OBHR 330 homework 6-10

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Which of the following is a performance outcome fostering intrinsic motivation? Promotion Free time Praise Bonuses Enjoyment


According to research, which of the following aspects of motivation most likely has the highest impact on organizational commitment? Equity Impact Competence Meaningfulness Expectancy


____ is described as a need to hold a high evaluation of oneself and to feel effective and respected by others. Relatedness Meaning Control Esteem Existence


Dishonest people fake a little more than other people in an integrity test. A. True B. False


Disposition-based trust depends on the trustor's propensity to trust. A. True B. False


Distributive justice reflects the perceived fairness of decision-making processes. A. True B. False


Emotional intelligence refers to our ability to understand others, but not ourselves A. True B. False


Employees with higher levels of expertise may become more highly valued commodities on the job market, thereby reducing their levels of continuance commitment. A. True B. False


Extraversion is the easiest personality trait to judge in situations in which two people have only just met. A. True B. False


Informational justice is fostered when authorities, truthfully and candidly, explain decision-making procedures and outcomes in a comprehensive and reasonable manner. A. True B. False


Which of the following explains the existence of a positive correlation between trust and organizational commitment? A. Trusting an authority increases the likelihood of the development of an emotional bond. B. Trust causes relationships to be viewed as contractual agreements. C. Willingness to accept vulnerability changes the nature of the employee-employer relationship. D. Willingness to be vulnerable to authorities increases levels of task performance. E. Trust results in the formation of relationships based on clearly defined economic exchanges.


Which of the following is a "veiled purpose" test item in an integrity test? A. Do you agree with the statement, "I don't feel I've had control over my life"? B. Do most employees take small items from work? C. Have you ever borrowed something from work without telling anyone? D. What dollar value would a worker have to steal before you would fire them? E. If you were sent an extra item with an order, would you send it back?


Which of the following is a step in the bounded rationality decision-making process? A. Boil the problem down to something that is easily understood. B. Develop an exhaustive list of alternatives to consider as solutions. C. Evaluate all the alternatives simultaneously. D. Pick the alternative that maximizes value. E. Use accurate information to evaluate alternatives.


_____ people prioritize communion striving, which reflects a strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality. A. Agreeable B. Conscientious C. Open D. Neurotic E. Extraverted


According to the RIASEC model, which of the following personality types enjoys working with ideas and people? A. Enterprising B. Social C. Artistic D. Investigative E. Realistic


Agreeable people prioritize status striving, which reflects a strong desire to obtain power and influence within a social structure as a means of expressing personality. A. True B. False


Disciplinary actions, demotions, and terminations are typical examples of "positively valenced" outcomes. A. True B. False


Justice reflects the degree to which the behaviors of an authority are in accordance with generally accepted moral norms. A. True B. False


Learning refers to the process of generating and choosing from a set of alternatives to solve a problem. A. True B. False


Motivation is a set of distinctive, external forces. A. True B. False


Negative reinforcement occurs when there is the removal of a consequence following an unwanted behavior. A. True B. False


Of the knowledge contained in organizations, 90 percent is explicit knowledge. A. True B. False


Reasoning abilities are most important in jobs in which effectiveness depends on understanding and communicating ideas and information to others, such as business executives. A. True B. False


Smarter employees are more likely to want to remain members of the organization. A. True B. False


The ability to choose the right action quickly in response to several different signals is called control time. A. True B. False


Which of the following describes egoism that is used in the principled stage of moral development? A. An act is morally right if it respects the natural rights of others, such as the right to life, liberty, etc. B. An act is morally right if the decision maker freely decides to pursue either short-term or long-term interests. C. An act is morally right if it allows the decision maker to lead a "good life" by adhering to virtues. D. An act is morally right if it fulfills the "categorical imperative." E. An act is morally right if it results in the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people.


Which of the following is true about "agreeableness"? A. It is the second most important trait from a job performance perspective. B. It reflects a strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality. C. It reflects a strong desire to obtain power and influence within a social structure. D. It is negatively related to alcohol consumption and smoking. E. It is responsible for the Type A Behavior Pattern that has been shown to affect employees' health and ability to manage stressful environments.


Which of the following is true with regard to emotional intelligence? A. People with low levels of emotional intelligence are more likely to try to influence other people in order to achieve personal goals. B. In many circumstances, high emotional intelligence can compensate somewhat for low cognitive intelligence. C. Emotional intelligence is a more important determinant of job performance for people with higher levels of cognitive intelligence. D. People with high levels of cognitive ability are more likely to also have high levels of emotional intelligence. E. Individuals with higher levels of emotional intelligence are less likely to engage in counterproductive behaviors.


_____ occurs when assumptions are made about others on the basis of their membership in a social group. A. Selective perception B. A stereotype C. Self-serving bias D. Availability bias E. Projection bias


According to equity theory, which of the following emotions is likely to be seen in an employee whose ratio of outcomes to inputs is more than those of their comparison other? A. Envy B. Satisfaction C. Guilt D. Equanimity E. Anger


Fine manipulative abilities and control movement abilities are facets of which type of physical ability? A. Coordination B. Strength C. Psychomotor D. Flexibility E. Stamina


Which of the following describes the correlation between cognitive abilities and organizational commitment? A. Weak, negative B. Strong, positive C. Not significant D. Moderate, negative E. Strong, negative


Which of the following is characteristic of the preconventional stage of moral development? A. Concepts such as doing one's duty and maintaining the social order come to be valued for their own sakes. B. People seek the approval of friends and family members, conforming to stereotypes about what's right. C. Relationships are based on self-interest, with little concern for loyalty, gratitude, or fairness. D. Right versus wrong is referenced to the expectations of one's family and one's society. E. Right versus wrong is referenced to a set of defined, established moral principles.


Which of the following represents the correlation between cognitive ability and job performance? A. Moderate, negative B. Weak, negative C. Strong, positive D. Weak, positive E. Strong, negative


Which of the following questions is used to evaluate procedural justice? A. Do authorities explain procedures thoroughly? B. Do authorities refrain from improper remarks? C. Do authorities adhere to rules of fair process? D. Are rewards allocated according to the proper norm? E. Do authorities treat employees with sincerity?


Extinction occurs when a(n): A. unwanted outcome is removed following a desired behavior. B. unwanted outcome follows a wanted behavior. C. unwanted outcome follows an unwanted behavior. D. consequence following an unwanted behavior is removed. E. positive outcome follows a desired behavior.


Which of the Big Five personality traits has the greatest effect on typical performance? A. Extraversion B. Neuroticism C. Agreeableness D. Conscientiousness E. Openness


Which of the following is accurate with regard to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator method of personality measurement? A. One of the most common applications of this model is interest inventories, which provide people their scores on relevant personality dimensions. B. People with a realistic personality prefer to work with things and data more than people and ideas. C. The model arranges the personality types in a hexagonal fashion, with types adjacent to one another being more similar. D. Research on this model suggests that managers are more likely to be "thinking-judging" personality types than the general population. E. The central premise of this model is that employees in occupations that match their personality type will have more career satisfaction, job knowledge, and longevity.


With which personality dimension are traits such as being emotional and moody associated? A. Agreeableness B. Conscientiousness C. Extraversion D. Neuroticism E. Openness


_____ is a facet of social pressure that determines the moral intensity of an issue. A. Magnitude of consequences B. Temporal immediacy C. Probability of effect D. Proximity to those affected E. Concentration of effect


_____ schedules reinforce behaviors after a certain number of them have been exhibited. A. Fixed interval B. Variable ratio C. Continuous D. Fixed ratio E. Variable interval


New, complex, and unrecognized situations call for ________ decisions. A. intuitive B. nonintuitive C. programmed D. rational E. nonprogrammed


Which motivating force has the strongest effect on performance? A. Motivation created by valence B. Perceptions of equity C. Motivation created by expectancy D. Difficult goals E. Self-efficacy or competence


Which of the following is characteristic of disposition-based trust? A. It is based on the benevolence of an authority toward the trustor. B. It is based on the adherence of the trustee to values that the trustor finds acceptable. C. It is based on feelings toward the authority that go beyond any rational assessment. D. It is based on an authority's ability to be successful. E. It is based on the general propensity of the trustor to trust others.


Which of the following is true of motivation? A. Motivation shows a high negative correlation with ability. B. A person who works hard for a short time is unmotivated. C. It is a set of energetic forces that originates both within and outside an employee. D. Motivational forces such as confidence are external to the employee. E. It is a synonym for high levels of intensity and persistence in work effort.


____ is the tendency for people to see their environment only as it affects them and as it is consistent with their expectations. A. A stereotype B. Self-serving bias C. Projection bias D. Availability bias E. Selective perception


_____ ability is a facet of cognitive ability one element of which involves the ability to sense that there's a problem right now or that there is likely to be one in the near future. A. Verbal B. Quantitative C. Perceptual D. Spatial E. Reasoning


_____ ability is a facet of cognitive ability which involves comparing information or objects with remembered information or objects. A. Reasoning B. Quantitative C. Spatial D. Verbal E. Perceptual


Meaningfulness is a concept in psychological empowerment that reflects a sense of choice in the initiation and continuation of work tasks. True False


According to expectancy theory, motivational force equals zero if expectancy, instrumentality, or valence is zero. True False


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