NUR 1023 Unit 6 Exam

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What are the stages of menstrual cycle

I (shedding), II (follicular), III (ovulation)

Hospice nurses are pivotal for

pain control, symptom management, spiritual assessment and management of family needs

What is sensory perception

ability to receive sensory input through physiological processes in the body, translating stimulus or data into meaningful information

What are the types of stress

acute, episodic, chronic

What are the risk factors of sexual health

adolescents, minorities, intellectual/developmentally disabled, newly unpartnered, high-risk sexual behavior, sexual orientation, use of illicit substances

Why would a child deny pain

afraid of getting in trouble, doctors, needles, surgery or cast

What are the risk factors of sensory perception

age, congenital conditions, genetics, adverse effects of medication, acute injury, chronic mental conditions, lifestyle choices

Nursing Licensure Compact

agreement between state that allows nurses to have one license but the ability to practice in other states that are part of the agreement

What kind of sex is the highest risk


Impairment in taste can result in

anorexia, weight loss, malnutrition, ingestion of spoiled food

U. S. Department of Health & Human Services produce a shift and implement new strategies, this is known as

paradigm shift

What are the interrelated concepts of sexual health

anxiety, reproduction, gas exchange, stress, pain

What is a stressor?

any stimuli that can produce tension and cause instability within the system

What is palliative care

approach that improves quality of life associated with life threatening illness, through prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification

What is the scope of evidence

discovery research to traditional to patient care

What makes the newly independent partner at risk?

divorce,, breakup, rebound, multiple people

An advance directive is

document made by a competent individual to establish desired health care for the future or to give someone else this right should they become incompetent

Neonatal abstinence syndrome occurs

due to mother using drugs while pregnant

What four elements must be satisfied with HIPPA

duty, breach, causation, harm

Primary prevention methods with reproduction

education, parental classes, contraceptives, contraception

Vicarious liability

employer liable for the acts of its employee if the employee was acting as an agent of the employer and the actions resulted in injury within that scope of employment

What are the causes of male sexual disorders

erectile dysfunction, ejaculatory dysfunction

What are the original four phases of sexual response

excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution

What are secondary prevention methods in sensory perception

eye evaluation, glaucoma screening, otoacoustic emissions, auditory brain stem response, no screening to evaluate sense of smell or taste

What is the history assessment for an individual with sensory perception issues

family, medications, lifestyle, occupation, social, environment, chronic disease, glasses or hearing aids, symptom focused

What is the history assessment for reproduction

family, menstrual, pregnancy, sexual, STDs, completed screening tests, immunizations, dietary, drugs

The pediatric nurse compares the sources of stress in preschoolers of different ages. Which source creates stress in both 3-year-olds and 4-year-olds?



formation of reproductive cells

Interrelated concepts of stress

functional ability, family dynamics, anxiety, coping, perfusion, mood and affect, sleep, immunity, sexuality, cognition

What are the 3 common attributes of sexual development

gender identity, sexual response, capacity for meaningful intimate relationships

Secondary literature

generated by using original research (evidence summaries, systematic reviews & meta-analyses, practice guidelines)

Primary literature

generated from original research (quantitative, qualitative, mixed-design)

Sex glands or gonads produce

germ cells (oocytes, spermatozoa)

What are primary prevention methods for sensory perception

goggles, ear plugs, helmets, silver nitrate in newborns, oral hygiene

What are the interrelated concepts of evidence

health policy, health care economics, technology and informatics, safety

HIPDB stands for

healthcare integrity and protection data bank

Primary prevention of sexual health

patient education, condom use, safe-sex, HPV vaccine

What are the 5 phases of sexual response

motivation, arousal, genital congestion, orgasm, resolution

What is the failure to follow standard of care and is the direct cause of harm


What is the scope of stress

no stress to challenging to threatening

What is the scope of reproduction

not pregnant (by choice, not by choice) to pregnant (planned or unplanned)

What are examples of advance directives

power of attorney and living wills

What clinical evaluation occurs during first trimester

pregnancy test, CBC, Rh factor, Rubella titer, Hep B, Syphilis, HIV, Pap, STD, Amniocentesis, Emotional well-being

Lab tests that occur in reproduction assessment

pregnancy, STD, Rh factor, rubella titer

What are the physical findings during a sensory perception assessment

oral cavity and nose for patency, snellen chart, visual acuity, IOP, pupillary response, test tasting, smell testing, sharp/dull

Secondary prevention methods with reproduction

prenatal care in 2nd trimester, bloodwork, urine culture, pap smear, STD tests

What are the four rules of HIPPA

privacy, security, enforcement, breach notification

A registered nurse is teaching a nursing student about how to communicate with a client who is cognitively impaired. Which statements made by the nursing student indicate a need for further education?

provide visual cues, speak in normal tone, face client

What are characteristics of hospice

provided when curative care is forgone, requires physician certification that life expectancy is 6 months or less, almost half of patients who dies in the USA are under the care of hospice program

Hospice is not the same as palliative care as it

provides compassion, concern and support for persons in the last phases of a terminal disease

What are the minor attributes of evidence

publicly available, understandable, useable

Cochrane used

randomized, controlled trials to incorporate more evidence into the medical profession

How do neonates and infants display pain

rapid changes in behavior, distinctive motor movements

How do adolescents display pain

describe quantity and location

What are the psychological consequences that occur with vision

learning difficulties, depression, anxiety, loss of self-worth, difficulties with intrapersonal relationships

process of introducing, adopting, changing or repealing law


What are some challenges faced in the process of delegation?

limited, large, vulnerable

What are the 9 erogenous zones

lips, ears, toes, neck, breasts, vagina, cervix, penis, scrotum

process of seeking help through courts


What occurs with vision impairment

minor distortion to complete blindness, injury and development delays

What is the scope of sensory perception?

optimal functioning to impairment

What is the trajectory of disease

1. Short period of evident decline, 2. sudden death from complications or acute exacerbation, 3. long-term illness

What are the steps of applying evidence based practice

1. define the problem 2. Identify, review and evaluate the data applicable 3. Design a practice change based on data 4. Implement the change in nursing practice

What year was HIPPA established


Embryonic period occurs

3 to 8 weeks after conception, differentiation of body systems, teratogenicity can occur

A client whose spouse recently died appears extremely depressed. The client says, "What's the use in talking? I'd rather be dead. I can't go on without my spouse." What is the best response by the nurse?

Are you thinking about killing yourself

Globally, how many people will need palliative care as a result of chronic noninfectious diseases

40 million

By 2030 people aged over

65 will outnumber young

Fetal period occurs

9th week after fertilization, final stage of development, increased fetal growth

What are the levels provided in evidence

A strongly recommends, B recommends, C no recommendations, D recommends against, I insufficient

agency designated to apply laws to individuals. Holds the legal authority for nursing practice. It established the requirements to obtain a license as well as issuing the license. It also set the scope of practice for nursing as a whole as well as determining educational standards. It also manages disciplinary procedures

Board of Nursing

What clinical evaluation occurs during second trimester

CBC, Glucose tolerance, MSAFP, Amniocentesis, Emotional well-being

What occurs while finding answers to practice questions or problems

Develop an answerable question, search the literature, Evaluate evidence, apply evidence found

The nurse is assessing a client with impaired hearing. Which action of the nurse is most important for establishing a good communication with the client?

Getting the client's attention before speaking

Secondary prevention methods of stress

Holmes life events scale or ways of coping checklist

What cranial nerves are important for vision

II (optic), III (oculomotor), IV (trochlear), V (trigeminal), VI (abducens)

What is the preferred route of administration


Why do pregnant women choose not to seek health care

Lack of trust, Abusive, Minor, Culture differences, no medical interventions, Financial

What are the 5 Ps of reproductive health?

Partners, Sexual Practices, Pregnancy, Protection from STIs, Past STIs

Who identifies four consecutive phases of human response

Masters and Johnson

statute and rules governing nurses in your state. Professional nursing is regulated by the states; nurses must hold a state issued license to practice nursing. Details of the practice of nursing can be found in the scope of practice for each state. It can vary from state to state describes the

Nurse Practice Act

What clinical evaluation occurs during third trimester

Strep, Screening diagnostic/ultrasound, emotional well-being

What cranial nerves are responsible for taste?


What cranial nerves are responsible for hearing

VIII (vestibulocochlear)

What are appropriate pain scales to use

Wong and Numeric

What is hospice care?

a system of family-centered care that allows clients to remain at home in comfort while easing the pains of terminal illness

Religious beliefs may affect

birth control

Implantation occurs

blastocyst - 6 days after fertilization

multidimensional concept that encompasses action or process of helping those who are suffering is known as


Semmelweis determined

cause of fever in women after delivery was infection due to inadequate hand washing

Secondary prevention of sexual health

cervical cytologic screening, HIV screening, STI screening, screening for intimate partner violence

Provide some examples of common stressors

changes in roles and relationship, lack of time and energy, inability to meet personal self-care needs, financial depletion

Leading causes of death in the U.S. are no longer rapidly fatal - they are

chronic diseases such as cardiovascular problems, COPD, cancer, dementia

Approximately 30 hours after fertilization what occurs

cleavage (division of zygote)

Health care law is

collection of laws that have a direct impact on delivery of health care or on the relationships among those in the business of health care or between the providers and recipients of health care


comprehensive electronic information system including collection and warehousing of nurse licensing information and disciplinary actions

Evidence is

conscientious, explicit and judicious use of theory-derived, research-based information in making decisions about care delivery patients

How do preschoolers display pain

cry and struggle, may deny pain

What are the psychological or emotional factors of stress

death of a spouse, divorces, loss of a child, caring for disabled spouse/ child, cancer diagnosis, financial

What are the age-related differences in older adults with sensory perception

decline of sensory function, presbycusis (hearing loss), ability of smell decreases

Nightingale discovered

decreased infection rates during Crimean War with infection control practices

What are the 5 stages of grief

denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance

What are the interrelated concepts of reproduction

hormonal regulation, gas exchange, perfusion, sexuality, nutrition

What are the categories of palliative care

hospice care, symptom management, supportive care, end-of-life care, comfort care

Sex is one of four primary drives, the others are

hunger, thirst, avoidance of pain

What are risk factors of stress

impaired cognition, chronic conditions, life changes, SES, caregiver, individual in foreign country, illiteracy

What are clinical findings of stress

impaired stress response including fatigue, shortness of breath, pain

What are the risk factors of reproduction?

impoverished population, adolescents, biophysical, psychosocial, sociodemographic, evironmental

Fertilization usually occurs

in lower third of fallopian tube

Assistive Reproductive Technology (ART) includes

in-vitro fertilization (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI)

Aldosterone causes

increase in sodium and water retention

What are the signs and symptoms of ovulation

increased basal body temperature, cervical mucus increases, pain on one side, cervix repositions itself, higher and more forward

Norepinephrine/Epinephrine cause what reactions in stress

increased heart rate, blood pressure, cardiac output, perfusion, bronchial dilation, pupil dilation, glucose

Cortisol causes

increased protein synthesis, glucose

ADH causes

increased water retention

CNAs, Physicians, Social workers, Pastoral/spiritual counselor, Nurses, Bereavement counselor, Admin staff, Pharmacist, Dietary specialist, Volunteers, Physical therapists, Occupational therapists, Speech language pathologist are all known as

interdisciplinary team for hospice

What is stress

internal/external event or demand of life experienced by the individual that is perceived and appraised for scope and meaning on a continuum to determine resources and abilities for management that are available, exceeded or exhausted

What are the interrelated concepts of sensory perception

intracranial regulation, nutrition, mobility, development, pain, functional ability

What is the process of vision

iris allows light to enter the eye, lens convert the light to electrical impulses in retina, travel to optic nerve

Impairment of touch

leads to injury and reduction in ADLs

What is the scope of palliative care

offered across lifespan and illness trajectory from diagnosis to bereavement

process of putting laws into action through the establishment of rules


findings are consistent


findings are verified when repeated in other studies


What are the major attributes of evidence

replicability, reliability, validity

How do toddlers display pain

restlessness, guarding of painful site, excessive crying

What is a tactile assessment

romberg test for balance

Touch mediates

sensations of pain, temperature, pressure and itching

What is monofilament testing

sensory neuro, tool bends with vibration

What is the scope of sexual health

sexual well-being (sexual function) to sexual ill-being (sexual dysfunction)

What is included on the grief wheel

shock, protest, disorganization, reorganization

What are the clinical findings in an individual with sensory perception issues

sight loss, double vision, blurry vision, floaters, tinnitus, pain, fluid, thrush, metallic, numbness, tingling

Taste occurs when

signals from taste buds travel via nervous system and merge with odor signals from digestive organs before being interpreted by the brain

Physiological stress factors

skin burns, birth of a baby, trauma injury, myocardial infarction, acute renal failure

Touch is the

somatosensory response that travels from skin to brain

Sexual health is

state of well-being in relation to sexuality across lifespan

How do school age children display pain

stiff body posture, withdrawn

Primary prevention methods for stress

stress management, counseling, maintenance of positive relationships, maintenance of optimal health

What are causes of female sexual disorders

stress, anxiety, depression

What is the SNS response to stress

stressor, hypothalamus response, corticotropin (releasing factor)

A registered nurse is teaching an adolescent female client with irregular menstruation about contraception. Which statements made by the client indicates the need for further education?

the calendar method of oral contraception is best suitable for me, condoms do not offer protection against STIs, oral contraceptive pills offer protection from STIs

Plan of care is first based on, second based on

the patient and family's realistic expectations then on team's assessment, recommendations, and support

Reproduction is

total process by which organisms produce offspring

What are the attributes of palliative care

total, active, individualized care, support for the family, interdisciplinary team approach, effective communication, optimal symptom management

What instruction would the nurse be most likely to give a client with reduced sensory perception to prevent injury from scalding?

use a bath thermometer

accuracy of application and findings


What is included in the physiological processes of sensory perception

vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch

What are the age-related differences in infants and children with sensory perception

visual acuity progresses, hearing fully developed at birth, ability to detect few odors, taste discrimination, well-developed sense of touch

Physical findings in reproduction assessment

weight gain, blood pressure, fundal height, edema, fetal heart sounds

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