Old Testament Survey

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2-2 Abraham's spiritual strengths are revealed by his great faith and A. willingness to sacrifice his son. B. willingness to find Isaac a wife. C. boldness in asking God about Sodom and Gomorrah. D. numerous servants, animals, and monetary wealth.


2-9 Joseph's reunion with his brothers reveals A. God's sovereignty. B. Benjamin's innocence. C. the thief who took the cup. D. the human will's link to divine election.


3-3 The Ten Commandments were intended to A. provide a covenant constitution, protecting both individuals and the nation. B. provide a constitution like other surrounding nations. C. subject the Israelites to God's power and control. D. expose the wickedness of the Israelites.


3-8 According to Numbers, what occurred at Kadesh? A. The people forfeited their inheritance. B. God prepared a new generation to possess Canaan. C. God prepared Israel to inherit Canaan. D. Moses received the Ten Commandments.


4-2 The Canaanites' believed that heaven, earth, and childbirth were controlled by A. Baal. B. Asherah. C. Chemosh. D. El.


4-9 Who was the last judge to rule Israel? A. Samuel B. Gideon C. Samson D. Jephthah


5-3 Who confronted David concerning his sin with Bathsheba? A. Nathan B. Samuel C. Hushai D. Ahijah


5-4 The years of Solomon's reign were A. peaceful and prosperous. B. peaceful but unsuccessful. C. prosperous but volatile. D. oppressive and uncertain.


6-5 Which king helped to kill Zechariah, son of Jehoiada? A. Joash B. Amaziah C. Uzziah D. Jehoram


6-7 Which king of Judah sacrificed children to Molech in the valley of Hinnom? A. Manasseh B. Josiah C. Joash D. Amon


7-2 Cyrus's permission for the Jews to return to Jerusalem was prophesied 160 years in advance by A. Isaiah. B. Jeremiah. C. Zechariah. D. Amos.


7-3 After Cyrus's decree, who led the second group of Jews back to Jerusalem? A. Ezra B. Nehemiah C. Zerubbabel D. Zechariah


7-9 King Xerxes ordered a search for a new queen because Vashti A. rebelled and refused to obey him. B. was old and unable to fulfill her duties. C. was unable to have children. D. became ill and died.


8-10 Cries for divine assistance in the unfairness of life's circumstances are expressed in A. laments. B. hymns. C. psalms of confidence. D. wisdom psalms.


8-2 Theodicy deals with the issue of A. why the righteous suffer. B. the consequences of sin. C. gossip and slander. D. God's forgiveness.


9-2 The proverbs are statements that A. describe usual results of actions. B. describe guaranteed results of actions. C. applied only to the Old Testament culture. D. emphasize the contrast between law and grace.


9-9 Jewish tradition has interpreted the Song of Songs to be a book about A. the beauty of sexual intimacy in marriage. B. perverted and sensual sexuality. C. Christ's love for the church. D. God's love for Israel.


UPE1-10 Which of Noah's sons was an ancestor of the Messiah? A. Shem B. Ham C. Japheth D. Lamech


UPE1-13 Abraham took matters into his own hands in relation to A. Ishmael's birth. B. Isaac's birth. C. Lot's family's rescue. D. Isaac and Rebekah's marriage.


UPE1-15 Abraham's servant finding Rebekah as a wife for Isaac illustrates A. God's sovereignty. B. human free will. C. favoritism. D. the power of wealth and prestige.


UPE1-18 The sacrifice of the Passover lamb serves as a biblical model of A. redemption. B. justification. C. sanctification. D. glorification.


UPE1-21 Which offering atoned for unintentional sins and showed complete surrender to God? A. Burnt offering B. Sin offering C. Grain offering D. Guilt offering


UPE1-23 Moses' second speech in the book of Deuteronomy A. centered on the concept of covenant. B. involved both blessings and curses. C. commissioned Joshua to be Israel's leader. D. reviewed positive and negative aspects of Israel's history.


UPE1-3 The word Apocrypha has come to mean A. not in the canon. B. secret books. C. forbidden books. D. additional books.


UPE1-7 The statement that man and woman are created in God's image is in Genesis A. 1:27 B. 3:15 D. 4:25 D. 5:1


UPE2-14 Which king arranged for his son to marry Athaliah, Ahab and Jezebel's daughter? A. Jehoshaphat B. Rehoboam C. Asa D. Baasha


UPE2-19 How old was Josiah when he became king of Judah? A. 8 B. 18 C. 21 D. 25


UPE2-3 Ruth was from the land of A. Moab. B. Ammon. C. Edom. D. Judah.


UPE2-6 When anointing David, Samuel learned that A. humans look at the outside, but God looks at the heart. B. the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. C. God hears the prayers of the righteous. D. obedience is better than sacrifice.


UPE3-1 Job lived in the land of A. Uz. B. Israel. C. Persia. D. Assyria.


UPE3-13 Which psalms express exuberant praise to the Lord? A. Hymns B. Laments C. Psalms of confidence D. Kingship psalms


UPE3-19 The book of Proverbs is didactic, meaning it is intended to A. teach. B. tell a story. C. be poetic. D. be prophetic.


UPE3-2 According to Job's friends, Job's suffering was a result of A. his sin. B. God's injustice. C. fallen humanity. D. fate.


UPE3-7 Which Old Testament book is quoted the most in the New Testament? A. Psalms B. Isaiah C. Jeremiah D. Proverbs


UPE3-9 "A wise son brings joy to his father, but a foolish son grief to his mother" (Proverbs 10:1) illustrates A. antithetic parallelism. B. synonymous parallelism. C. synthetic parallelism. D. chiastic parallelism.


UPE4-17 How many authors do conservative scholars believe wrote the book of Isaiah? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four


UPE4-20 Who did Isaiah prophesy would deliver Israel from captivity? A. Cyrus B. Darius C. Nebuchadnezzar D. Xerxes


UPE4-24 The virgin birth of the Messiah is foretold in Isaiah A. 7 B. 9 C. 16 D. 22


UPE5-1 Nahum's message was directed to A. Nineveh. B. Judah. C. Edom. D. Israel.


UPE5-10 Ezekiel 40-48 describes A. a new temple. B. the temple's destruction. C. God's judgment on Israel. D. a vision of four beasts.


UPE5-17 Haggai prophesied to encourage A. Zerubbabel and Joshua. B. Ezra and Nehemiah. C. Zerubbabel and Ezra. D. Nehemiah and Joshua.


UPE5-24 The similarities of the Old and New Testaments are referred to as A. continuity. B. alignment. C. discontinuity. D. uniformity.


UPE5-25 A passage of Scripture that was written with the intent to teach is A. prescriptive. B. reflective. C. descriptive. D. interrogative.


UPE5-3 Zephaniah was a prophet to A. Judah. B. Israel. C. Edom. D. Nineveh.


11-4 A major argument against multiple authorship of the book of Isaiah involves A. Jewish tradition. B. Jesus' and the apostles' indication of one author. C. the book's continuity of flow and theme. D. its unified tone and writing style.


12-2 Nineveh fell in A. 722 BC. B. 612 BC. C. 586 BC. D. 444 BC.


12-4 Habakkuk's prayer and song of faith show that A. doubt signifies a lack of faith. B. even true believers sometimes experience doubt. C. believers should wait to praise God until they deal with their doubts. D. Habakkuk should not have asked God "why?"


12-9 Jeremiah was called the Weeping Prophet because of A. God's command for him not to marry. B. his many tears and tender heart. C. his exile to Babylon. D. his lack of courage.


13-7 Apocalyptic comes from a Greek word meaning A. "bizarre or unrealistic." B. "to unveil or reveal." C. supernatural intervention." D. "symbolic and figurative language."


13-9 In Daniel's visions, Media-Persia was represented by both the statue's A. head of gold and the lion with wings. B. chest of silver and the bear. C. bronze belly and the leopard with four wings. D. iron/clay and the terrible beast.


14-1 Who was governor of Judah during the time of Haggai? A. Ezra B. Zerubbabel C. Nehemiah D. Joshua


14-5 In Zechariah, the truth that Israel's sin and wickedness would be sent away was illustrated by the A. four chariots. B. woman in a basket. C. four horns and four craftsmen. D. horseman among the myrtle trees.


15-4 One difference between the testaments relates to A. salvation history. B. sacrificial requirements. C. the Sabbath Day concept. D. God's promises and their fulfillment.


15-6 Heilsgeschichte is a German term for A. continuity. B. salvation history. C. descriptive history. D. prescriptive history.


2-10 The actions of Joseph's brothers in the biblical narrative were A. always sinful. B. usually sinful. C. usually righteous. D. always righteous.


2-4 The story of the servant seeking a wife for Isaac illustrates human A. free agency and divine election. B. responsibility and divine sovereignty in prayer. C. weaknesses and divine perfections in prayer. D. sinful nature and divine judgments.


2-8 Joseph's actions in the biblical narrative were A. always wise. B. usually wise. C. usually sinful. D. always sinful.


3-1 The book of Exodus is a narrative of A. the Israelites' wilderness experience and the organization of the Law. B. the Israelites' escape from Egypt and journey to Mount Sinai. C. events that occurred at Sinai, Kadesh, and Moab. D. God's anger toward the Israelites.


3-10 Moses' third speech in the book of Deuteronomy A. centers on the concept of covenant. B. involves both blessings and curses. C. commissions Joshua to be the future leader of Israel. D. reviews the positive and negative aspects of Israel's history.


3-6 The dominant theme of Leviticus is A. redemption. B. holiness. C. deliverance. D. divine mystery.


4-10 What characterized the reigns of both Saul and David? A. Peace with surrounding nations B. The sacredness of the office of king C. Their wholehearted service to God D. Their godly character


4-5 Which major judge was Caleb's nephew and fought the king of Aram? A. Ehud B. Othniel C. Jephthah D. Samson


4-7 Naomi literally means A. "bitter." B. "pleasant." C. "my God is king." D. "barren."


5-1 The book of 2 Samuel recounts the years of A. Samuel's birth to Saul's death. B. David's rule. C. Saul's life. D. Samuel's life.


5-6 Solomon disobeyed God by A. handling the ark of the covenant inappropriately. B. marrying many foreign wives. C. accumulating a lot of wealth. D. counting his fighting men.


5-9 Who led Israel in worshipping Baal? A. Omri B. Ahab and Jezebel C. Jeroboam D. Baasha


6-1 Israel and Judah saw seventy-five years of political alliance in which period of the divided kingdom? A. First B. Second C. Third D. Fourth


6-4 When Athaliah tried to destroy David's lineage through Jehoshaphat, God spared A. Asa. B. Joash. C. Jehoram. D. Jehoshaphat.


6-6 When Assyria besieged Jerusalem, which prophet urged Hezekiah to trust in the Lord? A. Jeremiah B. Isaiah C. Zechariah D. Amos


7-1 According to Jewish tradition, who organized the entire Old Testament Hebrew canon? A. Nehemiah B. Ezra C. Zerubbabel D. Zechariah


7-4 The last four chapters of Ezra (7-10) describe A. the dedication of the temple. B. Ezra's journey and work. C. opposition from other nations. D. Haggai and Zechariah's prophetic ministry.


7-8 The events of the book of Esther took place A. before the Jews returned to Jerusalem. B. between the first and second returns. C. between the second and third returns. D. after the final return of the Jews.


8-6 "Why do the nations conspire and the people plot in vain?"(Psalm 2:1) illustrates what kind of parallelism? A. Antithetic B. Synonymous C. Synthetic D. Chiasm


8-8 Psalms 42-72 parallel the book of A. Genesis. B. Exodus. C. Leviticus. D. Deuteronomy.


9-5 Ecclesiastes is based on a Hebrew word that means A. one who is sorrowful. B. one who calls people together and talks to them. C. wise speech or parable. D. meaningless or futile.


9-6 According to Ecclesiastes, the most meaningless, empty pursuit is A. striving after riches. B. living without God. C. pouring much effort into work. D. trying to advance in one's position.


UPE1-14 God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac to reveal Abraham's A. sin. B. faith. C. pride. D. weakness.


UPE1-16 Jacob's greatest weakness was A. his lack of faith. B. deception. D. women. D. wealth.


UPE1-2 Originally, the word canon literally meant A. hidden books. B. standard. C. inspired. D. infallible.


UPE1-5 Ezra and Nehemiah are grouped with the A. Pentateuch. B. History books. C. Poetry and Wisdom books. D. Minor Prophets.


UPE1-6 Traditionally the author of the Pentateuch has been identified as A. Abraham. B. Moses. D. Joshua. D. Joseph.


UPE1-8 The first reference to God's crushing Satan is found in Genesis A. 1:27 B. 3:15 C. 4:25 D. 5:1


UPE2-1 According to Jewish tradition, the author of the book of Joshua is A. Moses. B. Joshua. C. Samuel. D. unknown.


UPE2-16 Which king of Judah entered the temple to burn incense and died of leprosy? A. Amaziah B. Uzziah C. Jotham D. Ahaz


UPE2-23 The book of Ezra centers on A. rebuilding Jerusalem's walls. B. rebuilding the temple. C. God's grace and forgiveness. D. God's judgment and wrath.


UPE2-25 Who revealed a plot to kill King Xerxes? A. Haman B. Mordecai C. Nehemiah D. Ezra


UPE2-7 David learned the benefits of iron from the A. Ammonites. B. Philistines. C. Jebusities. D. Moabites.


UPE2-9 Solomon's ability to trade with other nations came from Israel's mines of A. gold and silver. B. iron and copper. C. coal and gold. D. silver and copper.


UPE3-14 Which psalms express gratitude for God's past workings? A. Hymns B. Psalms of remembrance C. Kingship psalms D. Laments


UPE3-16 Who composed most of the material in Proverbs? A. David B. Solomon C. Agur D. Lemuel


UPE3-17 The Hebrew word mashal means A. "to rule." B. "wise speech or saying." C. "to obey or respect." D. "head knowledge."


UPE3-24 Who wrote ten books about the allegorical meanings of Song of Songs? A. Polycarp B. Origen C. Ignatius D. Augustine


UPE3-4 The longest book in the Bible is A. Genesis. B. Psalms. C. 1 Kings. D. Isaiah.


UPE4-10 In his marriage to Gomer, Hosea represented A. Israel. B. God. C. Judah. D. Assyria.


UPE4-22 Isaiah 40-66 contains themes of A. judgment and repentance. B. grace, hope, and mercy. C. the coming Day of the Lord. D. judgment and woes against Israel's neighbors.


UPE4-5 The main theme of Amos is A. idolatry. B. social justice and faithful, godly living. C. the wickedness of Israel's neighbors. D. the unfaithfulness of Israel and Judah.


UPE4-6 Which prophet had visions of a plumb line and a basket of ripe fruit? A. Joel B. Amos C. Hosea D. Micah


UPE5-11 To illustrate God's bearing the sin of Israel, God had Ezekiel A. create a wall made of bricks. B. lay on his side for 390 consecutive days. C. cook bread over dung. D. shave his head.


UPE5-12 Daniel was deported to Babylon in A. 612 BC. B. 605 BC. C. 597 BC. D. 586 BC.


UPE5-14 In Daniel's visions, Greece is represented by the statue's A. chest of silver and the bear. B. bronze belly and the leopard with four wings. C. head of gold and the lion with wings. D. iron/clay and the terrible beast.


UPE5-18 According to Haggai, who would be "God's signet ring"? A. Ezra B. Zerubbabel C. Nehemiah D. Joshua


UPE5-18A Haggai's theme is conveyed using command, encouragement, warning, and A. declaration of leadership B. promise of blessing C. prediction of judgement D. review of covenant history


UPE5-21 The term God-breathed is referred to as A. anointing. B. inspiration. C. continuity. C. discontinuity.


UPE5-7 The book of Lamentations expresses grief over A. Israel's sin. B. the fall of Judah and Jerusalem. C. Israel's future. D. Israel's coming judgment.


1-1 The Old Testament was a covenant or agreement between God and A. Enoch. B. Noah. C. the Hebrews. D. Israel's surrounding nations.


1-3 Studying the Old Testament is important because A. it is about 50 percent of the entire Bible. B. it alone describes the reality of God's anger. C. it helps us to properly understand the New Testament. D. the New Testament refers to it more than six thousand times.


1-9 The biblical account of the Fall reveals a tension between A. husbands and wives. B. animals and humans. C. mercy and judgment. D. murder and grace.


10-4 Amos's name means A. "Jehovah is my righteousness." B. "the Lord saves." C. "burden-bearer." D. "light-bearer."


10-6 Based on Amos 3-6, it appears that Israel's sin problem was rooted in their A. intermarriage with people from other nations. B. inability to discern God's message through Amos. C. pride in their privileged position as God's chosen people. D. rejection of God's discipline.


11-5 Isaiah prophesied during the reigns of A. Pekah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. B. Ahab, Pekah, Uzziah, and Hezekiah. C. Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. D. Uzziah, Pekah, Ahaz, and Jeroboam.


11-6 Isaiah uses which word more than all the other Old Testament prophets combined? A. Judgment B. Servant C. Salvation D. Restoration


11-8 The "song" about the Suffering Servant is found in Isaiah A. 42:1-4. B. 49:1-6. C. 52:13-53:12. D. 61:1-3.


12-5 Zephaniah's name means A. "the Lord is my salvation." B. "the Lord is my righteousness." C. "the Lord hides." D. "burden-bearer."


12-8 The last prophet to Judah before the nation's fall was A. Zephaniah. B. Obadiah. C. Jeremiah. D. Ezekiel.


13-2 Ezekiel's name means A. "the Lord hides." B. "the Lord saves." C. "God strengthens." D. "God is my judge."


13-6 The primary theme of Daniel is A. the Day of the Lord. B. the Suffering Servant. C. divine sovereignty. D. social injustice.


14-10 In Malachi, God brought charges against His people for A. oppressing the poor and committing social injustice. B. displeasing Him and reaping the consequences. C. engaging in unlawful divorce and failing to tithe. D. questioning His power and authority.


14-3 Haggai's fourth message emphasized that A. the people were to put God first. B. sin is contagious but holiness is not. C. the Day of the Lord will exalt the godly. D. God's presence is more important than beauty.


14-7 Zechariah 9:9 prophesied that the Messiah A. would be pierced. B. was the Chief Shepherd. C. would be sold for thirty pieces of silver. D. would ride on a donkey and bring lasting peace.


15-1 The differences between the Old and New Testaments are called their A. alignment. B. continuity. C. discontinuity. D. uniformity.


15-8 A passage of Scripture that relates historical details without intending to teach behavior is A. prescriptive. B. reflective. C. descriptive. D. normative.


2-3 God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac because He was A. angry at Abraham for having a son with Hagar. B. angry at Abraham for lying about Sarah. C. testing Abraham about his degree of trust in God. D. instituting child sacrifices for atonement.


2-5 Sibling rivalry is not necessary or appropriate because A. families should not allow competitiveness. B. families should model perfection. C. it can lead to deception and manipulation. D. any disagreement among brothers is sin.


2-7 joseph's experience in prison confirms that he was A. the central character in the biblical narrative. B. guilty of sexual sin with Potiphar's wife. C. ultimately released due to God's sovereignty. D. a master of deceptive practices.


3-2 The major themes of Exodus are A. deliverance, holiness, and divine mystery. B. deliverance, holiness, and covenant. C. deliverance, covenant, and divine mystery. D. divine mystery, holiness, and worship.


3-4 The priest and the person bringing the offering ate part of the sacrifice together in the A. burnt offering. B. sin offering. C. fellowship offering. D. grain offering.


3-7 The book of Numbers relates that at Sinai A. the people forfeited their inheritance. B. God prepared a new generation to possess Canaan. C. God prepared Israel to inherit Canaan. D. Moses received the Ten Commandments.


4-1 One purpose of the book of Joshua is to A. show God's provision and faithfulness. B. recount the Israelites' journey to Mount Sinai. C. demonstrate that God kept His promise to Abraham. D. summarize events that occurred at Sinai, Kadesh, and Moab.


4-4 The book of Judges emphasizes the Israelites' A. steadfastness and faithfulness. B. complete fall into idolatry. C. failure to conquer much of the land. D. success in conquering Canaan.


4-8 The book of Ruth communicates the message of God's A. forgiveness and restoration. B. desire for purity and holiness. C. redeeming grace. D. judgment.


5-2 David captured Jerusalem from the A. Philistines. B. Ammonites. C. Jebusites. D. Moabites.


5-5 Solomon dedicated the temple during the Feast of A. Trumpets. B. Passover. C. Tabernacles. D. Unleavened Bread.


5-7 The first king of the Northern Kingdom was A. Omri. B. Baasha. C. Jeroboam. D. Rehoboam.


6-3 Who immediately killed all his brothers once he was made king of Judah? A. Jehoshaphat B. Asa C. Jehoram D. Abijah


6-8 Jeremiah wrote a lament in memory of King A. Manasseh. B. Zedekiah. C. Josiah. D. Joash.


7-10 Which feast celebrates the Jews' deliverance from Haman and his plot? A. Trumpets B. Tabernacles C. Purim D. Passover


7-5 The Jews completed rebuilding the walls around Jerusalem in how many days? A. Thirty B. Forty-eight C. Fifty-two D. Sixty-four


8-1 Reading a book of the Bible in its entire context is especially important for the book of A. Proverbs. B. Psalms. C. Job. D. Lamentations.


8-4 The book of Job deals with the themes of A. forgiveness, judgment, and justice. B. wisdom, judgment, and injustice. C. wisdom, justice, and sovereignty. D. forgiveness, judgment, and restoration.


8-7 "I have installed my king on Zion, my holy hill" (Psalm 2:6) illustrates what kind of parallelism? A. Antithetic B. Synonymous C. Synthetic D. Chiasm


9-1 The entire book of Proverbs was likely compiled around A. 300 BC. B. 500 BC. C. 700 BC. D. 900 BC.


9-10 We should interpret Scripture allegorically only when A. the interpretation appears to conflict with the rest of Scripture. B. the interpretation does not conflict with the rest of Scripture. C. the Scriptures themselves teach an allegorical interpretation. D. a passage is too explicit, as in the case of Song of Songs.


9-4 A literary device that represents a concept or idea as a person is called A. a metaphor. B. a simile. C. personification. D. parallelism.


9-7 The book of Ecclesiastes uses the word meaningless how many times? A. Fifteen B. Twenty-five C. Thirty-five D. Forty-five


UPE1-1 How many books of the Bible are in the Old Testament? A. 27 B. 33 C. 39 D. 66


UPE1-11 Abraham demonstrated weakness when he A. asked God to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. B. bought property from the Hittites. C. lied about Sarah. D. failed to pray for Lot.


UPE1-17 Joseph's brothers were jealous of A. Joseph's good looks and his dreams. B. Joseph's talent and favor with their father. C. their father's favoritism and Joseph's dreams. D. their father's favoritism and Joseph's good looks.


UPE1-20 The Ten Commandments were unique because they required A. blood sacrifices. B. responsible behavior toward neighbors. C. the worship of one true God. D. people to honor their parents.


UPE1-22 A free gift of thanks and praise to God that was never offered alone described the A. burnt offering. B. fellowship offering. C. grain offering. D. sin offering.


UPE1-24 Deuteronomy 6:4-5 contains the Jewish Shema, which means "to A. give." B. honor." C. hear." C. worship."


UPE1-25 Moses' farewell speech in the book of Deuteronomy A. centered on the concept of covenant. B. involved both blessings and curses. C. commissioned Joshua to be Israel's leader. D. reviewed positive and negative aspects of Israel's history.


UPE1-9 Who walked with God and was later raptured? A. Abraham B. Moses C. Enoch D. Lamech


UPE2-12 Who confronted the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel? A. Elisha B. Ahijah C. Elijah D. Jehu


UPE2-13 Which period of the divided kingdom saw seventy-five years of war between Israel and Judah? A. First B. Second C. Third D. Fourth


UPE2-15 Jehoiada the priest had a profound influence on the life of A. Jehoram. B. Uzziah. C. Joash. D. Asa.


UPE2-18 Which king of Judah led a campaign to repair and restore the temple? A. Amon B. Zedekiah C. Josiah D. Joash


UPE2-2 The period of the judges lasted about A. 100 years. B. 200 years. C. 400 years. D. 500 years.


UPE2-21 Judah went into exile in Babylon for how many years? A. 50 B. 60 C. 70 D. 80


UPE2-22 Who led the first group of Jews back to Jerusalem after Cyrus issued his decree? A. Ezra B. Nehemiah C. Zerubbabel D. Zechariah


UPE2-24 The events of Esther took place in A. Israel. B. Assyria. C. Persia. D. Egypt.


UPE2-4 Who was Ruth's kinsman-redeemer? A. Obed B. Elimelech C. Boaz D. Mahlon


UPE3-10 Psalms 73-89 parallel the book of A. Genesis. B. Exodus. C. Leviticus. D. Deuteronomy.


UPE3-11 Psalms 90-106 parallel the book of A. Exodus. B. Leviticus. C. Numbers. D. Deuteronomy.


UPE3-21 Based on the evidence, the author of Ecclesiastes is A. David. B. Solomon. C. inconclusive. D. Samuel.


UPE3-5 The Hebrew word hallelujah is translated A. "Selah." B. "the Lord reigns." C. "praise the Lord." D. "the Lord is righteous."


UPE4-13 Which Old Testament book refers to a great plague of locusts? A. Amos B. Isaiah C. Joel D. Micah


UPE4-15 Which prophet did Peter quote on the day of Pentecost? A. Amos B. Obadiah C. Joel D. Isaiah


UPE4-18 The name Isaiah means A. burden-bearer. B. the Lord is God. C. the Lord is salvation. D. the Lord is holy.


UPE4-2 To avoid God's call, Jonah boarded a ship to A. Cyprus. B. Crete. C. Tarshish. D. Athens.


UPE4-23 Which Old Testament book contains the "servant songs"? A. Jeremiah B. Ezekiel C. Isaiah D. Daniel


UPE4-25 Themes in the book of Micah include A. the Day of the Lord, social injustice, and true worship. B. the Day of the Lord, false security, and true worship. C. social injustice, true worship, and false security. D. the Day of the Lord, social injustice, false security.


UPE4-4 Which prophet was a shepherd and took care of fig trees? A. Hosea B. Joel C. Amos D. Jonah


UPE4-9 Who did God call to marry a prostitute named Gomer? A. Joel B. Amos C. Hosea D. Obadiah


UPE5-13 In Daniel's visions, Babylon is represented by the statue's A. chest of silver and the bear. B. bronze belly and the leopard with four wings. C. head of gold and the lion with wings. D. iron/clay and the terrible beast.


UPE5-16 Haggai encouraged the people to rebuild A. the walls of Jerusalem. B. a trading center. C. the temple. D. their houses.


UPE5-19 Zechariah was born in A. Judah. B. Israel. C. Babylon. D. Assyria.


UPE5-2 Habakkuk emphasized the themes of A. the Day of the Lord and the coming Messiah. B. Babylon's destruction and the Day of the Lord. C. God's judgment of sin in His time and living by faith. D. the Day of the Lord and living by faith.


UPE5-20 Jesus' ride into Jerusalem on a donkey was prophesied by A. Isaiah. B. Jeremiah. C. Zechariah. D. Micah.


UPE5-22 The Old Testament people of God are known as A. soteriological. B. anticipatory. C. revelatory. D. legalistic.


UPE5-6 Jeremiah was a prophet to A. Israel. B. Nineveh. C. Judah. D. Edom.


1-8 The idea that a major time lapse occurred between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 is a characteristic of the A. theistic evolution view. B. step-by-step view. C. literary framework view. D. gap theory.


10-10 God uses courtroom imagery to bring charges of unfaithfulness against Israel in the book of A. Jonah. B. Obadiah. C. Amos. D. Hosea.


10-5 According to Amos 5:24, the theme of Amos centers on A. the tension between God's love and His judgment. B. God's desire for redemption. C. judgment for Israel's idolatry. D. social justice and righteousness.


10-7 Hosea's name means A. "light-bearer." B. "burden-bearer." C. "Jehovah is my righteousness." D. "the Lord saves."


11-9 Micah prophesied during the reigns of A. Uzziah, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. B. Uzziah, Jotham, and Ahaz. C. Uzziah, Jotham, and Hezekiah. D. Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah.


11:3 What kind of restoration does the prophet Joel refer to? A. Physical B. Spiritual C. Emotional D. Physical and spiritual


12-1 As seen in Nahum, promiscuity, cruelties, and false security led to judgment for A. Edom. B. Samaria. C. Jerusalem. D. Nineveh.


12-6 Zephaniah affirmed that A. the joy of the Lord was the people's strength. B. God's people would rejoice over Him. C. God would restore Israel's joy. D. God would rejoice over His people.


13-3 The themes of Ezekiel are A. the Suffering Servant and the Day of the Lord. B. social injustice and encouragement of the captives. C. God's judgment for Babylon and grace for Judah. D. God's judgment on Judah and encouragement of the Jewish captives.


13-5 The terms Gog and Magog refer to A. Babylon. B. Assyria. C. Russia. D. the ultimate foe of God's people.


14-2 Haggai prophesied that the A. rebuilt temple would be identical to the former temple. B. rebuilt temple would be larger than the former temple. C. glory of God would be the same in the rebuilt temple. D. glory of God would be greater in the rebuilt temple.


14-8 Malachi's name means A. "God is my judge." B. "the Lord is my refuge." C. "the Lord hides." D. "my messenger."


15-10 Using solid principles of interpretation, believers should see the entire Old Testament as A. normative. B. prescriptive. C. descriptive. D. both prescriptive and descriptive.


15-3 A difference between the Old and New Testaments involves the A. holiness of God. B. sovereignty of God. C. transcendence of God. D. historical and political contexts.


15-7 The Old and New Testaments should be read A. independently because of their differences. B. independently, focusing on the unified portions. C. together, ignoring the differences between the two. D. together, acknowledging their unity and diversity.


2-1 Abraham's spiritual weaknesses are revealed by his A. numerous servants, animals, and monetary wealth. B. boldness in interceding for Sodom and Gomorrah. C. acceptance of sinful lifestyles in Sodom and Gomorrah. D. half-truths about his wife to both Pharaoh and Abimelech.


2-6 Favoritism in Jacob's family led to A. God's purposes being accomplished in their lives. B. positive results for each family member. C. spiritual maturity for each family member. D. continuing problems in succeeding generations.


3-5 Which offering atoned for unintentional sins and required restitution? A. Burnt offering B. Sin offering C. Fellowship offering D. Guilt offering


3-9 The book of Deuteronomy summarizes A. God's anger toward the nation of Israel. B. events that occurred at Sinai, Kadesh, and Moab. C. the Israelites' escape from Egypt and journey to Mount Sinai. D. the Law and the history of the Israelites' wilderness experience.


4-3 Joshua's military strategy for conquering Canaan is known as A. blitzkrieg. B. guerrilla warfare. C. surround and conquer. D. divide and conquer.


4-6 Jephthah helped to deliver Israel from A. Moab. B. Canaan. C. Philistia. D. Ammon.


5-10 Assyria conquered the Northern Kingdom in A. 586 BC. B. 622 BC. C. 686 BC. D. 722 BC.


5-8 How many tribes comprised the Northern Kingdom? A. Two B. Four C. Eight D. Ten


6-10 The purpose of the Old Testament narratives of the kings is A. historical. B. theological. C. instructional. D. both historical and theological.


6-2 The first king of the Southern Kingdom was A. Asa. B. Jehoshaphat. C. Jeroboam. D. Rehoboam.


6-9 The last king to rule over Judah in Jerusalem was A. Josiah. B. Jehoahaz. C. Jehoiachin. D. Zedekiah.


7-6 The man with exceptional organizational skills who helped rebuild the walls of Jerusalem was A. Ezra. B. Zerubbabel. C. Zechariah. D. Nehemiah.


7-7 The theme of Nehemiah is the A. grace and forgiveness of the Lord. B. judgment and wrath of God. C. rebuilding of the temple. D. rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem.


8-3 The last and youngest person that contended with Job about the cause of his suffering was A. Eliphaz. B. Bildad. C. Zophar. D. Elihu.


8-5 A good example of a responsive reading is Psalm A. 1 B. 32 C. 100 D. 136


8-9 The lives of the righteous and the wicked are contrasted in A. laments. B. hymns. C. psalms of confidence. D. wisdom psalms.


9-3 The theme of the book of Proverbs is that A. God's promises never fail. B. most of life is meaningless. C. our worship of God takes various forms. D. wisdom begins with honoring the Lord.


9-8 The author of Song of Songs is A. Samuel. B. David. C. Solomon. D. uncertain.


UPE1-12 God's sparing Lot and his family when He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah revealed Abraham's strength in A. faith. B. generosity. C. compassion. D. intercessory prayer.


UPE1-19 In a covenant relationship, the covenant continues A. as long as it serves the best interests of both parties. B. until one party breaks it. C. for a period of fifty years. D. as long as the initiator wills it.


UPE1-4 Which of these books is part of the Minor Prophets? A. Isaiah B. Lamentations C. Ezekiel D. Zechariah


UPE2-10 Because of Solomon's disobedience, God promised to A. cause Solomon's son to die. B. strike Israel with a plague. C. take away the gift of wisdom. D. divide the kingdom.


UPE2-11 Who is considered the greatest king of the Northern Kingdom? A. Jeroboam B. Omri C. Jehu D. Jeroboam II


UPE2-17 Who sought the Lord about the king of Assyria's siege of Jerusalem? A. Uzziah B. Joash C. Ahaz D. Hezekiah


UPE2-20 Ezra was a A. shepherd. B. priest. C. cupbearer. D. priest and scribe.


UPE2-5 First Samuel relates thrilling stories about Israel's ongoing struggle with the A. Moabites. B. Ammonites. C. Egyptians. D. Philistines.


UPE2-8 David spent the last ten years of his life A. enjoying the rewards of his success and prosperity. B. building his palace. C. crushing his enemies to make peace for his son Solomon. D. preparing for Solomon to build the temple.


UPE3-22 Which book warns that life without God is meaningless? A. Job B. Psalms C. Proverbs D. Ecclesiastes


UPE3-23 The title Song of Songs means this is A. a great song. B. one of the great songs of history. C. a greater song than others. D. the greatest song.


UPE3-6 The Psalms were written over a period of A. 300 years. B. 500 years. C. 800 years. D. 1,000 years.


UPE4-1 Jonah was a prophet to A. Judah. B. Israel. C. Assyria. D. Israel and Assyria.


UPE4-14 According to Joel, true repentance includes A. tearing one's clothes. B. observing all the Jewish feasts. C. offering a sin offering to God. D. rending one's heart.


UPE4-19 Isaiah was A. a shepherd. B. a priest. C. a farmer. D. an educated man and a poet.


UPE4-3 The issue of whether God changes His mind is raised in A. Amos. B. Hosea. C. Joel. D. Jonah.


UPE5-15 Concerning eschatology, the Assemblies of God holds to A. a postmillennial view. B. a midmillennial view. C. an amillennial view. D. a premillennial view.


UPE5-23 A difference between the Old and New Testaments involves God's A. sovereignty. B. transcendence. C. holiness. D. provision of salvation.


UPE5-4 Zephaniah's theme was A. the Messiah. B. living by faith. C. social injustice. D. the Day of the Lord.


UPE5-5 Obadiah's prophecy addressed the people of A. Judah. B. Moab. C. Israel. D. Edom.


UPE5-8 Lamentations 3:22-23 reminds believers of God's A. wrath against unrepentant sin. B. peace. C. righteousness. D. faithfulness and unfailing love.


UPE5-9 Ezekiel was A. a priest. B. a prophet. C. a shepherd. D. both a prophet and a priest.


1-A What are the 5 Old Testament books that are considered the Major Prophets?

Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel

12-3 The reminder "the righteous will live by his faith" (Habakkuk 2:4) was part of God's promise to A. judge Babylon later for its wickedness. B. use Babylon to punish Judah. C. restore the nation of Israel. D. answer Habakkuk's cry for help.


12-7 Obadiah foretold God's judgment on Edom because of their A. pride and treatment of Israel. B. sexual perversions. C. social injustice. D. idolatry.


13-1 The book of Ezekiel is set in A. Babylon. B. Judah. C. Assyria. D. Israel.


13-10 Daniel 9 describes Daniel's vision of A. the seventy "sevens." B. a ram, a goat, and a small horn. C. a great war. D. four beasts.


13-4 The king of Tyre is addressed in Ezekiel A. 28 B. 32 C. 42 D. 48


13-8 Who took control of Babylon in 539 BC? A. Cyrus B. Xerxes C. Nebuchadnezzar D. Alexander the Great


14-4 The book of Zechariah is divided into how many major sections? A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five


14-6 Zechariah's messianic prophecy about thirty pieces of silver was quoted in A. Matthew. B. Mark. C. Luke. D. John.


14-9 The purpose of the book of Malachi is to A. call God's people back to spiritual vitality. B. encourage the people to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. C. proclaim judgment against Judah. D. proclaim judgment against Babylon.


15-2 The people of God in the New Testament are known as A. soteriological. B. revelatory. C. anticipatory. D. legalistic.


15-5 Scholars refer to the Scriptures' unity in divine intent and purpose as A. continuity. B. discontinuity. C. alignment. D. uniformity.


15-9 A phrase's surrounding words or verses is called its A. context. B. description. C. prescription. D. Old Testament law.


1-4 The major divisions of the English Old Testament are the A. Pentateuch, History, Poetry and Wisdom, Major Prophets, and Minor Prophets. B. Pentateuch, History, Poetry and Wisdom, Former Prophets, and Latter Prophets. C. Law, Former Prophets, Latter Prophets, and the Writings. C. Law, History, Former Prophets, Latter Prophets, and the Writings.


1-5 We believe Moses wrote the Pentateuch because of A. internal biblical evidence including a Mosaic self-claim. B. Jewish, Christian, and ancient Near Eastern traditions. C. his apparent dislike for using other sources. D. the anonymity of the author of Genesis.


10-3 The people of Nineveh responded to Jonah's message by A. repenting and turning from their wicked ways. B. laughing at Jonah with rejection. C. forcing Jonah to flee for his life. D. listening yet resisting the urge to repent.


10-8 The period of Hosea's ministry overlapped that of A. Amos. B. Joel. C. Micah. D. Obadiah.


10-9 The name of Gomer's third child, Lo-Ammi, meant A. "not my people." B. "Israel is forsaken." C. "not love." D. "unfaithful."


11-2 A prominent theme in the book of Joel is A. the Day of the Lord. B. the coming Messiah. C. God's faithfulness. D. God's holiness.


11-7 Isaiah 7:14; 9:6-7 prophesy about the Messiah's A. incarnation. B. message. C. mission. D. second coming.


12-10 Lamentations 1-4 use a literary device known as A. an acrostic. B. alliteration. C. personification. D. metaphors.


10-1 The greatest debate about Jonah's historical accuracy centers on which question? A. Would God send a prophet to a wicked Gentile nation? B. Can God perform the miracle of keeping Jonah alive in a fish's belly for three days? C. Can God use a prophet who resents the mission God has given him? D. Does God really care about the heathen nations of the world?


10-2 Jonah did not want to go to Nineveh primarily because A. the journey was too far. B. the people were wicked and enemies of Israel. C. he would be rejected by his own people. D. he was too old to make the journey.


11-1 Joel's name means A. "burden-bearer." B. "the Lord is God." C. "the Lord is holy." D. "Jehovah saves."


11-10 In Micah 6:8, the prophet summarizes his message about A. law versus grace. B. mercy and judgment or justice. C. complete restoration for Israel. D. responsibilities that come with privileges.


1-10 Our study indicates that the Flood was primarily an act of God's A. grace. B. judgment. C. promise. D. sovereignty.


1-2 The word canon refers to the books that meet the standards set for A. academic quality. B. recognizing Scripture. C. literary excellence. C. outstanding authorship.


1-6 The idea that creation days are not necessarily chronological is a characteristic of the A. gap theory. B. literary framework view. C. step-by-step view. D. young earth view.


1-7 The idea that creation consisted of sequential divine acts is a characteristic of the A. theistic evolution view. B. step-by-step view. C. literary framework view. D. gap theory.


4-A Who were the 6 Major Judges of Israel?

Othneil Ehud Deborah (and Barak) Gideon Jephthah Samson

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