Nutrition: Unit 3 Exam

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Vitamin D is called the "________" because it is derived from the reaction between ultraviolet rays and a form of cholesterol found in the skin.

"Sunshine vitamin"

Vitamin K is so named because of its role in "________" the Danish word for _________, or __________. It also functions as a cofactor in several key roles in the body, and is essential for strengthening the bones.

"koagulation", coagulation, blood clotting.

What are the short term consequences of overconsumption of alcohol?

Impair judgment and coordination leading to unintentional injuries, sleep disruption, and a hangover.

List some of the nutritional approaches to eating disorder treatment.

Identifyign binge triggers, safe and unsafe foods, hunger, and fullness cues.

Distinguish between hyperkalemia and hypokalemia.


Research is also very clear that some people should abstain from alcohol to avoid adverse health effects. Name 4 groups of individuals who should not consume alcohol.

1. Those taking medications, including prescription and over-the-counter meds, that can interact with alcohol. 2. Those with specific medical conditions, such as stomach ulcers. 3. Those engaging in activates that requires attention, skill, or coordination, such as driving or operating machinery. 4. Those who cannot restrict their alcohol intake

What are the four classic symptoms of alcoholism?

1. craves alcohol. 2. developed a high tolerance. 3. cant control limit once start drinking has occurred. 4. developed a dependency.

The dietary iron needs of vegetariams are ___ times higher than those of nonvegetarians due to the lower _____ of the nonheme iron found in _____ foods.

1.8, bioavailability, plant.

The current recommendation for daily water consumption is based on the reported total water intake of healthy Americans. Currently, healthy female adults consume about ____ cups, whereas men consume about ___ cups of water daily.

12, 16

How many minerals are essential to body function?

14 of the 92 minerals are essential.

Maintaining a healthy weight throughout life may be one of the most important ways to protect against cancer. As estimated ____ percent of the cancer deaths in males and _____ percent in females 50 years of age or older can be attributed to overweight and obesity.

14, 20

"Low sodium" means there is less than ____ milligrams of sodium per serving (make sure to look at the serving size!), while "sodium free" means the product contains up to ___ milligrams per serving. "Reduced sodium" means that the sodium content or the "regular" version has been reduced by ___ percent, and "light in sodium" means it has been reduced by ___ percent.

140, 5, 25, 50

Adult females, aged 19 to 50, need __ milligrams daily to cover the iron lost during _______. After menopause, usually around age 50, a woman's daily iron needs drop to __ milligrams because she is no longer losing blood monthly. Adult males need __ milligrams of dietary iron daily.

18, menstruation, 8, 8.

The daily minimum amount of sodium needed for normal body function is ____ milligrams, or about enough to cover the face of a penny. However, planning a balanced diet with such a small amount of sodium is virtually impossible, so the DRI committee set an AI recommendation at a more realistic level: _____ milligrams daily for adults up to 51 years of age. Americans currently consume more than ____ the recommended amount or over _____ milligrams, of sodium daily on average.

180, 1,500, double, 3400, 1/2.

Vitamin K is found naturally in ____ forms. Some plants manufacture ________, or vitamin K. This is the primary source of vitamin K in the diet. In animals, bacteria that reside naturally in the colon synthesize _______ also referred to as vitamin K.

2, phylloquionone, menaquinone.

The intake of water from fluids, food, and metabolism contributes to the total average intake of _____ milliliters daily.


Heme and nonheme iron differ in bioavailability, with heme iron being absorbed ______ than nonheme iron.

2-3 times more.

There are more than ____ viruses that can cause the common cold, and colds are the _______ causes of doctor visits in the U.S. Americans will suffer ______ colds this year alone. Symptoms often last up to ____ weeks, and students miss over 22 million school days every year battling the common cold.

200, leading, a billion, two.

The bioavailability of magnesium in a typical diet is about ____. Diet high in ____ and _____, which are high in phytates, also ____ magnesium absorption.

50%, fiber, whole grain, lower.

Increased folic acid consumption reduces the risk of the above birth defects by ___ to ____ percent if begun at least a month prior to conception and continued during the early part of pregnancy.


Magnesium (Mg++) is the fourth most abundant cation (positively charged ion) in the body. About ____ percent is found in _____, 25 percent in ______, and the remainder inside various other cells.

60, bones, muscle.

Because zinc is found in the germ and bran portion of the grain, refined grains have as much as ____ percent _____ zinc than whole grains. This is yet another reason whole grain products over those made with refined grains.

80, less

Once the alcohol enters the blood it circulates to the body organs. The liver will eventually metabolize ___ percent of the alcohol that is consumed; the other _____ percent will be excreted intact through the ____, the ____ in perspiration, and /or the ____ through the urine.

95, 5, lungs, skin, kidneys.

Calcium (Ca++) is one of the most abundant divalent cation in nature. Calcium is also the most abundant mineral (electrolyte) in the body. Over ____percent of the body's calcium is located in the _____ and ____.

99, bones, teeth.

Thiamin participates in the production of ______?


Name and describe the two pathways that metabolize alcohol in the liver.

Actaldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) pathway that converts acetaldehyde to acetate.

_____ begins when a person continues to drink alcohol even though their drinking has begun to cause them trouble in their life. At the extreme end of the spectrum is the disease _____. The person is _____ to alcohol and is no longer in control of drinking habits.

Alcohol abuse, alcoholism, addicted.

Define alcohol tolerance and how it occurs

Alcohol tolerance is when the body adjusts to long term alcohol use by becoming less sensitive to the alcohol. More alcohol needs to be consumed in order to get the same euphoric effect.

Bulimia Nervosa:

An eating disorder characterized by consuming large quantities of food and then purging through vomiting, laxiatives, and diuretic use, and/or excessive physical exercise.

Anorexia nervosa:

An eating disorder in which people intentionally starve themselves, causing extreme weight loss.

Define antioxidants and provide examples of antioxidants ?

Antioxidants substances that neutralize harmful oxygen- containing free radicals that can cause cell damage. Vitamins A, C, and E and beta carotene are antioxidants.

Why don't fat- soluble vitamins need to be consumed daily?

Because they are stored in the liver.

Explain why it is no surprise that most Americans do not meet their daily vitamin D needs?

Because very few foods provide ample amounts of vitamin D.

The disease that occurs in humans who are deficient in thiamin is ______ is this disease common in the U.S.? Why or why not?

Beriberi, It is rare in the U.S. since we have refined grains rich in Thiamin.

Define binge drinking. Give two health problems caused by this form of drinking.

Binge drinking is the consumption of five or more alcoholic drinks by men, and four or more drinks by women, in about two hours. This can cause black outs and alcohol poisoning.

_____ disorder involves episodes of eating without the purging. These people often eat for _______ reasons.

Binge eating, emotional.

Define bioavailability and describe the factors that can affect it.

Bioavailability are the degree to which a nutrient is absorbed from food and used in the body. Nutritional status, or the amount of the minerals stored in the body will influence how much is absorbed.

The amount of alcohol in the blood, measured in grams of alcohol per deciliter is called the _____.

Blood alcohol concentration (BAC)

Other than dairy products, name 4 other excellent sources of calcium.

Bok Choy, broccoli, canned salmon with bones, and tofu are good sources of calcium.

What is the relationship between bone mineral density and osteoporosis?

Bone mineral density is the amount fo minerals, in particular calcium, per volume in an individual's bone. Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones are less dense, increasing the risk of fractures.

What are two different effects that alcohol can have on the cardiovascular system?

Cardiac arrhythmia, and cardiac myopathy.

What are some of the potential heart healthy benefits of alcohol and red wine?

Contributes to the reduction of cardiovascular risk.

Define cofactor and distinguish between a cofactor and a coenzyme

Cofactors are similar to a coenzyme, a substance that binds to an enzyme to help catalyze a reaction. A cofactor refers to a metal ion, while a coenzyme is usually an organic molecule.

The bioavailability of calcium in various foods can be influenced by other food components. For example, vitamin ___ and ____ each improve the absorption of calcium. ______ intake may also influence the absorption of calcium from the meal. Low ____ intake reduces the amount of calcium absorbed through the intestines and high _____ intake increase the amount of calcium excreted in the urine.

D, lactose, protein, protein, protein.

Zinc is necessary for ___ and ____ synthesis. Delayed _____ and ______ in children is a characteristic of zinc deficiency. Zinc is involved in maintaining a healthy ______ system. Zinc improves _____ perception. Zinc may prevent age-related ________.

DNA, RNA, growth, maturation, immune, taste, macular degeneration.

Besides not drinking enough water how might a person become dehydrated?

Diarrhea, vomiting, high fever, or the use of diuretics are all ways to become dehydrated.

What does the acronym DASH stand for? Is the DASH diet an effective diet for lowering high blood pressure? Explain.

Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension.

The term _____ is defined as the abnormal and potentially harmful eating behaviors that do not meet criteria for anorexia or bulimia. An ______ is a psychological illnes that involves specific abnormal eating behavior, anorexia and bulimia.

Eating disorder, disordered eating.

What are the health effects of anorexia?

Electrolyte imbalance, low blood potassum, irregular heart rythm, extreme lack of body fat.

____ is the type of alcohol that is found in beverages such as wine, beer and liquor.


What is hypervitaminosis and how does it occur?

Hypervitaminosis is a condition resulting from the presence of excessive amounts of vitamins in the body. It occurs by ingesting more vitamins than the body needs.

Define hypovolemia and explain what can happen in the body when this occurs.

Hypovolemia is low blood volume. Less circulating blood can lead to reduced blood pressure and if severe enough, hypotension.

Taking Echinacea will cure the common cold?


You primaryly get a cold from being outside without a coat or hat on a cold day?


Of all the body organs, alcohol damages the liver the most. List the three stages of alcohol liver disease and briefly describe each stage.

Fatty Liver: is where the fat begins to build up in the liver cells.

Potassium helps maintain ______ and acts as a ______ buffer. Potassium also helps with ______ and _____ conduction. Potassium can help lower ______ and plays a role in _____ health and reduces _______.

Fluid balance, blood, muscle contraction, nerve impulse, high blood pressure, bone, kidney stones

Distinguish between intracellular fluids (ICF) and extracellular fluids (ECF).

ICF is fluid found in the cytoplasm within the cells and represents the largest fluid compartment in the body, while ECF water is found outside the cell.

What is the best source of fluoride?

Foods in general are not a good source of fluoride.

Why is Warfarin prescribed and how does it work?

For people who are at risk of developing blood clots. It decreases the activity of vitamin K (Since vitamin K is essential in forming clots.)

Name several foods high in potassium?

Fruits, veggies, especially bananas, watermelon, potatoes, leafy greens, and sweet potatoes are a good source of potassium.

In general, if the body needs more vitamins, a _____ percentage will be absorbed.


When it comes to meeting vitamin K needs, think _____.


What are the common symptoms of a hangover?

Headache, fatigue, nausea, increased thirst with rapid heart rate, tremors, sweating, dizziness, depression, anxiety, and irritability.

Environmental factors can destroy many of the water soluble vitamins. What are 4 major factors that can destroy these vitamins' acitvity?

Heat, light, pH, or oxidation.

Hypervitaminosis D can cause over absorption of calcium from the intestines as well as calcium loss from bones. When this occurs blood calcium levels can become extremely high a condition called _________ which can cause nervous system problems and cause


Distinguish between hypercalcemia and hypocalcemia

Hypercalcemia is abnormally high levels of calcium in the blood. Hypocalcemia is abnormally low levels of calcium in the blood.

Distinguish between hypernatremia and hyponatremia?

Hypernatremia = lots of sodium in the blood Hyponatremia = low amounts of sodium in the blood

Which diagnostic criteria for anorexia are psychological in nature?

Intense fear of gaining weight. Disturbance in self- esteem.

What do INR and PT stand for?

International Normalized Ration, Prothrombin Time.

Distinguish between interstitial fluids and intravascular fluids.

Interstitial fluid surrounds cells. It is the main component of extracellular fluid. Intravascular fluid is found inside the blood vessels and lymph fluid.

Name the trace minerals:

Iron, Zinc, Selenium, Fluoride, Chromium, Copper, Iodine, Manganese, and Molybdenum

In the U.S. the accidental consumption of supplements containing ______ is the _____ cause of poisoning deaths in children under age 6.

Iron, leading

What disease does vitamin E cure?

It doesn't cure any diseases but it plays a role in preventing cardiovascular disease, blood clotting, cancer, and cataracts.

Why is it difficult to establish recommended intakes and tolerable upper limits for the trace elements?

It is difficult to establish recommended intake because trace minerals are found in short supply in the body, so symptoms of deficiency's are hard to identify and often overlooked.

In general, what does copper do in the body? Why would a copper deficiency of iron too?

It is essential for oxidation reactions and reducing damage by free radicals.

Define fermentation.

It is the process by which yeast converts sugars in grains.

What supplements can reduce the risk of age- related macular degeneration (AMD)?

Large amounts of antioxidants (vitamin C, E, and beta- carotene) can reduce AMD.

What population is most susceptible to water intoxication?

Long- distance and marathon runners are susceptible.

List the primary food sources of niacin.

Meat, fish, poultry, enriched whole- grain breads and bread products.

Sources of body water include beverages and food. Water is also generated during metabolism, referred to as ______.

Metabolic water

What food sources contain riboflavin?

Milk and yogurt

What are the most popular sources of vitamin A?

Milk, cereal, cheese, egg yolks, and organ meat.

Compare and contrast minerals and vitamins.

Minerals are inorganic elements essential to the nutrition of humans, while vitamins are made up of thirteen essential, organic micronutrients that are needed by the body for normal functions.

Can minerals be toxic? How common is mineral toxicity, and what is most likely to cause it?

Minerals can be toxic if ingested in high amounts. It is rare since toxicity found in food are not that high. The most likely cause of toxicity is taking large amounts of supplements

Explain why most colds occur during the fall and winter?

More people stay indoors in close quarters where sharing germs gets easier.

Name two of the primary reasons for a lack of vitamin D in Americans.

Naturally occurring food sources are scarce, and malnutrition.

_____ syndrome is described as an abnormal eating pattern where a person consumes the majority of their calories in the evening.

Night eating.

Does taking B6 supplements show any clinical significance?

No, it can actually be harmful in supplement form.

What are the factors that can affect bioavailability of trace minerals?

Nutritional status, other foods eaten, and the form of the minerals can all affect the bioavailability.

In general terms, describe how water soluble vitamins are absorbed.

Once digestion has released the vitamins, they are absorbed through the small intestine by passive diffusion. When the diet contains large amounts and by active transport when intakes are low.

What food sources are abundant in copper?

Organ meat, seafood, nuts, and seeds, are abundant in copper.

What disease is associated with a deficiency of niacin?

Pellegra is the deficiency associated with too little niacin.

which diagnosic criteria for bulimia are psychological in nature?

Persistent ovreconcern with body shape and self- esteem

These foods are high in _______, ______, and _________, and low in _________, all of which are likely to yield protective effects.

Phytochemicals, antioxidants, dietary fiber, energy dense.

Contrast provitamins and preformed vitamins.

Preformed vitamins are found in food, while provitamins are precursors that are converted to vitamins in the body.

What populations of people are at risk of becoming iron deficient?

Pregnant women, menstruating women, and teenaged girls with heavy losses, preterm or low birth weight infants, as well as older infants and toddlers are at risk.

American diets, comes from ______ foods such as _____ cured meats, and ______ or packaged meals. Comparing the amount of sodium in a fresh tomato (___ milligrams) to the amount found in a cup of canned tomatoes ( ____ milligrams) quickly illustrates just how much sodium is added by manufacturer's during processing.

Processed, canned goods, frozen, 11, 355

Eating Disorders:

Psychological illnesses that involve specific abnormal eating behaviors: anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.

Describe several food sources for vitamin B6.

Ready to eat cereals, meat, fish, nuts, peanut butter, and other legumes.

What are the ideal food sources for older adults and strict vegetarians who avoid all animal foods?

Soy milk, some ready to eat cereals, which are ideal sources for vegetarian.

What types of food are excellent sources of zinc?

Red meat, come seafood, and whole grains

What is known is that without vitamin A, embryonic and fetal development is impaired, especially in the development of the limbs, heart, eyes, and ears. Children fail to grow when their diets lack vitamin A, but when either ______ or _________ are given, growth is enhanced.

Retinol, retinoic acid.

_______, but not retinoic acid, is essential for reproduction. Normal levels of _______ are required for sperm production in males and normal menstrual cycle in females.

Retinol, retinol.

_______ is one of the most commonly associated diseases due to a lack of sunshine and sufficient intake of vitamin D.


Cancer is responsible for 22.8 percent of all deaths in the United States, making it the _______ leading cause of death, behind ________.

Second, heart disease.

_______ accelerates the breakdown and elimination of vitamin C from the body, so all individuals who _____ need to consume an additional 35 mg of vitamin C every day to make up for these losses.

Smoking, smoke

Why is mild usually packaged in opaque plastic containers?

Sunlight that reaches milk in glass containers destroys much of its riboflavin.

What are 2 factors to keep in mind regarding the use of dietary supplements?

Supplements may be harmful for some individuals and supplements are not regulated.

______ accounts for almost all the chloride you ingest daily.

Table salt

What are 3 steps patients should follow to keep their INR/PT stable?

Take your medicine exactly as your doctor directed. Have your INR/PT checked regularly. Keep your vitamin K intake consistent form day to day.

Chronic alcohol abuse leads to serious health consequences. Describe how it can lead to malnutrition.

The alcohol can interfere with the digestion and absorption of the nutrients consumed and it provides kilocalories but very little nutritional value, which can exceed their energy needs and make them gain weight.

There are five factors that can affect the absorption of alcohol. What are they?

The amount of food in the stomach, gender, age, ethnicity, and amount consumed.

What is the best way to reduce your chances of catching a cold?

The best way is to wash your hands frequently with soap and water.

What is the peak bone mass and at what age is it generally reached?

The genetically determined maximum amount of bone mass an individual can build up.

Explain in your own words how the diagram describes the thirst mechanism.

The increased osmolality and blood volume results in saliva, a drop in blood pressure and it stimulates the hypothalamus. Then comes dry mouth which results in thirst, so you drink fluids. Water is absorbed and then osmolality is decreased.

Protein plays a major role in keeping water dispersed evenly between the extracellular fluid and the intracellular fluid. Name the protein found in the blood that is especially involved in regulating fluid balance in the body.

The protein albumin is responsible for regulating fluid balance.

What are the health effects of bulimia?

The self induced vomiting can tear the esophagus, tooth decay, gum disease, broken blood vessels in the eyes adn scar tissue on the knuckles.

Even though excessive amounts of vitamin C aren't known to be toxic, it has been shown to cause certain symptoms. What are the effects of excessive amount of vitamin C?

The symptoms of too much vitamin C is nausea, stomach, cramps, and diarrhea.

Why is hypertension referred to as the "silent killer"? What symptoms may occur as the result of chronic hypertension?

There are no visible symptoms and people can be unaware that they have it.

Why are PT INR checking in people who are on Warfarin?

They are a test that measures the time in which our blood forms clots. They are checked in people who are taking Warfarin to keep the PT INR in the desired range.

Define free radicals

They are unstable molecules that contain an unpaired electron; free radicals can damage the cells of the body and possibly contribute to the increased risk of chronic diseases.

Explain how Thiamin was discovered and how this compound gave vitamins their name.

Thiamin was discovered when they relised polished rice was making the birds sick and unpolished rice (which had thiamin) was curing them. It got its name from the amine ring.

Name the nine water- soluble vitamins

Thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin B12, panotothenic acid, biotin, B vitamins.

What are the common signs of dehydration?

Thirst, dry mouth, and low urine are signs of mild dehydration.

Who is most susceptivle to thiamin deficiencies in the U.S.? What name has been given to this deficiency?

Those who chronically abuse alcohol tend to have a diet that is deficient in thiamin. Wernicke- Korsakoff syndrome is the deficiency associated with thiamin.

Who among the U.S. population are at risk for vitamin B6 deficiencies?

Those who consume too much alcohol are more likely to fall short of their vitamin B6 needs.

In 2007, a large group of scientists complied results from over 7000 research studies and published a report called Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective. According to this work, what is the best advice for reducing the risk of cancer?

To consume a varied healthy, plant- based diet, limited saturated fat and sugar intake, maintain a healthy weight, avoid tobacco, limit alcohol intake, and lead an active lifestyle.

With the exception of vitamin K, storing fat- soluble vitamins poses a greater risk levels becoming ______?


What is the function of most trace minerals?

Trace minerals function as cofactors

List and briefly describe some controllable and some uncontrollable factors that influence your risk of hypertension.

Uncontrollable: family history, aging process, race.

What are good food sources for vitamin E?

Vegetable oils, avocados, nuts, and seeds.

What vitamin can enhance the absorption of your iron intake?

Vitamin C helps with iron absorption.

Discuss the factors that can destroy vitamins found in foods?

Vitamins can be destroyed during cooking or storage. Examples are exposure to oxygen, exposure to light, water, changes in pH, and heat.

Define water balance

Water balance is a state of equilibrium when the intake of water equals the amount of water excreted.

Define water intoxication and name the condition that is caused by it.

Water intoxication is a potentially dangerous medical condition that results from drinking too much water too quickly. This results in hyponatremia.

How do fat- soluble and water- soluble vitamins differ in the way they're absorbed and stored in the body?

Water- soluble vitamins are absorbed with water and enter the bloodstream directly from the small intestines. Fat- soluble are released from the protein with the help of pepsin and hydrochloric acid. The freed fat soluble vitamins are then ready to be absorbed, primarily in the duodenum.

Which has more bioavailability, water- soluble or fat- soluble vitamins?

Water- soluble vitamins are more bioavailable because fat- soluble vitamins require bile and the formation of a micelle in order to be adsorbed.

What are the factors that determine the bioavailability of vitamins?

Whether the food is cooked, raw, or refined, absorption, nutritional status, whether or not the vitamin is natural or synthetic.

Alcohol can interfere with the actions of the hormones that control blood sugar. Explain how these hormones are affected and what the results are on the blood glucose levels.

When overindulging and not eating the glucose stores can become depleted causing their blood glucose levels to fall

Vitamin A is important in keeping the ________ moist and structurally sound.

epithelial cells

Vitamin A also works with the immune system to create ______ and ______ that fight foreign invaders should they enter the bloodstream.

White blood cells, antibodies.

Name the foods where the highest amounts of pantothenic acid are found.

Whole-grain cereals, nuts, and legumes, peanut butter, milk, and eggs are where the highest amounts are found.

List 4 situations where supplements may be needed.

Women of child bearing age, pregnant or lactating women, and strict vegetarians.

Is it possible for the levels of certain vitamins to become toxic?

Yes, it is possible for certain levels of vitamins to become toxic. Fat- soluble vitamins, particularly A, can build up to the point of toxicity, causing harmful symptoms and conditions.

What criteria must be met in order for a compound to be considered a vitamin.

a. Organic b. Either fat soluble or water soluble c. Non-energy providing nutrient d. Chronic deficiency of vitamins has consequences

Disordered eating:

abnormal and potentially harmful eating behaviors that do not meet specific criteria for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa or binge eating disorder.

Iron (Fe) is the most _____ mineral on the earth, and the most ______ trace mineral in the body.

abundant, abundant.

Pantohenic Acid or B5, makes up part of the metabolic compound______.

acetyl CoA

Vitamin B12 functions as two coenzymes. Thus, vitamin B12 plays an essential role in using nutrients for energy. The relationship between vitamin B12 and folate is an important one to emphasize: Vitamin B12 ________ folate and in turn becomes _______ itself. Like folate, vitamin B12 plays an important role in keeping cells, particularly red blood cells, healthy. It is also one of the three B vitamins that collectively could be hear healthy. The maintenance of the _________ that protects nerve fibers also depends on vitamin B12 and vitamin B12 stimulates osteoblast activity for healthy _______.

activates, active, myelin sheath, bone.

The primary function of the water- soluble vitamins is _________ in the various metabolic pathways of energy production.

activating enzymes.

Phosphorus is part of the _______ molecule and thus helps store energy generated from metabolism. Phosphorus is also part of creatine phosphate, which is found in _____. Creatine phosphate can provide phosphorus to ADP when cells require more energy.

adenosine, muscle.

The body's ability to absorb naturally occurring vitamin B12 diminishes with ____. This decline appears to be due to a reduction in _______ in the stomach, which is needed to activate pepsinogen to pepsin.

age, hydrochloric

Unlike caffeine, ____ can be dehydrating.


If a person drinks enough alcohol to depress the brain functions associated with breathing and heart rate, they have reached the level of ______.

alcohol poisoning

Unlike nutrients, the body cannot store _____. Alcohol is a toxin that can stimulate pathological changes in the _____ and _____, the body quickly works to _____ and _____ it.

alcohol, liver, brain, metabolize, eliminate.

Iodine (I) in the ionic form iodide is an _____ mineral. Like the fluoridation of community drinking water, the iodization of _____ was a significant advance for public health in the U.S. Prior to the 1920's, many Americans suffered from the iodine deficiency disease _____.

essential, salt, goiter.

Molybdenum (Mo) is part of several metalloenzymes involved in the breakdown of certain ______ and other compounds.

amino acids

Heme iron is found in _____ foods such as ____, ____, and _____. Nonheme iron is found in _____ foods such as _____ and ______.

animal, meat, poultry, fish, plant, grain, vegetables.

Consuming too much vitamin D can cause loss of _______, _________, _________, and _________.

appetite, nausea, vomiting, constipation.

Vitamin C, also known as _______, is probably more widely known to the public than any other nutrient.

ascorbic acid.

Hypervitaminosis D can cause over absorption of calcium from the intestines as well as calcium loss from bones. When this occurs blood calcium levels can become extremely high a condition called _________ which can cause nervous system problems and cause severe depression.


Plant food sources usually contain provitamin A compounds which are precursors to retinol in the body. Three such compounds, _______, ________, and ______ are types of carotenoids, the yellow- red pigments that give carrots, butternut squash, and cantaloupe their vibrant, deep orange color. For _____ carotenoids are the only dietary source of vitamin A.

beta- cyptoxanthin, beta- carotene, alpha- carotene, vegan.

Which diagnostic criteria for bulimia are physical in nature?

bingeing, purging, misuse of laxitives, diuretics, enemas, fasting, or excessive exercise.

Vitamin E is primarily valued for being an effective _________?

blood clotting.

Chlorine assists in the removal of CO from the _____, helping maintain a _______ pH range, and participates in digestion as part of hydrochloric acid.

blood, normal.

Zinc (Zn) is found in very small amounts in almost every cell of the body, mostly in ____ and ______.

bone, muscle

Calcium helps build strong ____ and _____, plays a role in muscle contraction and stimulates the release of neurotransmitters that help transmit impulses. Also, calcium may help ____ high blood pressure and prevent _____ cancer. Calcium may reduce the risk of ______ and the risk of _____.

bones, teeth, lower, colon, kidney stones, obesity.

If blood becomes too acidic or too basic, phosphorus can act as a ____. Phosphorus is also part of the backbone of ____ and ____ molecules.

buffer, DNA, RNA

Blood ______ levels influences the metabolism of vitamin D. When blood ______ levels ______, parathyroid hormones (PTH) activates vitamin D. This boost in the levels of active vitamin D enhances the absorption of _______. The results is the blood ______ levels returns to normal.

calcium, calcium, drop, calcium, calcium.

Vitamin D regulates two important bone minerals, ______ and ________. Vitamin D also participates in several other functions including _________ stimulation of the immune system, blood pressure regulation, and _________ secretion.

calcium, phosphorus, cell differentiation, insulin.

This type of cancer, ________ represents almost 80-90 percent of all cancers in adults.


What are the most popular foods for provitamin A carotenoids?

carrots, spinach, and sweet potatoes.

Pharmaceutical diuretics are often prescribed as a first line of treatment for _____.


Vitamin A stimulates ______ and _______ of the epithelial cells they grow and develop. For immature skin cells to differentiate into mature skin cells, for example, vitamin A acts as a signal to turn on the genes to create the proteins needed to make healthy skin. This role of vitamin A is one reason dermatologist prescribe retinoid- containing medications, such as Retin- A or Accutain, to treat acne.

cell division, cell differentiation.

Water is essential for most _____ in the body.

chemical reactions

As part of acetyl CoA, pantothenic acid functions in numerous metabolic reactions that are essential to life. Pantothenic acid is also used in the synthesis of _________, ___________, and the neurotransmitter ____________.

cholesterol, steroid hormones, acetylcholine.

The family of compounds referred to as vitamin B12 is also called _____ because it contains the metal cobalt.


During the process of blood clotting vitamin K functions as a ______ in the synthesis of four clotting factors: prothombin, VII, IX, X.


Vitamin B6, acts as a _______ for more than 100 enzymes. Vitamin B6 also is a key player in glucose metabolism and _______ cell synthesis. Vitamin B6 is also routinely prescribed to reduce ______ and _______ during pregnancy.

coenzyme, blood, nausea, vomiting.

Biotin like several other of the B vitamins functions as a ________ that can be utilized in energy metabolism. Biotin also may play a role in DNA replication. Some refer to biotin is the "_________" in that it maintains healthy _______ and ________.

coenzymes, "beauty vitamin", hair, nails.

The B vitamins share a role as _____ in energy production. Water- soluble vitamins are also involved in _____, maintaining a healthy nervous system, and in the case of vitamin C, act as an ________ in the body.

coenzymes, blood formation, antioxidant.

The mineral acts as a ____ for a variety of enzymes involved in the _______ of carbohydrates, fats, and amino acids.

cofactors, metabolism

Vitamin C is necessary for the synthesis of ______ and _______. It also participates in ________ synthesis, as an ________, and in the absorption of _______. Vitamin C is also essential in the synthesis of thyroxine (the hormone produced by the thyroid gland), converts cholesterol to bile, and helps break down histamine, the component behind the inflammation seen in many allergic reactions.

collagen, tyrosine, neurotransmitter, antioxidant.

Give 3 examples for foods that are high sources of vitamin K. What are some considerations patients should follow when eating these foods?

cooked kale, spinach, and collards. Eat in moderation. If your PT/INR is difficult to manage you should meet with a dietitian to create a stable intake of vitamin K.

Water is the main component of the fluid that bathes certain organs, including the brain, and thus acts as a _____ to protect organs from injury during a fall or trauma. During pregnancy, a developing fetus is surrounded by a sac of watery amniotic fluid, which helps ____ it from physical ham.

cushion, protect.

The best natural food sources of folate are ________ such as _______, _______, and __________. In addition, legumes, seeds, and liver are all good sources of this vitamin.

dark green leafy vegetables, spinach, broccoli, and asparagus.

Iron _____ is the most common nutrient _____ around the world, and iron- _______ anemia is common in women of childbearing age.

deficiency, deficiency, deficiency.

Researchers have not confirmed that caffeine actually results in _____. Individuals who routinely consume caffeinated beverages actually develop a tolerance to its diuretic effect and experience less water loss over time.


Alcohol does not require ____. About ___ of alcohol is absorbed through the ______, while the majority is absorbed through the ____.

digestion, 20%, stomach, duodenum.

Beverages such as alcoholic drinks, regular coffee, and tea contribute significantly to total water intake, but alcohol and caffeine are also considered ____, and as such, contribute to water loss.


Alcohol is considered a ____ because of its effects on the central nervous system (brain). Alcohol is a ____ which means it slows the communication between the neuron. The more alcohol consumed, the more ____ of the brain are affected.

drug, depressant, areas

There are _____ different forms of naturally occurring vitamin E, but one form, _______ is most active in the body. The synthetic form of vitamin E found in dietary supplements is only _____ as active as the natural form.

eight, alpha- tocopherol, half

In the body, sodium is a major _____ and cation (positive ion) found primarily in the ____ and _____ fluid surrounding the cells. Its location in these two compartments plays a key role in regulating _____ volume.

electrolyte, blood, extracellular, blood.

Some minerals act as _____ or electrically charged ions, which help maintain water balance between compartments by "pulling" water into and out of blood and cells. _____ has the greatest effect on fluid balance.

electrolytes, osmosis

Name several Thiamin rich food sources.

enriched and whole- grains like bread, ready to eat pasta, cereal, pasta, rice, and nuts.

Manganese (Mn) is a trace mineral that is either part of, or activates, many _____ in the body.


The mineral selenium (Se) is part of a class of proteins called selenoproteins, many of which are ______.


Carotenoids are absorbed more efficiently when _____ is present in the GI tract.


Copper (Cu) may bring to mind ancient tools, great sculpture, or American pennies, but it is also associated with several key body functions. Very little copper, about 100 milligrams, is stored in the body. Most excess copper is excreted through the ____ as part of ____.

feces, bile.

A pregnant woman should not consume alcohol. List the problems that alcohol can cause in the fetus.

fetal alcohol syndrome, debilitating symptoms, facial abnormalities, and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.

Riboflavin is part of the coenzyme _______ and ________?

flavin mononucleotide, flavin adenine dinucleotide.

In addition to the roles of some minerals in _____ and _____ minerals frequently work together to perform other important functions in the body, such as forming ______ (iron and copper), building healthy ____ (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and fluoride) and maintaining a healthy _____ system (zinc). Minerals can also be part of enzymes, participate in ______, and play an invaluable role in ____ growth.

fluid, electrolyte balance, blood, bones, immune, energy production, structural.

Sodium plays an important role in regulating _____ balance. Sodium also plays a role in transmission of ________, participates in ______ and helps ________ some nutrients. In addition, sodium _______ food and _____flavor.

fluid, nerve impulses, muscle contractions, transport, affects the taste, used to preserve.

Too much fluoride can cause _____, a condition whereby the teeth become mottled (pitted) and develop white patches or stains on the surface


The naturally occurring form of folate, or vitamin B9, is found in many foods, while the synthetic form, ______, is added to foods and found in supplements. Once absorbed both forms perform equally well.

folic acid.

Define fortified foods and their benefit.

fortified foods are foods with added vitamins and minerals. Fortified foods often contain nutrients that are not naturally present in the food or in higher amounts than the food contains naturally. The benefit is that it bring the good nutrient back into the foods that processing the food has taken out of them.

American meet about 90 percent of their vitamin C needs by consuming _____ and _______ need to consume an additional 35 mg of vitamin C every day to make up for these losses.

fruits, vegetables.

What are the major food sources of magnesium in Americans' diets? What beverages contain magnesium?

green leafy veggies, whole grains, nuts, legumes, and fruits. the beverages are coffee, tea, and cocoa.

Water is a ___ buffer similar to the coolant fluid in a car. In the blood, water absorbs, carries, and ultimately releases heat to keep the body from overheating. Water works well as a coolant because it has a high ______ (a measurement of the amount of energy required to raise 1 gram of water 1 degree c).

heat, specific heat.

Heme iron is part of the proteins ______ (in red blood cells) and _____ (in muscle cells), and part of _____ in the electron transport chain.

hemoglobin, myoglobin, cytochromes.

Iron plays a major role in a variety of key functions. ______ and _______ transport oxygen. Iron participates in _____ metabolism. Iron is important for ____ function and iron is also needed for ____ function.

hemoglobin, myoglobin, energy, immune, brain.

many people know that a diet too high in sodium is often linked to one of the nation's biggest health problems: _______. Fewer people know that consuming too much sodium can also contribute to calcium deficiency _______,_______, ________, ________, and _______.

high blood pressure, osteoporosis, fluid retention, weight gain, stomach ulcers, stomach cancer.

Define hypertension.

high blood pressure.

High levels of _______ increase the risk of heart disease. Numerous studies suggest that low blood levels of B vitmains, especially folate, are associated with an increased level of _______.

homocysteine, homocysteine.

consuming adequate amounts of fluoride is extremely important during ____ and _____, when teeth are developing, and for maintenance fo healthy teeth throughout life.

infancy, childhood.

Water that evaporates during exhalation and water lost through the skin as the body releases heat constitute ______, which takes place throughout the day, generally without being noticed.

insensible water loss

The main function of chromium is to increase _____ effectiveness in cells.


Potassium (K) is the major cation (positively charged ion) found in the _____ fluid.


Binge Eating:

is characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating without purging.

Night Eating Syndrome

is described as an abnormal eating pattern in which a person consumes the majority of daily kilocalories after the evening meal, as well as wakes up during the night, possibly even several times, to eat.

What are some good food sources for molybdenum?

legumes are a good food source

Whether from food or sunshine, vitamin D enters the body in an inactive form. Which three organs in the body are involved in reactions activating vitamin D?

liver, small intestines, skin

The ____ alcohol lingers in the stomach; the ____ alcohol will directly enter the _____ and eventually reach the ____.

longer, less, blood, brain.

The more calcium consumed at one time, the _____ the rate of absorption. Therefore, consuming a calcium- containing food in _____ portions will increase the amount of calcium you absorb overall.

lower, smaller.

Water acts as a _____ for joints and sensitive eye tissue. It _____ and moistens food in the mouth as part of saliva, and is part of the mucus that lubricates the intestinal tract.

lubricant, lubricantes

A folate deficiency results in abnormally large and immature cells known as megaloblasts. These cells develop into abnormally large red blood cells, or _______, that have a diminished oxygen-carrying capacity. Eventually, _________ causes a person to fell tired, weak, and irritable and to experience shortness of breath. Because folate needs ________ to produce healthy red blood cells, a deficiency of _______ vitamin can lead to macrocytic anemia.

macrocytes, macrocytic anemia, vitamin B12, either.

Consuming large amounts of magnesium, especially from supplements, has been shown to cause intestinal problems such as diarrhea, cramps, and nausea. In fact, some laxatives (such as milk of _____) contain magnesium becusae of its known cathartic effect.


Vitamin D enhances its bioavailability. Other mineral including ______, ______, and ______, will decrease the absorption of phosphorus.

magnesium, calcium, aluminum.

Minerals are classified into two groups. The _____ or _____, are major because humans need to consume them in amounts greater than ____ milligrams per day. The second group is the ______ are also known as ________, because they are needed in amounts less than ___ milligrams per day, and the body contains less than 5 grams total.

major minerals, macrominerals, 100, trace minerals, microminerals, 20.

A vitamin B12 deficiency can cause anemia and more dangerous, crippling and irreversible nerve damage. Too much folate in the diet _______ of B12 deficiency anemia. Though the folate can correct anemia, the nerve damage due to the vitamin B12 deficiency persist. This delays a proper diagnosis and corrective therapy with vitamin B12. By the time the person is given the vitamin B12, irreversible nerve damage may have occurred.

masks the symptoms

Which foods are sources of efficiently absorbed heme iron?

meat, fish, poultry, and egg yolk.

Chromium (Cr) is the most recent mineral to be found necessary in humans. Researchers became interested in chromium as a factor in the ____ of glucose in the 1950's.


The liver is the main site for alcohol ______.


Magnesium is needed for ______ and to maintain healthy _____, _____, _____, and _____.

metabolism, muscles, nerves, bones, heart.

The telltale signs of a vitamin B6 deficiency are a sore tongue, inflammation of the skin, depression, confusion, and ________. This type of anemia results in small red blood cells that look pale in comparison with healthy red blood cells.

microcytic hypochromic anemia

Water (H2O) is the ______ substance in the body and, as such, is the most important. The average healthy adult body is composed of about _____ to ____ percent water. The distribution of water will depend on an individual's ____, ______, and the composition of ____ and _____ in the body.

most abundant, 45, 75, age, gender, fat, muscle.

Because ______ tissue is approximately ____ percent water, while ____ tissue contains only ___ to ___ percent, some individuals will have less body water than others.

muscle, 65, fat, 10, 40

The _____ charged of CI balances the _____ charge of Na+ in the _______ fluid to maintain ______ balance.

negative, positive, extracellular, fluid.

Fetal growth and development is characterized by rapid cell division, and a folate deficiency during pregnancy can result in ________. The ________ forms the baby's ________, _________, and _________. If the neural tube doesn't develop properly, two common birth defects, _________ and ________, can occur.

neural tube defects, neural tube, spine, brain, skull, anencephaly, spina bifida.

Niacin or vitamin B3 is the generic term for ______ and ________ which are the two active forms of niacin derived from food. Both are converted to the active coenzymes ________ and __________.

nicotinic acid, nicotinamide, NAD+, NADP+.

_______ is a powerful factor influencing water balance between compartments. Cell membranes are _______, which means they allow some substances, such as water, to pass freely while other substances, such as salts, are restricted. The concentration of particles on either side of the membrane affects the movement of water. Water diffuses through cell membranes by moving from a dilute concentration to a more concentrated area. The _______ or concentration of particles in a solution controls the directional flow or water. If the concentration of solutes to water is similar on either side of the membrane, water reaches ______?

osmosis, selectively permeable, osmolality, equilibrium

Sodium and chloride are mainly located _____ of cells, and potassium is primarily found _____ of cells. These minerals or electrolytes primarily control fluid balance

outside, inside.

Even in small amount of ______ provides more that 60 percent of the daily requirement for biotin.


The amount of water a person needs depends on _____, ______ such as air temperature, and _______?

physical activity, environmental factors, humidity.

There is no question that antioxidants play an important role in the body and that diets high in antioxidants - rich fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are associated with lower incidences of some diseases. However, these foods also contain other protective compounds. For example, _________, naturally occurring plant compounds that give fruits and vegetables their vibrant colors, have many beneficial functions in the body, such as acting as antioxidants, stimulating the immune system, and interacting with hormones that may help prevent certain cancers.


_________ foods have a significant impact on reducing cancer risk.

plant- based

Water is a ____ molecule. Water's polar quality allows other substances to _____ in it.

polar, dissolve.

Folate plays an extremely important role during ______, particularly in the first few weeks after conception.


The best way to reduce sodium intake is to limit consumption of _______ and bypass the salt shaker at the table. When cooking, season foods with ______, or other flavorings such as ______ pepper, _______ sauce, ______ juice, or a no-salt seasoning blend instead of salt.

processed foods, a variety of herbs, black, tabasco, lemon.

The alcohol content of an alcohol beverage is indicated by its ______. This number reflects twice the alcohol content in the beverage. A beverage that is 40% alcohol is ______.

proof, 80 proof.

Eating disorders are sometimes thought of as _____ problems rather than nutrition- related topics. It is important to recognize their symptoms and develop treatment plans.


The term vitamin A refers to a family of fat- soluble ______ that include ______, ________, and ________. Whereas all three retinoids participate in essential functions in the body, ________, the alcohol form, is the most usable.

retinoids, retinol, retinal, retinoic acid, retinol.

Phosphorus is the _____ most abundant mineral in the body. The majority of phosphorus--about 85 percent-- is found in _____ tissue and bound to calcium. The remainder is in the ____, _____, and ______ fluid.

second, bone, cell membrane, extracellular.

Again, the primary function of Niacin is as coenzyme in metabolism. It is also needed to keep ________ cells healthy and the _________ system functioning properly.

skin, digestive.

Night eating syndrome is a unique combination of disordered eating, a ______ disorder and a _____ disorder.

sleep, mood.

Chloride is an anion (negative ion) almost always attached to ______ as sodium chloride (salt) in foods. Within the body, this major _______ is found mostly in the ______ (88%) and the remainder (12%) found in the ______ fluid as part of hydrochloric acid (HCI) in the stomach.

sodium, electrolyte, blood, intracellular

Many foods contain chromium but the amount varies and is influenced by the amount of chromium in the ______.


The amount of selenium is food depends upon the _____ where the plants were grown and the animals grazed.


Water is commonly known as a universal ____, a liquid in which substances dissolve. Its polarity allows it to attract charged particles into a solution, and dissolve a variety of other polar substances, including proteins, glucose, and some minerals.


Water also provides a _____ component to cells, much like air in a balloon. Without water, a cell would be limp and shriveled.


Sulfur- based substances called ____ are used as _____ by food manufacturers. They help prevent food spoilage and ______ in foods such as dried fruits. People who are sensitive to _____ may experience headache, sneezing, swelling of the throat, or haves and should avoid sufite- containing foods and beverages.

sulfites, preservatives, discoloration, sulfites.

Sulfate (SO4) is the oxidized form of the mineral _____ that is found in plants and occurs naturally in drinking water. In the body, sulfate is usually found as part of other compounds, mostly protiens. It is also part of two important B vitamins, thiamin and biotin.


Vitamin D deficiencies are increasing worldwide, most likely due to individuals misunderstanding of the critical role of ________ as a source of vitamin D.


Fluoride (f) si the safe ion form of fluorine, a poisonous gas. Fluoride is not classified as essential because the body does not require it for normal growth and development. However, it plays a critical role in developing strong _____ that are resistant to decay.


The amino acids methionine and cysteine both contain sulfur. These tow amino acids are incorporated into the body proteins and help give proteins their _______ shape. This enables the protein to perform effectively as enzymes and hormones and provide structure to the body.


Approximately 60 percent of _____ hormones are comprised of iodine.


Selenium is required by the _____ to help maintain thyroid hormone balance. Selenium plays an ______ role and may help fight _____.

thyroid, antioxidant, cancer.

These powerful _____ hormones affect the majority of cells. They help regulate _____ rate, ________, and nerve, muscle, and heart functions.

thyroid, metabolic, reproduction.

Water also helps____ dissolved nutrients and other substances throughout the body. Blood is made up of water and red blood cells, and the water in blood allows it to transport oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to the cells. Water also helps _____ waste products away form cells to be excreted in urine and stool.

transport, transport

The term cancer is used to identify a group of more that 100 diseases characterized by _________ and _________?

uncontrolled growth, spread of abnormal cells.

How is moderate drinking defined in the latest dietary guidelines for Americans?

up to one drink per day for women.

To maintain water balance, water is excreted through ____ and _____, and as water _____ through the lungs.

urine, sweat, vapor.

One of the most well- known functions of vitamins A is the role it plays in _______.


Anticoagulants (anticlotting medications) such as Coumadin (warfarin) decrease ________ activity, resulting in thinner blood.

vitamin K

Why aren't water- soluble vitamins toxic as opposed to fat- soluble vitamins which can be toxic?

water- soluble vitamins dissolve in water.

________ and ________ will absorb more ingested vitamins than will a non-pregnant adult.

young children, pregnant women

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