Nutrition 121 Exam 1

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The recommended intake of biotin (a B vitamin) is 30 micrograms per day for adults. Studies show that adults who consume this much biotin are healthy with no evidence of deficiency or toxicity. However the precise human requirements for biotin have not been determined experimentally. The type of nutrient standard described is an

Adequate intake


"the disease that the first child gets when the new child comes" causes subcutaneous fat and edema in the abdomen


"to waste away" causes skin-and-bone appearance. happens frequently in infants who either are not breastfed or have stopped breastfeeding in early months

What are major classes of essential nutrients?

Lipids, water, carbohydrates

What enzyme breaks down triglycerides into free fatty acids and glycerol in the bloodstream?

Lipoprotein lipase

Structurally simple, inorganic substances, which exists as groups of one or more of the same atoms


Daily Value

Quantity (%) of a specific nutrient that corresponds to the total percentage of the daily requirements for a particular nutrient based on a 2000 kcal diet

What is a benefit of soluble fiber?

Reduces total serum cholesterol

Which of the following is the body's most efficient form of stored energy? -phospholipids -sterols -triglycerides -glycogen


True or False: Plant sources of fat are good for the heart because they are usually high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids

True; both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are good for the heart because they help to keep blood cholesterol low

The quality of evidence supporting an RDA is _____ the quality of evidence supporting an AI.

greater than

People who eat fish at least twice a week have lower risks for heart attacks. This protection is attributable to______ which reduces blood clotting

omega-3 fatty acids


organic molecules consisting of more than one element


organic molecules consisting of more than one element

Name the chronic disease characterized by decreased bone mass related to the effects of aging, genetics, and poor diet.


Primarily, fatty acids are transported through the bloodstream as

part of lipoproteins

A_______ is a type of lipid that contains a glycerol backbone, two fatty acids, and a phosphorus group



plant compounds that may aid in the prevention of diseases. not essential in the diet

What components are optional on the Nutritional Facts panel of a food label?

polyunsaturated fat monounsaturated fat magnesium Vitamin E

A _____ protein balance occurs when protein intake exceeds daily protein losses


Alcohol is considered a ______ nutrient and supplies about ______ kcal per gram.

nonessential; 7

DNA is located in the cell....


The monosaccharides and the disaccharides are designated as _______ because they provide caloried

nutritive sweeteners


protects the lining of the GI tract and lubricates the passage of food matter through the GI tract

Amino acids are the building blocks of


______ is a nutrient that forms important structures in the body, makes up a key part of the blood, helps regulate many body functions, and can fuel body cells. Amino acids join together to form this nutrient.


Amino acids are linked together by peptide bonds to form ________.


Amino acids are the building blocks of _______.


Most body structures are made of....


Intact proteins are _____ absorbed from the digestive tract


Lipids help....

regulate blood pressure and repair vital cell parts

Proteins are crucial to the ______ and ______ of the body.

regulation; maintenance

Hereditary, lifestyle choices, and nutritional habits are all examples of...

risk factors

What are characteristics of kwashiorkor?

-edema -lack of growth -fatty liver

The absence of _____ from the MyPlate icon draws criticism from some experts in nutrition and health.

-energy requirements -serving sizes

A specific segment on a chromosome that provides the blueprints for the production of all body proteins is called a_______.


Chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, are linked to...

-excess calorie intake -overconsumption of saturated fat -overconsumption of sodium -overconsumption of calories

How are nutrition and genetics linked?

-genes determine nutrient requirements -genes influence development of some nutritional diseases -nutrients affect gene expression

What are some genetic variations that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease?

-high levels of homocysteine in the blood -a delay in the removal of cholesterol from the blood

What are the products of fat digestion in the small intestine?

-monoglycerides -fatty acids -glycerol

What elements can be found in amino acids?

-oxygen -carbon -hydrogen -nitrogen

Moderation requires

-paying attention to portion sizes of foods -avoiding megadoses of nutrients

What three organs and/or glands produce lipase?

-stomach -pancreas -salivary glands

Which components that must be listed on the Nutrient Facts?

-total calories -total fat -saturated fat -trans fat -cholesterol -sodium -total carbohydrate -fiber -total sugars -added sugars -protein -vitamin D -Calcium -iron -potassium

Role of Lipids in the Body

-transport of fat-soluble vitamins -energy storage -insulation

The overarching goals of Healthy People 2020 are to:

-Attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death. -Achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve health of all groups. -Create social and physical environments that promote good health for all. -Promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviors across all life stages.

What are some positive attributes of fat in the diet?

-Fat imparts a creamy texture to foods -many flavors are ft soluble, so fat enhances the flavor of foods

Overconsumption of ______ is often linked to chronic disease.

-Sodium -Calories -Saturated fat

Dietary Reference Intakes include:

-Tolerable Upper Intake levels -Estimated Energy Requirements -Recommended Dietary Allowance -Adequate Intakes

Interactive tools available at ChooseMyPlate.gove

-USDA's 10 tips Nutrition Education series -Whats Cooking? USDA Mixing Bowl


-a substance found in plants -Adds bulk to feces -is a complex carbohydrate -cannot be digested by human enzymes

Estimated Energy Requirements take ______ into account when determining an individuals energy needs

-age -gender -physical activity -weight

Anthropometric measurements that help to determine nutritional status include:

-body mass index(height and weight) -circumference measures -bioelectrical impedance -skinfold measures

Characteristics of low-density lipoprotein

-carries primarily cholesterol -transports cholesterol to the tissues -linked to cardiovascular disease risk -"bad" cholesterol

Limitations of MyPLate

-does not immediately provide information about overall calories, serving sizes, or number of servings to choose from each food group. -does not address the types of foods to choose within each food group -does not include snacks between meals

What are the steps of the scientific method?

1. Research team asks a research question 2. Research team forms a hypothesis 3. research team conducts research experiments 4. research team evaluates their results and report their findings 5. Original research team and/or other researchers conduct follow-up studies to confirm or extend findings

A kilo represents


What is the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range for lipids according to the Food and Nutrition board?

20-35% of total calories

What is the kilocalorie difference between one gram of fat and one gram of carbohydrate?

5 kcal One gram of fat contains 9 kcal and one gram of carbohydrate contains 4 kcal, a difference of 5 kcal.

The AHA recommends reducing trans fats and limiting saturated fat to no more than ______ of total calories

5% to 6%

What is the kilocalorie content of a food that provides 7 grams fat, 4 grams carbohydrate, and 3 grams protein?

91 kcal (7*8)+(4*4)+(3*4)=91

The RDAs are meant to cover the nutrient needs of

97% to 98% of the healthy population

Sickle cell disease occurs when _____ are out of order on a protein

Amino acids

Because of its branches polysaccharide structure, ______ is digested more rapidly than______.

Amylopectin, amylose

What two chemical groups are found at the end of either side of the fatty-acid carbon chain?

An acid group (COOH) and a methyl group (CH3)

______ is a type of lipid that is found only in foods of animal origin.


What is used to determine the calorie needs of the average person for a specific weight, age, and sex?

Estimated Energy Requirement

_______ are a plant family with pods that contain a single row of seeds.


True or False: Phospholipids are essential parts of only a few types of cells, like adipose and liver cells

False; phospholipids are an essential part of every body cell

Why is LDL considered "bad" cholesterol?

LDL contributes to the development of plaques inside the arteries

Released by USDA in 2011 as a complement to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, _______ reminds consumers how to build a healthy meal


_____ is a condition characterized by excess body fat.


_______ is a major stomach enzyme used to digest proteins.


Which two substances are important for emulsification of fats during digestion?

Phospholipids and cholesterol

How does denaturation of a protein affect its function?

The protein loses its normal biological activity

very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)

The lipoprotein created in the liver that carries cholesterol and lipids that have been taken up or newly synthesized by the liver

High-density lipoproteins (HDL)

The lipoprotein in the blood that picks up cholesterol from dying cells and other sources and transfers it to the other lipoproteins in the bloodstream or directly to the liver; higher HDL levels are associated with decreased risk for cardiovascular disease so it is sometimes called good cholesterol

What is the major monosaccharide in the body?


Why do reduced-fat foods contain the same or similar amount of calories as their reference foods?

When fat is removed, sugar is usually added to maintain a palatable flavor and texture, usually resulting in similar energy density


a chemical found in plants. Some phytochemicals may contribute to a reduced risk of cancer or cardiovascular disease in people who consume them regularly


a digestible straight-chain type of starch composed of glucose units

Daily Value (DV)

a generic nutrient standard used on food labels


a long straight chain of glucose units, comprised about 20% of the digestible starch found in vegetables beans breads pasta and rice


a mineral that separates into ions when dissolved and is able to conduct an electrical current

fatty acid structure

a molecule with a long chain of carbons bonded together and flanked by hydrogens with an acid group on one end and a methyl group on the other end

Fatty acid

a molecule with a long chain of carbons bonded together and flanked by hydrogens with and acid group on one end and a methyl group on the other end

cholesterol in digestion

a precursor to bile acids which emulsify fats during digestion


a protein-digesting enzyme produced by the stomach

positive protein balance

a stage in which protein intake exceeds related protein losses, as is needed during times of growth

negative protein balance

a state in which protein intake is less than related protein losses, such as often seen during acute illness

When the ______ in polyunsaturated fatty acids break down, rancid by-products occur.

carbon-carbon double bonds

The medical term that refers to any disease of the heart and circulatory system is _______ disease.


A defective gene that delays cholesterol removal from the bloodstream and elevated levels of homocysteine are examples of genetic variations that increase an individual's risk for _______.

cardiovascular disease

nonessential amino acids

amino acids that can be synthesized by a healthy body in sufficient amounts; there are 11 nonessential amino acids. These are also called dispensable amino acids

Most ______ sources of protein provide ample quantities of all nine essential amino acids.


Vitamin B-12 is naturally found in __________ foods.



are part of bile which emulsifies fats during digestion

Phospholipids form the lipid bilayer of every_______

cell membrane

Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, minerals and water are all...

classes of nutrients


consume plant and egg products but no dairy products


consume plant products and dairy products but no meet or eggs

If you choose mostly nutrient-dense foods instead of empty calories, you are practicing dietary ______.


The Mediterranean Diet Pyramid is

based on the dietary patterns of the southern Mediterranean region, which has enjoyed low recorded rates of chronic diseases and high adult life expectancy

Lipoprotein lipase breaks down triglycerides in the....


Blood proteins help maintain...

body fluid balance

A ______ is a linkage between two atoms formed by the sharing of electrons.


The American Heart Association recommends using plant oils rather than animal fats in food preparation to...

decrease saturated fat intake

Soluble fiber______ the absorption of cholesterol and cholesterol-rich bile acids into the blood


Changing a proteins shape can.....

destroy its ability to function normally

The main functions of vitamins in the body is to...

enable chemical reactions in the body

Linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid are both...

essential fatty acids

Linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid are both________.

essential fatty acids

What deficiency would you suspect if a person has flaky and itchy skin, diarrhea, and poor wound healing with infections?

essential fatty acids

clinical assessment

examination of general appearance of skin, eyes, and tongue; evidence of: rapid hair loss; sense of touch; and ability to cough and walk

The body can derive all the essential nutrients from...

food and beverages

The rapid fall in heart function caused by reduced blood flow through the hearts blood vessels where often a part of the heart dies is known as

heart attack

The primary physiological drive to find and eat food, that is mostly regulated by internal cues to eating is called


A condition in which blood pressure remains persistently elevated above 140/90 mm Hg is called...


When a scientist suggests a possible explanation for a natural phenomenon, that explanation is called a...


environmental assessment

includes details about living conditions, education level, and the ability of the person to purchase, transport, and cook food. The persons weekly budget for food purchases is also a key factor to consider

The presence of fat in foods _________ the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins from the small intestine.


Minerals are structurally simple,_____ substances that_____.

inorganic; do not contain atoms

Vitamin C helps with the absorption of ...


Vitamin C helps with the absorption of ______.


A _______ diet is a modified vegetarian diet that includes dairy products and eggs.


Fruit juice contains_______ fiber

little or no

triglycerides are used as the primary energy source by muscles during......

low-intensity physical activity and when the body is at rest

Vitamins enable...

many important chemical reactions, but provide no usable source of energy for fueling the body

biochemical assessment

measurement of biochemical functions related to a nutrients function

Sterol structure

multiple rings of carbon molecules

Another name for a heart attack is

myocardial infarction

Amino acids are chemically unique in that they contain...

nitrogen along with carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen

According to the American Heart Association, to reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease, saturated fats should contribute....

no more than 5% to 6% of total kilocalories

A ______ is a decrease or loss of blood flow to the brain that results from a blood clot or other change in arteries in the brain.


Carbohydrates are mainly used to...

supply the body with most of its energy needs

Essential amino acids

the amino acids that the body cannot make in sufficient amounts or at all. these must be obtained from foods because body cells cannot make the needed carbon-based foundation of the amino acid, cannot put the nitrogen group on the needed carbon-based foundation, or just cannot do the whole process fast enough to meet body needs

Adequate Intake (AI)

the average daily amount of a nutrient that appears sufficient to maintain a specified criterion; a value used as a guide for nutrient intake when an RDA cannot be determined

Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)

the daily amount of a nutrient that will meet the needs of nearly all individuals in a particular age and gender group/

Tolerable Upper Intake Level

the maximum chronic daily intake level of a nutrient that is unlikely to cause adverse health effects in most all people


the medical term for high blood pressure


the science that links food and health

What are the structural components of a triglyceride?

three fatty acids attached to a glycerol backbone

In the small intestine, lipase breaks down____ to produce a mixture of fatty acids, glycerol and monoglycerides.


What is the body's most efficient form of stored energy?


True or false: every cell contains protein


True or False: Plant sources are good for the heart because they are usually high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids

true; both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are good for the heart because they help to keep blood cholesterol low

Animal sources supply about ______ of protein intake for most Americans.


anthropometric assessment

used to assess the size shape and composition of the human body

What lipoproteins are made by the liver?

very-low-density lipoprotein

When is glucose most likely used to produce fat?

when overall calorie needs are exceeded

Can cholesterol be made by the body?

yes so sterols are not essential components of the dietary pattern

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