NovSpA - DLU1 - Tpc02A - Cuando nací: Los 12 meses del año
Yo nací en mayo.
I was born in a month that has lots of flowers blooming.
Yo nací en junio.
I was born in a month that has the day school gets out for the summer
Yo nací en enero.
I was born in the first month of the year
Yo nací en agosto.
I was born in the month before school starts
Yo nací en septiembre.
I was born in the month of Labor Day
Yo nací en noviembre.
I was born in the month of Thanksgiving
Yo nací en diciembre.
I was born in the month of many holidays
Yo nací en julio.
I was born in the month of our independence day
Yo nací en...
I was born in...
Yo nací en octubre.
I was bornin the month of Halloween
Yo nací en abril.
It tends to rain a lot in this month.
Yo nací en marzo.
St. Patrick's Day is in this month
Yo nací en febrero.
Valentines day is in this month
¿En qué mes naciste?
What month were you born?