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Which, if any, of the following can create a hostile environment that is considered sexual harassment?

-Persistent dirty jokes -Offensive comments -Inappropriate touching -Indecent gestures

Someone who is sexually assaulted (whether it be you or a friend) should:

-Question whether he/she is to blame for being assaulted. FALSE -Get to a safe or supportive place. TRUE -Seek medical attention. TRUE -Take a shower. FALSE -Bathe and discard clothing. FALSE -Seek counseling. TRUE

Someone who believes they are experiencing harassment and/or bullying should:

-Tell the person harassing or bullying to stop, if it is safe to do so -Record all instances -Get immediate emotional support from friends, family or school -Seek resolutions and put complaints on record

Face some form of relationship violence

1 in 3 young people

Face sexual assault

1 in 5 women

1 in how many men will experience stalking in their lifetime?


1 in how many men will experience stalking in their lifetime? lsdfi


What percentage of women are sexually assaulted in college?


Alcohol is prominent in how many sexual assaults annually?


What percentage of college men report experiencing violent and abusive behaviors (including physical, sexual, technological, verbal or controlling abuse) from someone they were dating? 28%


What percentage of sexual assaults begin to happen in the presence of a bystander who could take action to intervene?


What percentage of college men will be the victim of sexual assault?


Have faced unwanted sex

4% of college age men

What percentage of college women report experiencing violent and abusive behaviors (including physical, sexual, technological, verbal or controlling abuse) from someone they were dating?


1 in how many women will experience stalking in their lifetime?


1 in how many women will experience stalking in their lifetime?kjsdfh


What percentage of college sexual assaults involve alcohol?


ACT is important to remember for bystander intervention.

A - Assess the situation C - Chose your best action T - Take action

Consent is generally NOT possible/present if: mnb

A sexual act can become sexual assault even if the victim did not say "NO".TRUE A sexual act can become sexual assault even if the victim did not physically resist.TRUE Consent is still necessary even if the victim is known to engage in frequent casual sex.TRUE Consent is still necessary even if the people involved engaged in sexual activity on prior occasions.TRUE Consent can be withdrawn at any time during sex and sexual activity must stop immediatelyTRUE The majority of sexual assaults are committed by strangers.FALSE The majority of sexual assaults involve force or threat of force.FALSE The majority of sexual assaults involve a weapon (gun, knife, stick, etc).FALSE The majority of sexual assaults involve physical resistance by the victimFALSE Sexual assault occurs with the same or greater frequency for people who are lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender female, transgender male, and genderqueer/gender-nonconforming as for people who are heterosexual.TRUE A high percentage of sexual assaults are committed by a relatively small percentage of repeat perpetrators.TRUE College women are at greatest risk of sexual assault during their first semester of collegeTRUE

Someone who believes they are experiencing stalking should:

Communicate to stalker that he/she is not interested if it is safe to do so Cut off all interactions with stalker Notify authoritiesKeep record of all instances keep record of all instances Limit social media usage accessible by stalker

Why might alcohol increase the likelihood of sexual assaults?

It dampens inhibitions. It cause people to focus on limited information It causes people to communicate less effectively It mixes the stimulants (e.g. caffeine) in ways that make people feel less drunk than they are. It impacts people of different sexes and sizes differently.

Which, if any, of the following un-welcomed behaviors can create a hostile environment that is considered sexual harassment?

Persistent dirty jokesOffensive commentsInappropriate touchingIndecent gestures

Someone who is sexually assaulted (whether it be you or a friend) should....

Question whether he/she is to blame for being assaulted.False Get to safe or supportive placeTrue Seek medical attentionTrue Take a showerFalse Bathe and discard clothingFalse Seek counselingTrue

Survivors of sexual assault are more likely than those who did not experience sexual assault to:

Suffer from depression Abuse alcohol Abuse drugs

Which, if any, of the trait(s) below should serve as a warning sign for potentially aggressive people in terms of their sexual behavior and/or approach to relationships?

Talks over partner Argumentative Does not respect or follow rules Exchange oriented - wants something for everything Real "player" Intoxicated/high

Which, if any, of the following may be examples of bullying and/or cyberbullying?

Teasing or taunting-Spreading rumors-Social outcasting-Repeated unwanted texts

Which, if any, of the following may be examples of bullying and/or cyber bullying?

Teasing/tauntingSpreading rumorssocial out castingrepeated unwanted text

College-aged people (18-24 years old) have the highest prevalence of stalking.


The most involved drug in sexual assaults


Which of the 16 oz. cups below holds the appropriate amount of 100 proof alcohol to equal one standard drink?

cup A

Being raped by a date or acquaintance is less traumatic than being raped by a stranger.


College-aged people (18-24 years old) have the highest prevalence of stalking.


College-aged people (18-24 years old) have the highest prevalence of stalking. False


It is up to the victim to resist sexual assault.


Proof is the percentage of alcohol in a drink by volume, so 40 proof means 40% alcohol.


Roofies are the number one date rape substance.


Sexual harassment requires that a sexual comment be made directly to a specific person.


The media portrays an accurate depiction of sexual assault.


True or false sexual harassment requires that a sexual comment be made directly to a specific person.


Consent is generally NOT possible/present if:

the victim was intoxicated. True the victim was drugged. True the victim was underage True the victim was unconscious True the victim was mentally impaired True

A standard drink includes 1/2 ounce of alcohol.


Alcohol interferes with consent for sex.


Alcohol may make sexually aggressive men act more sexually aggressive.


An intoxicated perpetrator can be charged with committing sexual assault.


Many date rape drugs are odorless and tasteless.


Sexual assault includes any sexual activity performed without consent.


Sexual assault survivors are more likely to attempt suicide.


Sexual assault survivors are more likely to drop out of school.


Survivors of sexual assault often experience Rape Trauma Syndrome similar to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder suffered by veterans.


The following drinks all have a similar amount of alcohol by volume - a 12 oz. bottle of beer, a 4 oz. glass of wine, a 1.5 oz. shot.


The language we use to discuss sex is different depending on whether we are talking about men or women.


Victims are never to blame for sexual assault. True


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