Oceanography Final

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T/F the least dense water are deep, salty, and cold.


T/F the smaller the mass, the more gravitational pull it has


T/F the single cell model of the general circulation was developed by George Hadley.


T/F tidal ranges are the largest when the Earth is nearest the sun


T/F The magnetic poles of the Earth reverse at regularly spaced intervals of 1,000,000 yers.


T/F We know the outer core is liquid and the inner core is solid because we drilled a hole to the center of the Earth last week.


T/F When Earth was first formed, it is thought our atmosphere was composed mainly of gold and lead - the two lightest elements


T/F the Pacific ring of fire refers to the fact that the Atlantic Ocean basin is ringed by volcanoes.


T/F the term "bathymetry" measures the vertical distance from the surface of the Earth to the top of land features such as mountains.


T/F As a spreading ridge opens, the magnetic minerals in the magma that is spreading the two sides of a ridge apart align with the present day magnetic poles


T/F Even the deep ocean floor has relief - that is mountains, submarine canyons, volcanic vents, faults, etc.


T/F Initially, the gases that came together to form our Earth are thought to have been cool.


T/F Pangea (or Pangaea) is the name of the one large continent that existed over 200 million years ago.


T/F Your text book says that there is only one ocean on Earth which is divided into 4 principle oceans and 1 other ocean.


T/F a hurricane is a tropical storm meaning that it forms in the tropical latitudes


T/F the Earth's internal structure (layers of the Earth) is defined by physical and chemical properties


T/F this is a passive continental margin (diagram)


When hot lava is emitted under the ocean, a special type of lava is formed. It is ________ lava. a. pillow b. basaltic c. felsic d. aa e. pahoehoe

a. pillow

The White Cliffs of Dover are made of ________. a. coccolithophores b. radiiolarians c. diatoms d. foraminifera e. silica

a. coccolithophores

The ________ extend from the shore beneath the ocean out to where there is a marked increase in slope. a. continental shelf b. continental crust c. continental rise d. abyssal plains e. oceanic crust

a. continental shelf

Which is NOT true of the Pacific Ocean? a. it is the smallest of the world's oceans b. it is the world's largest ocean c. it is the world's deepest ocean d. it is the Earth's largest geographic feature e. it was named by Ferdinand Magellan

a. it is the smallest of the world's oceans

______ are similar to groins but are built in pairs: a. Jetties b. Breakwaters c. Baymouth bars d. Seawalls e. None of the above

a. jetties

Which ancient European navigator determined the circumference fairly accurately? a. Columbus b. Eratosthenes c. Pytheas d. Herodotus e. Claudius Ptolemy

b. Eratosthenes

The continental and oceanic plates "ride" on the ____ a. mantel b. asthenosphere c. inner core d. outer core e. hot spots

b. asthenosphere

Which of the processes below can increase salinity? a. melting ice bergs b. formation of sea ice c. fresh water runoff from large rivers d. precipitation e. NONE of the above - they all increase salinity

b. formation of sea ice

Which of the following is designed to replenish beach sand or to retard shoreline erosion? a. beach nourishment b. groin c. seawall d. breakwater e. All of the above are used to try to prevent or retard shoreline erosion.

b. groin

Where is most of the Earth's fresh water stored? a. in the oceans b. in glacial ice and ice caps and ice sheets c. in lakes and streams d. in the atmosphere e. in the ground and aquifers

b. in glacial ice and ice caps and ice sheets

Who does your text say first described continental drift? a. Ferdinand Magellan b. Claudius Ptolemy c. Alfred Wegener d. Robinson Caruso e. Christopher Columbus

c. Alfred Wegener

Which location has the largest tidal range? a. Amazon River b. Orinoco River c. Bay of Fundy d. San Francisco Bay e. St. Lawrence Seaway

c. Bay of Fundy

How many new marine species are found annually? a) Couple dozen b) Couple hundred c) Couple thousand d) Couple million e) Couple

c. couple thousand

__________ are stabilized by grasses and protects lagoons from strong storms a. Baymouth bars b. Spits c. Dunes d. Groins e. Jetties

c. dunes

Which is the most dangerous part of a hurricane? a. left front quadrant b. left rear quadrant c. right front quadrant d. right rear quadrant e. the eye

c. right front quadrant

During the time Pangea (or Pangaea) there was one large ocean named the _________ Ocean. a. Pacific b. Europa c. Arctic d. Panthalassa e. Cassini

d. Panthalassa

What is the correct order of the SMALLEST subgroups of taxonomy from smallest to largest? a. Kingdom, Phylum, Class b. Species, Family, Genus c. Kingdom, Class, Phylum d. Species, Genus, Family e. NONE of the above

d. Species, Genus, Family

Which is NOT true of a tsunami? a. They are also called seismic sea waves b. They are most commonly caused by earthquakes c. They can be caused by volcanic eruptions d. They can be caused by hurricanes e. NONE of the above - they are all true of tsunamis.

d. They can be cause by hurricanes

Who sailed on a balsa raft to demonstrate migration of South Americans to Pacific Ocean islands? a. Hypatia b. Pytheas c. Eratosthenes of Cyrene d. Thor Heyerdahl e. Prince Henry the Navigator

d. Thor Heyerdahl

Th building blocks of matter are: a. protons b. neutrons c. electrons d. molecules e. NONE of the above

e. NONE of the above

Which does NOT apply to nektonic "critters"? a. Independent swimmers b. Most adult fish and squid c. Marine mammals d. Marine reptiles e. NONE of the above - they ALL apply to nektonic "critters".

e. NONE of the above - they ALL apply to nektonic "critters."

Ocean currents are moving loops of water. Which of the below does NOT pertain to ocean currents? a. Each ocean basin has its own circulation pattern. b. Currents redistribute global heat. c. Thermohaline circulation affects deep currents. d. Currents affect marine life. e. NONE of the above - they ALL pertain to ocean currents

e. NONE of the above - they ALL pertain to ocean currents

Which is NOT true of La Nina? a. There is an increased pressure difference across equatorial Pacific b. The Trade winds are strong. c. There is stronger upwelling in eastern Pacific due to the strong Trade winds. d. Cooler than normal seawater e. NONE of the above - they all pertain to a La Nina.

e. NONE of the above - they all pertain to a La Nina

Which does NOT pertain to the Great Oxidation Event? a. It occurred about 2.45 billion years ago b. Oxygen and ozone were introduced into the atmosphere killing the anaerobic bacteria's food supply. c. Anaerobic bacteria - the only life on Earth - consequently died. d. Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) thrived. e. NONE of the above - they all pertain to the Great Oxidation Event.

e. NONE of the above - they all pertain to the Great Oxidation Event

Which is NOT a consequence of an ENSO event? a. Droughts in Australia and Indonesia b. Suppression of upwelling off coast of South America (no nutrients, no fish, no guano) c. Decrease of Atlantic hurricanes; slight increase of eastern Pacific hurricanes d. Warmer than normal conditions in Pacific northwest. e. NONE of the above - they are ALL consequences of an ENSO event.

e. NONE of the above - they are ALL consequences of an ENSO event

T/F "mP" air masses are cool/cold and dry


T/F Osmosis refers to a process whereby water molecules move from areas of higher concentration to lower concentration.


T/F Plankton are bottom dwellers


T/F The Ekman Transport is approximately at 180º to the direction of the wind.


T/F The Nile Delta is a bird's foot delta


T/F The salinity of the oceans is low in high latitudes (polar regions) due to high evaporation rates and fresh water discharge from large rivers like the Amazon.


T/F The sun has the most effect on the tides because it is so far from the Earth and moon.


T/F There are more barrier islands off the West coast of the United States than off the East coast.


T/F Tidal waves are generated by the gravitational pull between the Earth and the moon


T/F Western Boundary Currents are cold, slow, shallow, and wide


T/F When 2 continental plates with the same densities collide, tears called rifts are formed.


T/F a diurnal tide two high tides and two low tides per day


T/F a grunion is a type of structure used to stop the loss of sand from a beach


T/F about 98% of marine species are pelagic


T/F salt marshes are found on the landward side of a barrier island


T/F some bioluminescent fish are blind


T/F on the winter solstice in the southern hemisphere, the sun's rays are perpendicular overhead at 23.5 degrees N


T/F "Life" might have started in hydrothermal vent areas


T/F A rip current flows perpendicular to the shoreline and can transport people out to sea.


T/F After WWII (World War 2), new technology developed during the war helped the USA to determine how to map the sea floor by using SONAR.


T/F As the Proto Earth cooled, it became density stratified.


T/F Boulder, Colorado is in the westerly wind belt in the northern hemisphere


T/F Brackish water is less saline than hypersaline water


T/F Tsunamis have extremely long wavelengths


T/F Geologic "hot spots" are areas where there are abundant earthquakes.


T/F Gravitational attraction is directly proportional to the distance between two masses (either the Earth and Moon or the Earth and sun).


T/F Greenland is over both a "hot spot" and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.


T/F Mt. Everest is higher than the Mariana Trench is deep.


T/F The living members of hydrothermal vent communities rely on photosynthesis to be able to obtain energy.


Which sequence of layers of the Earth is out of order if the first layer is the least dense and the last layer is the most dense? a. oceanic crust, continental crust, mantle b. mantle, outer core, inner core c. lithosphere, asthenosphere, mantle d. asthenosphere, mantle, inner core e. oceanic crust, asthenosphere, mantle

a. oceanic crust, continental crust, mantle

____ heat is the energy necessary to build or break molecular bond during a change of state. a. specific b. latent c. electrical d. hypersaline e. NONE of the above are correct.

b. latent

The zigzag movement of water along the shore is called: a. Swash b. Longshore drift c. Breaker zone d. Surf zone e. Longshore current

b. longshore drift

All the words below belong together except: a. full moon b. neap tide c. new moon d. spring tide e. syzygy

b. neap tide

Microorganisms increase buoyancy with: a. Air b. Oil c. Water d. Streamlining e. NONE of the above

b. oil

Which of the following words does not belong with the others? (HINT: Think composition of the choices) a. spit b. sea stack c. barrier island d. delta e. baymouth bar

b. sea stack

Which is the main reason we have seasons? a. The Earth revolves around the sun. b. The Earth is titled on its axis. c. The seasons help to regulate the uneven heat energy of the Earth d. The Earth is in an elliptical orbit. e. A change of seasons is more interesting than not.

b. the Earth is tilted on its axis

What is smaller than bacterioplankton and may limit abundance of other plankton through infection? a. Holoplankton b. Virioplankton c. Picoplankton d. Meroplankton e. Macroplankton

b. virioplankton

The _____________ is the point on Earth closest to the Moon. a. nadir b. zenith c. result force d. solar day e. None of the above

b. zenith

At present, the Earth's axis is tilted 23.5º to the plane of the ___________. a. ellipse b. eccentric c. ecliptic d. normal e. NONE of the above, the Earth's axis is not titled.

c. ecliptic

A _________ seep is characterized by low temperature, high salinities (46.4 parts per thousand), waters rich in hydrogen sulfide which can support chemosynthesis. a. hydrothermal b. carbon c. hypersaline d. cold e. ALL of the above fit the description

c. hypersaline

One of the most important sediment properties is ________ because it is proportional to energy of transportation and deposition a. sediment type b. sediment age c. sediment grain size d. sediment density e. sediment specific heat.

c. sediment grain size

______________ is the average kinetic energy of molecules in a substance: a. Latent heat b. Specific heat c. Temperature d. Energy e. Heat capacity

c. temperature

Which is NOT a property of water? a. Water is cohesive. b. Water has a high surface tension. c. Water molecules are bonded together ionically. d. Water can exist in all 3 states (liquid, solid, and gas) at normal Earth temperatures. e. NONE of the above - they are ALL properties of water.

c. water molecules are bonded together ionically

_____________ is the instantaneous state of the atmosphere. a. climate b. rain c. weather d. hot e. none of the above

c. weather

__________________ are large, homogeneous bodies of air with similar temperature and humidity characteristics. a. climates b. fronts c. seas d. air masses e. El Niños

d. air masses

Which air mass never (at least so far) has impacted the United States? a. cP b. mP c. cA d. mE e. None of the above

d. mE

The change of density with depth in the oceans is called the: a. thermocline b. halocline c. evapocline d. pycnocline e. density-o-cline

d. pycnocline

Fine layers of carbonates that live in warm, shallow-ocean, high salinity water are known as _____. a. fish b. blobs of algae c. diatoms d. stromatolites e. None of the above.

d. stromatolites

Which is NOT true of a hydrothermal vent area? a. Discovered in 1977 by Robert Ballard off the Galapagos Islands b. Rifts in the Earth's crust expose magma and water seeps into the rifts and is heated c. Life in the vent areas are chemosynthetic d. Vents are permanent structures e. All of the above are true of hydrothermal vent areas

d. vents are permanent structures

________________ is the universal solvent. a. alcohol b. sulfuric acid c. hydrochloric acid d. water e. hydrofluoric acid

d. water

Which is NOT evidence for continental drift or plate tectonics? a. evidence of glaciation in now tropical regions b. fossil evidence of palm trees in Colorado c. same species (or relatives of the species) of animals that couldn't swim or fly found on either side of an ocean basin d. the Appalachian mountains found on the eastern coastal states of the US are the same mountains that are now found in Scotland. e. NONE of the above - they are ALL evidence for continental drift or plate tectonics

e. NONE of the above - they are ALL evidence for continental drift or plate tectonics

Which is NOT a feature of the mid ocean ridges? a. downdropped area on crest of ridge b. marked by fissures and faults c. small earthquakes d. sediments thinly deposited e. NONE of the above - they are ALL feature of mid ocean ridges

e. NONE of the above - they are ALL feature of mid ocean ridges

Which is NOT true of a warm episode of El Niño, Southern Oscillation (ENSO)? a. There is a high pressure near Darwin, Australia, and a low pressure Tahiti, French Polynesia. b. The Southeast Trade winds are weaker c. Thermocline in the eastern, South Pacific Ocean basin deepens. d. Lower biological productivity in the eastern South Pacific Ocean basin due to weakened upwelling. e. NONE of the above - they are ALL true of a warm ENSO event.

e. NONE of the above - they are ALL true of a warm ENSO event

Which is NOT true of subtropical gyres? They are bounded by: a. an equatorial current b. a western boundary currents c. a northern or southern boundary currents d. an eastern boundary currents e. NONE of the above - they are ALL true of sub-tropical boundary gyres.

e. NONE of the above - they are ALL true of sub - tropical boundary gyres

Which is NOT true of the thermohaline circulation? a. The thermohaline currents originate in the northern and southern hemisphere in the Polar Regions. b. When sea ice freezes, the salt falls out of the ice making the water below the ice denser. c. At these high latitudes, the cold and the added salt makes these waters sink because they become so dense. d. These deep water currents flow through the Earth's ocean basins and finally upwell. e. NONE of the above - they are ALL true of the thermohaline circulation.

e. NONE of the above - they are ALL true of the thermohaline circulation

Which is NOT part of the Earth's hydrologic cycle? a. Evaporation b. Precipitation c. Runoff d. Condensation e. NONE of the above - they are all part of the Earth's hydrologic cycle.

e. NONE of the above - they are all part of the Earth's hydrologic cycle

Which is not a part of the study of PHYSICAL oceanography? a. waves b. tides c. tsunamis d. currents e. NONE of the above - they are all part of the study of physical oceanography

e. NONE of the above - they are all part of the study of physical oceanography

Which of the following is NOT true about the 1968 Deep Floor Drilling Project? a. The Glomar Challenger was the deep sea drilling ship that conducted the project. b. The results confirmed that the sea floor does spread. c. It confirmed the age of the sea floor. d. It confirmed sediment thickness as well as magnetic polarity. e. NONE of the above - they are all true about the 1968 Deep Floor Drilling Project.

e. NONE of the above - they are all true about the 1968 Deep Floor Drilling Project

Which does NOT describe submarine canyons? a. narrow, deep, V-shaped in profile b. steep to overhanging walls c. extend to base of continental slope d. carved by turbidity currents e. NONE of the above, they all described submarine canyons

e. NONE of the above, they all describe submarine canyons

Which is NOT associated with internal waves? a. They are associated with pycnocline b. They are larger than surface waves c. They can be caused by tides, turbidity currents, winds, ships d. They are a possible hazard for submarines e. NONE of the above, they are all associated with internal waves.

e. NONE of the above, they are all associated with internal waves

Which is NOT true of erosional coastlines? a. Headlands are eroded due to wave refraction and the coastline tends to straighten. b. Wave-cut cliffs are formed. c. Sea arches can be formed. d. Sandy coves can exist. e. NONE of the above, they are all true of erosional coastlines.

e. NONE of the above, they are all true of erosional coastlines

The equation F= (m_1 m_2)/r^2 is the _____ a. Wein's Law b. First law of thermodynamics c. Stefan-Boltzmann's Law d. Second law of thermodynamics e. Newton's Law of universal gravitation

e. Newton's Law of universal gravitation

The center of mass of the Earth-Moon system is called the: a. aphelion. b. apogee. c. perigee. d. perihelion. e. barycenter

e. barycenter

Which ISN'T a salt? a. sodium b. manganese c. calcium d. potassium e. gold

e. gold

A full lunar tidal cycle is: a. 12 hours in duration. b. 12 hours 25 minutes in duration. c. 24 hours in duration. d. 48 hours in duration. e. None of the above.

e. none of the above

Which is NOT a classification of marine sediments? a. cosmogenous b. lithogenous c. biogenous d. hydrogenous e. None of the above - they all describe marine sediments

e. none of the above - they all describe marine sediments

What characteristic of water does "celerity" refer? a. clearness b. salinity c. temperature d. density e. speed

e. speed

The tidal generating forces create two simultaneous bulges, one on the side of the Earth directed toward the Moon (the ____) and the other on the other side directed away from the moon (the _____). a. zenith, equator b. nadir, equator c. centripetal force, Coriolis force d. poles, equator e. zenith, nadir

e. zenith, nadir

T/F in a plate collision, the more dense plate goes over the less dense plate


T/F in order for heating to occur, heat energy must be reflected


T/F neritic sediments are those that are found in deep ocean basins


T/F the eastern coast of the US is an erosional coastline


T/F the term planktonic, nektonic, and benthos are terms that refer to erosional shorelines


T/F the two types of siliceous, biogenous sediments are foraminifera and radiolarians


T/F there are two types of ocean margins: 1. physical and 2. chemical.


T/F this is more likely to be a cold water species (lots of appendages)


T/F Constructive interference increases wave height


T/F Converging surface water cause downwelling while diverging surface water causes upwelling


T/F Infauna are bottom dwellers that bury into the soft sediments


T/F Internal waves are generated at interfaces between water with different densities


T/F Isostatic rebound from glacial ice melting is occurring in parts of the northeast and north central United States.


T/F Meanders or loops may cause loss of water volume and generate both warm and cold core rings


T/F Paleoceanography is the study of how ocean, atmosphere, and land interactions have produced changes in ocean chemistry, circulation, biology, and climate.


T/F SONAR involves sending out a sound signal to a target, and measuring how long it takes for it to return to a receiver.


T/F The Chesapeake Bay is a drowned river basin that is so large Coriolis causes the waters of the bay to rotate (similar to a gyre) when the tides change.


T/F The halocline occurs where there is a steep decrease in salinity from the surface to the bottom of the ocean.


T/F The pH of the oceans are buffered by the precipitation and dissolution of calcium carbonate meaning that the oceans are capable of absorbing carbon dioxide without much change in its pH.


T/F The two most common biogenous sediments are made of calcium or silica


T/F Transitional waves have the characteristics of both shallow and deep waves


T/F When Dinoflagellates (a type of red algae) over produce and die, their decomposition uses oxygen which can mean other "critters" can suffocate.


T/F When using beach stabilization methods, usually one part of the beach gains sand while another loses sand.


T/F a fjord is a drowned glacial valley


T/F a solar day is shorter than a lunar day by 50 minutes


T/F a spit is a linear ridge of sediment that extends in the longshore drift


T/F a tombolo is a sand ridge that connects an island or sea stack to the mainland


T/F a wave train is formed as deep water waves move away from the fetch that generated them


T/F boundaries between air masses are called fronts


T/F coastal waters are relatively shallow and they are influence by tides, rivers, and wind.


T/F heat capacity is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of any substance by 1°C.


T/F heat energy exchanged in evaporation=condensation cycle in part make life possible on earth


T/F if the wave height reaches 1/7 of the wavelength, the wave will break


T/F in the both hemispheres, winds blow out of areas of high pressure and into areas of low pressure.


T/F in the high latitudes, there is more heat lost than gained.


T/F life is defined as having a metabolism and having the ability to reproduce as a species


T/F on Earth, we have interior heat that allows us to "recycle" our crustal rocks and our atmosphere.


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