NURS 247--Prep U Questions--2nd Test

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The nurse determines a newborn is small-for-gestational-age based on which characteristics?

wasted appearance of extremities, thin umbilical cord, and reduced subcutaneous fat stores

Which measurement best describes delayed postpartum hemorrhage?

blood loss in excess of 500 ml, occurring at least 24 hours and up to 12 weeks after birth

A client asks the nurse at a prenatal class about acquired disorders. The nurse correctly responds that an acquired disorder:

typically occurs at or soon after birth.

When providing care to the newborn withdrawing from a drug such as cocaine or heroin, which drug is given to ease the symptoms and prevent complications?


What postpartum client should the nurse monitor most closely for signs of a postpartum infection?

a client who had a nonelective cesarean birth

The nurse should carefully monitor which neonate for hyperbilirubinemia?

neonate with ABO incompatibility

Which factor places newborns at risk for ongoing health problems?

perinatal asphyxia

When assessing a newborn, the nurse determines that the newborn is most likely experiencing respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) based on which finding?

see-saw respirations

The nurse is caring for a client who has given birth to twins. During which time period would the nurse instruct on the possibility of a late postpartum hemorrhage?

24 hours to 12 weeks after birth

Why is it important for the nurse to thoroughly assess maternal bladder and bowel status during labor?

A full bladder or rectum can impede fetal descent.

A nursing instructor is teaching students about fetal presentations during birth. The most common cause for increased incidence of shoulder dystocia is:

increasing birth weight.

Congenital myelomeningocele is commonly associated with which condition?


The nurse is caring for a client in the transition stage of labor. In which scenario would the nurse predict the use of forceps may be used to assist with the birth?

Abnormal position of the fetal head

What would be the physiologic basis for a placenta previa?

low placental implantation

The nurse has been doing bag and mask resuscitation for over 2 minutes. What additional intervention will the nurse initiate?

Insert an orogastric tube.

The nurse is caring for a pregnant woman with diabetes mellitus. Which potential fetal complications should the nurse monitor the client for as she presents for her scheduled visits? Select all that apply.

- congenital malformations - macrosomia - respiratory disorder

Which assessment on the third postpartum day would indicate to the nurse that a woman is experiencing uterine subinvolution?

Her uterus is at the level of the umbilicus.

The maternal health nurse is caring for a pregnant client with a history of asthma who requires maintenance medication for the management of the disease. Which action by the nurse best reinforces information provided to the client regarding maintenance of her health?

Observe the client taking her inhaler.

The nurse is teaching the parents of a newborn who was born with a high type of imperforate anus the care the newborn will need at home after surgery. The parents need to be aware that the newborn will require which measure temporarily?


A woman at 35 weeks' gestation with severe hydramnios is admitted to the hospital. The nurse recognizes that which concern is greatest regarding this client?

preterm rupture of membranes followed by preterm birth

The nurse is caring for a baby born to a mother with a history of alcohol use disorder. For what characteristics should the nurse observe to determine if the newborn has a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder? Select all that apply.

- reduced ocular growth - short palpebral fissures - flattened nasal bridge

The nurse recognizes that maternal factors can increase the chance of a large-for-gestational-age newborn. When reviewing maternal history, the nurse would interpret which factors as placing a newborn at risk for being LGA? Select all that apply.

- diabetes - multiparity - history of postdates gestation

A woman with hydramnios has just given birth. The nurse recognizes that the infant must be assessed for which condition?

esophageal atresia

A newborn is receiving bag and mask ventilation and cardiac compression. The resuscitation is paused, and the nurse reassesses the infant. The infant's heart rate is 70 bpm with irregular gasping respirations. What is the appropriate action in this situation?

Continue bag and mask ventilation only.

A postpartum woman is developing a thrombophlebitis in her right leg. Which assessments would the nurse make to detect this?

Assess for pedal edema.

Which assessment finding would best validate a problem in a small-for-gestational age newborn secondary to meconium in the amniotic fluid?

respiratory rate of 60 to 70 bpm

A nurse is caring for a newborn with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. What characteristic of the fetal alcohol spectrum disorder should the nurse assess for in the newborn?

small head circumference

The nurse is assessing a small-for-gestational age (SGA) newborn, 12 hours of age, and notes the newborn is lethargic with cyanosis of the extremities, jittery with handling, and a jaundiced, ruddy skin color. The nurse expects which diagnosis as a result of the findings?


A client is giving birth when shoulder dystocia occurs in the fetus. The nurse recognizes that which condition in the client is likely to increase the risk for shoulder dystocia?


A woman having contractions comes to the emergency department. She tells the nurse that she is at 34 weeks' gestation. The nurse examines her and finds that she is already effaced and dilated 2 cm. What is this woman demonstrating?

preterm labor

Methylergonovine is prescribed for a woman experiencing postpartum hemorrhage. The nurse monitors the woman closely for which adverse effects?


A nurse is caring for a pregnant client who is HIV positive. What is a priority issue that the nurse should discuss with the client?

the need for the client to avoid breastfeeding

The nurse is caring for a neonate. Which is the most important step the nurse can take to prevent and control infection?

Practice meticulous handwashing.

A nurse is concerned that a 1-day-old newborn is becoming ill and may be septic. What sign of distress would validate the nurse's concerns?

Temperature instability

For which potential neonatal infection does the nurse anticipate using ophthalmic erythromycin?

Chlamydia trachomatis

A woman has been in labor for the past 8 hours, and she has progressed to the second stage of labor. However, after 2 hours with no further descent, the provider diagnoses an "arrested descent." The woman asks, "Why is this happening?" Which response is the best answer to this question?

"More than likely you have cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) where baby's head cannot make it through the canal."

Which assessment would lead the nurse to believe a postpartum woman is developing a urinary complication?

At 8 hours postdelivery she has voided a total of 100 mL in four small voidings.

Before calling the health care provider to report a slow progression or an arrest of labor, several assessments need to be made. What other maternal assessment does the nurse need to make prior to calling the health care provider?

Check for a full bladder.

The nurse notes that a client's uterus, which was firm after the fundal massage, has become boggy again. Which intervention would the nurse do next?

Check for bladder distention, while encouraging the client to void.

When preparing to resuscitate a preterm newborn, the nurse would perform which action first?

Place the newborn's head in a neutral position.

The nurse is most correct to assess for transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN) in which neonate?

The neonate delivered by cesarean section

A nurse is performing a newborn assessment and notices a small dimple on the sacral area. The infant has a normal neurological assessment and moves all extremities well. What does the nurse suspect that the dimple indicates?

spina bifida occulta

A pregnant women calls the clinic to report a small amount of painless vaginal bleeding. What response by the nurse is best?

"Please come in now for an evaluation by your health care provider."

The nursing student demonstrates an understanding of dystocia with which statement?

"Dystocia is diagnosed after labor has progressed for a time."

A nurse is caring for a large-for-gestational-age newborn. Which sign(s) leads the nurse to suspect that the newborn is experiencing hypoglycemia? Select all that apply.

- lethargy and stupor - respiratory difficulty

A nurse is caring for a client who is scheduled to undergo an amnioinfusion. The nurse would question this prescription if which finding is noted upon client assessment?

uterine hypertonicity

A 38-year-old client, G4P3, at 10 weeks' gestation with an unplanned pregnancy, has concerns the fetus may have a genetic defect. The nurse should point out which test would be the best current choice to investigate the possibility of a chromosomal abnormality?

Chorionic villus sampling

If the nurse manages a newborn with low blood sugar, which intervention would be appropriate to prevent hypoglycemia?

Feed the neonate.

The nurse is educating the parents of a neonate with Down syndrome regarding nutrition. Which provides the biggest challenge in feeding the neonate?

Thick, fissured tongue

Which measure would the nurse expect to be included in the plan of care for an infant of a diabetic mother who has a serum calcium level of 6.2 mg/dl (1.55 mmol/L)?

administration of calcium gluconate

A nurse is conducting a review program for a group of neonatal nurses about pulmonary complications associated with preterm birth, explaining that the most common severe adverse pulmonary outcome of preterm birth is bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Which information would the nurse address as a preventive measure?

antepartum administration of steroids to the mother

A pregnant woman comes to the birthing center, stating she is in labor and does not know far along her pregnancy is because she has not had prenatal care. A primary care provider performs an ultrasound that indicates oligohydramnios. When the client's membranes rupture, meconium is in the amniotic fluid. What does the nurse suspect may be occurring with this client?

complications of a post-term pregnancy

The nurse reviews the history of a postpartum woman G3P3 and notes it is positive for obesity and smoking. The nurse would be especially alert for the development of signs and symptoms of which complication in this client?

deep venous thrombosis

A nurse is assessing a pregnant client for the possibility of preexisting conditions that could lead to complications during pregnancy. The nurse suspects that the woman is at risk for hydramnios based on which preexisting condition?


A woman is being closely monitored and treated for severe preeclampsia with magnesium sulfate. Which finding would alert the nurse to the development of magnesium toxicity in this client?

diminished reflexes

A nurse is conducting a refresher program for a group of perinatal nurses. Part of the program involves a discussion of HELLP. The nurse determines that the group needs additional teaching when they identify which aspect as a part of HELLP?

elevated lipoproteins

Cytomegalovirus infection can result in different congenital anomalies. It can also be transmitted via different routes. When discussing this infection with a pregnant woman, the nurse integrates understanding that permanent fetal disability can occur with which type of transmission of CMV?

in utero transmission

The small-for-gestational-age neonate is at increased risk for which complication during the transitional period?

polycythemia, probably due to chronic fetal hypoxia

A nurse is caring for a client in the postpartum period. When observing the client's condition, the nurse notices that the client tends to speak incoherently. The client's thought process is disoriented, and she frequently indulges in obsessive concerns. The nurse notes that the client has difficulty in relaxing and sleeping. The nurse interprets these findings as suggesting which condition?

postpartum psychosis

A woman of 16 weeks' gestation telephones the nurse because she has passed some "berry-like" blood clots and now has continued dark brown vaginal bleeding. Which action would the nurse instruct the woman to do?

"Come to the health facility with any vaginal material passed."

A pregnant single mom living alone tells the nurse she is considering getting a cat for her 2-year-old daughter. Which is the best response by the nurse?

"You should wait until after you give birth to obtain the cat for your daughter."

The nurse encourages a woman with gestational diabetes to maintain an active exercise period during pregnancy. Prior to this exercise period, the nurse would advise her to take which action?

Eat a sustaining-carbohydrate snack.

A 28-year-old client with a history of endometriosis presents to the emergency department with severe abdominal pain and nausea and vomiting. The client also reports her periods are irregular with the last one being 2 months ago. The nurse prepares to assess for which possible cause for this client's complaints?

Ectopic pregnancy

A nurse is caring for an infant born with polycythemia. Which intervention is most appropriate when caring for this infant?

Focus on decreasing blood viscosity by increasing fluid volume.

The parent reports that the health care provider said that the infant had a hernia but she can't remember which type. When recalling what the health care provider said, the parent said that a surgeon will repair it soon and there is no problem with the testes. Which hernia type is anticipated?

Inguinal hernia

The nurse is assessing a multipara woman who presents to the hospital after approximately 2 hours of labor and notes the fetus is in a transverse lie. After notifying the RN and primary care provider, which action should the LPN prioritize?

Prepare to assist with external version.

A preterm infant begins gagging, splaying fingers and toes, and goes limp when the parents are playing with the infant. What would the nurse teach the parents?

These are signs the infant is stressed and needs to rest.

A G2P1 woman is in labor attempting a VBAC, when she suddenly complains of light-headedness and dizziness. An increase in pulse and decrease in blood pressure is noted as a change from the vital signs obtained 15 minutes prior. The nurse should investigate further for additional signs or symptoms of which complication?

Uterine rupture

A nurse is conducting a presentation for a group of pregnant women about conditions that can occur during pregnancy and that place the woman at high-risk. When discussing blood incompatibilities, which measure would the nurse explain as most effective in preventing isoimmunization during pregnancy?

Rho(D) immune globulin administration to Rh-negative women

A woman is in the hospital only 15 minutes when she begins to give birth precipitously. The fetal head begins to emerge as the nurse walks into the labor room. The nurse's best action would be to:

place a hand gently on the fetal head to guide birth.

A G2P1 woman with type 1 diabetes is determined to be at 8 weeks' gestation by her health care provider. The nurse should point out which factor will help the client maintain glycemic control?


A client at 38 weeks' gestation has an ultrasound performed at a routine office visit and learns that her fetus has not moved out of a breech position. Which intervention does the nurse anticipate for this client?

external cephalic version

A nursing student has read that cleft lip is diagnosed at birth based on inspection of physical appearance and that cleft palate is diagnosed by which method?

feeling the palate with a gloved finger or using a tongue blade

The nurse is admitting a G3 P2 client at 38 weeks' gestation who arrived reporting painless bleeding from the vagina leading to the diagnosis of placenta previa. When questioned by the client as to what caused this, which most likely factor should the nurse point out in her answer?

previous cesarean birth

A woman is 2 weeks postpartum when she calls the clinic and tells the nurse that she has a fever of 101°F (38.3°C). She reports abdominal pain and a "bad smell" to her lochia. The nurse recognizes that these symptoms are associated with which condition


A pregnant client with type I diabetes asks the nurse about how to best control her blood sugar while she is pregnant. The best reply would be for the woman to:

check her blood sugars frequently and adjust insulin accordingly.

Which condition would place a neonate at the least risk for developing respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)?

chronic maternal hypertension

A client who gave birth vaginally 16 hours ago states she does not need to void at this time. The nurse reviews the documentation and finds that the client has not voided for 7 hours. Which response by the nurse is indicated?

"It's not uncommon after birth for you to have a full bladder even though you can't sense the fullness."

A client is placed on bed rest and home care for preeclampsia. The client's spouse is very concerned about the condition progressing to eclampsia and what do if she experiences a seizure at home. Which is the priority statement by the nurse?

"To reduce injury, you should move furniture away from her."

A pregnant client has tested positive for HIV using an enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) test. When talking with the client about the results, she asks, "So what happens next?" Which response by the nurse would be appropriate as the next step?

"You will need to have another test to confirm the diagnosis."

A birth room nurse notes that after the provider attempts to remove the placenta, a ball of tissue appears in the woman's vagina accompanied by massive amount of gushing blood. Immediately the woman's vital signs reveal: BP 70/48 mm Hg, pulse rate 150 bpm, and mucous membranes are pale. Which interventions should be the priority for the nurse? Select all that apply.

- Apply oxygen mask at 10 L/min. - Discontinue the IV oxytocin infusion.

Which condition may cause intrauterine asphyxia? Select all that apply.

- cord compression - placental abruption (abruptio placentae) - intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)

A woman with diabetes is in labor. To promote optimal outcomes for the mother and neonate, the nurse monitors the client's blood glucose level closely ensuring that it is maintained below which level?

110 mg/dl

Based on the recorded blood glucose levels, at which time would the nurse likely administer the regular insulin infusion?


A client arrives in the emergency department accompanied by her husband and new 10-week-old infant, crying, confused, and with possible hallucinations. The nurse recognizes this could possibly be postpartum psychosis as it can appear within which time frame after birth?

3 months

The health care provider has determined that the source of dystocia for a woman is related to the fetus size. The nurse understands that macrosomia would indicate the fetus would weigh:

4,000 g to 4500 g

During pregnancy a woman's blood volume increases to accommodate the growing fetus to the point that vital signs may remain within normal range without showing signs of shock until the woman has lost what percentage of her blood volume?


The nurse is caring for several postpartum clients and notes various warning signs that are concerning. Which client should the nurse suspect is developing endometritis?

A woman with diabetes, vaginal birth, HR 110, temperature 101.7°F (38.7°C) on the third postpartum day. The next day, appears ill; temperature now 102.9°F (39.3°C); WBC 31,500/mm3; negative blood cultures.

A pregnant client is admitted to a health care unit with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Which prescription is the nurse most likely to receive regarding the therapy for such a client?

Administer cryoprecipitate and platelets.

A primigravida 28-year-old client is noted to have Rh negative blood and her husband is noted to be Rh positive. The nurse should prepare to administer RhoGAM after which diagnostic procedure?


A client tells that nurse in the doctor's office that her friend developed high blood pressure on her last pregnancy. She is concerned that she will have the same problem. What is the standard of care for preeclampsia?

Have her blood pressure checked at every prenatal visit.

Which nursing measure is most effective in reducing newborn infections?

Maintain medical asepsis while providing care.

A woman presents to the clinic at 1-month postpartum and reports her left breast has a painful, reddened area. On assessment, the nurse discovers a localized red and warm area. The nurse predicts the client has developed which disorder?


A laboring client has been pushing without delivering the fetal shoulders. The primary care provider determines the fetus is experiencing shoulder dystocia. What intervention can the nurse assist with to help with the birth?

McRoberts maneuver

The fetus of a woman in labor is determined to be in a persistent occiput posterior position. Which intervention would the nurse prioritize?

Pain relief measures

The father of a 2-week-old infant presents to the clinic with his disheveled wife for a postpartum visit. He reports his wife is acting differently, is extremely talkative and energetic, sleeping only 1 or 2 hours at a time (if at all), not eating, and appears to be totally neglecting the infant. The nurse should suspect the client is exhibiting signs and symptoms of which disorder?

Postpartum psychosis

Which postoperative goal is most important following surgical repair of a cleft lip and palate?

Relieving surgical pain

A nurse is assigned to care for a newborn with hyperbilirubinemia. The newborn is relatively large in size and shows signs of listlessness. What most likely occurred?

The infant's mother probably had diabetes.

The nurse observes a neonate born at 28 weeks' gestation. Which finding would the nurse expect to see?

The pinna of the ear is soft and flat and stays folded.

The nurse examines a 26-week-old premature neonate. The skin temperature is lowered. What could be a consequence of the infant being cold?


When discussing heat loss in newborns, placing a newborn on a cold scale would be an example of what type of heat loss?


Which sign appears early in a neonate with respiratory distress syndrome?

tachypnea more than 60 breaths/minute

The infant born to a woman with untreated tuberculosis (TB) is more likely to have which conditions? Select all that apply.

- low Apgar score - perinatal death - postnatal TB - underweight

The nurse who works at the local health department is preparing to give a talk on post-term pregnancies. She wants to include the fetal risks. Which risks should she include? Select all that apply.

- macrosomia - shoulder dystocia - brachial plexus injuries - cephalopelvic disproportion

The nurse is giving a transition-of-care report to the nurse coming on duty. Based on the above report, what would cause the nurse to be prepared for shoulder dystocia during the birth? Select all that apply.

- maternal obesity - prolonged second stage

The nurse is administering a postpartum woman an antibiotic for mastitis. Which statement by the mother indicates that she understood the nurse's explanation of care?

"I can continue breastfeeding my infant, but it may be somewhat uncomfortable."

A nurse is caring for a preterm infant. Which intervention will prepare the newborn's gastrointestinal tract to better tolerate feedings when initiated?

Administer 0.5 ml/kg/hr of breast milk enterally.

A newborn at 33 weeks' gestation has an Apgar score of 5 at 10 minutes of life. Which nursing action is a priority?

Begin resuscitation measures.

After conducting a refresher class on possible congenital infections with a group of perinatal nurses, the nurse recognizes the class was successful when the group identifies which congenital viral infection as the most common?


The nurse is conducting discharge teaching with a postpartum woman. What would be an important instruction for this client?

Call her caregiver if lochia moves from serosa to rubra.

The nurse is assessing the plantar creases on the newborns for documentation on the Ballard Scale. Which documentation is interpreted as evidence of a full-term infant?

Creases covering two-thirds of the anterior foot

A client at 35 weeks' gestation is now in stable condition after being admitted for vaginal bleeding. Which assessment should the nurse prioritize?

Fetal heart tones

A pregnant client with sickle cell anemia is admitted in crisis. Which nursing intervention should the nurse prioritize?

IV fluids

The nurse is caring for a woman undergoing cervical dilation. Which assessment finding would alert the nurse to the complication of vasa previa?

Painless bleeding at the beginning of cervical dilation

The nurse understands the need to be aware of the potential of bleeding disorders in pregnant clients. Which disorder should she be aware of that occurs in the second trimester?

Placenta previa

The nurse is teaching a client with newly diagnosed mastitis about her condition. The nurse would inform the client that she most likely contracted the disorder from which organism?

Staphylococcus aureus

A woman in active labor suddenly experiences a sharp, excruciating low abdominal pain, which the nurse suspects may be a uterine rupture since the shape of the abdomen has changed. The nurse calls a code, and a cesarean birth is performed stat, but the infant does not survive the trauma. A few hours later, after the woman has stabilized, she asks to hold and touch her infant, and the nurse arranges this. Later, the nurse's documentation should include which outcome statement?

The parents are beginning to demonstrate positive grieving behaviors.

A primigravida 21-year-old client at 24 weeks' gestation has a 2-year history of HIV. As the nurse explains the various options for delivery, which factor should the nurse point out will influence the decision for a vaginal birth?

The viral load

The nursing instructor is teaching a session on techniques that the nursing students can use to properly address concerns of parents with children who are born with a congenital disorder. The instructor determines the session is successful when the students correctly choose which nursing intervention as being the most effective in these situations?

Use reflective listening and offer nonjudgmental support.

The nursing instructor is leading a discussion exploring the various conditions that can result in postpartum hemorrhage. The instructor determines the session is successful when the students correctly choose which condition is most frequently the cause of postpartum hemorrhage?

Uterine atony

A nurse working with a woman in preterm labor receives a telephone report for the fetal fibronectin test done 10 hours ago. The report indicates an absence of the protein, which the nurse knows indicates:

birth is unlikely within the 2 next weeks.

The nurse observes a newborn experiencing coughing, choking, and unexplained cyanosis during feeding. These are classic signs of what condition?

esophageal atresia

A woman gives birth to a newborn at 39 weeks' gestation. The nurse classifies this newborn as:

full term.

A woman at 10 weeks' gestation comes to the clinic for an evaluation. Which assessment finding should the nurse prioritize?

fundal height measurement of 18 cm

A client has arrived to the birthing center in labor, requesting a VBAC. After reading the client's previous history, the nurse anticipates that the client would be a good candidate based on which finding?

had previous lower abdominal incision

What is a consequence of hypothermia in a newborn?

holds breath 25 seconds

A client in her seventh week of the postpartum period is experiencing bouts of sadness and insomnia. The nurse suspects that the client may have developed postpartum depression. What signs or symptoms are indicative of postpartum depression? Select all that apply.

inability to concentrate loss of confidence decreased interest in life

A newborn is designated as very-low-birth-weight. When weighing this newborn, the nurse would expect to find which weight?

less than 1,500 g

When providing education to a prenatal care class for teenagers, the nurse states that infants born to teenage mothers are more likely to have which outcome?


When monitoring a postpartum client 2 hours after birth, the nurse notices heavy bleeding with large clots. Which response is most appropriate initially?

massaging the fundus firmly

A nurse is caring for a newborn whose chest X-ray reveals marked hyperaeration mixed with areas of atelectasis. The infant's arterial blood gas analysis indicates metabolic acidosis. For which dangerous condition should the nurse prepare when providing care to this newborn?

meconium aspiration syndrome

Which facial change is characteristic in a neonate with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder?


The nurse notes a diminished level of consciousness in an infant with hydrocephalus. What is a priority action at this time?

palpating the anterior fontanel (fontanelle)

A 32 weeks' gestation newborn is admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit. The assessment reveals a pale dyspneic newborn with marked tremors, a bulging anterior fontanel (fontanelle), and a high-pitched cry. What diagnosis best correlates with the assessment findings?

periventricular-intraventricular hemorrhage

A 40-year-old woman comes to the clinic reporting having missed her period for two months. A pregnancy test is positive. What is she and her fetus at increased risk for?

placental abnormalities

A nursing instructor is teaching students about preexisting illnesses and how they can complicate a pregnancy. The instructor recognizes a need for further education when one of the students makes which statement?

"A pregnant woman does not have to worry about contracting new illnesses during pregnancy."

Four weeks before the birth of a client's already large child, the health care provider has told the client that if the baby gets bigger and the baby's lungs are ready, a cesarean birth is preferred. The woman asks the nurse what the downside is to having a cesarean rather than a vaginal birth. What is an appropriate response by the nurse?

"As the baby passes through the birth canal some of the excess fluid is expelled from the lungs; if that doesn't happen there's a higher risk of respiratory distress."

The mother of a preterm infant tells her nurse that she would like to visit her newborn in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Which response by the nurse would be most appropriate?

"Certainly. You will need to wash your hands and gown before you can hold him, however."

Which statement by the nurse would be considered inappropriate when comforting a family who has experienced a stillborn infant?

"I know you are hurting, but you can have another baby in the future."

A mother is talking to the nurse and is concerned about managing her asthma while she is pregnant. Which response to the nurse's teaching indicates that the woman needs further instruction?

"I need to begin taking allergy shots like my friend to prevent me from having an allergic reaction this spring."

A pregnant client with a history of asthma since childhood presents for a prenatal visit. What statement by the client would the nurse prioritize?

"I sometimes get a bit wheezy."

At a prenatal class the nurse describes the various birth weight terms that may be used to describe a newborn at birth. The nurse feels confident learning has occurred when a participant makes which statement?

"Newborns who are appropriate-for-gestational-age at birth have lower chance of complications than others."

After the nurse teaches a local woman's group about postpartum affective disorders, which statement by the group indicates that the teaching was successful?

"Postpartum depression develops gradually, appearing within the first 6 weeks."

A client with a history of cervical insufficiency is seen for reports of pink-tinged discharge and pelvic pressure. The primary care provider decides to perform a cervical cerclage. The nurse teaches the client about the procedure. Which client response indicates that the teaching has been effective?

"Purse-string sutures are placed in the cervix to prevent it from dilating."

During active labor, the nurse notes a decrease in the baby's fetal heart rate and consults with the health care provider. The provider concurs and prescribes application of oxygen via mask, increase in IV fluids, and repositioning. The nurse should communicate which piece of information to the woman when she protests about being "tied down" in bed with IVs?

"Remember, the goal is to increase the FHR so a healthy infant can be born."

A client experiencing a threatened abortion is concerned about losing the pregnancy and asks what she can do to help save her baby. What is the most appropriate response from the nurse?

"Restrict your physical activity to moderate bed rest."

The nurse realizes the educational session conducted on due dates was successful when a participant is overheard making which statement?

"The ability of my placenta to provide adequate oxygen and nutrients to my baby after 42 weeks' gestation is thought to be compromised."

A woman's baby is HIV positive at birth. She asks the nurse if this means the baby will develop AIDS. Which statement would be the nurse's best answer?

"The antibodies may be those transferred across the placenta; the baby may not develop AIDS."

A nurse is explaining to the parents the preoperative care for their infant born with bladder exstrophy. The parents ask, "What will happen to the bladder while waiting for the surgery?" What is the nurse's best response?

"The bladder will be covered in a sterile plastic bag to keep it moist."

A nurse is caring for a 45-year-old pregnant client with a cardiac disorder who has been instructed by her primary care provider to follow class I functional activity recommendations. The nurse correctly instructs the client to follow which limitations?

"You do not need to limit your physical activity unless you experience any problems such as fatigue, chest pain, or shortness of breath."

The nurse is assigned to care for a postpartum client with a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) who is prescribed anticoagulation therapy. Which statement will the nurse include when providing education to this client?

"You need to avoid medications which contain acetylsalicylic acid."

A premature infant is admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit with respiratory distress syndrome and requires assisted ventilation. The parents asks the nurse, "Why won't our baby breath on its own?" What is the nurse's best response?

"Your infant cannot sustain respirations yet due to the lack of assistance from surfactant."

A pregnant client at 30 weeks' gestation calls the clinic because she thinks that she may be in labor. To determine if the client is experiencing labor, which question(s) would be appropriate for the nurse to ask? Select all that apply.

- "Are you feeling any pressure or heaviness in your pelvis?" - "Are you having contractions that come and go, off and on?" - "Have you noticed any fluid leaking from your vagina?" - "Have you been having any nausea or vomiting?"

A client who is diagnosed with septic pelvic thrombophlebitis is prescribed heparin therapy by the health care provider. Which nursing assessment(s) should the nurse prioritize to begin each nursing shift? Select all that apply.

- pain - platelet count - clotting profiles - evidence of bleeding

A nurse is conducting a teaching program for pregnant woman who are older than age 35. The nurse explains that although most women in their age group have healthy pregnancies and healthy newborns, they are at increased risk for possible complications. Which complications would the nurse include? Select all that apply.

- postpartum hemorrhage - preterm labor - preeclampsia

A pregnant client is experiencing dystocia resulting from persistent occiput posterior position. The client, in the first stage of labor, is reporting significant back pain. The nurse encourages the client to change positions frequently for comfort and to help promote rotation of the fetal head. Which position(s) would be appropriate for the nurse to suggest? Select all that apply.

- side-lying - hands and knees - Squatting

The nurse is caring for a client in the early stages of labor. What maternal history factors will alert the nurse to plan for the possibility of a small-for-gestational-age (SGA) newborn? Select all that apply.

- smoking during pregnancy - asthma exacerbations during pregnancy - drug use

The experienced labor and birth nurse knows to evaluate progress in active labor by using which simple rule?

1 cm/hour for cervical dilation

A client has had a cesarean birth. Which amount of blood loss would the nurse document as a postpartum hemorrhage in this client?

1000 ml

A woman comes to the clinic for her first prenatal visit. As part of the assessment, the woman is screened for rubella antibodies. The nurse determines that a client has immunity against rubella based on which rubella titer?


A client is admitted to the unit in preterm labor. In preparing the client for tocolytic drug therapy, the nurse anticipates that the client's pregnancy may be prolonged for how long when this therapy is used?

2 to 7 days

The nurse is weighing a newborn and documents AGA (appropriate for gestational age) on the newborn record. Which weight percentile is anticipated?


A newborn is prescribed gentamicin for suspected neonatal sepsis. The newborn weighs 1600 grams, and the drug is to be given at 2.5 mg/kg every 12 hours. What is the correct dosage to be administered every 12 hours? Record your answer using a whole number.


The nurse is caring for a client who is at her due date. The client asks. "How long is the health care provider going to let me go?" The nurse is correct to state that typical a mother should not pass how many weeks' gestation?

42 weeks

The nurse determines that a woman is experiencing postpartum hemorrhage after a vaginal birth when the blood loss is greater than which amount?

500 mL

A pregnant woman with diabetes is having her hemoglobin (glycosylated) level evaluated. The nurse determines that the woman's glucose is under control and continues the woman's plan of care based on which result?


A pregnant woman with diabetes is having a glycosylated hemoglobin (HgbA1C) level drawn. Which result would require the nurse to revise the client's plan of care?


The nurse is assisting with a birth, and the client has just delivered the placenta. Suddenly, bright red blood gushes from the vagina. The nurse recognizes that which occurrence is the most likely cause of this postpartum hemorrhage?

A cervical laceration

A primipara at 36 weeks' gestation is being monitored in the prenatal clinic for risk of preeclampsia. Which sign or symptom should the nurse prioritize?

A dipstick value of 2+ for protein

A client reporting she recently had a positive pregnancy test has reported to the emergency department stating one-sided lower abdominal pain. The health care provider has prescribed a series of tests. Which test will provide the most definitive confirmation of an ectopic pregnancy?

Abdominal ultrasound

A G4P3 client with a history of controlled asthma is upset her initial prenatal appointment is taking too long, making her late for another appointment. What is the nurse's best response when the client insists she knows how to handle her asthma and needs to leave?

Acknowledge her need to leave but ask her to demonstrate the use of inhaler and peak flow meter before she goes; remind her to take regular medications.

A nurse is assessing a term newborn and finds the blood glucose level is 23 mg/dl (1.28 mmol/L). The newborn has a weak cry, is irritable, and exhibits bradycardia. Which intervention is most appropriate?

Administer dextrose intravenously.

A pregnant client is screened for tuberculosis during her first prenatal visit. An intradermal injection of purified protein derivative (PPD) of the tuberculin bacilli is given. Which sign would indicate a positive test result?

An indurated wheal over 10 mm in diameter appears in 48 to 72 hours.

A client who had an emergency cesarean birth for fetal distress 3 days ago is preparing for discharge. When reviewing the home care instructions with the nurse, the client reveals she is saddened about her cesarean and feels let down that she was not able to have a vaginal birth. When questioned further, the client states she feels "weepy about everything" and cannot stop crying. What nursing action is indicated first?

Ask the client to elaborate on her feelings.

A 29-year-old postpartum client is receiving anticoagulant therapy for deep venous thrombophlebitis. The nurse should include which instruction in her discharge teaching?

Avoid over-the-counter (OTC) salicylates.

The nurse is assisting a client who has just undergone an amniocentesis. Blood results indicate the mother has type O blood and the fetus has type AB blood. The nurse should point out the mother and fetus are at an increased risk for which situation related to this procedure?

Baby developing postbirth jaundice

A 38-year-old woman comes into the obstetrician's office for prenatal care, stating that she is about 12 weeks pregnant with her first child. What questions would the nurse ask this client, considering her age and potential sensitivity to being labeled an "older" primipara?

Be nonjudgmental in your history gathering and offer her pregnancy resources to read and explore.

A nurse is caring for an infant. A serum blood sugar of 40 was noted at birth. What care should the nurse provide to this newborn?

Begin early feedings either by the breast or bottle.

The nurse in a busy L & D unit is caring for a woman beginning induction via oxytocin drip. Which prescription should the nurse question with regard to titrating the infusion upward for adequate contractions?

Begin infusion at 10 milliunits (mu)/min and titrate every 15 minutes upward by 5 mu/min.

The obstetrics nurse has admitted a large-for-gestational-age infant, 1-hour old, for observation. The initial blood glucose level is 44 mg/dl (2.44 mmol). What is the nurse's priority action?

Begin supervised feedings for the newborn.

The nurse is caring for a postpartum woman who exhibits a large amount of bleeding. Which areas would the nurse need to assess before the woman ambulates?

Blood pressure, pulse, reports of dizziness

A pregnant woman with sickle cell anemia is very concerned her infant will also develop the disease and questions the nurse about that possibility. Which is the best response from the nurse?

Both parents have to carry the trait.

A woman arrives in the L & D unit in the beginning early phase with her contractions 5 to 8 minutes apart and dilated 1 cm. Thirty minutes later the nurse finds the woman in hard, active labor and 8 cm dilated. The nurse calls for assistance, prepares for a precipitate birth, and monitors the woman for which priority assessment caused by a rapid birth?

Check perineal area frequently for bleeding.

It is discovered that a new mother has developed a postpartum infection. What is the most likely expected outcome that the nurse will identify for this client related to this condition?

Client's temperature remains below 100.4°F (38.8°C) orally.

The nurse has admitted a small-for-gestational-age infant (SGA) to the observation nursery from the birth room. Which action would the nurse prioritize in the newborn's care plan?

Closely monitor temperature.

A client presents to the clinic with her 3-week-old infant reporting general flu-like symptoms and a painful right breast. Assessment reveals temperature 101°8F (38.8°C) and the right breast nipple with a movable mass that is red and warm. Which instruction should the nurse prioritize for this client?

Complete the full course of antibiotic prescribed, even if you begins to feel better.

An 18-year-old pregnant client is hospitalized as she recovers from hyperemesis gravidarum. The client reveals she wanted to have an abortion but her cultural background forbids it. She is very unhappy about being pregnant and even expresses a wish for a miscarriage. Which action by the nurse is most appropriate?

Contact the health care provider to report the client's feelings.

A woman with cardiac disease at 32 weeks' gestation reports she has been having spells of light-headedness and dizziness every few days. Which instruction should the nurse prioritize?

Decrease activity and rest more often.

A client's membranes rupture. The nurse observes the fetal heart rate drop from 156 to 110. The nurse inspects the client's perineum and sees a loop of umbilical cord. What is the nurse's priority concern in this situation?

Decreased fetal oxygenation

A client in preterm labor is receiving magnesium sulfate IV and appears to be responding well. Which finding on assessment should the nurse prioritize?

Depressed deep tendon reflexes

The nurse is monitoring a woman who is receiving IV oxytocin to assist with uterine irritability. Which action should the nurse prioritize if the woman's contractions are determined to be 80 seconds in length after 1 hour of administration of the oxytocin?

Discontinue the oxytocin infusion.

A pregnant client with hyperemesis gravidarum needs advice on how to minimize nausea and vomiting. Which instruction should the nurse give this client?

Eat small, frequent meals throughout the day.

A woman who gave birth to an infant 3 days ago has developed a uterine infection. She will be on antibiotics for 2 weeks. What is the priority education for this client?

Encourage an oral intake of 2 to 3 liters per day.

The nurse assesses that a fetus is in an occiput posterior position. The nurse predicts the client will experience which situation related to this assessment?

Experience of additional back pain

A client is diagnosed with a postpartum infection. The nurse is most correct to provide which instruction?

Finish all antibiotics to decrease a genital tract infection.

From which pair of metabolic disorders must the nurse instruct the parents to eliminate breast and cow's milk from the diet?

Galactosemia and phenylketonuria

The nurse is appraising the laboratory results of a pregnant client who is in her second trimester and notes the following: thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) slightly elevated, glucose in the urine, complete blood count (CBC) low normal, and normal electrolytes. The nurse prioritizes further testing to rule out which condition?

Gestational diabetes

The health care provider of a newly pregnant client determines the woman also has mitral stenosis and will need appropriate therapy. Which medication should the nurse prepare to teach this client to provide her with the best possible care?


The nurse administers methylergonovine 0.2 mg to a postpartum woman with uterine subinvolution. Which assessment should the nurse make prior to administering the medication?

Her blood pressure is below 140/90 mm Hg.

A 24-year-old woman presents with vague abdominal pains, nausea, and vomiting. An urine hCG is positive after the client mentioned that her last menstrual period was 2 months ago. The nurse should prepare the client for which intervention if the transvaginal ultrasound indicates a gestation sac is found in the right lower quadrant?

Immediate surgery

A nurse is caring for a preterm newborn born at 29 weeks' gestation. Which nursing diagnosis would have the highest priority?

Ineffective thermoregulation related to decreased amount of subcutaneous fat

A pregnant woman has been admitted to the hospital due to preeclampsia with severe features. Which measure will be important for the nurse to include in the care plan?

Institute and maintain seizure precautions.

The nurse is caring for a pregnant client with severe preeclampsia. Which nursing intervention should a nurse perform to institute and maintain seizure precautions in this client?

Keep the suction equipment readily available.

The nurse assesses the client who is 1 hour postpartum and discovers a heavy, steady gush of bright red blood from the vagina in the presence of a firm fundus. Which potential cause should the nurse question and report to the RN or primary care provider?


A nurse finds that a client is bleeding excessively after a vaginal birth. Which assessment finding would indicate retained placental fragments as a cause of bleeding?

Large uterus with painless dark red blood mixed with clots

The nurse is caring for a client suspected to have a uterine rupture. The nurse predicts the fetal monitor will exhibit which pattern if this is true?

Late decelerations

A nurse is assisting a client in active labor whose diabetes has been poorly controlled. Which assessment of the neonate should be prioritized after its birth?


The nurse is preparing information for a client who has just been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Which instruction should the nurse prioritize in this information?

Maintain a daily blood glucose log

What important instruction should the nurse give a pregnant client with tuberculosis?

Maintain adequate hydration.

A newborn is exhibiting symptoms of withdrawal and toxicology test have been prescribed. Which type of specimen should the nurse collect to obtain the most accurate results?


A perinatal nurse is providing care for a large-for-gestational-age neonate admitted to the observational unit after a complicated vaginal birth resulting in shoulder dystocia. Which assessment would be a priority for the nurse to perform?

Moro assessment

At birth, a neonate is diagnosed with brachial plexus palsy. The parent asks how the nurse knows the baby's positioning of the arm is a result of the palsy and not just a preferred position. The nurse would show the parent that the neonate has asymmetry of which neonatal reflex?

Moro reflex

A pregnant woman diagnosed with diabetes should be instructed to perform which action?

Notify the primary care provider if unable to eat because of nausea and vomiting.

A nurse is providing postoperative care to an infant who had a ventriculoarterial shunt placed. Approximately 8 hours after surgery, the nurse notes on assessment shrill crying and projective vomiting. Which response should the nurse prioritize at this time?

Notify the primary care provider immediately.

A nurse caring for a pregnant client suspects substance use during pregnancy. What is the priority nursing intervention for this client?

Obtain a urine specimen for a drug screening.

A woman presents at Labor and Delivery very upset. She reports that she has not felt her baby moving for the last 6 hours. The nurse listens for a fetal heart rate and cannot find a heartbeat. An ultrasound confirms fetal death and labor induction is started. What intervention by the nurse would be appropriate for this mother at this time?

Offer to take pictures and footprints of the infant once it is delivered.

The nurse is caring for a neonate with epispadias. In which location will the nurse assess the anomaly?

On the dorsal end of the penis

The nurse is assessing a client who is 14 hours postpartum and notes very heavy lochia flow with large clots. Which action should the nurse prioritize?

Palpate her fundus.

The nurse is caring for a 2-day-old newborn whose mother was diagnosed with cytomegalovirus during the first trimester. On which health care provider prescription should the nurse place the priority?

Perform a hearing screen test.

After only 45 minutes of labor, the client feels the urge to push. She pushes once and the baby's head is visible. With the next push, the head emerges. What is the immediate risk when the head is delivered too fast?

Perineal tearing

The nurse is giving an educational presentation to the local Le Leche league chapter. One woman asks about risk factors for mastitis. How should the nurse respond?

Pierced nipple

A nurse is caring for a newborn client who is diagnosed with myelomeningocele. Which nursing intervention would protect the newborn from injury?

Place the newborn in a prone or lateral position.

The nurse is examining a client at 37 weeks' gestation who came to labor and delivery with severe cramps and vaginal spotting. While listening to the fetal heart rate the nurse observes a reddened area of the side of the client's abdomen. When the nurse asks about the area, the client says "I got hit with a broom." The nurse asks who hit her, but the client does not respond. A vaginal examination reveals the cervix is 50% effaced and dilated 1 cm, membranes are intact, no bleeding and the presenting part is floating. Based on the nurse's assessment, the client is admitted to the observation unit to be monitored for which obstetrical condition?

Placental abruption (abruptio placentae)

The nurse is leading a discussion with a group of pregnant women who have diabetes. The nurse should point out which situation can potentially occur during their pregnancy?


A woman in labor suddenly reports sharp fundal pain accompanied by slight dark red vaginal bleeding. The nurse should prepare to assist with which situation?

Premature separation of the placenta

The nurse is monitoring a client in labor who has had a previous cesarean section and is trying a vaginal birth with an epidural. The nurse observes a sudden drop in blood pressure, increased heart rate, and deep variable deceleration on the fetal monitor. The client reports severe pain in her abdomen and shoulder. What should the nurse prepare to do?

Prepare the client for a cesarean birth.

A nurse is assigned to care for a newborn with esophageal atresia. What preoperative nursing care is the priority for this newborn?

Prevent aspiration by elevating the head of the bed, and inserting an NG tube to low suction.

The nurse is preparing a nursing care plan for an infant who was born with spina bifida with myelomeningocele. Which nursing goal should the nurse prioritize for this child?

Preventing infection

A preterm infant will be hospitalized for an extended time. Assuming the infant's condition is improving, which environment would the nurse feel is most suitable for the child?

Provide a mobile the child can see no matter how he or she is turned.

An infant is suspected of having persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN). What intervention implemented by the nurse would be appropriate for treating this client?

Provide oxygen by oxygen hood or ventilator.

A pregnant client with diabetes in the hospital reports waking up with shakiness and diaphoresis. Which action should the nurse prioritize after discovering the client's fasting blood sugar is 60 mg/dl (3.33 mmol/L)?

Provide the client some milk to drink.

The maternal health nurse is caring for a group of high-risk pregnant clients. Which client condition will the nurse identify as being the highest risk for pregnancy?

Pulmonary hypertension

The following hourly assessments are obtained by the nurse on a client with preeclampsia receiving magnesium sulfate: 97.3oF (36.2oC), HR 88, RR 12 breaths/min, BP 148/110 mm Hg. What other priority physical assessments by the nurse should be implemented to assess for potential toxicity?


A woman at 28 weeks' gestation has been hospitalized with moderate bleeding that is now stabilizing. The nurse performs a routine assessment and notes the client sleeping, lying on the back, and electronic fetal heart rate (FHR) monitor showing gradually increasing baseline with late decelerations. Which action will the nurse perform first?

Reposition the client to left side.

A preterm newborn receives oxygen therapy to treat respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). Which complication should the nurse consider a result of oxygen administration at a high concentration?

Retinopathy of prematurity

A nurse is describing the use of Rho(D) immune globulin as the therapy of choice for isoimmunization in Rh-negative women and for other conditions to a group of nurses working at the women's health clinic. The nurse determines that additional teaching is needed when the group identifies which situation as an indication for Rho(D) immune globulin?


The nurse is caring for a postpartum woman who is diagnosed with endometritis. Which position should the nurse encourage the client to maintain?


The nurse is assessing a 37-year-old woman who has presented in active labor and notes the client has an increased risk for placental abruption (abruptio placentae). Which assessment finding should the nurse prioritize?

Sharp fundal pain and discomfort between contractions

The nurse is assessing the neonate shown. From the assessment, the nurse notes that there is paralysis of the lower extremities. For which condition does the nurse anticipate performing care?

Spina bifida with myelomeningocele

A client at 6 weeks' gestation asks the nurse what foods she should eat to help prevent neural tube disorders in her growing baby. The nurse would recommend which foods?

Spinach, oranges, and beans

A nurse from the neonatal intensive care unit is called to the birth room for an infant requiring resuscitation. After placing the newborn in the sniffing position what would the nurse do next?

Suction the mouth then the nose.

The nurse is caring for a client in active labor. Which assessment finding should the nurse prioritize and report to the team?

Sudden shortness of breath

The nurse is teaching a client about mastitis. Which statement should the nurse include in her teaching?

Symptoms include fever, chills, malaise, and localized breast tenderness.

The nurse is caring for a woman at 32 weeks' gestation with severe preeclampsia. Which assessment finding should the nurse prioritize after the administration of hydralazine to this client?


Which situation should concern the nurse treating a postpartum client within a few days of birth?

The client feels empty since she gave birth to the neonate.

Upon examination of a postpartal client's perineum, the nurse notes a large hematoma. The client does not report any pain, and lochia is dark red and moderate in amount. Which factor would most likely contribute to the nurse not discovering the perineal hematoma prior to the examination?

The client has a history of epidural anesthesia.

After teaching a group of new mothers about the physiologic jaundice in breastfed and bottle-fed newborns, the nurse determines that the teaching was successful when the mothers state which information?

The decline in bilirubin levels occurs more quickly in bottle-fed newborns.

At birth, the newborn was at the 8th percentile with a weight of 2350 g and born at 36 weeks' gestation. Which documentation is most accurate?

The infant was a preterm, low-birth-weight and small-for-gestational-age

Which statement describes why hypertonic contractions tend to become very painful?

The myometrium becomes sensitive from the lack of relaxation and anoxia of uterine cells.

A client has been admitted to the birthing suite in labor. She has been in labor for 12 hours and is dilated to 4 cm. The primary care provider notes that the client is in hypotonic labor. What does this mean?

The uterine contractions may or may not be regular, but the quantity or quality or strength is insufficient to dilate the cervix.

A young woman presents at the emergency department reporting lower abdominal cramping and spotting at 12 weeks' gestation. The primary care provider performs a pelvic examination and finds that the cervix is closed. What does the care provider suspect is the cause of the cramps and spotting?

Threatened abortion

A preterm newborn has just received synthetic surfactant through an endotracheal tube by a syringe. Which intervention should the nurse implement at this point?

Tip the infant into an upright position.

Which congenital condition is an immediate emergency requiring notification of the health care provider?

Tracheoesophageal fistula

The nurse is assessing a primigravida woman who reports vaginal itching, a great deal of foamy yellow-green discharge, and pain during intercourse. The nurse suspects the woman has contracted which disorder?


A young mother gives birth to twin boys who shared the same placenta. What serious complication are they at risk for?

Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS)

The nurse notes the fetal heart rate has slowed in a woman in labor at 8 cm dilation (dilatation). Assessment reveals a prolapsed umbilical cord. Which action should the nurse prioritize?

Use fingers to press upward on the presenting part.

A postpartum client is recovering from the birth and emergent repair of a cervical laceration. Which sign on assessment should the nurse prioritize and report to the health care provider?

Weak and rapid pulse

There are several women in active labor on the unit. Which woman is at highest risk for developing hypotonic contractions and therefore will need frequent nursing assessments?

a G4P3 client who is having twins and wants to experience a "natural birth"

What is a typical feature of a small-for-gestational-age (SGA) newborn that differentiates it from a preterm baby with a low-birth-weight?

ability to tolerate early oral feeding

A nurse is caring for a client who just experienced a spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) in her first trimester. When asked by the client why this happened, which is the best response from the nurse?

abnormal fetal development

A nurse assesses a client in labor and suspects dysfunctional labor (hypotonic uterine dysfunction). The woman's membranes have ruptured and fetopelvic disproportion is ruled out. Which intervention would the nurse expect to include in the plan of care for this client?

administering oxytocin

A nurse is caring for a client with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). Which intervention should the nurse perform first?

administration of platelet transfusions as prescribed

Assessment reveals that a young mother has several risk factors for giving birth to an infant with a neural tube defect. Which laboratory test would the nurse expect to be used to monitor the fetus for this birth defect?

alpha-fetoprotein levels

A newborn with high serum bilirubin is receiving phototherapy. Which nursing intervention is the most appropriate for this client?

application of eye dressings to the infant

Which intervention would be helpful to a client who is bottle feeding her infant and experiencing hard, engorged breasts?

applying ice

A preterm newborn is noted to be cyanotic. Which laboratory test will the nurse prepare the infant for to determine if the cyanosis is due to respiratory or circulatory problems?

arterial blood gases

A pregnant woman is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of placenta previa. Which action would be the priority for this woman on admission?

assessing fetal heart tones by use of an external monitor

What action by the nurse provides the neonate with sensory stimulation of a human face?

assisting the mother to position the infant in an en face position

During the newborn's assessment, which finding would lead the nurse to suspect that a large-for-gestational-age newborn has experienced birth trauma?

asymmetrical movement

A nurse is teaching a 30-year-old gravida 1 who has sickle cell anemia. Providing education on which topic is the highest nursing priority?

avoidance of infection

The parents are upset their newborn has a cleft lip. When describing the treatment, the nurse should mention that surgical repair can be done:

between the age of 6 to 12 weeks.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) can cause condylomata acuminata that can develop in clusters on the vulva, within the vagina, on the cervix, or around the anus. What is their risk?

block a vaginal birth

A client is experiencing shoulder dystocia during birth. The nurse would place priority on performing which assessment postbirth?

brachial plexus assessment

The nurse is assessing a woman who had a forceps-assisted birth for complications. Which condition would the nurse assess in the fetus?

caput succedaneum

A nurse is assigned to care for a client experiencing early postpartum hemorrhage. The nurse is required to administer the prescribed methylergonovine maleate intramuscularly to the client. Which condition would the nurse identify as necessitating the cautious administration of this drug?

cardiovascular disease

What is the term for a small collection of blood that forms underneath the skull as a result of birth trauma?


The nurse is caring for a neonate in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Which nursing action exemplifies developmental care?

clustering care and activities

A pregnant client with multiple gestation arrives at the maternity clinic for a regular antenatal check up. The nurse would be aware that client is at risk for which perinatal complication?

congenital anomalies

Which intervention would be most important when caring for the client with breech presentation confirmed by ultrasound?

continuing to monitor maternal and fetal status

A woman is admitted to the labor suite with contractions every 5 minutes lasting 1 minute. She is postterm and has oligohydramnios. What does this increase the risk of during birth?

cord compression

Periventricular-intraventricular hemorrhage is suspected in a newborn of 30 weeks' gestation. The nurse would anticipate preparing the newborn for which diagnostic tool to confirm the diagnosis?

cranial ultrasound

A nurse is interviewing a pregnant woman who has come to the clinic for her first prenatal visit. During the interview, the client tells the nurse that she works in a day care center with 2- and 3-year olds. Based on the client's history, the nurse would be alert for the development of which condition?


A client in the active phase of labor is diagnosed as having a protracted labor pattern. Which pattern would the nurse assess as indicative of a protracted labor pattern?

delayed descent of the fetal head

The nurse is monitoring the uterine contractions of a woman in labor. The nurse determines the woman is experiencing hypertonic uterine dysfunction based on which contraction finding?


The nurse is assisting a primary care provider to attempt to manipulate the position of the fetus in utero from a breech to cephalic position. What does the nurse inform the client the procedure is called?

external cephalic version

A nurse is monitoring a client with PROM who is in labor and observes meconium in the amniotic fluid. What does the observation of meconium indicate?

fetal distress related to hypoxia

A newborn admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit is diagnosed with persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN). What findings in the mother's prenatal history would best correlate with this diagnosis?

fluoxetine use during last trimester of pregnancy

A nurse is assessing the fluid status of a preterm newborn. Which parameter would be most appropriate for the nurse to assess?

fontanels (fontanelles)

A nurse is conducting an in-service presentation for a group of neonatal nurses. After teaching the group about the effects of prematurity on various body systems, the nurse determines that the class was successful when the group identifies which condition as an effect of prematurity?

fragile cerebral blood vessels

A pregnant client has been admitted with reports of brownish vaginal bleeding. On examination, there is an elevated human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) level, absent fetal heart sounds, and a discrepancy between the uterine size and the gestational age. The nurse interprets these findings to suggest which condition?

gestational trophoblastic disease

A client has been admitted with placental abruption (abruptio placentae). She has lost 1,200 ml of blood, is normotensive, and ultrasound indicates approximately 30% separation. The nurse documents this as which classification of abruptio placentae?

grade 2

A client has given birth to a small-for-gestation-age (SGA) newborn. Which finding would the nurse expect to assess?

head larger than body

A newborn requires resuscitation secondary to asphyxia. The resuscitation team frequently assesses the newborn's response and continues resuscitation efforts based on which assessment finding?

heart rate of 70 beats/min

A nurse is providing care to a client who has been diagnosed with a common benign form of gestational trophoblastic disease. The nurse identifies this as:

hydatidiform mole.

Which changes in pregnancy would the nurse identify as a contributing factor for arterial thrombosis, especially for the woman with atrial fibrillation?

hypercoagulable state

A nurse is conducting a class on gestational diabetes for a group of pregnant women who are at risk for the condition. The nurse determines that additional teaching is needed when the class identifies which complication as affecting the neonate?


The nurse is providing care to a neonate. Review of the maternal history reveals that the mother is suspected of having a heroin use disorder. The nurse would be alert for which finding when assessing the neonate?


A client has been in labor for 10 hours, with contractions occurring consistently about 5 minutes apart. The resting tone of the uterus remains at about 9 mm Hg, and the strength of the contractions averages 21 mm Hg. The nurse recognizes which condition in this client?

hypotonic contractions

A pregnant woman diagnosed with cardiac disease 4 years ago is told that her pregnancy is a high-risk pregnancy. The nurse then explains that the danger occurs primarily because of the increase in circulatory volume. The nurse informs the client that the most dangerous time for her is when?

in weeks 28 to 32

A preterm newborn is noted to have hypotonia, apnea, bradycardia, a bulging fontanel (fontanelle), cyanosis, and increased head circumference. These signs indicate the newborn has which complication?

intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH)

A client with group AB blood whose husband has group O blood has just given birth. Which complication or test result is a major sign of ABO blood incompatibility that the nurse should look for when assessing this neonate?

jaundice within the first 24 hours of life

When caring for a neonate of a mother with diabetes, which physiologic finding is most indicative of a hypoglycemic episode?


A nurse is caring for a pregnant adolescent client, who is in her first trimester, during a visit to the maternal child clinic. Which important area should the nurse address during assessment of the client?

knowledge of child development

A nurse is assessing a preterm newborn. The nurse determines that the newborn is comfortable and without pain based on which finding?

lack of body posturing

A client is entering her 42nd week of gestation and is being prepared for induction of labor. The nurse recognizes that the fetus is at risk for which condition?


Which symptom would most accurately indicate that a newborn has experienced meconium aspiration during the birth process?

meconium stained fluids followed by tachypnea

The nurse assesses a post-term newborn. What finding corresponds with this gestational age diagnosis?

meconium-stained skin and fingernails

Which medication will the nurse anticipate the health care provider will prescribe as treatment for an unruptured ectopic pregnancy?


A preterm newborn born at 30 weeks' gestation is in the NICU receiving supplemental oxygen. Based on the nurse's understanding of risk reduction for the severity of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), the nurse monitors the oxygen saturation level, ensuring that the level is within which target range?

mid-80s to lower mid-90s

During a routine prenatal visit, a client is found to have proteinuria and a blood pressure rise to 140/90 mm Hg. The nurse recognizes that the client has which condition?

mild preeclampsia

A pregnant client has a history of asthma. After reviewing the possible medications that may be prescribed during her pregnancy to control her asthma, the nurse determines additional teaching is needed when the client identifies which drug as being used?


The use of breast milk for premature neonates helps prevent which condition?

necrotizing enterocolitis

A newborn is found to have hemolytic disease. Which combination would be found related to the blood types of this newborn and the parents of the newborn?

newborn who is type A, mother who is type O

A 28-year-old primigravida client with type 2 diabetes mellitus comes to the health care clinic for a routine first trimester visit reporting frequent episodes of fasting blood glucose levels being lower than normal, but glucose levels after meals being higher than normal. What should the nurse point out that these episodes are most likely related to?

normal response to the pregnancy

A pregnant client diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum is prescribed intravenous fluids for rehydration. When preparing to administer this therapy, which solution would the nurse anticipate being prescribed initially?

normal saline

It would be best to place an infant with a myelomeningocele in which position prior to surgery?

on the stomach (prone)

Manual manipulation is used to reposition the uterus of a client experiencing uterine inversion. After the repositioning, which type of medication would the nurse administer as prescribed to the client?

oxytocin agent

A client has just given birth at 42 weeks' gestation. What would the nurse expect to find during her assessment of the neonate?

peeling and wrinkling of the neonate's epidermis

A woman with no previous history of heart disease begins to have symptoms of myocardial failure a few weeks before the birth of her first child. Findings include shortness of breath, chest pain, and edema, with her heart also showing enlargement. The nurse suspects which condition?

peripartum cardiomyopathy

The nurse is assessing a woman with class III heart disease who is in for a prenatal visit. What would be the first recognizable sign that this client is in heart failure?

persistent rales in the bases of the lungs

The newborn nursery nurse is admitting a small-for-gestational-age (SGA) infant and is reviewing the maternal history. What factor in the maternal history would the nurse correlate as a risk factor for an SGA infant?

placental factors

When caring for a client requiring a forceps-assisted birth, the nurse would be alert for:

potential lacerations and bleeding.

A nursing instructor identifies which factor as increasing the chances of infection when coupled with prolonged labor?

premature rupture of membranes

Which should the nurse identify as a risk associated with anemia during pregnancy?

preterm birth

A client presents to the emergency department reporting regular uterine contractions. Examination reveals that her cervix is beginning to efface. The client is in her 36th week of gestation. The nurse interprets the findings as suggesting which condition is occurring?

preterm labor

A 24-year-old client presents in labor. The nurse notes there is an order to administer Rho(D) immune globulin after the birth of her infant. When asked by the client the reason for this injection, which reason should the nurse point out?

prevent maternal D antibody formation.

When attempting to interact with a neonate experiencing drug withdrawal, which behavior would indicate that the neonate is willing to interact?

quiet, alert state

A newborn is being monitored for retinopathy of prematurity. Which condition predisposes an infant to this condition?

respiratory distress syndrome

During the assessment of a laboring client, the nurse learns that the client has cardiovascular disease (CVD). Which assessment would be priority for the newborn?

respiratory function

The nurse assesses preterm infants as they come for routine well-baby checkups. The nurse will carefully assess the infant's vision to assess for which potential complication related to their birth?


Every postpartum client has the potential of hemorrhage. While assessing a client's status, which finding would be of little benefit in identifying the possibility of hemorrhage?

signs of shock

The nurse is providing care to a neonate whose mother has heroin use disorder. The nurse suspects that the neonate is experiencing neonatal abstinence syndrome based on which finding?


A pregnant woman has arrived to the office reporting vaginal bleeding. Which finding during the assessment would lead the nurse to suspect an inevitable spontaneous abortion (miscarriage)?

strong abdominal cramping

The nurse is caring for a pregnant client who is in her 30th week of gestation and has congenital heart disease. Which finding should the nurse recognize as a symptom of cardiac decompensation with this client?

swelling of the face

A newborn girl who was born at 38 weeks' gestation weighs 2000 g and is below the 10th percentile in weight. The nurse recognizes that this girl will be placed in which classification?

term, small-for-gestational-age, and low-birth-weight infant

A nurse is assessing the following antenatal clients. Which client is at highest risk for having a multiple gestation?

the 41-year-old client who conceived by in vitro fertilization

A premature infant develops respiratory distress syndrome. With this condition, circulatory impairment is likely to occur because, with increased lung tension,:

the ductus arteriosus remains open.

A nurse initiates bag and mask ventilation with an anesthesia bag on a newborn with no spontaneous respiratory effort. What controls the pressure of breaths delivered by an anesthesia bag?

the pressure the nurse uses when the hand squeezes against the bag

A pregnant woman in her second trimester comes to the prenatal clinic for a routine visit. She reports that she has a new kitten. The nurse would have the woman evaluated for which infection?


A client with a pendulous abdomen and uterine fibroid tumors has just begun labor and arrived at the hospital. After examining the client, the primary care provider informs the nurse that the fetus appears to be malpositioned in the uterus. Which fetal position or presentation should the nurse most expect in this woman?

transverse lie

The nurse is admitting a newborn male for observation with the diagnosis of preterm. What assessment finding corresponds with this gestational age diagnosis?

undescended testes

A client who gave birth several hours ago is experiencing postpartum hemorrhage. She had a cesarean birth and received deep, general anesthesia. She has a history of postpartum hemorrhage with her previous births. The blood is a dark red. Which cause of the hemorrhage is most likely in this client?

uterine atony

Which complication is most likely responsible for a late postpartum hemorrhage?

uterine subinvolution

A woman in active labor has just had her membranes ruptured to speed up labor. The nurse is concerned the woman is experiencing a prolapse of the umbilical cord when the nurse notices which pattern on the fetal heart monitor?

variable deceleration pattern

Following birth, the newborn's independent circulatory system is established. If there is an abnormal opening between the chambers in the heart, which cardiac defect may occur?

ventricular septal defect

A client gives birth to a newborn baby at term. The nurse records the weight of the baby as 1,200 g, interpreting this to indicate that the newborn is of:

very low birth weight.

A pregnant client has tested positive for hepatitis B virus. When discussing the situation with the client, the nurse explains that her newborn will be vaccinated with an initial HBV vaccine dose at which time?

within 12 hours of birth

In preparing a class for a group of pregnant couples, the nurse includes information about possible newborn complications associated with smoking during pregnancy. Which complications will the nurse include? Select all that apply.

- Cerebral palsy - Low birth weight - Cleft lip and palate - Sudden infant death syndrome

Which maternal factors should the nurse consider contributory to a newborn being large for gestational age? Select all that apply.

- diabetes - postdates gestation - prepregnancy obesity

What is a classic sign of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome? Select all that apply.

- expiratory grunting - nasal flaring - retractions - tachypnea

A woman in her 20s has experienced a spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) at 10 weeks' gestation and asks the nurse at the hospital what went wrong. She is concerned that she did something that caused her to lose her baby. The nurse can reassure the woman by explaining that the most common cause of miscarriage in the first trimester is related to which factor?

Chromosomal defects in the fetus

A nurse is caring for a preterm newborn who has developed rapid, irregular respirations with periods of apnea. Which additional assessment finding should the nurse identify as an indication of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)?

Sternal retraction

A nurse is talking to a newly pregnant woman who had a mitral valve replacement in the past. Which statement by the client reveals an understanding about the preexisting condition?

"I understand that my fetus and I both are at risk for complications."

The nurse is assessing a toddler at a well-child visit and notes the following: small in stature, appears mildly developmentally delayed; short eyelid folds; and the nose is flat. Which advice should the nurse prioritize to the mother in response to her questions about having another baby?

"It's a good idea to stop drinking alcohol 3 months before trying to get pregnant."

A nurse is assessing a client with postpartum hemorrhage; the client is presently on IV oxytocin. Which interventions should the nurse perform to evaluate the efficacy of the drug treatment? Select all that apply.

- Assess the client's uterine tone. - Monitor the client's vital signs. - Get a pad count.

The nurse is caring for four postpartum client, monitoring them for postpartum infection. Which client is the priority due to current vital signs suggesting a postpartum infection?

Client 30 hours postpartum with a temperature of 100.4°F (38°C)

A woman in her 20s has a long history of sickle cell anemia and is 18 weeks' pregnant. What precautions would the nurse recommend the woman take to minimize the chance of experiencing a sickle cell crisis?

Get at least 8 hours sleep each night.

A woman at 34 weeks' gestation presents to labor and delivery with vaginal bleeding. Which finding from the obstetric examination would lead to a diagnosis of placental abruption (abruptio placentae)?

Onset of vaginal bleeding was sudden and painful

A ventilated 33 weeks' gestation newborn in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) receives surfactant therapy. Which would the nurse expect to assess as a positive response to this therapy?

Oxygen saturation levels are at 98%.

As the nurse examines the birth records, which newborn would the nurse expect to monitor closely for respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)?

a term male newborn, born by a repeat cesarean birth, whose mother has diabetes mellitus

The nurse is caring for a pregnant woman who is struggling with controlling her gestational diabetes mellitus. What effect does the nurse predict this situation may have on the fetus?

grow to an unusually large size

A nurse is assisting with the resuscitation of a preterm newborn. Which assessment would help assist the team in determining that the resuscitation efforts have been successful?

pulse rate of 110 beats per minute

A 19-year-old nulliparous woman is in early labor with erratic contractions. An assessment notes that she is remaining at 3 cm. There is also a concern that the uterus is not fully relaxing between contractions. The nurse suspects which complication?

reduced oxygen to the fetus

A fundal massage is sometimes performed on a postpartum woman. The nurse would perform this procedure to address which condition?

uterine atony

A late preterm newborn is being prepared for discharge to home after being in the neonatal intensive care unit for 4 days. The nurse instructs the parents about the care of their newborn and emphasizes warning signs that should be reported to the pediatrician immediately. The nurse determines that additional teaching is needed based on which parental statement?

"If our newborn's skin turns yellow, it is from the treatments and our newborn is okay."

A nurse preceptor asks a student to list commonly used diagnostic tests for preterm labor risk assessment. Which tests should the student include? Select all that apply.

- CBC - U/A - amniotic fluid analysis

A client visits a health care facility reporting amenorrhea for 10 weeks, fatigue, and breast tenderness. Which assessment finding(s) will the nurse prioritize for immediate intervention? Select all that apply.

- elevated human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels - absence of fetal heart sounds - hyperemesis gravidarum

A pregnant client's labor has been progressing slower than normal. The client is visibly anxious and tense, telling the nurse, "I am so worried about what is going to happen. And I am so tired and feel so helpless." Other underlying issues that may be contributing to the client's slow labor progress have been ruled out. Which response(s) by the nurse would be appropriate? Select all that apply.

- "Maybe dimming the lights or some soft music will help you relax a bit." - "I will keep you updated often on how you and your baby are doing." - "Things are moving along but sometimes it can take a little longer."

An infant is born with congenital amputation of the lower left leg. Which actions taken by the nurse are the priority in the first hours after birth? Select all that apply.

- Establish blood glucose stabilization. - Establish stable body temperature. - Establish bonding with the parents.

A 16-year-old client has been in the active phase of labor for 14 hours. An ultrasound reveals that the likely cause of delay in dilation (dilatation) is cephalopelvic disproportion. Which intervention should the nurse most expect in this case?

cesarean birth

A newborn does not breathe spontaneously at birth. The nurse administers oxygen by bag and mask. If oxygen is entering the lungs, the nurse should notice that the:

chest rises with each bag compression.

The nurse is teaching a pregnant woman with iron-deficiency anemia about her prescribed iron supplement. The nurse determines that the teaching was successful when the client states that she will take the supplement with:

citrus juice.

An obese woman with diabetes has just given birth to a term, large-for-gestational-age (LGA) newborn. Which condition should the nurse most expect to find in this infant?


A woman has presented to the emergency department with symptoms that suggest an ectopic pregnancy. Which finding would lead the nurse to suspect that the fallopian tube has ruptured?

referred shoulder pain

The nurse notes uterine atony in the postpartum client. Which assessment is completed next?

Assessment of the perineal pad

A nurse is teaching a woman diagnosed with gestational diabetes about meal planning and nutrition. The nurse determines that additional teaching is needed based on which client statement?

"I need to avoid any fat with my meals."

When caring for a neonate receiving phototherapy, the nurse should remember to:

reposition the neonate frequently.

A woman with known cardiac disease is in labor. In what position would the nurse place the client?

Semi-recumbent with a pillow under one hip

A woman gave birth to a healthy term newborn about 2 hours ago. She asks the nurse about the appearance of her newborn's head. Assessment reveals swelling of the head that extends across the midline. Which response by the nurse would be appropriate?

"The swelling in your newborn's head is due to the head pressing against your cervix during labor and birth. It will go away on its own in a few days."

An Rh-positive client gives birth vaginally to a 6 lb, 10 oz (3,005 g) neonate after 17 hours of labor. Which condition puts this client at risk for infection?

length of labor

Which change in insulin is most likely to occur in a woman during pregnancy?

less effective than normal

A client in her first trimester arrives at the emergency room with reports of severe cramping and vaginal spotting. On examination, the health care provider informs her that no fetal heart sounds are evident and orders a dilatation and curettage. The client looks frightened and confused and states that she does not believe in abortion. Which statement by the nurse is best?

"Unfortunately, the pregnancy is already lost. The procedure is to clear the uterus to prevent further complications."

A woman is going to have labor induced with oxytocin. Which statement reflects the induction technique the nurse anticipates the primary care provider will prescribe?

Administer oxytocin diluted as a "piggyback" infusion.

A postpartum mother has the following lab data recorded: a negative rubella titer. What is the appropriate nursing intervention?

Administer rubella vaccine before discharge.

A G3P2 woman at 39 weeks' gestation presents highly agitated, reporting something "came out" when her membranes just ruptured. Which action should the nurse prioritize after noting the umbilical cord is hanging out of the vagina?

Put the client in bed immediately, call for help, and lift the presenting part of the fetus off the cord.

A postpartum woman is developing thrombophlebitis in her right leg. Which assessment should the nurse no longer use to assess for thrombophlebitis?

Dorsiflex her right foot and ask if she has pain in her calf.

A preterm infant has an umbilical vessel catheter inserted so that blood can be drawn readily. Which would be most important to implement during this procedure?

Ensure that the infant is kept warm.

The nurse is caring for an intrapartum mother whose fetus has asymmetrical intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) after the 24th week of gestation. Which nursing action is best?

Regular assessment of the fetal monitor tracings and preparation for a cesarean birth, if needed.

During the newborn examination, the nurse notes that an infant who is appropriate for gestational age by birth weight has a head circumference below the 10th percentile and the fontanels (fontanelles) are not palpable. What action would the nurse take?

Report the findings to the pediatric health care provider.

A pregnant woman with chronic hypertension comes to the clinic for evaluation. The last several blood pressure readings have been gradually increasing. On today's visit her blood pressure is 166/100 mm Hg. The health care provider prescribes an antihypertensive agent. The nurse anticipates which agent as likely to be prescribed?


Some women experience a rupture of their membranes before going into true labor. A nurse recognizes that a woman who presents with preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) has completed how many weeks of gestation?

less than 37 weeks

A nurse is caring for a pregnant client. The initial interview reveals that the client is accustomed to drinking coffee at regular intervals. For which increased risk should the nurse make the client aware?


As part of a review class for perinatal nurses, the nurse is explaining the laboratory and diagnostic tests that can be conducted to evaluate a woman's risk for preterm labor. The nurse determines that additional teaching is needed when the group identifies which test as being used?

blood chemistry levels

The newborn nursery nurse suspects a newborn of having neonatal abstinence syndrome. What assessment findings would most correlate with the diagnosis?

frequent yawning and sneezing

A client is seeking advice for his pregnant wife who is experiencing mild elevations in blood pressure. In which position should a nurse recommend the pregnant client rest?

lateral recumbent position

A nurse completes the initial assessment of a newborn. According to the due date on the antenatal record, the baby is 12 days' postmature. Which physical finding does not confirm that this newborn is 12 days' postmature?

increased amounts of vernix

The nurse is conducting a review class for a group of perinatal nurses about factors that place a pregnant woman at risk for infection in the postpartum period. The nurse determines that additional teaching is needed when the group identifies which factor?

increased vaginal acidity leading to growth of bacteria

After completing an assessment of a newborn, the nurse determines that the newborn is small-for-gestational-age based on which weight assessment?

weight of 2,400 g

The nurse understands the need to be aware of the potential of bleeding disorders in pregnant clients. Which disorder should she be aware of that occurs in the second trimester?

"If I have changes in my vision, I will lie down and rest."

The nurse in the NICU is caring for preterm newborns. Which guidelines are recommended for care of these newborns? Select all that apply.

- Dress the newborn in ways to preserve warmth. - Take the newborn's temperature often. - Supply oxygen for the newborn, if necessary.

The nurse is teaching a prenatal class on potential problems during pregnancy to a group of expectant parents. The risk factors for placental abruption (abruptio placentae) are discussed. Which comment validates accurate learning by the parents?

"Placental abruption is quite painful and I will need to let the doctor know if I begin to have abdominal pain."

A client with asthma is confused by her primary care provider continuing her medication while she is pregnant, since she read online the medications can cause birth defects. What is the nurse's best response?

"Your primary care provider will order safe doses of your medication."

The nurse is caring for a client after experiencing a placental abruption (abruptio placentae). Which finding is the priority to report to the health care provider?

45 ml urine output in 2 hours

A woman is to undergo labor induction. The nurse determines that the woman requires cervical ripening if her Bishop score is:


The nurse is caring for a mother within the first four hours after a cesarean birth. Which nursing intervention would be most appropriate to prevent thrombophlebitis in the mother?

Ambulate the client as soon as her vital signs are stable.

The nurse observes an ambulating postpartum woman limping and avoiding putting pressure on her right leg. Which assessments should the nurse prioritize in this client?

Assess for warmth, erythema, and pedal edema.

A nurse in the maternity triage unit is caring for a client with a suspected ectopic pregnancy. Which nursing intervention should the nurse perform first?

Assess the client's vital signs.

Which postoperative intervention should a nurse perform when caring for a client who has undergone a cesarean birth?

Assess uterine tone to determine fundal firmness.

A neonate has an injury to the brachial plexus. Which of the following conditions is a result of a brachial plexus injury?

Erb palsy

The nurse collects a urine specimen for culture from a postpartum woman with a suspected urinary tract infection. Which organism would the nurse expect the culture to reveal?

Escherichia coli

The nurse is admitting a client at 23 weeks' gestation in preparation for induction and delivery after it was determined the fetus had died secondary to trauma. When asked by the client to explain what went wrong, the nurse can point out which potential cause for this loss?

Placental abruption

A woman arrives at the office for her 4-week postpartum visit. Her uterus is still enlarged and soft, and lochial discharge is still present. Which nursing diagnosis is most likely for this client?

Risk for fatigue related to chronic bleeding due to subinvolution

A woman receiving an oxytocin infusion for labor induction develops contractions that occur every minute and last 75 seconds. Uterine resting tone remains at 20 mm Hg. Which action would be most appropriate?

Stop the infusion immediately.

A nurse is reading a journal article about birth defects and finds that some birth defects are preventable. Which risk factor would the nurse expect to find as being cited as the current leading preventable cause of birth defects?


A pregnant client with a history of heart disease has been admitted to a health care center reporting breathlessness. The client also reports shortness of breath and easy fatigue when doing ordinary activity. The client's condition is markedly compromised. The nurse would document the client's condition using the New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification system as which class?

class III

A woman with cardiac disease has come to the office for prenatal counseling. Assessment supports the decision to caution the woman against pregnancy. The woman most likely fits the criteria for which functional risk classification?

class IV

A nurse is caring for a newborn who was diagnosed with an imperforate anus. Assessment reveals drooling, copious bubbles of mucus in mouth, rattling respirations, and abdominal distention. During feeding, the newborn coughs and becomes cyanotic. Which action by the nurse would be appropriate?

clear the airway

A pregnant client is diagnosed with syphilis. Which response would demonstrate respect for the client and therapeutic communication?

"I am sure it is frightening to you to be diagnosed with a disease that can affect your baby."

A woman with class II heart disease is experiencing an uneventful pregnancy and is now prescribed bed rest at 36 weeks' gestation by her health care provider. The nurse should point out that this is best accomplished with which position?

Lie in a semi-recumbent position.

What would the nurse expect to prioritize in the assessment of a newborn who has a positive Coombs test?

jaundice development

A nurse is working in the newborn observational unit and is assigned four newborns. In which newborn will the nurse suspect difficulties with thermal regulation?

newly born preterm infant

A pregnant client with severe preeclampsia has developed HELLP syndrome. In addition to the observations necessary for preeclampsia, what other nursing intervention is critical for this client?

observation for bleeding

At birth, the infant has dry, cracked skin, absence of vernix, lack of subcutaneous fat, fingernail extending beyond the fingertips, and poor skin turgor. Based on these findings, how would the nurse would classify this neonate?


A 44-year-old client has lost several pregnancies over the last 10 years. For the past 3 months, she has had fatigue, nausea, and vomiting. She visits the clinic and takes a pregnancy test; the results are positive. Physical examination confirms a uterus enlarged to 13 weeks' gestation; fetal heart tones are heard. Ultrasound reveals that the client is experiencing some bleeding. Considering the client's prenatal history and age, what does the nurse recognize as the greatest risk for the client at this time?

spontaneous abortion (miscarriage)

One of the primary assessments a nurse makes every day is for postpartum hemorrhage. What does the nurse assess the fundus for?

Consistency, shape, and location

A preterm infant receives surfactant by lung lavage. Which interventions should the nurse perform immediately? Select all that apply.

- placing the infant in an upright position - not suctioning the airway

At 24 weeks' gestation, a client's 1-hour glucose tolerance test is elevated. The nurse explains that, based on this finding, the client will need to take which action?

A 3-hour glucose tolerance test for follow-up

A pregnant woman with preeclampsia is to receive magnesium sulfate IV. Which assessment should the nurse prioritize before administering a new dose?

patellar reflex

A pregnant client with type 1 diabetes is in labor. The client's blood glucose levels are being monitored every hour and she has a prescription for an infusion of regular insulin as needed based on the client's blood glucose levels. Her levels are as follows:

- 1300: 105 mg/dL (5.83 mmol/L) - 1400: 100 mg/dL (5.55 mmol/L) - 1500: 120 mg/dL (6.66 mmol/L) - 1600: 106 mg/dl (5.88 mmol/L)

A client comes to the emergency department with moderate vaginal bleeding. She says, "I have had to change my pad about every 2 hours and it looks like I may have passed some tissue and clots." The woman reports that she is 9 weeks' pregnant. Further assessment reveals the following:

- Cervical dilation - Strong abdominal cramping - Low human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels - Ultrasound positive for products of conception

The nurse is doing meal planning with a pregnant woman with iron-deficiency anemia. What dietary recommendations would the nurse make to enhance the woman's intake of iron? Select all that apply.

- Drink orange juice with the iron supplement. - Increase intake of dried beans and green leafy vegetables. - Cook food in an iron skillet, if possible.

The nurse is educating a client with type 1 diabetes about the complications associated with diabetes and pregnancy. Which problems would the nurse include in her teaching? Select all that apply.

- Increased risk of spontaneous abortion - Polyhydramnios - Hypertension

A woman with known cardiac disease from childhood presents at the obstetrician's office 6 weeks' pregnant. What recommendations would the nurse make to the client to address the known cardiac problems for this pregnancy? Select all that apply.

- Plan periods of rest into the workday. - Receive pneumococcal and influenza vaccines. - Let the physician know if you become short of breath or have a nighttime cough.

A client comes to the clinic reporting swelling in the hands and feet, blurred vision, a pounding headache and nausea and vomiting. The client had a positive pregnancy test 15 weeks ago, but has had no prenatal care. This is the client's third pregnancy, and she says that her uterus never grew this big or this fast with the previous pregnancies. Based on the client's reason for seeking care, the nurse would collect additional data to rule out the presence of which conditions? Select all that apply.

- Preeclampsia - Molar pregnancy

Which postpartum clients would require the nurse to intervene? Select all that apply.

- Primipara with vital signs including temperature 100.2°F (37.9°C), blood pressure 140/86, pulse 124, respiratory rate 12. - Multipara with vital signs including temperature 99°F (37.2°C), blood pressure 136/84, pulse 96, respiratory rate 32. - Postpartum client with urine output of 30 ml/hour for 2 hours. - First day postpartum client with blood pressure 84/48, pulse 128, respiratory rate 16. - Primipara with vital signs including temperature 100.2°F (37.9°C), respiratory rate 28, oxygen saturation 94%.

The nurse is caring for a newborn who is large-for-gestational-age (LGA). Which characteristics are documented as a contributing factor? Select all that apply.

- The mother has had previous large-for-gestational-age neonates. - The mother has poorly controlled diabetes. - Both parents are of a larger stature and size.

The nurse inspects the client's perineum and finds it is red, swollen, and tender. The nurse explains to the client that she needs to be monitored for blood loss, especially because of bleeding into the tissue of the perineum because of the third degree laceration sustained while giving birth. What parameters will the nurse assess to detect signs of additional blood loss? Select all that apply.

- Urine output - Blood pressure - Pulse rate

Which measure would the nurse include in the plan of care for a woman with prelabor rupture of membranes if her fetus's lungs are mature?

labor induction

Which finding would the nurse expect to assess in an infant with hypoglycemia?

limpness or jitteriness

A nurse is reviewing the medical record of a pregnant client. The physical exam reveals that the placenta is implanted near the internal os but does not reach it. The nurse interprets this as which condition?

low-lying placenta

While caring for a neonate of a diabetic mother, the nurse should monitor the neonate for which complication?


A primary care provider prescribes intravenous tocolytic therapy for a woman in preterm labor. Which agent would the nurse expect to administer?

magnesium sulfate

The nurse is assessing the breast of a woman who is 1 month postpartum. The woman reports a painful area on one breast with a red area. The nurse notes a local area on one breast to be red and warm to touch. What should the nurse consider as the potential diagnosis?


A premature infant in the neonatal intensive care unit exhibits worsening respiratory distress and is noted to have abdominal distention, absent bowel sounds, and frequent diarrhea stools that are positive for hemoccult. What diagnosis would be most likely to correlate with the symptoms?

necrotizing enterocolitis

Question 8 The nurse is teaching a pregnant woman about how to prevent contracting cytomegalovirus (CMV) during pregnancy. What tips would the nurse share with this client? Select all that apply.

- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after touching saliva or urine. - Do not share food or drinks with young children, especially if they are in day care. - If you develop any flu-like symptoms, notify your physician immediately to be evaluated for CMV.

A nurse is conducting a class for a local community clinic that has a large adolescent and young adult pregnant women population. The nurse is focusing on the effects of various substances on the fetus. The nurse determines that the class was successful when the group identifies which condition(s) as associated with cigarette smoking? Select all that apply.

- attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) - sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) - cleft lip - cerebral palsy

A woman at 40+ weeks' gestation is attending a clinic visit where the health care provider suggests they "strip the membranes" to hasten the start of labor. The clinic nurse should inform the woman to watch for and report which potential complication following this procedure? Select all that apply.

- bleeding from low placenta - leaking of clear fluid from the vagina - foul-smelling vaginal discharge noted on panties

A nurse is making a home visit to a new mother who gave birth vaginally to a term newborn 4 days ago. The woman is enrolled in a methadone maintenance program. The woman reports that the newborn has been restless and irritable the last day or so. The nurse assesses the newborn. Which finding(s) from the nurse's assessment would lead the nurse to notify the health care provider that the newborn is experiencing withdrawal? Select all that apply.

- frequent yawning - vomiting with each feeding - respiratory rate 65 breaths/min

A primigravida at 28 weeks' gestation comes to the clinic for a checkup. She tells the nurse that her mother gave birth to both of her children prematurely, and she is afraid that the same will happen to her. Which risk factors associated with preterm birth would the nurse discuss with the client? Select all that apply.

- history of previous preterm birth - current multiple gestation pregnancy - uterine or cervical abnormalities

A nurse in a local health care facility is caring for a newborn with periventricular hemorrhage/intraventricular hemorrhage (PVH/IVH), who has recently been discharged from a local NICU. For which likely complications should the nurse assess? Select all that apply.

- hydrocephalus - vision or hearing deficits - cerebral palsy

A pregnant client has been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Which are risk factors for developing gestational diabetes? Select all that apply.

- obesity - hypertension - previous large-for-gestational-age (LGA) infant

Two weeks after giving birth, a woman is feeling sad, hopeless, and guilty because she cannot take care of the infant and partner. The woman is tired but cannot sleep and has isolated herself from family and friends. The nurse recognizes that this client is exhibiting signs of:

postpartum depression.

A nursing instructor is conducting a session exploring the signs and symptoms of eclampsia to a group of student nurses. The instructor determines the session is successful after the students correctly choose which signs indicating eclampsia? Select all that apply.

- proteinuria - hyperreflexia - blurring of vision

The nurse is teaching nursing students about the risks that late preterm infants may experience. The nurse feels confident learning has taken place when the students make which statement?

"A late preterm newborn may have more clinical problems compared with full-term newborns."

The client is anxious about her prolonged pregnancy. She informs the nurse she has been doing research on the Internet and has read about certain herbs that can help to induce labor. Which response from the nurse would be appropriate?

"Please talk to your primary care provider first to ensure it is safe."

The nurse is providing education to a postpartum woman who has developed a uterine infection. Which statement by the woman indicates that further instruction is needed?

"When I am sleeping or lying in bed, I should lie flat on my back."

A 28-year-old client and her current partner present for the first prenatal appointment with the ob/gyn. The client has no children but does question a possible miscarriage 2 years ago; however, she never sought medical attention because she felt fine. Labs reveal both client and partner are Rh negative. Which action should the nurse prioritize?

Assess client for anti-D antibodies.

Which assessment by the nurse will best monitor the nutrition and fluid balance in the postterm newborn?

Assess for decrease in urinary output.

A term neonate is admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit. At birth, thick green amniotic fluid was noted. Which action is the priority?

Continue assessment and evaluation for respiratory distress.

The nurse is preparing a postpartum nursing care plan for a single HIV-positive primigravida client. The nurse should prioritize in the plan how to acquire which resource?


A nurse is caring for a newborn with a repaired cleft lip. What intervention can the nurse provide to facilitate drainage of mucus and secretions to prevent aspiration?

Position the child on the side.

A 17-year-old primigravida with type 1 diabetes is at 37 weeks' gestation comes to the clinic for an evaluation. The nurse notes her blood sugar has been poorly controlled and the health care provider is suspecting the fetus has macrosomia. The nurse predicts which step will be completed next?

Preparing for amniocentesis and fetal lung maturity assessment

A client at 27 weeks' gestation is admitted to the obstetric unit after reporting headaches and edema of her hands. Review of the prenatal notes reveals blood pressure consistently above 136/90 mm Hg. The nurse anticipates the health care provider will prescribe magnesium sulfate to accomplish which primary goal?

Prevent maternal seizures

The nurse would prepare a client for amnioinfusion when which action occurs?

Severe variable decelerations occur and are due to cord compression.

A pregnant woman at 12 weeks' gestation comes to the office reporting she has begun minimal fresh vaginal spotting. She is distressed because her primary care provider indicates after examining her that they will "wait and see." Which response would be most appropriate from the nurse in answering this client's concerns?

Tell her that medication to prolong a 12-week pregnancy usually is not advised.

Hypertonic labor is labor that is characterized by short, irregular contractions without complete relaxation of the uterine wall in between contractions. Hypertonic labor can be caused by an increased sensitivity to oxytocin. What would the nurse do for a client who is in hypertonic labor because of oxytocin augmentation?

Turn off the oxytocin.

The nurse is caring for a client experiencing a prolonged second stage of labor. The nurse would place priority on preparing the client for which intervention?

a forceps and vacuum-assisted birth

A nurse is caring for a neonate of 25 weeks' gestation who is at risk for intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH). Which assessment finding should be reported immediately?

a sudden drop in hematocrit

When documenting the newborn's weight on a growth chart, the nurse recognizes the newborn is large-for-gestational-size based on which percentile on growth charts?

above 90th percentile

The clinic nurse teaches a pregestational type 1 diabetic client that constant insulin levels are very important during pregnancy. The nurse tells the client that the best way to maintain a constant insulin level is to use:

an insulin pump.

A nurse is caring for a client who has just given birth. What is the best method for the nurse to assess this client for postpartum hemorrhage?

by frequently assessing uterine involution

Which finding would lead the nurse to suspect that the fetus of a woman in labor is in hypertonic uterine dysfunction?

contractions most forceful in the middle of uterus rather than the fundus

A nurse is conducting a presentation about prenatal care and preexisting maternal conditions. When discussing the various risks to the mother and infant, the nurse would include information about which condition as the leading cause of intellectual disability in the United States?

fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

The nurse suspects that the woman is experiencing which type of spontaneous abortion?


Which condition is the most common cause of anemia in pregnancy?

iron-deficiency anemia

Which factor would contribute to a high-risk pregnancy?

type 1 diabetes

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Cerro - For the Love of ACT Math - Chapter 7 - Classified

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