OBHR Exam 1 Practice Questions

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which of the following is an example of problem focused coping

"In order to meet a pending deadline, Ava chooses to wear noise-canceling headphones and set her phone to ring through to voicemail while she focuses on achieving her goal."

What is job performance?

"The value of the set of behaviors that contribute to or detract from organizational goal accomplishment."

which of the following demonstrates how day to day events can affect job satisfaction

After receiving news of his mother's illness, Baltasar became stressed about the deadline of his job

When job performance evaluation time rolls around, Michael always comes out ahead of his coworkers, but his success comes at a price. He has been known to give his supervisors negative (and sometimes untrue) information about his coworkers, and when it looks as though someone else may be about to get a better performance evaluation, bad things tend to happen to that person, such as lost paperwork and missed meetings due to deleted calendar appointments. In terms of organizational behavior and the principles of job performance evaluations, its is clear that

His supervisors' emphasis on results has created an environment in which an employee might use unethical behavior to get ahead

Alejandro hires Leona as a new sales coordinator at Rainproof Outdoor Gear after the previous coordinator quit unexpectedly. After Leona completes orientation, Alejandro needs her to quickly plan an upcoming sales meeting for all of the company's field sales representatives, who will be gathering at the office in a week to go over the new product line. Despite the fact that her predecessor did little planning for the meeting before she left, Leona wants to make a good impression and begins to prepare the meeting even though she has never planned one before. Three days before the meeting, Alejandro observes Leona in a conference room pacing back and forth and wearing a slightly dazed expression as she shuffles papers around on the table. It is obvious to Alejandro that she is trying to block out meeting rooms for each sales group, determine the duration of each presentation, and figure out what kinds of equipment an

Explain to Leona the basic requirements for the meetings and provide her with the expected times and locations needed for each group presentation.

The definition of job performance encompasses only positive behaviors, not negative ones


Habib and Precious work as designers at Spectrum Envirovations Corp. Recently, Precious's partner got a new job in a city 50 miles away, so they have decided to move there. Precious already has a new job lined up that pays about the same as her current one and has a better benefits package, but she is sad about leaving because she has made so many close friends during her 15 years at Spectrum. Habib is relatively new to the company, having just completed his design degree a few months ago. He completed an internship while in school, but Spectrum was the first agency to make him a job offer. Precious tells him she has considered turning down the job offer in the new city and commuting to Spectrum instead. She then asks Habib how he feels about working at Spectrum. How would Habib most likely respond?

It's a great offer, but I'd never leave unless I had to. Even though I haven't been here as long as you, I felt welcomed right away."

Saki, Jake, and Tamar have different ideas about what makes a job satisfying. They all work for a nonprofit relief agency and travel to areas where disasters have occurred to render assistance to victims. The pay is not high, and there can be extreme health risks because contagious diseases often break out in disaster zones due to the resulting poor sanitation. Their coworkers are friendly, intelligent, and generally nice. Saki feels strongly that she wants to be able to make a difference and help people when they are in trouble. Jake worries deeply about expenses. He has a large load of student debt to pay off, and he and his spouse have two children. Tamar tolerates teamwork but isn't thrilled by it, and she also has mild anxiety about germs. Which of the following statement is most likely true?

Jake most likely has the lowest job satisfaction

Which of the following is an exmaple of an indvidual mechanism from the integrative model that directlt affects job perfromance and or organizational commitment

Jamal's daily job exceeds his physical capacities, and he is becoming depressed due to the strain.

Which of the following scenarios best illustrates role ambiguity

Jeff is hired to cover the ticketing booth at the theater but on his first day realizes that the only seating map available is about 20 feet away from his booth, which he us not supposed to leave

According to the value-percept theory, in which of the following scenarios would the employees be the most dissatisfied?

Levente wants to work with people, so he took a job with a boat tour company. He didn't realize most of his hours would be spent alone doing paperwork

Three employees work for the same big-box store but have different mixes of individual mechanisms. Jimmy works in facilities. He does not mind going to work every day but feels the company should pay him more per hour. While the work is generally not stressful, Jimmy does not have much motivation to complete his daily duties quickly, so he spreads them out to fill the workday. Jimmy was trained to perform his tasks in a certain way, and he performs his job in the same manner today as he did on the first day of work. Fatima works in door and window sales, and she enjoys not only selling but also talking about with customers. The job is not stressful, other than requiring her to stand most of the day. The store's commission motivates Fatima to sell as much as possible and to offer suggestions to most customers. However, she is not entirely sure the commission accounts are being figured correctly and has begun to pers

Paola has the best chance of achieving high individual outcomes in both job performance and organizational commitment.

Deangelo, Journey, Bradley, Roland, and Saori work in the quality control department at a solar energy component manufacturer. In the next two weeks, one of them will quit. Based on their behavior, who do you think will be the one to leave?

Saori, who arrives late and leaves early has been out sick four times in the last six weeks.

People are more likely to make internal attributions for other people's behavior when that behavior is consistent over time.


Baatar loves his job, admires his boss, and believes in the goals and vision of the company he works for. He cannot imagine looking for or finding a a better job. Baatar most likely is demonstrating

a high level of organizational commitment

According to our in-class discussion and reading, which of the following is the best evidence to use for determining whether organizational behavior matters?

a scientific study of a large number of companies, examining the effect that organizational practices exhibited on future organizational outcomes, on average

which of the following is the term used when employees psychological responses to job demands that tax or exceed their capabilities?


Lamar works for the United bank at Madison. He feels overworked and dislikes his job, but he cannot quit because he needs the job to repay his college loans. What type of commitment does Lamar have?

continuance commitment

Jacob, a sculptor, is known for creating statues that combine traditional materials such as marble or bronze with recycled parts from discarded machines. His pieces bring tens of thousands of dollars at auction, and this allows him to pay the salary of assistants such as Ernesto, an aspiring sculptor. Ernesto sharpens Jacob's chisels, scours junk yards for machines Jacob might use, and cleans up the rock chips and other debris in Jacob's studio. The difference between their two positions is best described in organizational terms by saying that Jacob's work involves ________ task performance, whereas Ernesto's is ________ task performance.

creative; primary concerned with routine

Bryce continually breaks off from his assigned tasks to check sports news or check his friends' Facebook updates. He is engaging in

cyberloafing, which is a type of psychological withdrawal

Isaac had been on sick leave for two weeks; when he returned, Benito helped Isaac catch up on routine duties. Benito is:

helping, an interpersonal citizenship behavior

According to the value-percept theory, which of the following conditions for a value results in a high level of employee dissatisfaction

highVwant, lowVhave, and highVimportance

of the following, which is a primary individual outcome according to the integrative model?

job performance

Reginald could not understand his coworkers' dissatisfaction with Sunni, although Reginald did not have to work directly with her as some of his coworkers did. His coworkers complained that although she attended every meeting, Sunni never had any of her assigned tasks completed on time. She seemed to be a quiet worker as he hardly heard anything from her. In addition, every day he saw her zoom past his cubicle with a handful of papers looking like she was on a mission of some type. It may be that Sunni was

looking busy

First, the network went down, then the person in the next cubicle would not stop clearing their throat, and now Delia cannot find a sticky note when she needs one. Delia's head hurts, her shoulders are tense, and her back aches. Which of the following statements is true?

the network going down represents a stressor, while Delia's backache is a strain.

What is moonlighting?

the use of work time and resources to complete something other than job duties, such as assignments for another job

Zahra has just started a new job stocking shelves at Home Mart. It is her first job after graduating from high school, and she hopes to save enough money in the first year to be able to move in with her partner. In her first week, she befriends two other new employees and finds the atmosphere of the store to be polite and sociable. At the end of her first week on the job, she checks the upcoming week's work schedule only to discover that she is scheduled to have Monday and Thursday off instead of Tuesday and Friday as she had requested. She is disappointed because her partner has Tuesdays and Fridays off from her job as a bartender, and their conflicting schedules means she will not be able to see her much. The next week, she finds that she has Thursday and Saturday off, despite once again requesting Tuesday and Friday off. The week after that, she finds herself feeling anxious about going into the break room becau

to realize the importance of spending time with her partner and understand that a variable work schedule will negatively impact her personal life

According to job characteristics theory, when an editor tells a writer about positive reader comments on an article, this high level of identity positively affects the writer's job satisfaction.


The moderate to strong positive correlations between the five core job characteristics and job satisfaction indicate all employees want more variety and more autonomous and significant jobs.


Time pressure, work complexity and work responsibility are all examples of work challenge stressors


the increase in online marketplace technologies has brought about a significant rise in gig work, either as the primary source of income or as a secondary or side hustle


the two primary outcomes of interest to OB researchers, employees and managers are job performance and organizational commitment


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