Nutrition Exam 1 Past Quiz Questions

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A complete protein ________________________?

Contains all essential amino acids

Match the nutrient with a good food source. Use each answer only once.

Copper: Seafood Folate: Black-eyed peas Sodium: Canned Soup Phosphorous: Cola Potassium: Bananas

Mutual Supplementation is most important in meal planning for which of the following individuals?

David, a student who doesn't eat animal products

You take a weekend course to earn your required Continuing Education Credits for your DC License. To earn credit for this course you must complete an exam. One question is as follows: "Which of the following are the 4 "D"s of Pellagra"? Select the 4 correct responses below.

Depression Diarrhea Death Dermatitis

Calcium, Vitamin D and Fluoride are examples of micronutrients whose function is to improve the health of what?

Develop strong bones and teeth

If you eat 125 grams of carbohydrates, how many calories did you consume?


Which of the following is a function of omega-6 fatty acids?

Increase inflammatory responses

A twenty-five-year-old male patient returns for a follow up appointment and provides a 3-day dietary intake form. Upon analyzing the form, you notice he eats an adequate amount of meat. You can be assured that he is getting adequate amounts of __________?

Iron, phosphorous, & selenium

Foods that are good sources of dietary fiber include all of the following EXCEPT:


Which of the following is an example of a complete protein?


Ms. Egan is a devout vegan. Her weight is 130 lbs. and she is 5 feet 8 inches tall. She could eat which of the following and stay on a strict vegan diet?

Red beans and rice

Match the following list of foods with the correct definition. Use each answer only once.

Salmon : Good source of omega-3 fatty acid Olive Oil: Good source of monounsaturated fatty acids Margarine: Good source of trans fatty acids Butter: Good source of saturated fatty acids

You heard a story on the news of an individual that lives in the bush of Alaska who reported to his doctor after the winter months complaining of bleeding gums, fatigue and small red dots on his skin. After a diet analysis the man reported running low on food during the winter months and consumed mainly beef jerky, smoked fish, and potatoes. What is an adequate working diagnosis?


Most of the digestion and absorption of food takes place in the _______?

Small intestine

Your patient returns to a follow up appointment after you referred him to a Registered Dietitian. One of the Dietitians recommendations was to increase his intake of Vitamin C. Which of the following social habits can result in an increased need for Vitamin C?

Smoking cigarettes

Which of the following nutrients are involved in fluid and electrolyte balance?

Sodium, Potassium, Chloride and Phosphorus

A new patient comes in for her initial appointment. During your history taking, she reports suffering from extreme fatigue and pale skin a few months ago. She started taking iron supplements recommended by her Doctor of Osteopathy. She states that she has not felt a change in her symptoms. Which of the following could inhibit the absorption of iron?


32-year old Ashley, a new mother states that she has a 6-year-old daughter and a newborn son. She mentioned that they are only using bottled water for drinking and making infant formula. What advice would you give her regarding bottled water?

The family may be at risk for increased cavities due to deficiency of fluoride

The process of digestion (mechanical and chemical) starts where?

The mouth

Which of the following are water soluble vitamins?

Thiamin, Riboflavin, Vitamin C and B6

Which of the following micronutrients are involved in energy metabolism:

Thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and biotin

Match the vitamin with the correct coenzyeme. Only use each answer once.

Thiamin: Thiamin Pyrophosphate (TPP) Riboflavin: Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide (FAD) Niacin: Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) Vitamin B6: Pyridoxal 5 phosphate (PLP) Pantothenic acid: Coenzyme A (CoA)

Identify this fatty acid. It is solid at room temperature, possesses an increased risk for developing cardiovascular disease when eaten, and has hydrogen atoms on opposite sides of the double bonds.

Trans fatty acids

Match the nutrient with a good food source. Use each answer only once.

Vitamin A: Pumpkin Vitamin E: Almonds Vitamin C: Red peppers Selenium: Brazil Nuts Vitamin K: Kale

Jon, a 37-year-old male has been following a vegan diet for 1.5 years. He states that he consumes a variety of fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Jon's diet could increase the risk for a deficiency in ______.

Vitamin B 12

45 year old Dan, one of your patients, is moving to the Northern Alaska area for work. Based on where he will be living, what vitamin or mineral is he most at risk for developing a deficiency?

Vitamin D

Which of the following vitamins and/ or minerals has a higher risk for toxicity?

Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Vitamin A

Match the nutrient with the correct function or fact. All answers are used once.

Water Soluble Vitamins: Excess amounts in the diet can be eliminated in the urine B-Vitamins: Many function as coenzymes in chemical reactions in the body Chromium: Aids in the transport of glucose from the blood to cells. Riboflavin: Destroyed by UV light. Iron: The most common nutrient deficiency on a world-wide basis.

Acceptable Macronutrient Destribution Ranges include which of the following?

10-35% for protein

Which of the following are fat soluble vitamins?

A, D, E, K

Your 77-year-old female patient had a recent DEXA scan to determine any changes in her osteoporosis. She takes Actonel as prescribed by her GP but asked you what else she can do to decrease osteoporosis progression. Which of the following is a correct recommendation?

All of the options will help ensure adequate calcium intake Take a calcium supplements that includes vitamin D Eat at least 3 dairy sources daily Eat fortified foods such as milk or orange juice that includes calcium

Which of the following foods has cholesterol?

Baked chicken

Your 16-year-old patient states that she started following @LiverKing on social media and has recently adopted a diet in which he recommended to eat eggs and organ meats as a primary food source. As she is explaining her diet, you also notice she has a fishy body odor. Which vitamin-like compound may she be over-consuming?


Match the nutrient with the deficiency. Use each answer only once.

Neural tube defect: Folate Rickets: Vitamin D Night Blindness: Vitamin A Hemolytic anemia: Vitamine E Pernicious anemia: Vitamine B12

Your 55-year-old male patient reports to his follow up appointment for low back pain. He hands you his most recent annual lipid blood panel results from his Family Medicine Doctor. Which vitamin could you recommend for this otherwise healthy patient?


In order for your patient to absorb as much iron from her diet as possible, you suggest she take her iron supplements with which of the following?

Orange juice

Your patient strikes up a conversation during her treatment about her daughter. She states that her daughter has been trying to lose weight for cheerleading tryouts and is snacking on carrots throughout the day instead of eating regular meals. Which of the following could occur due to excess consumptions of which components?

Orange tinted skin due to Beta carotene overconsumption

Match the nutrient with the deficiency. Use each answer only once.

Osteoporosis: Calcium Hemorrhage: Vitamin K Anemia: Iron Scurvy: Vitamin C Beri Beri: Thiamin

Which enzyme helps digest the triglycerides molecules in the small intestine?

Pancreatic lipase

Your 29-year-old female patient reports feeling "off" lately so you take a mini-history to make sure things have not changed since her initial appointment 2 months ago. You discover that she started taking Vitamin D because her grandmother had severe osteoporosis and she thought it would help her to avoid the symptoms her grandmother is suffering from. She states that she takes 40,000 IU/day to "make up for years she has not taken the supplement". Taking Vitamin D supplements can result in a toxicity of which of the following? (recommended 600 IU/day)


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