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What is the criterion for fasting blood glucose above which an individual is diagnosed as diabetic?

126 mg/dl

What is the maximum number of diet soft drinks an adult can consume and not exceed the acceptable daily intake of aspartame?


The ADI of Aspartame is 50 mg/kg body weight/day. This is equivalent to

18 diet soft drinks 80 packets of Equal

Which of the following is considered a non-nutritive sweetener yet it contains 4 kcal per gram?


At what age can type 1 diabetes first occur?

At any age

The cooking process is often viewed as the starting point of carbohydrate digestion because cooking helps

soften fibrous tissues. starch granules swell with water.

In what form is glucose stored in plants?


Which type of carbohydrate do we eat the most?


Which of the following is true about the carbohydrate intake of Americans?

Intake of high-fructose corn syrup and sucrose adds about 270 calories daily to the diets of Americans. Added sugars in the diet account for over 14.5% of total energy intake.

Which of the following groups of polysaccharides are digestible by humans?

amylose and amylopectin

The chemical bonds between individual sugar units in fiber ____ be digested by enzymes in the human GI tract.


Match the definition with the most appropriate term.

fasting hypoglycemia = A condition of low blood glucose after fasting for 8 hours or more and typically is caused by an underlying medical condition such as cancer, liver disease, or renal disease. reactive hypoglycemia = Is caused by an exaggerated insulin response after eating and develops 2 to 5 hours following a meal.

Which of the following are examples of simple sugars?

glucose galactose fructose

Which value considers the amount of carbohydrates consumed so it better reflects a food's effect on blood glucose?

glycemic load

The advantage of the branched structure of ______ is that it allows multiple enzymes to attach to its structure and break it apart quickly.


Which hormone is released when blood glucose levels are high?


Match the hormone with its effect on blood glucose.

insulin = decreases blood glucose glucagon = increases blood glucose

A complex carbohydrate that can be starch or fiber and that often contains hundreds to thousands of glucose molecules is called a ___


Which of the following actions help in the digestion of carbohydrates?

Chewing Cooking

Which of the following are true of polysaccharides?

They are found chiefly in grains, vegetables, and fruits. They are sometimes called complex carbohydrates. They are sometimes called starches. They are made of single-sugar units that are bonded together to form a chain.

Hypoglycemia is a ______ blood glucose level.


Which of the following is a type of simple sugar?


The simpler forms of carbohydrates are called _____.


Glycogen is an ideal storage form of carbohydrate in the body because

of its branched structure that can be broken down quickly.

The oldest alternative sweetener now considered safe is _______.


Bananas, oat products, and beans are good sources of ______.

soluble fiber

All sweeteners are compared to sucrose because of its ______.


The biological response to most sugars is ______.

the same

The main function of glucose is ______.

to provide energy

Symptoms of metabolic syndrome increase the risk of _____.

type 2 diabetes cardiovascular disease

What is malting?

First step in beer production Process during which grain seeds sprout

Which of the following is a good source of soluble fiber?

Flesh of an apple

Which of the following is true about pre-diabetes?

Glucose levels are mildly elevated from 100 to 125 mg/dL.

Why is aspartame an effective alternative sweetener?

It is 200 times sweeter than sugar.

Which type of diabetes is characterized by insulin resistance and often associated with obesity?

Type 2 diabetes

To improve blood glucose control for patients with type 2 diabetes,

a Mediterranean-style eating plan is recommended.

Which of the following are traditional symptoms of type 1 diabetes?

extreme thirst blurred vision frequent urination

Hypoglycemia occurs when an individual's blood sugar level ______.


Type 2 diabetes can often be effectively managed through

physical activity. diet. moderate weight loss.

Type 2 diabetes is positively associated with

physical inactivity. obesity.

The more complex forms of carbohydrates are called ______.


Which type of carbohydrate is formed by linking many (e.g., hundreds) glucose units together?


Most of the sugar Americans consume comes from

processed foods and beverages.

Which of the following are possible fates of carbohydrate once it has been absorbed?

production of fat released directly into the bloodstream for use by organs production of glycogen

Which of the following is true about aspartame?

It loses its sweetness when heated

Which statement best describes the carbohydrate intake of adults in North America?

Our carbohydrate intake is about 50% of our total energy intake.

What are other names for complex carbohydrates?

starch polysaccharides

What percentage of Americans shows signs of lactose maldigestion?


Which best describes the Food and Nutrition Board's recommendation for the daily intake of carbohydrates?

45 to 65% of total calories

Approximately ______ of the world's population is lactose intolerant.


Which US agency regulates the approval and usage of artificial sweeteners?


What is the technical term for high blood sugar?


Which condition is more common and associated with diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome?


Which of the following processed foods or beverage are high in added sugars?

Ice cream Soda Cakes

___ is a disaccharide important in the formation of alcoholic beverages.


Elevated blood glucose, elevated blood pressure, abdominal obesity, high blood triglycerides, and elevated LDL-cholesterol with low HDL-cholesterol indicate ______.

Metabolic Syndrome

Where does the enzymatic digestion of carbohydrates begin?


Raffinose and stachyose are examples of what type of complex carbohydrate?


______ is a condition in which blood glucose levels are above normal but not yet diagnostic of diabetes.


Which type of hypoglycemia occurs 2 to 5 hours after eating?

Reactive hypoglycemia

Which of the following alternative sweeteners was once believed to cause bladder cancer but since has been proven safe?


The loss of pancreatic cells responsible for producing insulin in type 1 diabetes is thought to originate as a(n) _______.

autoimmune disorder

Patients with hypoglycemia may need to decrease their intake of ______.

alcohol caffeine

The two forms of starch digestible by humans are called amylose and ___


Providing energy is the primary function of


Individuals with poorly controlled diabetes are at an increased risk of ______.

cardiovascular disease kidney disease blindness

Carbohydrates ____ be converted to and stored as fat in the body.


Which of the following are health conditions associated with a very high fiber intake (>60 grams per day), especially when combined with inadequate fluid intake?

constipation intestinal blockages

Treatment for Metabolic Syndrome includes

eating a healthy diet. increasing physical activity. weight loss.

A high-fiber diet may ______ the availability of nutrients.


When a person's fasting blood glucose levels are equal to or rise above 126 mg/dl, they are classified as having ___


Stephen complains to his doctor of frequent urination and extreme thirst. Over the past 3 months, he also lost 12 pounds without dieting. His doctor sends him for tests to see if he has


Which three of the following contain the highest percentage of calories from carbohydrates?

fruit rice jam

Glycogen is stored in the liver and can be released by the hormone ________.


Which of the following areas of the body are permanently damaged by poorly controlled diabetes?

heart kidneys eyes

Which of the following conditions may be present in a person with metabolic syndrome?

high blood triglycerides low HDL cholesterol abdominal obesity

Once digested and metabolized, the biological response to which sweeteners is virtually the same?

honey agave table sugar

Anna's blood test showed that her fasting blood sugar was 150 mg/dl. According to these results, she is


Blood glucose less than 50 mg/dl is considered


Most cases of type 1 diabetes begin with an ______ system disorder, which causes destruction of the ______-producing cells in the ______.

immune; insulin; pancreas

Aspartame ____ heat stable so it ______ appropriate for use in cooking.

is not; is not

Although type 1 diabetes can occur at any age, it often begins in

late childhood.

Alternative sweeteners provide ____ calories compared to sucrose.


Though the Food and Nutrition Board recommends a person consume 45 to 65% of their calories from carbohydrates, the actual RDA for carbohydrates is much


The treatment for type 2 diabetes is aimed at maintaining normal ranges of blood glucose through

lifestyle modifications. medications.

The ______ works in concert with the pancreas to regulate blood glucose levels.


Type 2 diabetic patients ____ require insulin.


Patients who experience reactive hypoglycemia may benefit from eating ______.

regular meals with a mixture of macronutrients low glycemic load carbohydrates

Important components of therapy for the treatment of type 2 diabetes include ______.

regular physical activity adhering to a nutritious diet plan adhering to prescribed medication

The digestion of starch begins in the mouth via the action of the enzyme ______.

salivary amylase

The carbohydrate that is considered the benchmark against which all other sweeteners are measured is ______.


Non-nutritive (or alternative) sweeteners ______.

sweeten foods while providing few or no calories include saccharin, aspartame, and sucralose

What is the guideline that is set at a level 100 times less than the level at which no harmful effects were noted in animal studies?

Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI)

In metabolic syndrome, which of the following may be elevated?

Blood pressure Fasting glucose Triglycerides

The treatment for Metabolic Syndrome is essentially the same as the treatment of what other disease?

Type 2 diabetes

Oral medications to help control blood glucose in type 2 diabetics

can increase insulin synthesis by the pancreas. can reduce glucose production by the liver. decrease cellular resistance to insulin.

(Glycemic Index x Grams of ______) / 100 = Glycemic Load


Which complex carbohydrate has 3 to 10 simple sugar units and cannot be broken down by the body's digestive enzymes?


______ diabetes is strongly associated with physical inactivity, poor diet, and obesity.

Type 2

Which of the following foods consist predominately of carbohydrates?

Soft drinks Table sugar Baked potatoes

Why can't fiber be absorbed in the small intestine?

The human GI tract lacks the enzymes necessary to break down fiber.

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