Oceania Countries and Capitals
What is the capital for Samoa (Sah-moe-ah)?
Apia (Ah-pee-ah)
What is the capital for Australia (Aus-trail-e-a)?
Canberra (Can-bear-a)
What is the capital for Guam (Goo-wahm)?
Hagatna (Ha-gat-ne-yah)
The capital for Antarctica?
No capital has been established.
The capital for the American Samoa (u.S Territory)?
Pago Pago (Pah-go x2)
What is the capital for Papua New Guinea (Pahp-wa New Gin-knee)?
Port Moresby (Port Mores-bee)
What is the capital for Fiji (Fee-gee)?
Suva (Sue-vah)
United States of America
Washington, D.C
What is the capital for New Zealand (Zee-land)?
Wellington (You know this ;) )