NUR208 Exam 1 ALL Review Questions

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Which statement describes the latency stage of Freud's psychoanalytic model of personality development?

During this stage, sexual urges are repressed and channeled into productive activities.

According to Piaget, during which developmental stage is the pediatric client egocentric?

Early childhood

What is the correct order of the stages in Piaget's theory of cognitive development?

1. Sensorimotor 2. Preoperational 3. Concrete operations 4. Formal operations

Which level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is fulfilled by the nurse fitting a client who nearly died of asphyxiation with an oxygen mask?

First level

Which level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs would the nurse need to follow for a client brought to the emergency department with severe breathing difficulty?

First level

Which stage of development would the nurse anticipate for an adolescent client when using Piaget's theory to assess cognitive development?

Formal operational

A professor asks a student nurse to explain the stage when an adolescent has prevalence of egocentric thought. Which period of the Piaget's theory will the nurse explain?

Formal operations

According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, which is the correct order of a child's activities?

1. The child develops an action pattern for dealing with the environment. 2. The child develops egocentrism and animism. 3. The child is able to describe a process without actually doing it. 4. The child demonstrates feelings and behaviors characterized by self-consciousness.

A client says, I do not want to go back to school because I fear that everyone will laugh at me. Which level of need does the given scenario refer to according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

Fourth level, which includes self-esteem needs

The Family Apgar scoring system to assess family function was created by:

Gabriel Smilkstein

According to Erikson's psychosocial stages of development, which earlier developmental stage most strongly affects a person's adjustment to the period of senescence?

Generativity versus stagnation

Arrange the stages of life in Erikson's theory of psychosocial development in the correct order.

1. Trust vs. Mistrust 2. Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt 3. Initiative vs guilt 4. Industry vs. inferiority 5. Identity vs. role confusion 6. Intimacy vs. isolation 7. Generativity vs. stagnation 8. Integrity vs. despair

According to Kohlberg's theory, which stage comes before the society-maintaining orientation stage?

Good boy-nice girl orientation

How many Americans report taking two or more hours to commute to work per day?

10 million

Since the 1980s, how many Marshall Islanders have migrated to Springdale, Arkansas to make a new home and life for themselves?


A family member reports, He wears eccentric clothing

17 year old son

According to Erikson's theory, at which age would a child develop self-control and independence?

18 months to 3 years old

At which stage of Kohlberg's theory does an individual want to fulfill the expectations of one's immediate group?

Good boy-nice girl orientation

According to Erikson's developmental psychosocial theory, which is expected by 20 years of age?

Having a coherent sense of self and planning to accomplish future goals

Which would the nurse anticipate when assessing a preschool-age child, according to Erikson's developmental stages?

Having highly imaginative thoughts

Which statement of the client would the nurse consider to be a self-esteem need based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

I deserve ill treatment from my husband because I'm incapable of doing even simple things perfectly.

Which statement of a client confirms that he or she has reached the intimacy versus isolation stage according to Erikson's theory of psychosocial development?

I did so much for my partner.

According to Piaget's theory, which of these statements about the period of concrete operations is true?

A child is able to describe a process without actually doing it.

Which statement is a characteristic of the concrete operations stage of Piaget's theory of cognitive development?

A child is able to describe a process without actually doing it.

Which situation would the nurse address to meet the safety and security needs of the client according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

I do not want to talk to any stranger because I fear that they might take away my things.

Which statement made by the client indicates the identity versus role confusion stage of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

I like to dress like a boy even though my parents want me to dress like a girl. I want to get a clear skin like my best friend I do not want to become an engineer like my parents want me to be; I dream of becoming a pilot.

Which statement of the client would illustrate the self-esteem need based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

I tend to get worried about every little thing because I cannot do anything successfully.

Which statement made by the client meets the self-actualization need based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

I want to live because I want to be a good parent to my kids.

According to Erikson's psychosocial stages of development, a person's adjustment to the period of adolescence will depend largely on the adjustment the individual made to which developmental stage?

Identity versus role confusion

According to Erikson's psychosocial stages of development, which developmental conflict is a college student attempting to resolve as he struggles with indecision about an academic major?

Identity versus role confusion

According to the Erikson's theory, which stage describes the will of an adolescent to achieve a goal?

Identity versus role confusion

What are some possible effects of social isolation on health?

Increased risk for developing infections, diabetes, cardiovascular disease

A 10-year-old child has been working on earning all of the scouting badges. Which of Erikson's stages of psychosocial development is this child achieving?


According to the video, what were some reasons the tuberculosis rate dropped in the United States between 1900 and 1940?

Infected persons were removed and isolated

According to Erikson's theory, at which stage does a child start to have fantasies and an active imagination?

Initiative versus guilt

According to Erikson's theory, in which stage would the nurse expect a preschooler to start to pretend?

Initiative versus guilt stage

A nursing instructor asks a nursing student about Kohlberg's theory. Which stages does a nurse include under the first level of the theory? Select all that apply.

Instrument relativist orientation Punishment and obedience orientation

A 68-year-old client with a new ileostomy remarks to the nurse, It will be difficult for my wife to care for a helpless old man. Which conflict according to Erikson does this comment exhibit?

Integrity versus despair

Based on Erikson's psychosocial stages of development, which task must a 30-year-old client work through?

Intimacy versus isolation

What does the Latino paradox from the 1960s describe?

Latino immigrants have lower rates of psychiatric illness despite having lower education and income

Which client's statement confirms that he or she has reached the integrity versus despair stage according to Erikson's theory of psychosocial development? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Looking back at my entire life In the twilight of my life Now that I am at the end of the road

The nursing theorist that proposed a holistic view of health care in the 1960s was _____________.

Martha Rogers

Which statement made by the client indicates the autonomy versus sense of shame and doubt stage of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development?

My kid has started to walk on his or her toes.

The scope of practice for nursing is stipulated by the:

Nurse Practice Act

Which stage of the development should the nurse document for an infant when using Freud's theory of psychosexual development?


Which stages would the nurse explain that a toddler goes through, according to Freud's theory? Select all that apply.

Oral, anal

According to Freud, in what order do the stages of child development occur?

Oral, anal, oedipal (phallic), latency, genital

A 9-month-old infant who appears well-nourished, alert, and happy is brought to the well-baby clinic for a routine physical examination. Using Freud's psychosexual stages of development, the nurse determines that the infant is in which stage?

Oral-sensory stage

Which period of Piaget's theory explains animism in a child?

Period II

Which period of Piaget's theory explains self-consciousness in an adolescent?

Period IV

Which needs would the nurse address using Maslow's hierarchy of needs when caring for an emancipated minor reporting improper nutrition?


According to Piaget's cognitive theory, at which stage will fear of surgery have the most effect on preoperative teaching?


According to Piaget's theory, which period describes a child's stage of egocentrism?


Which stage of Piaget's theory of cognitive development would the nurse observe in a preschooler?


In which stage of Piaget's theory of cognitive development would the nurse expect a child brushing a doll's hair and teeth to be considered?

Preoperational stage

Which age group would the nurse expect to experience the initiative versus guilt stage of Erikson's theory?


Which might an individual experience in Erikson's initiative versus guilt stage? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Pretends and tries out new roles May develop a superego or a conscience Fantasizes and imagines discovering the environment

According to Erikson, which need would nurses focus care on for the middle-aged adult?


According to Erikson, which would the nurse anticipate when assessing an adolescent?

Questioning sexual identity

According to Erikson's psychosocial stage of development for toddlers, which safety measure would the nurse recommend to the parents?

Remove cleaning solutions and chemicals from lower cabinets.

According to Kohlberg, children develop moral reasoning as they mature. Which action is most characteristic of a school-age child's stage of moral development?

Rules are followed to gain recognition

The use of silence in conversation can mean different things depending on the culture. Silence indicates agreement in the ______________ culture.


A client with an allergy has been administered a dose of antihistamine. The nurse finds that the client is drowsy and dizzy. Which type of need would the nurse prioritize in the client according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

Safety need

A client who was involved in an accident says, I have a dream of conquering the world's highest mountain range. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, to which level of need does the given scenario refer?

Self-actualization needs

Which basic human needs belongs to the fourth level as per Maslow's hierarchy of needs? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Self-worth, achievement

In which stage of Piaget's theory of growth and development does an infant develop an action pattern to deal with the environment?


Which period of Piaget's theory describes the idea of object permanence?

Sensorimotor period

Which of these stages would the nurse include when explaining Piaget's theory of child development to a parent? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Sensorimotor stage Formal operations stage

According to Piaget's cognitive development, which are the different stages of reasoning? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Formal operational, Concrete operational

When the health-care worker praises a child for eating all of the meal and expresses disappointment when the child does not eat, the health-care worker is following the behavioral theory of:


A young adult tells the nurse, "Society needs to be educated regarding involving people affected with AIDS into the social sphere." According to Lawrence Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development, what stage does the statement indicate?

Social contract orientation

According to Kohlberg's theory of moral development, which stage is a part of conventional reasoning?

Society-maintaining orientation

An adolescent tells the nurse, "I do not go to parties that serve alcohol, not because my dad doesn't like it, but because I know this is not right." What STAGE does the statement indicate according to Lawrence Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development?

Society-maintaining orientation

Which stage of Kohlberg's theory explains the influence of moral values on an individual's thought?

Society-maintaining orientation

At which stage of Kohlberg's theory is the child's moral reasoning driven by fear of punishment?

Stage 1

How is stage 2 of Kohlberg's theory different from stage 1?

Stage 2 is about recognizing another's point of view.

Which stage describes the Oedipus complex, according to Freud's theory?

Stage 3

Which stage of Kohlberg's theory of moral development does the nurse anticipate in a client who exhibits absolute obedience to authority and rules?

Stage I

In which stage of Kohlberg's theory of moral development does the nurse anticipate a client who wants to maintain expectations with his or her immediate group?

Stage III

At which stage of Kohlberg's theory does an individual show societal concerns?

Stage IV

In which stage of Kohlberg's theory of moral development does the nurse anticipate a client to expand focus from relationships with others to societal concerns?

Stage IV

The nurse examines a class of 7-year-old students during a school health program. According to Erikson's theory, which behavior would the students display?

Students show an eagerness to learn social skills.

According to Erikson's theory, which behaviors will the nurse notice in 13-year-old students? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Such students want to know Who am I? Such students show a marked preoccupation with body appearance.

Based on Erikson's psychosocial stages of development, which response is the most therapeutic to help an older adult who is struggling to achieve her or his developmental task?

Tell me about your past accomplishments.

Why have some Marshall Islanders moved to Springdale, Arkansas?

The Marshallese can live and work in the United States freely, without a visa under a treaty, and jobs are plentiful in the food processing plants there

Which of these characteristics are found in an adolescent according to Erikson's theory of psychosocial development? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

The adolescent is concerned about his or her appearance and body image. The adolescent acquires a sense of identity by participating in decision-making.

Which is true about the preoperational period of Piaget's theory?

The child believes that everyone experiences the world exactly as he or she does.

Which statement is true according to Piaget's theory of cognitive or moral development in the adolescent? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

The child develops abstract thinking. The child is in the formal operations period.

According to Erikson's theory, which behavior would the nurse expect a preschooler to exhibit?

The child develops the superego.

According to Erikson's theory, which psychosocial developmental changes are observed in middle childhood? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

The child is engaged in tasks and activities. The child can differentiate between industry and inferiority.

While interacting with a 4-year-old child, the nurse observes that the child exhibits which behavior that is congruent with Piaget's cognitive developmental theory?

The child is unable to see things from others' perspectives.

Which statement describes stage 2 of Kohlberg's theory?

The child recognizes that there is more than one correct view.

According to Erikson's theory, which behavior would a toddler exhibit?

The child starts performing self-care activities.

According to Piaget's theory, which of these statements would be provided regarding a 4-year-old child? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

The child will only be able to consider his or her own point of view. The child will consider that inanimate objects may be alive.

excess death can be defined by:

The difference between the predicted number of deaths that occur during specific time periods and actual number of deaths

Which statement made by the nursing student needs correction about Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

The fourth level contains love and belonging needs.

According to Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, which would the nurse include in the plan of care for a young adult client who is hospitalized?

The importance of having support from the client's significant other

The nurse is examining different statements that represent the stages of psychosexual development, according to Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytical model of personality development. Which statement indicates that the individual is aged between 6 to 12 years?

The individual focuses on educational and social accomplishments.

A client says, I feel frustrated because I do not spend enough time with my partner because of my job. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which level of need does the given scenario refer?

Third level, which includes love and belonging needs

Which stage of Erikson's theory focuses on the needs of an infant?

Trust versus mistrust

A 73-year-old man scheduled for surgery tells the health-care worker that if things do not go well during surgery, he has lived a full life and has no regrets. The health-care worker recognizes that this statement is consistent with:

achievement of the developmental task of integrity described by Erikson.

Cultural competence in health care is demonstrated by:

adapting care to meet cultural needs

In planning the information sent to the diet kitchen for a Hindu patient, the health-care worker would make a note to prohibit:

all meat dishes

A distressed mother of a 2-year-old is at her "wit's end" with the toddler's desire to do activities that may be dangerous. The health-care worker counsels the parent that to assist the child with the development of autonomy, the parent should:

allow independent activity in a safe environment.

Behavior modification is basically designed to:

alter current behavior patterns.

The home health-care worker assesses cultural assimilation when:

an Asian woman living in Texas wears blue jeans and boots.

To promote a sense of industry in a hospitalized school-age child, the health-care worker should:

ask the child to help pick up all the stuffed toys in the playroom.

Families who have poor communication among members, who tend to be isolated from the community, and who have inconsistent rules are labeled as ______.


Which component of the human personality, according to Freud, allows an individual to judge reality accurately?


The best advice to parents who want to encourage autonomy in their toddler would be to:

encourage the toddler to do things for himself.

Guidelines for "baby-friendly" hospitals include:

encouragement to breastfeed for the first year of life.

The family systems theory proposes that:

family functions are interconnected, so what happens to one family member affects the entire family.

The health-care worker designing culturally competent care will employ interventions that:

go beyond the awareness of similarities and differences to implementing care that is sensitive.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 caused controversy because it mandated:

health care coverage for 32 million uninsured persons

Information about morbidity and mortality gives the health-care worker data to identify:

high-risk age groups for certain diseases or hazards

The roles of the nurse have changed as a result of the national health-care focus on:

illness prevention and health maintenance

Changes in health-care delivery systems have been influenced primarily by:

institution of various systems to provide cost-effective health care

When the father of a 12-year-old says, "I must find some way to get my son to become serious about school. He just seems to want to play all the time." The parent is in the __________ stage of parenting behaviors described by Erik Erikson.


Robert Havighurst designed a developmental theory for the learning of developmental tasks for persons of:

late adulthood age

A school-age child who is helping his father wash the car is told by his father that he is leaving "streaks all over the windows." The child feels his father thinks he's stupid for not being able to wash windows correctly. This incorporation of "being stupid" into the child's self-concept illustrates an example of:

looking-glass self (Cooley and Mead).

The young, female health-care worker who is giving admission information to an elderly Muslim man feels he is ignoring her because he:

looks at the floor rather than at her

In the launching stage of the growth and development of a family unit, the focus of the family will be on:

maintaining a stable home base as children mature.

Although the life expectancy has increased, Healthy People 2030 will focus on the older adult's need for:

maintenance of independent lifestyles

Healthy People 2030 endorses the completion of a high school education primarily to enable a person to:

make healthy lifestyle choices

A 10-year-old child has demonstrated exceptional spelling ability in several school and community contests and is recognized in his school by teachers and peers for his ability. He believes he can win the state championship. This situation is representative of the concept of:

mastery of environment; match between ideal and actual self (Rogers).

The purpose of the state/national government program of Medicaid is to provide:

medical care on the basis of need or poverty

According to Sigmund Freud's developmental theory, which developmental age is called the latent stage?

middle school

To conform to the national trend in health care, health-care agencies of the future may need to depend on:

nurses to plan and implement self-care education programs

According to the theory of Lawrence Kohlberg, the health-care worker can anticipate that the moral development of a 2-year-old will follow the preconventional pattern by:

obeying rules to avoid punishment.

How much does chronic illness cost business productivity per year?

over one trillion dollars

The culturally competent health-care worker is aware that when caring for members of a culturally diverse population, care must focus on:

overcoming their own cultural barriers to avoid stereotyping

After the death of a child, what might the parents exhibit toward the surviving children?


While talking with the upset and tearful family of a patient newly diagnosed with a chronic illness, the health-care worker asks, "When something is bothering you, what do you do?" This should be interpreted as:

part of assessing the family's coping skills.

Psychodynamic developmental theories focus on resolution or development of: (Select all that apply.)

personality traits & psychological challenges

The culturally competent health-care worker helping a Hmong family dress the recently deceased family member will be careful to:

prevent metal from touching the deceased

Political action committees (PACs) can influence legislation by: (Select all that apply.)

providing lobbying, selecting candidates to run for office, creating an awareness of the need for new legislation

Studies suggest that viewing violent television programs or playing violent video games may cause:

release of dopamine, which affects attention and learning.

The function of Freud's defense mechanism is to:

relieve anxiety

The culturally competent health-care worker will inquire if the Native American patient would like to call his own folk healer, which is the:


What is the most important social determinant of health in terms of risk factors?

social class

In order to make an effective cultural assessment of a family dealing with a child with a terminal illness, the health-care worker must consider: (Select all that apply.)

socioeconomic status, religious practices, health beliefs, significance of the disease to the family

most of the poor in the U.S. are:


Which is the similarity between the stage-crisis theory given by Havighurst and the psychosocial development theory given by Erikson?

Based on developmental tasks

According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, which milestone would the nurse expect a 6-month-old infant to demonstrate?

Beginning of object permanence

Based on Erikson's psychosocial stages of development, which member of the wedding party shows failure to meet their developmental crisis?

Bride, aged 25 years, abruptly leaves the church just before the marriage ceremony starts

According to Erikson's psychosocial stages of development, which school-aged child is at risk for failing his developmental task?

Child B waits for his mother to finish his school science project.

Which statement describes stage 4 of Kohlberg's theory? Select all that apply.

Child shows respect for authority and maintains the social order. Adolescents choose to avoid a party where they know beer will be served.

According to Piaget's theory, which of these is true about the period of formal operations? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Children have the capacity to reason with respect to possibilities. Children have a belief that their actions are scrutinized by imaginary audience.

According to Piaget, which data would the nurse expect from a school-age child during the assessment? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Classifying objects Understanding reversibility Describing a process without actually doing it

The theorist who proposed a psychosocial theory that human development occurs as a result of interactions among the environment, culture, and the individual was:

Daniel Levinson

Healthy People 2030 is published by the:

Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)

A 70-year-old man with a history of depression has few interests since retirement. He says, I feel useless and unneeded. Based on Erikson's psychosocial stages of development, which outcome is occurring?


According to Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, which task does the nurse recognize as the chief psychosocial task of preschoolers?

Development of a sense of initiative

Which result would the nurse anticipate when providing care to a preschool-age child who successfully completes tasks associated with this stage of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development?

Direction and purpose

Which statement is true about Piaget's theory of cognitive development?

During the sensorimotor stage, infants develop an action pattern for dealing with their environment.

An older adult was admitted to a long-term care facility for difficulties with activities of daily living. Based on Erikson's psychosocial stages of development, which intervention would the nurse use to assist the client to fulfill her or his developmental task?

Engage the client in reminiscence about past achievements.

The health-care worker uses as a basis for his or her interventions with children the developmental theory from theorist _______________ which is based on the mastery of developmental tasks at specific ages.

Erik Erikson

Altered sleep patterns, disorganized eating patterns, and social isolation in a 13-year-old who is very involved in social networking could be symptoms of:

Facebook depression

Which client situation will the nurse address first on priority basis of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

Has multiple fainting episodes due to lack of proper nutrition

According to Erikson's theory, which of these actions can predispose an adolescent to being in a state of confusion?

If an adolescent fails to establish a sense of identity

According to Erikson's psychosocial stages of development, which developmental conflict affects a 4-year-old child?

Initiative versus guilt

A nurse is examining different situations that represent the superego component of human personality, as per Sigmund Freud. Which situations accurately represent superego? Select all that apply.

A client experiencing a stomachache refrains from stealing medications from a friend because it is illegal. A client controls the urge to eat candy because he or she knows that it will affect the blood sugar levels. A client having a craving for fruits does not steal them from the next client because that client needs it more.

Which is the similarity between the preoperational period and the formal operations period of Piaget's theory?

Both periods explain the idea of egocentric thought in an individual.

What are the similarities between the first and second stages of Kohlberg's theory? Select all that apply.

Both stages are associated with preconventional reasoning. Both stages describe a child's obedience to rules.

The statistic widely used to compare the health status of different populations is:

infant mortality rate

According to the language/culture developmental theory of Lev Vygotsky, preschool-age children guide their own behavior by the use of:

inner language

Parents tell the school nurse that their second-grade child watches television about 4 hours a day. When discussing this issue with the parents, the nurse would best advise the parent that:

parents need to supervise the amount and type of television programs their children watch.

A nursing instructor is explaining to a group of nursing students that preschoolers often exhibit the Electra complex during their psychosocial development. At which stage of Freud's theory is the Electra complex seen?


According to Freud's theory, which stage should the nurse include while educating the parents about a preschooler?


The nurse is explaining to a parent about Freud's theory of child development. What stages does the nurse include in the discussions? Select all that apply.

phallic stage & latency stage

The health-care worker teaches a group of new parents about the "back to sleep" program, which is directed toward the reduction of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) by:

placing the baby on its back in the crib

Prospective payment systems for health-care services:

provide payment based on flat predetermined rates regardless of actual cost

What type of development is described under Freud's theory?


When the driver who is stopped for speeding tells the officer that he was rushing to an important appointment, this is an example of the defense mechanism of:


The health-care worker advises a young woman who is 7 weeks pregnant to include folic acid supplements in her diet in order to:

reduce incidence of congenital malformations

The new topic areas in the Healthy People guidelines established in 2017 for consideration for Healthy People 2030 include: (Select all that apply.)

remove obstacles to health, address structural and systemic prejudice and discrimination, develop policies and practices that promote health equity including preventative care, create healthy physical, social and economic environments.

Selected video games with a flickering frequency on the screen can trigger:


The Patient Bill of Rights ensures that all patients may: (Select all that apply.)

select their health care provider, take part in treatment decisions, expect confidentiality, utilize channels for complaint

A student is preparing a report on the history of the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program would acquire the most useful information from:

the Federal Register

The Whitehall studies found a relationship between employment and illness, specifically that

the lower the employment grade, the higher the risk of illness

An informed consent form requires that:

the nurse signs as a witness that the patient received the necessary information.

What important finding came out of the Macaque monkey study?

the subordinate monkey had developed a larger atherosclerotic plaque than the dominant monkey

The behavior most characteristic of the concrete operations stage of cognitive development is:

thought processes become increasingly logical and coherent.

The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981 provided money for the development of: (Select all that apply.)

treatment centers for drug dependency, skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies

When caring for an 8-hour postpartum Chinese patient who adheres to the cultural philosophy that pregnancy is a "cold" condition, the health-care worker will remember to:

turn up the thermostat

What is one primary hormone released during the body's stress response?


When an Asian dinner guest startles his Western host by belching loudly to show appreciation of the meal, this behavior is an example of:

cultural relativism

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) promotes:

culturally competent health care

A Spanish-speaking 6-year-old who has started first grade in an English-speaking school spends most of her time alone and seems helpless and unable to function in this new environment. This situation as an indication of:

culture shock

A woman whose husband retired 6 months ago says that he is "driving me crazy" and is "underfoot all the time." These complaints indicate that the wife is in the retirement developmental stage of:


A nurse is recollecting Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytical model of personality development. What is the characteristic of the oral stage?

"In the oral stage, the infant realizes that he or she is a separate individual."

Between 1900 and 1940 the tuberculosis death rate dropped by what percent in the United States?


A nursing instructor asks a nursing student about the level "conventional reasoning" in Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development. Which statements made by the student indicate the need of further teaching? Select all that apply.

"A child's response to a moral dilemma is in terms of absolute obedience to authority and rules." "A child recognizes that there is more than one correct view." "An individual follows societal law but recognizes the possibility of changing the law to improve society."

Which of these statements are true about an adolescent according to Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development? Select all that apply.

"An individual expands his or her focus from a relationship with others to societal concerns." "An individual's thoughts are influenced by moral decisions and behaviors."

A nurse is recollecting Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytical model of personality development. What are the characteristics of the phallic stage, as per this model? Select all that apply.

"In this stage, a girl may experience feelings of penis envy" "In this stage, the genitals are the focus of pleasure" "In this stage a child may develop an Oedipal complex"

A mother with a 6-month-old infant says, "I want to go back to work, but I don't want there to be a problem since I'll have less time to spend with the baby." The best response should be:

"Let's talk about child-care options that will be best for the baby."

The health-care worker assesses ethnocentrism in a patient when the patient says:

"White Anglo-Saxons will always set the civilization standard."

Arrange the hierarchy of needs in ascending order beginning with the highest priority needs as defined by Maslow.

(1) physiological needs (2) safety & security (3) love & belonging (4) self-esteem (5) self-actualization

By 2050, how many Americans will be Latino/a?

1 in 4

How many Americans report feeling that they have no one with whom to discuss important matters?

1 in 4

How many teenage female Latinas are estimated to attempt suicide?

1 in 7

After 5 years in the United States, what were some health effects on some Latino immigrants?

1 ½ times more likely to have obesity and hypertension

Compared to college graduates, high school graduates live

2 1/2 years shorter on average

According to the video, how many people in the world do public health experts estimate carry the bacterium that causes tuberculosis, yet most will never become sick?

2 billion

Approximately what percent of Latino households are poor?


What percentage of children living in the United States live in poverty?


According to the Collateral Damage video, what is the tuberculososis rate in the Marshall Islands?

23 times that of U.S.

At what age is a client in Freud's phallic stage of psychosexual development and Erikson's psychosocial phase of initiative versus guilt?

3 to 5 years

Which age group is in Freud's phallic stage of psychosexual development and Erikson's psychosocial phase of initiative versus guilt?

3 to 5 years

Which age is considered the phallic stage according to Sigmund Freud's developmental theory?

3 to 6 years old

According to the video, what is the percent of diabetes in the Marshalls Islands?


Because age differences between siblings may affect family dynamics, there is more affection and less rivalry and hostility between siblings whose ages differ by:

5 or more years

The nurse is using Piaget's theory to assess the cognitive development in a child. Which age most likely correlates a child who has reached a developmental milestone grasping the concept of conservation of numbers for the first time?

5 years

How many minutes does the average American spend commuting to work?

50 minutes

A nursing student gives different examples representing the components of human personality, according to Sigmund Freud. Which examples mentioned by the nursing student represent the component ego? Select all that apply.

A client is attracted to the nurse in charge but does not make any moves because there are other clients in the same ward." "A client with insomnia wants to take an extra sleeping pill but refrains from doing so because the caregivers are present." "A client wants to eat junk food but does not order it because the dietician is keeping track of his or her weight."

Which examples mentioned by the nurse belong to the third level of needs according to Maslow's hierarchy? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

A client is depressed because his or her spouse has passed away. A client wants to reconnect with old friends after being diagnosed with cancer. A client never goes to family gatherings because he or she is not accepted by family members.

Which is the characteristic of the preoperational stage of Piaget's theory of cognitive development?

An infant may learn to think with the use of symbols and mental images.

According to Freud, which is a source of pleasure for a toddler-age client that the nurse should educate parents about in regards to normal growth and development?

Anal zone

Which activities would the nurse recommend to a middle-age adult client to find a sense of fulfillment, according to Erikson? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Attending church functions Becoming involved at a local hospital Volunteering to coach for a grandchild's soccer team

At which stage of Kohlberg's theory would a nurse ask a higher authority to reduce the treatment expenses of a low-income client?

Universal ethical principle orientation

What stage of Kohlberg's theory of moral development defines "right" by the decision of the conscience?

Universal ethical principle orientation

Which stage of Kohlberg's theory is an individual at if he/she wants to modify a law that is unfair to a particular group?

Universal ethical principle orientation

A nurse is recollecting Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytical model of personality development. What are the characteristics of the genital stage according to this model? Select all that apply.

Unresolved sexual conflicts resurface during this stage. An individual may resolve the sexual conflicts at this stage. Sexual urges are directed outside the family circle.

According to Erikson's stages of psychosocial development, which behavior is consistent with a problem involving trust versus mistrust?

Woman whose parents were chronic alcoholics has problems making friends

According to Erikson's theory, which suggestion would the nurse make to the parent of a preschooler who is worried about ongoing conflicts with the child because of strict behavior standards?

You could cooperate with the child's desires within reason to avoid guilt and frustration for your child.

The nurse finds that a mother severely punishes her 2-year-old child. Which would the nurse advise the mother, according to Erikson's theory?

Your child needs support and love or else he or she may develop feelings of shame and doubt.

The family can be defined as:

a basic human social system.

A diagnosis-related group (DRG) is:

a medical condition classification system that determines what Medicare will pay for health-care services.

Infant mortality rates are based on infant deaths that occur:

before one year of age, per 1000 live births

A health-care worker planning a research project related to teenage pregnancy in his community would include in the initial assessment the health status of the target population. Health status could be best evaluated by the examination of the:

birth rate, access to health care, death rate

The Children's Television Act of 1991 mandated that television networks:

censor the content of programs being aired during prime time.

A child who has a brother or a sister in the family unit will have the support to develop:

concepts of social interaction

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) provides for:

confidentiality of medical information

The changes that have occurred to the traditional nuclear family over the past 40 years include: (Select all that apply.)

decreased daily availability of the father, dual-career parents, expectation that children be more independent

The Human Genome Project has the potential to reduce health-care costs by assisting health-care providers to:

detect illnesses before they become chronic

The characteristic common to all developmental models is that

development is a continuous process throughout the lifespan.

The Tax Equity Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA) established the development of:

diagnosis-related groups (DRGs)

In the Marshall Islands what is the infant mortality rate?

52 deaths per 1000

According to Kohlberg's theory of moral development, which statement about conventional reasoning is true?

A person wants to fulfill family expectations.

According to Erikson's stages of life, which is the stage of development when a child begins walking, feeding, and using the toilet?

Autonomy versus sense of shame and doubt

According to Erikson's psychosocial stages of development, which stage must a 3-year-old accomplish?

Autonomy versus shame

What is the similarity between stages 5 and 6 of Kohlberg's theory?

Both stages are associated with postconventional reasoning.

Which situation would the nurse address first according to Maslow's hierarchy?

Complains of sleeplessness due to pain postsurgery

According to Piaget, which statement describes the concrete operation stage?

During this stage, children are able to perform mental operations.

An older adult says, I regret so many of the choices I've made during my life. According to Erikson's psychosocial stages of development, which developmental conflict has the client failed to accomplish?

Ego integrity versus despair

In which period of Piaget's theory does the adolescent feel a sense of invulnerability?

Formal operations

Based on Erikson's psychosocial stages of development, which parental behavior is interfering with a 9-year-old's achievement of her or his developmental task?

Gives excessive negative feedback about quality of school project

Which of these stages is followed by the "society-maintaining orientation," according to the Kohlberg's theory?

Good boy-nice girl orientation

Which statements by a 17-year-old client who is diagnosed with leukemia reflects Piaget's cognitive processes associated with adolescence? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

I'm going to do my best to fight this awful disease. Now I can't go to the prom because I have this stupid disease. This illness is serious.

Which statement is last priority based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

My aim is to be a famous writer

Which statement made by the client indicates initiative versus guilt stage of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development?

My child likes to fantasize and tries out new characters every day

According to Erikson's psychosocial stages of development, which outcome will occur if an individual fails to master the maturational crisis of adolescence?

Role confusion

Which level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is the nurse using when she teaches the client about the call light system?


According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which level of need did the nurse prioritize when assisting an older postoperative client to the restroom to prevent falling?

Second level

Which level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs will the nurse classify a client who reports working in a factory that manufactures explosives?

Second level, which includes safety and security needs

According to Freud, which aspect of one's life helps in the development of personality?

The need for sensual pleasure

What are major characteristic(s) of a self-actualized person? (Select all that apply.)

Understands reality, Makes judgments based on evidence, Is creative

An example of a blended family is one made up of:

a mother, her children, stepfather.

The laissez-faire parenting style:

allows children to regulate their own activity; sees parenting role as resource rather than role model.

The health-care worker caring for a 3-month-old Korean child hospitalized for dehydration would ask the parents' permission prior to:

assessing the fontanel

The home health-care worker is aware that the development of initiative may be delayed in a German family that practices a(n) __________ parenting style.


Criteria used to measure health-related concepts are referred to as _______________

health indicators

Culture affects broad areas of: (Select all that apply.)

health treatment, parenting styles, discipline measures, food preferences (NOT socioeconomic status)

In addition to injuries, the leading causes of death in adolescents and young adults aged 15 through 24 years are ________ and __________.

homicide, suicide

What is the correct order of the stages according to Kohlberg's theory of moral development?

(1)Punishment and obedience orientation (2)Instrumental relativist orientation (3)Good boy-nice girl orientation (4)Society-maintaining orientation (5)Social contract orientation (6)Universal ethical principle orientation

The registered nurse is teaching a nursing student about Erikson's theory of psychosocial development. To which age group does industry versus inferiority apply?

6 to 11 years

What is the average longevity rate of an individual residing in the Marshall Islands?

62 years

The registered nurse is teaching a nursing student about Piaget's theory of cognitive development. Which age group corresponds with concrete operations?

7 to 11 years

The life expectancy at birth in the United States is above ______ years.


A nurse is evaluating different situations on the basis of the components of human personality as mentioned by Sigmund Freud. Which situations represent the id component? Select all that apply.

A client wishes to go home and therefore slips out of the healthcare facility quietly without anyone noticing. A client feels nauseous; therefore, he or she leaves work midway to go to a healthcare facility. A client experiencing pain takes pain medication prescribed to a family member.

Which does the intimacy versus isolation stage of Erikson's theory of development include? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

An individual develops a sense of identity and deepens his or her capacity to love others and care for them. An individual searches for meaningful friendships and an intimate relationship with another person. An individual may develop fears, rejection, and disappointment if unable to establish companionship and intimacy.

Which would the nurse anticipate when assessing a school-age child according to Erikson's theory of development? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Being engaged in tasks Wanting to participate in organized activities

Based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which client is demonstrating characteristics of self-actualization?

Client has an accurate perception of reality and is accepting of self and others

According to the Piaget's theory, which behavior does a 9-year-old child show?

Concrete thinking

According to Freud, which must occur before an individual is able to have a mature adult sexual relationship?

Conflict resolution

Which period of Piaget's theory covers the prevalence of egocentrism in adolescents?

Formal operations

Which period of Piaget's theory marks the end of cognitive development?

Formal operations

Which stage would the nurse expect the middle-aged client who feels unsuccessful in raising their children to have reached, according to Erikson's theory of psychosocial development?

Generativity versus self-absorption and stagnation stage

An 85-year-old client is alert and able to participate in care. According to Erikson, which developmental stage will the client need to adjust to?

Generativity versus stagnation

In which stage does the nurse teach the parent about child impulse control and cooperative behaviors, according to Erikson's theory of psychosocial development?

Initiative versus guilt

A child wants to be on time for a family dinner. According to Kohlberg's theory, what stage of development is the child going through?

Instrumental relativist orientation

Which Piaget stage of cognitive development does the child belong, when attempting to find a hidden toy after it has been shown to the child then removed from line of sight?


Which stage of Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development is associated with a person following a law even if it is discriminatory to a racial group?

Social contract orientation

Which situation indicates that the child has reached the concrete operations stage of Piaget's theory of cognitive development?

The child is able to understand that the volume, length, or shape of an object remains the same despite a change in their physical appearance.

In the cold virus study, they found that:

The more years a person's parents owned a home, the less likely it would be that the person would get a cold when exposed to a cold virus

Which nursing action would be given to an individual in the initiative versus guilt stage of Erikson's theory?

The nurse should teach parents about a child's impulse control to avoid the risks of altered growth and development.

According to Kohlberg's development of moral reasoning, at which phase of life would a child develop premoral orientation?

Toddler, preschool

According to Erikson's psychosocial stages of development, mastery of which task increases a child's ability to cope with separation or pending separation from significant others?


A major cause of death for children under the age of 1 year is:

congenital abnormalities

Standards of practice are the foundations for:

consumer protection laws

What might be one possible influential factor driving the Latino Paradox?

strong cohesive family ties

The parents of two children, ages 7 and 2, are concerned about the language development of their 2-year-old. They tell the health-care worker that their older child began talking in two- or three-word phrases by age 2, but their younger child is still using mostly one-word sentences. The best response by the health-care worker is:

"First-born children generally have a larger vocabulary and better conversational skills at an earlier age."

According to Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, which is the correct order of a child's behavior as he or she ages?

1. The child develops autonomy by making choices 2. The child develops feelings of superego or conscience. 3. The child concentrates on work & play. 4. The child is concerned about appearance and body image.

A person is badly disfigured by the lawnmower blade when mowing a lawn. Based on Erikson's psychosocial stages of development which age, at the time of injury, will be associated with the greatest risk of long-term psychological effects?

12 years

Maslow's hierarchy of needs states that basic physiological needs must be met before the individual can reach full potential. An example of a physiological need being met is:

drinking eight glasses of water a day and following a well-balanced diet.

The health-care worker would advise parents who are in the process of divorce to support their adolescent children by:

encouraging their pursuit of own interests

The purpose of Healthy People 2030 is to:

evaluate accomplishments for years 2020-2030

The health-care worker points out to the family of a hospitalized child evidence that the facility supports family-centered health care by such practices as:

expanded or totally open visiting hours

A health-care worker who is planning a health education program for geriatric adults based on the goals of Healthy People 2030 would include:

fall prevention

The role of the professional nurse has evolved to include:

forming legislation for policies and practices related to healthcare

Adults over the age of 65 can significantly reduce their health risk by:

getting annual vaccines for influenza and pneumonia

Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) modalities include: (Select all that apply.)

guided imagery, acupuncture, energy healing

The health-care worker assesses a new patient for the use of alternative therapies. Such remedies have become widely used because these protocols:

have become very popular as they focus on health promotion

Using family development theory of Duvall as a basis, the health-care worker counsels a couple expecting their first baby that in addition to integrating the child into the family unit, the couple should examine:

how they will help each other with household chores.

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