nutrition exam 2

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Which of the following nutrients is produced by certain bacteria that live in the large intestine?


Which of the following actions is an example of the mechanical aspects of digestion?

Breaking down some protein by hydrochloric acid in the stomach Tearing food into small chunks and mashing it up by the teeth Churning movements of the stomach to mix its contents Digesting fat with the help of bile in the small intestine Moving chyme through the small intestine by peristalsis

Skylar's gallbladder doesn't function properly. As a result of this disorder, which of the following foods does he have trouble digesting?


Which of the following digestive system structures are listed in the correct order for food/chyme to move through them?

Esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum

According to the latest version of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, _______ is a "nutrient of public health" concern, because many Americans don't consume enough of it.


This semester, Darlene is taking an introductory microbiology class. During the laboratory component of the course, Darlene's instructor gives her a small sealed container with bacteria in it. The instructor tells Darlene to identify the kind of bacteria that's in the container. While performing tests on the bacterial sample, Darlene determines that the bacteria need air to survive. Based on this information, Darlene notes that the bacteria are ______.


Individuals with type 2 diabetes have cells that _______.

don't respond normally to insulin

Tia experiences acid reflux from time to time. To help prevent bouts of acid reflux, Tia should take all of the following steps, except _______.

drink milk and cream with meals

Proteins that help chemical reactions occur are _______.


Lactose intolerance is a form of milk allergy.


Which of the following disorders, conditions, or events is a serious health consequence of poorly-controlled gestational diabetes? (Check all that apply.)

miscarriage premature birth stillbirth

Amylase: Begins the breakdown of starch in the ________ Lactase: Breaks disaccharide into glucose and _________ Maltase: Breaks disaccharide into two molecules of _______ Sucrase: Breaks disaccharide into glucose and _______

mouth Galactose Glucose fructose

Glucagon is a hormone that's secreted by your pancreas. Glucagon _______. (Check all that apply.)

raises your blood glucose level lowers your blood glucose level promotes glycogen breakdown in the liver

Nelson is a college freshman living on his own for the first time. He eats out a lot at fast food restaurants and snacks on foods that are high in empty calories. Nelson spends much of his time sitting in classes or working online. Lately he has been noticing symptoms of constipation. All of the following recommendations might help Nelson alleviate his constipation, except _______.

reducing his consumption of whole fruits and vegetables

Most nutrient absorption occurs in the _______.

small intestine

Ryan is taking nutrition class and learning about the digestive process. When he learned that after a meal, the contents of the stomach become very acidic, he wondered why the acid in the stomach doesn't digest the organ. Why doesn't the acid break down the stomach's lining and cause holes to form in the stomach's walls?

The stomach is lined with a layer of mucus that protects it.

As a baby grows, its body undergoes more anabolic metabolic activities than catabolic metabolic activities.


The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for carbohydrates is ____ g per day. This amount of carbohydrate is enough to prevent ______.

130; excess ketone formation

Brandy has a strong family history of type 2 diabetes in her family. She recently saw her physician and inquired about the levels of blood glucose that are used to diagnose diabetes. Match the blood glucose level with its appropriate classification.

70-99 mg/dl Normal fasting blood glucose less than 70 mg/dlHypoglycemia 100-125 mg/dl Pre-diabetes 126 mg/dl or higherDiabetes

Lucia usually puts her 7-month-old infant to bed with a baby bottle that contains an iron-fortified infant formula. This particular formula provides about 1g protein, 1g fat, and 2 g carbohydrate per ounce. Because Lucia's baby is consuming the formula at bedtime, the child has a high risk of developing gallstones.


Identify which of the following nutrients are major sources of ATP energy for your cells. (Check all that apply.)

Glucose fat

Brandon has untreated type 1 diabetes. His blood sugar level remains high after a meal because ________.

His pancreas doesn't relate insulin

Identify risk factors that increase an American's risk for developing type 2 diabetes. (Check all that apply.)

Mother and older brother have type 2 diabetes Personal history of developing type 2 diabetes during pregnancy Lack of physical activity High vitamin C consumption Obesity

The digestive system relies on many organs for the digestion and absorption of nutrients from food, and the elimination of wastes. Arrange the digestive system components in the order that food/chyme moves through the system before it's eliminated.

Mouth and salivary glands Stomach Small intestine Large intestine Rectum

Alternative sweeteners ("sugar substitutes") are sweet yet supply little or no energy. Which of the following substances is classified as an alternative sweetener? (Check all that apply.)

Neotame sucralose saccharin

Over the past few weeks, Corrie has been experiencing a dull pain in his stomach area when he hasn't eaten any food for awhile. Recently, he noticed his stools had changed from being normal to being black and "sticky." Based on this information, Corrie probably has which of the following conditions?

Peptic ulcer

Linda just finished taking the antibiotics prescribed by her physician to treat a bacterial infection. Why would you recommend that Linda use a dietary supplement or food that contains probiotics?

Probiotics may help restore the healthy balance of bacteria in her intestines.

Most nutrient digestion and absorption occurs in the _______.

Small intestine

List the digestive system organ or organ component in the proper order in which food or chyme passes through it.

Stomach pyloric sphincter duodenum jejunum ileum

Which of the following statements about stomach acid is true? (Check all that apply.)

Stomach acid helps digest protein. The stomach produces weak sulfuric acid that begins the breakdown of fat in foods. Under normal conditions, mucus helps protect the stomach from being damaged by acid in gastric juice. The acid in gastric juice helps destroy bacteria that may have been swallowed. The pyloric sphincter keeps acidic gastric juice from damaging the lower esophagus.

refers to metabolic processes that break down larger substances into smaller ones.


Devin has type 2 diabetes. Compared to a healthy person, his blood sugar levels remain higher after a meal, because his ______.

cells don't respond to the insulin that his pancreas releases

The treatment for type 1 diabetes always includes ______.


Darryl is a healthy 21-year-old. After he eats a meal, his beta cells release ______, which causes his blood glucose level to _______.

insulin; decrease

Commonly referred to as "milk sugar," _______ is comprised of a glucose and a galactose molecule.


Bile is produced in the ____________ . Bile flows from the liver into the ____________ where it is stored until needed. Bile aids in the digestion of ____________ . The gallbladder releases bile into the first segment of the small intestine, which is the ____________ . The ____________ produces and secretes digestive enzymes into the small intestine.

liver gallbladder fat duodenum pancreas

Over time, untreated or poorly-controlled diabetes mellitus ("diabetes") causes much harm to the body. Which of the following disorders, conditions, or events is a serious health consequence of poorly-controlled diabetes, including gestational diabetes? (Check all that apply.)

nerve damage kidney failure heart disease

Eating fiber rich foods may reduce your risk for

obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, constipation, and inflamed hemorrhoids.

Various tissues that function together in a related fashion form _______.


After eating a meal a healthy person's

pancreas releases insulin

Consuming excessive amounts of refined carbohydrates can contribute to health problems, because _______.

they may not satisfy hunger, so people feel hungry soon after eating them

Javier is 5 years of age. Recently, his parents noticed Javier doesn't want to play as much as before. Plus, he has a dry cough, "runny" nose, constant urge to drink fluids, and slight fever. His parents are concerned that he may have type 1 diabetes. Which of Javier's signs and symptoms are associated with type 1 diabetes? (Check all that apply.)

unusual tiredness constant urge to drink fluids

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