Odyssey Books 1-12

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Book 12

(2 short stories; 1 long story) Odysseus buries Elpenor as he sails towards Ithaca. Odysseus's crew passes the sirens, but as instructed by Circe, they filled their ears with beeswax, blocking out the Sirens song, except Odysseus, who was tied down, in order to listen to the Siren's enchanting song. Then the ship passes Scylla and Charybdis, the six-headed monster and monstrous cyclone. Odysseus finally arrives to Helios's island. Regardless of Odysseus's instructions, the crew kill and eat a sheep without his knowledge. Zeus sends a storm, killing the crew of Odysseus, but allowing Odysseus to float to the island of Calypso on the remnants of the destroyed ship.

Book 9

(2 short stories; 1 long story) Odysseus reluctantly tells the story of his return from the Trojan War. Initially, Odysseus and his men pillage the Cicones, until being chased away. Then, Zeus's storm brings them to the land of the lotus-eaters. Afterwards, the men arrive at the island of the Cyclopes, where they are captured by Polyphemus, cyclops son of Poseidon, until Odysseus blinds the cyclops and tricks him, which allows the ships to escape. But Odysseus taunts Polyphemus, telling him his real name, allowing Zeus to find out and seek revenge on Odysseus for blinding his son.

Book 10

(2 short stories; 1 long story) The men sail to the island of Aeolus, who provides Odysseus with a bag of wind to expedite the return to Ithaca. Odysseus's men, believing the bag to be loot, open it, only to lose the wind. The men then sail to the land of the cannibalistic of the Laestrygonians. Only Odysseus's ship escapes the island. Then, the men travel to the island of Circes, where the witch enchants Odysseus's men and turns them into pigs. Hermes directs Odysseus on how to contrive his escape, and Odysseus obeys but lives as Circe's lover for the next year in exchange for the restoration of his sailors back to men. Circe finally tells Odysseus that he must travel to the underworld to speak with Tiresias. Before leaving, Elpenor is discovered to have died drunkenly the night before, and the sailors left his body.

Book 9

- from Troy, Ody and men land at Ismarus and raid Cicones-Lotus' eater's island -Cyclop's island- Cyclops eats Ody's men -Ody makes escape plan using techne (language- "nobody friends", wine, club)

Book 11

-Goddess of death: Persephone -Circe sends Ody and men to House of Death to honor dead crew members Perimedes and Eurylochus -Ody sacrifices sheep, ram and ewe as instructed and summons ghosts (men of war, brides...) -he sees his mom; Terisias tells him not to eat cattle of the son when he goes to Helios' island/ fortells his revenge on the suitors, peaceful death, but first introduce salt to ignorant people ~~~~ It is appropriate that the cause of death for Odysseus' mother is loneliness and longing - the central emotions in a poem about a relentless search for home and its attendant isolation. This book also casts light on four other defining themes in the poem: fidelity, obedience to the gods, temptation, and endurance. Odysseus relates how he saw Agamemnon, who tells him how Aegisthus and his wife Clytemnestra killed him, and warns him about the wickedness of women; he should return home secretly, without warning to his wife. Agamemnon says, ""The day of faithful wives is gone forever". Suspense should be building for you, the reader. What is Penelope up to at home? Will she betray her husband? Odysseus talks with other shadows, including Achilles, about whose son, Neoptolemos, he tells him. He sees Tantalus, tortured by food and drink always just out of reach, and Sisyphus, perpetually pushing a boulder up a hill. The shadows mass in the thousands and frighten away Odysseus, who sails away with his crew.

Book 12

-Ody and crew arrive at Helios' island after House of Death -Circe and Tiresias of House of Death warn Ody not to touch cattle of the sun -men disobey and Zeus destroys their ship with thunderbolt

Book 10

-Ody and men arrive at Circe's island -she turns men into pigs -Ody saves them with magic herb from Hermes to quell her -Ody must sleep with her in exchange -Eurylochus tells Ody not to go back

Book 5

-Ody held captive at Calypso's island as sex slave -Zeus sends son Hermes to convince Calypso to free him and she agrees -Poseidon rages storm at puts Ody off course -with help from Goddess Ino (scarf) and Athena he survives and lands on rocky coast of unknown island and rests in olive bush

Book 4

-Pisistratus (Nestor's son) takes Telemachus to meet King Menelaus and wife Helen in Sparta -Menelaus recalls Trojan war and lets Telemachus know that ody is still alive ~~~~ The next morning, Telemachus tells Menelaus about his problems with the suitors and asks if he has news of Odysseus. The king is disgusted at the behavior of the suitors and hopes Odysseus can mete out their punishment. He tells of how, on his return from Troy, his men were stranded on an island without any wind. They managed to capture Proteus, the Ancient of the Sea. Proteus told them that if they made a sacrifice to the gods, they could continue home. He also told him about Agamemnon's murder, and that Odysseus is a prisoner on Calypso's island.

Book 3

-Telemachus arrives at Pylos -King Nestor tells Telemachus about Ody and what happened in Troy -Nestor advises T. to talk to Menelaus of Sparta for more info ~~~~ After they eat, Telemachus tells Nestor, who fought alongside and was a great friend to Odysseus during the Trojan War, that he is seeking information about his father. Nestor does not know what befell Odysseus. After Ilion (Troy) fell, Athena provoked a fight between the brothers Menelaus and Agamemnon and divided the Achaeans/Greeks into two camps; those under command of Menelaus left, while the latter stayed. Odysseus left, but he and his crew soon returned to please Agamemnon. Nestor and his crew made it back home, as did a few other groups, but many did not. Telemachus asks Nestor how Aegisthus managed to kill Agamemnon. Nestor says that while Agamemnon and Menelaus were away fighting, Aegisthus eventually won over Agamemnon's queen, Clytemnestra. He ruled over Agamemnon's kingdom as a tyrant for seven years before Orestes killed him and Clytemnestra. Nestor warns Telemachus not to make the same mistake and stay away from home too long.

Book 2

-Telemachus notifies suitors of his plans to search for news of father in Pylos and Sparta but doesn't tell Penelope -Telemachus preps ship for departure with help from Athena who leads the way ~~~~ During the assembly, Zeus sends two eagles—omens of death—to fly over the suitors. Halitherses, a prophet, interprets the eagles that fly over the assembly by saying Odysseus is coming home and Odysseus will kill those who disrespect his house. The suitors say Halitherses' omen means nothing. Telemachus says if he learns his father is alive and on his way home, he will put up with the suitors for another 12 months. If Telemachus learns his father is dead, he will honor his father with a funeral and force his mother to marry one of the suitors.

3 Major themes/ lessons learned in the Odyssey are

1. Justice is always served 2. Hospitality towards guests is important 3. Predictions and curses are to be taken seriously

Even though he is a hero, Odysseus has two faults. What are they?

1. Pride 2. Curiosity

The Odyssey is considered an epic poem for what 4 reasons?

1. Starts on the middle of things 2. Has a huge setting 3. Gods and goddesses are characters 4. The main character is capable of being a hero

The elapsed time of the events in the plot of the Odyssey is ____ years


The Odyssey was first presented by Homer ____ years ago


Who is Demodocus?

A blind, gifted singer of the Phaeacians


A tribe of giant barbarians who defeat Odysseus and crew when they land on the island

Book 7

After he waits for Nausicaa to go to her father's palace, Odysseus makes his way alone and encounters Athena in the form of a little girl. He asks her for directions to the palace, and she leads him there while shrouding him in mist so no one can see him. She tells him Alcinous and his revered queen Arete are at supper. He enters the lush, ornate palace and finds the king and queen. He embraces Arête's knees and asks her for passage to his home. Alcinous leads Odysseus to the table, where he is fed. Alcinous says they will make a sacrifice in the morning, then think of how to send Odysseus home. He also wonders if Odysseus is a god; Odysseus assures him he is not, and that he has suffered great pains. Later at night, alone with Alcinous and Odysseus, Arete recognizes Odysseus' clothing as her own creation and asks him who he is and who gave him his clothing. He relates his story from Calypso's island until Nausicaa's help earlier that day. Alcinous says Nausicaa should have taken him home with her directly, but Odysseus says it was his idea to follow her separately as a sign of respect. Taken with Odysseus, Alcinous vows to help him get home.

In Book 11, why is Ajax so angry?

Ajax is upset because Odysseus didn't pick his weapons to use in the Trojan War

Book 8

Alcinous calls a meeting of the Phoenician leaders, where the decide to offer Odysseus a ship so that he may return home. The king then hosts a feast in honor of Odysseus. Demodocus sings the tale of the Trojan War, causing Odysseus to cry, which leads Alcinous to hosting a number of competitions to distract Odysseus. Broadsea entice Odysseus to join in the games, but Alcinous begins another feast. Demodocus retells the story for the Trojan Horse, once again causing Odysseus to break down. Alcinous then asks Odysseus of his origins.

What happened to the ships of Odysseus?

All but Odysseus' own are destroyed by the Laestrygonians who throw boulders at them and sink them

What starts off Book 1?

An epic question which is an invocation to the muse to tell the story of Odysseus

___ is the only one who makes decisions


Book 1

At Odysseus' palace, his son Telemachus and wife Penelope have lost hope in Odysseus' return from Troy. - Athena enters Odysseus' palace disguised as Mentor, to tell Telemachus and inspire him to search for news of in father in Pylos and Sparta.

Book 6

At night, Athena visits the mortal Phaeacians princess, Nausicaa, in a dream and urges her to wash her clothing. When Nausicaa wakens, she takes a mule-cart and her maids, and they wash her clothing in pools by a river. They spread the wet clothing along the beach, then wash themselves and play a game in the nude. Odysseus, naked himself, wakes up when he hears them. He approaches them, but his dirty, wild appearance frightens all of them away but Nausicaa. He asks if she is mortal or a goddess, and praises her surpassing beauty. He asks for her help in directing him to town and providing him clothing. She gladly agrees, and directs her maids to tend to him. Odysseus is modest, however, and wants to bathe in privacy. He cleans up, with Athena making him even more handsome, and the maids give him food and drink. Nausicaa directs him to walk behind her cart with her maids on the way to town, but warns him that if people in town see him with her, they will gossip that he is her future husband. Therefore, she asks him to hide behind some trees near the city wall when they enter, then to ask direction later to the palace of her father King Alcinous. There he will find her mother, whom he should ask for help; if she likes him, she will have him home soon. They head to town and pass Athena's grove, where Odysseus prays for to Athena for hospitality from the Phaeacians.

____ provides Odysseus with food and shelter on Phaecia by sending Nausicaa to meet him


Book 7

Athena, disguised as a young girl, guides Odysseus to the palace of Alcinous with a shrouding mist to disguise him to the fearful Phoenicians. Odysseus pleads to Arete, and Arete, noticing the clothing of Nausicaa on Odysseus, interrogates Odysseus on his identity. Odysseus, withholding his name still, explains his experience on the island with Nausicaa. Alcinous then offers his daughter in marriage to Odysseus.

Why does Odysseus reveal his name to the Cyclops when they're escaping on the ship?

Bc he wants the cyclops to know who defeated him because he is a proud, brave man

In Book 10, when Odysseus and his men come in sight of Ithaca, why don't they reach the shores?

Because Odysseus' crew are stupid and think the bag that Aeolus gave Odysseus is treausre so they want it and open it and winds send them all the way back to the Aeolian island


Blind prophet that warns Odysseus about the Sun God and his cattle

When Odysseus is insulted by Broadsea in Book 11, what does he acuse Odysseus of being?

Broadsea accuses Odysseus of being a man concerned only with profits and not with being an athlete


Calypso's island; beautiful and lush

" 3 times she gulps & spews out water" Talks about what?

Charybdis (whirl pool/monster)

___ and ____ are the two hospitable goddesses that Odysseus encounters

Circe and Calypso

Odysseus was given warnings by which two people?

Circe and Tyrecius


Circe's island

Who is Nausicaa?

Daughter of Alcinous, beautiful young girl, virgin

Who has "rose-red fingers"?


Book 8

Demodocus sings a few songs at the banquet—not just the one you read about. The various songs-within-the-poem cast light on identity and themes in this book, as interior texts frequently do throughout The Odyssey. The slow revelation of Odysseus' identity emerges through the first and last songs as he betrays his intimate familiarity with the fate of those who died at Troy. The middle song about Ares and Aphrodite is yet another tale of adultery and comeuppance (the one previously used was about Orestes), and should have great relevance for Odysseus, who has been unfaithful to his wife and whose wife is perilously close to being unfaithful to him. In this song, Demodocus sings about a love affair between Ares and Aphrodite, which ended when Hephaestus, Aphrodite's husband, figured out they were having an affair, and forged chains and snared them when they went to bed together. Hephaestus then invited the other gods to witness the adulterers caught in the act; however, the other gods made fun of Hephaestus for not being able to keep his wife. Ironically, Odysseus enjoys the story.

In Book 11, what does drinking the blood empower the ghosts to do?

Drinking the blood gives ghosts the power to speak to the living

____ is a lengthy, descriptive comparison using like or as

Epic Simile

Who is Odysseus?

Epic hero, husband of Penelope, father of Telemachus, king of Ithaca and surrounding islands

____ is a repeated phrase of stanza in the Odyssey


When Athena asks Zeus to let Odysseus return home because he is a good man, how does Zeus react?

He agrees with Athena

How does Telemachus change in Book 1?

He becomes more assertive, referring to himself as the man of the house

How does the Cyclops react to Odysseus and his men being in his cave?

He gets angry and eats two of his men

In Book 11, whom does Odysseus approach for help when he enters the Phaeacian palace?

He grasps the knees of Arete

Why had Odysseus not yet returned home from the Trojan War?

He had angered the god Poseidon by blinding his Cyclops son. The god has palced obstacles in his way so he has been unable to return home

Why does Aphrodite get married to Hephaestus?

He is so involved with his work that she can have many lovers

What is Odysseus' plan to escape the Cyclops' cave?

He makes a stake, gets the Cyclops drunk and then stabs him in the eye.

Why must Odysseus visit the House of Death?

He must consult with th eblind prophet Tiresias, who will tell Odysseus all he needs to know about getting home to Ithaca

In Book 2, what sign does Zeus send to Telemachus' assembly? What is itsmeaning?

He sends a pair of eagles who drop on the heads of the crowd. A man who is skilled in reading bird flight says that its a sign that means Odysseus will return and when he does he will kill the suitors

What does Odysseus' pride cause him to do at the end of Book 9 that endangers him and his men? What does the Cyclops do?

He taunts the Cyclops and mocks him, the Cyclops throws boulders at their ship and yet he still mocks him after

With Athena's help, what athlete feat does Odysseus accomplish?

He throws the discus the farthest

In Book 2, why does Telemachus call the men to assembly?

He wants to publicly address the problem of the suitors

In Book 4, who recognizes the similarities between Odysseus and Telemachus?

Helen and Menelaus

While on his journey (Odysseus) he talks to which three people ?

Helen, Menelaus, and Nestor

What god helps Odysseus outwit Circe?:

Hermes does

In Book 5, what god brings a message from Zeus to Calyspo?

Hermes the messenger god

Who was this said by and to whom? "Release him at once. Just so stay clear of the rage of Zeus."

Hermes to Calypso


Home of Menelaus and Helen


Home of Nestor and Peisistratus; first place Telemachus travels


Home of the Cicones

Why do you think Homer interupts the narrative to have Demodocus sing about the love affair of Ares and Aphrodite?

Homer wants to remind the readers not to commit immortal actions

Many characters in the odyssey who think they are better than gods are committing a sin called . . .


On Helios' island, Odysseus' men disobey him because they are over come with what?



Immortal sea nymph who held Odysseus captive for many years; also called Atlantis.

___ helps Odysseus safely get to shore on Pharcia by lending him a scarf


The theme of the song about Ares and Aphrodite is___


Who is Pisistratus?

King Nestor's son who will accompany Telemachus on his journey


King of Ithaca


King of Mycenae


King of Pylos


King of Sparta


King of the Phoenician Islands

When Odysseus' sailors arrive at the _____ they loose all desire to go home

Land of the Lotus Eaters

In Book 3, what are the people doing when Telemachus arrives in Pylos?

Making a sacrafice to Poseidon

What does Alcinous offer to Odysseus to try to get him to stay with the Phaeacians?

Marriage with his beautiful daughter Nausicaa

Homer begins the Odyssey with the innovation calling the ___ to help him with his____

Muse, story

In Book 6, who discovers Odysseus on the shore in Scheria?


Who does Athena tell Telemachus to seek out for info about his father?

Nestor in Pylos & Menelaus in Sparta

In Book 5, does Calypso decide to give Odysseus his freedom?

No, but she has to because Zeus says so

What does Odysseus tell the Cyclops his name is?


____ is known as master of Exploits, the unluckiest man, and the man born for pain


Book 11

Odysseus travels to the underworld, and pours libations as instructed. Elpenor approaches him first, begging Odysseus to bury his body. Then, Tiresias instructs Odysseus on how to safely return to Ithaca and make amends with Poseidon. Odysseus listens to the tales of Achilles and other heroes, while Ajax continues to ignore the hero. Odysseus cuts the story short, but Alcinous asks him of the heroes that he met in the underworld. Odysseus lists his conversations with Achilles, and his observations of Heracles, Ajax, Tantalus, Sisyphus, Orion, etcc. Odysseus beings to be mobbed by ghosts of the underworld, and he flees on his ship.

Who is Mentor?

Odysseus' friend whom he left his household to, Odysseus told everyone to obey him and that he will keep everything in order


Odysseus' son


One-eyed giants

The first audience for the Odyssey appreciated epic poem in an ____ presentation


"Cracking roots, as..." is an epic simile for what?

Poking out the Cyclops' eye

Odysseus' main conflicts in the first 12 books are with ____


In Book 5, what happens to Odysseus just as he sights the shores of Scheria after he leaves Calypso's island?

Poseidon sends a huge storm towards him that destroys his raft


Rudest of all Penelope's suitors

Who is Alcinous?

Ruler of Scheria, helps Odysseus

What game does Odysseus say the Phaeacians would most likely beat him in? Why?

Running, because his legs are worn out from swimming for a long time

" No one can look at her with joy." Talks about who?


What one piece of information does Athena give Telemachus in Book 1?

She tells him that his father isn't dead, but someone on the seas. She says he is trying to get home

How has Penelope tricked the suitors for the past 4 years?

She tells them she has to finish a blanket, then she will pick someone to marry. But she weaves during the day and unweaves it at night


Six-headed sea monster

Who is Telemachus?

Son of Odysseus and Penelope

Telemachus visits two places ___ and ___

Sparta, Pylos

Reward for Aphrodite promised was the most beautiful women in the world True/False


Setting of an epic poem is huge True/False


Book 3

Telemachus and Athena [Mentor] arrive at Pylos to a beautiful religious sacrifice (Homeric Sacrifice). Telemachus approaches Nestor (with Athena's encouragement) about his father. Nestor tells the story of his journey with Agamemnon and Agamemnon's fate at the hands of his wife. Nestor sends Pisistratus with Telemachus on his journey to Sparta.

Book 2

Telemachus calls the meeting and "steps into his father's shoes". He delivers a passionate speech but breaks down and cries at the end. Antinuous blames the situation on Penelope, who has "led the Suitors on" through her weaving scheme. Halithereses predicts Odysseus's return to Ithaca. Athena appears as Mentor to urge Telemachus on his journey, and Telemachus leaves to Pylos, telling only Eurycleia, his loving maid.

Homer tells the story of Agamemnon's murder and Oreste's revenge because _____

Telemachus needs to grow up and become a man

Who is Eurycleia?

Telemachus' nurse whom he tells his plans too, she bursts into tears protesting his journey because she thinks Odysseus is dead and his plan wont work

One of the mistakes Odysseus makes when leaving the cave is

Telling him his real name

In Book 9, who is the first group of people Odysseus and his crew meet after leaving Troy?

The Cicones


The Cyclops and Son of Poseidon

Sing to me of the man, Muse, of twists and turns...

The First Line of the Epic

" Those creatures who spellbind.... by song.. " Who are these creatures?

The Sirens

Book 6

The comedic relief of the epic. Athena appears to Nausicaa in a dream, and persuades her to do laundry by the river. While at the river the next day, Odysseus appears before Nausicaa and the servants. The servants hide/flee in fear, but Nausicaa reacts calmly. Nausicaa helps Odysseus to the city, but they then separate to avoid the gossip of the townspeople. Odysseus heads to the palace.

Book 5

The gods, excluding Poseidon, gather on Olympus. Athena's speech persuades Zeus to aid Odysseus on his journey home. Hermes convinces Calypso to let Odysseus escape from her island. Odysseus leaves on a make-shift boat and spots the Phoenician Islands, but Poseidon attempts to kill Odysseus. Ino gives Odysseus a magical scarf, allowing him to escape to to the islands.

Book 4

The last book following Telemachus. Menelaus and Helen immediately recognize Telemachus as the son of Odysseus. Menelaus relives the cunning of Odysseus at the Battle of Troy, and recounts the story of the Trojan Horse. Then, Menelaus tells his own story of his journey home, including his wrestling of Proteus, and ends his story with the knowledge of Odysseus being trapped at Calypso's island. Telemachus sets sail for Pylos. The Suitors in Ithaca learn of Telemachus's journey and prepare to ambush him upon his return. Penelope also learns of Telemachus's departure, and grieves until she learns of the goddess's protection.


The meeting of the gods (Athena is sent to Telemachus; Hermes to Calypso). Athena apears as Mentes, encourages Telemachus to challenge the suitors, and gives him confidence that his father is still alive. Athena tells him lastly to travel to the kingdoms of the heroes of the war at Troy to find info on Odysseus


The primeval darkness; sometimes used for the underworld

How does Odysseus and his men actually leave the Cyclops' cave?

They latch themselves to the Cyclops sheep and are let out when the Cyclops let out his sheep in the morning

What happened when Odysseus and his men travel to the land of the Cicones?

They try to eat Odysseus and his men

____ drinks blood so he can tell the truth to Odysseus


What are the suitors doing in Odysseus' house?

Waiting for Penelope to pick one of them to marry. While they're waiting they are eating all the food and drinking everything in the house

What do we learn about the women in the House of Death in Book 11?

We learn about their affairs

In Book 11, what do we learn about Elpenor's body? What does Elpenor ask of Odysseus when they encounter each other in the House of Death?

We learn that Elpenor's body that the crew left his body at Circe's unburied and he wants them to go back and give him a proper burial by cremation with all of his armor on so he is buried with honor

In Book 4, What story does Helen tell? What does Menelaus point out?

When Odysseus disguised himself as a beggar during the Trojan War, Menelaus points out Odysseus' patience and self-control

Who is Penelope?

Wife of Odysseus, mother of Telemachus, queen of Ithaca

Odysseus and his men encounter the Lotus-Eaters in Book 9, what happens if you eat their food?

You want to stay with them forever, and you forget about everything but them

Odysseus' crew was killed by ___

a thunder bolt sent by Poseidon

Odysseus faces Charybdis ____


The food and drink of the gods are ____ and ___

ambrosia (food) and nectar (drink).

What are the victims Odysseus uses to sacrafice in the House of Death?



another name for Greece

In Book 7, how does Athena help Odysseus during his time in Phaeacia?

by putting a mist around Odysseus so that he can walk through town without being noticed, and she disguises herself as a young girl and guiding Odysseus into town

Odysseus and his men go into the Cyclops' cave because of ___


Polyphemus ____ Odysseus when he was leaving



dangerous whirl pool/monster


enchantress who turned Odysseus' men into pigs & animals

He is saved from Charybdis by a ____

fig tree


god of forge and blacksmithing, fire


god of healing, music, archery, light and truth


god of the sea


god of the underworld and wealth


god of the winds


god of war


god travelers, sleep, dreams and commerce


goddess of hunt, moon, young women, childbirth, virginity, wild animals


goddess of love and beauty


goddess of the hearth & home


goddess of wisdom/war/arts and crafts

What natural phenomenon is controlled by Aeolus?

he controlled the winds

Odysseus' men are not tempted by the sirens because ___

he placed beeswax in there ears so they can't hear; Odysseus gets tied to the mast and does listen to the sirens

How does Telemachus treat Athena when she comes to Ithaca?

he shows her hospitality, according to the culture of Greeks

What is Athena's most distinguishing charasteristic?

her eyes

The most dominant influence in Telemachus' childhood is ____

his mom, Penelope

In Book 3, what does Nestor compliment Telemachus on?

his way with words

For breakfast and dinner Polyphemus enjoys ___

human flesh

In Book 5, when Odysseus finally makes it to the shore after he swims from Poseidon's storm where does he sleep?

in a bed of dead leaves amongst bushy olive trees

What is the land of the Cyclops like?

it is cultivated, farm land


king of all gods

Does King Nestor know that Odysseus is alive?


The other Cyclopes don't help Polyphemus because they think ___ has hurt him


Cyclopes are distinguished by having ___ and ____

one eye, being disrespectful to other gods & hospitality customs


one of Odysseus' crew/ very persuasive; Odysseus' 2nd in command

In Book 4, what are King Menelaus and his kinsmen busy doing when Telemachus shows up?

preparing a double wedding feast

Who is Arete?

queen of Phaeacia, wife of Alcinous, mother of Nausicaa


ruled by Hades; has Elysium and Tartarus


sea nymphs who sing songs that lure sailors to their death

How does Athena first present herself to Telemachus?

she comes to his home disguised as Mentor, an old friend of his fathers

Who is Proteus?

the Old Man of the Sea who sleeps among the seals

Odysseus does not warn his men about __

the bag of evil winds


the darkest part of the underworld


the home of the blessed dead; where the warriors are; part of the underworld


the land of Odysseus, Penelope, and Telemachus; where Odysseus longs to go back to

Odysseus breaks down and cries during the son because___

the song is about the heros of the Trojan War

In Book 3, what two things does Telemachus ask King Nestor?

the whereabouts of his father and how Aegisthus killed Agamemnon

Describe the Laestrygonians

they are giants and cannibals

In Book 4, what plot are the suitors devising?

they are going to ambush Telemachus' ship on his way home and kill him

Helios persuades Zeus to punish Odysseus by _____

threatening him

The most important thing that Odysseus desires is _____

to go home.

In Book 3, what is King Nestor's warning to Telemachus?

to not stay away from home too long

What does Odysseus seek from the Phaecians?

transportation back to Ithaca


where Nausicaa Queen Arete and King Alcionous live; last destination before Ithaca; home of the Phaecians; beautiful and lush


where Odysseus begins his journey; site of the Trojan War

Cyclopes' Island

where Polyphemus is blinded and Odysseus escapes from

Odysseus offers the Cyclops' ___ to make him sleepy


What does Odysseus promise to do upon his return to Ithaca?

• Odysseus promises to slaughter a barren heifer in his halls, load a pyre with treasure, and offer a sleek black ram to Tiresias upon his return to Ithaca

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