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How do we measure relationships between variables? How do we prove causality? How do meta-analyses reinforce what we know?

-correlation -proving causation: correlation, temporal precedence elimination of alternative explanations -meta analysis- correlation from multiple studies averaged together

6. Be familiar with the four ways to evaluate performance.

-management by objectives -behaviorally anchored rating scales -360 degree feedback -forced ranking

5. What is the 1/8th rule?

1/2 of orgs dint believe in the connection bt how they manage their ppl and profits they earn 1/2 that makes comprehensive changes will persist with their practices long enough to derive economic benefits 1/2 of those who see the connection will try to make a single change to solve their problems 12% will do what is required to build profits

1. What is job satisfaction? What are the two main components of job satisfaction?

A pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experiences Affect Cognition

: desire to remain a member of an organization due to an emotional attachment to and involvement with that organization. Based on liking.

Affective Commitment (5):

How is the changing relationship between employer and employee influencing organizational commitment? (Be sure to take into account involuntary turnover and the two types of psychological contracts)

Changing Employee-Employer Relationship: gone are the days of life-time employment where employees trade a lifetime of loyalty and good work for job security. 1. Involuntary turnover: in contrast to voluntary it is the organization's decision to terminate the relationship. a. Done to right-size organization for competitiveness. b. Quite often doesn't have desired consequences. c. Survivor's syndrome: those who are not laid off suffer increased stress due to increased workload and concern over losing job in near future which leads to numerous negative health consequences.

Be familiar with the job characteristics model. What are the five core job characteristics? The three psychological states? The two moderators (what does that mean)? What are the three methods used to improve job satisfaction using this model?

Charracteristics -varisty -identity -significance -autonomy -feedback psychological states -meaningfulness of work -responsibility for outcomes -Knowledge of results moderators

A desire on the part of an employee to remain a member of an organization because of an awareness of the costs associated with leaving.

Continuance Commitment (8):

Embeddedness: summarizes employees' links to their organization and community, their sense of fit and what would be sacrificed if they left the organization and community. (9)

Embeddedness: (cc)

What is the role of the erosion model in affective commitment? Why do people with affective commitment stay with organizations and how would they feel if they left?

Erosion Model (6): suggests that employees with fewer bonds will be most likely to quit the organization. (aa)

11. How can organizations improve commitment?

IV. INITIATIVES TO IMPROVE COMMITMENT: Now that we know the importance of commitment how can we improve it? (23) A. Perceived Organizational Support: the degree to which employees believe that the organization values their contributions and cares about their well-being. 1. Affective commitment: strengthen the bonds amongst 'ees. a. Parties. b. Team building programs & work design; mentoring. 8 2. Continuance commitment: a. Strong pay and benefits package. b. Advancement & promotion from within policies. 3. Normative commitment: create indebtedness a. Training and development programs. IBM spends $750 million a year to develop employees b. Career planning and fostering.

What are the three models that show how these behaviors are related? Which once is most accurate?

Models of Withdrawal Behaviors (19): How do withdrawal behaviors relate to each other? Refer to quotes on page 74. 1. Independent Forms: various withdrawal behaviors are uncorrelated, occur for different reasons, and fulfill different needs. 2. Compensatory forms: various withdrawal behaviors are negatively correlated which means doing one makes it less likely you'll do another since any of them can reduce dissatisfaction with the workplace. 3. Progression model: various withdrawal behaviors are positively correlated and those of lesser degree are likely to lead to those of greater degree. 4. Findings (20): Progression model has received the most support

Be familiar with how moods and emotions influence job satisfaction. Know the difference between the two and how they are classified

Moods are states of feelings that are often mild in intensity, last for an extended period of time and not directed or caused by anything.

A desire on the part of an employee to remain a member of an organization because of a feeling of obligation. 1. Stay with the organization because you ought to. 2. You would feel guilt if you left the organization. 3. May come from personal work philosophies or ethics. 4. Organizations can increase this through: a. Socialization. b. Spend a great deal on training and development. c. Be a particularly charitable organization

Normative Commitment (10):

What are the five types of physical withdrawal behaviors?

Physical withdrawal behaviors: actions that provide a physical escape. 1. Tardiness: arriving late to work or leaving early. 2. Long breaks. 3. Missing meetings. 4. Absenteeism: missing an entire day of work. a. Voluntary: choose to miss work . b. Involuntary: must miss work.

What are the five types of psychological withdrawal behaviors?

Psychological withdrawal behaviors (18): actions that provide a mental escape from the work environment. 1. Daydreaming: appear to be working but are actually distracted by random thoughts or concerns. 2. Socializing: verbal chatting about non-work topics. 3. Looking busy: intentional desire to look like they're working but are not performing work tasks. 4. Moonlighting: working on duties for another job. 5. Cyberloafing: using internet, e-mail and texting to chat with others or surf websites while at work.

employees with direct linkages to those who leave are also more likely to leave.

Social influence model: (aa)

total amount of investment (in terms of time, effort, energy, etc.) employees have made in mastering their work roles such

Sunk costs: (cc)

2. Be familiar with the Transactional Theory of Stress.

TRANSACTIONAL THEORY OF STRESS: A. Primary Appraisal: when people first encounter stressors they determine the significance and meaning of stressor and determine if they are stressed by it. 1. Benign job demands: if the primary appraisal determines that the stressor does not create stress. 2. Hindrance stressors: stressors that prevent people's progress towards goal attainment and trigger negative emotions such as anxiety and anger. 3. Challenge stressors: stressors that people perceive as opportunities for learning, growth, and achievement which usually trigger positive emotions like pride & enthusiasm. 4. Work Hindrance Stressors: (8) a. Role conflict: conflicting expectations that other people have.

Be familiar with the EVLN model of withdrawal behavior. How are the behaviors related to organizational commitment?

VLN model: research suggests people will react to negative events in four general ways which vary by being constructive/destructive and active/passive: (14) 1. Exit: active, destructive response by which an individual ends, or restricts organizational membership. 2. Voice: active, constructive response by which an individual attempts to work out the situation. 3. Loyalty (15): passive, constructive response that maintains public support for the situation while hoping for improvement (sportsmanship OCB) 4. Neglect: passive, destructive response in interest and effort in the job declines. 5. Organizational commitment is positively related to voice and loyalty and negatively related to exit and neglect

What is stress?

a psychological response to demands that possess certain stakes for the person and that tax or exceed the person's capacity or resources

1. Which is more important regarding performance? Behaviors or outcomes?


What is counterproductive behavior? Be familiar with the various types of counterproductive behavior.

counterproductive behavior- employee behaviors that intentionally hinder organizational goal accomplishments -wasting resources -substance abuse sabotage gossiping harassment theft inciviility abuse

1. What is organizational commitment? What are the three types?

desire on the part of an employee to remain a member o the org -affective commitment continuance commitment normative commitement

2. What are the three types of performance?

job and task performance routine adaptive creative

2. What are the two primary individual outcomes with which OB is concerned?

job performance & organizational commitment

. What are the five individual mechanisms that influence those outcomes? The two individual characteristics?

job satisfaction stress motivation trust justice ethics learning & deicison making

How does job satisfaction relate to performance and organizational commitment?

job satisfaction has a strong positive effect on organizational commitment, people who have higher job satisfaction tend to feel higher affective and normative commitment

What is emotional labor? Emotional contagion?

jobs that employees have direct contact with customers and often have to hide any emotions they may feel. one person can "catch" emotions of someone else clerk to costomer

What are the four group and two organizational mechanisms that have an impact on the two primary outcomes?

leadership- styles behavior power neogtiation teams- processes communication characterisitcs, diversity organizational mechanisms- organizational culture org structure

Be familiar with the value-precept model of job satisfaction. What are the five major facets of job satisfaction

pay satisfaction -promotion satisfaction -supervision satisfaction -coworker satisfaction -work itself

1. How is organizational behavior influenced by other fields of study?

pyschology social pyscho anthropology econiomics education politics

6. What are the four ways that we "know" something? Be familiar with the scientific method.

science-theory, hypothesis, data, verification how we know things- experience, intuition, authority, science

What are the four categories of employees when taking into account differing levels of performance and organizational commitment?

task performance high low high star citizens org comitt. low lonewolf apathetics

4. What is citizenship behavior? What are the six types?

voluntary employee activities that may or may not be rewarded but that contribute to the org by improving the overall quality of the setting in which work takes place -voice -civic virtue -boosterism -helping -courtesy -sportsmanship

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