Odyssey Study Guide

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When did the Trojan war happen

1200 B.C.


2nd in command on Odyssey's ship. He backs away from Circe and does not fall into her trap, but he is the one who convinces Odysseus's crew to take and eat the cattle on the sun god's (helios) island which leads to their ruin.


9 in all, goddesses that are daughters of Zeus, preside over literature/the arts, are sources of artistic inspiration (think back to very beginning, invocation of the muse to help narrator tell story.)

Epic Hero

A brave and noble character in an epic poem, admired for great achievements or affected by grand events.

What is a character foil

A character foil is a secondary character who has the same circumstances as the main character, but handles it differently than the main character that will make a big difference in order to show how flawed main character really is.


Achaean, defeated by Odysseus in the contest for Achilles' armor (appears in Book 11 as a spirit of the dead, won't talk to Odysseus)

Other names for the Greeks

Achaeans, Argives, Danaans

Who are the significant characters Odysseus speaks to in the underworld

Achilles Elpenor- (crewman that fell off the roof and wants a proper burial) Tiresias- (the prophet that warns him not to touch the cattle of the sun and says Odysseus will have to take another journey to appease Poseidon) Anticleia- (his mother who updates him on what's going on in Ithaca and how she died) Agamemnon- (he tells about his wife's betrayal and how he died) Ajax- (refuses to speak to him) Sisyphus ((kind of)- eternally struggling to push a boulder over a hill) Tantalus ((kind of)- forever agonized by hunger and thirst (he sits in a pool of water that he cannot drink from and above him are grapes he cannot eat))

How are Agamemnon, Menelaus, Helen, Aegisthus, Orestes, and Clytemnestra "related"

Agamemnon and Menelaus are brothers whose father is Atreus. Helen is married to Menelaus and Agamemnon is married to Clytemnestra. While Agamemnon is away in troy, Clytemnestra has an affair with Aegisthus. They both murder Agamemnon when he gets home. Orestes is the son of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon and he kills his mother and Aegisthus to avenge his fathers death

How is Agamemnon Odyssey's foil, and who else is a foil for whom?

Agamemnon is Odysseus's character foil because when he returns home from war, he is killed by his wife, but when Odysseus returns from war, he finds that his wife has been faithful the whole time and welcomes him home. Melanthuis is Eumaes foil because Melanthius is the unfaithful goatherd who fights for the suitors while Eumaes is loyal to Odysseus and fights with Odyssey.

Which characters are related to Alcinous and why?

Alcinous is related to Posideon, and Arete is his wife who is also his niece, because she is his brother's daughter. Alcinous and Arete have a daughter named Nausicaa

Top 5 somewhat Olympic gods/goddesses in the Odyssey

Ares, Apollo, Hephaestus, Hades, Aphrodite


Cyclops son of Poseidon. Keeps Odysseus and his men captured in his cave and then gets blinded by him. Puts a curse on him and Poseidon follows it through

Top 5 rarely mentioned gods/goddesses in the Odyssey

Dionysus, Demeter, Hera, Artemis, Hades


Greek seer/prophet who comes from line of prophets. He comes to Ithaca aboard Telemachus' ship.

Tantalus's sentence in the underworld

He stood in a pool of water and each time he tried to drink it, the water was vanished. Also leafy fruity trees were above him and each time he would reach for them, they would be swopped up into the clouds. Sentence was eternal hunger and thirst

Story of Hephaestus: Ares and Aphrodite

Hephaestus was married to Aphrodite, the goddess of love, but he was ugly and crippled. Aphrodite had an affair with Ares, the god of war, and when Hephaestus caught them, he trapped them in chains. He then asks the other gods to punish them, but most of them just laugh. Poseidon states that he will pay the consequences for Ares actions.

Top 4 Olympic gods/goddesses in the Odyssey

Hermes, Athena, Poseidon, and Zeus

Penelope's father


Why did the Trojan War happen

It started at Peleus and Thetis' wedding. It was a big party and all gods and goddesses were invited except Eris, goddess of discord and confusion. Eris decides shes gonna add a little confusion to the party as revenge She threw a golden apple, aka Apple of Discord, and the best and prettiest person gets it. The choice of who got the apple was narrowed to three goddesses who believe it should be theirs. It was Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite. Naturally, the three women cannot agree and remain fascinated by the apple and their own vanity, so they ask Zeus but he can't pick since there's no situation that would come out good for him. Zeus picks Paris, whose a mere mortal, to chose the lady best worthy of the apple. When Paris was born, there was a prophecy saying he would cause the downfall of Troy.. and we know if there's a prophecy made IT WILL come true. Paris looks at the three of them and has to choose.. the three of them decide to bribe him. Hera offers power and control of all of Asia. Athena says she will give him wisdom and battle strength, and Aphrodite says she will give him the most beautiful woman...HELEN OF TROY. Paris picks Aphrodite... his choice wasn't made with his brain... There were two problems... Paris is married and so is Helen, to king of Sparta. Cupid makes Helen fall in love with Paris. Helen's brother-in-law goes back to retrieve Helen after Paris goes to Sparta and kidnaps her. Agamemnon enlists the help of her old suitors (before she was married). They sail to the city of Troy which starts the Trojan war (20 years before the start of the Odyssey). 1,000 ships set sail to Troy for Helen. Odysseus leaves bc he promised he would help fight whenever necessary. It lasted for 10 long years and it was hand to hand combat with periods of temporary truce to bury the dead. The Gods took the two sides of the Trojan and Greeks. Trojans (best fighter was Paris & Hector) and Aphrodite, Ares, Apollo, Artemis, and Zeus, although he was practically neutral to please Hera. The Greeks best fighters were Achilles and Odysseus. Athena, Poseidon, and Hera took the Greeks side. The Greeks threw a surprise attack when trojans thought they had won but Odysseus comes up with the trojan horse idea. It was a large, hollow, horse that armored men crawled inside of that were going to crawl out of the horse once the Trojans brought it inside the gates. The Trojans fell for it and brought the horse into the city gates.


Ithacan friend of Odysseus, but is impersonated by Athena. Predicts Telemachus's journey will be fruitful, goes to town and gets him the best crew, steers the ship to Pylos, and accompanies him to see Nestor

Sisyphus's sentence in the underworld

Kept pushing a boulder up a hill and each time it got to the top, the boulder would then fall over. Caused to use his strength etc. for eternity


King of Pylos , father or Pisistratus, and guides Telemachus


King of the Gods, son of Cronus, brother/husband of Hera, father of the Olympians and many mortals. God of sky/weather, hospitality; controls all, gods answer to him.


King of the Phaeacians, husband and uncle of Arete, father of Nausicaa, good friend to Odysseus (gives him many gifts and extends great hospitality) Odysseus tells him his story of his journey from troy to calypso's island. Gives him an option of marrying his daughter and having a good life with tons of wealth

Who were cannibals


Which is the most disloyal maid in Odysseus's house? Who is her family? Why is this interesting?

Melantho, who is the daughter of Dolius and sister of Melanthius. Because Melanthius is also very disloyal. He is the disloyal goatherder who supplied the suitors with battle equipment even when he swore to fight amongst Odysseus as well. They are both disloyal


Odysseus and his men landed on his island and ate his cattle... even though they were blatantly told not to. He is the sun god


Odysseus's father and husband of Anticleia. Athena gives him the last sign of glory and gives him strength to throw a spear at Antinous's father. has been living alone in despair and misery wishing for his son to be home

Greek (Achaeans) leaders of the Trojan War

Odysseus, Menelaus, Agamemnon, Achilles, Ajax, Nestor


Phaeacian princess/daughter of King Alcinous and Queen Arete, gives Odysseus clothes upon his arrival when he is naked and hiding under an olive tree

What is Telemachus's relationship with Pisistratus and how does he serve as an older brother

Pisistratus is Nestor's son and him and Telemachus are around the same age. Pisistratus serves as a role model because he and his father (nestor) have a good relationship and and when they go to visit Menelaus, Pisistratus speaks up for him first. When Telemachus has to leave, Pisistratus ables him to leave without seeing his father (Nestor).

Which character is related to Posideon

Polyphemus and Proteus are both sons of him and the Phaeacians

Where does Telemachus travel and whom does he meet

Pylos- Nestor and Pisistratus Sparta- Menelaus and Helen


Son of Agamemnon and Clytemenstra, and avenges his father's death by killing Aegisthus

Odysseus's family tree

Son of Laertes and Anticleia and father of Telemachus. Descendants of Zeus


Son of Nestor. Acts like a brother to Telemachus and goes with him to see Menelaus in Sparta


Son of Odysseus and Penelope. Heir to the throne of Ithaca; ventures on journey to Pylos and Sparta to hear of his father, helps him slaughter the suitors when Odysseus returns; gradually becomes a man throughout story

Who is Ajax's father


What information does Telemachus receive from Pylos

Telemachus travels to Pylos where he meets King Nestor and Pisistratus who tells him to go to Menelaus because he was one of the last to see him. Nestor does not know much about Odysseus but thinks he is still alive. Pisistratus also becomes very close with Telemachus.

What information does Telemachus receive from Sparta

Telemachus travels to Sparta where he meets King Menelaus and Helen. There they hear stories of Odysseus and that the last time they heard about his whereabouts, he was alive on the island of Calypso. Telemachus also hears the story of Menelaus and the Old Man of the Sea

Who does Odysseus test once he gets home?

Telemachus, swine herd Eumaes, Penelope, servants, laertes. Trying to see whom has remained loyal to him or still longs for him

Where/what happened in/ or who lives in the Underworld, Ithaca, Sparta, Mt. Olympus, Ogygia, Pylos, Phaeacia, Troy

The Underworld- where Odysseus and his men have to travel to... Circe told him he had to go to talk to people there Ithaca-Odysseus' home land where the suitors are plaguing his family Sparta - home of Menelaus and Troy, finds that his father is most likely still alive, 2nd visit of Telemachus Mt. Olympus- home of the Gods Ogygia - Calypso's island, Odysseus was kept there for seven years Pylos - home of Nestor and Pisistratus, Telemachus's first visit, Nestor tells him that he needs to visit Menelaus and that he has not heard about Odysseys and his whereabouts Phaeacia - kingdom who sends Odysseus home after he tells them his long story, very good at sailing, feasting, dancing, and weaving Troy - where the Trojan War is fought


The attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form. giving human-like qualities to something unhuman

Setting of the Odyssey in chronological order

Troy -Trojan war Ismarus- Ciccones Lotus Eaters Island Island of Cyclops Aeolia- Aeolus's island Laestrygonians Aeaea- Circe's island Cimmerians- to visit House of hades Back to Aeaea to bury Elpenor- Circe's Island Past the Sirens Past Scylla Thrinacia- Helios (cattle) island Past Charybdis Ogygia- Calypso's island Phaeacia- Alcinous and Arete's island Ithaca ___________________ Ithaca- homeland Pylos- Nestors Island Sparta- Menelaus and Helen's Island Pylos Ithaca


Wife of Odysseus, Mother of Telemachus, and daughter of Icarius. Plagued by suitors as she loyally dreamed to have her husband home with her. Often overpowered by her son (since women can't have much of a voice in Greek society) but she is cunning and shows where she stands by not letting people mistreat her guests. She slyly weaves a shroud to temp the suitors and avoid marrying one.


a cannibal clan of one eyed giants (Polyphemus is the most notable); herd and eat sheep, Odysseus and his men escape them

What is a seer, how are they important to the story

a seer is another name for a prophet -The main seer in the Odyssey is Tiresias of Thebes- dead guy of the underworld. They are important in the Odyssey because they help/ give advice to characters based on their visions.

Conventional symbol

a symbol is widely recognized among the society

Contextual Symbol

a symbol that gets it's meaning throughout the context of the story


an adjective or descriptive phrase expressing a quality characteristic of the person or thing mentioned


an eating monster that lives in a cliffside cavern opposite the whirlpool of Charybdis; eats some of Odysseus' crew. Has 6 heads and dogs attached to its arms. Circe tells Odysseus to go past her rather than Charybdis so he can loose less men


an obstacle Odysseus and his crew faced before Scylla. They sang an enchanting song to try and get passing sailors onto their island. Odysseus had to tie himself to the mast and order the crew to under no circumstances let him go... the crew stuck bees wax in their ears to safely sail past their island


blind seer of Thebes, who retains prophetic powers even in the underworld. Odysseus speaks with him in Book 11, after the animal blood sacrifice, and Tiresias tells him how to get home/what to do after he does


comparison of two unlike things using "like" or "as"


comparison of two unlike things without using "like" or "as"


cowherd who helps Odysseus, Telemachus, and Eumaes fight the suitors. Stays loyal to Odysseus.


daughter of Dolius, sister of Melanthius, maid of Penelope; very rude girl to Penelope, disloyal to Odysseus as well, sleeps with Eurymachus


daughter of Zeus and sister of Apollo, goddess of childbirth and hunting, powerful goddess who kills numerous people in stories with her bow


daughter of Zeus and wife of Hephaestus, goddess of love, one of the "Apple Trio," takes many lovers (Ares among them - chain-catching story)

Narrative Drift

extensive narrative digression from one topic to another, which leads the reader away from the original focus


female nature deity associated with a particular location or land form


god of fire, son of Hera and husband of Aphrodite. (made invisible chain to ensnare his wife and Ares in his bed)


god of the sea, brother of Zeus, father of Polyphemus, enemy of Odysseus throughout entire book because of his blinding of his son


goddess and enchantress of Aeaea, who changes Odysseus' men to swine. He is protected from her by moly, but sleeps with her and stays for a year.


goddess of childbirth and marriage, wife and sister of Zeus, queen of the gods, (Apple Trio)




land of giant cannibals. They destroyed 11 of Odysseus's ships


land of the people where Odysseus last stops. He tells him his whole journey and lastly they bring him back to Ithaca. Poseidon punishes them by crashing their ship right before they reach home in front of everyone.

Lotus Eaters

legendary people visited by Odysseus, live on a plant whose fruit endures stupor and forgetfulness of home or purpose; several of Odysseus's men eat this, and lose all sense of wanting to return to Ithaca

Epic Poem

long poem telling of a hero's deeds


majestic sea nymph of Oygia that kept Odysseus as a prisoner on her Island for 7 years until Hermes delivered the message that the gods were granting him his passage home. She slept with Odysseus. Often referred to the goddess with the lovely braids


messenger/herald god... delivers the message to Calypso that the gods of Olympus have agreed to let Odysseus begin to travel home, also gives Odysseus Moly when he goes into Circe's home to that her potion won't affect him. His signature accessory are his winged sandals and normally travels down to the Underworld


monster in the form of a giant whirlpool, located on the other side of Scylla. Odysseus encounters this on his way back from Thrinacia (Helio's island) and waits for it to vomit and then ends up on Ogygia


one of Odysseus' men, dies on Circe's island after drunkenly climbing onto the roof to sleep, he falls off and breaks his neck. His ghost appears to Odysseus later in the underworld, asking him for a proper burial.


or Pallas Athena - daughter of Zeus, goddess, defender of the Achaeans. Patron of integrity and resourcefulness, Odysseus and his line are her favorite humans. She acts as a mentor and overseer throughout the book. Takes many disguises and goes out of her way to protect Telemachus and Odysseus etc. (also in Apple Trio)


protagonist. Son of Anticleia and Laertes, father of Telemachus, and husband of Penelope. Been gone from home for 20 years


red haired, king of Sparta, brother of Agamemnon and son of Atreus, married to Helen, helped Telemachus and Pisistratus learn about Odysseus' whereabouts


reoccurring element that has significance beyond itself Motifs in The Odyssey:crying, sunrises, lost hope, sacrifices, birds


seducer of Agamemnon's wife Clytemnestra, murdered Agamemnon, killed by Agamemnon's son Orestes (his story is repeated throughout the book)


son of Anchialus (king of the Taphians), a family friend of Odyssey, and name Athena first disguises herself as while in Ithaca to visit Telemachus. Predicts Telemachus that Odysseus ist still alive, tells him to gather the suitors and banish them, and them tells telemachus to journey to Pylos and Sparta


son of Eupithes, head/leading suitor; violent, disloyal guy who plans Telemachus' death, constantly brags about himself and tries to win Penelope. Throws a chair at Odysseus-beggar first. Blames all the troubles etc. on Penelope


son of Peleus and Thetis, commander of the Myrmidons, fought for the Achaeans at Troy; famed warrior, was killed in siege at Troy when his ankle (the only vulnerable part of him) was hit, his spirit talked with Odysseus in Book 11 and told him that glory wasn't worth death and also asked about his own son


son of Polybus, the second most leading suitor, killed by Odysseus in slaughter. Affair with Melantho and has the highest "chance" to marry Penelope. Throws a chair at beggar-Odysseus


son of Zeus and Hera, god of war, lover of Aphrodite (story where he and Aphrodite were getting it on in Hephaestus' house, Heph. had the invisible chain on the bed, caught them in the act)


son of Zeus, patron god of the arts (esp. music and poetry), god of archery. His festival day is the day on which Odysseus kills the suitors.


started the Trojan war, one of the most beautiful woman, married to Menelaus, Queen of Sparta, allowed only one child


the king of Mycenae, son of Atreus, brother of Menelaus, husband of Clytemnestra; murdered by Clytemnestra and Aegisthus, also the supreme leader of all Achaea's armies and the leader of the largest contingent at Troy. Encounters Odysseus in the House of Hades and tells him to watch out for his wife


the loyal swineherd, close to Odysseus' family, important because he let in Odysseus-beggar into his home and was very hospitable and kind, fought against the suitors with Odysseus, Telemachus, and Philoteus


the old nurse of Odysseus and Telemachus, attendant to Penelope; fiercely loyal, devoted servant. She keeps it a secret when Telemachus leaves for Pylos and also when she figures out Odysseus is back and does not tell Penelope.


wife and niece of Alcinous and mother of Nausicaa, queen of Phaeacia, very kind and powerful woman who approves of Odysseus and gives him gifts. At first Odysseus seeks her for her blessing at first

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