nutrition reading 11

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What is the primary function of vitamin K?

Blood clotting

Identify the food sources high in vitamin C.

Strawberries Green pepper

An example of a dietary source that is potentially carcinogenic is ___.

grilled meat with charred areas

To reduce cancer risk one should ___.

increase physical activity

The type of iron found in plant foods is called ___.

nonheme iron

A vitamin B-12 deficiency is more common in ___ because HCl production in the stomach declines, preventing these individuals from releasing vitamin B-12 from the protein it's bound to in food.

older adults

A woman's need for iron increases greatly during ___.


Vitamin B-12 helps to ___.

protect nerves from damage

Nerve damage, difficulty walking, and reduced immune function are common signs and symptoms of ___ deficiency.

vitamin E

Which of the following are functions of vitamin E?

Acting as an antioxidant Maintaining immune system function

___ is considered to be a carcinogen.


___ refers to a group of chronic diseases that are characterized by cells exhibiting abnormal behaviors.


Exposure to which types of substances can increase risk of cancer?

Certain environmental substances Some forms of radiation

Choose the tasks in which vitamin C plays a role.

Collagen synthesis and maintenance Antioxidant activity Immune system function

Choose foods that are good sources of vitamin K.

Cooked kale Raw spinach

Which of the following are side effects of a vitamin C intake that exceeds its UL?

Diarrhea Gastrointestinal upset

What are some common signs and symptoms of vitamin B-12 deficiency?

Difficulty walking and maintaining balance Numbness and tingling sensations in legs

Select some dietary changes a person could make to increase iron absorption.

Drink a glass of orange juice with an iron-fortified breakfast cereal Consume a spinach salad that also contains shredded chicken breast

What are some signs of a vitamin C deficiency?

Easy bruising Bleeding gums

Identify ways to reduce cancer risk.

Eat a healthy diet Avoid exposure to tobacco smoke Maintain a healthy weight

People who regularly consume high intakes of alcohol have higher risks of which types of cancers?

Esophageal Head and neck Liver

Which of the following are risk factors for cancer?

Family history Tobacco use Aging

Choose some of the common signs and symptoms of iron deficiency anemia.

Fatigue Pale skin Inability to concentrate on tasks

To increase iron intake, what types of foods would be good to pair with a plant source of iron?

Fish Meat Poultry

Which of the following are good sources of iron?

Fortified cereal Meat

What are major food sources of vitamin K?

Green leafy vegetables Soybean and canola oils

When iron levels become too low, cells in the body make less of which proteins?

Hemoglobin Energy-releasing proteins Myoglobin

___ is a substance produced in the stomach that acts as a special carrier molecule for vitamin B-12 and helps with its absorption.

Intrinsic factor

Which mineral is the most common nutrient deficiency in both the United States and the rest of the world?


___ is a component of hemoglobin and myoglobin.


Obesity is a risk factor for which cancers?

Kidney cancer Thyroid cancer Colon cancer

What are some major food sources of vitamin B-12?

Milk Poultry Fish

What are factors that contribute to cancer causation?

Nutritional state Lifestyle practices Environmental exposure

Vitamin C is very unstable in the presence of which conditions?

Oxygen Alkalinity Light

Select groups other than older adults who are at risk for vitamin B-12 deficiency.

People who have undergone gastric bypass surgery for weight reduction People who take medications that reduce stomach acid production

Select groups other than older adults who are at risk for vitamin B-12 deficiency

People who take medications that reduce stomach acid production People who have undergone gastric bypass surgery for weight reduction

What are some examples of possible diet-related carcinogens?

Processed meats Aflatoxin Arsenic

Which foods are good sources of vitamin E?

Sunflower seeds and almonds

What is the role of vitamin K in normal blood clotting?

The liver needs vitamin K to produce certain blood clotting factors

Which food could be combined with plant sources of iron to increase your body's ability to absorb the nonheme iron?


Which vitamin is part of the coenzyme that is needed for folate metabolism?

Vitamin B-12

___ is found in animal sources but is not made by plants.

Vitamin B-12

___ plays a role in the maintenance of healthy nerves.

Vitamin B-12

Scurvy is the ___ deficiency disease.

Vitamin C

What vitamin can boost your body's absorption of nonheme iron?

Vitamin C

Which vitamin is also called ascorbic acid?

Vitamin C

___ is involved in producing hormones such as cortisol, making certain chemicals that transmit messages between nerves, and producing bile.

Vitamin C

___ is used to form and maintain collagen, which gives strength to connective tissue.

Vitamin C

What vitamin deficiency will result in blood that does not clot effectively?

Vitamin K

Which vitamin helps bone-building cells produce a protein needed for healthy bones?

Vitamin K

Which of the following populations would be at increased risk for iron deficiency anemia?

Women who consume low-iron diets Women with heavy menstrual periods

Although there are multiple forms of vitamin E, the only one used by the body is ___.


Vitamin E's main role in the body is to act as a(n) ___.


Vitamin K is needed for ___.

bone health

Chronic inflammation, diet, alcohol use, excess weight, and family history are all risk factors for ___.


Determining the cause of ___ is a complex process because individuals differ greatly in their genetic makeups, lifestyle practices, environmental exposures, and nutritional states.


An agent such as a virus or a toxic chemical that causes cancer is called a ___.


A major function of vitamin B-12 is being part of a coenzyme required for ___ metabolism.


Iron deficiency anemia is characterized by red blood cells with low levels of ___.


The iron-containing protein in red blood cells that transports oxygen to tissues is ___.


Iron plays a role in ___.

immune system function

A person with pernicious anemia may consume adequate vitamin B-12 yet still be deficient in it because there is inadequate ___ to assist its absorption in the small intestine.

intrinsic factor

A person with pernicious anemia may consume adequate vitamin B-12 yet still be deficient in it because there is inadequate _____ to assist its absorption in the small intestine.

intrinsic factor

Without adequate ___, muscle and other cells are unable to obtain the energy needed to perform work.


___ is important for proper brain development


A patient appears with pale skin and brittle, spoon-shaped nails. She complains of being constantly tired. You think she might be experiencing the symptoms of ___.

iron deficiency anemia

The risk for cancers of the breast (after menopause), esophagus, uterus, colon, rectum, pancreas, and gallbladder are all increased if one ___.

is obese

The major source of iron in the typical American diet is ___.


An autoimmune disorder that results in damage to the cells in the stomach that produce intrinsic factor can lead to a potentially deadly condition called ___.

pernicious anemia

Vitamin E deficiency can cause ___.

reduced immune function

Signs of ___ include swollen gums that bleed easily, loose teeth, bruising, and poor wound healing.


To help preserve the vitamin C content of a food, you should ___.

store the food in the refrigerator

Intrinsic factor is required for the absorption of ___.

vitamin B-12

Pernicious anemia results from a failure to absorb ___.

vitamin B-12

Signs of ___ deficiency include numbness and tingling sensations in the legs, muscle weakness, difficulty maintaining balance, and memory loss.

vitamin B-12

Fruits and vegetables are the best dietary sources of ___.

vitamin C

Toxicity signs and symptoms of ___ include gastrointestinal upsets such as diarrhea.

vitamin C

Unlike most of the other water-soluble vitamins, _____ does not function as part of a coenzyme.

vitamin C

Alpha-tocopherol is a form of ___.

vitamin E

Plant oils such as sunflower, safflower, and olive oils, as well as salad dressings made from these oils, are good sources of ___.

vitamin E

Without vitamin C, collagen cannot be maintained, leading to the formation of ___.

weak connective tissue

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