Nutritrion Exam #1 (Units 1-4)

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Your cells use ___ as a source of direct energy


What does the large intestine do?

Absorbs and (stores) feces, water, and electrolytes. DEHYDRATES (what is left over)

What % does our sense of smell contributed to our taste?


What are the 4 types of tissue?

Connective, muscle, epithelial, and nervous.

What is DRI?

Dietary Reference Intake

What happens in the Small Intestine? What is absorbed?

Digestion and Absorption --> (villi , capillary network=bloodstream, and lacteals=lymph vessels) Absorptive Cells: cells lining the intestines (microvilli) Absorbs monosaccharides, Amino/fatty acids, vitamins/minerals and WATER-SOLUBLE substances

What's the difference between enrichment​ and fortification?

ENRICHMENT= the addition of vitamins that are lost during refinement (added fiber to a granola bar, enriched pasta) FORTIFICATION= also the replacement of nutrients lost during refinement, but the added nutrients may have not (cereal, OJ with added calcium)

What are "Parietal Cells"? Where are they located? Why are they important?

Epithelial cells that secrete HCl and "Intrinsic Factor". I.F. binds to vit. B12. (No I.F., body cannot absorb B12)

EAR stands for what?

Estimated Average Requirement

What does EAR mean

Estimated Average Requirement 50% of population

What is "1st Past Metabolism"?

Everything will be absorbed in the gut wall or liver before reaching the bloodstream. It passes through the PORTAL VEIN and is then redistributed

what is the difference between IBS and IBD?

IBS = irritable bowl syndrome (generic, many causes->stress, food intolerances) IBD= irritable bowl disease ulcerative colitis, crohn's disease)

Ulcerative colitis:

Inflammation and ulceration of the colon and rectum

Crohn's disease:

Inflammation of any segment of the GI tract from mouth to anus


Inflammatory Bowel Disease no cure classified as either -Ulcerative colitis: Inflammation and ulceration of the colon and rectum -Crohn's disease: Inflammation of any segment of the GI tract from mouth to anus


Irritable Bowel Syndrom -Characterized by intermittent abdominal pain or discomfort and stool pattern irregularities -Symptoms may occur for years -More frequent diagnosis in women

What does the gallbladder do? Can humans survive without it?

It contracts when fat is in the Small Intestine and then releases bile into the duodenum Yes, but would need to go on a low fat diet

Spincter limits the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus

Lower esogophageal sphincter

What are the 2 types of digestion and what is associated with each?

Mechanical = chewing, churning of the stomach Chemical = chyme, bile,

What is the difference between NUTRIENT DENSE and ENERGY DENSE food?

Nutrient dense= high in vitamins and minerals Energy dense= foods high in carbs and/or fat, (special cases, protein)

What does the liver do?

Processes and stores nutrients. Releases nutrients from storage when they are needed (to produce new cells/repair damaged cells) Makes cholesterol (to make bile

What does the pancreas do?

Produce and secrete enzymes to break down carbs, protein, and fat in the Small Intestine

What does RDA stand for?`

Recommended Daily Amount

What are the enzymes in the mouth called? What does it do?

Salivary Amylase: breaks down starches into glucose ***(plain saltine chewed for a long time --> cracker becomes sweet)

What are the 5 types of tastes?

Sweet Sour Salty Bitter *UMAMI*

Where is bile stored?

The gallbladder

What organ produces bile? What does bile do? Where does it flow to and from?

The liver Aids in fat digestion Prepares fat and fat-soluble vitamins for absorption. Bile flows from the liver into the gallbladder (where it is stored until needed).

What is absorption?

The process by which nutrients and other substances are taken up by the digestive tract. Enter through BLOODSTREAM or LYMPHATIC system

What is the main purpose/function of the GI tract?

To absorb nutrients/calories and to eliminate wastes

What does UL stand for?

Tolerable Upper Intake Level

True or False: The RDA for vitamin E meets the needs of nearly all healthy persons.


What is "peristalsis "?

Waves of muscular activity along the digestive tract the helps propel food through the tract

What caused Acid Refux


Which of the following foods is naturally a rich source of phytochemicals? a. Butter b. Cheese c. Grapes d. Tuna e. Hamburger

c. grapes

Match this statement with its dimension of wellness: It is better to ponder the meaning of life for ourselves and to be tolerant of the beliefs of others than to close our minds and become tolerant. a. Occupational b. Intellectual c. Spiritual d. Physical e. Emotional f. Social

c. spiritual

Which of the following menu items is referred to as an "empty-calorie" food? a. 100% fruit juices b. Whole-grain breads c. Fat-free dairy products d. Sugar-sweetened soft drinks

d. Sugar-sweetened soft drinks

Derek consumes a protein-rich drink before and after his workouts. He told his workout partner that he became 200% stronger within a couple of months after he added the drink to his diet. His report about the positive effects of the special drink is an example of a(an) a. peer review b. scientific conclusion c. testimonial d. anecdote

d. anecdote

what do short chain fatty acids do?

keeps bad bacteria from flourishing

What does FODMAP stand for? What does it pertain to?

one of a group of compounds thought to contribute to the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and similar gastrointestinal disorders. The term is used mainly with reference to a diet that is low in these compounds (which are mainly carbohydrates).

What catalyzes digestion of carbohydrates?

pancreatic amylase

What catalyzes digestion of fat?

pancreatic lipase

What does the large intestine consist of? What does it absorb? What is it's function?

-Appendix, colon, and rectum -Absorbs water and electrolytes -Store and repopulate (gut) bacteria

What are the major organs of the digestive system? (5)

-M. outh -E. sophagus -S. tomach -S. mall intestine -L. arge intestine (think of path... After you eat, there is a MESS and it is large)

Water-Soluble Nutrients... What organ? Absorbed where? How circulated? How metabolized? What organ is the regulator?

-Small Intestine -Absorbed into blood capillaries -Portal circulation (portal vein = direct route/path to liver) -1st Past Metabolism -Liver is central metabolic regulatory organ

Fat-Soluble Nutrients... What must happen first? Where is it absorbed? What empties it and where?

-must be broken down first -Absorbed into lymphatic capillaries (aka lacteals) -lymph empties into blood circulation without having to first past through the liver

What are the accessory organs? (6)

-teeth -tongue -salivary glands -liver -gallbladder -pancreas (think path of food...*CHEWING*, then has to be *FILTERED* before it can be peed [*bladder*] out or it is a PAIN [pancreas])

TRUE or FALSE: Protein is used for ATP production

False. Fat and glucose are used for ATP production

What does the small intestine do?

ABSORPTION and chemical digestion

What does AI stand for?

Adequate Intake

which vitamin does intrinsic factor bind to?


What does the "Plyloric Sphincter" do? Where is it located and what does it go to?

CONTROLS the rate at which chyme enters the small intestine It is a "door" at the end of the stomach and leads to the small intestine.

What does FTC stand for and what is it's purpose?

Federal Trade Commission Marketing and claims in advertisements

What does FDA stand for and is it's purpose?

Food and Drug Administration REGULATES products, like claims on packaging.

A serving of food contains 25 g carbohydrate, 10 g protein, and 1 g fat, 5 mg iron, and 20 mg vitamin C. Based on this information, a serving of this food supplies a. 149 kcal b. 335 kcal c. 456 kcal d. 212 kcal

a. 149 kcal carbs= 4 kcal protien= 4 kcal fat= 9kcal 25(4)+ 10(4)+ 1(9)= 149

Which of the following substances is a nutrient that provides energy for humans? a. Fat b. Caffeine c. Water d. Vitamin D e. Alcohol

a. Fat

The government agency that enforces consumer protection laws by investigating false or misleading health-related claims is the a. Federal Trade Commission (FTC). b. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). c. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). d. Agricultural Research Service (ARS).

a. Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

_____ is the sum of all chemical reactions that occur in living cells. t one: a. Metabolism b. Chyme c. Digestion d. Homeostasis

a. Metabolism

Match this statement with its dimension of wellness: It is better to consume foods and beverages that enhance good health rather than those which impair it. a. Physical b. Occupational c. Social d. Emotional e. Intellectual f. Spiritual

a. Physical

Which of the following statements is true? a. Promoters of nutrition misinformation often exploit the general public's mistrust of scientists. b. The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right of consumers to be protected from health misinformation. c. In general, government (.gov) Internet websites are not reliable sources of scientifically-based nutrition information. d. Testimonials for weight loss supplements are usually based on scientific evidence.

a. Promoters of nutrition misinformation often exploit the general public's mistrust of scientists.

A popular fitness magazine has an article about the health benefits of high-fiber diets. Which of the following credentials indicates that the author is likely to be a reliable source of food and nutrition information? : a. RD b. MD c. RN d. MS e. DM

a. RD

Which of the following foods is a source of phytochemicals? a. Raw egg whites b. Fresh blueberries c. Lean meat d. Fat-free milk

a. Raw egg whites

Which of the following statements is true? a. Scientists typically use different methods to conduct research, which explains why similar studies involving humans often have conflicting results. b. Scientists developed dietary recommendations for the U.S. population after analyzing results of a single American study, the Framingham Heart Study. c. It is illegal for scientists to publish research findings that are biased in favor of the people or agencies who funded the research projects. d. Scientists have peer reviewers analyze the designs of their human research studies, because the peer-review process reduces research bias.

a. Scientists typically use different methods to conduct research, which explains why similar studies involving humans often have conflicting results.

Which of the following statements is true? a. Some absorption of alcohol occurs in the stomach. b. The sense of taste contributes to the sense of smell. c. A thick layer of muscle tissue protects the lining of the stomach. d. The lower gastroesophageal sphincter prevents chyme from entering the small intestine.

a. Some absorption of alcohol occurs in the stomach.

Which of the following statements is true? Select one: a. Some absorption of alcohol occurs in the stomach. b. The lower gastroesophageal sphincter prevents chyme from entering the small intestine. c. The sense of taste contributes to the sense of smell. d. A thick layer of muscle tissue protects the lining of the stomach.

a. Some absorption of alcohol occurs in the stomach.

Which of the following statements is true? a. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution often protects people who spread nutrition misinformation. b. In the United States, only registered dietitians are legally allowed to provide nutrition information. c. Registered dietitians are not required to maintain their certification through continuing education. d. You can ask your personal physician for nutrition advice, because physicians have the same training as registered dietitians.

a. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution often protects people who spread nutrition misinformation.

Which of the following statements is true? a. The pyloric sphincter controls the rate at which chyme enters the small intestine. b. The colon is the major site of nutrient absorption in the human digestive system. c. The esophagus is the muscular valve that connects the stomach to the small intestine. d. Lean people have a higher risk of gallstones than obese people.

a. The pyloric sphincter controls the rate at which chyme enters the small intestine.

Which of the following substances is a nutrient that doesn't supply any energy for the human body? a. Vitamin C b. Protein c. Fat d. Carbohydrate e. Alcohol

a. Vitamin C

An Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) is the a. amount of a nutrient that meets the needs of 50% of healthy people in a particular population. b. minimum amount of a nutrient that prevents the nutrient's deficiency disease in 98% of the population. c. optimal amount of a nutrient that 100% of the population can safely consume daily. d. range of intake for a particular nutrient that is not likely to cause toxicity or deficiency.

a. amount of a nutrient that meets the needs of 50% of healthy people in a particular population.

Last night, Sara ate French fries, fried fish, and creamy cole slaw. For dessert, she had a chocolate milk shake. About an hour after eating this food, she suddenly complained of severe abdominal pain. Based on this information, Sara probably has... a. gallstones b. colitis c. aneurysms d. constipation

a. gallstones

Four-year-old Eva was born with a rare condition characterized by the lack of mucus-producing cells in her digestive tract. Based on this information, Eva probably Select one: a. has numerous stomach ulcers. b. bruises easily. c. experiences stiff and painful joints. d. forms smaller than normal blood cells.

a. has numerous stomach ulcers.

Researchers are conducting a study to determine the effects of vitamin C on the human immune system. The study involves providing pills that contain vitamin C to one group of human subjects and pills that do not contain vitamin C or other active ingredients to another group of people. The pills that do not contain the vitamin are a. placebos b. antidotes c. treatments d. supplements

a. placebos

Chyme is the a. semisolid liquid formed by the partial digestion of food in the stomach. b. large particle that transports lipids throughout the bloodstream. c. organelle that maintains fluid balance within intestinal cells. d. material absorbed by lacteals that the liver must detoxify and excrete.

a. semisolid liquid formed by the partial digestion of food in the stomach.

The lining of the small intestine is covered with _____, tiny, finger-like structures that absorb nutrients from food. a. villi b. haustra c. lacteals d. rugae

a. villi

Which of the following menu items has ingredients that represent four different MyPlate food groups? a. Ready-to-eat cereal with strawberries, blueberries, and fat-free milk b. Casserole made with canned tuna, green onions, noodles, and cheddar cheese c. Toasted cheese sandwich made with American cheese, Swiss cheese, and two slices of buttered whole-wheat bread d. Smoothie made with vanilla yogurt, fat-free milk,

b. Casserole made with canned tuna, green onions, noodles, and cheddar cheese

Which of the following statements is true? a. Daily Values have been established for each nutrient. b. Daily Values are dietary standards developed for food labeling purposes. c. If you do not consume 100% of the Daily Values for nutrients, you have a high risk of developing nutritional deficiency disorders. d. Daily Values are nutrient recommendations that are based on the EERs for adults.

b. Daily Values are dietary standards developed for food labeling purposes.

Which of the following statements is true? a. By taking dietary supplements that provide nutrients and phytochemicals, people can maintain good health without eating foods. b. Nutritional needs of healthy people vary during different life stages, such as infancy and pregnancy. c. Regardless of their ages and physical conditions, people never need to take dietary supplements that include vitamins and minerals. d. To achieve optimal health, you should individualize your diet to match your blood type, eye color, and other physical characteristics.

b. Nutritional needs of healthy people vary during different life stages, such as infancy and pregnancy.

6. Which of the following foods is energy AND nutrient dense? a. Strawberries b. Peanuts c. Fat-free milk d. Iceberg lettuce

b. Peanuts

A medical researcher asked 50 people with painful, arthritic knees to rub a cream that contained vitamin E on their knees for two weeks. At the end of the two weeks, she asked the subjects whether their knee pain improved, stayed about the same, or worsened during the treatment period. All 50 subjects reported improvement in their knee pain. Based on this information, which of the following statements is true? a. The researcher shouldn't report her findings, until she uses a single-blind study to test the vitamin E-containing cream. b. The results about the benefits of using a vitamin E cream for knee pain are questionable, because the researcher didn't have a control group. c. The results of this study prove that rubbing a cream that contains vitamin E on arthritic knees is a good way to relieve knee pain. d. The researcher should find a peer-review group to analyze her findings about the vitamin E-containing cream as a treatment for knee pain.

b. The results about the benefits of using a vitamin E cream for knee pain are questionable, because the researcher didn't have a control group.

Devon has a rare condition characterized by the lack of saliva-producing cells. Based on this information, Devon probably a. experiences constipation frequently. b. has difficulty swallowing. c. bruises easily. d. rms smaller than normal blood cells.

b. has difficulty swallowing.

An essential nutrient a. is only in foods from animal sources b. must be supplied by your diet c. is made by your body d. is necessary for proper vitamin and mineral utilization

b. must be supplied by your diet

Paisley usually has four bowel movements each week. Based on this information, Paisley should a. increase her intake of high-fiber foods and fiber wafers to relieve her chronic constipation. b. not worry, because she is not constipated. c. take a gentle laxative so she has at least one bowel movement daily. d. avoid eating peppermint and dark chocolate because these foods can worsen constipation.

b. not worry, because she is not constipated

When following recipes, Candice wants to use fats that are not solid fats. Which of the following fats should she use? a. shortening b. safflower oil c. unsalted butter d. lard

b. safflower oil

Which of the following statements is true? a. Most food guides include cream as a member of the dairy foods group. b. Most food guides classify milk in the protein foods group. c. Avocados and some types of fish can be grouped with oils. d. Because margarine is a substitute for butter, it is classified as a dairy food.

c. Avocados and some types of fish can be grouped with oils.

Which of the following foods is the most nutrient dense per serving? a. Grape drink b. Water c. Fat-free milk d. French fries e. Soybean oil

c. Fat-free milk

Mariele purchased a box of cereal that had the following claim on the label: "Eat one bowl of this cereal a day for a month, and your skin with be healthier." Mariele is skeptical about the honesty of the claim. She should report her concern about the claim to the a. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. b. Better Business Bureau. c. Food and Drug Administration. d. Federal Trade Commission.

c. Food and Drug Administration.

A chemist would like to develop butter product that includes omega-3 fatty acids and a phytochemical which may reduce the risk of heart disease. The chemist is trying to develop a(n) a. Supplement b. Weight loss aid c. Functional food d. Balanced diet e. Essential nutrient

c. Functional Food

Which of the following microbes is associated with an increased risk of developing peptic ulcers? Select one: a. E. coli b. S. aureus c. H. pylori d. C. botulinum

c. H. pylori

Which of the following statements is true? a. Strawberries are an energy-dense food b. Sugary baked goods are "junk" foods and should not be eaten c. Most foods contain more than one nutrient d. Milk, bananas, and soybeans are among the few nutritionally perfect foods for humans

c. Most foods contain more than one nutrient

Which of the following statements is true? a. It is illegal to call yourself a nutritionist without credentials. b. A person with a PhD has the proper training to be registered dietitian. c. Physicians and medical doctors lack significant nutrition education. d. A nutritionist has the same credentials as a registered dietitian. Feedback

c. Physicians and medical doctors lack significant nutrition education.

Which of the following statements is true? a. If you do not consume 100% of the RDA for vitamin C every day, you have a high risk of developing the vitamin's deficiency disease. b. Dietitians use Daily Values to determine the nutritional adequacy of Americans' diets. c. The RDA for vitamin E meets the needs of nearly all healthy persons. d. Dietitians use MyPyramid as the standard for assessing a population's nutrient adequacy.

c. The RDA for vitamin E meets the needs of nearly all healthy persons.

Men's Journal and Family Circle may be unreliable sources of nutrition information, because a. registered dietitians are usually hired to write the articles about nutrition that are published in these journals. b. authors generally pay the editors of popular magazines to publish their nutrition articles. c. articles in such popular magazines generally do not undergo peer-review before they are published. d. the general public and public libraries subscribe to them.

c. articles in such popular magazines generally do not undergo peer-review before they are published.

Which of the following organs is not an accessory organ of the digestive system? a. liver b. pancreas c. colon d. gallbladder

c. colon

After being absorbed, most lipids become incorporated into chylomicrons and enter a. special cells lining the hepatic portal vein. b. chyme. c. lacteals within the villi. d. the duodenal ampulla.

c. lacteals within the villi.

Kayla was a participant in a clinical study to determine how much vitamin C cures scurvy, the vitamin's deficiency disease. During the study, Kayla consumed only a formula diet that was nutritionally complete, except it did not contain vitamin C. Within a few weeks, Kayla developed scurvy. At that point, researchers gave 2 mg vitamin C to Kayla each day for a week, but her signs and symptoms of scurvy remained. In the weeks that followed, the scientists continued to increase Kayla's intake of the vitamin by 2 mg/week. After a week of taking 10 mg of vitamin C/day, Kayla reported feeling much better. Based on this information, the researchers concluded that Kayla's... a. RDA for vitamin C was 10 mg, plus 15 mg as a margin of safety. b. AI for vitamin C was 100 mg, which was 10 times the amount that cured her case of scurvy. c. requirement for vitamin C was 10 mg. d. EER for vitamin C was about

c. requirement for vitamin C was 10 mg.

During the past two months, Theresa has had intestinal pain after eating and diarrhea, and she's noticed blood in her feces. Additionally, she's lost about 10 pounds. Based on this information, Theresa should be tested for a. gallstones. b. irritable bowel syndrome. c. ulcerative colitis. d. gastroesophageal reflux disease.

c. ulcerative colitis.

Diet refers to a person's... a. current nutrient intake. b. current nutrient intake. c. usual pattern of food choices. d. weight loss efforts.

c. usual pattern of food choices.

Which of the following statements is true? a. A thin layer of chyme protects the lining of the digestive tract from being broken down by enzymes. b. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) begins the partial digestion of fats in the small intestine. c. The body needs more time to digest a high-carbohydrate meal than a high-fat meal. d. Acid reflux often results when the gastroesophageal sphincter fails to close properly.

d. Acid reflux often results when the gastroesophageal sphincter fails to close properly.

Which of the following is a dimension of wellness that is not included in the classic Six Dimensions of Wellness, but that is often added as a seventh dimension in more recent versions of this model? a. Nutritional b. Productivity c. Happiness d. Environmental e. Cognitive

d. Environmental

A serving of food supplies 25 g carbohydrate, 20 g fat, 20 g protein, and 100 g water. Which of the following statements is true about a serving of the food? a. Protein provides about 50% of total calories b. Water provides the most food energy c. Carbohydrate provides the most food energy d. Fat provides the most food energy

d. Fat provides the most food energy carbs= 4kcal protein = 4cal fat= 9kcal 25(4)= 100 20(9)= 180 20(4)= 80

Mariele purchased a box of cereal that had the following claim on the label: "Eat one bowl of this cereal a day for a month, and your skin with be healthier." Mariele is skeptical about the honesty of the claim. She should report her concern about the claim to the a. Federal Trade Commission. b. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. c. Better Business Bureau. d. Food and Drug Administration.

d. Food and Drug Administration.

Match this statement with its dimension of wellness: A well person expands his or her knowledge and skills while discovering the potential for sharing his or her gifts with others. a. Spiritual b. Physical c. Emotional d. Intellectual e. Social f. Occupational

d. Intellectual

The six dimensions of wellness are thought to be: a. Independent such that optimal well-being can be achieved even without achieving wellness in all dimensions. b. Inadequate as it doesn't include nutrition or physical fitness. c. An outdated an invalidated model of wellness. d. Interconnected such that all dimensions much be optimized to achieve complete wellness.

d. Interconnected such that all dimensions much be optimized to achieve complete wellness.

The amount of a vitamin or mineral that meets about 98% of the population's need for the nutrient is the _____ for that nutrient. a. UL b. EAR c. %DV d. RDA

d. RDA

Which of the following foods is the most nutrient dense per serving? a. Oatmeal cookie b. Margarine c. Tortilla chips d. Raw tomatoes

d. Raw tomatoes

Which of the following statements is true? a. The FDA does not permit dietary supplement manufacturers to display structure/function claims on package labels. b. The FDA has established Daily Values for non-nutrient dietary supplements. c. The FDA must review every health-related claim before a dietary supplement manufacturer can display the claim on a label. d. The FDA does not permit dietary supplement manufacturers to market their products as cures for diseases.

d. The FDA does not permit dietary supplement manufacturers to market their products as cures for diseases.

Which of the following statements is true? a. U.S. laws require promoters of nutrition-related products to publish information in magazine articles and books that's honest or not misleading. b. Individuals with medical (MD) and research (PhD) degrees are the most reliable sources of nutrition information. c. In general, personal websites, such as blogs, are reliable sources of nutrition information. d. Websites with .edu in their addresses are likely to provide reliable nutrition information. e. The Internet is generally a reliable source of nutrition information, because information posted at websites has been peer-reviewed.

d. Websites with .edu in their addresses are likely to provide reliable nutrition information

The _____ helps form feces by absorbing excess water and electrolytes from chyme. a. pyloric valve b. gallbladder c. lower stomach d. large intestine

d. large intestine

Food guides classify _____ with oils. a. hard-boiled eggs b. ice cream c. American cheese d. mayonnaise

d. mayonnaise

During a television interview, Dr. Ima Quack provides the following statement. "Most Americans suffer from nutritional deficiency diseases and will develop cancer within the next 10 years because they are not taking my megavitamin formula therapy." Dr. Quack's statement is an example of a(n) Select one: a. anecdotal evidence. b. biased report. c. scientific observation. d. scare tactic.

d. scare tactic.

A nutrient requirement is a. a biological need for a nutrient that has a margin of safety amount factored into the value. b. the recommended daily intake of a nutrient. c. an amount of a nutrient that ensures optimal nutritional status. d. the smallest amount of a nutrient that maintains a particular level of nutritional health.

d. the smallest amount of a nutrient that maintains a particular level of nutritional health.

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2015, _____ are unhealthy and should be consumed in limited amounts. a. dietary supplements b. potassium-rich foods c. grilled meats d. trans-fats

d. trans-fats

Match this statement with its dimension of wellness: It is better to be aware of and accept our feelings than to deny them. a. Physical b. Occupational c. Spiritual d. Intellectual e. Emotional f. Social

e. Emotional

Match this statement with its dimension of wellness: It is better to develop functional, transferable skills through structured involvement opportunities than to remain inactive and uninvolved. Select one: a. Social b. Intellectual c. Spiritual d. Physical e. Occupational f. Emotional

e. Occupational

What stimulates Gastrin? Protein


What is "diverticula"? What is bad about it?

small pouches that form in the lining of the large intestine. the wall is weakened and creates a bubble that can trap food/nutrients and then the bubble "grows"

Where is Gastrin released?


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