Nutrition 3010 Exam #2 Quiz Q's

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The current Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend ______ minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity or ________ minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week.

75; 150 The current Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week to reduce the risk of chronic disease. Page 190.

It has been calculated that more than ______ infant lives per year may be saved in the United States if 90% of mothers exclusively breastfed for 6 months.


Of the options below, which person would most likely have the highest body water content?

A 45 year old body builder An athlete would have a high body water content related to the amount of muscle mass. Muscle mass contains a relatively large amount of water.

Which of the following dietary patterns would be most likely to ensure adequate and balanced vitamin intake and support overall health?

A varied diet composed of all food groups eaten in controlled portions.

Which of the following is a valid reason for breastfeeding rather than bottle feeding?

Breast milk's composition changes as the baby grows to match the needs of the child Human milk is the ideal first food for infants and is the primary recommendation of pediatricians and dietitians. As the infant grows, breast milk adapts in composition to match the needs of the developing child, and the fat content of breast milk changes from the beginning to the end of a single feeding. Page 174.

__________________ are the reference normative standards for infant feeding and nutrition.

Breastfeeding and human milk

is a mineral in the hydrochloric acid secreted in gastric juices.


Of the options provided, which food is the most important source of riboflavin in the United States?


______is the passage of water through a membrane that separates solutions of different concentrations and that tends to equalize the concentration pressures of the solution on either side of the membrane.


The disease associated with niacin deficiency is called

Pellagra--a disease caused by the lack of niacin. It is characterized by skin lesions along with gastrointestinal, mucosal, neurologic, and mental symptoms. The four Ds associated with pellagra are dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia, and death.

The mineral necessary for the controlled oxidation of carbohydrate, fat, and protein in producing and storing available energy for the body is _______________.

Phosphorous-- in the form of phosphate is necessary for the controlled oxidation of carbohydrate, fat, and protein to release the energy in their covalent bonds, and it captures energy to the use in the body as a component of adenosine triphosphate.

The hormone responsible for promoting conservation of sodium in the kidney is ________________.

aldosterone--Aldosterone is produced by the adrenal glands, which trigger the kidneys' nephrons to reabsorb sodium

A 62-year-old woman who smokes 1 pack of cigarettes a day and whose food intake records reveal a minimal intake of vitamin C foods may be at risk for ______________.

easy bruising and pinpoint hemorrhages --Signs of vitamin C deficiency are tissue bleeding, including easy bruising and pinpoint skin hemorrhages. Smokers deplete their supply of vitamin C more rapidly than nonsmokers. Cigarette smoke is a source of environmental free radicals, and vitamin C is needed to break down toxic compounds in cigarette smoke.

A psychological condition concerning nutrition that is most often first evident during the adolescent years is _____________.

eating disorders

An adequate source of iron for a breastfed infant at 6 months of age is _____________.

enriched rice cereal---The iron content of breast milk is highly absorbable and fully meets the needs of an infant for the first 6 months of life. At that point, the infant's nutritional needs for iron exceed what is provided exclusively by breast milk, and the addition of solid foods and enriched cereals at approximately 6 months of age helps supply additional iron. Page 172.

Menopause is marked by the cessation of two hormones, what are they?

estrogen and progesterone.

The recommended dietary intake for vitamin D is difficult to establish because ________________.

exposure to sunlight varies

The kidneys "launder" the blood by _________________.

filtration--The kidneys help maintain appropriate levels of all constituents of the blood by filtering the blood and then selectively reabsorbing water and needed materials to be carried throughout the body.

Foods rich in phytochemicals include ________________.

fruits and vegetables--The term phytochemical comes from the Greek word phyton, meaning plant.

A food or food ingredient that may provide a health benefit beyond its basic nutritional value is called a(n) ________________.

functional food

A 36 year old overweight pregnant woman is more likely to experience a higher risk for ______________.

gestational diabetes Risk factors for women who are more than 120% of standard weight or who have a body mass index of more than 26 include gestational diabetes. During pregnancy, there is an increased metabolic workload along with an increased volume of blood and its load of metabolites, including glucose. Some of this extra glucose "spills over" into the urine. P

Chromium is a component of the factor that facilitates the action of insulin. This factor is called _______________.

glucose tolerance factor --Chromium functions as an essential component of the organic complex glucose tolerance factor, which stimulates the action of insulin.

A full-term infant is an infant born ____________.

between 37 and 42 weeks' gestation --A full-term infant has a gestational period of approximately 40 weeks (range of 37 to 42 weeks); premature infants are born at or before 270 days (37 weeks) of gestation and weigh less than 5 lb. Page 173.

An important function of calcium for the growing child is _____________.

bone and tooth development] Calcium needs are critical during the most rapid growth periods of infancy through adolescence. During infancy, the mineralization of the skeleton is taking place while the bones are growing larger and the teeth are forming. Page 171.

Folate is found naturally in which of the following foods?


The primary function of vitamin D is to regulate the absorption and metabolism of the minerals ________________.

calcium and phosphorus--the hormone form calcitriol acts with two other hormones: parathyroid hormone and the thyroid hormone calcitonin. In balance with these two hormones, vitamin D hormone stimulates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the small intestine.

Two minerals that often are low in diets of the elderly are ___________.

calcium and vitamin D Calcium and vitamin D are often low in the diets of the older adult. Calcium intake may be low because of less ingestion of calcium-rich foods, loss of appetite, lack of adequate body fat, less outdoor physical activity, and decreased capacity of the skin to produce vitamin D with exposure to light. Pages 192-193.

Binding agents such as oxalic acid and phytic acid inhibit absorption of _______________.

calcium--Oxalic acid is a compound found in some plants such as spinach, rhubarb, Swiss chard, beet greens, and certain other vegetables and nuts that form insoluble salts with calcium called oxalates. Phytate is another plant compound found in grains such as wheat and can also bind with calcium and interfere with absorption.

Protein needs of an older adult are influenced by the adequacy of _____ intake.


An example of a food that provides building material for tissue growth is ____________

cheese Protein is the fundamental tissue-building substance of the body. Cheese is a food high in protein.

The thin, yellow fluid first secreted by mammary glands for a few days after childbirth is called


An older adult may need to take a vitamin or mineral supplement if he or she ___________.

has been ill Although routine supplementation may not be necessary, supplements are often recommended for people in debilitated states or to overcome malabsorption conditions. Page 193.

Iron plays a critical role in ______________.

hemoglobin synthesis --Iron is a component of heme, which is the nonprotein part of hemoglobin

Water's functions DO NOT include acting as (a) ________________.

hormones--Body water functions include serving as a solvent, transport secretions and tissue fluids, assists with thermoregulation, and has a lubricating effect on moving parts of the body.

Which of the following is considered a risk factor for osteoporosis?

inadequate calcium and vitamin D intake; physical inactivity; smoking and alcohol use; decreased estrogen level after menopause in women; thin body frame; certain disease states and the use of medications that alter mineral bioavailability and bone turnover. Page 192.

A suitable first solid food for infants is _____________.

infant rice cereal Infant rice cereal or pureed vegetables usually are the most suitable first solid food for infants because foods containing wheat or other common allergens (such as eggs) have a higher risk of allergy-related reactions. Peanut butter may increase the risk of choking. Pages 176-7.

The most common cause of anemia during pregnancy is ________________.

iron deficiency

Copper has a metabolic association with ______________.

iron--Copper is frequently called the "iron twin" because they are metabolized in much the same way and share functions as components of cell enzymes

____________ needs increase during pregnancy because of increased maternal blood volume.

iron--Iron needs are increased during pregnancy for increased hemoglobin synthesis required for the greater maternal blood volume as well as for the baby's necessary prenatal storage of iron. Page 150.

A pregnancy is considered high risk if the mother ________________.

is 16 years old Nutritional risk factors at the onset of pregnancy include age 18 years or younger or 35 years or older; frequent pregnancies; poor obstetric history or poor fetal performance; poverty; bizarre or trendy food habits; abuse of nicotine, alcohol, or drugs; chronic disease with therapeutic diet; and weight less than 85% or more than 120% of normal. See page 154 and Clinical Applications.

As a person ages, lack of exercise contributes to ____________.

loss of skeletal muscle mass Sarcopenia is the loss of lean tissue mass associated with aging and contributing factors include decreased physical activity and inadequate dietary protein metabolism. Page 190.

Minerals required by the body in amounts of more than 100 mg/day are called _______________.

major minerals --The term major refers to the amount of a mineral in the body and not its relative importance.

Prescription and over-the-counter drugs can affect nutritional status because they ___________.

may affect appetite or absorption of nutrients

Of the following options, the greatest source of dietary zinc is ______________.


A folic acid deficiency results in a form of anemia called ________________ anemia.


The B-complex vitamins are required in greater amounts during pregnancy because ________________.

metabolic activities increase--The B vitamins are needed in increased amounts because of their vital role as coenzyme factors in energy production and protein metabolism.

Sulfur is part of two amino acids. One is cysteine and the other is


Biologic processes associated with aging may cause ____________.

decreased metabolic rate Beginning at about age 30 years, a gradual loss of functioning cells occurs, which results in reduced cell metabolism and changes in body composition and ultimately decreased metabolic rate. Page 190.

A focus for young adults regarding nutritional intake should be on ___________.

developing healthy behaviors The firm establishment of healthy lifestyle behaviors during the period of young adulthood is important for maintaining quality of life in the long term. Page 189.

Decreased absorption of nutrients in the elderly is caused by ___________.

diminished secretion of digestive juices and gastrointestinal muscle motility Hydrochloric acid is secreted from the gastric mucosal cells, and it is necessary for vitamin B12 digestion, along with intrinsic factor. However, as people age, the production and secretion of hydrochloric acid often decrease and may result in inadequate B12 absorption. Page 193.

A ______ is substance that induces urination and subsequent fluid loss.


During pregnancy, women should be encouraged not to ________________.

drink alcoholic beverages--Social habits of alcohol, cigarette, and drug use can cause fetal damage and are contraindicated during pregnancy. Extensive, habitual use of alcohol leads to the well-documented fetal alcohol syndrome. There are no safe amounts, types, or times during pregnancy that are acceptable for consumption of alcohol.

The amino acids that contain sulfur are _______________.

methionine and cystine Dietary requirements for sulfur are not stated because sulfur is supplied by protein foods containing the amino acids methionine and cystine.

The development stage of an adult 47 years of age is described as the ___________.

middle adult Page 189.

The term used to denote concentration of electrolytes in a given volume is ________________.


The three body systems that are most affected by a thiamin deficiency are the __________ systems.

nervous, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal

A deficiency of vitamin A may result in ________________.

night blindness

Thirst tends to be an unreliable index of fluid needs particularly in ___________________.

older adults Thirst is an unreliable index of fluid needs in the elderly because the thirst mechanism usually diminishes with age and dehydration can easily occur

Foods that are considered a high risk for choking in young children include _____________.

peanut butter and taffy

The term extracellular fluid includes ________________.

plasma and tissue secretions--Extracellular fluid is the total body water outside the cells. This water collectively makes up 15% to 20% of the total body weight.

The major mineral in water inside cells is _______________.


The mineral that plays a role in the conversion of blood glucose to stored glycogen is _______________.


The sudden onset of high blood pressure and the accumulation of protein in the urine may be signs of ______________ in a pregnant woman.

preeclampsia--High blood pressure can be fatal to the mother and fetus. If symptoms progress with the accumulation of proteinuria, the condition is referred to as preeclampsia. Page 157.

The main function of fluoride is to ________________.

prevent dental caries

The substrate necessary for fundamental tissue building for a growing child is _____________.


____________ needs are increased during pregnancy due to development of the placenta, growth of the fetus, growth of maternal tissues, increased maternal blood volume, and for amniotic fluid.


A significant food source of selenium is found in _______________.


Synthesis of the active hormonal form of vitamin D is the result of the combined action of the ________________.

skin, liver, and kidney--Vitamin D is made in the body with the help of the sun's ultraviolet rays. The compound made in the skin by sunlight is a prohormone. This irradiated compound, cholecalciferol (calciferol), is in its inactive form. It is then activated by two successive enzymes, first in the liver and then in the kidney, to become the active form, calcitriol.

Eating disorders are common in adolescent girls because _____________.

social, family, and personal pressures regarding figure control may result in crash diets Eating disorders are common is young girls and in boys because of social, family, and personal pressures concerning figure control, which are strong influences on them to fit in and be accepted.

An example of a cation is ________________.


The cations primarily responsible for controlling body water distribution are ________________.

sodium and potassium

Older adults may be encouraged not to restrict their fat intake because ___________.

some higher fat foods may provide needed kilocalories To meet appropriate total calorie intake, some foods providing higher fat may be necessary. Page 191.

A good natural food source of vitamin K is ________________.


Of the options provided below, which is the best source of dietary folate?


A significant source of vitamin A is found in ________________.

spinach--Provitamin A or beta-carotene is a pigment found in yellow, orange, and deep green fruits and vegetables including spinach

Functions of water in the body include ___________________.

temperature control The body water supply acts as a solvent, serves as a means of transport, provides form and structure, regulates temperature control, and provides lubrication for the body.

Vitamin K has no UL.


The most vital function of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) is its antioxidant action in tissues.

true--Alpha-tocopherol is the body's most abundant fat-soluble antioxidant; it helps intercept the oxidation process by free radicals and protects polyunsaturated fatty acids from damage.

The amino acid that can be converted to niacin in the body is

tryptophan--Some of the niacin the body requires can be made from the essential amino acid tryptophan. The total requirement in the body for niacin is stated in terms of niacin equivalents to account for both sources.

An infant born weighing 2.5 lb is considered ____________.

very low birth weight --Very low birth weight (VLBW) infants weigh less than 1500 g or 3 lb 5 oz; extremely low birth weight babies weigh less than 100 g or 2 lb 3 oz. Page 173.

Iron absorption is enhanced by simultaneously consuming foods containing ________________.

vitamin C

There are two vitamin supplements that the AAP recognizes are potentially needed for infants, they are _____.

vitamins K and D

An important function of sodium is ______________.

water balance

Most of the body's sodium is found in ______________.

water outside cells

The kidneys must excrete water in the urine because _________________.

water provides the vehicle for excretion of waste products--The largest amount of water exits through the kidneys. A certain amount of water must be excreted as urine to carry out the various waste products of metabolism. This is called obligatory water loss because it is compulsory for survival and must occur daily for health. The kidneys may put out an additional amount of water depending on body activities and needs, which is referred to as optional water loss.

The principle of osmosis is best exemplified by ___________________.

water--The principle of osmosis is best exemplified by water. Osmosis is used to describe the process or force that impels water molecules to move throughout the body.

An example of a food that is a good source of calcium is ________________.


Examples of foods high in nutrients that help prevent osteoporosis are ___________. Correct Answer

yogurt and canned salmon Foods high in calcium can help prevent osteoporosis. Foods such as yogurt and canned salmon are significant sources of calcium. Page 192.

The young adult age range is __________


Spinach, carrots, and sweet potatoes are good sources of ________________.


The amount of extra protein required by pregnant versus nonpregnant women is approximately _____ g/day.

25 Protein intake should increase 25 g/day during pregnancy on top of nonpregnancy needs. This increase is approximately 50% more than the average adult requirements

During lactation, extra calories needed from dietary intake is approximately __________ kcal/day.

330-Lactation requires energy for both the process and the product. Some of the energy will be met by the extra fat that is stored in the mother during pregnancy. The increased calorie recommendations during pregnancy are 330 kcal/day (plus 170 kcal/day from maternal stores). Page 163.

The person most at risk for developing osteoporosis is a ________________.

35-year-old woman who has sustained a multiple-trauma accident and is bedridden--Osteoporosis is not a primary calcium deficiency disease, but it does result from a combination of factors that create chronic calcium deficiency. These factors include inadequate intake, poor intestinal absorption connected with hormones controlling calcium absorption and metabolism, and lack of exercise that stimulates muscle insertion action on bones and determines the strength, shape, and mass of bone.

During the first year of life, an infant's birth length increases by ____________.


Water requirements per day for an infant are approximately ______________.

700 ml

Each decade basal energy needs decrease ___________.

1% to 2% The basal metabolic rate declines an average of 1% to 2% per decade, with a more rapid decline occurring at approximately 40 years of age for men and 50 years of age for women. Page 191.

The percentage of total kilocalories supplied by protein for an average-weight 72-year-old is ___________.

10% to 35%

For every 1000 kcals in the diet, _____ mls of water are necessary for metabolism.

1000-Approximately 1,000 mL of water is necessary for the metabolism of every 1,000 kcal consumed,

An acceptable ending pregnancy weight for a normal-weight woman whose prepregnancy weight is 125 lb is _____ lb.

150 to 160 Weight gain for a normal-weight woman with a BMI of 19.8 -26 kg/m2 is 25 to 35 lb. Thus 125 lb + 25 to 35 lb = 150 lb to 160 lb. Table 10-3 page 152.

An acceptable ending pregnancy weight for a women with a BMI within the normal-weight category whose prepregnancy weight was 140 lb is _____ lb.

165 - 175 Weight gain for a normal-weight woman with a BMI of 19.8 -26 kg/m2 is 25 to 35 lb. Thus 140 lb + 25 to 35 lb = 165 lb to 175 lb. Table 10-3 page 152.

The term hypertonic refers to what type of solution?

Concentrated--Tonicity refers to the state of osmotic pressures that results from the concentrations of electrolytes and other solute particles. Thus a hypertonic solution would be one where there is not equal osmotic pressure resulting from a higher concentration of electrolytes and solute particles.

________is a term that is used in pediatrics to describe infants, children, or adolescents who do not grow and develop normally.

Failure to thrive

To significantly reduce the risk of celiac disease, gluten-containing foods should only be introduced after the infant is weened from breast milk and consuming only infant formula or other bovine milk products.

False Gluten-containing foods should be introduced while the infant is receiving only breast milk and not infant formula or other bovine milk products. See page 6 of the Breastfeeding article (required reading) within the Chapter 10 module.

BMI charts are not used for children under the age of 5.

False The BMI-For-age charts for children can be used continuously from 2 years of age into adulthood. Page 167.

Trace minerals are not as important to human nutrition than the major minerals.

False--Trace minerals are no less important to human nutrition than the major minerals; trace simply refers to the amounts that are required.

Vitamins are macronutrient that do not supply energy to the body.

False--Vitamins are micronutrients that do not supply energy to the body.

The mineral that is a catalyst for many reactions in cells that produce energy is _______________.

Magnesium-- is a necessary cofactor for more than 300 enzymes that make use of nucleotide triphosphates for activating or catalyzing reactions that produce energy, synthesize body compounds, or help to transport nutrients across cell membranes.

During a check-up at the clinic, a child's growth is evaluated by using _____________.

Growth charts---an assessment tool for measuring normal growth patterns in infants, children, and adolescents. These charts are based on large numbers of well-nourished children representing the national population. Page 167.

A condition of severe, prolonged, and persistent vomiting during pregnancy is called __________________.

Hyperemesis gravidarum-- is morning sickness in early pregnancy that progresses from a mild state to a severe and prolonged state requiring medical treatment. Page 153.

Thyroid-stimulating hormone controls the uptake of which mineral from the bloodstream into the thyroid gland?


_______________ is an example of a trace element.

Iron- considered a trace mineral because its recommendations are less than 100 mg/day.

________________ stay in the blood vessels and draw water into the vessels to establish equilibrium of the solute concentration between the fluid compartments.

Plasma proteins

______stay in the blood vessels and draw water into the vessels to establish equilibrium of the solute concentration between the fluid compartments.

Plasma proteins

is a term that refers to excessive thirst and drinking.


What is the main source of chloride in the diet?

Salt Dietary chloride is almost entirely provided by sodium chloride, which is the chemical name or ordinary table salt.

Congregate meals programs provide older Americans, particularly those with low income, low-cost and nutritionally sound meals.


During pregnancy, intake of caffeine of normal to high amounts (> 300 mg) may not pose a risk for congenital malformations, growth restriction, or spontaneous abortion.


Which of the following growth charts should be use to plot the growth of exclusively breastfed infants?

WHO growth charts--The WHO curves are "standards" and are the normative model for growth and development irrespective of infant ethnicity or geography reflecting the optimal growth of the breastfed infant. See page 12 of the Breastfeeding article (required reading) within the Chapter 10 module..

The main condition indicating a deficiency of iron is __________


The hormone that conserves body water is ________________.

antidiuretic hormone--Antidiuretic hormone is produced by the pituitary gland and is a water-conserving mechanism that works on the kidneys' nephrons to induce reabsorption of water.

Similar to vitamin E in function, ascorbic acid is an _____ that works to protect the body from free radical damage.


Similar to vitamin E in function, ascorbic acid is an _______ that works to protect the body from free radical damage.


Vitamin E protects cell membranes because it acts as a(n) ________________.


Phytochemicals act primarily as ________________.

antioxidants and hormones

The Older Americans Act provides home-delivered meals for those who ___________.

are isolated The Older Americans Act provides services to the elderly that include congregate and home-delivered meals with related education and food-service components. Page 198.

Older adults need more vitamin D than younger adults because they ___________.

are less efficient at making their own As a person ages, the body becomes less efficient in making vitamin D and more may have to be provided in the diet through foods that have been fortified, including milk and milk products, breads, and cereals. Butter substitutes, such as margarines, are also fortified. Page 193.

Health care facilities can help meet the needs of older individuals by offering classes focusing on ___________.

balance As the population continues to age, health care facilities are adapting to the increased need for aerobic and balance classes that are aimed specifically at older adults who enjoy and benefit from daily activity. Page 196.

Health care facilities can help meet the needs of older individuals by offering classes focusing on __________

balance As the population continues to age, health care facilities are adapting to the increased need for aerobic and balance classes that are aimed specifically at older adults who enjoy and benefit from daily activity. Page 196.

A shared function of plasma proteins, electrolytes, and sodium is the ________________.

balance of water between body compartments -- The concentration of particles in water (e.g., sodium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, bicarbonate, protein) determine the internal shifts and balances among the compartments of water throughout the body.

Which of the following options best completes the statement below? A pregnant adolescent is at nutritional risk because she ________________.

is still in a growth stage of development

One of the main functions of vitamin _____ is to aid in blood clotting.


BMI is calculated in _______.


Water leaves the body mainly through the _________________.

kidneys --Water leaves the body through the kidneys, skin, lungs, and feces; of these routes the largest amount of water exits through the kidneys.

Food intake may decrease after the first year of life and caloric need is not as great because ____________.

the growth rate slows down During the first year of life growth is rapid, with the infant gaining approximately 6 ounces per week, especially during the first 6 months. After the first year the growth rate tends to slow down, decreasing food intake. Page 166.

Dehydration is more common in older adults than in younger adults because ___________.

the thirst mechanism diminishes As a person ages the thirst mechanism diminishes, resulting in inadequate fluid intake and a state of dehydration. Page 194.

Plasma proteins maintain colloidal osmotic pressure because __________________.

they are large molecules Plasma proteins maintain colloidal osmotic pressure because they are large molecules, mainly in the form of albumin and globulin. Plasma protein molecules are retained in the blood vessels, controlling water movement in the body and guarding blood volume by influencing the shift of water in and out of capillaries in balance with the surrounding water, which in this form is referred to as colloids.

An athlete who increases his or her intake of pasta will simultaneously increase his or her need for ________________.

thiamin --acts a coenzyme factor involved in several reactions of carbohydrate metabolism that ultimately provide the body with energy in the form of ATP.

Babies should not be put to sleep with a bottle of formula because ____________.

this could lead to early tooth decay--In addition to other concerns, babies should not be put to sleep with a bottle of formula because it can lead to early tooth decay by allowing milk to pool in the mouth.

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