OCE2001 M.1-M.7 quizes

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A marine organism is considered _____ if it lives in the water column.


All nekton are vertebrates.

Shorter, earlier and frequently

Animals living in warm water have _____ lives and reproduce


Climate refers to the atmospheric conditions in a specific location over a short period of time.


Copepods and krill are the biggest source of ______ in the sea.

Zooplankton Organisms that must consume food (cannot make their own)

Copepods, shrimp, and arrow worms are all examples of _____. (Select all that apply)


Coral reefs make up less than what percent of the ocean?


Deep water circulation is cold and high-pressured flowing at depths below _____ meters.


Diatoms contribute to what percent of total ocean primary production in cold waters?


During El Nino what happens to the ocean temperature on South Americas west coast?


Emerging shorelines are shorelines above current sea level, a good example is the U.S. Pacific coast.

The term Thermohaline circulation otherwise known as "Global conveyor belt" is the circulation of the ocean controlled by differences in temperature and salinity. The Global conveyor belt begins near the North Pole in the Atlantic ocean to the south and then back again. The Thermohaline Circulation slowly turn over the entire ocean through the oceans currents.

Explain the idea of Thermohaline circulation and the "global conveyor belt."

Cells absorb salt Discharge large volume of dilute urine

Fish that are hypertonic have the following salinity adaptations (Select all that apply)


Florida contains the largest deposit of what mineral?

Water Glaciers wind

How are sediments transported?

Move cold water toward the equator

How do Eastern boundary currents move water?

Increase buoyancy Swim continually

How do nekton stay above the ocean floor? (Select all that apply)

Simple diffusion

How do phytoplankton feed?

Underwater floats chemical tracers and water properties

How do we measure deep currents? (Select all that apply)

A few mm to cm a year

How fast do tectonic plates move?


How much energy is transferred from one trophic level to the next?


Hydrocarbon seeps are associated with oil and gas.

Long offshore deposits of sand parallel to coast Protect mainland from high wave activity and rising sea level Important to eco-tourism

In a couple sentences explain what barrier islands are and why they're so important.

ocean sediments can tell us about history of the ocean such as temperature. sediments tell us about past ocean events and history of things that might have happened. they also help provide a clearer history of where certain sediments came from. sediment cores reveal events such as mass extinctions, tsunamis, and more about earth past. some tools used to optian these are the cores, sediment thickness, study of tree rings, ice cores, and many more.

In a minimum of 3 sentences, briefly explain why we look at ocean sediments and sediment cores. What kind of information can these sediments tell us? What are some other tools used to look into Earth's past?

Pacific Ocean

In which basin is Marianas trench, the deepest part of the ocean?

1) Phytoplankton are the primary organisms at the base of the food chain in the oceans therefore without phytoplankton essentially all other organisms in marine and freshwater habitats would not exist. 2) phytoplankton also turn into oil when they fossilize after death. 3) plankton also help eat up carbon

List 3 ways that plankton are important to other critters and to ourselves.


Manatees suffer the same effects as polar bears, habitat destruction.


Many shallow water organisms depend on _____ for food.

1 volcano formed 2 fringing reef forming 3 volcano starts sinking 4 barrier reef is formed 5 volcano sinks below sea level

Match the following steps of coral atoll formation in chronological order. First step is 1, last step is 5

Neritic- Found on continental shelves Pelagic- Found in the deep-ocean basin

Match the location term with its definition.

Mutualism- a symbiotic relationship where both parties benefit Parasitism- a symbiotic relationship where one party benefits while the other is harmed Commensalism- a symbiotic relationship where a less dominant species benefits without harming its host

Match the type of symbiotic relationship with the correct definition.


Meroplankton spend only early life drifting.

Atmospheric winds

Ocean surface currents are driven by what?

high low

Oceans water and atmospheres air move from areas of _____ density and pressure to areas of ____ density and pressure.


Photosynthesis converts inorganic carbon into an organic form of carbon known as sugars.


Phytoplankton are micro-sized algae that stay small their life


Plankton can have spines, bristles and toxic chemicals to avoid predators.

Glacial deposits Fossil evidence Ancient rock layers

Select all evidence for continental drift discovered by Wegener.

spit barrier island sea stacks

Select all features that can be used to identify depositional shores.

Location Origin Size

Select all of the ways sediments are classified.

longshore currents

Select the following term(s) that refer to sand movement parallel to shoreline.

Marine protected areas MPA marine protected area marine protected areas

Special places in the ocean that are given protection, and where human activity is restricted, are called....


The Atlantic ocean is _______.


The Mid Atlantic Ridge is an example of what kind of plate boundary?


The Ocean is less diverse than land because the ocean is more uniform.


The biological pump starts with ______.

ocean acidification

The consequence of excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere dissolving into the oceans making the water more corrosive/acidic is called...


The crust closest to the mid ocean ridge is very young.


The earths highest mountains, deepest valleys, and flattest plains are all in the ocean?

East to West

The equatorial trade winds blow air toward the equator from ____ to _____.


The fine quartz grains on Florida beaches came from the weathering of biogenic material like shells.


The oceans carbonate system can change if what physical parameter of the ocean is disrupted?


The suns heat energy is distributed evenly across the globe due to the earths tilt.

Wind blown dust

What are abyssal clays primarily comprised by?

Protect tissues from abrasive sediment Constructing structurally sound burrows

What are some challenges for infaunal organisms? (Select all that apply)

Construction restrictions Relocation Beach replenishment

What are some examples of alternatives to hard stabilization? (Select all that apply)

Seawater contains dissolved substances Pure water has a lower boiling point Seawater has a lower freezing point

What are the difference between pure water and seawater? (select all that are true)


What color penetrated the ocean the deepest?

Mammary glands Breath air Warm blooded Have hair or fur at some point in their lives

What do marine mammals and land mammals share in common? (Select all that apply)

Cold salty water sinking at the poles

What drives the ocean conveyor belt that allows the ocean to work as a thermal sponge?

oxygen sugar

What is produced by photosynthesis? (Select all that apply)

35 g/kg

What is the average salinity of seawater?


What is the driving force of deep currents?


What is the limiting factor of primary production in the Tropics?


What is the zone that lies between the low tide line and the highest area on the land effected by storm waves?


What percent of all liquid water in the world is seawater?


What percent of earths water is comprised by the southern hemisphere?


What percent of marine species are NOT benthic?


What percent of organic matter sink into deeper water where it may be removed effectively from the atmosphere?


What percent of the excess heat from global warming is absorbed by the continents?

sea ice forming evaporation

What processes increase seawater salinity? (select all that apply)

Calcareous ooze

When foraminifera die and fall to the seafloor what is formed?

A stationary mantle plume

Where does the abundance of magma in hotspots come from?

Poles / high latitudes

Where is salinity lowest?


Which direction does the Coriolis effect defect in the Southern hemisphere?

Sulfur Iron

Which elements gives black smokers their color? (Select all that apply)

Slab Pull

Which of the 3 primary mechanisms driving plate tectonics is the dominant force?

Coccolithophores Cyanobacteria

Which of the following are considered Micro-sized producers? (select all that apply)

Seagrass meadows Mangrove forests Mud Flats

Which of the following are considered shallow water habitats? (Select all that apply)

Bioluminescence Long antennae

Which of the following are deep sea adaptations for feeding? (Select all that apply)

coral oysters

Which of the following are sessile organisms? (Select all that apply)

Recreational boating Military sonar

Which of the following are sources of noise pollution? (Select all that apply, or select "All of theses options" if all apply.)

Atmospheric deposition Upwelling Rivers

Which of the following are sources of nutrient input? (Select all that apply)

Partially enclosed Where freshwater and saltwater mix Highly productive

Which of the following are true about estuaries? (Select all that apply)

Seafloor spreading rate changes

Which of the following can cause Eustatic sea level change in terms of changes in the ocean basin capacity?

Cl Mg Na S

Which of the following molecules are part of the six major ions that make up salinity?

Currents Evaporation/Precipitation Wind belts

Which of the following physical changes are caused by the sun? (Select all that apply)

Burrowers crawlers

Which of these are common lifestyle adaptations for benthic organisms? (Select all that apply)

Hadal zone Abyssopelagic zone Bathypelagic zone

Which zones of the ocean are considered part of the deep sea?

glacial melting or freshwater input

Why is there a low pH layer?

Polar waters

Within the Physical carbon pump where does carbon sink?

Photic Aphotic Abyssal

Zooplankton can live in the ______ zone(s).

cold: high velocity

Zooplankton float easier in _________ waters.


___% of precipitation around the world falls back into the ocean.


______ is a technique used to help nekton avoid becoming prey


______ is the term used for an organism that lives on the seafloor.


______ whales are highly developed and more specialized to use sound. Please use one word and do not include whales in your answer.

marine bacteria

_______ are decomposers that breakdown fecal pellets into simple chemicals to be food again for phytoplankton.


_______ is the layer of rapidly changing salinity with depth


_______ swim relentlessly through the water actively seeking prey.

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