OCE 1001 Chapter 11
What are waste disposal facilities on land called?
everything but "fissure..."
Which of the following is/are responsible for releasing oil into the ocean? Choose all that apply.
Which of the following items is/are illegal to dump within 3 miles of the shore? Choose all that apply.
plastic, ground to less than 1 inch dunnage, ground to less than 1 inch
Which of the following items is/are illegal to dump within 3 to 12 miles of the shore? Choose all that apply.
tuna, because biomagnification results in high levels of methylmercury
A close friend of yours announces that she is newly pregnant and wants to go out for a nice seafood dinner to celebrate! You agree, but using your newfound knowledge on ocean pollution, you strongly advise her that in order to protect her baby from birth defects, she should avoid eating ________.
Mediterranean Sea
A cold-tolerate water clone of Caulerpa taxifolia was first introduced in which sea?
A recent poll indicates more than ________ of the American public consider themselves scientifically illiterate.
oil from offshore seeps
According to the World Health Organization definition of marine pollutants, __________ is not a pollutant.
All types of pollution are harmful, but _____ is among the least damaging forms
An environmental bioassay is used to determine the concentration of a pollutant that causes ________ mortality among a specific group of organisms within a specific time period.
everything except "sulfuric acid" and "a natural oil"
Based on the World Health Organization's definition of marine pollution, which of the following is/are considered to be a form of marine pollution? Choose all that apply.
35 grams/day
Based on the information in the graph, at which of the following consumption rates would eating tuna and swordfish start to become a possible health hazard?
toxic substances become increasingly concentrated in the tissues of organisms in each higher level of the food web
Biomagnification of toxic substances means that __________.
They have no natural predators and can dramatically alter the ecosystem.
Consider a coastal region that repeatedly experiences harmful algal blooms because of fertilizer runoff. A local politician suggests introducing the zebra mussel because they filter feed and will clear the water of the bloom. Why is this an ill-advised proposition from an ecological standpoint?
Given that the global ongoing, yearly average annual spillage of oil into the ocean from natural seeps and regular human activities such as transportation is approximately 1.4 billion liters, how much is due to natural seeps?
industrial runoff improper disposal of batteries burning fossil fuels
How does mercury get into the ocean? Choose all that apply.
phytoplankton to zooplankton to small fish to big fish
How does methylmercury make its way up the food chain?
2.4 million gallons per day for more than three months
How much oil was released by the Deepwater Horizon spill?
Marine pollution results in or is likely to result in harmful effects to marine life. Marine pollution is human-made. Marine pollution can be a substance or a form of energy.
Of the following statements, which is/are included in the World Health Organization's definition of marine pollution? Choose all that apply.
plastic waste strangles seals and birds.
Plastics cause significant biological damage in oceans when:
gene expression
Scientific studies have shown that fish exposed to PAHs in crude oil exhibited changes in ________ that are linked to developmental abnormalities, decreased embryo survival, and lower reproductive success.
may result in data that isn't applicable to other species
Scientists typical do not use a specific environmental bioassay to draw general conclusions about a pollutant because they ________.
primary treatment
Sewage treated at a facility typically undergoes ________.
Once a week
Since Tuna is sold in 5 ounce (142 grams) cans in the U.S.A., what is the most frequently you eat an entire can of tuna and not be above the average U.S. fish consumption rate?
The BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill was approximately ________ times larger than the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill.
lack predators and other natural controls
The biggest concern with biological pollutants is that they often __________.
The pollutant responsible for major declines in the populations of pelicans, ospreys, and other marine birds was __________.
normal oil tanker/shipping operations and urban run-off.
The two most significant human sources of oil pollution in the marine environment are:
natural gas explosion
What caused the Deepwater Horizon spill?
evaporation of the lighter components in the oil
What causes emulsification of an oil slick?
What form of chemical pollution results in neurological damage that can range from blindness to brain damage to paralysis and even death?
Photooxidation occurs. An oil slick is created. Emulsification occurs.
What happens after a surface oil spill? Choose all that apply.
intentional release during the Persian Gulf War
What is currently the largest oil spill in recorded history?
Burning of fossil fuels
What is the biggest single source of mercury?
0.000003 parts per million
What is the concentration of DDT in seawater?
Remains floating at sea
What is the fate of the largest proportion of plastic pollution that enters the oceans each year?
Urban runoff and individual vehicle owners
What is the greatest anthropogenic source of petroleum pollution to the ocean?
What percent of marine debris is composed of plastic?
What type of scale does the vertical, or y, axis use in this chart?
When was DDT banned in the United States?
In subtropical gyres
Where are the large floating regions of trash in all oceans of the world where plastics outnumber marine organisms several times over located?
Prince William Sound
Where did the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill occur?
Use a toothbrush with a replaceable head. Make a conscious effort to purchase items with reduced packaging.
Which of the following actions can be done to help prevent marine pollution? Choose all that apply.
tarballs mousse methane vapor
Which of the following are by-products of an oil slick? Choose all that apply.
everything except "skim..."
Which of the following are viable options for reducing the amount of plastic in the ocean? Choose all that apply.
Which of the following chemical pollutants can cause harmful algal blooms?
The seaweed Caulerpa has smothered ecosystems where it was introduced. The Atlantic comb jelly has damaged fisheries in the Black Sea. Zebra mussels have outcompeted native mussels in the Great Lakes region.
Which of the following correctly describes the impacts of known biological pollutants? Choose all that apply.
United States
Which of the following countries has not yet banned disposable plastic grocery bags?
Which of the following has been indicated as a cause of spontaneous abortions in sea lions and the death of shrimp in Escambia Bay, Florida?
Intentional dumping by the Iraqi army in 1991.
Which of the following is considered the world's largest oil spill?
Which of the following is not considered a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)?
Reduce the amount of waste entering the ocean
Which of the following is the best way to limit the amount of pollution found in the marine environment?
Cooling water from a shoreline power plant
Which of the following kinds of ocean pollution is an example of point source pollution?
The seaweed Caulerpa Petroleum Crude oil
Which of the following marine pollutants are biodegradable? Choose all that apply.
Mercury PCBs DDTs
Which of the following marine pollutants will bioaccumulate or biomagnify in the food web? Choose all that apply.
Which of the following materials is/are illegal to dump anywhere in the ocean?
Nitric aid
Which of the following pollutants is involved with acid rain production?
biomagnification bioaccumulation
Which of the following process(es) explain why DDT concentrations in predators such as osprey or bald eagles are higher than the DDT concentrations in their prey? Choose all that apply.
everything except "accumulating..."
Which of the following statements correctly explain the problems with plastics in the marine environment? Choose all that apply.
Cleaning up oil spills is difficult. Cleaning up oil spills is expensive Cleanup efforts can create new hazards.
Which of the following statements is/are true regarding the cleanup of oil spills? Choose all that apply.
It is considered a "possible hazard" to eat small quantities of fish if methylmercury concentrations in the fish are high. It is considered an "extreme danger" to eat large amounts of fish if the methylmercury concentrations in the fish are very high. It is considered a "safe level" to eat small quantities of fish if methylmercury concentrations in those fish are low.
Which of the following statements is/are true regarding the danger levels of mercury poisoning? Choose all that apply.
everything except "some oil slicks are caused by tarballs..."
Which of the following statements regarding the causes of oil and natural (methane) gas seeps and spills is/are correct? Choose all that apply.
Introduce microbes to begin the process of bioremediation. Skim floating oil off the surface immediately after the spill.
Which of the following techniques are the best options for cleaning up after an oil spill when considering the whole environment affected? Choose all that apply.
cigarette filters and plastic bags
Which two single-use items are the most common types of marine debris found during beach cleanups?
Which type of trash constitutes the majority of debris in the ocean?
Methylmercury-laden wastewater was intentionally released into the ocean.
Why do fish in Minamata Bay have such high methylmercury concentrations?
everything except " i.t breaks down arsenic..."
Why is DDT still a concern today, even though it has now been banned in the United States for decades? Choose all that apply.
everything except "there is..."
Why is plastic debris such a big problem in the ocean? Choose all that apply.
It was applied in swamps to kill mosquitos that spread malaria.
Why was DDT intentionally released into the environment?