Nutrition & Foods Chapter 13 - Grains

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A whole seed of a cereal.


Dough that may or may not be dried.


Grain products that have had the bran and germ, along with the nutrients they provide, removed during processing.


The outer protective covering of the kernel. It is a good source of vitamins and fiber.


The process of pasta thickening while cooking.


The process of water leaking if the cooked pasta stands too long. Like weeping in meringues.


These are starchy grains that are suitable to use as food. Corn, wheat, rice, oats, barley and rye are the most common.

Whole Grain

These contain all three parts of the kernel. You need to make at least half of your daily grain servings this type.


These grain products h ave added nutrients to replace those lost due to processing. They will contain thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, folic acid and iron.


This is another name for the complex carbohydrates stored in plants.


This is the reproductive part of the plant. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, protein, and fat.


This makes up the largest part of the kernel. It contains most of the starch and the protein of the kernel, but few minerals and little fiber.

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