NR 222 Week 2 Practice

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Objective: Increase the proportion of females who get screened for breast cancer (C-05).


Objectives: Reduce the proportion of students in grades 9 through 12 who report sunburn (C-10)​.


Anna May (preferred pronouns she, her) is a healthcare professional in an elementary school in a low-income area with a predominantly migrant population. The majority of the students receive free or reduced lunch. School meals are sometimes the only food they receive. She is concerned about nutritional intake for her students and reviews information about "Nutrition and Healthy Eating"(Healthy People, n.d.). ​ Recognizing Cues: Cues That Indicate Concern​ What cues alert Anna that she should be concerned about student nutrition? Select all that apply. ​ Anna works in an elementary school​. Most students receive free or reduced lunch​. Many students only receive meals at school​. The local community is predominately migrant workers​. The school serves low-income households​.

Cues that alert Anna to be concerned about student nutrition are: ​ Most students receive free or reduced lunch​. The school serves low-income households​. The local community is predominately migrant workers.​ Many students only receive meals at school​. Working at an elementary school is not necessarily a cause for concern. ​

Jane (preferred pronouns her, she) is a healthcare professional who recently started a job in a high school health clinic. In the first week, Jane cares for three students with a sexually transmitted infection (STI). She begins to wonder how to improve students' health and well-being in this high school. Analyzing Cues: Analyzing Core Objective Data​ Review the core objectives at the Healthy People 2030 STI data link above. Specify below which objectives have met the target, are improving, or getting worse. ​ Congenital syphilis (STI-04)​

Decreased desire

Jane (preferred pronouns her, she) is a healthcare professional who recently started a job in a high school health clinic. In the first week, Jane cares for three students with a sexually transmitted infection (STI). She begins to wonder how to improve students' health and well-being in this high school. Analyzing Cues: Analyzing Core Objective Data​ Review the core objectives at the Healthy People 2030 STI data link above. Specify below which objectives have met the target, are improving, or getting worse. ​ Gonorrhea rates in male adolescents and young men (STI‑02)

Decreased desire

Jane (preferred pronouns her, she) is a healthcare professional who recently started a job in a high school health clinic. In the first week, Jane cares for three students with a sexually transmitted infection (STI). She begins to wonder how to improve students' health and well-being in this high school. Analyzing Cues: Analyzing Core Objective Data​ Review the core objectives at the Healthy People 2030 STI data link above. Specify below which objectives have met the target, are improving, or getting worse. ​ Pelvic inflammatory disease in female adolescents and young women (STI-07)

Decreased desire

Jane (preferred pronouns her, she) is a healthcare professional who recently started a job in a high school health clinic. In the first week, Jane cares for three students with a sexually transmitted infection (STI). She begins to wonder how to improve students' health and well-being in this high school. Analyzing Cues: Analyzing Core Objective Data​ Review the core objectives at the Healthy People 2030 STI data link above. Specify below which objectives have met the target, are improving, or getting worse. ​ The rate of deaths with hepatitis B as a cause (IID-15)​

Decreased desire

Leading Health Indicators: Cigarette smoking in adults

Decreased desire

Leading Health Indicators: Maternal deaths

Decreased desire

Leading Health Indicators: Proportion of children and adolescents with obesity

Decreased desire

Healthy People Timeline

1990- Decrease overall deaths and increase independence of older adults 2000- Reduce health disparities and achieve preventive access for all 2010- Improve quality of life and eliminate health disparities 2020- Attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death 2030- Focus on health equity, social determinants of health, and health literacy

Target goal of 2030: A review of the leading health indicator for reducing drug overdose deaths reveals that 20.7 OR 21.6people per 100,000 died of a drug overdose in 2019. The Healthy People 2030 target goal is to reduce drug overdose deaths to 20.7 OR 21.6 per 100,000. ​

A review of the leading health indicator for reducing drug overdose deaths reveals that 21.6 people per 100,000 died of a drug overdose in 2019. The Healthy People 2030 target goal is to reduce drug overdose deaths to 20.7 per 100,000. ​

Leading Health Indicator: Reduce Adolescent Tobacco Use​ Match the descriptor for the leading health indicator, "Reduce current tobacco use in adolescents - TU-04" to its corresponding data. ​ 23 percent of students in grades 6 through 12 (2019)- Most Recent Data 11.3 percent of students in grades 6 through 12​- Target​ Decrease desired- Goal

23 percent of students in grades 6 through 12 (2019) - Most Recent Data 11.3 percent of students in grades 6 through 12​ - Target Decrease desired - Goal

Levels of Food Security​ What is the meaning of the term food desert? ​ A dry, arid area where food is able to be grown with minimal resources. ​ A neighborhood without a large supermarket but with an affordable farmer's market. ​ A location where farmers are attempting to grow food under less than ideal conditions. ​ A community with limited access to retailers that carry affordable and nutritious foods. ​

A community with limited access to retailers that carry affordable and nutritious foods. ​ Explanation: An area where people live that has limited access to retailers that carry affordable and nutritious foods is called a food desert. A larger, affordable supermarket is not available, but smaller, more expensive grocery or convenience stores may exist. ​

Which statement is true about the Healthy People initiative?​ a. A new program for national public health, disease prevention, and health promotion efforts that launched recently. ​ b. A program to promote, strengthen, and evaluate the nation's efforts to improve the health and well-being of all people. ​ c. The program's goal is to accommodate for health disparities so minority populations can achieve health equity. ​ d. A program to promote healthy development and behaviors for children. ​

A program to promote, strengthen, and evaluate the nation's efforts to improve the health and well-being of all people. Explanation: The Healthy People initiative is a program that was established by the Department of Health and Human Services in the United States. Its main goal is to promote, strengthen, and evaluate the nation's efforts to improve the health and well-being of all people. This is achieved through setting specific, measurable objectives that are science-based and span a decade. The initiative is not specifically for children, not a new program, and while it does aim to improve health equity, its primary goal is not to accommodate for health disparities in minority populations.

Generating Solutions: Target Goal for 2030 Go to Healthy People 2023 and research STI-01

A review of the core objective target reveals that 52.9% of sexually active females aged 16 to 24 were screened for chlamydial infections in 2018. The Healthy People 2030 target goal is for 76.5% of young females to be screened. ​

Jane (preferred pronouns her, she) is a healthcare professional who recently started a job in a high school health clinic. In the first week, Jane cares for three students with a sexually transmitted infection (STI). She begins to wonder how to improve students' health and well-being in this high school. Prioritizing Hypotheses: Goals for the Action Plan​ From Jane's research, which goals should she incorporate into her plan? Select all that apply. Increase screening and testing for STIs​ Reduce the number of STIs diagnosed weekly​ Improve student knowledge of STIs​ Refer students for STI treatment​ Improve student knowledge of STI prevention​


What are FDA enforcement action efforts to prevent e-cigarette use in adolescents? Select all that apply Bar retailers who are caught selling to minors from future sales​ Ban production of unauthorized flavored products that appeal to children Develop resources aimed at youths about the dangers of e-cigarette use Hold retailers accountable for sales to minors​


Prioritizing Hypotheses: Goals for Presentation From Li's research, which goals should he plan for the presentation? Select all that apply.​ Explain the effects of smoking on health Teach factors that increase risk for tobacco use and dependence​ Demonstrate peer pressure management strategies​ Define stress management strategies Provide resources for smoking cessation

ALL Explanation: Adolescents need to be aware of modifiable and nonmodifiable risk factors to increase tobacco use and dependence, as well as the health effects of smoking. Li should discuss peer pressure and stress management strategies and provide resources for smoking cessation.

Prioritizing Hypotheses: Goals for Improving Student Nutrition ​ From Anna's research, which goals should she plan for improving student nutrition? Select all that apply. Increase the amount of dark green, red, and orange vegetables served weekly.​ Discuss the School Breakfast Program with administration. ​ Ensure healthy snacks that include fruit are provided during the school day. Teach age-appropriate nutrition classes to students. ​ Prepare information for families on how to receive federally-funded nutrition assistance.​

ALL Explanation: Anna should focus on the following goals in her efforts to improve student nutrition:​ Ensure healthy snacks that include fruit are provided during the school day. ​ Increase the amount of dark green, red, and orange vegetables served weekly.​ Prepare information for families on how to receive federally-funded nutrition assistance.​ Discuss the School Breakfast Program with administration. ​ Teach age-appropriate nutrition classes to students. ​

Which client behaviors are suspicious of excessive substance use? Select all that apply.​ Easily agitated​ Self-inflicted trauma​ Frequent injuries ​ History of attempted suicide​ Concentration problems​

ALL Explanation: Client behaviors that are suspicious of substance use disorders include:​ agitation​ problems thinking clearly, remembering, or paying attention​ poor coordination (frequent injuries)​ seizures or respiratory depression​ self-inflicted trauma and suicidal ideation​

Smoking Cessation Treatments​ Which are smoking cessation treatments? Select all that apply. ​ Counseling Behavior modification therapy​ Buproprion hydrochloride Varenicline tartrate Nicotine patches​

ALL Explanation: Nicotine replacement therapy (nicotine patches), psychotherapy (behavior modification and counseling), and medications (varenicline and buproprion) are all smoking cessation treatments. ​

Evaluating Outcomes: Evidence-Based Resources​ After reviewing recommendations from Healthy People 2030, Jamal understands that it is important to administer naloxone to prevent OR reverse opioid overdose. Increasing access to narcotics OR treatment can help reduce overdose deaths. ​

After reviewing recommendations from Healthy People 2030, Jamal understands that it is important to administer naloxone to reverse opioid overdose. Increasing access to treatment can help reduce overdose deaths.

Leading Health Indicators Which Healthy People 2030 leading health indicator (LHI) is aimed at reducing healthcare costs?​ Increase the proportion of people with health insurance (AHS-01)​ Increase the proportion of people with a usual primary care provider (AHS-07)​ Increase the proportion of adults who get recommended evidence-based preventive healthcare (AHS-08)​ Reduce the proportion of emergency department visits with a longer wait time than recommended (AHS-09)​

Although each of these objectives is aimed at improving healthcare access and quality, only AHS-01 is a leading health indicator for 2030. The other objectives are core objectives under the healthcare access and quality of care category.

Go to Healthy People 2023 and research STI-01 Evaluating Outcomes: Interpreting Evidence-Based Resources​ Jane knows that chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections diagnosed in female adolescents. She decides to focus her efforts on the core objective STI-01, "Increase the proportion of sexually active female adolescents and young women who get screened for chlamydia (STI-01)." Based on Healthy People, Jane understands that it is important to screen sexually active

Based on Healthy People, Jane understands that it is important to screen sexually active females under 25 years old for chlamydia annually.

Tobacco Use in Adolescents​ Which factors increase the risk of tobacco use in adolescents? Select all that apply. ​ Diagnosed with depression Graduating from high school​ Having a Medicare health plan​ Highly stressful situation​s Belonging to a minority racial group

Belonging to a minority racial group, highly stressful situations, and a mental health diagnosis (depression) increase the risk of tobacco use. ​ Being uninsured or having Medicaid (low socioeconomic group) are risk factors. Medicare is a health plan for adults over the age of 65 years. Not graduating from high school is a risk factor. ​

Health assessment tools: For each question, click to specify if the question is part of the Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription medication, and other Substance use (TAPS) assessment or CAGE assessment. ​ Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking?​ In the past 12 months, how often have you used any drugs, including marijuana, cocaine or crack, heroin, methamphetamine (crystal meth), hallucinogens, ecstasy/MDMA?​ In the past 12 months, how often have you used tobacco or any other nicotine delivery product?​ Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover?​ In the past 12 months, how often have you used any prescription medications just for the feeling, more than prescribed, or that were not prescribed for you?​ Have you ever felt you should cut down on your drinking? ​ Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your drinking? ​ In the past 12 mon


Taking Action: Locating Evidence-Based Resources ​ Li's audience for his presentation is adolescents. Therefore, he decides to focus on leading health indicator (LHI) TU-04, "Reduce current tobacco use in adolescents." Li reviews the evidence-based resources for this LHI objective. Which organization made the screening recommendations?​ American Nurses Association Centers for Disease Control and Prevention American Academy of Pediatrics​ National Institute on Drug Abuse

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The organizations that made the screening recommendations for this LHI Included:​ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention​ Office of the Surgeon General​ U.S. Preventive Services Task Force​ National Institutes of Health​ While they may have been stakeholders in the process, the organizations that did not make the screening recommendations specifically for this LHI included: American Academy of Pediatrics National Institute of Drug Abuse American Nurses Association

Generating Solutions: Finding Food Assistance for Students​ Many students remain in after-school care once the school day ends. Which federally-funded program provides meals for students participating in after-school activities?​ Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program​ Child and Adult Care Food Program​ Emergency Food Assistance Program​ Commodity Supplemental Food Program

Child and Adult Care Food Program​ Explanation: The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is a federal program that provides reimbursements for nutritious meals and snacks to eligible children and adults over the age of 60 who are enrolled in participating daycare centers. The program also provides meals for children participating in after-school activities and residing in emergency shelters.​ The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) is a federal program that helps supplement the diets of low-income Americans by providing emergency food assistance at no cost through food banks, which then distribute to local organizations that directly serve the public.​ The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSEP) works to improve the health of low-income persons older than 60 years by supplementing their diets with healthy foods.​ The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides nutrition benefits to supplement the food budgets of low-income families so they can purchase healthy food.​

Healthcare Value in the United States Which statement is true regarding healthcare value in the United States (U.S.) in 2020?​ Higher U.S. healthcare spending improves health outcomes.​ Federal government spending has decreased despite the COVID-19 pandemic​. Despite high spending, the U.S. has poor healthcare outcomes. ​ U.S. healthcare spending and value is similar to peer countries. ​

Despite high spending, the U.S. has poor healthcare outcomes. ​ Explanation: When compared to peer countries, the U.S. spends nearly twice as much on healthcare yet has the worst outcomes and lowest life expectancy.​ U.S. healthcare spending is much higher than our peer countries. Value is less than peer countries. Federal government spending for healthcare increased 36%, largely due to response to the COVID-19 pandemic.​

Objectives: Increase the proportion of females at increased risk who get genetic counseling for breast and/or ovarian cancer (C-D01)​.


Emergency Food Assistance Program

Each state receives food based on the unemployment rate and the number of households living below the poverty level

Adolescents and Tobacco Use: A 16-year-old student tells the healthcare professional that they smoke e-cigarettes daily. Which is the best action by the professional?​ Tell the student to stop vaping Contact the student's parents to inform them Explain that tobacco use is not appropriate at this age Educate that tobacco use in adolescents can have lifelong health effects

Educate that tobacco use in adolescents can have lifelong health effects. Explanation: Education is the best strategy for the healthcare professional to take. ​ Informing the parents will diminish the student's trust in the professional. Telling the student that vaping is not appropriate and that they should stop will not likely work. ​

Analyzing Cues: Most Common Tobacco Product​ Which tobacco product is most common among adolescents?​ Smokeless tobacco Cigars Hookah pipe Electronic cigarettes​

Electronic cigarettes have been the most commonly used product among adolescents​.

Healthcare Costs in the United States​ Healthcare costs in the United States are increasing OR decreasing annually. This is congruent within OR in opposition to similar peer countries.

Healthcare costs in the United States are increasing annually. This is in opposition to similar peer countries.

Taking Action: Suggested Resolutions Which legislative act should Anna review in her efforts to better understand childhood nutrition programs?​ Dietary Guidelines for Americans USDA's MyPlate Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act​ Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act

Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act Explanation: The Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 is the legislation that authorized all core child nutrition programs.​ The Dietary Guidelines for Americans is nutrition advice for all Americans developed every 5 years by a professional panel. ​ The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act established quality standards for foods, drugs, medical devices, and cosmetics manufactured and sold in the U.S. ​ USDA's MyPlate is an easy to follow nutritional guide published to help people build healthy eating patterns over time. ​

Objective Categories: How are Healthy People 2030 objectives categorized? Select all that apply. ​ By the setting By race By gender By social determinants of health By health condition By population​ By health behavior

Healthy People 2030 objectives are categorized by topic to aid in easily locating information. The categories include population, health behavior, social determinants of health, health condition, and setting. ​ Objectives are not categorized by gender or race. ​

Health Effects of Tobacco: Which health effects are the result of tobacco use? Select all that apply. ​ Heart disease​ Weight gain Increased aging appearance Diabetes mellitus​ Osteoarthritis

Heart disease, diabetes mellitus, increased aging appearance Explanation: Smoking causes cancer, stroke, heart disease, and lung disease. It increases the risk for tuberculosis, certain eye diseases, diabetes mellitus type 2, and autoimmune dysfunction, including rheumatoid arthritis. Smoking increases peristalsis, leads to weight loss, and favors wrinkling of the skin.​ Smoking does not cause osteoarthritis or weight gain. ​

Family #2 has a significant household income. They purchase groceries every week and the pantry is well stocked at all times.

High food security

A major goal of Healthy People 2030 is to increase the number of people with medical insurance. What is the target goal for this objective?​

Increase the number of persons under 65 with medical insurance from 89% to 92% Explanation: The leading health indicator is to increase the proportion of people with health insurance. The target goal is to increase the percentage of persons under 65 years who have medical insurance from 89% to 92%. ​ All other answer options are incorrect goals for this LHI.

Jane (preferred pronouns her, she) is a healthcare professional who recently started a job in a high school health clinic. In the first week, Jane cares for three students with a sexually transmitted infection (STI). She begins to wonder how to improve students' health and well-being in this high school. Analyzing Cues: Analyzing Core Objective Data​ Review the core objectives at the Healthy People 2030 STI data link above. Specify below which objectives have met the target, are improving, or getting worse. ​ Knowledge of HIV status (HIV-02)

Increased desire

Jane (preferred pronouns her, she) is a healthcare professional who recently started a job in a high school health clinic. In the first week, Jane cares for three students with a sexually transmitted infection (STI). She begins to wonder how to improve students' health and well-being in this high school. Analyzing Cues: Analyzing Core Objective Data​ Review the core objectives at the Healthy People 2030 STI data link above. Specify below which objectives have met the target, are improving, or getting worse. ​ The proportion of sexually active female adolescents and young women who get screened for chlamydia (STI-01)

Increased desire

Leading Health Indicators: Proportion of adults who do enough aerobic and muscle-strengthening activity

Increased desire

Leading Health Indicators: Proportion of adults who get screened for colorectal cancer

Increased desire

Goals of Objectives: When reviewing the core objectives related to social determinants of health, which are the goals for Healthy People 2030? Select all that apply.​ Increase educational opportunities ​ Help healthcare providers and clients use health information technology​ Create neighborhoods that promote health and safety Promote safe and active transportation​ Increase social and community support​

Increasing social and community support, increasing educational opportunities, and creating neighborhoods that promote health and safety are Healthy People 2030 goals under the social determinants of health category. ​ Promoting safe and active transportation and helping healthcare providers and clients use health information technology are in the settings and systems category.

Taking Action: Locating Evidence-based Resources: Go to Healthy People 2023 and research STI-01

Jane reviews the evidence-based resources for this core objective. Which organization made the screening recommendations?​ U.S. Preventive Services Task Force ​

Jane (preferred pronouns her, she) is a healthcare professional who recently started a job in a high school health clinic. In the first week, Jane cares for three students with a sexually transmitted infection (STI). She begins to wonder how to improve students' health and well-being in this high school. Recognizing Cues: Cues That Indicate Concern ​Which cues alert Jane that she should be concerned?

Jane works in a high school and has seen three STI cases in a week. Explanation: Adolescents are at higher risk of acquiring an STI. Therefore, the cue Jane should be concerned with is working in a high school with three STI cases in a week. STIs impact both males and females and infect all ethnicities. ​Jane's level of experience working with teenagers is not relevant. ​

Evaluating Outcomes: Strategies to Reduce Adolescent Tobacco Use​ Li's audience for his presentation is adolescents. Therefore, he decides to focus on leading health indicator (LHI) TU-04, "Reduce current tobacco use in adolescents." Li's presentation is well attended by both students and school administration. ​Which positive action by school administration would be most successful in reducing tobacco use among adolescents?​ Lock student bathrooms in between classes​ Institute a smoke-free campus policy​ Launch a poster media campaign highlighting dangers and treatment resources​ Suspend students caught using tobacco on campus​

Launch a poster media campaign highlighting dangers and treatment resources​. Explanation: The most positive action by school administration would be a poster media campaign highlighting dangers and treatment resources.​ Locking student bathrooms and instituting a smoke-free campus policy only deter tobacco use on campus, but not in general. Suspension for students caught using tobacco on campus is a reaction not a prevention strategy.

Family #1 has a very unstable income. The family always has food but often eats fast food because it is cheaper.

Low food security

The primary guardian of family #4 is a consultant who doesn't always have a steady income. Sometimes they must budget carefully but always manage to provide food for their family.

Marginal food security

Types of objectives: Core Developmental Research

Measurable objectives that are associated with 10-year targets. Objectives that represent high-priority public health issues but do not yet have reliable baseline data. Objectives that represent public health issues with a high health or economic burden or significant disparities between population groups but are not yet associated with evidence-based interventions.

Leading Health Indicator: Reduce Drug Overdose Deaths ​Match the descriptor for the leading health indicator, "Reduce drug overdose deaths - SU-03," to its corresponding data. ​

Most recent data: 21.6 drug overdose deaths per 100,000 population​ ​Target​: 20.7 drug overdose deaths per 100,000 population​ ​Goal​: Maintain the baseline​

Li Chen (preferred pronouns he, him) is a healthcare professional in a high school health clinic. He is concerned about adolescent tobacco use and plans an educational session for the students. In preparation for the presentation, he reviews Healthy People 2030 for information on adolescent tobacco use.​ Recognizing Cues: Cues That Indicate Concern​ What cues alert Li that he should be concerned about adolescent tobacco use?​ The majority of the student population is female The high school is located in an affluent school district Most tobacco use begins in adolescence The majority of the student population is Caucasian

Most tobacco use begins in adolescence Explanation: The majority of all tobacco use begins in childhood and adolescence. This cue is the alert that Li should be concerned about. ​ Tobacco use is more common in males, minority races, and people with lower incomes. ​

Child and Adult Care Food Program

Must be an adult over the age of 60 enrolled in a participating daycare center​

National School Lunch Program ​

Must be homeless, migrant, or a foster child​

Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children

Must be pregnant, postpartum, and/or breastfeeding

Taking Action: Evidence-Based Resources​ Jamal reviews the evidence-based resources for this leading health indicator. Which organization made the screening recommendations?​ National Institute on Drug Abuse​ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention​ American Academy of Family Physicians​ Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics​

National Institute on Drug Abuse On the Healthy People 2030 webpage for this leading health indicator, the majority of evidence-based resources came from the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The other answer options (resources) did not provide screening recommendations.

Analyzing Cues: Governmental Food Assistance programs​ Which food assistance program is providing free or reduced lunches for elementary children?​ National School Lunch Program Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children​ Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Child and Adult Care Food Program​

National School Lunch Program Explanation: The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) provides nutritionally balanced, low-cost, or free lunches to eligible students each school day. ​ The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides nutrition benefits to supplement the food budgets of low-income families so they can purchase healthy food. ​ The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is a federal program that provides reimbursements for nutritious meals and snacks to eligible children and adults over the age of 60 who are enrolled in participating daycare centers​. The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) is available to low-income women who are pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding as well as their infants and children up to age 5 years.

Types of objectives: What is a leading health indicator?​ Objective that is not associated with evidence-based interventions​ Objective that focuses on factors that are a major cause of morbidity or mortality​ Objective in a grouping of 355 that reflects high-priority public health issues​ Objective that focuses on high-priority public health issues but without reliable baseline data​

Objective that focuses on factors that are a major cause of morbidity or mortality. Explanation: The Healthy People 2030 Leading Health Indicators (LHIs) are objectives that place emphasis on important factors that impact major causes of death and disease in the United States.​ Developmental objectives represent high-priority public health issues that are associated with evidence-based interventions but do not yet have reliable baseline data. ​ Research objectives represent public health issues with a high health or economic burden or significant disparities between population groups. They are not yet associated with evidence-based interventions. ​ Core objectives are a set of 355 measurable objectives that are associated with 10-year targets for the decade. They reflect high-priority public health issues and are associated with evidence-based interventions.

Clients with substance use disorders may exhibit suicidal ideation. Which best describes suicidal ideation?​ Suicide by hanging ​ Attempting suicide​ Planning suicide​ Succeeding at a suicide attempt​

Planning suicide Explanation: Suicidal ideation is defined as thinking about or planning suicide.​ Attempting, whether successful or unsuccessful, is not suicidal ideation, it is self-harm and suggests a need for more advanced mental health care.

Reviewing Core Objective Data: Eliminate cigarette smoking initiation in adolescents and young adults (TU-10). Reduce current cigar smoking in-adolescents (TU-07). Reduce current use of flavored tobacco products in adolescents who use tobacco (TU-09)

Reducing cigar smoking in adolescents is improving. Eliminating cigarette smoking initiation in adolescents and young adults is improving. Reducing current use of flavored tobacco is at baseline.

Objective: Increase the proportion of people who discuss interventions to prevent cancer with their providers (C-R02)


Objective: Increase the proportion of people with colorectal cancer who get tested for Lynch syndrome (C-R03).


Recognizing Cues: Intake Assessment Click to select all the assessment findings that indicate Izaak may have a substance use problem. ​ Izaak (preferred pronouns he, him) walks into the urgent care clinic today requesting narcotic pain medication for a back injury. He has clearly been crying and reports his pain as 10 out of 10. When asked to describe how the injury occurred, he becomes agitated and has difficulty remembering the incident. ​ Izaak reports three previous visits to the emergency department for the same injury and lists two different primary care providers on his intake form. Upon assessment, the healthcare professional notes several cuts on his right wrist that appear self-inflicted. Izaak denies suicidal ideation at this time.

Several findings are suspicious for a substance use problem including:​ requesting narcotic pain medication (this specific request is unusual)​ agitated behavior​ difficulty remembering how the injury occurred​ three previous visits to the emergency department (ED) listing two different primary care providers​ cuts on the wrist that appear self-inflicted​ Crying and rating pain as 10/10 are not suggestive of a substance abuse problem. Expressing, not denying, suicidal ideation is suggestive of a substance use problem. ​

Assessment findings indiciative of substance abuse disorders: Click to specify if the documentation in the medical record should or should not alert the healthcare professional to a possible opioid addiction. ​Missed three prenatal appointments last month Diagnosed with chlamydia at 10 weeks' and 24 weeks' gestation​ Requested non-pharmacologic strategies to help with sleeping​ Arm and back bruising suggestive of intimate partner violence​ History of sexual abuse during high school​ History of three previous abortions​ Admitted to the hospital last week after breathing stopped​ Delivered three previous full-term babies without complications​ Requested an epidural for pain control during delivery​

Should alert Should alert Should not alert Should alert Should alert Should alert Should alert Should not alert Should not alert Explanation: Documentation in the medical record that should alert the nurse to a possible opioid addiction includes:​ missed three prenatal appointments last month diagnosed with chlamydia at 10 weeks' and 24 weeks' gestation​ arm and back bruising suggestive of intimate partner violence​ history of sexual abuse during high school​ history of three previous abortions​ admitted to the hospital last week after breathing​ stopped Requesting non-pharmacologic sleep strategies, previous history of child deliveries without complications, and requesting an epidural for pain control during delivery are not signs suggestive of an opioid addiction

Substance use disorder is associated with several destructive social conditions. For which conditions should the nurse assess? Select all that apply. Child abuse​ Intimate partner violence​ Marital issues​ Respiratory arrest​ Seizures Financial problems​

Substance use disorders are associated with child abuse, intimate partner violence, financial problems, and marital issues. These are social conditions. ​ Although substance use disorders are associated with seizures and respiratory arrest, these are not social conditions. ​

Leading Health Indicator: Reduce Household Food Insecurity​ Match the descriptor for the leading health indicator, "Reduce household food insecurity and hunger—NWS-01" to its corresponding data. ​ Target: 6 percent of households Goal: Decrease from the baseline Most recent data (2020): 10.5 percent of households ​

Target: 6 percent of households Goal: Decrease from the baseline Most recent data (2020): 10.5 percent of households ​

Analyzing Cues: Identifying Substance Abuse Disorder​ Izaak (preferred pronouns he, him) walks into the urgent care clinic today requesting narcotic pain medication for a back injury. He has clearly been crying and reports his pain as 10 out of 10. When asked to describe how the injury occurred, he becomes agitated and has difficulty remembering the incident. Izaak reports three previous visits to the emergency department for the same injury and lists two different primary care providers on his intake form. Upon assessment, the healthcare professional notes several cuts on his right wrist that appear self-inflicted. Izaak denies suicidal ideation at this time. Izaak's pupils are constricted and he is slurring words. His respiratory rate is slow at 9 breaths per minute. He continues to have trouble concentrating when answering questions. A call to the local pharmacy reveals that Izaak was prescribed oxycodone tab

The client is most likely demonstrating symptoms of an opioid use disorder. Izaak's symptoms (pupillary constriction, slow respiratory rate, and difficulty concentrating) as well as his specific request for narcotic medications despite being prescribed a narcotic (oxycodone) last week indicate he is likely suffering from an opioid use disorder. ​ Methamphetamines produce a stimulant effect on the central nervous system, not a depressive effect. Izaak's symptoms are most consistent with opioid overdose, not alcohol use.

Data Trends and Prevention Strategies:​ The data for the leading health indicator "Reduce current tobacco use in adolescents - TU-04" is declining OR improving at baseline. Increasing access to medications OR prices and mass media campaigns are the most beneficial strategies to meet the goal. ​

The data for the leading health indicator "Reduce current tobacco use in adolescents - TU-04" is at baseline. Increasing prices and mass media campaigns are the most beneficial strategies to meet the goal. Explanation: Currently, the data shows this objective's data at baseline. ​ Population-level interventions to reduce tobacco use include price increases, mass media campaigns, and smoke-free policies.​

Prioritizing Hypotheses: Prioritizing Care for Izaak​ The healthcare professional should address Izaak's addiction OR physical symptoms, and then his addiction OR physical symptoms.

The healthcare professional should address Izaak's physical symptoms, and then his addiction. ​ His physical symptoms pose the greatest risk to his immediate health. Once recovered, his addiction can be managed.​

Data Trends and Prevention Strategies​​

The objective data for the leading health indicator "Reduce drug overdose deaths - SU-03" is getting worse. Increasing access to naloxone is recommended as a death prevention strategy. ​ Explanation: Currently, the data shows that this objective's data is getting worse. Increasing access to naloxone can reverse opioid overdoses and prevent deaths.​ Naloxone is the reversal agent for opioid overdose. Nalbuphine is an opioid pain medication that could cause opioid addiction and overdose. ​

Primary Causes of Increased Healthcare Spending​ What are the primary causes of increased healthcare spending in the United States? Select all that apply. ​ Increasing births annually​ Innovations in care​ Decreasing vaccination rates​ Advanced technology​ New prescription drug development

The primary causes of increased healthcare spending in the U.S. are advanced technology, new prescription drug development, and innovations in care. ​ Births in the U.S. are actually declining annually. Vaccination rates are increasing annually. ​

Family #3 is a single-parent household with four small children. The guardian isunemployed and struggles to pay rent each month. The guardian manages to find small amounts of food for the children but often goes without themselves.

Very low food security

Naloxone is administered to Izaak and he is transferred to an acute care facility. After Izaak is discharged, Jamal, ahealthcare professional at the urgent care clinic, recalls caring for three clients similar to Izaak just this week and decides to review the link for Healthy People 2030 for data on drug overdose.a. Based on Jamal's research, which goals should be incorporated into the clinic's plan for management of opioid overdose? Denying care to clients who are drug seeking. Collaboration with a substance use treatment facility. Compiling a list of community resources for substance use disorder. Quick identification of symptoms of overdose. Administration of naloxone as a reversal agent.

quick identification of symptoms of overdose​ administration of naloxone as a reversal agent​ collaboration with a substance use treatment facility ​ compiling a list of community resources for substance use disorder​ Explanation: Denying care to clients who are drug-seeking is not addressing the problem. ​​

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