NT: 1&2 Corinthians

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What did Paul say that was interpreted in the notes as a valid reason for divorce?

But if the unbeliever leaves (initiates a divorce), let them.

What is chapter 13 known for?


What were the four problems in this church?

1. Divisions 2. Specific Immorality 3. Lawsuits 4. General Immorality

What two issues does Paul address regarding public worship?

First, the role of women in public worship. Second, the Lord's Supper.

Why did Paul say it was advantageous to stay unmarried?

It is advantageous in terms of serving the Lord without distractions

Who was (again) on the scene attacking Paul and is gospel?


Why did Paul have to address sexual immorality (the reputation of the city of Corinth)?

Major problem in Corinth. Immorality is a sin against one's own body, which is really the Lord's

What characterizes this letter in terms of its content and tone?

Most personal and least doctrinal of Paul's letters, and has a great deal of autobiographical material. It is also very emotional.

When and where did Paul write 1 Corinthians (in relation to his missionary journeys)?

Paul began his third journey by traveling back through Asia Minor, visiting the churches he founded there. Paul then traveled to Ephesus, where he spent some three years ministering (c. 52-55). During this time, Paul received word from the Christians in Corinth (from Chloe's household members, 1 Corinthians 1:11; maybe also from Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus, who brought a financial gift to Paul, 1 Corinthians 16:17) regarding problems and some questions that they needed answers to (1 Corinthians 7:1). He may have made a personal visit to Corinth from Ephesus which is not recorded in Acts (see his reference to anticipating a third visit in 2 Corinthians 12:14, 13:1-2. When was the second visit?). Also, Paul may have written a letter that is not included in the New Testament canon (1 Corinthians 5:9—a lost letter?).At this point, toward the end of his extensive Ephesus ministry, Paul wrote what we know as 1 Corinthians (end of Acts 19).

What important metaphor does Paul present in chapter 12?

Paul uses the metaphor of the body to illustrate that God has sovereignly given each Christian a spiritual gift or gifts, as He has pleased, for the good of the entire body. All gifts are important.

What is the basic issue in chapters 12-14? What was the problem behind it in the Corinthian church?

Spiritual gifts are God-given abilities to serve other Christians. Evidently, the church in Corinth had a lot of spiritual gifts, but these were being abused and there was also some pride regarding having certain spiritual gifts.

What is significant in Paul referring to them as "sanctified" and "saints" over against their reputation as a church (1:2)?

That has to do with our position in Christ, not our spiritual maturity.

What was the Corinthians' basic question/misunderstanding regarding marriage?

The Corinthian believers were the ones saying, "it is good for a man not to touch a woman" (7:1) Paul also deals with the common situation of a "mixed marriage"—an unbelieving spouse and a believing spouse. His advice is that the believer should not leave (divorce) his or her spouse just because he or she is an unbeliever.

What was wrong with how the Corinthian church was dealing with the man involved with his step-mother?

The additional problem was that the rest of the Christians were tolerating it rather than condemning it (5:2). Paul condemns it (5:3) and calls for the Corinthian Christians to not associate with such a person (a sinning Christian, not an unbeliever) They were to remove such a person from among them and not tolerate sin (5:9-13).

What was the original issue regarding Christian liberty? How did Paul address the issue?

The broad issue that Paul addresses here is that of "amoral" issues, that is, what is neither immoral (condemned) or moral (commanded) according to Scripture. The particular question arises from the situation of eating meat offered to an idol (cf. Romans 14 for this same kind of issue). Paul says that there is really nothing wrong with this because idols are nothing. But, if this, or any Christian liberty, offends another Christian, it should not be done (8:9).

What is chapter 15 known for? Why is this so important for the Christian faith?

The concept of resurrection in the Bible. Christ's resurrection is the first fruit of Christians' resurrection (v. 20).

What has caused the divisions and what was to be the proper basis of unity?

The divisions that Paul had heard about were due to allegiance to various spiritual leaders (1:11-12). Paul's exhortation was for them to be united "in the same mind and in the same judgment" (1:10). This meant that that which they had in common—Christ (1:13) and the gospel (1:18-31)—was to be regarded as more important than their differences.

What is the occasion and purpose of 2 Corinthians?

The occasion was provided by the news Titus brought from Corinth and what had been happening there up to that time. Paul's purpose in writing 2 Corinthians: 1. to express his joy over their change of heart and spiritual turn-around, 2. to defend the gospel of grace against the attacks of the Judaizers, and 3. to defend himself and his apostleship against the attacks of the Judaizers.

What was the occasion and purpose of 1 Corinthians?

The occasion was the problems in the Corinthian church and the questions from the Corinthian church. The Corinthian church has the notorious reputation of being the most spiritually immature church among the early churches recorded in the NT. Paul's purpose in writing 1 Corinthians: 1. to correct the problems that he knew existed in the Corinthian church, and 2. to answer the questions raised by the Corinthian believers.

Regarding financial giving, what did Paul give as the manner, the motive, and the promise?

the manner—generously (8:7ff.) the motive—cheerfulness, not compulsion (9:7) the promise—if they were generous with others, God would generously meet their own needs (9:6, 8, 10-11)

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