Notre Dame and America Final

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President Ronal Reagan

"The Gipper" - spoke at ND

Pope Leo XIII Quote

"Yet, though all this is true, it would be very erroneous to draw the conclusion that in America is to be sought the type of the most desirable status of the Church, or that it would be universally lawful or expedient for State and Church to be, as in America, dissevered and divorced"

Rev. JW Cavanaugh Quotes

- "It happened that mortification, self-restraint, the scourging of desire by the will - all these things are involved in athletic training such as Rockne gave. All these things are equally involved in the making of Men" - Religion is "not something for the sanctimonious and the weak but for full-blooded men. Manliness and religion have gone hand in hand in Notre Dame tradition from Fr. Sorin on down to the present generation"

Laetare Medal Recipients

- Eliza Allen Starr: 1st women - Timothy Howard: 1st ND grad - Albert Zahm - O'Shaughnessy - JFK - Dorothy Day - Rev. John O'Brien (1973: first priest) - 1987: Hesburgh - Keough - Sister Helen Prejean - Joe Biden

Monsignor John Tracy Ellis

- Publishes "American Catholics and the Intellectual Life" (1955) - Did Land O Lakes (1967) and criticized the Church's schools - supported more rigorous academic standards

Hesburgh Presidency Changes

- Student enrollment: 5,000 to 9,600 - Faculty: 390 to 800 - Budget: 10 mil to 176 mil - Endowment: 9 mil to 350 mil - 40 new buildings - 1989: ND is top 20 - Lay Board of Trustees*

Questions of the Hesburgh Era

- What does it mean to be Catholic & American? - How can the University become more diverse? - How inclusive should the University be? - What % of the faculty/student body should be Catholic? - What is the relationship w/ the local bishop? - Are there speakers that should not be invited to speak? - How to study issues that conflict with Catholic Church teaching?

What Defines a Catholic University?

1) Mandate from Bishop 2) "preponderance" of Catholic faculty

Papal Encyclical (Sublimus Dei)

1537: Cannot enslave the natives because they are rational humans but b/c of this they also are elligible for conversion

St. Ignatius Loyala

1540: Founded the Jesuits

Isaac Jogues

1636: French missionary and martyr who worked with many Native American tribes - arrived in New France (America) in the 1636 - Jesuit

Sieur de LaSalle

1679: French explorer in North America - landed in St. Joseph's County in 1679 and canoed up the St. Joseph River

Rev. Claude Allouez

1686: Founded the Mission St Joseph to convert the natives

Charles Carroll

1776: Only Catholic to sign the Declaration of Independence - paved the way for a greater Catholic acceptance - brother of John Carroll

Mathew Carey

1784: Irish and arrives in Philadelphia - publishes first US Douay-Rheims Bible

Local Dioceses

1789: Diocese of Baltimore (1st U.S. Diocese, John Carroll) 1808: Diocese of Baltimore, Philly, NY, Boston, Bardstown 1834: Diocese of Vincennes (Simon Brute) 1857: Diocese of Fort Wayne (expanded to SB in 1960)

Bishop John Carroll

1789: Jesuit priest & FIRST Catholic bishop in the US (1789) - ordained Fr. Badin (1790)

Stephen Badin

1793: Missionary ordained by John Caroll - founded Ste. Marie-des-lacs (1830) - built OG* log chapel (1831)

Loretto Sisters

1812: Founded by Rev. Charles Nerinckx - Rev Nerinckx worked w/ Fr. Badin

Philippine Duchesne

1818: French religious sister and prominent member of the Sister of the Sacred Heart of Jesus - canonized a Saint in 1988 - sent to the U.S. in 1818

Log Chapel

1831: Built by Fr. Badin - burned down so a replica was made in 1906*

Bishop Simon Brute

1834: Bishop of Vincennes, first bishop in Indiana Quotes: - "In and about Vincennes I had to care..."

Henriette Delille

1836: Founded the Sisters of the Holy family - taught religion to the poor and black slaves

Father Benjamin Marie Petit

1837: French missionary for the Potawatomi - Trail of Death - buried under Log Chapel

Congregation of Holy Cross

1837: founded by Fr. Basil Moreau in Le Mans, France

Trail of Death

1838: Potawatomi march and forced eviction to Kansas - not all left (Pokagon Band)

Notre Dame Presidents

1842-1865: Sorin 1865-1866: Dillon 1866-1872: Corby 1872-1874: Lemmonier 1874-1877: Colovin 1877-1881: Corby 1881-1893: T. Walsh 1893-1905: Morrissey 1905-1919: JW Cavanaugh 1919-1922: Burns 1922-1928: M. Walsh 1928-1934: C. O'Donnell 1934-1940: O'Hara 1940-1946: J. O'Donnell 1946-1952: JJ Cavanaugh 1952-1987: Hesburgh 1987-2005: Malloy 2005-present: Jenkins

St. Augustine's Church

1844: Burned down b/c of anti-catholic sentiments

Riot in Philadelphia

1844: Public rallies by the American Republican Party for continued mandatory teaching of the Protestant Bible in public schools - caused by Catholics wanting to use Catholic bible, not protestant/King James bible

Hugh Clark

1844: allowed catholic students to leave class when protestantism but when everyone left, he said ok no more religious teachings until we can find a curriculum that meets protestant and cahtolic needs --> was being taught but protestants did not like this

Sister Mary Aloysius (Honora Mulcaire)

1845-1916 - Holy Cross sister who worked on campus & taught minims in Main Building & Steds

California Gold Rush

1848-1855: Father Sorin sends brothers to pan for gold and Fr. Moreau does not like

Professor Joseph Lyons

1848: First came to ND as an orphan & worked as an apprentice - graduated in 1862 - one of the most loved early faculty members

Fr. (Archbishop) John Ireland

1848: Progressive approach to assimilating Catholics, Church & Age Unite (was not a fan of national parishes) - born in Ireland in 1828, came to U.S. in 1849 - Civil War chaplain - leader of the Americanists

Bernadette Soubirous

1858: She had apparitions of Mary in a cave near Lourdes, France - our grotto is based off of the Lourdes Grotto

James (Jimmy) Edwards

1859: Did school at ND (like since grade school; minow) - became history professor and then librarian - wanted ND to be a trade school

Irish Brigade

1861-1865: 5 regiments made up mostly of Irish-Catholic immigrants led by Fr Corby into Gettysburg * "Absolution Under Fire" by Paul Wood (1891)

Charge of the Police on the Rioters

1863: Irish thugs mobbing with weapons

Ave Maria Press

1865: Catholic publishing founded by Sorin

Father John Zahm

1867: Answering the question of how to be catholic in america - wrote Evolution and Dogma & Woman in Science; wrote under the name "Dr. H J Mozans" - wanted ND to be a university - came to ND for prep school in 1867 - died of heart complications in 1921

Church of the Sacred Heart

1869: Began building, consecrated in 1888 - 1992: Pope JP II raised the church to a Basilica

Lourdes Water

1871: Lourdes water shipped from France helped finance the Our Lady of Sacred Heart Church (Basilica)

Cardinal James Gibbons of Baltimore

1877: Archbishop of Baltimore 1877-1921 - devoted to American unity - popular with Roman Catholics & Protestants

St. Edward's Hall

1882: oldest residence hall on campus - built for minims who left in 1929

Laetare medal

1883: Highest Catholic honor in the U.S. - 4th Sunday of Lent - modeled after the Golden Rose - first recipient: John Gilmary Shea (father of American Catholic thought) - 2022 recipient: Sharon Lavigne (environmental justice work)


1884: Built as a science hall and then became student center in 1953 - had a Botany hall inside

First football game

1887: lost to Michigan

Catholic University of America

1889: Founded in D.C.

Absolution Under Fire

1891: painting depicting Fr. Corby preaching to soldiers of the Irish Brigade during the Battle of Gettysburg - commissioned by Jimmy Edwards

Cardinal Francesco Satolli

1893: First apostolic delegate to the U.S. (1893-1896) - visited ND - "go forth with Christian book in one hand and the constitution in the other"

Testem Benevolentiae Nostrae

1899: Pope Leo XIII's letter to Cardinal Gibbons; condemns "Americanism" - Democracy at contrast with Vatican, Americanist Controversy

Notre Dame Fieldhouse

1900-1968 - FDR gave a speech here

Maurice Francis Egan

1910: Laetare medalist and English professor

Thomas O'Shaughnessy

1912: Artist of Celtic Revival - Old St. Patrick's Church - NOT the ND OShag

Second KKK

1915: Founded in Indiana - SBN Rally - anti-catholic

Lemmonier Library

1917: Bond Hall built (Lemmonier Library reading room in the Main Building established in 1873)

Bond Hall

1917: Used to be the Lemonnier library (1917-1964) when the original Lemonnier library in Main Building burned down

National Catholic War Council

1917: addresses challenges posed by WWI

Governor Al Smith

1928: Politician, first Roman Catholic and Irish-American to run for President as a major party nominee, but lost to Herbert Hoover - 1929 Laetare Medal

Relevant American Presidents

1929: Hoover 1933: FDR 1945: Truman 1953: Eisenhower 1961: Kennedy 1963: Johnson 1969: Nixon 1974: Ford 1977: Carter 1981: Reagan

Bishop Fulton Sheen

1930: Emmy award winning TV host of "Life is Worth Living" - named "Patriot of the Year" by ND

New Deal Era

1933-1939: FDR and time after the Great Depression

Dorothy Day

1933: Founded Catholic Worker Movement (social change to help the marginalized) - Laetare medal 1972 - "the most significant, interesting, and influential person in the history of American Catholicism" - Porf O'Brien (quotes in Fisher)

Fieldhouse Speech

1935: FDR speech after receiving an ND award

Rockne Memorial

1937: Commemorates Knute Rockne after his death - gothic architecture

Catholic Population Growth

1945-1965: grows from 23.9 million to 45.6 million (90% increase)


1945: Made by Fr. Hes to house all the veterans from the GI Bill (1945-1962)

Senator Joseph McCarthy

1947: Took advantage of fears of communism post-WWII - "McCarthyism": accusation of any dissenters of being communists - Catholic

Pat and Patty Crowley

1949: Founders of the Christian Family Movement (anti-birth control) - Papal Birth Control Commission - 1966 Laetare medal - couple

Civil Rights Movement

1950-1960s: Fr. Hesburgh with MLK at the protest in Chicago - sisters of ND marching for civil rights

"Why the Fighting Irish?"

1953: article by Fr. Charles Carey CSC - the name "keeps alive the memory of a long, uphill fight for recognition against a spirit that was not always generous"

Patriot of the Year Award

1954: ND award given to s/o who best exemplifies American ideals of justice, integrity, and service to the country - John W Gardner

Vietnam War

1955-1975: student protests

Defining Moments of Hesburgh Presidency

1955: John Tracy Ellis published "American Catholics & the Intellectual Life" 1964: Opening of Memorial Library 1962-1965: 2nd Vatican Council** 1967: Land O' Lakes 1968: Student protests

Clare Booth Luce

1957 Laetare medal winner - congresswoman, Bishop Sheen

Moreau Seminary


The Sisters Depart

1958: Nuns leave campus

Blacks at ND

1960: Began seeing Black undergraduates

Judge John Noonan Jr

1961-1966: Notre Dame Law faculty member - objective analysis of Catholic doctrine on birth control - 2x Laetare medal recipient (1984 & 2009) - delivered "in the spirit of the Laetare Medal: lecture in 2009

Second Vatican Council (Vatican II)

1962-1965: Pope to consider the Church in the modern world (4 sessions) * John XXIII (Roncalli) and Paul VI (Montini) - normalized mention of non-Catholic suffering - normalized attacking Catholic officials publically - many officials leave the church after this

Memorial Library

1963: Pre-Hesburgh library - focus on research not football - inspired by Mexican library in UNAM Mexico City - built by Father Hesburgh - Word of Life mural (1964)

Lumen Gentium

1964: Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, principal document of 2nd Vatican Council

Lewis Hall

1965: Originally served as a residence for Sisters pursuing graduate degrees

Dignitatis Humanae

1965: Vatican II document that teaches that the church supports religious freedom** - John Courtney Murray

Land O'Lakes Statement

1967: Statement made with Father Hes about catholic education

Father James Kavanagh

1967: Wants Church reforms but *withdraws from priesthood* (in front of students of ND) b/c of the church's current stances - wants commmunion for the divorced/remarried, birth control, priest marriage, and for the church to not reduce teachings to fear/guilt - "A Modern Priest Looks at His Outdated Church"

"An Open Letter to Rev. Hes"

1968: Observer article that criticizes Fr. Hes for never being at ND and not know about campus going ons - treats students like kids - "Hey! Not They Will but Mine be Done!"

Humanae Vitae

1968: Pope Paul VI's (Montini) encyclical on human life **no birth control, sex is for procreation

Afro-American Society

1968: wanted campus to increase black enrollment/black faculty to 10% - African Studies department

Ti Grace Atkinson

1970: Women's liberation advocate who attacks Catholic Church for "holding women down" - article published in Observer about her

SMC and ND merger

1971: talks began in 1966 but officially singed in 1971 and then also fell apart that same year



Women at ND

1972: Female undergrads - before it was only sisters (and in 1968 laywomen) pursuing MAs - Lewis Hall: convent

Governor Mario Cuomo

1984: NY governor who gave abortion speech at ND - pro-choice

Catholic Statement on Pluralism and Abortion

1984: NYT article that publisized conflict between Vatican and American Catholics on abortion issues - pro-choice

Bishop John D'Arcy

1985-2009: Local bishop of Fort-Wayne - led boycott against Obama

Clarke Memorial Fountain

1986: Stonehenge veteran memorial on north

Ex Corde Ecclesiae

1990: Apostolic Constitution on Catholic Universities - Catholic theologians must receive a Chruch mandate in order to teach theology - Catholics must be the majority of the school faculty

Sister Thea Bowman

1990: First African American Laetare medalist recipient


1992: raised to Basilica by Pope JP II - 44 stain glass windows - Carmelite sisters - attributes of saints - Saint Rose of Lima: 1634 modern canonization - Lugi Gregori murals - Relic chapel - Cardinal O'Hara buried - Statues of Fr. Moreau & Brother Bessette - God, Country, ND door: helmet is Rev. O'Donnell's from WWI

Michael Baxter

1996-2011: CSC priest and yet was not hired to teach at ND - Malloy gives him a job anyways

"Notre Dame is yours, but the world is mine"

1996: Observer article by Nikole Hannah talking about experiencing racism at Notre Dame

James Tunstead Burtchaell

1st** ND provost who allegedly engaged in sexual misconduct with male students - removed from ND theo faculty in 1972 - student course evals, changed academic calender

Michael Brown

2000: ND's first Black leprechaun

Our Lady of Guadalupe

2008: Installed in eastern apsidal chapel in the Basilica

Mary Ann Glendon

2009: wins Laetare medal but declines because of refusal to speak at commencement with President Obama

Columbus Murals

2019: Fr. Jenkins sends email that they will be covered up

1619 Project

2019: NYT magazine initiative trying to place slavery and black Americans at the center of our national historical narrative

Kathleen McChesney

2020 Laetare medal recipient - police officer who investigated sex crimes, Ted Bundy, office of child protection

ND Provosts

2020-2021: Marie Lynn Miranda 2022: John McGreevy (History department)

Dane Sherman: "Our Shared Destiny"

2022 Observer: "ND stands at a crossroads - do we pick Catholicism of weaving, of ensuring that every student, no matter their background feels like they belong and are able to succeed here; or do we pick a veneer of Catholicism that values the fragile exclusive existence of some while leaving our friends on the side of the road?"

Sacrosanctum Concilium

A constitution on the Sacred Liturgy from Vatican II - greater participation from catholic liturgy

John Henry Newman

A leader of the Oxford Movement (anglo-catholicism), converted to Catholicism - became a cardinal & influential writer

National Parish

A parish that serves a congregation from a specific nation e.g. St. Patricks (Irish, 1858) & St. Hedwigs (Polish, 1877) e.g. St. Mary's National Polish Parish Church (1913)

Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk

A prominent anti-Catholic publication by Maria Monk

Protestant Reformation

A religious movement of the 16th century that began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in the creation of Protestant churches

Papal States

A section of central Italy governed by the pope

Fighting Irish

About keeping alive the uphill fight for recognition when discriminated - taking back a slur of anti-irish - like the irish, catholics fight against existing prejudice

Bishop Patrick Francis Kenrick

Advocating for change in education so as to learn catholic religious studies b/c Protestantism was exclusively studied

Father William Corby

American born (1833) but from an Irish immigrant family - studied at ND (1853) - president from 1866-1872 & 1877-1882 - civil war chaplain

Douay-Rheims Bible

An English translation of the Catholic Bible - included annotations and commentary that explains shit

Rev. Paul J. Foik Award

Annual award given to a library faculty member

American Republican Party

Anti-immigrant & anti-catholic - early prototype of the Know-Nothing Party


Applied 17 times to be a college organiztion at ND; - finally VP O'Hara recognized them *Prism ND

"God, Country, Notre Dame"

Autobiography of Fr. Ted (with help of Jerry Reedy) published in 2018 Notes: - May 25, 1917 born, grew up in Syracuse - 1934: came to ND for seminary (Fr. O'Hara was pres) - 1943: ordained - 1949: Fr. Ted becomes ND VP - 1952: ND Pres, Ned Joyce as VP - 1957: Civil Rights Commission - Civil Rights Act of 1964 - 1987: 35 years of presidency ends - Feb 26, 2015: dies

Cardinal McCarrick

Award given to him by ND in 2008: allegations that he sexually abused a boy so schools rescinded the honors given to McCarrick except for ND b/c had not legally been found guilty despite the Pope suspending him and asking for his resignation (2018) - became the first cardinal to resign b/c of sexual abuse (2019)

Notre Dame Curriculum

Based on St. Louis University - Jesuits founded universities first

"What Happened to Notre Dame?"

Book by Albert Freddoso - mentions Land O' Lakes - "ND is like a public school in a Catholic neighborhood"

"Thanking Father Ted"

Book from tons of women ND grads/students

1963 Scholastic

Call for Fr. Ted resignation

Soldiers of the Cross

Catholic chaplains and sisters during the civil war


Charter for ND

Propaganda Fide

Congregation that oversees all missionary territory since 1640s & sends all the missionary people (classified U.S. as a missionary) - changed its name to the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples - Vatican organization at the Holy See

Ursuline Convent

Convent in New Orleans that was destroyed by a fire as a part of anti-catholic discrimination

Father Miscamble

Criticized Hesburgh - "American Priest" * Who teaches? and What is taught? - Catholic neighborhood, ND fitting in

Provincial Superior Bill Lies

Current provincial superior of CSC

Superior Robert Dowd

Current superior of Corby Community

ND: academics vs football?

Defining problem of this time

St. Elizabeth of Hungary

Devoted to a life of simplicity despite being royal - patron saint of charity

Americanist Controversy

Disagreements revolving around Catholic Church vs. American identity - would American Catholics retain strong European ties?

4 Horsemen

Don Miller, Elmer Layden, Jim Crowley, and Harry Stuhldreher - 4 ND football players under Rockne

Jesse Harper

FIRST head football coach 1913-1917 - wrote to USMA to ask to play & we beat them - Knute Rockne played for him * forward pass

Colloquy for the Year 2000

Faculty suggested that achieving academic excellence is to be the forefront of hiring goals, with catholic proportion being "sufficient" - what was actually published by Malloy was that the focus should be to be dedicated to making sure Catholics predominate the faculty

Dr. Tom Dooley

Famous naval doctor, ND grad in 1960 - statue next to grotto - discharged from military for being gay

Rev. Virgil Elizondo

Father of US-Latino religious thought, ND faculty member (2000-2016) - suicide b/c accused of sexually abusing a boy - Laetare medalist 1997

Carey bible

First US*** edition of Catholic bible - Preserving the Steadfastness of Your Faith exhibit


First degrees given from ND

Notre Dame Main Buildings

First: 1843, replaced w/ 2nd in 1865 Second: 1865, burned down Apr 23, 1879 Third (current): 1879** - all at the same location

Father (Saint) Basil Moreau

Founded CSC in 1837 and the Marianites, kinda argued w/ Fr. Sorin a lot - born 1799 in Le Mans, France - ordained 1821 - feast day: Jan 20

Father Edward Sorin

Founded Notre Dame in 1842; sent by Fr. Moreau - French missionary with CSC brothers - journeyed from NY to South Bend - actually wanted to pursue the Indian mission - wanted to be American

Mother Mary Lange

Founded the Oblate Sisters of Providence (first black sisters)

Mother Theodore Guerin

Founded the Sisters of Providence's Saint Mary of the Woods College in Indiana - French


Fr. Sorin founds Notre Dame

Founding Letter

Fr. Sorin writes letter to Fr. Moreau: Dec 05 1842 "this college cannot fail to succeed... Before long, it will develop on a large scale... It will be one of the most powerful means for good in this country"

1960 Commencement

Fr. Ted, Eisenhower, and Cardinal Montini (future Pope Paul VI)

Cardinal Montini

Future Pope Paul VI (from 1963-1978) - continued the 2nd Vatican council - had beef with Fr. Hes

Greg Bourke

Gay catholic: ND published his book "Gay, Catholic, and American"

Carla Harris

Gospel singer & financial executive - 2021 Laetare medal

Tantur Ecumenical Institute

Hesburgh wants to put ND in the international sphere to really build up its reputation

The 1776 Report

Historians should not venerate the past - addressing Trump's 1776 commission (response to 1619 project, MLK Day 2021)

International Federation of Catholic Universities

IFCU, organization of Catholic universities - Fr. Ted elected president in 1963 despite not even being there/wanting presidency - Archbishop did not approve but Paul VI (Montini) overrode this

Statue of Immaculate Conception

In the Plazza di Spagna, Rome - our Mary of the dome is based on her (paid for by Sisters of HCC)

Joe Biden

Inaugurated with a Carey Bible, prominent Catholic politician - 2016 Laetare medal

Thomas Mulledy

Irish leader of MD Jesuits - GU presidents - owned slaves & sold them to other Catholics b/c in debt

Charles D. Maginnis

Irish-American Architect - designed Dillon, Alumni, Law school, Hurley, Cushing - got honorary degree - Laetare medal in 1924

1961 Laetare Medal

JFK - Fr. Ted goes to oval office to present

Sister Louis Augustine Prejean (Helen Prejean CSJ)

Joined sisters in 1957 - 1996 Laetare medal - anti-death penalty - "River of Fire", Jesus at Notre Dame

Land O'Lakes Statement

July 1967 (Wisconsin): Defines what it means to be a modern catholic university - a modern catholic university must have true autonomy and academic freedom from the church - prepped for a Catholic University meeting in 1968 (International Federation of Catholic Universities in Congo) - Fr. Hes & Rev. John Tracy Ellis - CSC and Jesuits signed - aka "Statement on the Nature of the Contemporary Catholic Church" *Notes from document: autonomy, theology, research, service, Catholic style of living

South Bend Rally 1924

KKK took over SBN - ND students protested

Father Lemonnier

Lemonnier Library - 4th president of ND (1872-1874) - nephew of Sorin


Main building rennovation - first Columbus mural protests

Student Protest: 1969

Main building, protest against CIA and Dow Chemical b/c Vietnam war - only time 15-minute rule was used

Stephen Colbert

Most famous American Catholic

John Courtney Murray

Most important theological voice produced by American Catholicism - religious freedom at Vatican II - "We Hold These Truths" - "Dignitatis Humanae"

Catholic Action

Movement calling for active involvement of lay people in the Church - Pius XI (1922)

Rev. James A Burns

ND President 1919-1922 - "Burns Revolution" - closed the preparatory school - University now divided into 4 distinct colleges (Law, A&L, Science, and Engineering) - College of commerce added in 1921 - launched first fund-raising drive - established Advisory Board of Lay Trustees

Fr. John O' Brien

ND faculty member, popularizer of church renewal before the 2nd Vatican Council - Newman Club movement (Catholic universities) - wrote tons of stuff - 1973 Laetare medal

George N. Shuster

ND grad and chair of the English department - President of Hunter College - Assistant to President of ND 1961-1971

John Cardinal O'Hara

ND president 1934-1940 - prefect/chief officer of religion - founded Dean of the College of Commerce - football is a "new crusade that kills prejudice & stimulates faith" - first to host a president (FDR), also hosted Pope Pius XII (Pacelli)

Father John Jenkins

ND president 2005-present - elaborate ceremony which is very different than before - revival of Sorin's mission of most powerful means for doing good

Edward "Monk" Malloy

ND president after Hesburgh from 1987-2005 - ND grad & basketball player

Rev. Matthew J. Walsh

ND president from 1922-1928 - "fighting irish" as a term for athletics - "the university authorities are in no way averse to the name the 'Fighting Irish' as applied to our athletic teams" - SDH opens in 1927 - TONS of residence halls added (Howard, Morrissey, Lyons, SDH)

Rev. Charles L. O'Donnell

ND president from 1928-1934 - ND grad in 1906 - WWI chaplain ** wrote alma mater & designed new university seal that distinguished ND from CSC - "At Notre Dame": "so well I loved these woods I half believe there is an intimate fellowship we share..." --> 300 poems

Rev. John J. Cavanaugh

ND president from 1946-1952 - Fr. Ted VP

Fr. James Burtchaell

ND provost during Hesburgh Era - allegedly engaged in sexual misconduct with students

Kateri Tekakwitha

Native American who converted to Christianity in New France - became a missionary to NA - died a martyr - first NA saint**

St. Mary's National Polish Parish Church

Non-papal Catholic church that places people first in SB

Washington Hall

One of the early buildings and its name for the first American president - shows Sorin's dedication to being American

The Manual Labor School

Opened in 1844, closed in 1919

"Pope Pius IX at Sacred Heart Church"

Painting by Gregori of Pope Pius IX at Basilica - commissioned by Sorin

Progressive Era

Period of political and social reform that lasted roughly from 1890s to 1920s - church mirrored these trends, affected urban Catholics


Physiognomical illustrator/cartoonist - makes fun of the Pope (Leo XIII) - indicates fear of Vatican power reaching US politics and anti-Catholic sentiment

Vagina Monologues

Play about female bodies, removed from campus and then returned in 2008 - Loyal Daughters: Fr. Jenkins response


Policy of supporting the power of the clergy in political/secular matters

Eugenio Pacelli (Pope Pius XII)

Pope from 1939-1958: Pius XII - visited ND before became Pope

Pope John XXIII (Roncalli)

Pope from 1958-1963: supposed to just be a non-controversial Pope but then he wasn't *Vatican II


President Reagan comes to ND to dedicate the 22-cent stamp to Knute Rockne

Rev. Andrew Morrissey

President of ND 1893-1905 - authorized Field House

Rev. John W Cavanaugh

President of ND 1905-1919 - built Lemonnier Library 1917 - closed the manual labor school 1919 - Irish pride movement - hired Knute Rockne - big dudes dude

Sister Jacqueline Grenman

President of Webster College (Hunter College) - proponent of Lay Board of Trustees


Released in 1993

Apparitions of Mary

Reported appearances of Mary - some approved by the Vatican

ND 1946-1952

Rev. John J. Cav is president - 15,000 veterans attend ND - doctoral programs double - # of graduate students rises

"15-minute rule"

Rule created by Fr. Hes: someone using force will only be given 15 minutes to stop

Rev. Julius Aloysius Nieuwland

Science and religion can exist together - research

Father De Seille

Sent to collaborate with Father Badin to Christianize Indians of northern IN & southern MI

Mother Angela Gillespie

Sisters of the Holy Cross and first directress of St Mary's Academy (SMC) - Angela Blvd named after her - her brother joined CSC --> joins sister of CSC

Saint Joseph Parish

South Bend's oldest Catholic community - established by Fr. Sorin as a mission chapel of ND (1853) - Sisters of Holy Cross taught children here beginning in 1866 - replaced by Church of the Assumption

Fair Catch Corby

Statue of Fr. Corby outside of Corby Hall - replica of a Gettysburg battlefield statue by Samuel Murray

Knute Rockne

Successful football coach at ND from 1918-1930

Notre Dame 10

Suspended/expelled kids from the vietnam main building protest in 1969 - 15 min rule

Charles Curran

Taught at ND summer school (Sister Prejean) - Southern Methodist University - authored response to Humanae Vitae - removed from many Catholic faculty positions b/c of anti-Catholic teachings

Canon Law

The body of laws governing the religious practices of a Christian church

Elizabeth Ann Seton

The first American born Saint - converts to catholicism in 1805 - founded Sisters of Charity in Baltimore - canonized in 1975


Unit of geographic organization for the Catholic Church

Holy Cross Hall

Used to be a dorm but no longer - Fr. Hes lived there

James W. Frick

VP for public relations, raised over $300 mil for the university to build 40 new campus buildings - endowment: $9 to $200 million

Student Protests: 1968

Vietnam (dow chemical), prietals, etc. - 1968 = first allowed protest within a ND building (vietnam)

Irish Physiognomy

Violent people, Irish apes e.g. Florence Nightingale vs. Bridget McBruiser

Question of the Era

Who is included in the Notre Dame family? 1) decline in religious life 2) diversity among faculty 3) contested meaning of Catholic

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