responsibility for eating the forbidden fruit?

No, the woman did not take responsibility for eating the forbidden fruit. She said the serpent had tricked her.

What does the story tell us about Noah's personality?

Noah found favor with God. He is good and blameless in that age.

What supplies are suppose to be brought on the ark?

Noah is suppose to bring enough food for his animals and his family.

What did Noah offer as a sacrifice?

Noah made a sacrifice and chose from every clean animal and every clean bird. He offered holocaust on the alter.

What did Noah do at the end of forty days? Why did he do this? What did he learn by doing this? Explain what happened.

Noah opened the hatch and let a raven out to see if the waters had receded. The bird could not find a place to sit so it returned to the ark. This meant that there was still water covering the earth. Seven days later, Noah again sent a bird out into the Earth. The dove then returned with a plucked-off olive leaf. He then knew that the waters had lessoned on the earth. Again he waited another seven days and the released the dove once again. This time the dove did not come back and he had found a place to sit.

How old was Noah when God sent the floodwaters?

Noah was 600 years old when God sent the floodwaters.

Who is supposed to go onto the ark?

Noah's family and two of all the other creatures on the Earth are supposed to go onto the ark.

Who does God make a covenant with?

Noah, his wife, his sons, and his son's wives.

Church is one

One in the Lord One in faith that had been passed down from the apostolic age all the way to the present day One in Baptism, the Sacrament that unites all Christians

What is the first sin called?

Original sin and revered to as the fall

Where did Jesus' life and mission take place?

Palestine- called the Holy Land

The Books of Glory

Pascal Mystery importance of Holy Spirit in the life of the Church after Jesus' death

Who identifies Jesus as the Messiah in the Gospel of Mark?


What happened the first time Moses and Aaron asked Pharaoh to let the Hebrew go?

Pharaoh asked who the Lord was and he was not going to let the Hebrew leave

Why did the Israelites have to cross the Red Sea?

Pharaoh changed his mind and decided to go after with a whole army of men Pharaoh would have captured and killed them

Religious Sects

Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Herodians, and Zealots

The Procurator

Pontius Pilate

Who was Joseph sold to in Egypt?

Potiphar, a courtier of Pharaoh and his chief steward

Quelle source

Q Source, a theoretical collection of ancient documents of the teachings of Jesus shared among the early followers of Christianity. This was used by the synoptic Gospels

Two names given to Mary of Nazareth

Queen of Heaven Handmade of the Lord

What happened to make Jacob decide it was time to return to his homeland?

Rachel has Joseph. He went to Laban telling him he was going to go to his homeland with his wives and children. Laban told him that God had blessed him. Jacob feels that God, is also calling him to return.

What did Rachel do that upset Laban?

Rachel steals one of Laban's idols. As Laban searched the each of the tents, he was unable to find the idols. He then reaches Rachel's tent and rummages through all of her stuff as Rachel is sitting on the camel cushions with the idols in them. Then Rachel tells Laban "Let not my lord feel offended that I cannot rise in your presents; a woman's period is upon me."

What did Rebekah tell Jacob to do?

Rebekah tells Jacob to flee to her brother Laban in Haran and stay with him until Esau is no longer angry. She was then going to send a messenger to get him.

Who was Laban?

Rebekah's brother and kinsman and Rachel and Leah's father

Which brother tried to save Joseph from his death?


Leah's children

Reuben Simeon Levi Judah Issachar Zebulun Dinah

How does Israel allow Benjamin to go?

Reuben says he will take Benjamin and if he dies then he can kill his two sons, but Israel says no When they ran out of food, Judah said he would protect Benjamin and if he returned without him he could hold it off his head forever He told him to take the land's best products and take them along with extra money

What was the foreign ruler that Jesus lived under?

Roman Authority- constant reality to their every activity

What is the primary difference between the synoptic Gospels and the Gospel of John?

SG: share style and content; used Quelle; have slightly different images of Jesus; written earlier; used Marks and own info J: written later on and used more symbolic language to to express Jesus' true identity

Who was the last of the judges and prophet of Israel?

Samuel didn't like the idea of monarchy out of fear that Israelites were replacing the ruler of all creation, God, with human authority of a king

What was Sarai's name changed too?


Who went with Abram on his journey?

Sarai and Lot

What was Hagar relationship to Sarai?

Sarai gave Hager to have intercourse with Abram. She then became pregnant.

What happen to Sarai while they were in Egypt?

Sarai was praised to Pharaoh and was taken into their palace.

Order of the kings

Saul, David, then Solomon

Semitic culture

Semitic culture children were seen as a sign of prestige and blessing of God

Who did Adam and Eve have after Cain and Abel were gone?


Seth to Noah

Seth is connected to Lamech because of this many descendants. Lamech lived five hundred and ninety-five years the birth of Noah, and he had other sons and daughters

What did Rebekah do when she heard Isaac's instructions to Esau?

She goes and tells Jacob what happened. She then tells him to go get two choice kids and she prepares the dish. Isaac will then bless him. Jacob realizes that if Isaac feels he has no hair on his arm, he will be cursed

What did Rebekah say when the servant asked her to leave with him the next morning?

She left with him the next morning, even though her mother and brother wanted them to stay for a 10 more days

How did Moses' sister help Moses?

She went the Pharaoh's daughter handmaid to go fetch it

Noah's sons

Shem, Ham, and Japheth

How was left behind in the jail?


Who build the first Temple?


Saint John of God

Spain's leading religious figures because he devoted his life to the care of the need and eventually founded the religious order known as the Brothers Hospitallers of Saint John of God

what is stage 1 in the formation of the gospels?

THE LIFE & TEACHINGS OF JESUS: Jesus walked the earth, tacking/preaching the truth of salvation.

what is stage 2 in the formation of the gospels?

THE ORAL TRADITION: the a postals handed on to their hearers all that jesus had revealed.

what is stage 3 in the formation of the gospels?

THE WRITTEN GOSPELS: under the quidence of the holy spirit & with out error, they synthesized what'd been handed orally/written down regarding the incarnate word of jesus.

Gospel of Matthew's description of Jesus

Teacher and Prophet- Jesus teaches and proclaims the radical redemption of God

What is the goal of the plan for the world?

The Church

What event in salvation did the Covenants, the Law, and the prophase of old prepare the way for?

The Incarnation, the divine son of God assumed a human nature and became man for the sake of our salvation

messianic hope

The Jewish belief and expection that a messiah would come to protect, unite, and lead Israel to freedom

Now that man and woman have eaten from the fruit of the tree of knowledge what does the Lord God decide to do?

The Lord God banished it from the garden and cannot eat from the Tree of Life. He settle him east of the garden of Eden. He placed a cherubim and fiery revolving sword to guard the way to the tree of life. He does this because he does not want them to be immortal. They also disobeyed him and they shall not eat from the Tree of Life.

Who did the Lord God punish for this?

The Lord God punished the serpent, man, and woman.

What does the lord ask cain after he kills abel? What does the lord respond

The Lord asked Cain where his brother was. Cain then answered that he did not know where Abel was because he was not the keeper of him. Then God asked him what he has done and why his brother's blood is on the ground.

What did the Lord learn about man's wickedness?

The Lord learned that man's wickedness was great and nothing in his heart conceived was anything but evil.

what did the lord god make for the man and his wife after they were banished

The Lord made leather garments or skin for them and clothed them.

What promise did the Lord make to Hagar after she was forced to run away?

The Lord promised that he would make her descendants so numerous that they will be too many to count.

What did the Lord do for Hagar and Ishmael?

The Lord told Hagar to raise the boy up and he will make him a great nation. He then gave them water.

Who does Matthew include for non-Jews that believed in Jesus?

The Magi, a Roman centurion, and a Canaanite woman

Where did Sarai and Abram travel?

The Near East-- now know as the Middle East, including the countries of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan

Gospel of Mark's description of Jesus

The Suffering Servant of God-- The Paschal Lamb, who, is his self sacrifice on the cross, redeems the human family

What does our belief in the Trinity indicate?

The Word is with God the Father in Heaven for all eternity, along with the HS, the Paraclete

What did the blessing say?

The blessing said that he will be the fragrance of the field, he was the dew of the heavens, and people should serve him and have many children. This is was a continuation of the covenant.

biblical inerrancy

The doctrine that the books of the Scriptures are free from error regarding the truth God wishes to reveal through the Scriptures for the sake of our salvation.

How high did the floodwaters rise?

The floodwaters rose so high that the highest mountain pecks were submerged. The crest rose fifteen cubits above the mountaintops.

What are the key parts of the Covenant Promise that God made with Abraham?

The key parts of the Covenant Promise that God made were he was the father of the nations, God will render him fertile, and God will make nations on him. He made this covenant with Abraham for all the ages. Abraham was given all the land of Canaan and his descendants. God told him that he would be his God and the God of his descendants. It also states that every male in land must be circumcised. God also told him that Sarah would have a son and they would name him Isaac.

Promised Land

The land (canaan) God promised to the children of Abraham

How did the man reveal that they had eaten from the forbidden fruit?

The man revealed that they had eaten from the forbidden fruit because they hide from Lord God because they knew they were naked and then Adam said he was afraid

the man's punishment

The punishment of the man is he must work for in the fields for food. He must work to get what food you want. He will eventually die and return to the dirt he was made

the woman's punishment

The punishment of the woman will have much pain in childbearing. She will want her husband and he should be your master.

the serpents punishment

The punishments for the serpent was he was banned from the all the animals and wild creatures. He must crawl on his belly and eat dirt. The snake is not going to get along with humans, especially woman.

What was the most cunning of all the wild animals that the Lord God had made?

The serpent or snake

What happened when Rebekah went to fill her jug with water?

The servant went to ask him for a drink of the water. She then let him drink from the jug and the camels as well. The servant asked if their was room at the house for them to spend the night and who she was. She told him who she was and they had room in the house

What does the snake say will happen if they eat from the tree in the middle of the garden?

The snake says that they will certainly not die, but God know that when you eat of the tree, your eyes will be open and you will be like gods and know what is good and bad.

How long did the waters maintain their crest over the earth?

The waters maintained their crest over the earth for one hundred and fifty days.

Who does the snake talk to in the garden?

The woman

What does this person tell the snake about the garden?

The woman told him that they can eat from any of the tree in the middle of garden. They must not eat or touch of the tree for if they do they will die

Why did the woman take some of the fruit and eat it?

The woman took some of the fruit and ate because the fruit was the tree was good for food, pleasing to the eye, and desirable for gaining wisdom.

Who was the woman with when she ate the fruit? Did this person also eat the fruit?

The woman was with man, Adam. Adam also ate the fruit.

What happened when they ate the fruit?

Their eyes were open and they realized they were naked. They sewed fig leaves together and made clothes for themselves.

What happened between Lot and Abram?

Their herdsman got into fights

Luke's Gospel addressing

Theophilus, meaning "lover of God" refers to Gentile Christians in Antioch of Syria or Achaia in Greece

What eventually happens to the Israelites?

They are enslaved by the Pharaoh

What is God's relationship with people after they sin?

They are punished but he is still looking out for them and does not want them to be hurt

What news did the visitors give Abraham and Sarah?

They brought the news that they would have a son by the time next year.

What was done to oppress the Israelites?

They had to build the cities of Pithon and Raamses for the Pharaoh. they were than taken into cruel slavery

What did Shiphrad and Puah do with his order from the king of Egypt?

They ignored it because they feared God and God blessed them with families of their own as well; the king asked them why they let the boys live and they said that they were Hebrew woman and not like the Egyptian woman

How did Abram and Lot solve their problem?

They resolved this by each taking a different sides Lot picked the whole Jordan Plain Abram stayed in Canaan

How did Rebekah explain her reasons for telling Jacob to leave his home?

This is because Esau is planning on killing Jacob. She told Jacob that she wants him to marry someone of her land.

How had to feel Jesus' wounds and what did he say?

Thomas "My Lord and God"

7 additional books not in most books

Tobit, Judith, First and Second Maccabees, Wisdom, Sirach, and Baruch

written tradition

Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the synthesis in written form of the message of salvation that has been passed down in the oral tradition.

Where did Abram's journey begin?


Where did Terah live?

Ur of the Chaldeans

Ten Plagues

Water to blood frogs gnats flies pestilence boils hail Locusts darkness death of the first-born

Four signs in John but not in the synoptic Gospel

Water to wine in Cana curing the paralytic healing the man born blind raising Lazarus from the dead

What happened when Esau returned to Isaac?

When Esau returned to Isaac, he said he already blessed Jacob and started to tremble uncontrollably. Then Esau started sobbing and asking to be blessed too. He then decided to kill him once Isaac dies.

What did God do when he remembered Noah and everyone on the ark?

When God remembered Noah and everyone on the ark, he made a wind sweep over the Earth, and the waters began to subside.

When does Isaac decide to bless Esau?

When he old and might die and also cannot see.

What happened when the Lord God came to walk in the garden?

When the Lord God came through the garden, the man and woman hide themselves because they were embarrassed because they were naked. Adam told God that they hid because they were ashamed that they were naked. Lord God then realized that they had eaten of the forbidden fruit.

What happened when Rebekah and Isaac meet for the first time?

When they meet for the first time she fall instantly in love and goes and puts her veil on and then Isaac takes Rebekah into the tent and marries her

How does God reveal himself to Moses?

YHWH- can't be pronounced translates to "I Am Who I Am" use a different name for God to show respect

Do the cupbearer's and baker's dreams come true?


Did the brothers return to Egypt with Benjamin?

Yes does return, but it takes must persuasion with Israel

Do the brothers ever get forgive for selling their brother?

Yes, Joseph 1st tricks them and then forgives them. the family then moves to Egypt.

Did Joseph forgive his brothers?

Yes, it was God's plan and he can now help his family

Did Leah and Rachel agree to move to Jacob's homeland?

Yes, they agreed to move to Jacob's homeland because God told Jacob to do so. They were angry at Laban, because they were treated as outsiders

Leah's slave girl


Who did Moses marry?


Sr. Rose Thering

a Dominican sister researched- anti-semitism stood up for Jew that were receiving blame from catholics saying they killed God

Gospel author of Luke

a Gentile convert to Christianity "the beloved physician" companion of St. Paul wrote the Acts of the Apostles (go together) rely on information from eyewitnesses to Jesus' life and ministry- didn't know him AD 80-90


a Greek word meaning "five books", referring to the first 5 books of the Old Testament


a Greek word meaning "proclamation" or "preaching," referring to the announcement of the Gospel or the Good News of divine salvation offered to all through Jesus Christ. It has two senses. It is both an event of proclamation and a message proclaimed


a balanced life characterized by moderation and self-control


a biblical scholar attempting to interpret the meaning of biblical text work to better understand the explanation of the meaning of Sacred Scripture looks to understand the language, symbols, culture, history, and meanings intended by the authors of the bible teach and create Bible study resources such as dictionaries, commentaries, and professional journals


a call from God to all members of the Church to embrace a life of holiness refers to a call to live the holy lifers an ordained minister, as a vowed religious, in a Christian Marriage, or single life

12 Tribes of Israel

a confederation of 12 Hebrew tribes , groups, of clans of faithful people who trace their origin to Jacob

What is the Church?

a gathering brought about by God's calling people together but, this communion has not been fully achieved


a government or state headed by a single person, like a king or queen refers to a the period of time when the Israelite existed as an independent nation

Who is Jesus teaching in the NT?

a group of people who are very familiar with the OT tradition


a group of pips, ultra conservation Jews who left the Temple of Jerusalem and began a community beside the Dead Sea, known as Qumran


a group of powerful and often wealthy Jews who were connected to the Temple priest and often disagreed with the Pharisees


a habit that creates in us a kind of inner readiness or attraction to move toward or accomplish moral good


a hebrew word meaning "law" referring to the first 5 books of the Old Testament

In order for the incarnation to occur, what was needed?

a human mother Mary's willingness to say yes


a jewish religious group that strictly observed and thought the Law of Moses


a literary form in which something else, in an attempt to communicate a hidden or symbolic meaning


a long speech Jesus gave about matters of fait and salvation

What does the Old Testament account?

a loving and communicative between God and the Hebrew people


a message communicated by prophets on behalf of God, usually a message of divine direction or consolation of the prophet's own time. because some prophetic messages include divine direction, their fulfillment may be in the future

What kind of message does the book of Isaiah have?

a messianic hope Immanuel- "God is with us"----- the promised one, Known as "Wonderful-Councselor, God-Hero, Father-Forever, Prince of Peace

Who did Matthew's Gospel address?

a mixed community of Jewish Christians and Gentiles diverse social groups, ethnic identities, and financial needs community experienced rejection and even some persecution by Jewish leaders


a name for the Holy Spirit, the Divine Third person of the Trinity, whom Jesus promised to the disciples as an advocate and counselor


a nation ruled by God and not by a king


a person who is put in charge of managing caring for, and protecting something

What is Ezekiel like?

a powerful voice crying out against the abuses of the Israelites leaders and their followers; guardian of the Covenant, protector of the truth, and prophet of justice


a prophet that tells David not to build the temple and calls David on his sin against Bathsheba


a prophetic term for the small portion of people who will be saved because of their faithfulness to God


a prostitue aids the Israelites in their conquest both for her own self-preservation and for the creation of a Canaan based on equality and justice reward- Israelites spare her and her family during the destruction of Jericho


a revolutionary group concerned with resonation of Jewish independence

Ark of the Covenant

a sacred chest that housed the tablets of the Ten Commandments. It was placed within the sanctuary where God would come and dwell

What did Jacob become when he was older?

a simple man and stayed close to the tents

Accomplishments of David

a successful military leader, savvy politician, gifted musician, and lover of God struggles with his lust for power, but accomplishes what he sets out to do when he follows the will of God visionary leader and repentant sinner united the twelve tribes and expanded the kingdom to Palestine

What is the Messianic secret?

a theme in the Gospel of Mark that portrays the disciples and others as recognizing Jesus' identity as the Messiah/ However, Jesus directed them not to tell others

Living in the age of the Church

a time when Christ continues his ministry through the Church "Christ now lives and acts in and with his Church, in a way appropriate to this new age"

The cupbearer's dream

a vine in front of him and there were three branches. it had barely budged when its blossoms came out and the grapes ripen in his hand. he was holding the Pharaoh's cup and pressed them into the cup and then placed it in the Pharaoh's hand

How do we make good decisions?

according to Saint Augustine, by the good planted in our hearts by God

sacred scripture

account of Gods saving hand at work in human history and experience.

Infancy Narratives

accounts of Jesus' birth and early childhood

How fasting deepens our faith

acts as of genuine repentance, not as a ploy to impress other people

who names the woman?


What was the first sin

adam and eve disobeyed God when eating the forbidden fruit

What happened when Pharaoh finally told the Israelites to leave?

after his first own was killed take their flocks sent out from Rasese for Succoth with about 600,000 men on foot (not counting children) rushed and had no time to prepare food for journey asked the Egytians for gold, silver, and clothing

Third Isaiah

after the Exile cries out against the Israelites' return to unjust and idolatrous practices demands they become a respectful community of equals challenges the people to work for justice as they rebuild their lives after the Exile tells the people that if they learn the ways of justice, God will lift them up Israel as a glorious nation

What will understanding the titles of Jesus do for us?

aid us to understanding Jesus' mission and identity

Who do the goods of the earth belong to?

all humans

Who does Jesus come to?

all people

Who was brought first to interpret his dreams?

all the magicians and sages of Egypt none of them could interpret the dreams

The spiritual sense in 3 categories

allegorical sense moral sense anagogical sense

feeding of 5,00 symbolism

alludes to Jesus' satisfying of our spiritual hungers


an Egyptian maidservant

What happened when Moses saw the fire flaming out of a bush?

an angel of the lord appeared out of the bush. he got close and the Lord called his name. The lord then told him to take off his shoes because it was sacred ground. God showed himself to Moses but he was afraid so he hid his face. The Lord told Moses that he heard the cry of the Israelites and He was sending Moses to free them and bring them back to the promise land


an approach to problems and situations using a degree of caution and a discerning heart


an honored teacher in the Jewish tradition


an inhabitant of Samaria. rejected the Jerusalem Temple and worshipped instead at Mount Gerizim. NT mentions the Jewish rejection of Samaritans in both the parable of the Good Samaritan and the account of Jesus' speaking with the Samaritan woman as well. Were looked down upon by the Jewish leaders of the Church

garden of Gethsemane

an olive grove near the Mount of Olices, where Jesus gathered with the Apostles to pray and prepare for his Crucifixion on Calvary

personal sin

any deliberate offense, in thought, word, or deed, against the will of God


are the wise men of East who followed a new star that directed them to the birth of Jesus

Last important point in the story of Cain and Abel

at this time people began to call the lord by name

what is cain's punishment

band from the ground and the land will no longer provide for you. he will constantly wonder

What removes original sin?



based on a word for "good news," in general, anyone who actively works to spread the Gospel of Jesus; more commonly and specifically, the persons traditionally recognized as the authors of the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John

What is the official religion of the Romans?

based on worship of the emperor as God

Written Gospels

became to be when the early Church became concerned about preserving the records and testimonies about Jesus fear that the Good News of Christ's saving work could be distorted or interpreted incorrectly many eyewitnesses were dying used the help of the Holy Spirit

Why is the Incarnation unique?

because God had never assumed human nature

Why can Jesus redeem us?

because he is both human and divine

why were the Gnostic books in the bible rejected by the church?

because they placed little importance on the suffering/death of Jesus.

How is David a model of servant leadership

beckons to God to raise him from the abyss of despair so he may rule with a just heart and a serving hand they recognize their need for forgiveness and reconciliation and extend mercy and compassion to all in need

Weakness of Saul

becomes envious of David and eventually tries to kill him fails in man attempts to form a centralized nation disobeys god twice

What happened when Joseph arrives to the brothers?

begin by calling him the "master dreamer" throw him into the cisterns and let the monsters eat him strip him of his long tunic sit down for a meal Judah suggest the sell him

Passover to celebrate the night of the tenth plague

beginning of the calendar every family must procure a lamb or share on with a neighbor- male with out blemished on 14th day the whole assembly of Israel present they will slaughter the lambs take blood and put ito on two doorpost eat its roasted flesh w/ unleavened bread and bitter herbs from the 1st to 7th day none kept until the next morning all first born will be killed, unless the blood marks the house could not get outside until the morning of the passover at midnight every first-born was killed

The life and teachings of Jesus

begins the process the Incarnate Son of God lived in a particular time and place and then became man and lived, died, was resurrected, and ascended to heaven our ancestors had the opportunity to witness God and touch him, hear his holy word, and witness him hear him teach and witness his miracles and signs pointing to him as the true Son of God

What Jesus relate himself to?

being the Bread from Heaven not the perusable manna their ancestors ate in the desert and died those who eat it will live forever

Abel's offering

best fatty portion of the firstlings of his flock


bible consists of 46 Old testament books and 27 New testament inspired by God, defined by number, & appearing in different translations collection of books the church sees as the inspired word of god

latin words for sacred books

biblia sacra

How is the multiplication of loaves related to the Eucharist?

blesses the loaves of bread that miraculously become enough to feed thousands of people same as when he takes the bread of the Last Supper

4 categories of the old testament

book of laws historical books wisdom books prophetic books

Example of Jesus' poverty

born and raised in a poor family

unique to the second creation story

both man and woman are create human dignify is shown along with the creative work of God shows that nature and destiny for each person and God

What did Pharaoh's dreams mean?

both mean the same thing. there would be 7 yrs of great wealth and then 7 years of great famine God told him to

Luke and Matthew's Infancy Narratives

both place the conception, birth, and Incarnation in a humble family

What event led to Jacob to send his sons to Egypt for grain rations?

brothers were gapping at each other sent them so they would not starve

What did the Incarnation do for our relationship with God?

brought humanity and God closer together than we could otherwise we see God's human face, renew our relationship with God, and share in divine nature

Accomplishments of Solomon

building the temple of the Lord in honor of his father constructed a magnificent palace and enlarges Jerusalem wise and judgement, as well as an ambitious ruler imposed steep taxes and forces labor on the Israelites

Where was Sarah buried?

buried in the cave of the field of Machpelah, facing Mamre in the land of Canaan. Abraham purchased the land.

How are we to love God?

by worshipping and praying faithfully and resisting the temptation to make other things more important than God only suppose to speak God's name with love and respect

Ten Commandments

called the decalogue, the list of ten norms, or rules of moral behavior, that God gave Moses and that are the basis of ethical conduct

Quail's rules

came at night enough for one day

Manna's rules

came down each morning gather enough for one dat twice the amount of bread will be giving on the sixth day they were to take what was fair

Allegorical sense

came from Greek allegoreo, meaning "to imply something beyong what is said" refers to a type fo biblical interpretation that finds symbolic or prophetic meanings beyond the literal text of scripture looks at how people, events, and things in the literal sense point to the mystery of Christ examines their Christological significance

Church's teaching on science, faith, and history

can co-exist help inform one another

Abilities intellect give us

capacity to think and reason logically learn about the world to make wise decisions think about the consequences

The Last Judgment

centered on the parable that Jesus taught about a shepherd separating his sheep and his goats makes clear that we must actively love the poor if we want to enter his Kingdom


characterized by the presence of many different ethnic, religious, or cultural groups

Wisdom books

characterizes by poetry that is steeped in emotion and practical advice on what it means to be wise themes of wisdom, self-control, patience, honesty, diligence, suffering, and respect for elders


child of Abram and Hagar

Why was Joseph Israel's favorite child?

child of Rachel interpret dreams

What did his brothers do to Joseph when his father sent him to see how they were doing?

come up with a plan to throw him into a cistern and let a wild beast come and devour him

Fundamentalist approach (Literal sense)

comes from the Latin liter, meaning "letter", referring to a form of biblical interpretation that emphasizes the obvious meaning of words according to literary genre of the text converted by words of Scripture and discovered by exegesis actual events being spoon about key characters and various things describes lays the framework for all other sense of scripture

What were the most important event of the early church?

coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost missionary efforts of the early church

Accomplishments of Saul

commits his reign to freeing the Israelites from their enemies anointed himself king and disobeys God's law twice

God compared to the potter

compares God to a potter and Israel to one of the objects he molds God is disgruntled because the object the Potter is making "turned out badly" God crushes it to create something new and more beautiful He proclaims that God will not crush the people if they are sorry and become a renewed people bound by the Covenant

Luke's portray of Jesus

compassionate Savior who welcomes all

Biblical literary genres

composed of many types must know which types we are reading and realize each type has its own rules for interpretation different styles of writ in found in the sacred scripts give us insight into the "meaning the sacred writer really intended"

When did Jesus' earthy existence began

conception *Heavenly existence is eternal

Why was Jeremiah imprisoned?

confronts the people so taken with the empty promises of the world that they do not seem to feat punishment he describes the punishment from God as the bhp of judgment fro which "they shall drink, and be convulsed, and go mad" he tries to motivate a stubbornly disloyal people to change

How does Jeremiah respond to his imprisonment?

continues to be faithful to his call he sees many of his prophecies come to fruition when he witnesses the destruction of Jerusalem, and the temple in Babylonia

3 councils responsible for forming the canon of the sacred scriptures

council of Carthage council of Hippo & ecumenical council of trent

Who was Potiphar?

courtier of Pharaph and his chief steward

Sinai Covenant

covenant established with the Israelites at Mount Sinai that renewed God's covenant with Abraham's descendants and establishes the Israelites as God's chosen people. God declares himself as their God, a God of fidelity, love, and justice

What does Genesis teach us about our beginning as a people of faith?

covers the social and historical circumstance of the Near East at about 2000 to 100 Bc tells us that from the very beginning we have a relationship with God God created out of love and is all powerful

what does the 1st creation teach us about the creation of the universe?

created out of love and has an inherent goodness, beauty, and order that reflect God reached the world is fundamentally good shows that God created the world out of love

God's description in the 1st story

creating everything out of goodness and love looks at everything and knows and sees that it is good

people during OT experienced god as what?

creator, liberator, covenant maker, patriarchal warrior , father, beloved spouse, dancing wisdom, and herald of hope.

Author of John

credit to John who Jesus loved really unknown member of Christian community found by John AD 90-100

What was one treat of that the Roman soldiers used?

crucifixtion- crossed with dead bodies lined the road into Jerusalem sight was a clear message to rebels

nature miracles

demonstarate Jesus' control over the force of nature


descendant of Shem and son of Abram

How does John use symbolic language and rich theology?


What brought him to conflict with political and religious leaders?

did not compromise his faithfulness to his mission to begin the Reign of God

What is Pentecost? (what happened)

disciples were gather and the Holy Spirit comes in the form of a "strong driving wind" that rest as "tongues as of fire" on their heads calls the Disciples to go into the world spreading the Good News 50 days after easter birthday of the Church because it is when the Holy Spirit is revealed the church to the world

Goals of Biblical study

discover meaning, depth, and truth making sense out of the Sacred Scripture

Emphasized about Jesus in John

divinity preexistent Logos, who is God and was with God at the beginning of creation and takes on flesh to dwell among us "the light of the human race" concluded his Prologue of the OT by stating that the only way to see God is through Jesus darkness- comes from below light- comes from above

What do we mean when we are made in the image of God?

don't look like God have a fundamental dignity and are predestined to reproduce the image of God's son made man

Biblical commentaries

draw on the work of biblical scholars and their tireless exegetical studies detail the meaning of the stories and lessons of the Sacred Scriptures

miracles of exorcism

driving demons or evil spirits out of people

Second Isaiah

during the Babylonian Exile words of hope and encouragement to an exiled and captive people (Chapters 40-55) foretells the fall of Babylon and eventual liberation of Israelites contains the "suffering servant" poems, which are the foundation for the people's messianic hope have parallels to the Passion of Christ the poem of the "suffering servant" portray a servant of God who will encounter great suffering and end in glorification- fulfilled in Jesus Christ

John's symbol

eagle- speaks of Christ's coming from Heaven

Crucification in Matthew's Gospel

earth quaked saints rose

How does the Sacred Heart of Jesus remind us that Jesus was like us?

eating, drinking, laughing, crying, smiling

what council finalized/declared that the canon should be included in the bible ?

ecumenical council of trent



Saint Paul

embarks on 3 missionary journeys to bring the Light of Christ to all

What does our faith in the Incarnation enable us to do?

embrace every good day and every bad day of our earthly lives as a unique opportunity to grow in holiness


ends the Easter season

What can knowing about the historical world of Jesus do for us?

enrich our understanding of his life on earth help us get a better underling of his teachings

prophetic message

essentially threefold act justly toward one another return to God with faithful hearts hope in God's deliverance- which culminated in the expectation of a messiah

Two main reasons why John was written

evangelize Gentiles and Jews strengthen the faith of his local Christian community as well as Christians everywhere

First Isaiah

events leasing up to the Babylonian Exile in the 8th century challenges the Israelites in Jerusalem to place their trust in God alone and eliminate the injustices of the rich against the poor foretells the arrival of Immanuel- "God is with us"o delivers a message of impending disaster at Babylon and hope for a kingdom where God's justice and peace reign supreme

Literary criticism

examines the literary divides used in the passed; looking for the significance of using one literary device rather than another

Similarities between Moses and Joshua

experience God in miraculous ways 1. part water 2. hear trumpets when they accomplish God's covenantal plan heed to God's call say yes to their entire beings to participate in the history of salvation

Healing of the official's on symbolism

faith in Jesus leads to wholeness and health

What can get us through difficult situations?

faith in god

Four examples in Luke's Gospel that illustrate that Jesus is a friend of the poor and the outsiders

faith of a Samaritan and shows that both the Gentiles and Jews are part of Hod's saving plan preaching is directed toward the plight of anawim, in the Canticle of Mary or the Magnificat presence of woman in the missilry sick and sinners- traveled throughout Galilee healing people possessed by demons, with leprosy, or paralyzed

Beloved Disciple

faithful disciple in the Gospel of John who is present at critical times in Jesus' ministry may have been the founder of the Johannine


faithfully absorbs Jesus' words, sitting at his feet in the traditional posture of a disciple listening to her teacher


faithfulness to obligation, duty, or commitment

What is the whole of Jeremiah's message?

faithfulness- he beckoned them back to the source of absolute truth and steadfast love: God

holy days of obligation

feast days in the liturgical year on which, in addition to Sundays, Catholics are obliged to participate in the Eucharist

How does Joseph reveal himself to his brothers

fills his brothers sacks with as much food and money as possible put a silver goblet in the youngest bag he said that someone stole the golden goblet and when they found it him they riped his clothes and the man reloaded his donkey and returned to the city. Judah begged to forgive Benjamin Benjamin was to become his slave Joseph asked about his other brother and replied he was dead He then said "Have everyone withdraw from" and revealed himself to his brothers and said he was Joseph

Simon Peter and Beloved Disciple

find in empty tomb

Book of Laws

first 5 books of the Old Testament also called Torah, the Pentateuch, or Law of Moses

Easter Vigil

first celebration of the Resurrection of Christ, held sometime between sunset on Holy Saturday and sunrise on Easter Sunday Opens the season of Easter


first known as Abram experienced many hardships He enters a covenant relationship with God that changes everything for him and his descendants 99 when he made the covenant surrendered everything and trusted God completely

Images of the Church

flock lead by Christ (the Good Shepherd) who gave his life for the sheep cultivated field- fruitful vineyard planted by God in which Christ, the true vine, sustains all the branches building made of living stones, constructed by Christ on the foundation of the apostles

What do the Gospels challenge us to do?

follow Jesus and apply his teaching each day a decision to become a person of just action tell us that faith in Jesus requites a response, a change in habit and attitude

Rules in the desert

food come in morning and night only take as much for the day shouldn't be kept overnight gather one omer each day , except on the sixth day when they could take two omers


forth judges strong, confident woman, commanded by to launch a war against the Canaanites, their king Jabin, and his general Sisera This is because of their aggressive attack and pillage of Israel lead them to victory breaks into song, praising God and his servant

synoptic Gospels

from the Greek for "seeing the while together," the name given to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, because they are similar in style and content


from the Latin canticum, meaning song. usually refers to biblical hymns, such as those I'm Song of Solomon in the OT and the gyms of Mary and Zachariah in the NT. it is sometimes used to describe other hymns on the liturgy


from the Latin desidero, "to long for what is absent or lost'


from the Latin salvare meaning "to save", referring to the forgiveness of sins and assurance of permanent union with God, attained for us through the Paschal Mystery- Christ's work of redemption accomplished through his Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension. Only at the time of judgement can a person be certain of salvation, which is a gift of God


from the Latin, meaning "to become flesh," referring to the mystery of Jesus Christ, the divine Son of God, becoming man. Jesus became truly man while remaining truly God

Cain's offering

fruit of the ground

What hardships of life did Jesus experience?

frustation, hunger, pain, fatigue, suffering, and sorrow

moral sense

fundamental to the moral sense of the eared scripture is the search for what it means to live a just and ethical life; how does a particulate passage instruct us to live in tight relationship w/ God, neighbor, self, and Earth

Seat of Wisdom

given to Mary because it is feminine and God's Word was made flesh in the womb of her usually shown with the child Jesus on her lap

Jesus the Redeemer

given to a slave's ransom prayer Early Christians began to evangelize that Jesus paid the price of our sins by dying on the cross


given to us by God to help us make good decisions

What symbolizes that human beings are called to participate in God's creative work?

giving Adam the responsibility for caring for the garden

human authors were true authors but ....

god acted in them through them as they wrote about the origins of creation & sin, the relevance of wisdom & prophecy & saving work of Jesus


grave offense against God Meaning "deadly" separates us from god's grace destroys with us the virtue of charity, which helps us love God and our neighbor

Why we should love our bodies

great artistic masterpieces of God will someday be manifested in God's greatness, goodness, and glory hold ourselves at a high esteem

authentic understanding of salvation

grounded in Jesus Christ because Christ is God himself

What does the OT tells us God will do after we sin?

guide, correct, challenge, and comfort us

What was Abraham's relationship with God like?

had a blind relationship with God and puts all of his trust in him

How did the Pharaoh honor Joseph when he put him in charge of the land?

have Joseph his signet ring and had him dressed in robes of fine linen and a gold chain about his neck renamed him gave him Asenath, the daughter of Potiphera, priest of Heliopolis as a wife

Why is it important that God is the center of human experience?

he gave them daily struggles and it lifts up people being blessed when they live in the right relationship with God

The baker's dream

he had three wicker baskets on his head and in the top were bakery products of Pharaoh. the birds were pecking at them out of the basket

What did Jesus' discourses show and teach?

he is God and his presence is the presence of God his true identity and reassure his followers of his continued presence those who don't believe or understand demand signs to prove his identity as the Son of God those who do believe seek assurance that Jesus will always be with them

How was the Lord still with Joseph while in the royal jail?

he showed his kindness by making the chief jailer like him the chief jailer put him in charge of all the prisoners and everything was to be done under his word

How does Matthew highlight Jesus' fulfillment of the many Old Testament hopes and prophecies?

he starts with the genealogy because it shows the ancestral connection between Jesus and two great leaders, Abraham and David proclaims the continuity of the old and new validates the community's link to the covenantal promises of the past, but also justifies these Christians; new devotion to Christ and his mission

How did Cain react to God's rejection of the offering?

he was angry and dejected. the lord asked cain why he was angry. he also said if he seas to act rightly and he will be accepted, but if he does not sin will take over him

What happened to Jacob after seven years?

he was marring Rachel and Laban tricked him They woke up and Jacob realized that it was not Leah. Jacob went to complain to Laban and he told him it was not tradition to marry the youngest first. He told him to finish the wedding week and he could marry Rachel for 7 more years of work

Why was Abram's name changed to Abraham?

he was the father of a host of nations.

What happened to Joseph as the result of the Potiphar's wife's actions?

he was thrown into the royal jail

what does fear will happen to him (Cain) as he wanders the Earth? What does God do?

he will be killed if he is constantly wandering the Earth. God says that will not happen for they will be advantaged seven times. God put his mark on him so they do not kill him at first sight. If anyone tries to kill him, they will die.

What does the New Testament center on?

he words and actions of Jesus and all that he accomplished for the sake of our salvation through his Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension and how early communities received and applied his teaching

Four types of miracles

healing exorcisms control over nature restoration of life

How does the Church want its members to guide dying people in their final days?

help them find/see the truth in their final days minimize there pain

What do our struggles, trials, and difficulties do for us?

help us grow in trust and love God

Who did Moses' sister get to care for Moses?

her own mother

Abel's occupation

herder of flocks (shepherd)

What happened when his brothers came to get the grains?

his brothers knelt before him and he recognized him immediately he went on asking where they were from he said they were spies, but of the same father with one other brother

What events in the Gospels point to Jesus' divinity

his hearings, exorcisms, and miracles

What happens after the destruction of Jerusalem with Jeremiah's preaching

his prophecies become hopeful he prophesies that the enemies of Israel will destroy and that a portion of individuals faithful to God will be safe from God's wrath he promises the remnant that when the Israelites are deliveries from exile, god will make a new Covenant with them, the law written on their hearts

How are we to love our neighbor?

honoring our parents, value human life, respect our identity, respect other's property, speak with truth and ask truthfully, be pure in our whole selves, and try to resist free and temptation

Saint Stephen's message

how Jesus' life fulfills the Torah

What challenge does the parable of the rich man give?

how important material goods are to us and willingness to help others

What does the book of Jeremiah describe?

how once again the Israelites fall into the idolatrous practices of the surrounding nations they fail to live up to the terms of the Covenant Jeremiah warns the Israelites that their idolatrous customs are "Dumb and senseless" he prophesies that if the people do not repent of their sinful ways, punishment is inevitable he pleads for the Isrealites' fidelity attempts to describe the destruction the Israelites will experience if they do not denounce their false and lying prophets

What is the criteria which all people will be judged?

how they respond to those in ned willing to share anything that they have with others

holy spirit, the third person of the trinity, inspired who?

human Authors who wrote the books of the bible

What do the low points in the Old Testament happen?

human beings are weak and forgetful, often lose sight of their Covenant relationship with God; they become absorbed in the sinful ways of the world

Matthew's symbol

human figure- Gospel opens with the genealogy of Jesus' ancestors


human life begins at this moment

What did Esau become when he was older?



idolatrous man, before his conversion encounters an angel of God and quits worshipping foreign gods pledges his allegiance to one true God of Israel makes it his mission to destroy the altars of false gods one person's faith or lack of faith can unite or divide people

Why did the Lord send the Israelites toward the Red Sea instead of through the land of Philistines?

if the people see that they are going to have to fight they might change their minds

Why we should love our neighbors

if we do not love them, we do not love ourselves we don't have to agree with their attitude or action but respect them God created everyone in his image

What does Pentateuch tell us about?

illustrates God as the source of all creation explains the beginning- the role of human in sin and it's effect shows God's desire to be with his people and the everlasting Covenant God with Abraham

What happens to Jeremiah?

imprisoned, beaten, and thrown into a well to die

Meaning of the baker's dream

in 3 days the Pharaoh will life up the bakers head and have him impaled and birds will peck at the flesh

What did the cupbearer's dream mean

in 3 days the Pharaoh will lift the cupbearer's head and restore his post return his original job asked him to put in a good word so he would be able to get out of jail

Where/when does Ezekiel begin his prophetic ministry?

in 593 BC in Babylon

Why does Jesus chose 12 Apostles?

in honor of the tribes and as a symbol of People of God

How should scriptures be read?

in light of the Incarnate Word

What is the overall intent of the Gospel writers explained in John?

in one sentence-- "But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through his belief you may have life in his name" they all foster faith in Jesus as the divine Son of God who assumed a human nature for the sake of our salvation

How did Jesus demonstrate God's fidelity to all humanity?

including the lowly and marginalized friend to those who are poor and outsiders


individual strength and courage to over come obstacles to a moral life

What gift were only humans given?

intellect and free will

Anagogical sense

investigates "realities and events in terms of their eternal significance" in what ways does the story lead and direct us toward our future heavenly home

Treasure in the field and the pearl of great price

invite us to commit fully to Jesus' proclamation of the Kingdom shows a level of commitment carries a great cost and involves sacrifice, but when we are open to the Holy sprite it be not as big of a burden

What does Isaiah do to prepare the people for the Immanuel?

invites the people of the Covenant to prepare their hearts and lives for the dawn of a new day, a day where all creation bows before him the heavens and earth will be new

Source criticism

involves researching what materials the scholars used when they made each translation or finding out whether the topic of the passage was commonly used during the time period of the writing

Why is the Matthew's Gospel in five major discourses?

it emphasizes the role of Jesus as a teacher Jesus redefines Jewish Law proclaims the saving role of God's love The law given to Moses finds its fulfillment in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ

How are the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles related?

it is a two volume work AA picked up where Luke ends AA- bridges the gap between the Jewish and Gentile world by beginning with a small group and ending with the church spanning the Roman empire

The Church is Apostolic

it is built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Jesus as the head attempts to follow the teachings of the Apostles in every way members of the Church continue to be instructed by the Apostles through their successors, the bishops

standard for genuine discipleship?

it is not about what you say but what you do we are to serve the poor and not follow with the concrete actions

Inherent dignity

it is so much apart of us no one can take it away

canon of sacred scriptures

its the true record of God's saving plan

The Four Cardinal Virtues

justice prudence temperance fortitude

Herod the Great

king of Palestine had political skills although he had a reputation for cruelty and violence was formidable "Massacre of the Innocents"- Herod killed all the baby boys in the area because he had heard about the birth of anew king of the Jews (Jesus) died in 4 BC

The Christmas Liturgy

known as the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord the prays of the Liturgy reflect core truth about the Incarnation in a moving and poetic language

Thomas Aquinas

laid foundation for modern biblical interpretation believed that the rich language of the Sacred Scriptures used help special meaning in regard to actual events and people, faith, just action, and everlasting life believed that one can distinguish between two senses of Scripture: literal and spiritual

Where did Cain settle after he was banished

land of Nod, east of Eden

How did God answer the servant's prayer?

lead him strait to Rebekah and the household agreed

What was Joshua's task?

lead the Israelites into Canaan

Why we should love God

leads us to love with ourselves and hoers only able to love because we love God

Venial sin

less serious and reparable by charity damages our relationship with God but not destroy

Two things loving an enemy doesn't mean

liking/approving of what they do tolerating mean or abusive behavior

Mark's symbol

lion- begins with John the Baptist,, the voice of one roaring in the dessert

What is the church calendar called?

liturgical year

Matthew's Gospel

longest used Mark, Q-Source, and other information (Magi) OT prophecies to show that Jesus fulfilled them

Historical criticism

looks for understanding or the importance of the subject of the passage at the time when it was written the hope is that you will find or win deeper appreciation for the passage

Two greatest Commandments

love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, and all your strength to love your neighbor as yourself

human authors

made use of human knowledge to communicate truths interested in them

What are the two types of Prophetic books?

major and minor

The "I Am" statements indicate

make it clear that Jesus is God provide information about Jesus' mission


makes holy; sanctification is the process of becoming closer to God and growing in holiness

How did Israel demonstrate that he love Joseph the best?

making him a long tunic

What did Isaac do to make sure it is the right person?

making him feed him the food and then smelling his close to make sure it smelled like him and touching his hands

What religious truth about men and women does the 2nd creation story teach?

man and woman where created for each other created as loving partners for each other and that the two sexes are meant to complement and fulfill each other

The Baptism of Jesus

manifest his identity as the "Messiah of Israel and Son of God" Holy Spirit comes upon Jesus in the form of a dove and the Father's voice declares that Jesus is his Beloved son inaugurates his mission and ministry in the world and begins a new chapter this is when Jesus says yes to the whole of God's plan

How Jesus showed he was in touch with the natural world?

many of his disciples were farmers, fishers, shepherd, etc. told stories about planing seeds, losing sheep, gathering harvest, etc. knew humanity and the natural world were deeply connected


marvelous and unexpected events that manifest the presence and power of God

Luke's focus on the Beatitudes

material reality

What does Jacob mean?

may God protect

Why is it important to study the sacred scriptures from every angle

meaning of the words and events lessons regarding the role of Christ in salvation teachings about moral and just living vocation to be with God always

Analogy of faith

means that each doctrine is connected with revelation, each doctrine is also connected with all other doctrines coherence between the truths of faith understanding one truth, helps us understand other truths

Textual criticism

method used when you look at the passages and want to compare different translations of the same books


missing the mark, falling short, brokenness, wrongdoing, misdeed an offense against truth, caused by our selfish wants and desires; an utterance, a deed, or a desire contrary to the eternal law; end to original holiness and justice, and subject to death

What do Saint Peter, Stephen, and Paul stand for?

models of Christian faith because they embody the evangelization and missionary efforts of the early church

Crucification in John's gospel

more explanation of the clothes takes to his mother and disciple (John) and tells them to take care of each other asks for wine and takes it drinks the wine and says "it is finished." the sign was written in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek"

When did the Word of God "become flesh"?

more than 2,000 yrs ago *didn't stop being God when he became flesh

why did the people of the Old Testament times offer sacrifice to God?

much of lives revolved around the Earth. People scarified their best animals and produce. They did this as a sign of love and fidelity

Miracle present in all four Gospels

multiplication of loaves

Three conditions for a mortal sin

must be a grave matter the person committing it must have full knowledge of the evil of the act it must be freely and deliberately committed

What does Mark's Gospel teach about true discipleship?

must imitate Jesus in both ministry and his suffering the call to be a disciple is to remain faithful to Jesus' message even in times of great difficulty and persecution

Titles and names used for Jesus

name means "God saves" Christ or Messiah means "anointed one," and also Lord, and Son of God


name the Greeks gave to the land of Israel influence of Greek culture, even though Rome occupied it beginning in 63 BC

How did Jesus show that every person is made in God's image?

never treated people as things sought to those who were not recognized in society made it clear that everyone was given to them by the Creator

Did Laban find the idols?


Did they break Jesus' legs?

no because he is already dead. they lance into his side and blood and water came out

Who did Mark write to?

non-Jewish Christians experiencing persecution, possibly at the hands of the Roman emperor Nero


non-Jewish people

what are the three basic forms of communication

nonverbal deeds and actions, spoken word, and written word

John's Last Supper

not a Passover meal doesn't contain a description of the preparations for the meal points to Jesus as the Paschal Lamb that will be killed for all salvation defining moment- washing of the feet-- demonstrates his humble service and love Addresses the role of the Holy Spirit and assures them they will not be alone

What did the prophets challenge the people to do?

not only to look at their own lives but also to reflect and respond in a spirit of hope to the unjust practices of the world provide solace and comfort to a hurting and oppressed people


not simply a thought or a belief must be lived


older lovely eyes (not as beautiful)

Meaning of young Joseph's first dream

one day he would rule over his brothers someday

How long did it take before the tops of the mountains appeared?

one hundred and fifty days, in the tenth month, on the first day of the month

Four Characteristics of the Church

one, holy, Catholic, and Apostolic same as Christ himself

time periods of the prophets

ones that lived before and during the Babylonian Exile of the Israelites- generally delivered messages of warning second the ones that lived during and after the Babylonian Exile who generally delivered messages of hope and comfort

How are we united with God?

our Baptism, Eucharistic Feast, and participation in the sacraments

What is our spiritual journey going towards?

our heavenly home in heaven

What do we need to be aware of to be fully human?

our identity as people made in God's image

Original Sin

our likeness to God has been disfigured or distorted

What is Jesus as the Bread of Life?

our sole source of nourishment perfects and fulfills the teaching of the Old Law and the Wisdom tradition

What does it mean to say that humans are religious beings?

our vocation as religious beings is to live fully human lives- in which we love, know, and freely choose God We are made for and by God have a desire only God can satisfy

Why are the Gospels the heart of all the scriptures?

out principal source for the life and teaching of the Incarnate Word, our Savior bring good news that our ancestors promised formed a Covenant with all the people overcame the slavery of sin and the darkness of death

Luke's symbol

ox-begins with Zechariah's offering in the Temple

oral tradition

passing down the message of gods saving plan through words and deeds

What does the Old Testament do?

paves the way for the New Testament- the teachings on the meaning of life, morality, right relationship with God, and the mystery of salvation read, venerate, and integrate them into our spiritual lives


people associate with the Pharaisees or Sadducess who were skilled copyists, professional letter writers and interpreters and teachers of the law

because of this reason, people relied on spoken word of their ancestors

people during the time of the OT couldn't read/write

Who did Jesus focus his ministry one?

people on the edge of the society reached out to women, sick, and poor

What is the Church's journey towards?

perfection which will be completed only when the kingdom of God is fully realized in all the faithful are gathered together in unity with one another and with God in heaven


period of one thousand years, also referring in modern usage to the transition from the year 1999 to 2000

Wisdom in the OT

personified as a woman who invites all people to come and dine at her table it relates to Mary because it is seen as feminine.

restoration of life miracles

point ot Jesus' power over life and death


political leaders collaborating with the Roman Empire


positive telling those who struggle good will come to them

How did Joseph's father react to Joseph's dream?

pounder them

What does Judas coming at night represent?

power of darkness, but Jesus as the power of light and is fully aware and in charge of what is happening

3 Lenten tradition in the portion of the Sermon on the Mount read on Ash Wednesday

prayer, fasting, almsgiving


prayers offered by the person leading an assembly in communal prayer

How did the Lord make his presence visible to the Israelites during the Exodus?

preceded them with a column of cloud of day and column of fire at night to guide them blocked the Egyptians when they were crossing the Red Sea


prejudice against the Jewish people

What are some Ezekiel's major themes?

presence of the Lord in the Temple, the awesomeness of God, personal responsibility for one's life and faith, and oracles against the enemies of Israel

The Messiah presented in Mark's Gospel

presented at the Suffering Servant Jesus never refers to himself as the Messiah or Savior (only others recognize it)

prophetic books

proclaim the messages of visionary religious reformers whom God called to challenge the pople of Israel to stop their idolatrous practices, to act justly, and to care for the people. proclaimed a message of hope and consolation, as well as calling the people to repent their sins

methods of orally passing down things

prophesying, preaching, storytelling, and poetry.

How does the Catholic Church seek to follow Jesus' example?

protecting the dignity of each person

what were Christians concerned about? why?

protecting the message of Jesus because many people who knew Him were being killed for their faith & people didn't want to lose the true witnesses of the life and of the mission of Jesus

Jesus demonstrating his knowledge of the Hebrew Scripture

quotes from the books of the OT when talking about the Devil, scribes, Pharisees, and Sadducees

What does the Church consistently speak out against in our society?

racism, sexism, abortion, human trafficking, and other oppressive practices

Isiah's suffering servant

read on Good Friday unsure on the topic of the "servant"- one person or general people of Israel Early Christian- read the paragraphs and found parallels between the two interpreted these passages as testimony to the saving power of Jesus' death, an interpretation that is part of the Church's tradition

What does Esau mean?

red and hairy

What did Jesus do through the mystery of his Passion, death, resurrection, and Ascension?

redeemed us, offering us a share in the communion of the Blessed Trinity even while we lived on earth


referring to the belief that salvation comes from secret knowledge available to only a select few

What shows the 1st creation supports the world is fundamentally good?

reflects God's goodness, beauty, and order

What do the Sacraments do?

reinforce our fundamental identify


related to the author of the fourth Gospel

psalms tell us about the Israelites__________

relationship with god

What kind of truth does the Bible contain?

religious truth; not scientific or historical but those can help us better understand the Bible


reluctant and courageous; born in a priestly family in 645 BC; a priest an prophet of the southern kingdom of Judah; time of 626-583 BC; events leaden up to and occurring during the Babylonian Exile

What happened when Israel found out about Joseph?

rented his clothes and then put a sackcloth on his loins mourned for many day in sorrow

Jeremiah's message of repentance

repent when we sin sacrament of penance and reconciliation

Saint Peter's message

repentance and forgiveness met with great resistance- leading to his martyrdom


residents of the central hill country of Palestine in the time of Jesus, when tremendous hatred and tension existed between themselves and the Jews

Prophecies of the Immanuel

reveal that the Messiah to come will be wisdom incarnate, a defender of his People, a faithful parent, and an agent of peace peaceful kingdom all things will change under the heavens and on the earth shed his knowledge on the darkest recesses of the earth the earth and heaven will no longer be ruled by the wicked and sinful ways of humanity will be ruled by a Savior who lifts up the lowly and sends the rich away empty

Jesus the Revealer

revealed God to us because he is the Divine Son of the Father, Jesus is truly the human face of God among us


reveals truth of god & his work of salvation

The heart of the Ten Commandments

reverence and love for God and love of neighbor

the words of the OT and NT lead to what?

right understanding of Gods incarnate word

Herod Antipas

ruled Galilee, the region where Jesus' hometown of Nazareth is located


ruled Judea, Samaria, and Idumea- where many events of Jesus' life occurred such an unskilled ruler Romans replaced him with one of their own officials


ruled the northeastern part of Palestine

Pharaoh's second dream

saw seven ears of grain, fat, and healthy growing on one stalk and behind it seven ears of grain, thin and blasted by the east wind sprouted up. the seven thin ears swallowed the seven fat, healthy ears

people of the gospels

saw/interacted with the word made flesh, jesus, gathered around him with attentive ears and hearts, listening to & loving his healing words

What event in the life of Mary is the biblical foundation for the theology of the Incarnation

saying yes to Gods plan her conception of Jesus through the holy spirit

What does Jesus tell the rich man to do to inherit eternal life? How does he react?

sell his possessions and follow him he becomes sad and walks away

Non-Pauline letters

serve the same function as the letters Paul wrote, but other authors wrote them, including James, Peter, John, and Jude

What is the focus of the historical books?

settlement of the Promised Land unification of the kingdom under David eventual division of the united kingdom into northern and southern kingdoms rebuilding of a nation after exil

What are we responsible for as stewards of God's creation?

share and use it wisely never use it for our own benefit preserve it for further generations

How cane we enable all of creation to share in the glory of God?

sharing in the flory of God by caring for the Warth

what does her name mean?

she became the mother of all the living.

What happened when the handmaid found Moses?

she opened it and saw the baby boy. they saw it was a Hebrew's child his sister than asked if she wanted her to get a Hebrew woman to nurse the child

Why was Sarai taken into their palace?

she was a beautiful woman and Abram told her to act as her sister because if she was his wife, she would be killed

Who was Rebekah?

she was born in Bethuel, son of Milcah, wife of Abraham's brother Nahor. She was very beautiful, a virgin, and untouched by a man

Why did Sarai abuse Hagar?

she was looking on her with disdain


short stories that use everyday images to communicate religious messages used as a simil

Mark's Gospel

shortest- last 3 yrs of Jesus' life writing for people being persecuted for their beliefs in Jesus written first focuses on the humanity of Jesus used by Matthew and Luke


showed great hospitality toward Jesus as a guest in her home

What do Alpha and Omega together mean in terms of Jesus?

signify the eternal presence of Jesus Christ

How does Jesus primary teach in John?

signs not parables


silent, but Jesus' raising him to life after he had been dead for 4 days is on of the most dramatic miracles in the NT

Cycle the repeats during the times of the judges

sin, calamity (trouble), repentance, and deliverance (help the conquer/rid)- cycle of sin

What prevents is from a right relationship

sin; because we have selfish wants and desires and they get in the way

Weakness of Daivd

sleeps with Batsheba and gets her pregnant tries to cover his sin by trying to bring the husband back home puts him on the line to die

What did the Midianites do with Joseph?

sold him in Egypt

Meaning of young Joseph's second dream

someday his mother, father, and brothers will bow down to him


son of Heran, grandson of Terah, and nephew of Abram

Genesis teaches us about what God is like?

source of the world and creatures in 7 days shows God's ultimate wisdom and his plan of loving goodness creative action in and through the natural order is oriented toward and fulfilled in the Incarnation wants to communicate with the people

time frame of the Old Testament

spans from the Creation of the world to the Kingdom of the Maccabees

How did Jesus show love for others on earth?

speaking the truth, healing, showing love to those excluded his DEATH

What was good about Jesus being a human?

spirit of friendship got to gather around a table and share a meal

sight of the blind man symbolism

spiritual insight into the real identity of Jesus the blind man has the eyes of faith to see the one and only Light

Facts about Mary

spiritual mother to all of us acts as our advocate, comforter, companion, and friend Jesus was conceived in Mary's womb through the power of the HS never had any other children than Jesus

Matthew's focus of the Beatitudes

spiritual reality

Oral tradition

spoke the word of his ascension and outpouring of the holy spirit at pentecost, the teachings and actions of Jesus events of his Passion, death, resurrection, and ascension aided by the Holy Spirit and the Apostles and early disciples helped spread the vitally important message offered through Jesus

The Pharaoh's first dream

standing out be the Nile, seven, fat, and handsome cows came out of the Nile grazed in the reed grass. then seven fat and ugly cows came out of the Nile. the fat and ugly ones at the handsome fat ones

John's Gospel

starts with Jesus being recognized as the Messiah/God no early life of Jesus


stories that use metaphor based on daily lief to convey religious truths


strictly adhered to the Torah and preserved the sanctity of the Temple

What was Joshua like?

strong leader, heroic, and faithful to God all the way through


strong, passionate man who has trouble keeping his religious commitments completes amazing feats for God his character flaws lead to his capture, torture and debasement of the hands of the Philistines the final act of trust in God and his able to deliver Israel from the Philistines

How did the Lord intervene to help Sarai while she was in the palace?

struck the Pharaoh and his household with a plague


sufferings of Jesus during his final days of life: his agony in the garden at Gethsemane, his trial, and his Crucifixion

Ways the ethic of do not kill may be violated

suicide, genocide, human tracking, torture, or degrading working conditions

God's grace

supports us in our weakness and enables us to choose the good

What lesson does the New Testament teach using Rahab as an example?

symbol of oppressed individuals governed by selfish laws of humanity, not the Law of Moses, which protect the rights of all people under God's promise of peace and prosperity How God can work through anyone, even the most unlikely, to bring salvation to his people

What is John filled with?

symbolic imagery, poetic verse, and rich meaning

Purpose of the seven signs in John

symbolic use and for the deeper meaning

Example of Jesus' prayer

taught us the Our Father

Parables of the lost sheep, lost coin, and lost son

teach about the Kingdom of god hows is that how ever long we have been in sin he will always accept us bcd into hiss Kingdom God has infinite mercy and his patience never runs out and whose love will never fail to find us, welcome us home, and rejoice in our return

What does the 1st creation story teach us about human beings and our relationship to God?

teaches us that God created man in his image means that we have moral freedom, intellect, and an eternal soul shows us that God wants us to be free in our choices


teachings of Jesus that begin with the Sermon on the Mount and that summarize the New Law of Christ describe the actions and attitudes by which one can discover genuine happiness and they teach us the final end to which God calls us, full communion with him in the Kingdom of Heaven

Historical Books

tell about Jewish history with its many trials and triumphs recount the lives of various leaders- include kings, judges, warriors, and prophets

How did God help Moses and his people be able go cross the Red Sea?

telling Moses to lift up his staff and out stretch his hand and the sea would split in two Israelites passed through on dry land Egyptians will stop as the Israelites passed the sea

What is the worlds message of true happiness?

temporary happiness new cell phone, computer, fashion trend, expensive cars, homes, and clothing these are not deep or meaningful

book of psalms contains prayers of...

thanksgiving, lament, & praise

The Magisterium

the "living, teaching office of the church" has the sole authority to authentically interpret the word of the Sacred Scriptures holy spirit guides it guards and explains thee truths revealed in the Bible guides the Church to hear and understand what God reveals through the words of Sacred Scripture

What are the Gospels?

the "principal witness for the life and teaching of the Incarnate Word" heart of the Christian Message

What creation story is this quote based one "When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God; he created the male and female, when they were created, he blessed them and named them "man."

the 1st creation story

Matthew's Infancy Narrative

the Annunciation of Jesus' takes place with Joseph and the angel telling him not be afraid and it was through the Holy Spirit

Luke's Infancy Narrative

the Annunciation takes place with Mary the angel Gabriel tells he will conceive a child whir still remaining a virgin and tells her child shall be called "the Son of the Most"

Why is Pentecost significant in the Church?

the Church was revealed to the world

divine inspiration

the Divine assistance the Holy Spirit gave the authors of the books of the Bible so the authors could write in human words the salvation message God wanted to communicate


the Greek word for "Mother of God" this is what Mary was called


the Hebrew people and later the Jews

Truths of divine wisdom

the Holy Spirit helps us use our intellect to pursue this

What further affirms the basic goodness of the world and humanity?

the Incarnation


the Johannine name of a miracle of Jesus

Holy Thursday

the Last Supper

What is the covenant ceremony that happened in Abram's vision?

the Lord calls on him telling him that the Lord is Abram's shield. Abram then asked him why he had no children. The Lord then promised that he would have his own descendants. Then told him to go count the stars of the sky and that will be the number in his descendants. He then told him to offer animals and brought them and sacrificed them for him


the acceptance of Greek culture, language, and tradition


the act, requited by Jewish law, of removing the forskin of the penis. Since the time of Abraham, it has been a sign of God's Covenant relationship with the Jewish people present Jesus to God at the Temple

What does the Book of Isaiah have that heralds and event that will change the course of salvation?

the arrival of the Word of God made flesh

Where did Joseph's brother settle?

the best land of Egypt, Goshen

Where was Israel buried after he died?

the cave in the field of Machpelah, facing on Mamre, in the land in Canaan, the field that Abraham bought from Ephron the Hittite for a burial ground. This is where Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, and Leah were buried

Sermon on the Mount

the collection of Jesus' teachings on important topics, which Matthew presents as a speech by Jesus includes love of enemies, anger, adultery, divorce, retaliation, judging righteous, and prayers

Who had the dreams in the jail?

the cupbearer and the baker on the same night

How did the Pharaoh find the person who was able to interpret his dreams?

the cupbearer told his story in the jail with Joseph and how the dreams then did come true Pharaoh summoned Joseph and shaved and changed his clothes and came into Pharaoh's presence

Hebrew people

the descendants of Abraham and Sarah who became known as the Israelites after the Exodus and who later were called Judeans or Jews

Beatific Vision

the direct encounter and sight of God into the holy of Heaven during our life after death


the educated interpreters of the Law of Moses

Who were the judges in the Old testament books?

the eleven men and one women who served the Hebrew people as tribal leaders, military commanders, arbiters of disputes, and enliveners of faith settle disputes within their own tribe or between tribes, lead the military defense against invaders, and challenged Israel to remain faithful to God

The Word (Logos) to humanity means

the eternal son of God, Jesus Christ


the event in which the Archangel Gabriel came to Mary to announce that she had found favor with God and would become the Mother of the Messiah

What did the message challenge?

the existing way of life


the fair and equitable distribution of life's necessities. The biblical idea of justices based on the truth that all humans have innate dignity and worth as children of God


the fiftieth day following Easter, which commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the early Apostles and disciples


the first Latin word of the prayer of Mary in response to the Annunciation of the birth of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke

Which time period group of prophets does Ezekiel belong to?

the first group of Israelites forced to relocate during the Babylonian Exile

Original sin

the first sin of humans, "the fallen state", called the "Fall"; giving into and weakness

What does Pentecost celebrate?

the gift of the Torah to the people of Israel in the OT the HS takes a new meaning in the NT to be known as the Church

What was Joseph considered?

the governor of the country

What does the OT tell us about?

the history of God's revelation of himself to humanity

What empowers and guides the Church form her humble beginning until she is perfected in the glory of Heaven?

the holy spirit

What does Mark's Gospel emphasize about Jesus?

the humanity of Jesus experiences a full range of emotions central image is Jesus as the Suffering Servant

What do the signs reveal?

the identity of Jesus as the one sent from heaven

The Cardinal Virtues description

the key virtues on which the other virtues depend, they are ultimately connected to the messages of the prophets, and they are justice, prudence, temperature, and fortitude

What are Shiphrah and Puah ordered to do?

the king of Egypt told them that their job was to have children and if they had a boy they had to kill him, but girl could live

What was an important part of Jesus' proclamation in the parables?

the kingdom

What do miracles of Jesus reveal

the kingdom was "present in him" and attested "that he was the promised Messiah" provided create to Jesus' words and teaching by concretely demonstrating power over sin and evil

What classifies book as major or minor?

the length of the books

Three parts of the Gospels development

the life and teachings of Jesus oral tradition written gospels

What do the Gospels invite us to do?

the light of God's truth revealed in and through the Incarnation invites us to accept Jesus into our hearts and be baptized becoming apart of the church and participate in the sacramental life of the Church

Focus of the Second Creation story

the nature and destiny of the human person created and his shows that God is creating everything for humans

Central Theme of Jeremiah's prophecies

the need for the unfaithful Israelites to repent and return to the Lord

Why did the oppression of the Israelites happen?

the new Pharaoh saw they were numerous and powerful

What were the two kingdoms in Israel after Solomon died?

the northern kingdom- Israel the southern kingdom- Judah

Who are the patriarchs?

the ones who God continues his Covenant with and are Abraham's descendants. Isaac, Jacob, and Abraham are all known as patriarchs. These men lead their tribal families with their wives. They would rule a great number of children, servants, and livestock. God's saving problem rescue the patriarchs and their families.

What did the prophets do when the people began to pull away from God?

the people were unaware that their lives and hearts where moving further away from the will of God the prophets act as the conscience of a people who have been filled into complacency and sinfulness they assure the people that God has not abandoned them and that they need to repent of their sins to find joy again they challenge the complacency of the Israelites they direct the Israelites' attention and open their eyes to the many obstacles standing in the way of a meaningful relationship with God and others

Luke's Gospel structure around

the question "who is welcome in the kingdom of god?"

What did the authors of the sacred history want to reveal in the historical books?

the sacred history that reveals God's plan of salvation


the second coming of Christ at the end of time, fully realizing God's plan and the glorification of humanity

When was the earth finally dry?

the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month

Original Sin

the sin by which the first humans disobeyed God and thereby lost their original holiness and became subject to death. It is transmitted to every person born into the world, except Mary and Jesus

Young Joseph's second dream

the sun, moon, and eleven stars were bowing down to him

primeval history

the time before the invention of writing and recording of historical data examples: creation, Adam and eve, cain and able, noah and the flood, and tower of babel

the books of the bible contain...

the truth of Gods revelation

Hypostatic union

the union of Jesus Christ's divine and human natures in one Divine Person

Paschal Mystery

the work of salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ mainly through his Passion, death, Resurrection and ascension

What were the 17 books in the Old Testament called?

the writing or canonical prophets


their experience of god was handed down orally.

Why does Matthew's Gospel highlight Jesus' fulfillment of the many Old Testament hopes and prophecies?

there was tension in the community- because of the old and new, the Jewish roots of their ardent belief that Jesus was th eMessiah wanted his Jewish Christian readers to know that believing in Jesu was not a break with their tradition

What did the Lord promise for Abraham regarding a wife for Isaac?

there would be a wife for him in his own land.

Why does Jesus ask us to love our enemies?

they are also beloved by God

What important function did the judges serve in the lives of the Israelites?

they challenged them to remain faithful to the God

What did the Israelites do wrong?

they forgot the Covenant and turned to idolatrous practices; failed to remember the dignity and worth of each human- not caring for the needs of one another and the vulnerable, they disrespect God's plan of loving goodness

How did Sarah and Abraham respond to the news they were going to have a child?

they laughed

Why did the Israelites want a king?

they were conceded about the divisions among the twelve tribes and growing power of other nations around them

What happened to the Israelites when Joseph and his generation died?

they were fruitful and prolific numerous and strong and the land was filled with them

Why did God will there be so much diversity between his creatures?

they were their ow in their own goodness and perfection reflect God's wisdom and glory in many different ways

How old was Joseph when he received the position from the Pharaoh?

thirty years old

What happened after the death of Herod?

three sons were each given a section of Palestine

Easter Triduum

three-day period that commemorates the Last Supper, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Jesus

How did Jesus show us how to be fully human?

through his words and actions

How can you be forgiven for a mortal sin?

through reconciliation can receive God's mercy and forgiveness and return to a right relationship with him

What is church's means?

through which God is accomplishing his plan, as well as the goal of his plan

What was Cain's occupation?

tiller of ground (farmer)

Crucification in Mark's Gospel

time of crucification given jesus says "my God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" people taunt Jesus the cloth was ripped in the temple

What did Abraham send his senior servant to do?

to find a wife for Isaac in the land of Abrahman's own

biblical interpretations

to follow the Magisterium's principles of interpretation, and of the course the interpreters" research, teaching, and preaching are subject of the Magisterium

Why we should love ourselves

to love ourselves is to love God it is realizing that God is in our hearts, waiting for s to display it into the world


to proclaim or announce a saving message

How did Jesus use parables?

to teach the Good News of salvation

Examples of God preparing humanity for the incarnation

told Abraham and Sarah to leave their him and travel to a new land becoming the ancestors of the Chosen People of God God gave the Israelites the law of Mount Sinai, making his desires and expectations clear to his people He sent the prophets, who sent the Israelites back into right relationship with God by restoring them to God's fidelity This lead to people growing closer to God in preparation for the incarnation at the fullness of time and the development of the Church

What was Reuben going do to save Joseph from his death?

told him to just put him in the cistern he was going to rescue him and give him back to Israel

What did Isaac ask Esau to do for him?

told ho to go out into the country to hunt some game and make an appetizing dish for him

Roman soldiers

tolerant but were not afraid to put down rebellions, often with violence or cruelty used the threat of torture and violence to discourage people from challenging the Roman Power

What did the mother of Moses then do when he could no longer hid him?

took a papyrus bask, daubed it with bitumen and pitch, put the child in it, placed it among the reeds on the bank and sent him down the Nile River

The Gospels defination

translated from the Greek word meaning "good news," referring to the 4 books attributed to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, "the principal source of life and teaching of the Incarnate word, Jesus Christ" teach us about God's most definitive and perfect Revelation (Jesus)

What do the Scriptures and Tradition teach about Jesus Christ? How can we understand this?

true God and true man looking into various aspects of his life

Who are we to trust and who are we not to trust in?

trust in Abba not in money

Relationship between Cain and Abel

tumultuous relationship characterized by sibling rivalry and jealousy

Gospel authors of Mark

uncertain maybe John Mark, a friend of Saint Peter Gentile Christian disciple of Peter written somewhere between AD 65-70

What were the Israelites like during Ezekiel's time?

unfaithful and idolatrous and also unjust toward the poor and lowly in society

What do the high points in the Old Testament show?

unification, holy people living in right relationship with God and making the promise of the Covenant known in word and action

bibles Inspiration is what?


The Church is Catholic

universal Christ is presence in the Church which makes it Catholic Has a universal mission to the whole human race it is built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ himself as the head

image of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke

universal Savior, healing, redeeming, and reconciling all creation message was for all he did is saving work for all people

Who is the "summit of the Creator's work"

us/human beings

Luke's Gospel

used Mark, Q-Source, and other information (shepherds visiting baby Jesus) didn't know Matthew parallel parables- stories that each type of person can identify with

How did Roman Authority play into every day life?

used Roman money encountered Roman soldiers on streets paid taxes to the emperor as well as tolls on local/traded goods for the use of ports, markets, and roads- funded government building projects but also served to widen the gap between the rich and the poor

What did Ezekiel do more than any other prophet?

used symbolic actions to enhance his prophetic messages and God would also tell him what these meant to the Israelites

contextualist approach

various context for understanding includes the sense of Scripture, literary forms, historical situations, cultural backgrounds, unity of the hole of Scriptures, Tradition, and the analogy of faith look at the whole picture deeper symbolic meaning teaches us how to relate the truths of faith to science

Two types of sin

venial and mortal

unique to the first creation story

very orderly account of God's creative activity in seven strutted days shows it is created out of love sees the good of the universe's order, beauty, and goodness

What events caused Moses to flee to Midian?

visited his kinsman and witnessed their forced labor and and Egyptian was striking a Hebrew and he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand He then again went and saw two Hebrew fighting and asked them why they were fighting. they responded that they knew about him killing the Egyptian

How we are suppose to approach the Gospels

w/out looking at them as strict historical biographies of the life of Jesus tell about real historical events that occurred in the life and mission of Jesus all a little different but contain th redeeming truth of the long-awaited fulfillment of God's promises announce the Good News of Jesus Christ they need to read, venerated, and studied

Example of Jesus' humility

washed the disciples' feet at the Last Supper

Why is the Hypostatic Union still important today?

we are baptized as Christians into Christ it is through the Hypostatic Union, which allows us to experience God through the humanity of Jesus and ourselves

The three fundamental truths in the heart of human dignity

we are created as good we are in need of salvation we are meant for eternal life in the glory of God's holy presence

What does the story of Adam and Eve teach us about what people were created to do?

we are created to live according to God's percepts and laws. We are created to be in a right relationship with God and others

Jesus' self-sacrifical love

we are will on the way to becoming people God wants us to be when we follow this example

Meaning of the phrase "not just something, but someone"

we can't treat people as objects or use them for our own purpose

What do Jesus' life, death, and Resurrection reveal about love?

we have been created to love we are to love God and our neighbors

Why can't God force us to act in a certain way?

we have freewill to choice our own path

What does calling Jesus Lord show?

we have the same respect for Jesus as we do for God

What does the time period effect?

we have to study "the conditions of their time and culture, the literary genres in use at the time,and modes of feeling, speaking, and narrating then current" to understand what they are trying to say

Parable of the great feast

we must think about how our actions and decisions reflect the vision of the Kingdom of God

Why are we drawn into communion with the Trinity?

we share in his divine life


were a group of Jewish leaders, including Temple high priest and Jewish royal families, who collaborated with the Roman governors

Why do the gospels present 4 different portraits of Jesus?

were concerned about different concerns and callings based on their actual teachings of Christ and historical events of his life tell the same story in a slightly different ways to emphasize the religious truth in their communities needed this indicates that Jesus was meaningful to the community members used to persuade people

What happened to prophets because of their messages?

were often ostracized, silenced, and sometimes killed for their messages of warning, reformation, and consolation


were people who banded together during the time of Christ to violently resist Roman occupation

What important question does the rich man ask?

what he must do to inherit eternal life


what the four characteristics of the Church through the Holy Spirit

When did the oppression of the Israelites happen?

when a new Pharaoh came to power and did not know what Joseph had done for Egypt

When was Jesus anointed by the HS for his work of salvation among us?

when he was conceived in Mary by the HS

What do archeological digs in Israel help us do?

when they find cities from Jesus time or before we can more clearly understand what life was like in those times

3 Stages of the Gospel represents

whole Johannine community

What did Rome conquer in Jesus' life time?

whole Mediterranean Basin, modern-day France and Spain in the west, The Black Sea, and the Caspian Sea, northern Africa in the South

Who caused trouble for Joseph in the Potiphar's house?

wife liked her asked to lay with him refused continually no one was in the house and he enters and he then agains to ask him to lay with her he says no and leaves her cloak in her arms and ran off wife tells her story that he tried to lay with her and left her cloak in her arms Potiphar was enraged and threw him the royal jail

The Holy Spirit at the Last Supper of John

will not be left alone receive the fist of the Holy Spirit (the Paraclete) the Holy Spirit, the Divine Third Person of the Trinity- acts as an advocate and counselor for all who believe in Jesus

What is God's Word made flesh in Mary's womb to us?

wisdom of all things

How did Jesus treat each person he met?

with care and compassion


withdrew to a life of solitude and prayer


witness to the saving message of Christ through the sacrifice of one's life

In the gift of sexuality, what does God affirm?

women and men are not meant to be alone they were created to be in loving relationships with one another

Biblical scholars

work hard to bridging the gap between the people of yesterday, today, and tomorrow attentive to what the human authors truly wanted to affirm and to what God wanted to reveal to us by their works provide resources that aid in spreading the truth and wisdom of God's Word must beware of the author's intention, church tradition, the whole of Revelation written in sacred scriptures, and mindful of the unit existing in all Churhc teachings

Because in the NT, language was developing dramatically, ______________________

writing was becoming more accessible

The Dead Sea Scrolls

written and preserved by Jewish religious communities called the Essenes (lived between 1st century BC and 1st century AD) important to biblical study because they contain pieces of writing from nearly every book in the Old Testament only surfing copies of biblical documents made before AD 100 found in late 1940s; northwest shores of dead sea

pauls lettters

written around 50-60 AD. before Matthew, Mark, Luke, and john cover life of early christians after death & resurrection of Jesus

Pauline letters

written by Paul and his disciples to early Christian communities he helped form offered empowering advice, teaching, community news, and pastoral encouragement and support

The Book of Revelation

written by a Jewish-Christian named John composed for late-first-century Christians, offers words of support to those enduring persecution because of their Christian beliefs

Old Law

written in the ld Testament. not out of date but are instead true "preparation for the Gospe;

How did Joseph's brothers react to Joseph's dreams and their intreprations?

wrought but against him

Does Noah obey God in both stories?


Was Jesus like us?

yes, except in sin he felt joy, happiness, temptation, and pain


younger well formed and beautiful

What times does the book of Isaiah cover?

yrs of 742-500 BC; before the Babylonian Exile, during the Exile, and after the Exile

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