Nutrition Final

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The fat used in physical activity is liberated as fatty acids from the internal fat stores and from the fat under the skin.

"spot reducing" doesn't work because muscles do not "own" the fat that surrounds them

_______ is the most abundant _______ in the brain, it is present in the eye retina. Accumulation of this nutrient is greatest during fetal development and early infancy.

DHA ; fatty acid

Energy requirements of infants

Double the needs of adults

Difficulty swallowing


Heartburn related to pregnancy can be treated with

Eating frequent small meals

Which of the following can cause diarrhea in infants and young children?

Excessive fruit juice intake

Crying is the best indicator of early hunger in infants


During normal circumstances, in early infancy children should consume 4 ounces of water daily.


During physical activity, the production of lactate is the main cause of muscle fatigue.


Infant formulas contain protective antibodies for infants


Vitamin D content in breast milk is ample to support nutrient needs.


Which nutrient provides most of the energy in breast milk and standard instant formula?


This food has been shown to relieve rheumatoid arthritis in certain individuals

Fatty fish

Breastfeeding is a learned behavior

How much weight a woman retains after pregnancy depends on her gestational weight gain and the duration and intensity of breastfeeding.

A muscle that increases in size in response to use is an example of


severe maternal vitamin D deficiency interferes with normal calcium metabolism, resulting in rickets in the infant and osteomalacia in the mother.

If the diet is inadequate in calcium, the mother's bones give up their calcium to meet fetal needs and become less dense.

Women with iron-deficiency anemia are likely to give birth to low-birthweight infants.

Vitamin C is helpful, however, in preventing the premature rupture of amniotic membranes.

Zinc is required for DNA and RNA synthesis and thus for protein synthesis and cell development

Vitamin D and the bone-building minerals cal- cium, phosphorus, magnesium, and fluoride are in great demand during pregnancy. All are needed to produce healthy fetal bones and teeth.

Which vitamin is synthesized by intestinal bacteria in adults, but lacks in infants?

Vitamin K

Nutrient supplements do not enhance the performance of well-nourished people.

Vitamins or minerals taken right before an event are useless for improving performance, even if the person is actually suffering deficiencies of them.

Running (or any aerobic activity) stimulates synthesis of mitochondria to facilitate efficient aerobic metabolism. Over time, the body adapts and running becomes easier.

Weightlifting stimulates synthesis of muscle fiber protein to enhance muscle mass and strength

Artificial sweeteners have been approved by the FDA and are generally considered safe to use during pregnancy. Recent studies, however, have reported an association between a high intake of artificially sweetened soft drinks and an increased risk of preterm births.

Women with the inherited disease phenylketonuria (PKU) should not use the artificial sweetener aspartame

Lactate is the product of anaerobic glycolysis. At low intensities, lactate is readily cleared from the blood, but at higher intensities, lactate accumulates. When the rate of lactate production exceeds the rate of clearance, intense activity can be maintained for only 1 to 3 minutes

Working muscles may produce lactate and experience fatigue, but the lactate does not cause the fatigue

Recommendations for protein and fatty acids remain about the same during lactation as during pregnancy, but they increase for carbohydrates.

a mother who drinks more fluid does not produce more breast milk.

The risk for acromegaly may be increased by the use of which ergogenic aid?

growth hormone

An example of a resistance training activity

lifting free weights

folate, vitamin B12, iron, and zinc, the needs are especially great because of their key roles in the synthesis of DNA and new cells.

he transfer of significant amounts of iron to the fetus is regulated by the placenta, which gives the iron needs of the fetus priority over those of the mother.

When weight training, endurance of muscle can be best achieved by doing a ____________

high number of repetitions with lighter weight.

This anthropometric measure is the best indicator of the future health status of an infant

infants birthweight

Deficiency of this mineral causes an energy crisis, impairs attention span & learning ability.


Most successful pregnancies are full term—defined as births occurring at 39 through 40 weeks—and produce a healthy infant weighing 61⁄2 to 8 pounds.

its critical period of development is from 17 to 30 days of gestation

Tissues deprived of O2 supply while exercising would accumulate


Rapid and large amount of weight gain during pregnancy is usually a sign of


Incomplete closure of the spinal cord

spina bifida

Heavy caffeine use during pregnancy can increase the risk of?

stillborn infants

For maximum benefits, cardiorespiratory endurance episodes should be sustained for at least

20 minutes

Recommended weight gain in pounds during gestation for a woman who is within normal BMI

25 to 35

Endurance athletes can easily lose 1.5 liters or more of fluid during each hour of activity.

1) water rapidly leaves the digestive tract to enter the tissues where it is needed, and (2) it cools the body from the inside out. For endurance athletes, carbohydrate-containing beverages may be appropriate.

The elder population should exercise at least two days weekly, at a moderate to high intensity for how many repetitions per exercise? What kind of exercise do the guidelines recommend?

10-15 repetitions; strength training

Calcium DRI for women aged 50 or older

1200 mg

An individual's life span can be potentially extended by doing some moderate intensity activities daily. What is the minimum amount of minutes that a person can exercise for to add years of life?


A woman with a healthy BMI should gain _________ lbs during the first trimester, and the remaining weeks she should gain _________ lbs every week.

2-3.5 lbs; 1 lb

Cow's milk should be introduced at the age of ______. Early consumption of cow's milk may cause intestinal bleeding on the infant, which can lead to a deficiency of _______.

2; iron

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends limiting juice consumption of infants(2-10 years old) to up to how many ounces in a day?

4 ounces daily

At what age should solid foods (complimentary foods) be first introduced

4-6 months of age

A low-birth infant weight is usually classified under which weight category?

5 1/2 lbs or less

About how many extra kcals does a woman need to produce a normal supply of milk during the first 6 months of lactation?


What are the physical activity Dietary Guidelines recommendations for children?

60 minutes of physical activity daily & no more than 2 hours of screening time

Why does a pregnant woman crave ice cream?

A change in hormones

the placenta performs the respiratory, absorptive, and excretory functions that the fetus's lungs, digestive system, and kidneys will provide after birth.

A healthy placenta is essential for the developing fetus to attain its full potential.

What are congregate meals?

A meal provided for the elderly in a place such as a community center

Conditioned muscles also rely less on glycogen

A person attempting an activity for the first time uses much more glucose than an athlete who is trained to perform the same activity.

carbohydrate loading, involves training the muscles to store as much glycogen as they can, while supplying the dietary glucose to enable them to do so.

Although carbohydrate-loading can increase an individual's glycogen stores, performance may or may not improve. his strategy benefits endurance athletes who exercise at high intensity for longer than 90 minutes and who cannot meet their carbohydrate needs during competition

Women who breastfeed experience prolonged postpartum amenorrhea. Absent menstrual periods

Breastfeeding women who use oral contraceptives should use progestin-only agents for at least the first 6 months

________________ is the volume of blood ejected by the heart each minute.

Cardiac output

A whole new life begins at conception.

In the early days of pregnancy, a spongy structure known as the placenta develops in the uterus. Two associated structures also form . One is the amniotic sac, a fluid-filled balloonlike struc-ture that houses the developing fetus. The other is the umbilical cord, a ropelike structure containing fetal blood vessels that extends through the fetus's "belly button" to the placenta. These three structures play crucial roles during pregnancy, and then are expelled from the uterus during childbirth.

eating high-quality protein, either by itself or together with carbohydrate, enhances muscle protein synthesis.43

Insulin not only stimulates muscle protein synthesis, but also greatly inhibits muscle protein breakdown.

What is longevity?

Long duration of life

Maternal diet during pregnancy may alter the infant's bodily functions by permanently changing an organ's structure and resulting secretions, altering gene expression through epigenetics, or influencing the regulation of cellular aging.17 For example, undernutrition may limit liver growth and pro- gram lipid metabolism in such a way that the infant will develop risk factors for cardiovascular disease as an adult.18 Similarly, overnutrition and maternal obesity may program the fetus to develop chronic diseases later in life.19 On a positive note, a maternal diet rich in nutrients such as folate can have epigenetic effects that protect the developing fetus against some cancers into adulthood.

Nutrition is a primary determinant of beta cell growth

The hormones prolactin and oxytocin finely coordinate lactation

Prolactin is responsible for milk production. The hormone oxytocin causes the mammary glands to eject milk into the ducts, a response known as the let-down reflex.

Athletes can safely increase muscle tissue by

Putting a demand on muscles repeatedly by making them work harder

Thomas, an athlete, reached VO2 max while exercising, which means he reached the maximum

Rate of oxygen consumption

Loss of muscle and strength is known as


Nutrient needs for older people vary according to each individual and their medical histories.


protein is not a major fuel for physical activity.

Synthesis of body proteins is suppressed during activity.

Why should athletes avoid fiber-rich pregame meals?

The fiber retains water in the GI tract that would otherwise be absorbed.

Glucose,storedintheliverandmus- cles as glycogen, is vital to physical activity.

The more athletes can fill muscle gly- cogen stores, the longer the glycogen will last during physical activity, which in turn influences performance. When glycogen is depleted, the muscles become fatigued. How long an exercising person's gly- cogen will last depends not only on diet, but also on the intensity of the activity.

Anaerobic vs. Aerobic

The phosphagen and lactic acid systems are anaerobic—meaning without oxygen Anaerobic activities are associated with strength, agility, and split-second surges of power

The lactic acid system

The primary source of glucose is muscle glycogen. This system can generate a small amount of ATP quickly for high-intensity activity lasting up to 3 minutes.

liver enzymes convert the lactate back into glucose.

The recycling process that regenerates glucose from lactate is known as the Cori cycle

A positive relationship exists between sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and both cigarette smoking during pregnancy and postnatal exposure to passive smoke.

The safety and effectiveness of nicotine-replacement patches has not been determined, and therefore this therapy cannot be recommended at this time.

Why might a lactating woman need to make an iron supplement?

To replace the iron stores she lost during pregnancy

To prevent allergies, experts recommend introducing all of the following, except:

To stay away form allergen causing foods

Breast milk may offer protection against the development of allergies


Conditioned muscles can store more glycogen.


Diets low in saturated fats, and high in omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to prevent or reduce arthritis inflammation.


Iron content in breast milk decreases after 6 months, therefore iron should be supplemented


Anencephaly affects mostly which organ?


A milk-like secretion from the breast, present during the first few days after delivery.


Jonathan is feeling drowsy after a long game of outdoor soccer. This symptom can be a sign of


During endurance exercise, the first priority for the athletes should be to replenish


Which prenatal supplement has been linked with decreased incidence of neural tube defects?


Physically active young women, especially those who engage in endurance activities such as distance running, are prone to iron deficiency.

endurance activities temporarily increase the release of hepcidin, which limits iron absorption

sports nutrition experts recommend 30 to 60 grams of carbohydrate per hour during prolonged events.37

endurance athletes are advised to drink one-half to one liter of a 4 to 8 percent carbohydrate-based sports drink per hour, in small, frequent doses during activity.

because physical activity requires glucose, a diet lacking in carbohydrate necessitates the conversion of amino acids to glucose.

endurance athletes, such as long-distance runners and cyclists, use more protein for fuel than strength or power athletes do

Older Americans have to come from low-income families in order to be eligible for food assistance programs.


People over 65 years of age are more likely to diet with the purpose of losing weight than younger people are.


Sports anemia is a chronic condition, but it can sometimes be treated with supplementation of iron.


Sugar causes hyperactivity & other behavioral problems in children.


The quality of breast milk is mostly affected by nutritional deficiencies, but the quantity is not affected.


The synthesis of protein is enhanced during exercise


Predominant fuel used by cells of the muscle when performing low-or-moderate intensity activity.


A fraction of a food protein is absorbed into the blood & elicits an immune response.

food allergy

malnutrition during the critical period of pancreatic cell growth provides an example of how type 2 diabetes may develop in adulthood

low birthweight correlates with insulin resistance later in life.

When weight training, strength of muscle can be best achieved by doing a ____________

low number of repetitions with heavy weight

Alcohol consumption during pregnancy can cause the irreversible mental and physical retardation of the fetus known as fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). Of the leading causes of mental retardation, FAS is the only one that is totally preventable.

maternal alcohol use has been associated with SIDS and leukemia.

the hormone epinephrine signals the fat cells to begin breaking down their stored triglycerides and liberating fatty acids into the blood.

moderate activity uses body fat stores as its major fuel.

Which of the following is a risk factor for macrosomia, an infant that was born with high birthweight

obesity prior to pregnancy

Clearly, substances such as nutrients influence the growth and development of an infant, but recent genetic research is beginning to ex- plain how they might influence the infant's development of obesity and dis- eases in adulthood. This process is commonly known as fetal programming,

the mother's nutrition can change gene expression in the fetus.14 Such epigenetic changes during pregnancy can affect the infant's development of obesity and related adult diseases.1

Pressure ulcers cause damage to

the skin

Creatinine supplements may enhance the performance of weight lifters and sprinters


Gestational diabetes, abnormal blood glucose maintenance during pregnancy, can lead to type 2 diabetes to some women after pregnancy.


Iron absorption in older adults is reduced because their stomach acidity changes.


Most women are unable to lose all of the weight that was gained during pregnancy.


high intensity physical activity, the muscles consumption of oxygen increases tenfold or more, which increases the production of free radicals in the body.

vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that vigorously defends cell membranes against the oxidative damage of free radicals. Free radicals activate powerful antioxidant enzymes, which may enhance the athlete's tolerance to oxidative stresses

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