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____ 103. What two nutrients are known to interfere significantly with the utilization of the antibiotic tetracycline? a. Iron and calcium b. Zinc and chromium c. Vitamin B12 and folate d. Vitamin C and vitamin E


____ 22. What is most likely to occur when a calcium supplement and an iron supplement are taken simultaneously? a. Absorption of iron is reduced. b. Absorption of iron is improved. c. Excretion of iron in the urine is reduced. d. Excretion of iron in the urine is enhanced.


____ 25. Iron bioavailability from complete meals is known to be affected significantly by each of the following substances except a. caffeine. b. phytates. c. Vitamin C. d. MFP factor.


____ 73. The most prevalent nutrient deficiency among U.S. and Canadian children is for a. iron. b. protein. c. calcium. d. vitamin C.


____ 74. Which of the following is a characteristic of iron deficiency in children? a. It affects brain function before anemia sets in. b. It rarely develops in those with high intakes of milk. c. It is the primary factor in tension_fatigue syndrome. d. Mild deficiency enhances mental performance by lowering physical activity level thereby leading to increased attention span.


____ 75. Young children who drink more than 2 to 3.5 cups of milk a day are more likely at increased risk for deficiency of a. iron. b. folate c. vitamin A d. vitamin C


____ 77. A child who develops antibodies to a certain food is said to have a a. food allergy. b. food intolerance. c. specific inducible episode. d. transient immune suppression.


____ 78. Which of the following foods are most often the cause of allergies? a. Eggs, peanuts, and milk b. Bananas, juice, and cola c. Apples, noodles, and rice d. Pears, oatmeal, and chocolate


____ 8. When a person loses fluid by sweating or bleeding, what minerals are lost in greatest quantity? a. sodium and chloride b. bicarbonate and sulfate c. calcium and magnesium d. potassium and phosphorus


____ 85. The single most effective way to teach nutrition to children is by a. example. b. punishment. c. singling out only hazardous nutrition practices for attention. d. explaining the importance of eating new foods as a prerequisite for dessert.


____ 87. Approximately what fraction of an average teenager's daily energy intake is derived from snacks? a. 1:4 b. 1:3 c. 1:2 d. 2:3


____ 91. Which of the following describes the nutrient needs of older adults? a. they vary according to individual histories b. they remain the same as in younger adult life c. they increase, therefore, supplementation is required d. they decrease for vitamins and minerals due to changes in body composition


____ 93. A person who is edentulous has a. no teeth b. low immunity c. difficulty in swallowing d. diminished muscle mass


____ 95. Which of the following is a feature of elderly people and water metabolism? a. They do not feel thirsty or recognize dryness of the mouth. b. They have a higher total body water content compared with younger adults. c. They show increased frequency of urination which results in higher requirements. d. They frequently show symptoms of overhydration such as mental lapses and disorientation.


____ 96. A condition that increases the likelihood of iron deficiency in older people is a. lack of intrinsic factor b. loss of iron due to more frequent running activity c. blood loss from yearly physical testing procedures d. poor iron absorption due to reduced stomach acid secretion and,or use of antacids


____ 100. What organ is affected by macular degeneration? a. Bone b. Eyes c. Liver d. Kidneys


____ 101. What are the known consequences of taking a single two_tablet dose of aspirin? a. It inhibits monoamine oxidase activity. b. It doubles the bleeding time of wounds. c. It increases production of prostaglandins that enhance fever. d. It is excreted very rapidly in people taking vitamin C supplements.


____ 38. Which of the following may result from iodine deficiency? a. Gout b. Goiter c. Anemia d. Hypertension


____ 97. Which of the following is a recent finding of vitamin D nutrition in the elderly? a. Self_synthesis capacity is high. b. The skin's capacity to synthesize the vitamin is reduced. c. The presence of atrophic gastritis reduces bioavailability of the vitamin. d. Symptoms of deficiency include dermatitis and diminished taste acidity.


____ 102. What nutrient, when taken in large doses, is known to reduce excretion of aspirin, thereby retaining more of the medication in the bloodstream? a. iron b. calcium c. vitamin C d. omega_3_fats


____ 11. Which of the following is the primary function of potassium? a. Participates in wound healing b. Helps maintain gastric acidity c. Acts as principal intracellular electrolyte d. Protects bone structures against degeneration


____ 13. What is the cause of most electrolyte imbalances? a. Sodium excess b. Calcium deficiency c. Potassium deficiency d. Magnesium deficiency


____ 24. When eaten in the same meal, which of the following foods enhances the absorption of iron from legumes? a. peanuts b. brown rice c. oranges d. carrots


____ 28. Absorption of iron from supplements is improved by taking them a. with milk b. with orange juice c. on an empty stomach rather than with meals d. with tea


____ 3. Ions that carry a positive charge are called a. anions b. mineralytes c. cations d. valence ions


____ 39. A woman with a severe iodine deficiency during pregnancy may have a child who develops a. anemia. b. rickets. c. cretinism. d. allergies.


____ 42. What organ of the pregnant woman is central to the exchange of nutrients with the fetus? a. uterus b. belly button c. placenta d. amniotic sac


____ 92. A person with dysphagia has a. no teeth b. low immunity c. difficulty in swallowing d. diminished muscle mass


____ 98. Which of the following foods seem to benefit rheumatoid arthritis in some people? a. refined cereals b. fish c. olive oil d. iodized salt


base balance? a. Skin b. Liver c. Kidneys d. Stomach


____ 34. Which of the following represents the most reliable dietary source of zinc? a. Milk b. Fiber c. Fruits d. Meat and whole_grain cereals


____ 94. Atrophic gastritis is typically characterized by all of the following signs except a. inflamed stomach mucosa. b. lack of hydrochloric acid. c. abundant bacteria in the stomach. d. insufficient secretion of pepsinogen and gastrin.


____ 99. What nutrients appear to be protective of cataract formation? a. Iron and calcium b. Chromium and zinc c. Vitamin B12 and folate d. Vitamin C and vitamin E


70 yrs


____ 1. Which of the following is present in highest concentration in soft water? a. Sodium b. Calcium c. Magnesium d. Phosphorus


____ 12. Which of the following is not among the common food sources of potassium? a. Cheese b. Potatoes c. Dried fruits d. Orange juice


____ 30. The order of stages of iron deficiency are: a. iron stores decline, iron transport diminishes, hemoglobin synthesis falls b. hemoglobin synthesis falls, iron transport diminishes, iron stores decline c. iron transport diminishes, hemoglobin synthesis falls, iron stores decline d. iron transport diminishes, iron stores decline, hemoglobin synthesis falls


____ 4. What is the major extracellular cation? a. Sodium b. Sulfate c. Protein d. Potassium


____ 41. Which of the following is known to cause discolored enamel of the teeth? a. Excessive fluoride in the water b. Insufficient fluoride in the water c. Excessive intake of simple sugars d. Inability of the body to absorb fluoride


____ 47. What is the most reliable indicator of an infant's future health status? a. Infant's birthweight b. Mother's weight before pregnancy c. Mother's weight gain during pregnancy d. Mother's nutrition status prior to pregnancy


____ 49. Which of the following is a characteristic associated with adolescent pregnancy? a. the recommended weight gain is approximately 35 pounds b. the incidence of stillbirths and preterm births is 5 to 10% lower compared with older women c. the incidence of pregnancy_induced hypertension is 5 to 10% lower compared with older women d. the time in labor is usually shorter than for older women because there are fewer overweight teenagers


____ 52. Why is routine vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy not recommended? a. It may be toxic to the fetus. b. It inhibits absorption of vitamin A. c. Self_synthesis rate of vitamin D increases markedly in pregnancy. d. Pregnancy leads to increased absorption efficiency of calcium and therefore extra vitamin D is not needed.


____ 54. A craving for non_food substances is known as a. pica. b. bulimia. c. toxemia. d. hyperemesis.


____ 55. Which of the following is one of the recommendations to treat pregnancy_associated heartburn? a. eat many small meals b. drink fluids only with meals c. exercise within 30 minutes after eating d. lie down within 15 minutes after eating


____ 57. What is the name of the condition characterized by high blood pressure, edema, and protein in the urine of a pregnant woman? a. Preeclampsia b. Gestational diabetes c. Teratogenic hypertension d. Pregnancy_induced blood pressure crisis


____ 60. Which of the following recommendations for pregnant women and alcohol intake has been issued by the US Surgeon General? a. They should drink absolutely no alcohol b. They should refrain from drinking hard liquor only c. They are permitted to ingest no more than 2 drinks per day d. They are permitted to ingest small amounts of alcohol during the first 3 months but none thereafter


____ 64. In comparison with cow's milk, breast milk contains a. less protein and calcium. b. less lactose and vitamin C. c. more fat and less carbohydrate. d. more energy and less vitamin E.


____ 68. What adverse side effect is most likely to develop in infants who are deprived of solid foods for the entire first year of life? a. Delayed growth b. Impaired speech c. Mental dysfunction d. Impaired eye coordination


____ 7. What is the greatest single source of sodium in the diet? a. processed foods b. unprocessed foods c. natural salt content of foods d. salt added during cooking and at the table


____ 70. Which of the following nutrients need to be supplied first by solid foods in a baby's diet? a. Vitamin C and iron b. Vitamin A and zinc c. Vitamin B12 and fluoride d. Vitamin E and magnesium


____ 10. Which of the following is a major function of chloride? a. Participates in wound healing b. Helps maintain gastric acidity c. Acts as principal intracellular electrolyte d. Protects bone structures against degeneration


____ 14. Which of the following vegetable greens shows the lowest bioavailability of calcium? a. Kale b. Spinach c. Broccoli d. Mustard greens


____ 17. Calcium absorption is facilitated by the presence of a. fiber b. vitamin D c. phytic acid d. oxalic acid


____ 2. Which of the following is not a function of water in the body? a. lubricant b. source of energy c. maintains protein structure d. participate in chemical reactions


____ 26. Which of the following is least likely to develop an iron deficiency anemia? a. 3 year old boy b. 56 year old man c. 17 year old girl d. 24 year old woman


____ 29. Iron is currently added to which of the following foods? a. milk and cheese b. breads and cereals c. peanut butter and jellies d. orange juice and tomato juice


____ 32. Which of the following characteristics is shared by zinc and iron? a. Good food sources include dairy products. b. Proteins in the blood are needed for their transport. c. Severe deficiencies lead to delay in the onset of puberty. d. Doses of 10 times the RDA are known to cause death in children.


____ 33. Which of the following minerals undergoes enteropancreatic circulation during normal metabolism? a. Iron b. Zinc c. Copper d. Fluoride


____ 35. Conditions associated with zinc deficiency include all of the following except a. altered taste. b. kidney failure. c. abnormal night vision. d. poor healing of wounds.


____ 36. Which of the following is the richest source of iodine? a. Corn b. Seafood c. Orange juice d. Cruciferous vegetables


____ 37. Which of the following would be the most appropriate food source of iodide for a person who lives inland? a. Fresh water fish b. Iodized table salt c. Locally grown produce d. Plants of the cabbage family


____ 43. What is the name given to the human organism two to eight weeks after fertilization and the stage at which the digestive system is formed? a. fetus b. embryo c. ectoderm d. mesoderm


____ 44. What term is given to the time period during which irreversible damage to the fetus may occur from specific events such as malnutrition or exposure to toxins? a. First trimester b. Critical period c. Fertility period d. Conceptual period


____ 45. Among the following, which is not known to represent a significant risk factor of a pregnancy being affected by a neural tube defect? a. Maternal obesity b. Age at time of pregnancy c. Low socioeconomic status d. Exposure to hot_tub use in pregnancy


____ 50. In the United States, what is the minimum daily amount of protein that should be consumed by a 135 pound woman during pregnancy? a. 49 g b. 74 g c. 108 g d. 135 g


____ 51. Which of the following nutrients are required in higher amounts during pregnancy due to their roles in the synthesis of red blood cells? a. Protein and chromium b. Folate and vitamin B12 c. Calcium and vitamin A d. Vitamin E and vitamin C


____ 56. What is gestational diabetes? a. A severe form of type 1 diabetes in newborns b. Abnormal blood glucose maintenance during pregnancy c. Reactive hypoglycemia expressed during the third trimester of pregnancy d. A temporary loss of insulin secretion during the first trimester of pregnancy


____ 62. Breast milk as the sole source of nutrition, up to the first 6 months in healthy infants, is satisfactory for all nutrients except a. sodium. b. vitamin D. c. iron and folate. d. zinc and vitamin A.


____ 63. What is the chief reason that breast_fed infants usually need to eat more frequently than formula_fed infants? a. breast milk contains less fat b. breast milk is digested fasted c. breast milk is less nutrient_dense d. the amount of milk consumed per feeding episode is lower in breast_fed infants


____ 71. Infants fed honey are at increased risk of a. obesity b. botulism c. osteopenia d. type 1 diabetes


____ 76. Why should new foods be introduced one at a time? a. it prevents overfeeding b. any allergic reaction can be detected c. immunological protection hasn't been developed d. the swallowing reflex is not under voluntary control


____ 79. What food is responsible for the most life_threatening allergic reactions in people? a. Eggs b. Peanuts c. Shellfish d. Cow's milk


____ 80. Which of the following is a feature of nutrition and behavior in children? a. Hyperactivity responds favorably to a low sugar diet. b. Television commercials featuring snack foods have been found to affect children's food preferences. c. The adverse effects from caffeine intake typically first appear only after drinking 6 cans of cola in one day. d. Most children are able to control their intake of cola beverages since they are more sensitive to the stimulating effects of caffeine.


____ 81. Which of the following is an effective strategy for dealing with obesity in a child? a. Encourage the individual to eat quickly and then leave the table. b. Teach the individual to take small portions first and then second helpings if desired. c. Institute new eating habits such as teaching the individual to clean the food plate. d. Take control and strongly encourage the individual to lose weight by dieting and regular exercise.


____ 90. What is sarcopenia? a. Loss of central visual activity b. Loss of muscle mass and strength c. Aging induced chronic inflammation of the stomach d. Intestinal dysmotility from excessive use of laxatives


deficiency anemia would most likely benefit from increasing the consumption of a. milk. b. red meat. c. fresh fruits. d. yellow vegetables.


____ 46. What are most affected by neural tube defects? a. liver and pancreas b. heart and brain c. brain and spinal cord d. legs and arms


____ 48. What is the recommended range of weight gain during pregnancy for a normal weight woman? a. 10 to 18 lbs b. 19 to 24 lbs c. 25 to 35 lbs d. 38 to 44 lbs


____ 59. Which of the following reflects one of the effects of alcohol intake on lactation? a. It does not pass into the milk. b. It mildly stimulates milk production. c. It hinders the infant's ability to breastfeed. d. It passes into the milk but is degraded by enzymes in breast tissue.


____ 65. At what age does the normal infant first develop the ability to swallow solid foods? a. 3 and 5 weeks b. 1 and 3 months c. 4 and 6 months d. 9 and 12 months


____ 66. What is beikost? a. an oral rehydration solution b. a term that describes a type of malnutrition in infants c. a term that describes any nonmilk food offered to an infant d. a fermented milk product used as a substitute for breastmilk


____ 67. Which of the following defines nursing bottle tooth decay? a. Caries development resulting from frequent use of non_sterile bottles and nipples b. Bacterial attack of teeth due to severe tooth misalignment from sucking on oversized bottle nipples c. Marked tooth decay of an infant due to prolonged exposure to carbohydrate_rich fluids from a bottle d. Tooth decay resulting from constant exposure to food due to inability of the infant to swallow in normal fashion


____ 69. What should be the first cereal introduced to the infant? a. Oat b. Corn c. Rice d. Wheat


____ 84. If a child is reluctant to try a new food, it is best to a. send the child to his or her room. b. withhold dessert until all food on the plate is eaten. c. quietly remove it and present it again at another time. d. encourage other family members to coax the child to eat it.


____ 89. Studies of adults show that longevity is related, in part, to all of the following except a. weight control. b. regularity of meals. c. short periods of sleep. d. no or moderate alcohol intake.


dense? a. calcium citrate b. calcium lactate c. calcium carbonate d. calcium gluconate


____ 16. Calcium absorption is hindered by a. stomach acid b. lactose c. vitamin D d. Oxalates


____ 23. All of the following factors are known to enhance the absorption of iron except a. MFP factor. b. stomach acid. c. ascorbic acid. d. calcium from milk.


____ 31. Which of the following is known to regulate the absorption of zinc? a. pancreatic juice containing zinc_absorption enhancers b. zinc_releasing enzymes in the intestinal mucosa c. bile acids which form a complex with zinc to promote its absorption d. metallothionein in the intestinal cells


____ 40. What is the primary mechanism associated with the role of fluoride in prevention of dental caries? a. Fluoride increases calcium absorption which increases crystal formation of teeth. b. Decay is inhibited due to neutralization of organic acids produced by bacteria on the teeth. c. Decay is reduced due to the inhibitory effects of fluoride on growth of bacteria on the teeth. d. Fluoride becomes incorporated into the crystalline structure of teeth making them less susceptible to decay.


____ 5. Where is interstitial water found? a. outside cells b. within cells c. within blood vessels d. between cells


____ 53. The common problems of pregnancy include all of the following except a. nausea b. heartburn c. constipation d. low blood pressure


____ 58. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) has been associated with what factor during pregnancy? a. alcohol b. lead poisoning c. pica d. smoking


____ 61. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Canadian Pediatric Society, breastfeeding of full_term infants is a. optional. b. mildly recommended. c. moderately recommended. d. strongly recommended.


____ 72. Canned vegetables can be a concern because of content of: a. lead b. tin c. botulism d. Sodium


____ 82. Which of the following practices is not among the recommendations to help children develop an interest in vegetables? a. Serve vegetables warm, not hot. b. Serve vegetables separately on the plate. c. Serve vegetables undercooked and crunchy. d. Serve vegetables with the promise that after they are eaten, dessert will follow.


____ 83. Which of the following is not among the recommended methods for introducing new foods to children? a. Offer foods one at a time. b. Offer foods in small amounts. c. Create a pleasant eating atmosphere. d. Present new foods at the end of the meal.


____ 86. What is the leading cause of high blood pressure in children? a. high sodium intake b. insufficient calcium intake c. insufficient potassium intake d. obesity


____ 88. The nutrients most likely to fall short in the adolescent diet are a. sodium and fat b. folate and cholesterol c. vitamin A and vitamin E d. calcium and iron


____ 9. The DASH diet plan was devised to prevent a. dehydration. b. constipation. c. osteoporosis. d. hypertension.


dense sources of calcium for vegetarians? a. fruits b. breads c. enriched grains d. certain green vegetables


dose calcium supplement include all of the following except a. constipation b. excessive gas c. intestinal bloating d. increased iron absorption


protein diet


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