NTDT200 Chapter 3 Summative Quiz

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absorption occurs when nutrients and other substances: a.) are removed from the large intestine b.) are removed from the lumen of the GI tract to enter the bloodstream only c.) pass from the stomach to the small intestine d.) are removed from the lumen of the GI tract to enter the bloodstream or lymphatic system


active transport

Energy-requiring process that moves material across a cell membrane against a concentration difference. low to high

the pancreas releases juices made of

-bicarbonate: neutrolizes acid chyme -amylase: carbs -proteases: protein -lipase: fat

all of the following about gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are true EXCEPT: a.) symptoms are controlled by eating large meals b.) GERD is caused by a recurrent back flow of acid from the stomach into the esophagus c.) untreated GERD increases the risk of developing certain cancers or other complications d.) it is accompanied by inflammation and/or erosion of the esophageal lining


the majority of mechanical digestion occurs in: a.) the stomach b.) the small intestine c.) the mouth d.) the large intestine


which of the following CORRECTLY matches an organ of the digestive system with one of its primary functions? a.) pancreas - produces enzymes that digest fats, proteins, and carbohydrates b.) gallbladder - produces bile that aids in protein digestion c.) stomach - produces and releases amylase d.) salivary glands - produce and secrete a protease


which of the following is NOT true about the small intestine? a.) the duodenum, jejunum, ileum, and cecum are sections of the small intestine b.) brush border enzymes complete the digestion of carbohydrates and proteins prior to absorption c.) the small intestine is the primary site for digestion and absorption d.) together the circular folds, villi, and microvilli provide an enormous surface area to enhance absorption


which of the following is NOT true of enzymes? a.) enzymes are unaffected by acidic conditions b.) all enzymes are proteins c.) enzymes that digest proteins cannot digest carbohydrates d.) enzymes are reused over and over again


which of the following statements is NOT true of the circulatory system and its transport of nutrients? a.) water-soluble nutrients leave the small intestine via lymph b.) lymph empties into the blood just before the blood reaches the heart c.) nutrients that leave the small intestine via blood are delivered first to the liver d.) most fats enter the lymphatic system after they are absorbed


facilated diffusion

a protein moves specific substances across the cell membrane .no energy is required. high to low.

What is celiac disease?

an autoimmune disease in which people cant eat gluten because is damages their small intestine

There is essentially NO absorption of _____ in the large intestine a.) fats b.) carbohydrates c.) electrolytes d.) water


the majority of chemical digestion occurs in the: a.) large intestine b.) small intestine c.) mouth d.) stomach


when you eat a cheeseburger, the burger, cheese, and bun are broken down into tiny particles, releasing nutrients and other food components. this process is called: a.) ingestion b.) digestion c.) absorption d.) excretion


which of the following is NOT characteristic of peristalsis? a.) it begins in the esophagus and ends in the rectum b.) its primary responsibility is too mix the contents in the GI tract with digestive fluids c.) it involves the contraction of both circular and longitudinal muscles d.) it involves rhythmic, wavelike contractions


which of the following is NOT true of bacteria in the large intestine? a.) they produce short-chain fatty acids as they break down dietary fiber b.) probiotics assist in absorbing carbohydrates and amino acids c.) they make up the majority of the dry weight of feces d.) they produce a few vitamins


which of the following is NOT true of celiac disease? a.) corn and rice are grains that can be safely consumed by those with celiac disease b.) celiac disease only affects the small intestine c.) celiac disease destroys the villi of the small intestine d.) celiac disease is caused by sensitivity to the protein gluten found in several grains


which organ of the GI tract has villi? a.) small and large intestines b.) small intestine c.) esophagus d.) large intestine


which statement is NOT true regarding the body's organization from the smallest to the largest? a.) cells are the smallest functional units of living organisms b.) the small intestine is a tissue that makes up an organ c.) tissues are a collection of cells that have similar origin d.) the gastrointestinal system system is an example of an organ system


which of the following does NOT correctly identify a function of fluids produced by the listed organ? a.) stomach - protein unfolding b.) pancreas - neutralization of gastric acid c.) liver - carbohydrate digestion d.) salivary glands - lubrication


which of the following is TRUE of transporters? a.) water is only transported across membranes by simple diffusion b.) facilitated diffusion is the only transport mechanism that can transport substances against a concentration gradient c.) the only transport mechanism that requires energy is active transport d.) simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion both require proteins to move substances across membranes


inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

chronic condition that are caused by abnormal response by the body's immune system which causes inflammation of Gi tract

which of the following CORRECTLY matches the digestive disorder with its description and/or cause? a.) hemorrhoids - the formation of pouches in the lining of the GI tract b.) acid reflux - the pyloric sphincter relaxes and allows gastric acid into the esophagus c.) diverticular disease - swollen and inflamed veins in the anus and lower rectum d.) inflammatory bowel disease - may cause open wounds (ulcers) to develop in the GI tract


which of the following choices CORRECTLY identifies a food as either a prebiotic or a probiotic? a.) yogurt - prebiotic b.) miso - prebiotic c.) whole grain rye bread - probiotic d.) buttermilk - probiotic


which of the following is the correct order of the body's organization from smallest to largest? a.) organ systems, tissues, organs, cells b.) tissues, cells, organ systems, organs c.) organ systems, organs, tissues, cells d.) cells, tissues, organs, organ systems


small intestine is the primary site of ____________ of food and _________

digestion, absorption

three sections of the small intestine

duodenum, jejunum, ileum

irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

group of symptoms including abdominal pain, bloating, and diarrhea.

acid reflux results in


simple diffusion

high to low. water and a few other molecules move across the membrane down a concentration gradient

what are the four main processes of the digestive system?

ingestion, digestion,absorption,excretion

What is segementation?

kneading of food, circular muscle contractions to micing content of fluid with digestive juices


living strains of bacteria that add to the population of good bacteria in your digestive system


open sore or lesion in the skin or mucous membrane


plant fiber that acts as food for the good bacteria

diverticular disease

pouches or pockets in the walls of the digestive tract pushing through the weak spots of the outer layer

what does the sphincter do ?

prevents food from the stomach from entering the esophagus


produces bile and stores glycogen

Enzymes are what?

protein catalysts a chemical reaction by breaking or making new molecules

proteases digest


saliva contains salivary amylase, an enzyme that digests starch as well as _______________

salivary lipase


semiliquid food leaving the stomach


semisolid food leaving the mouth

Gastritis is inflammation of the:

stomach lining


stores bile and releases it into the small intestine.

food is a combination of five flavors:

sweet, sour, salty, bitter, umami

hemorrhoids are

swollen and inflamed veins around the anus caused by constipation and stress

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