OB/Peds Ch. 30 Toddler

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When assessing a 33 month old, the nurse would expect to find how many teeth?

20 Explanation: Eight new teeth erupt during the second year. All 20 deciduous teet are generally present by 2.5 to 3 years of age.

The nurse is providing parental anticipatory guidance to promote healthy emotional development in a 12-month-old boy. Which statement best accomplishes this?

A regular routine and rituals will provide stability and security. Toddlers benefit most from routines and rituals that help them anticipate events and teach and reinforce expected behaviors. Knowing that a child can move from calm to temper tantrum very quickly, understanding the benefit of limited choices, and realizing that hitting and biting are common behaviors in toddlerhood provide information but not a guiding concept.

Parents of a toddler describe how they handled their child's temper tantrum in a shopping mall. What action of the parents indicates need for additional teaching?

Reasoned with the child to stop the behavior Explanation: The child having a tantrum is out of control, making reasoning impossible. Calmly bear hugging the child provides control, especially in a public place. The other actions are helpful in preventing a tantrum.

The pediatric nurse is planning quiet activities for a hospitalized 18-month-old. What would be an appropriate activity for this age group?

Stacking blocks Explanation: At 18 months the child can stack four blocks. The 24-month-old can paint (but not by number), scribble, and color, and put round pegs into holes.

The caregivers of a 2-year-old are concerned the child is not learning how to share and play well with other children. While acknowledging their concern and devotion, the nurse should point out which activity would be best for this child's developmental level?

Mowing the lawn with a toy lawnmower Explanation: Toddlers enjoy talking on a play telephone. They like pots, pans, and toys such as brooms, dishes, and lawnmowers that help them imitate the adults in their environment and promote socialization. Toys that involve the toddler's new gross motor skills, such as push-pull toys, rocking horses, large blocks, and balls are popular. Fine motor skills are developed by use of thick crayons, modeling clay, finger paints, wooden puzzles with large pieces, toys with pieces that fit into shaped holes, and cloth books. The toddler will not be interested in sharing toys until the later stage of toddlerhood; adults should not make an issue of sharing at this early stage.

During a health history, the nurse explores the sleeping habits of a 3-year-old boy by interviewing his parents. Which statement from the parents reflects a recommended guideline for promoting healthy sleep in this age group?

We keep a strict bedtime ritual for our son, which includes a bath and bedtime story." Explanation: Consistent bedtime rituals help the toddler prepare for sleep; the parent should be advised to choose a bedtime and stick to it as much as possible. The nightly routine might include a bath followed by reading a story. A typical toddler should sleep through the night and take one daytime nap. Most children discontinue daytime napping at around 3 years of age. When the crib becomes unsafe (that is, when the toddler becomes physically capable of climbing over the rails), then he or she must make the transition to a bed. Attention during night waking should be minimized so that the toddler receives no reward for being awake at night.

Parents are beginning potty training their 2-year-old child and seek advice from the nurse on how to be successful in this endeavor. Which statement by the parents indicates that further teaching is needed?

"He wants to accompany me to the bathroom but I prefer to go alone." Explanation: Allowing a toddler to observe a parent or older sibling going to the bathroom serves as a positive role model and helps the child understand what they are to do when they are there.

In working with the toddler, which statement would be most appropriate to say to the toddler to decrease the behavior known as negativism?

"It is time for lunch. I am going to put your bib on." Explanation: Negativism is very typical of the toddler years. It is best to avoid questions with a yes or no answer because the answer will always be no. Limiting the number of questions asked of the toddler and making a statement, rather than asking a question or giving a choice, is helpful in decreasing the number of negative responses from the child. Instead of asking questions like "Do you want help getting in your chair?" make the statement "Get in your chair." The toddler years are also ones where the child becomes a picky eater or "grazes" instead of eating a full meal so the toddler may not actually know if he or she is hungry.

The nurse is reviewing sleep and rest activities of a 16-month-old child with the parents. The father states, "I have told my wife it is unhealthy for our child to sleep with us. It's time for him to sleep in his own bed. What do you think?" What is the nurse's best initial response?

"It must be difficult for the two of you to both feel strongly about what is best for you and your child." Explanation: Acknowledging the difference of opinion between the mother and father allows for open conversation about the sleeping arrangement, which may lead to an acceptable resolution. Stating the views of professionals about co-sleeping, while accurate, does not address the parent's voiced concerns, nor does noting the sleep activities in the chart. Suggesting the child sleep in his own bed is not up to the nurse to do, and it does not address the issue.

During a well-child visit, a mother tells the nurse that she uses timeout to discipline her 2 year old. The nurse determines that the mother understands the concept of timeout when the mother states that she keeps the toddler in time out for _______ minutes.

2 Explanation: A guide regarding how long children should remain on timeout is 1 minute per year of age. So for a 2 year old, the timeout time should be 2 minutes.

The nurse is providing parental anticipatory guidance to promote healthy emotional development in a 12-month-old boy. Which statement best accomplishes this?

A regular routine and rituals will provide stability and security. Explanation: Toddlers benefit most from routines and rituals that help them anticipate events and teach and reinforce expected behaviors. Knowing that a child can move from calm to temper tantrum very quickly, understanding the benefit of limited choices, and realizing that hitting and biting are common behaviors in toddlerhood provide information but not a guiding concept.

The nurse has completed an examination of a 32-month-old girl with normal gross and fine motor skills. Which observation would suggest the child is experiencing a problem with language development?

Her vocabulary is between 10 and 15 words. Explanation: A 3-year-old child typically has a vocabulary of approximately 900 words, asks many questions, uses complete sentences consisting of 3 to 4 words, and talks incessantly. Thus a vocabulary of 10 to 15 words suggests a language problem.

Once a temper tantrum has started, which intervention is appropriate?

Move objects out of the way or move the toddler to prevent injury. Temper tantrums are a normal part of the toddler years. Toddlers are very inquisitive and do not know boundaries. They need time and maturity to learn the rules. During the tantrum, it is most important to keep the toddler safe. Appropriate interventions include moving objects out of the way or moving the toddler to prevent injury from occurring. The caregiver should not speak to the toddler and should avoid eye contact until the toddler has calmed down. The toddler's behavior should not be engaged. The caregiver should not talk excessively about the tantrum, because this can negatively impact the toddler's self-esteem.

The nurse is supervising a play group of children on the unit. The nurse expect the toddlers will most likely be involved in which activity?

Playing with the plastic vacuum cleaner and pushing it around the room Explanation: Playtime for the toddler involves imitation of the people around them such as adults, siblings, and other children. Push-pull toys allow them to use their developing gross motor skills. Preschool children have imitative play, pretending to be the mommy, the daddy, a policeman, a cowboy, or other familiar characters. The school-age child enjoys group activities and making things, such as drawings, paintings, and craft projects. The adolescent enjoys activities they can participate in with their peers.

Which gross motor developmental milestone is least likely for a 2 year old?

Rides a tricycle Explanation: Gross motor developmental milestones for a 2 year old include jumping in place, standing on tip toes, kicking a ball and running. At 3 years old, the child should be able to pedal a tricycle, run easily and walk up and down the stairs with alternate feet. At 12 to 18 months of age, the child should be able to stand on one foot with help, walk independently, climb the stairs with assistance and pull toys.

The 18-month-old toddler has most likely attained which gross motor skill?

The ability to walk independently. Explanation: The 18-month-old tocdler can walk alone, but the gait may still be a little unsteady. By 3 years of age, the child can walk heel-to-toe fashion like an adult. The 18-month-old toddler can walk up the stairs with assistance but cannot walk stairs with alternate feet until 36 months. A 3-year-old child can pedal a tricycle and balance on one foot.

Parents of a 2-year-old girl are having a conversation with the nurse about tantrums. Which technique would the nurse most likely suggest?

Use short "time-outs" and remain calm. The best response to tantrums is to remain calm and use short "time-outs." Responses need to be consistent rather than varied. Telling the child she is bad is negative. Promising a reward for good behavior will result in rewarding bad behavior.

A nurse is presenting a class on toilet training to a group of parents with toddlers. Which information would the nurse include in the class? Select all that apply.

Using training pants that slide down easily and quickly Praising the child when he or she urinates or defecates Putting the child on the potty chair at regular intervals during the day Explanation: For effective toilet training, parents should allow 1 to 2 weeks to psychologically prepare the child for training, using training pants that slide down easily and quickly, praising the child when he or she urinates or defecates, limiting the time spent on the potty chair to no longer than 10 minutes (or less if the child is resistant), and putting the child on the potty chair at regular intervals during the day.

When observing a group of toddlers playing in a child care setting, it is noted that the toddlers are all playing with buckets and shovels but are not playing with each other. This type of play is referred to as:

parallel play. The toddler's play moves from the solitary play of the infant to parallel play, in which the toddler plays alongside other children but not with them. Onlooker play is when the child watches others playing but does not engage with them. In associative play toddlers form a group and may even play with the same toy but there is no formal structure of the group.

The nurse is watching toddlers at play. Which normal behavior would the nurse observe?

Toddlers engage in parallel play. Explanation: Toddlers typically play alongside another child (parallel play) rather than cooperatively. Infants engage in solitary play.

During a wellness check up for a 4-year-old client, the parents state, "We just moved into a new home and our child has begun wetting and defecating in the underwear. Which response by the nurse is approprite?

"This is a normal response to stress during childhood." Explanation: The child is exhibiting signs of returning (regressing) to an earlier, possibly safer stage of development caused by a stressor (moving). This is a normal response children have to stress and will subside. There is no indication of a urinary tract infection or constipation; therefore, the nurse would not need to ask about frequency or pain. The nurse should first address the parent's concern and not simply inform the primary health care provider.

A toddler is hospitalized and the nurse wants to make the transition from home to hospital as easy as possible for him. Which action by the nurse would be most beneficial to assist the toddler in adapting to the hospital?

Follow the child's home routines as much as possible while in the hospital. Explanation: Ritualism is used by toddlers to help them adjust to new situations and provide security for them. By adhering to the home routines regarding such things as bedtime rituals or how they get dressed, the child is much more comfortable and more likely to positively adjust to the hospitalization. Telling the toddler what to do, preventing the parents from performing care tasks, and giving control over to the child for decisions all would be counterproductive to adjusting to hospitalization.

The nurse is completing a physical assessment of a 15-month-old Which objective data would the nurse document as normal findings? Select all that apply.

Heart rate of 100 beats per minute Lordosis Waddling gait A toddler typically has a heart rate from 90 to 110 beats per minute, evidence of decreasing body fat, a "pouchy" abdomen, lordosis, and a waddling or wide-based gait.

A 2-year-old child is shopping with her mother when she suddenly falls to the ground and begins to scream, "I want it!" over and over regarding a bag of candy. What would the nurse recommend to the mother to deal with this behavior? Select all that apply.

Remain calm and ignore the tantrum. Do not reward the behavior by giving into the toddler's demands and buying the candy. Pick the toddler up and move her to a safe environment but do not give in to her desires. Explanation: Temper tantrums in toddlers are very common as they try to control their environment and the caregiver's environment. They become frustrated at their inability to do so or to verbalize their desires. If a toddler has a temper tantrum, the best thing for the parent to do is ignore them and protect them from harm. Parents cannot reason with a toddler—they lack the ability to understand or the desire to change their behavior. Never give in to their demands; they will only learn that if you scream loud enough, they get their way. However, spanking is not recommended. The child has just lost control and needs time to regain self-control.

In discussing their 2-year-old's behavior with the nurse, which of the parents' statements suggests the child may be ready for toilet teaching?

The child hides behind her bedroom door when defecating. Explanation: Hiding while defecating indicates awareness of this need. Repeating words promotes language development but doesn't indicate readiness for toilet teaching. Walking with a wide, swaying gait is early walking behavior. Steady walking and running signals toileting readiness. Removal of shoes and socks is easily done. Greater fine motor clothing removal skill is needed for toileting.

The nurse observing toddlers in a day care center notes that they may be happy and pleasant one moment and overreact to limit setting the next minute by throwing a tantrum. What is the focus of the toddler's developmental task that is driving this behavior?

The need for separation and control Explanation: Emotional development in the toddler years is focused on separation and individuation. The focus in infancy is on love and belonging, and the need for peer approval occurs in the adolescent. Safety and security are concerns in all levels of development, but not the primary focus.

The nurse is explaining safety precautions for toddlers to the mother of a normal 30-month-old boy. Which activity might the nurse suggest may be done without supervision?

Undressing himself The child would be capable of safely dressing or undressing himself with some success. Turning on the bath water, playing in the basement, or eating a mid-afteroon snack could present significant risk for injury if not supervised.

Parents and their nearly 3-year-old child have returned to the clinic for a follow-up appointment. Which of the findings may signal a speech delay?

Uses two-word sentences or phrases Explanation: A child nearly 3 years of age should speak in three- to four-word sentences. The other findings indicate normal expressive language for the age.

During a clinic visit, the nurse notes a set of twin toddlers have their shoes on the wrong feet and pants inside-out. The mother states that she, "lets them dress themselves." What is the best response to this mother?

"I like to see them developing their independence." Explanation: When toddlers dress themselves, they invariably put shoes on the wrong feet and shirt and pants on backwards. The nurse should encourage parents to give up perfection for the benefit of the child's developing sense of autonomy. The other statements are negative and not appropriate as they criticize the parent for letting the child be independent with dressing themselves.

After teaching the mother of a 13-month boy old about suggestions for bathing and hygiene, the nurse determines that the teaching was successful when the mother states:

"It might be best to give him a bath in the evening." Explanation: The young child's increased activity level necessitates bathing daily or every other day. A good time to bathe the child is after eating, either after breakfast or in the evening. Hair is washed two to three times per week with a mild shampoo. Bubble baths should be avoided, to prevent urethral irritation and possible development of cystitis. Some children may have fears associated with bathing such as being afraid of being sucked down the plug hole. In this case, do not drain the tub until the child is out of the room.

During a well-child visit, the nurse observes the child saying "no" to her mother quite frequently. The mother asks the nurse, "How do I deal with her saying no all the time?" What would be appropriate for the nurse to suggest? Select all that apply.

"Limit the number of questions you ask of her." "Make a statement instead of asking a question." "Offer her two options from which to choose." Explanation: A toddler's "no" can best be eliminated by limiting the number of questions asked of the child. In addition, using statements instead of asking questions and keeping the child to a choice between two options are effective. Using timeout is a discipline measure and would be inappropriate to counteract a toddler's negativism. Offering a choice rather than a bribe such as ice cream is more effective and longer lasting for modifying the child's behavior.

During the toddler years, the child attempts to become autonomous. Which statement by a 3-year-old toddler's caregiver indicates that the toddler is developing autonomy?

"My toddler uses the potty chair and is dry all day long." Explanation: During the toddler years, the toddler separates from his or her parents, recognizes one's own individuality and exerts autonomy. Being toilet trained is an example of the toddler developing autonomy or independence. Having temper tantrums is a normal response of the toddler as it is a way the toddler expresses frustration of being tired or not being able to accomplish a task. Having the parent pick up the child after the child falls is a security and emotional need. All children need this, so it is not indicative of toddlerhood or autonomy. Having the same routine for bedtime each night provides security but it does not demonstrate autonomy.

A nurse is teaching the parents of a toddler how to promote nutrition. Which suggestions would be most helpful? Select all that apply.

"Start with a small amount of food on the plate at a time." "Don't be alarmed if the child wants to eat the same food repeatedly." "Try to use colorful foods on the plate." Explanation: Typically, a toddler's appetite is smaller than that of an infant. Because the actual amount of food eaten daily varies among children, the nurse should suggest placing a small amount of food on the plate and allowing the child to eat it and ask for more, rather than serving a large portion of food the child cannot finish. Toddlers also prefer to eat the same type of food over and over because of the sense of security this offers. Toddlers usually do not like food that is "mixed up" such as casseroles. Often they prefer foods that do not touch one another. Moreover, they often prefer brightly colored to bland foods. Allowing choices is appropriate; however, parents should limit the choice to two types of food, rather than several.

The nurse is interviewing a 3-year-old girl who tells the nurse: "Want go potty." The parents tell the nurse that their daughter often speaks in this type of broken speech. What would be the nurse's appropriate response to this concern?

"This is a normal, common speech pattern in the 3-year-old and is called telegraphic speech." Explanation: Telegraphic speech is common in the 3-year-old. Telegraphic speech refers to speech that contains only the essential words to get the point across, much like a telegram. In telegraphic speech the nouns and verbs are present and are verbalized in the appropriate order. Echolalia (repetition of words and phrases without understanding) normally occurs in toddlers younger than 30 months of age. "Why" and "what" questions dominate the older toddler's language. Stuttering usually has its onset at between 2 and 4 years of age. It occurs more often in boys than in girls. About 75% of all cases of stuttering resolve within 1 to 2 years after they start.

The nurse is teaching the parents of a 2-year-old child how to handle the child's temper tantrums. The nurse determines that the teaching was successful if the parents make which statement?

"We will ignore our child while having the tantrum." Explanation: The best response is to tell a child simply that the parent disapproves of the tantrum and then ignore it. Bribery, such as saying that the child can have a treat if the behavior stops, is rarely effective because by accepting the child's wishes, the parent is encouraging the child to have more tantrums because he or she was successful. Placing the child in time-out does not deal with the actual tantrum. When a child is placed in time-out, the appropriate length is 1 minute per year of age (2 minutes for this child). Tantrums are a result of the child not being able to appropriately express their needs, desires, or frustrations. It is not appropriate to attempt to reason with a upset 2-year-old child.

The nurse is teaching parents how to avoid a power struggle with their 2-year-old girl. Which comment indicates that more teaching is needed?

"We will make sure she shares her toys with cousins her age." Explanation: A 2-year-old's thinking is not mature enough to include the concept of "sharing." She sees situations from her point of view (egocentrism). That makes sharing with another beyond what she can accept as an understandable action. All the other statements are age appropriate and support the capabilities and growing independence of the toddler.

A nurse in a busy pediatric clinic is educating a group of parents with toddlers about the nutritional needs of this age group. Which concepts should be addressed in this educational presentation? Select all that apply.

Active, "busy" toddlers may need up to 1,400 cal/day. Try to limit the fat intake to less than 35% of total calories. Milk is still important to incorporate in the diet for bone health. Explanation: Active children in this age group may need up to 1,400 kcal daily. Children over 2 years old should have a total fat intake between 30% and 35% of calories, with most fat coming from sources of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, such as fish, nuts, and vegetable oils, the same as adults. Adequate calcium and phosphorus intake is important for bone mineralization. Milk should be whole milk until age 2 years, after which 2% milk can be introduced. Trans fats should be kept to a minimum. Diets high in sugar (like cookies) should be avoided to help prevent toddler obesity.

The nurse is teaching parents interventions appropriate to the emotional development of their toddlers. What is a recommended intervention for this age group?

Do not blame toddlers for aggressive behavior; instead, point out the results of their behavior. Explanation: Toddlers should not be blamed for their aggressive behavior; adults can assist the toddler in building empathy by pointing out when someone is hurt and explaining what happened. Adults should allow toddlers to rely upon a security item to self-soothe, as this is a function of autonomy and is viewed as a sign of a nurturing environment rather than one of neglect. Toddlers may question parents about the difference between male and female body parts and may begin to explore their own genitals. This is normal behavior in this age group. Offering limited choices is one way of allowing toddlers some control over their environment and helping them to establish a sense of mastery.

A single mother with three young children is reluctant to leave her crying and upset 16-month-old daughter overnight in the hospital but needs to go home to care for the other children. Which suggestion from the nurse will best address the fears and concerns of both the child and mother?

Encourage the mother to give the child a personal item of the mother's to hold on to until she returns and to tell the child a specific time she will return, such as "when breakfast comes in the morning." Explanation: When the family caregiver must leave the toddler, it may be helpful for the adult to give the child some personal item to keep until the adult returns. The caregiver can tell the child he or she will return "when the cartoons come on TV" or "when your lunch comes." These are concrete times that the toddler will probably understand. The toddler is too young to understand that staying is important for her recovery. Distracting the child while the mother leaves may increase the child's anxiety when she realizes her mother is gone. Although the child will be watched closely in the hospital setting, toddlers explore their environment wherever they are.

The nurse finds the diet of a 30-month-old girl to be low in calcium. What suggestion can significantly increase this toddler's calcium intake?

Give her slices of cheddar cheese as a snack. Two and one-half ounces of cheddar cheese provides the toddler's daily requirement of 500 mg of calcium. Chocolate milk provides calcium but the sugar it contains should not be a regular part of a toddler diet. Applesauce provides fiber, not calcium. Spinach and dark greens do contain calcium, but that calcium has limited bioavailability.

A nursing instructor is leading a class discussion exploring the various aspects of Erikson's theories of the developmental tasks of toddlers. The instructor determines the session is successful when the students correctly choose which task as a priority for toddlers?

Learning to act on one's own Explanation: Erikson's psychosocial developmental task for toddlers is to achieve autonomy (independence) while overcoming doubt and shame. Erikson's psychosocial developmental task for infants is to develop a sense of trust. Learning to speak and to understand and respond to discipline are not developmental tasks according to Erikson

The parents of a 2-year-old child born with short-gut syndrome feed their toddler via a feeding tube. Knowing this is a developmental time when children usually feed themselves, the parents are asking the nurses what they can do to help foster the child's independence. Which suggestion would be most appropriate at this time?

Let the child choose what clothing he or she will wear the next day. Explanation: If children are tube fed, they receive no experience at all with finger foods. For these children, parents should try to provide other, comparable experiences in independence, such as letting them choose what toy to take to bed or what clothing to wear. Playing, reading, or pretending a toy is food at feeding time are not appropriate activities since the child's feeding is usually scheduled around normal meal times.

The nurse is designing a nursing care plan for a toddler with lymphoma who is hospitalized for treatment. What is a priority intervention that the nurse should include in this child's nursing plan?

Monitoring the toddler for developmental delays Explanation: When the toddler is hospitalized, growth and development may be altered. The toddler's primary task is establishing autonomy, and the toddler's focus is mobility and language development. The nurse caring for the hospitalized toddler must use knowledge of normal growth and development to be successful in interactions with the toddler, promote continued development, and recognize delays. Parents should be encouraged to stay with the toddler to avoid separation anxiety. Planning activities and socialization of the toddler are important, but the priority intervention is monitoring for, and addressing, developmental delays that may occur in the hospital.

The nurse is presenting an in-service training to a group of pediatric nurses on the topic of play. The nurse determines the session is successful when the group correctly chooses which example as best displaying toddlers playing?

Playing independently and are side by side Explanation: Parallel play occurs when the toddler plays alongside other children but not with them. During cooperative play children play in an organized group with each other, as in team sports. Associative play occurs when children play together and are engaged in a similar activity but without organization, rules, or a leader—and each child does what she or he wishes. Solitary independent play means playing apart from others without making an effort to be part of the group or group activity.

The parents of a 2 year old are concerned because the toddler only says a few words. What strategies should the nurse suggest to the parents? Select all that apply.

Read books aloud to the toddler. Name aloud the objects being played with. Always answer questions using correct grammar. Explanation: Reading aloud is an effective way to strengthen vocabulary. Also, urge parents to encourage language development by naming objects as they play with their child or when they give their toddler something. This helps children grasp the fact words are not meaningless sounds; they apply to people and objects and have uses. Always answering a child's questions is another good way to do this. Watching television promotes little learning as the activity is passive and it is difficult to discern how language caused the action. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends television viewing should be severely limited until at least 2 years of age. Because children learn language from imitating what they hear, if they are spoken to in baby talk, their enunciation of words can be poor; if they hear examples of bad grammar, they will not use good grammar. Remind parents pronouns are difficult for children to use correctly; many children are 3½ or 4 years of age before they can separate the different uses of "I," "me," "him," and "her."

The pediatric nurse is presenting basic safety tips at a local health fair for families. The nurse should point out the majority of hospital visits for toddlers can be prevented by exercising which precaution?

Safely store all chemical substances Explanation: Poisoning is still the most common medical emergency in children with the highest incidence between the ages of 1 to 4 years. Even with precautionary labeling and "child-resistant" packaging of medication and household cleaners, children display amazing ingenuity in opening bottles and packages that catch their curiosity. Medications such as acetaminophen, salicylates (aspirin), laxatives, sedatives, tranquilizers, analgesics, antihistamines, cold medicines, and birth-control pills are commonly associated with poisoning and also need to properly stored out of reach of the toddler. The proper use of car seats, preventing access to electrical outlets, and bath time supervision are also noted to be the cause of medical emergencies. However, poisoning remains the number one reason.

During a wellness care visit, the parents of a 2-year-old toddler report that they are struggling to deal with their toddler's daily and increasing number of tantrums. What information should be provided to the parents? Select all that apply.

Tantrums are a common occurrence for a toddler of this age. Maintaining a consistent daily routine can help to reduce tantrums. Ignoring the behavior is often helpful in reducing the duration of the tantrum. Explanation: Temper tantrums can be a frequent occurrence in toddlerhood. Some toddlers are more prone to displaying these behaviors than others. For the toddler who experiences frequent tantrum outbursts, maintaining a consistent schedule for activities is helpful. Tantrum-prone toddlers benefit from consistent nap, meal and play periods. Ignoring the behavior signals to the toddler that the behavior is futile. Avoiding interaction with the toddler having the tantrum is beneficial. Discipline such as spanking, swatting or yelling at the toddler does not reduce the episode and may escalate it.

The nurse is providing guidance after observing a mother interact with her negative 2-year-old boy. For which interaction will the nurse advise the mother that she is handling the negativism properly?

Telling the child firmly that we don't scream in the office Explanation: Telling the child firmly that we don't scream in the office gets the point across to the child that his behavior is unacceptable while role modeling appropriate communication. Telling the child to stop tearing up magazines does not give him direction for appropriate behavior. Asking the child if he would quit throwing toys gives him an opportunity to say "no," and is the same as asking "OK?" at the end of a direction.

The nurse is observing a 24-month-old boy in a day care center. Which finding suggests delayed motor development?

The child is unable to push a toy lawnmower. Explanation: Children with normal motor development are able to push toys with wheels at 24 months of age. He won't be ready to undress himself, unscrew a jar lid, or bend over without falling until about 36 months of age.

The parents of twin 2-year-old toddlers are asking the nurse how to discipline the children. It seems they feed off one another's feelings and many times get into fights over everything. When giving advice about discipline, which statement should be shared with the parents? Select all that apply.

The rule with time out is tell the child why they are going to time out and keep it to 1 minute per year of age. The discipline the parents choose should be consistent for every time the child breaks the same rule. If possible, try to praise correct behavior rather than punish wrong behavior. Explanation: Parents should begin to instill some sense of discipline early in life because part of it involves setting safety limits and protecting others or property. Parents need to be consistent with their punishment. Rules are learned best if correct behavior is praised rather than wrong behavior punished. A "time-out" is a technique to help children learn that actions have consequences. To use a time-out effectively, parents first need to be certain their child understands the rule they are trying to enforce (e.g., "You can't hit people. If you hit your friend, you'll have time-out"). Parents should give one warning. If the child repeats the behavior, parents select an area that is nonstimulating, such as a corner of a room or a hallway. A guide as to how long children should remain in their time-out chair is 1 minute per year of age (e.g., a 2-year-old would stay in the corner for 2 minutes).

A nurse is assessing a 15 month old at a well-child visit. Which actions demonstrate that the child is achieving milestones? Select all that apply.

Uses 4 to 6 words when speaking Understands and follows simple commands Scribbles with a crayon Explanation: A 15 month old would typically use 4 to 6 words when speaking and scribble with a pencil or crayon. They also can follow simple commands. Walking up stairs independently or using just a hand rail is more typical of a 24 month old. Jumping down from a chair is more commonly associated with a 30 month old. Parallel play begins around 18 months and becomes evident by 24 months.

Parents share that their toddler often needs a snack in between meals. Which snack choice is nutritious enough to give the toddler energy but also may help prevent dental caries? Select all that apply.

orange slices cheese slices yogurt Explanation: Toddlers often need between-meal snacks. To help prevent dental caries from frequent snacking, encourage parents to offer fruit (e.g., bananas, pieces of apple, orange slices) or protein foods (e.g., cheese, pieces of chicken) for snacks rather than high-carbohydrate items such as cookies and candy bars to limit exposure of the child's teeth to carbohydrates. Calcium (found in large amounts in milk, cheese, and yogurt) is especially important for the development of strong teeth.

A mother is concerned because her 14-month-old son, who had a big appetite when breast-feeding a few months ago, seems uninterested in eating solid food. She still breast-feeds him daily, but is thinking of weaning him soon. How should the nurse respond to this mother?

"It is normal for toddlers to lose their appetites; try starting him with just a tablespoonful of food on his plate." Explanation: Because growth slows abruptly after the first year of life, a toddler's appetite is usually less than an infant's. Children who ate hungrily 2 months earlier now sit and play with their food. It is important to educate parents while the child is still an infant this decline in food intake will occur so they will not be concerned when it happens. Because the actual amount of food eaten daily varies from one child to another, teach parents to place a small amount of food on a plate and allow their child to eat it and ask for more rather than serve a large portion the child cannot finish. One tablespoonful of each food served is a good start. The nurse should recommend that the mother wean her son gradually to avoid confrontation, not all at once. Most toddlers insist on feeding themselves and generally will resist eating if a parent insists on feeding them.

A pediatric nurse is providing care to several children. The nurse is reviewing the assessment findings for each of the children. Which finding requires the nurse to intervene?

3-year-old preschool-aged child who goes up stairs on hands and knees Explanation: At 3 years of age, a child should be able to climb the stairs one step up at a time or using alternating feet. If the child can only go up on hands and knees, further evaluation is needed. At 9 months of age, an infant can pull oneself up to a standing position and sometimes is able to cruise around furniture or even walk. Toddlers begin to walk between 9 and 18 months of age. Toddler at 24 months of age engage in parallel play rather than cooperative play.

The nurse is assessing a toddler's fine motor skills. Which finding will concern the nurse?

Ability to turn door knobs Explanation: Turning knobs opens doors and may allow the child access to the outdoors or unsafe areas within the home. Close to follow will be the ability to unscrew lids, creating poisoning risks. The other abilities promote growth and development and involve lesser safety hazards.

A nurse is presenting a class on discipline for a group of parents of toddlers. What information would be important for the nurse to teach this group? Select all that apply.

Consistency in the rules is important so the child understands what is expected. If a child does something wrong, the parent must address the behavior immediately so the child understands what they did wrong. Even at this young age, children need boundaries. Explanation: Discipline for toddlers must have consistency and correct timing. Parents need to come to a consensus on how to discipline their child and do so consistently and in a unified fashion. Also, the toddler needs to receive negative feedback for negative behavior as soon as the infraction occurs so the child understands what they did wrong. Parents should never label the child as bad, just their behavior. Every child needs boundaries—it is just that every family's boundaries may vary. Discipline begins early in life and toddlers can learn self-control.

A parent with a 2-year-old invites a friend with a toddler over for a play date when they notice their children are not really interacting while playing. The children are playing side-by-side when one toddler gets up and grabs a toy car out of the hands of the other toddler, which results in both toddlers crying. To prevent this from occuring again, which intervention should the parents make?

Parents should ensure that toys in front of each child are "similar" to prevent fighting over one toy. Explanation: All during the toddler period, children play beside other children, not with them. This side-by-side play (parallel play) is not unfriendly but is a normal developmental sequence that occurs during the toddler period. Caution parents that if two toddlers are going to play together, they must provide similar toys because an argument over one toy is likely to occur. Avoiding introducing playing with others, time out, or lecturing toddlers about "sharing" concept are inappropriate at this time.

A nurse, who is also a mother of a 2-year-old child, attends a party at a friend's house and notes some safety concerns that she would like to share with the other mother privately. Which observations during the party would be considered a safety concern that should be addressed privately when appropriate? Select all that apply.

The nurse/mother notes that the toddler's car seat is located in the passenger front seat. The parent is busy entertaining guests and did not notice the toddler running out in the neighborhood street to get a toy. The parents allow the toddler to climb up on the counter and watch as food is stirred on the stove. Explanation: Toddlers' motor ability jumps ahead of their judgment. To prevent serious injury, the nurse should teach parents to be alert as to what their toddler is doing at all times (like climbing on a countertop next to a stove). Toddlers have no judgment concerning moving cars so they walk across streets with no regard for oncoming cars. Toddlers need to ride in a car seat with a five-point restraint placed in the back seat (not the front seat) so the child is not struck by the passenger seat airbag. Toddlers need to wear a helmet as soon as they begin riding a tricycle. Because they cannot swim well, parents need to check whether backyard pools—another area prone to unintended injury—are securely fenced.

A mother of a 2-year-old girl is asking her friend when she should start potty training the child. The mother expresses concern about the high cost of diapers and training pants and would really like to have her trained as soon as possible. Which advice by the friend would be considered the best response?

"When she is uncomfortable in her wet diaper and brings a clean diaper to you, that's a good indication she is ready for potty training." The markers of readiness are subtle, but as a rule, children are ready for toilet training when they begin to be uncomfortable in wet diapers. They demonstrate this by pulling or tugging at soiled diapers, or they may bring a parent a clean diaper after they have soiled so they can be changed. The other answers do not address this. Usually the child needs to walk well independently before training can occur.

While observing a 13-month-old and her parents in the playroom of the hospital unit, the nurse notes that the toddler is using her index finger to point towards a toy. What should the nurse say to the parents?

"Your daughter is demonstrating fine motor skills appropriate to her age by pointing with her index finger." Explanation: At 12 to 15 months of age the toddler should be feeding herself finger foods and using her index finger to point to objects. Turning the pages of books would not be expected until the age of 18 months.

A mother brings her 2-year-old child to the pediatrician's office, voicing concerns about her toddler's growth over the last year. According to the child's records, the toddler has gained 6 pounds (2.7 kg ) and grown 2.5 in (6.25 cm) since his last visit a year ago. How should the nurse respond to this mother's concerns?

Inform the mother that her toddler's growth is within normal limits and there is nothing to be worried about. Explanation: Normally, a toddler's growth is 5 to 10 pounds per year and about 3 inches in height. This child falls within the recommended parameters of growth and the mother has nothing to be worried about.

The parent of a 2-year-old client states it is the child's naptime. The child is refusing to take a nap and cries, "I have to put my babies to sleep first!" The parent states, "I am so sorry, I do not know what is wrong. My child does not act this way at home. My child has 2 baby dolls we rock to sleep each day at home before nap." Which response by the nurse is most appropriate?

"A 2-year-old child's behavior can be greatly altered if rituals are not maintained." Explanation: Ritualism employed by the young child to help develop security involves following routines that make rituals of even simple tasks. The child's self-esteem is built through familiarity with the daily routine. When these rituals are interrupted, the child's behavior can be negatively impacted, resulting in temper tantrums for 2-year-old children. The nurse can recommend someone bring the dolls to the hospital; however, the nurse first needs to address the parent's concern. Stating the child is "just acting out" does not address the parent's concern or current situation. There is nothing in the scenario indicating inconsistent discipline.

The parents of a 3-year-old who had bone cancer that resulted in amputation of the lower left leg ask their health care provider about expected behaviors for their child. Which behavior is expected and acceptable during hospitalization for treatments?

Crawling may be their preferred mode of travel because they may not want to wait for help to put the prosthesis on. Explanation: A toddler with a long-term illness or who is physically challenged can be expected to exhibit normal toddler behaviors, such as temper tantrums. A child who uses a lower extremity prosthesis, for example, might prefer to crawl somewhere rather than wait for help to put the prosthesis in place. Toilet training is difficult for a child who is hospitalized at periodic intervals because success usually requires a consistent caregiver; in addition, hospitalization can result in regressive behaviors. If a chronically ill child has difficulty with ambulation, soiling accidents may occur beyond the usual age because of an inability to reach a bathroom easily.

While awaiting an appointment at the doctor's office for his 20-month-old daughter, a young father is astonished to see his daughter assume a proper stance and swing a toy golf club in the play area of the waiting room. A nurse also observes the behavior, and the father recalls that his daughter saw him practicing his golf swing in their back yard a few days ago. The nurse explains that this is an instance of which of the following?

Deferred imitation Explanation: Children at this stage are able to remember an action and imitate it later (deferred imitation); they can do such things as pretend to drive a car or put a baby to sleep because they have not seen this just previously but at a past time. Toddlers engage in assimilation when they learn to change a situation (or how they perceive it) because they are not able to change their thoughts to fit the situation, such as shaking a toy hammer as if it were a rattle, because they are more familiar with rattles than hammers. All during the toddler period, children play beside children next to them, not with them. This side-by-side play (called parallel play) is not unfriendly but is a normal developmental sequence that occurs during the toddler period. Autonomy, or independence, is the primary developmental task of the toddler years, according to Erikson. Although this child's act may be a sign of autonomy, it is more specifically an act of deferred imitation.

The nurse is supervising a play group of children on the unit. The nurse expect the toddlers will most likely be involved in which activity?

Playing with the plastic vacuum cleaner and pushing it around the room Playtime for the toddler involves imitation of the people around them such as adults, siblings, and other children. Push-pull toys allow them to use their developing gross motor skills. Preschool children have imitative play, pretending to be the mommy, the daddy, a policeman, a cowboy, or other familiar characters. The school-age child enjoys group activities and making things, such as drawings, paintings, and craft projects. The adolescent enjoys activities they can participate in with their peers.

Parents are asking a pediatric nurse how to deal with separation anxiety every time they try to have an adult night out. Which advice by the nurse sounds like the most appropriate way to handle this situation?

"Inform the child that you are going out but the regular babysitter will care for them and put them to bed." Explanation: Most toddlers react best to separation if a regular babysitter is employed or if the day care center has consistent caregivers. It helps if toddlers have fair warning they will have a babysitter. No matter how well prepared toddlers are, they may cry when the babysitter actually appears or may greet the babysitter warmly only to cry when the parents reach for their coats. It helps if parents say good-bye firmly, repeat the explanation they will be there when the child wakes in the morning, and then leave. Prolonged good-byes only lead to more crying. Sneaking out prevents crying and may ease the parents' guilt, but it can strengthen a child's fear of abandonment and so should be discouraged.

The parent of a 20-month-old todder reports the toddler has been becoming distraught when the parent leaves. The parent asks the nurse for advice about what is going on and how to best manage it. What information can be provided? Select all that apply.

"This is a normal happening for a toddler of this age." "As your toddler begins to learn that you will return the toddler will become less upset." "Establishing a routine for saying goodbye to your toddler will be helpful." Explanation: Separation anxiety occurs initially in infancy and then reoccurs again during the toddler stage. Separation anxiety for the toddler is normal. As the toddler begins to develop an understanding of object constancy, separation anxiety will ease. The toddler, while missing the parent, will begin to recognize that the parent will return. Establishing a routine for saying goodbye is helpful for the toddler. There is no indication that the care providers are problematic.

A group of caregivers of toddlers are discussing the form of discipline in which the toddler is placed in a "time-out" chair. Which statement made by these caregivers is most appropriate related to this form of discipline?

"When my son starts getting frustrated and aggressive, I remind him that if he throws a fit he will have to go to time-out." Explanation: A method for a toddler who is not cooperating or who is out of control is to send the child to a "time-out" chair. This should be a place where the toddler can be alone but observed without other distractions. The duration of the isolation should be limited—1 minute per year of age is usually adequate. Caregivers should warn the toddler in advance of this possibility, but only one warning per event is necessary. The chair should be used for discipline, not because the toddler will not go take a nap. It can be used for all ages of children.

A mother of a 2-year-old girl is asking her friend when she should start potty training the child. The mother expresses concern about the high cost of diapers and training pants and would really like to have her trained as soon as possible. Which advice by the friend would be considered the best response?

"When she is uncomfortable in her wet diaper and brings a clean diaper to you, that's a good indication she is ready for potty training." Explanation: The markers of readiness are subtle, but as a rule, children are ready for toilet training when they begin to be uncomfortable in wet diapers. They demonstrate this by pulling or tugging at soiled diapers, or they may bring a parent a clean diaper after they have soiled so they can be changed. The other answers do not address this. Usually the child needs to walk well independently before training can occur.

The father of a 2-year-old girl tells the nurse that he and his wife would like to begin toilet training their daughter soon. He asks when the right time is to begin this process. What should the nurse say in response?

"When she starts tugging on a wet or dirty diaper, she is letting you know she's ready." Explanation: The markers of readiness are subtle, but as a rule children are ready for toilet training when they begin to be uncomfortable in wet diapers. They demonstrate this by pulling or tugging at soiled diapers. Because physiologic development is cephalocaudal, the rectal and urethral sphincters are not mature enough for control in most children until at least the end of the first year, when tracts of the spinal cord are myelinated to the anal level. A good way for a parent to know a child's development has reached this point is to wait until the child can walk well independently. Toilet training need not start this early, however, because cognitively and socially, many children do not understand what is being asked of them until they are 2 or even 3 years old.

The nurse is preparing a presentation for a health fair which will illustrate various ways to help introduce siblings to a new member of the family. Which suggestion should the nurse prioritize to help older siblings, especially toddlers, understand the change in the family dynamics?

Plan time for the primary caregiver to focus on the toddler while the secondary caregiver focuses on the infant. Explanation: The secondary caregiver can occasionally take over the care of the new baby while the mother or other primary caregiver devotes herself to the toddler. The primary caregiver might also plan special times with the toddler when the new infant is sleeping and the caregiver has no interruptions. This approach helps the toddler feel special. Moving the older child to a larger bed lets the toddler take pride in being "grown up" now, but it should be done some time before the new baby appears. While acknowledging that time with another adult can be a special time, the main concern is for the toddler to understand they are not being replaced by the newest member of the family.

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