Nutrition for Health and Fitness Exam 2

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Which of the following statements relative to the intake of carbohydrates and physical performance are false?

Carb intake prior to and during endurance exercise tasks lasting more than 2 hours may be helpful as a mean of enhancing performance.

Of the following statements concerning the interrelationships between various forms of energy, which one is false? a. A kilojoule is greater than a kilocalorie. b. A kilogram-meter is equal to 7.23 foot-pounds. c. A gram of fat has more Calories than a gram of carbohydrate. d. A gram of fat has more Calories than a gram of protein. e. A liter of oxygen can release more than one kilocalorie when metabolizing car-bohydrate.

a. A kilojoule is greater than a kilocalorie.

If you were to recommend to a runner a fluid replacement protocol, including car-bohydrate content, for use during a mara-thon, which of the following would you not recommend? a. Use a 50-60 percent solution of galactose. b. Provide approximately 10-15 grams of carbohydrate per feeding. c. Provide feedings about every 15-20 minutes. d. Limit the amount of fructose in the solution. e. Choose a combination of carbohy-drates.

a. Use a 50-60 percent solution of galactose.

Which of the following is not needed to calculate the estimated energy requirement (EER)? a. body fat percentage b. age c. height d. weight e. physical activity level (PAL)

a. body fat percentage

Which is most likely to be a complete, high-quality protein food? a. cheddar cheese b. peanut butter c. green peas d. corn e. macaroni

a. cheddar cheese

Supplementation with some amino acids has been theorized to decrease the forma-tion of serotonin in the brain and possibly help delay the onset of central nervous system fatigue in prolonged aerobic endur-ance exercise. Which amino acids are the-orized to do this? a. leucine, isoleucine, and valine b. arginine, ornithine, and inosine c. tryptophan, arginine, and creatine d. inosine, creatine, and alanine e. asparagine, aspartic acid, and glutamine

a. leucine, isoleucine, and valine

Which essential fatty acids are needed in the diet? a. linoleic and alpha-linolenic b. oleic and linoleic c. stearic and alpha-linolenic d. palmitic and stearic e. palmitoleic and stearic

a. linoleic and alpha-linolenic

Which lipid dietary component appears to be most likely to cause an increase in serum cholesterol and the development of atherosclerosis? a. saturated fats b. polyunsaturated fats c. monounsaturated fats d. omega-3 fatty acids e. phospholipids

a. saturated fats

In the recommendations for a healthy diet from the National Academy of Sciences, what is the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range for protein as a percent of daily energy intake in Calories? a. 15-20 b. 10-35 c. 4-6 d. 12-14 e. 40-65

b. 10-35

Approximately how many Calories will a 200-pound individual use while jogging a mile? a. 70 b. 145 c. 200

b. 145

A high-quality protein is best described as one that: a. contains 10 grams of protein per 100 grams of food. b. contains all of the essential amino acids in the proper amounts and ratio. c. contains all of the nonessential amino acids. d. contains adequate amounts of glucose for protein sparing. e. contains the amino acids leucine, iso-leucine, and valine.

b. contains all of the essential amino acids in the proper amounts and ratio.

Research has suggested that creatine supplementation may enhance perfor-mance in which of the following types of physical performance tasks? a. an all-out power lift in 1 second b. high-intensity exercise lasting 6-30 seconds c. 10-kilometer race lasting about 30 minutes d. marathon running (26.2 miles) e. ultramarathons, such as Ironman-type triathlons

b. high-intensity exercise lasting 6-30 seconds

Which energy system would predominate in an all-out, high-intensity, 400-meter dash track? a.ATP-PCr b.lactic acid c.oxygen-carbohydrate d.oxygen-fat eoxygen-pretein

b. lactic acid

Following a meal high in simple carbohydrates, which of the following are most likely to occur in 1-2 hours? a.suppression of insulin with a resultant of hyperglycemia b.hyperglycemia, which stimulates insulin secretion followed by possible hypoglycemia c. hypoglycemia, which stimulates insulin secretion and a return to normal blood glucose levels d. hyperglycemia with a suppression of insulin and movement of blood glucose into the liver and muscle tissues e. no change in blood glucose level

b.hyperglycemia, which stimulates insulin secretion followed by possible hypoglycemia

Which of the following statements relative to the basal metabolic rate or resting metabolic rate is false? a. The BMR is highly in infancy but declines throughout adolescence and adulthood. b.the BMR is high in woman and men due to the generally higher levels of body fat in women. c.The resting metabolic rate is equivalent of one MET. d.The resting metabolic rate is higher than the resting BMR. e.Dietary-induced thermogenesis raises the resting metabolic rate.

b.the BMR is high in woman and men due to the generally higher levels of body fat in women.

Which of the following statements relative to protein metabolism is false? a. Excess protein may be converted to glucose in the body. b. The liver is a critical center for the control of amino acid metabolism. c. Essential amino acids can be formed in the liver from carbohydrate and nitro-gen from nonessential amino acids. d. Excess protein may be converted to fat in the body. e. Urea is a waste product of protein metabolism.

c. Essential amino acids can be formed in the liver from carbohydrate and nitro-gen from nonessential amino acids.

Which of the following is not likely to be a cause of fatigue? a.depletion og PCr in fast-twitch fibers in a 200 meter dash b. depletion of muscle glycogen in fast-twitch fibers in a 400-meter dash c. depletion of adipose cell fatty acids in a marathon d. depletion of muscle glycogen in a marathon e. accumulation of hydrogen ions in a 400-meter dash

c. depletion of adipose cell fatty acids in a marathon

Fats may be a significant source of energy during exercise of low intensity and long duration. What is the main form of fats used for energy production during low-intensity exercise? a. phospholipids derived from the cell membrane b. chylomicrons from the liver c. free fatty acids from the adipose cells and muscle cells d. VLDL from the liver e. cholesterol from the kidney

c. free fatty acids from the adipose cells and muscle cells d. VLDL from the liver

7. What two tissues in the body store the most carbohydrate? a. adipose and kidney b. kidney and liver c. liver and muscles d. muscles and kidney e. adipose and muscles

c. liver and muscles

Which of the following food exchanges is least likely to be high in dietary fiber? a. vegetable b. starch/bread c. milk d. fruit e. legumes (meat exchange)

c. milk

The glycemic index represents: a. the degree to which an athlete suffers from hypoglycemia. b. the amount of glucose released into the blood in response to exercise. c. the effect a particular food has on the rate and amount of increase in the blood glucose level. d. the amount of stored glycogen in the muscle and liver. e. the total amount of insulin released in response to food intake.

c. the effect a particular food has on the rate and amount of increase in the blood glucose level.

Which of the following classifications of physical activity is rated as light, mild aerobic exercise-because it is likely to burn less than 7 calories per minute? a.competitive racquetball b.running at a speed of 7 mph c.walking at a speed of 2 mph d.competitive singles tennis e.bicycling at a speed of 12 mph

c.walking at a speed of 2 mph

If a 2,000-Calorie diet contains 100 grams of fat, the percentage of fat Calories in the diet is which of the following? a. 20 percent b. 25 percent c. 35 percent d. 45 percent e. 60 percent

d. 45 percent

The total amount of carbohydrate, as a percentage of the daily calories, that repre-sents the Acceptable Macronutrient Distri-bution Range (AMDR) for Americans and Canadians is: a. 12-15. b. 20-30. c. 30-45. d. 45-65. e. 85-90.

d. 45-65.

If an adult weighed 176 pounds, the RDA for protein would be what, in grams? a. 176 b. 140.8 c. 80 d. 64 e. 309.7

d. 64

Which of the following statements relative to protein and exercise is false? a. Protein may be catabolized during exercise and used as an energy source, but the contribution is less than 10 percent. b. Carbohydrate intake may exert a protein-sparing effect during exercise. c. Very low levels of protein intake dur-ing training may lead to the develop-ment of a condition known as sports anemia. d. Research has shown that individuals who are training to gain weight need about 6 to 8 grams of protein per kilo-gram body weight. e. In general, research has shown that protein supplementation above the RDA will not improve physiological performance capacity during aerobic endurance exercise.

d. Research has shown that individuals who are training to gain weight need about 6 to 8 grams of protein per kilo-gram body weight.

Which of the following statements relative to carbohydrate loading is false? a. It is beneficial primarily for athletes involved in prolonged endurance events, such as the typical marathon (26.2 miles). b. It involves the intake of about 500-600 grams of carbohydrate each day for several days prior to competition. c. Research generally supports its effec-tiveness as a means of improving performance by helping to delay the onset of fatigue in the latter stages of prolonged exercise tasks. d. The major advantage of carbohydrate loading is the increased storage of gly-cogen in the adipose cells for use dur-ing exercise. e. The increase in carbohydrate stores in the body may be detected by the increased body weight attributed to the water- binding effect of stored glycogen.

d. The major advantage of carbohydrate loading is the increased storage of gly-cogen in the adipose cells for use dur-ing exercise.

Which of the following is not good advice in attempts to reduce serum cholesterol? a. Limit whole egg consumption to about 2-4 per week. b. Eat fish and white poultry meat in place of saturated fat meat. c. Drink skim milk instead of whole milk. d. Use butter instead of soft tub, non- trans fatty acid margarine. e. Eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain products.

d. Use butter instead of soft tub, non- trans fatty acid margarine.

Which of the following is most con ducive to the development of atherosclerosis? a. a total cholesterol of 190-milligrams b. a low level of very low-density lipo-protein cholesterol c. a high-density lipoprotein cholesterol of 70 milligrams d. a low-density lipoprotein cholesterol of 170 milligramsa total e. a total cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio of less than 3.5

d. a low-density lipoprotein cholesterol of 170 milligramsa total

Which of the following has the least amount of dietary protein? a. one ounce of chicken breast b. one-half cup of baked beans c. one slice of whole wheat bread d. one orange e. one-half glass of skim milk

d. one orange

Which energy system has the greatest capacity for energy production, (i.e., endur-ance?) a. ATP-PCr b. lactic acid c. anaerobic glycolysis d. oxygen e. phosphagens

d. oxygen

Common table sugar is: a. glucose. b. dextrose. c. fructose. d. sucrose. e. maltose.

d. sucrose.

Which of the following is not one of the potential health benefits of dietary fiber? a. It may increase the bulk in the large intestine and dilute possible carcino-gens. b. It may increase the bulk in the large intestine and help speed up intestinal transit. c. It may bind with carcinogens and help to excrete them. d. It may help excrete bile salts and reduce serum cholesterol levels. e. It may bind with certain minerals such as zinc and help to excrete them.

e. It may bind with certain minerals such as zinc and help to excrete them.

Which of the following statements involv-ing the interaction of protein and exercise training is false? a. Small amounts of protein may be used as an energy source during endurance exercise but usually account for less than 5 percent of the energy cost of the exercise. b. Small amounts of protein may be lost in the urine and sweat during exercise. c. Resistance weight-training programs usually result in the development of a positive nitrogen balance in most ath-letes who are attempting to gain body weight in the form of muscle mass. d. Although weight lifters and endur-ance athletes may need slightly more protein than accounted for by the RDA, such increased protein may be obtained readily and more economi-cally through a planned diet. e. Research has shown conclusively that all amino acid supplements and other protein supplements will enhance per-formance in sports.

e. Research has shown conclusively that all amino acid supplements and other protein supplements will enhance per-formance in sports.

Which of the following statements rela-tive to fats is false? a. Hydrogenation of fats makes them more saturated. b. Saturated fats are found primarily in animal foods. c. Vegetable fats are primarily unsatu-rated fats. d. Polyunsaturated fats are theorized to be more healthful than saturated fats. e. Saturated fats appear to help lower blood cholesterol levels.

e. Saturated fats appear to help lower blood cholesterol levels.

Which of the following statements relative to exercise and metabolic rate is false? a. The intensity of the exercise is the most important factor to increase the meta-bolic rate. b. Increased efficiency for swimming a set distance will decrease the energy cost. c. The heavier person will burn more Calories running a mile than a lighter person. d. Oxygen consumption and heart rate are two ways to monitor the metabolic rate. e. Walking a mile slowly or jogging a mile cost the same amount of Calories.

e. Walking a mile slowly or jogging a mile cost the same amount of Calories.

Aerobic endurance exercise may have some beneficial effects on the serum lipid profile and help to prevent coronary heart disease (CHD). In particular, what aspects of the serum lipid profile are improved from exercise to help reduce risk of CHD? a. lower both total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol b. lower total cholesterol and increase LDL-cholesterol c. lower both triglycerides and LDL-cholesterol d. lower both triglycerides and HDL-cholesterol e. lower triglycerides and increase HDL-cholesterol

e. lower triglycerides and increase HDL-cholesterol

If a 50-kilogram body weight athlete was exercising at an oxygen consumption level of 2.45 liters (2,450ml) per minute, approximately how many METS would she be attaining? a.8 b.10 c.11 d.12 e.14 f. insufficient data to calculate the answer


What compound in the diet cannot be used to form fat if it is consumed in excess? a. fat b. complex carbohydrate c. simple carbohydrate d. protein e. alcohol f. all are capable of forming fat

f. all are capable of forming fat

Which of the following dietary supple-ments has been proven to increase fat utilization during exercise, store muscle glycogen, and enhance endurance exer-cise performance? a. carnitine b. conjugated linoleic acid c. omega-3 fatty acids d. hydroxycitrate e. medium-chain triglycerides f. a and b g. none of the above

g. none of the above

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