Nurse aide unit 1

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reports of abuse are submitted to

(MAARC) Minnesota Adult Abuse Reporting Center

person centered care

- personalized need to residence - home like envirment - residence choose what activities to be involved in

task oriented care

- schedule driven, set times -depersonalized -residence don't get to establish relationships with staff

NOT within the NAs scope of practice

1. Administering meds 2. Procedures requiring sterile technique 3. Diagnosing/prescribing

chain of command

A list of who reports or answers to whom

person centered care

Care that is respectful of a resident's cultural, linguistic, and social needs and desires. Residents are encouraged to make their own choices over their daily lives


Failure by a health professional to meet accepted standards resulting in harm, injury, or death


Failure to provide the person with the goods or services needed by facility


Nurse aid on registry (minnesota)


Williful infliction of injury , unreasonable confinment intimidatio n or punishment

Advance directive

a legal document that makes a person wishes known regarding life support issues

durable power of attorney

a person appointed by the client to make health care decisions if the client is unable due to illness

Resident's Representative

a person chosen by the resident to act on their behalf . supports residents in decision making and has ccess to residents medical, social and other personal info recieves notification and manages finances


a standard of behavior for what is right or wrong

Bill of rights

a state and federal law that protects the rights of residents in a long term care facility or community

living will

a type of advance directive, a written legal document that list what medical treatment you would or would not want. Also includes organ donation and pain managment

copy of bill of rights must

be given to all residence


beliefs that guide behavior

Patient Self-Determination Act

created 1991 , requires funded facilities to tell residence about their rights to make treatment choices

report of abuse or neglect must be made within 24hrs if the violation

does not involve abuse

residence have the right to examine

federal or state survey reports

reports of abuse must be made

immediately or within 2hrs if the alleged violence involves abuse or results in serious bodily injury


impaired ability to speak and or understand language , may also affect ability to read/ write

involuntary seclusion

isolation resident to their room or to specific area in nursing home. isolation is against the residents or legal representatives consent

Reconcilation act (OBRA)

law from 1987 that sets minimum requirments for trainning state testing and job related for trainning , state testing and job requirments


legal action or omissions

failure to report suspected abuse results in



not sharing spoken and or written information about resident

Minnesota Vulnerability Adult Act

protects adults who may be vulnerable to abuse


provides rehabilitation, restorative and ongoing skilled nursing care

nurse aide are mandated to



rule of polite, courteous , kind and respectful action


take advantage

two approaches to when providing care

task oriented care person centered care


the person who handles complaints between nursing home and resident

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