"Of Mice and Men" and "Night"

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Played his violin for the prisoners until he was killed


Who cared for Lennie before George?

Lennie's Aunt Clara

Why is Lennie clueless about why he should not be in Crooks's living quarters

Lennie, like a young child, is innocent and does not understand the concept of racism or segregation.

Guarded the inmates at the camp


Of Mice and Men is set in which decade?


What do almost all of the characters in this story dream about?

Almost all of the characters of this story dream about having a different life.

The camps are liberated in this month


What does Lennie's puppy symbolize?

Lennie's puppy is one of several symbols that represent the victory of the strong over the weak. Even when a person doesn't mean to, because of their strength(any kind) they can hurt or kill another person or another person's dream.

Describe Curley

boss's son. Becomes increasingly meaner throughout story.

"The afternoon sun sliced in through the cracks of the barn walls and lay in bright lines on the hay" (Steinbeck 84).

Personification & Metaphor

Son saw him as a burden and wanted to leave him behind

Rabbi Eliahu

Most important thing to Elie as a young man


Instrument used to remove Elie's gold crown

Rusty spoon

Town that Elie and his family was from


To whom does Candy look for advice before allowing Carlson to shoot his dog?


Forced to wear this to identify themselves

Star of David

First thing the men did after being freed

Stuff themselves with food

What excites Lennie most about his dream life with George?

Tending to the rabbits is what excites Lennie most about his dream life with George.

What does the "dream" farm symbolize?

The "dream" farm symbolizes a free and peaceful life. It represents the possibility of freedom, self-reliance, and protection from the cruelties of the world.

What is the conflict of the story?

The conflict of this story is that Lennie is always getting himself into trouble, which also means George gets in trouble too.

What is the story's setting?

The story's setting is in California in the 1930s.

Country that Elie and his family was from


What is the plot of the story?

Two migrant workers who travel together to different farms. Lennie is big and has a slight mental disorder. George is small and intelligent. George feels his life would be much easier if he did not have to care for Lennie. Lennie is always getting the two into trouble and they had to run from their last job because Lennie couldn't let go of a pretty dress on a girl who cried for help.

Died along with Elie's mother


What is the name of the town from which George and Lennie are fleeing when the story opens?

Weed, California

Describe Crooks

lively, sharp witted, black stable hand, has crooked back, lonely, mistreated, negative, bitter, wants to join men on their "dream" farm.

Which literary elements are present in this quote? "Steinbeck writes, "Slim reached up over the card table and turned on the tin-shaded electric light. Instantly, the table was brilliant with light, and the cone of the shade threw its brightness straight downward "(Steinbeck 38).

metaphor and personification

Describe George

small, intelligent, short-tempered but a loving and devoted friend, complains that taking care of Lennie makes his life much harder, terse and impatient at times, but he never strays from his primary purpose of protecting Lennie.


term used when the SS forced prisoners to line up for inspection and decided which prisoners would live and which would be killed

Passed for Aryan, but was really Jewish

the French girl

Lennie's death was foreshadowed by

the death of the mice, the girl in Weed, the fight with Curley, the death of Lennie's puppy, and the death of Curley's wife.

What is Old Susy's place?

a cat house/saloon

Elie was separated from them at Birkenau

His mother and three sisters

Example of Imagery

"A water snake glided smoothly up the pool, twisting its periscope head from side to side; at it swam the length of the pool and came to the legs of a motionless heron that stood in the shallows" (Steinbeck 99)

Example of Imagery

"This room (Crooks's) was swept and fairly neat for Crooks was a proud aloof man. He kept his distance and demanded that other people keep theirs. His body was bent over to the left by his crooked spine, and his eyes lay deep in his head, and because of their depth seemed to glitter with intensity" (Steinbeck 67).

At the end of the novel, Elie looks at himself in the mirror and sees this

A corpse


A literary device used to create meaning for a character, a story, or a theme in a story. Symbolism is when objects, colors, or ideas are repeated in a text.

Disappointed with her life, Curley's wife wonders where she would be if she had followed her dreams and become what?

A movie star

What do nearly all of the characters, including George, Lennie, Candy, Crooks, and Curley's wife, admit, at one time or another?

At one time or another almost all of the characters admitted to having a profound sense of loneliness and isolation. Each desires the comfort of a friend, but will settle for the attentive ear of a stranger. The characters are rendered helpless by their isolation, and yet, even at their weakest, they seek to destroy those who are even weaker than themselves.

After killing Curley's wife, which of the following pairs does Lennie imagine appears to chastise his behavior?

Aunt Clara and a giant rabbit

Camp Elie was taken to


Who discovers Curley's dead wife?


Whom do Lennie and George agree to let live on their farm?


Why is Candy unable to imagine getting rid of his old dog?

Candy is unable to imagine getting rid of his old dog because he has had him since he was a puppy and they are each other's family.

What does Candy's dog represent?

Candy's dog represents the fate awaiting anyone who has outlived his or her purpose.

Why does Carlson insist on shooting Candy's dog?

Carlson insist on shooting Candy's dog because Carlson believes the dog is too smelly, old, and decrepit.

Before George meets Lennie in the woods in the final scene, what does he take?

Carlson's luger pistol

Jews were transported in

Cattle cars

Camps where people are forced to work and live in horrible conditions, usually until death

Concentration camps

Describe Curley's wife

Considered a troublemaker, temptress. She doesn't like her life. Preys on other peoples weaknesses like Lennie, Candy, and Crooks.

Reason why Elie's shoes were not taken away from him

Covered in mud

Elie saved his father when he was selected by

Creating confusion

Why Crooks is initially so mean to Lennie, telling him that George may leave him?

Crooks is lonely and actually jealous of the friendship between Lennie and George.

Why does Curley wear a Vaseline-filled glove on one hand?

Curley wants to keep his hands soft for his wife, so he wears a Vaseline-filled glove on one hand. He also does this because it separates him from the common workers on his father's ranch.

Told Elie that he could return when he felt better


Disease Elie's father died of


Survived the concentration camps


Was taken in the middle of the night while Elie was sleeping

Elie's father

Did George have any other alternatives to shooting Lennie (especially with the mob approaching)?

Explain why or why not

Was Curley's wife was partially responsible for her own death?

Explain why or why not.

Elie almost died of this

Food poisoning

Elie lies about what when he first arrives at Birkenau

His age

What do the Boss' high-heeled boots represent?

His authority and power over his workers.

What do Curley's high-heeled boots represent?

His desire to be taller and bigger than everyone else. To show he has as much or more power than the other men on the ranch.

Before being taken to the concentration camps, Jews were forced to live here


Elie has this and people try to take it from him

Gold crown

How did Crooks get his name?

He has a crooked back.

Reason Elie had to have surgery

He hurt his foot

How does Steinbeck foreshadow the death of Curley's wife?

He opens the chapter in which she dies with Lennie petting his dead puppy.

How does George characterize Curley's wife?

He sees her as a troublemaker and as no good.

What does George say to Lennie before shooting him?

He tells Lennie the story of their farm.

What does Curley's wife offer to let Lennie touch?

Her hair

What does Curley wear to set himself apart from the other men?

High-heeled boots

Why is the game, Solitaire, that George plays in Chapter 3 important?

It symbolizes and foreshadows the solitary life George will be living soon.

How does Lennie characterize Curley's wife?

Lennie thinks she is "purty" and George warns Lennie to stay away from her.

Tried to warn everyone about the Nazis coming

Moishe the Beadle

Screamed about the smoke and flames on the train

Mrs. Schacter

Who is the only man to understand the bond between Lennie and George?

None of the men understand their bond. Slim tries to, but he still doesn't completely.

Describe Candy

Old handyman, only one useful hand, has an old dog.

Describe Lennie

One of the least dynamic characters of the story. He undergoes no significant changes, development, or growth throughout the story and remains exactly as the reader encounters him in the opening pages. Simply put, he loves to pet soft things, is blindly devoted to George and their vision of the farm, and possesses incredible physical strength, he is big and has a slight mental disability.

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