Old Testament Final Exam

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According to the lecture, which of the following statements best describes the relationship between the 10 Commandments and the rest of the Mosaic Laws? The 10 Commandments were more important than the rest of the laws. The 10 Commandments summed up the rest of the laws. The 10 Commandments set the trajectory for the rest of the laws. The 10 Commandments were to last forever; the rest of the laws only applied to ancient Israel.

The 10 Commandments set the trajectory for the rest of the laws.

True or False? According to the lecture on the book of Proverbs, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.


True or False? According to the lecture, Daniel was delivered from the Lions' Den in Daniel 6.


True or False? According to the lecture, Ecclesiastes shows us the futility of searching for meaning in life apart from God.


True or False? According to the lecture, Ezekiel had a vision of God's future return to the Jerusalem temple.


True or False? According to the lecture, Ezekiel lived in Exile/Babylon when he uttered his prophecies.


True or False? According to the lecture, God confronts Israel with their covenant faithlessness through the twelve Minor Prophets.


True or False? According to the lecture, God pronounced judgment on Israel through the twelve Minor Prophets.


True or False? According to the lecture, God uses Haggai to deliver the following message to His people: "You lie in your own houses, but My house [the temple] is not built."


True or False? According to the lecture, God uses the twelve Minor Prophets to further develop the idea of a future Messiah who will reign from David's throne.


True or False? According to the lecture, Habakkuk struggled to understand how God would allow Judah to be so sinful. He also struggled to understand how God would use an even more sinful Babylonian Empire to punish Judah.


True or False? According to the lecture, Isaiah says a lot about trusting in God and not trusting in oneself.


True or False? According to the lecture, Job repeatedly calls for a mediator between himself and God, thus foreshadowing the ministry of Christ (cf. 1 Timothy 2:5).


True or False? According to the lecture, Leviticus has to teach us a lot about how we should approach God in worship.


True or False? According to the lecture, Old Testament prophets both foretold (the future) and forthtold God's word concerning issues of their time.


True or False? According to the lecture, Song of Songs teaches us that in the right context, sex is good thing and to be celebrated.


True or False? According to the lecture, an acrostic construction is when each line (or sections of lines) of Hebrew text start with the next letter of the alphabet.


True or False? According to the lecture, both Daniel and Ezekiel share a common theme: God can do miraculous things, even outside of the Promised Land.


True or False? According to the lecture, both Ezekiel and Daniel use the phrase "son of man" to prophecy about Jesus Christ.


True or False? According to the lecture, compared to what God did when He created everything else, the creation of Adam and Eve were unique.


True or False? According to the lecture, good Christians can disagree about the age of the earth and the interpretation of Genesis 1-2. However, you should also know why you hold to your position.


True or False? According to the lecture, if we take verses out of context, we can use the Bible to prove that we should all commit suicide ... immediately.


True or False? According to the lecture, in his book, Ezekiel's prophecies were directed to the Jews in Exile, as well as those who remained in Judah.


True or False? According to the lecture, it is possible to use archaeology to prove the Bible is absolutely true.


True or False? According to the lecture, one way that Joshua functions as a type of Christ is that he led the people into God's rest.


True or False? According to the lecture, rhythm is NOT a characteristic of Hebrew poetry.


True or False? According to the lecture, some Hebrew poetry use acrostic constructions.


True or False? According to the lecture, the Old Testament is filled with psalms outside of the book of Psalms.


True or False? According to the lecture, the Tabernacle shows that God's heart's desire is to be with His people.


True or False? According to the lecture, the foundational principle of the book of Proverbs is "the fear of Yahweh."


True or False? According to the lecture, the interpretation of a biblical passage should be the same for everyone, regardless of when and where they live.


True or False? According to the lecture, there are parts of the New Testament that seem to resemble characteristics of Hebrew poetry.


True or False? According to the lecture, we should use the grammatical-historical approach of interpretation.


True or False? According to the lecture, wisdom literature was concerned with uncovering the hidden principles that God hardwired into creation so that one could live their life in harmony with those principles and thereby experience success.


True or False? Even though God is the ultimate author, the Bible still exhibit the personality, experience, vocabulary and style of each human author.


True or False? The vast majority of scribal errors in the biblical manuscripts are easy to identify and correct.


True or False? According to the lecture, we should consider the titles of the Psalms as part of the inspired word of God.


According to the lecture, which one of the following statements sums up why Exodus is important? What the Cross is to the New Testament, the sacrificial system is to the Old Testament. What the Church is to the New Testament, Israel is to the Old Testament. What the Cross is to the New Testament, the Exodus is to the Old Testament. What Jesus is to the New Testament, Moses is to the Old Testament.

What the Cross is to the New Testament, the Exodus is to the Old Testament.

According to the lecture, which one of the following persons is one of the few well-known biblical characters about whom nothing negative is recorded in the Bible? Job. Abraham. David. Daniel


According to the lecture, what is the overarching theme of Habakkuk? Faith. Judgement of Nineveh. Revival in Nineveh. Judgement & Restoration of Judah.


. True or False? According to the lecture on the book of Proverbs, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of holiness.


True or False? According to the lecture, "law" commands that we obey God because it is good for us; "wisdom" commands us to obey God because God is God.


True or False? According to the lecture, Daniel was delivered from the Fiery Furnace in Daniel 3.


True or False? According to the lecture, Ecclesiastes shows us that enjoying life is contrary to God's will.


True or False? According to the lecture, God always describes Himself in the Old Testament as an angry, vengeful God.


True or False? According to the lecture, God announced through the twelve Minor Prophets that once judgment has come, there won't be a future for Israel.


True or False? According to the lecture, God commanded the prophet Amos to marry a prostitute to illustrate Israel's idolatry.


True or False? According to the lecture, God disciplined Israel and Judah. But because Christians live under the New Covenant, He does not discipline Christians.


True or False? According to the lecture, God's requirement of holiness of His people is not repeated in the New Testament.


True or False? According to the lecture, Micah initially tries to run from God's mission and tried to board a ship set to sail to Spain.


True or False? According to the lecture, Song of Songs does not warn against sexual attraction outside of marriage.


True or False? According to the lecture, if one affirms evolution, it affects no other biblical teaching.


True or False? According to the lecture, rhyme is a characteristic of Hebrew poetry.


True or False? According to the lecture, some textual criticism has discovered some differences in text that affect basic Christian doctrine.


True or False? According to the lecture, the Old Testament closes with the Minor Prophets and thus finishes the biblical story.


True or False? According to the lecture, the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple of Yahweh showed that God had been defeated.


True or False? According to the lecture, the primary ministry of the prophets was to predict future blessings and judgments.


True or False? According to the lecture, there is Old Testament manuscript evidence that Isaiah was originally written by two different authors.


True or False? According to the lecture, we must understand the individual reader as the final arbiter of meaning.


True or False? According to the lecture, the book of Job answers the question why bad things happen to good people.


The Old Testament books were originally written in which language(s)? a.Hebrew only. b.Hebrew and Aramaic. c.Hebrew and Arabic. d.Hebrew and Greek.

Hebrew and Aramaic

According to the lecture, the purpose imprecatory psalms is to ... -praise God from whom all blessings flow. -prepare the worshipper to enter God's house. -leave judgment in God's hands. -plead with God for mercy.

leave judgment in God's hands.

According to the lecture, Ezra' primary mission was ... rebuilding the wall. rebuilding the people. rebuilding the temple. rebuilding the Promised Land.

rebuilding the people.

What was one truth about Hebrew poetry that was NOT stressed in the lecture? Hebrew poetry does not translate well into other languages. Hebrew poetry should be read slowly. Hebrew poetry should be read thoughtfully. Hebrew poetry often uses metaphors and imaginative language.

Hebrew poetry does not translate well into other languages.

According to the lecture, which New Testament book relates to Leviticus 16 by describing Jesus as our High Priest offering atonement for the people? Romans. 1 Corinthians. Hebrews. James.


According to the lecture, the Hebrew word "Torah" can be translated as "Law" or ... instruction. judgment. book. standard.


According to the lecture, Jesus wept over Jerusalem (Matthew 23:37-39). Which prophet similarly wept and is often called "the weeping prophet"? Isaiah. Ezekiel. Jeremiah. Daniel.


According to the lecture, how did Jesus fulfill the "sign of the prophet Jonah"? Jesus would perform miracles. Jesus would preach the Gospel to Gentiles. Jesus would spend three night & days in the earth. Jesus would be a prophet of God.

Jesus would spend three night & days in the earth.

According to the lecture, which prophet was swallowed by a large fish? Isaiah. Amos. Habakkuk. Jonah.


According to the lecture, what is the overarching theme of Micah? Revival in Nineveh. Judgement of Nineveh. Judgement & Restoration of Judah. Faith.

Judgement & Restoration of Judah.

According to the lecture, what is the overarching theme of Nahum? Revival in Nineveh. Judgement & Restoration of Judah. Faith. Judgement of Nineveh.

Judgement of Nineveh.

According to the lecture, what is the overarching theme of Zephaniah? Reconstruction of the Temple. Judgment & Restoration in the Day of the Lord. Preparation for the Messiah. Appeal to Backsliders.

Judgment & Restoration in the Day of the Lord.

According to the lecture, what is the overarching theme of Obadiah? Social justice and judgment of Israel. Judgment of Edom. God's Loyal Love for Israel. The Day of the Lord.

Judgment of Edom.

According to the lecture, which prophet predicted that "Elijah" would come to prepare for the arrival of the Messiah? (The prophecy was fulfilled by John the Baptist.) Zechariah. Malachi. Micah. Habakkuk.


According to the lecture, which prophet predicted that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem? Ezekiel. Malachi. Jeremiah. Micah.


According to the lecture, which prophet wrote the "Golden Rule" Of the Old Testament, to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly before God? Isaiah. Jeremiah. Micah. Jonah.


According to the lecture, who wrote the Pentateuch? Joseph. Moses. The Prophets. The Apostles.


According to the lecture, what is the overarching theme of Zechariah? Judgment & Restoration in the Day of the Lord. Reconstruction of the Temple. Appeal to Backsliders. Preparation for the Messiah.

Preparation for the Messiah.

According to the lecture, what is the overarching theme of Haggai? Judgment & Restoration in the Day of the Lord. Preparation for the Messiah. Reconstruction of the Temple. Appeal to Backsliders.

Reconstruction of the Temple.

According to the lecture, what is the overarching theme of Jonah? Judgement & Restoration of Judah. Revival in Nineveh. Judgement of Nineveh. Faith.

Revival in Nineveh.

According to the lecture, what is the overarching theme of Amos? God's Loyal Love for Israel. Social justice and judgment of Israel. The Day of the Lord. Judgment of Edom.

Social justice and judgment of Israel.

According to the lecture, what is the overarching theme of Malachi? Judgment & Restoration in the Day of the Lord. Reconstruction of the Temple. Preparation for the Messiah. Appeal to Backsliders.

Appeal to Backsliders.

According to the lecture, Nineveh was capital of what empire? Assyria. Babylon. Persia. Syria.


According to the lecture, which is the most messianic, apocalyptic, and eschatological book in the Old Testament? Zechariah. Ezekiel. Malachi. Jeremiah.


According to the lecture, which prophet predicted that the Messiah would be pierced? Malachi. Micah. Habakkuk. Zechariah.


According to the lecture, which prophet predicted that the Messiah would come into Jerusalem riding on a donkey? Malachi. Micah. Zechariah. Habakkuk.


According to the lecture, what were the key dates for the Patriarchal Period? Creation - 2150 BC. 1800 - 1650 BC. 2150 - 1800 BC. 1446 - 1406 BC.

2150 - 1800 BC

According to the lecture, what was the key date given for the END of the Pre-patriarchal Period? 1000 BC. 1800 BC. 2150 BC. 1400 BC.

2150 BC

According to the lecture, what were the key dates for Return from the Exile? 535 - ca. 400 BC. 1050 - 930 BC. 722 - 586 BC. ca. 400 - 5 BC.

535 - c. 400BC

According to the lecture, what was the key date given for the exile of Judah (the Southern Kingdom)? 586 BC. 722 BC. 605 BC. 400 BC.

586 BC

According to the lecture, Jeremiah prophesied that the Exile would be ... years long. 490. 400. 70. 40.


According to the lecture, what was the key date given for the exile of Israel (the Northern Kingdom)? 722 BC. 966 BC. 605 BC. 586 BC.

722 BC

According to the lecture, what was a "judge" in the book of Judges? A military leader and protector. Someone who made rulings on court cases. "Judge" is just another name for "priest." A spiritual leader in the community.

A military leader and protector.

According to the lecture, how should we read the Old Testament? a.Always look for how this passage points to Jesus. b.Always seek to pull the meaning out of the text, not put your own meaning into the text. c.Always listen to your pastor and spiritual mentors when trying to understand the Bible. d.Always come to the Bible with your own ideas of what God is going to say.

Always seek to pull the meaning out of the text, not put your own meaning into the text.

According to the lecture, which empire destroyed Judah/Jerusalem/the Southern Kingdom? Babylon. Assyria. Persia. Greece.


According to the lecture, which are the four empires in Daniel's prophecies? Assyria, Persia, Greece, Rome. Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome. Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece. Babylon, Assyria, Persia, Greece.

Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome.

According to the lecture, which book of the Bible affirms human personhood before birth? Jeremiah. Isaiah. Ezekiel. Ecclesiastes.


According to the lecture, which one of these Old Testament books prophesies the New Covenant? Proverbs. Job. Jeremiah. Amos.


According to the lecture, the book of Daniel uses two languages. Which ones? Hebrew and Greek. Aramaic and Greek. Hebrew and Aramaic. Hebrew and Latin.

Hebrew and Aramaic

According to the lecture, which of the following Old Testament book prophesies the future suffering servant? Jeremiah. Isaiah. Deuteronomy. Genesis.


According to the lecture, which of the following Old Testament book prophesies the virgin birth of Jesus Christ? Jeremiah. Isaiah. Deuteronomy. Genesis.


According to the lecture, how does the Pentateuch fit into the rest of Scripture? It summarizes the entire story of the Bible, from beginning to end. It portrays God as vengeful and full of wrath to balance the New Testament's emphasis on God's grace. It highlights the establishment of the Old Covenant which becomes a lens for understanding the rest of Scripture. It has no relation to the rest of Scripture; it stands as an isolated work.

It highlights the establishment of the Old Covenant which becomes a lens for understanding the rest of Scripture.

According to the lecture, why is the Davidic Covenant in 1 Samuel 7 so important? It lays the foundation for the coming of the Messiah, Israel's forever king. It explains why God considered David to be "a man after God's own heart." It replaces the Mosaic Covenant. It is the only covenant in the Bible that God made with a specific person.

It lays the foundation for the coming of the Messiah, Israel's forever king.

According to the lecture, prophets functioned as "Covenant Enforcers." What does that mean? It means that the prophets reminded God's people to obey the Mosaic Covenant. It means that the prophets reminded God's people to obey the Noahic Covenant. It means that the prophets reminded God's people to obey the Abrahamic Covenant. It means that the prophets reminded God's people to obey the New Covenant.

It means that the prophets reminded God's people to obey the Mosaic Covenant.

According to the lecture, how does the Tabernacle reveal God's heart? It shows God wants to be close to his people. It is a reminder that man is separated from him because of sin. It demonstrates God's demand for sacrifice. It reminded people of God's laws.

It shows God wants to be close to his people.

According to the lecture, which is true about Jeremiah 29:11 (the prof's "favorite" OT verse)? -Its message is not a promise for Christians, but it still has an important lesson to teach Christians. -Its message is a promise for Christians, and it has an important lesson to teach Christians. -Its message is not a promise for Christians, and it does not have an important lesson to teach Christians. -Its message is a promise for Christians, but it does not have an important lesson to teach Christians.

Its message is not a promise for Christians, but it still has an important lesson to teach Christians.

According to the lecture, in Deuteronomy 18:15, Moses stated, "The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your brothers." According to the lectures, how does this statement relate to Jesus? Jesus was the one who sent the Old Testament prophets to Israel. Moses was referring to Isaiah who provided clear prophecies about Jesus. Moses was referring to John the Baptist, who pointed people to Jesus. The Jews in the 1st century believed Moses was talking about a specific prophet and wondered if Jesus was that prophet.

The Jews in the 1st century believed Moses was talking about a specific prophet and wondered if Jesus was that prophet.

According to the lecture, why do Christian archaeologists and secular archaeologists come to different conclusions? -The two groups are interpreting the same evidence in different ways. -The two groups of archaeologists are looking at different pieces of evidence. -One of those groups are better skilled at archaeological techniques than the other group. -One of those groups tampers with the evidence.

The two groups are interpreting the same evidence in different ways.

According to the lecture, what is so amazing about the biblical phrase "great is your faithfulness"? The verse appears in Leviticus, a book that is about God's holiness. The verse appears in Psalms, a book that is about worshipping God. The verse appears in Lamentations, a book that describes catastrophic events. The verse appears in Exodus, a book that records the parting of the Red Sea.

The verse appears in Lamentations, a book that describes catastrophic events.

According to the lecture, the book of Lamentations ... laments the destruction of Samaria. laments the destruction of Babylon. laments the death of a wife. laments the destruction of Jerusalem.

laments the destruction of Jerusalem.

According to the lecture, Christians celebrate the New Covenant in Christ when ... -new believers are baptized. -the church celebrates the Lord's -Supper. -the church practices foot-washing. -a couple gets married.

the church celebrates the Lord's Supper.

According to the lecture, 1 & 2 Chronicles ... was written as an encouragement to the faithful remnant returning from exile. was written to prove that David was the legitimate king of Israel. was written to condemn Israel and explain why the exile was a just punishment. was written as an unbiased and objective history lesson.

was written as an encouragement to the faithful remnant returning from exile.

According to the lecture, 1 & 2 Samuel and 1 & 2 Kings ... was written to prove that David was the legitimate king of Israel. was written as an encouragement to the faithful remnant returning from exile. was written as an unbiased and objective history lesson. was written to condemn Israel and explain why the exile was a just punishment.

was written to condemn Israel and explain why the exile was a just punishment.

According to the lecture, which of the following is the main idea of Esther? A record of God's faithfulness to the promises He made to the patriarchs and the nation of Israel by giving the land of Canaan to Israel. Shows the rich blessings of covenant faithfulness and introduces us to David. Shows the numerous ways that God was faithfully at work in restoring the people of Israel to their land after the Babylonian exile. Using ordinary, non-miraculous events, God delivers the Israelites from a Persian Holocaust.

Using ordinary, non-miraculous events, God delivers the Israelites from a Persian Holocaust.

According to the lecture, which empire destroyed Israel/Samaria/the Northern Kingdom? Babylon. Persia. Assyria. Greece.


According to the lecture, what is the historical order of predominant foreign powers Israel faced during the time of Kings through Chronicles? Assyria, then Babylon, then Persia. Babylon, then Assyria, then Persia. Assyria, then Persia, then Babylon. Persia, then Babylon, then Assyria.

Assyria, then Babylon, then Persia.

According to the lecture, which one of the following prophets had the vision of God's glory leaving the Jerusalem temple? Ezekiel. Daniel. Jeremiah. Amos.


According to the lecture, the word "Pentateuch" comes from a Greek word that means what? Four-volume-work. Five staffs. Four elders. Five-volume work.

Five-volume work.

According to the lecture, which Old Testament prophetic book uses the phrase "son of god/gods," a prophecy about Jesus Christ? Ezekiel. Jeremiah. Daniel. Amos.


According to the lecture, which Minor Prophets primarily discuss the topic of punishment? Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, & Micah. Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi. Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel.

Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah

According to the lecture, the lovers' praise of each other in Song of Songs should encourage a married couple to ... consistently affirm each other's beauty. hold each other accountable. not be apart for lengthy periods of time. seek out an attractive partner for life.

consistently affirm each other's beauty.

According to the lecture, which Psalm models biblical confession of sin? Psalm 23. Psalm 42. Psalm 51. Psalm 119.

Psalm 51.

According to the lecture, how does God describe himself to Moses in Exodus 34? As a merciful God. As an angry, vengeful God. As a strict judge. As a holy Creator.

As a merciful God

According to the lecture, what was the key date given for David? 1000 BC. 1446 BC. 722 BC. 1260 BC.

1000 BC

According to the lecture, what was the key date given for the United Monarchy? 2150-1800 BC. 1050-930 BC. 1350-1050 BC. 1446-1406 BC.

1050-930 BC

According to the lecture, what were the key dates for the time of the Judges? 1800 - 1650 BC. 1350 - 1050 BC. 1446 - 1406 BC. 1050 - 930 BC.

1350 - 1050 BC.

According to the lecture, what were the key dates for Joshua's Conquest of the Promised Land? 1446 - 1406 BC. 1050 - 930 BC. 1406 - 1400 BC. 1800 - 1650 BC.

1406 - 1400 BC.

According to the lecture, what was the key date given for the Exodus? 2000 BC. 1260 BC. 1446 BC. 1870 BC.

1446 BC

According to Dr. Edwin Yamauchi, how much material from ancient times is available for study today? -About six, one hundred-thousandths (6/100,000) of what existed in antiquity. -About two thirds (2/3) of what existed in antiquity. -About one half (1/2) of what existed in antiquity. -About one fourth (1/4) of what existed in antiquity.

About six, one hundred-thousandths (6/100,000) of what existed in antiquity.

According to the lecture, what type of Bible translation is best when you try to conduct a deep Bible study? A dynamic equivalent one. An essentially literal one. A paraphrase. No matter, as long as it is a German translation.

An essentially literal one.

According to the lecture, when was the Old Testament written? a.Between 722 BC and 300 BC. b.Between 1000 BC and 1 BC. c.Between 1446 BC and 400 BC. d.Between 2000 BC and 500 BC.

And 1446 BC and 400BC

Why can the land of Israel be described as "a land between"? a.Because people lived there in every time period. b.Because it sat between two mountains. c.Because it sat between two oceans. d.Because it was a land bridge that connected continents.

Because it was a land bridge that connected continents.

According to the lecture, why was the first generation of Israelites unsuccessful in taking the land of Canaan? Because the Canaanites had a stronger military. Because they did not have faith to trust God to give them the victory. Because it was the rainy season. Because they were ceremonially unclean.

Because they did not have faith to trust God to give them the victory.

According to the lecture, who in the book of Ruth is a type of Christ? Boaz. Ruth. Naomi. Obed.


According to the lecture, how was Abraham considered righteous by God? By his obedience in God's commandments. By his faith in God's promises. By circumcising his son. By leaving his home.

By his faith in God's promises.

According to the lecture, the books of Jeremiah and Lamentations blame Judah's/Jerusalem's destruction on all EXCEPT which one of the following: Corrupt prophets and priests. National sin. Reliance on foreign allies. Desire to have earthly kings.

Desire to have earthly kings

According to the lecture, what Old Testament book is quoted more often than any other in the New Testament? Psalms. Deuteronomy. Genesis. Isaiah.


According to the lecture, which of the following books records God's command, "you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and might"? Exodus. Leviticus. Deuteronomy. Numbers.


According to the lecture, when did Job likely live? During the time of the Exodus, i.e., Moses. During the time of the United Monarchy, i.e., Saul, David, Solomon. During the time of the Exile, i.e., Ezekiel, Daniel. During the time of the patriarchs, i.e., Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

During the time of the patriarchs, i.e., Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

According to the lecture, how do the various Old Testament sacrifices point forward to Jesus? Each sacrifice foreshadowed a different element of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. All the sacrifices were for the purpose of atoning for sin, similar to how Jesus atoned for sin. Every sacrifice involved the shedding of blood, similar to how Jesus shed His blood. Each sacrifice involved a priest, and Jesus is the High Priest of Christians.

Each sacrifice foreshadowed a different element of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.

According to the lecture, which of the following Old Testament books regularly uses the phrase "son of man," a prophecy about Jesus Christ? Ezekiel. Isaiah. Jeremiah. Amos.


According to the lecture, which one of the following prophets is known for role-playing some of his prophecies? Ezekiel. Daniel. Jeremiah. Amos.


According to the lecture, considering Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon, Ecclesiastes is a book on ... Wisdom. Love. Folly. Beginnings.


Which of the following attributes of God was discussed in the lecture as support for the claim that the Old Testament is inerrant? a.God is holy. b.God cannot lie. c.God was faithful to Israel. d.God is loving.

God cannot lie

According to the lecture, one lesson we can learn from Saul's career as king is that ... it is never too late to repent. God desires obedience more than sacrifices. humility can make us great. our successor can come from even the humblest of backgrounds.

God desires obedience more than sacrifices.

According to the lecture, who is the ultimate author of Scripture? a.The apostles. b.The prophets. c.Moses. d.God Himself.

God himself

According to the lecture, what is the overarching theme of Hosea? The Day of the Lord. Social justice and judgment of Israel. Judgment of Edom. God's Loyal Love for Israel.

God's Loyal Love for Israel.

According to the lecture, two important themes in Ezekiel are ... God's faithfulness and Israel's faithlessness. God's commandments and Israel's disobedience. God's holiness and Israel's sinfulness. God's judgment and Israel's repentance.

God's holiness and Israel's sinfulness.

According to the lecture, which Minor Prophets primarily discuss the topic of restoration? Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, & Micah. Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah. Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel.

Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi

According to the lecture, what genre is Genesis written in? Apocalyptic Literature. Parable. Epistle. Historical Narrative.

Historical Narrative.

According to the lecture, which Minor Prophets primarily discuss the topic of sin? Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah. Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, & Micah. Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel.

Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, & Micah

According to the lecture, what is the cycle within the book of Judges? Sin; Confession; Punishment; Salvation. Appointment; Success & Potential; Failures; Results of Failures. Foreign Oppression; Idolatry; Cry for Help; Deliverance. Idolatry; Foreign Oppression; Cry for Help; Deliverance.

Idolatry; Foreign Oppression; Cry for Help; Deliverance.

According to the lecture, in which chapter(s) of the Old Testament can we find the prophecy of the Servant's atonement for sin? Genesis 1-2. Exodus 20. Deuteronomy 6. Isaiah 52-53.

Isaiah 52-53.

According to the lecture, a large portion of Proverbs deals with the contrast between ... Lady Wisdom and Madame Folly. Light and Darkness. Sin and Holiness. A man's love and a woman's love.

Lady Wisdom and Madame Folly.

According to the lecture, which of the following books of the Bible is written almost entirely in acrostic constructions? Proverbs. Ecclesiastes. Lamentations. Jeremiah.


According to the lecture, considering Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon, Song of Solomon is a book on ... Wisdom. Folly. Love. Beginnings.


What was discussed as true in the lectures about interpretation and application? a.Since there are different interpretations of a passage for different people, there are also different applications for different people. b.Always obey every command you read in Scripture. c.One interpretation, many applications. d.God's message doesn't change, so the application for us today will always be the same as the application was for Ancient Israel.

One interpretation, many applications.

According to the lecture, which is the best type of Bible translation? One that fits your purpose. One that is an essentially literal one. One that is a dynamic equivalent one. One that is a paraphrase.

One that fits your purpose

According to the lecture, what is the key characteristic of Hebrew Poetry? Rhyme. Parallelism. Rhythm. Sadness.


According to the lecture, what are the three characteristics of temptation seen throughout the Bible? Physical, Visual, and Pride. Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual. From Satan, From the Flesh, and From the Mind. Toward God, Toward Others, and Toward Self.

Physical, Visual, and Pride.

According to the lecture, which Psalms is a celebration of God's law? Psalm 51. Psalm 23. Psalm 42. Psalm 119.

Psalm 119.

According to the lecture, which of the following is the best definition of "kinsman redeemer"? Someone who allows poor people to gather grain in their fields at harvest time. Someone who dies to save another. Someone who helps a family member out of a difficult situation by taking the responsibility of that person onto themselves. Someone who fights for what is right.

Someone who helps a family member out of a difficult situation by taking the responsibility of that person onto themselves.

According to the lecture, what is the overarching theme of Joel? The Day of the Lord. God's Loyal Love for Israel. Social justice and judgment of Israel. Judgment of Edom.

The Day of the Lord.

According to the lecture, why is Genesis 15:6 significant? This verse explains why God chose Israel. All of God's promises to Abraham are recorded in this verse. This verse contains the first Messianic prophecy in the Bible. The apostle Paul uses this text in the New Testament as support for the doctrine that we are saved by grace through faith.

The apostle Paul uses this text in the New Testament as support for the doctrine that we are saved by grace through faith.

According to the lecture, which of the following statements is TRUE about Noah's Flood? According the Bible, Noah's flood was merely a local flood, not worldwide. The book of Genesis states that the waters were higher than all the mountains on earth. God never intended to exterminate all mankind and every land animal in Noah's flood. The flood covered the earth for about one week.

The book of Genesis states that the waters were higher than all the mountains on earth.

According to the lecture, which is the correct interpretation of the Bible? The one understood by the original readers. The one intended by the original author. The one intended by the modern scholar. The one understood by the professor.

The one intended by the original author.

According to the lecture, the central theme of Daniel is ... The holiness of God. The love of God. The faithfulness of God. The sovereignty of God.

The sovereignty of God

According to the lecture, a "Major Prophet" wrote a book that ... is shorter in length compared to the books of the "Minor Prophets." includes major Messianic prophets compared to the books of the "Minor Prophets." is longer in length compared to the books of the "Minor Prophets." includes more major warnings against sins compared to the books of the "Minor Prophets."

is longer in length compared to the books of the "Minor Prophets."

What was God's mission strategy with Ancient Israel? -To send Israel out into the world as missionaries. -To bring the nations of the world to Israel to hear the truth. -To allow Israel to conquer and dominate other nations so they could hear the truth. -There was no mission strategy in the Old Testament.

To allow Israel to conquer and dominate other nations so they could hear the truth.

According to the lecture, considering Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon, Proverbs is a book on ... Folly. Love. Wisdom. Beginnings.


According to the lecture, Leviticus seems like an irrelevant book for Christians. Why, though, is it important for the Christian? Without it, Christians do not understand the history of Israel. Without it, Christians are unprepared to understand the sacrificial death of Christ. Without it, Christians do not understand the biblical teaching of faith. Without it, Christians would have an incomplete understanding of the Trinity.

Without it, Christians are unprepared to understand the sacrificial death of Christ.

According to the lecture, what is the primary difference between various Bible translations available today? a.The translations are on a spectrum ranging from essentially literal to essentially functional. b.Each translation was written for a different slice of society, such as young or old, rich or poor. c.Each new Bible translation that is produced is superior to the previous ones. d.None. There is essentially no difference between the various translations.

a.The translations are on a spectrum ranging from essentially literal to essentially functional.

According to the lecture, what were the key dates for the New Testament Period? ca. 400 - 5 BC. ca. 5 BC - AD 100. 535 - ca. 400 BC. 722 - 586 BC.

ca. 5 BC - AD 100

According to the lecture, what were the key dates for Intertestamental Period ("Silent Years")? ca. 400 - 5 BC. 535 - ca. 400 BC. 1050 - 930 BC. 722 - 586 BC.

ca400 - 5 BC

According to the lecture, the central point of Ecclesiastes is ... seek God. love your spouse. seek wisdom. fear God.

fear God.

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