Ontario Drivers License Quiz #3

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c. 150m

To make a U-turn you must be able to see how far in both directions? a. 50m b. 100m c. 150m d. 200m

b. The above statement is true

You must share the road with motorcycles, cyclists, commercial vehicles, pedestrians, farm machinery and buses a. The above statement is false b. The above statement is true c. All of the above are correct except for farm machinery d. All of the above are correct except for pedestrians because they are not in a vehicle

a. Yes, after coming to a complete stop and as long as a sign does not tell you otherwise

Can you make a right turn on a red light? a. Yes, after coming to a complete stop and as long as a sign does not tell you otherwise b. Yes, as long as you are in an HOV lane c. No, there are no right turns on red lights allowed in Ontario d. No, there are no right turns on roadways shared with pedestrians

a. Yes, if you signal, stop first in the farthest left lane and then proceed when the way is clear

Can you turn left on a red light from a one-way road onto a one-way road? a. Yes, if you signal, stop first in the farthest left lane and then proceed when the way is clear b. Yes, as long as you drive slowly and cautiously c. No left turns are permitted on a red light in Ontario d. Left turns are only permitted from two-way roads to two-way roads on a green light

c. You stop at the edge of the intersection

Coming to a complete stop at an intersection is required, but where do you stop if there is no stop line, crosswalk or sidewalk? a. You stop right beside the stop sign b. You stop right before the stop sign c. You stop at the edge of the intersection d. You stop a little into the intersection so that you can see traffic and pedestrians

a. The driver plus 1 other passenger for a total of 2

High Occupancy Vehicle lanes on provincial highways are reserved for vehicles carrying at least how may passengers? a. The driver plus 1 other passenger for a total of 2 b. The driver plus 2 other passengers for a total of 3 c. The driver plus 3 other passengers for a total of 4 d. The driver plus 4 other passengers for a total of 5

d. All of the above

How can driver distractions be avoided? a. Plan your trip in advance and know where you are going b. Eat before driving to avoid the need to snack c. Pre-set CD players, radios and other controls before driving d. All of the above

a. Turn from the far left lane into the left curb lane

How do you make a left turn from a two-way road onto a two lane one-way road? a. Turn from the far left lane into the left curb lane b. Turn from the far left lane into the right curb lane c. Turn from the far right lane into the left curb lane d. Turn from the right lane into the right curb lane

d. Turn from the closest lane to the centre diving line making a smooth arc into the lane to the right of the centre dividing line

How do you make a left turn from a two-way road onto a two-way road? a. Turn from the right lane making a smooth arc into the right curb lane b. Turn from the right lane making a smooth arc into the lane right of the center line c. Turn from the closest lane to the centre dividing line into the right curb lane d. Turn from the closest lane to the centre diving line making a smooth arc into the lane to the right of the centre dividing line

b. From 150m away

How far away must headlights and rear lights be seen? a. From 50m away b. From 150m away c. From 1150m away d. They must be seen clearly in the dark

d. 1m

How much room do cyclists need on either side of themselves as a safety zone? a. 4m b. 3m c. 2m d. 1m

d. At least 2 seconds so you can see around the vehicle ahead and also have enough time to stop

How much space should you have between you and any other vehicle you are following? a. No rule applies and you will not get a fine or demerit points as long as caution is used b. There is a rule of 20 seconds but it is for motorcycle drivers only c. At least 12 seconds so you can see around the vehicle ahead and also have enough time to stop d. At least 2 seconds so you can see around the vehicle ahead and also have enough time to stop

a. Immediately

How much time do you have to surrender your licence, vehicle permit (or copy) and insurance when asked by a police officer? a. Immediately b. Within 12 hours c. Within 24 hours d. You do not have to, they will look you up in the system

a. The vehicle on the right

If 2 vehicles come to an uncontrolled intersection at the same time, who has the right-of-way? a. The vehicle on the right b. The vehicle on the left c. The vehicle turning right d. The vehicle turning left

a. The vehicles that got there first

If 3 vehicles are at an all-way stop, who has the right of way? a. The vehicles that got there first b. The vehicle on the left c. The vehicle turning right d. The vehicle turning left

c. Turn on emergency flashers and pull off the road completely into a safe parking area

If driving in fog that becomes very dense, what should you do? a. Carefully pass vehicles that are moving too slowly or following too closely b. Pull off the road onto the shoulder and wait for the fog to clear c. Turn on emergency flashers and pull off the road completely into a safe parking area d. Slow down and turn on your fog lights

a. At least 20m behind and far enough in front for children to exit the bus and cross safely

If there is no median, how far in front and behind a school bus you are required to stop when its lights are flashing? a. At least 20m behind and far enough in front for children to exit the bus and cross safely b. At least 20ft behind and far enough in front for children to exit the bus and cross safely c. At least 10m behind and far enough in front for children to exit the bus and cross safely d. At least 10ft behind and far enough in front for children to exit the bus and cross safely

a. Stop before entering the intersection

If you approach an intersection on a main road that is blocked with traffic, what should you do? a. Stop before entering the intersection b. Move up so cars behind you can move forward c. Slowly proceed through the intersection d. Turn left or right to avoid the heavy traffic back-up

c. You must yield the right-of-way to approaching traffic and/or to pedestrians crossing

If you are turning left at an uncontrolled intersection and a pedestrian is crossing your path, who has the right-of-way? a. You do. Come to a complete stop and make your turn b. Any other car at the intersection that is turning right c. You must yield the right-of-way to approaching traffic and/or to pedestrians crossing d. Whoever is more in a hurry goes first

a. Steer your vehicle into the direction you want to go

If you skid on a slippery road surface what should you do? a. Steer your vehicle into the direction you want to go b. Steer your vehicle into the opposite direction you want to go c. Apply gas to quickly get out of the skid d. Turn off the ignition

b. You can be fined $400-$2000 and get 6 demerit points

It is illegal to not stop behind a stopped school bus with alternating flashing red lights. If you do not stop what can happen on a first offence? a. You can be fined $40-$200 and get 2 demerit points b. You can be fined $400-$2000 and get 6 demerit points c. You can be fined $4000-$20,000 d. You will not be fined for the first offence; you will only receive a warning

d. All of the above

Snow may be slippery as ice; what should you do when driving on snow-covered roads? a. Look ahead and slow down b. Avoid steering suddenly c. Avoid braking suddenly d. All of the above

d. Are warnings to guide drivers away from fixed obstacles like islands, bridges etc.

Two solid yellow painted lines on a roadway as in this diagram do which of the following? a. Help in calculating distances from one exit to the next b. Act as left and right turn lane markings c. Provide drivers information about upcoming exits d. Are warnings to guide drivers away from fixed obstacles like islands, bridges etc.

d. All of the above

Under what circumstances are cell phones not allowed while driving? a. When you use your cell phone to text b. When you use your hand-held cell phone to chat c. When you use your cell phone to check and send emails d. All of the above

b. 50 km/h

Unless posted in cities, towns and villages and built up areas the maximum speed limit is? a. 40 km/h b. 50 km/h c. 70 km/h d. 80 km/h

d. They allow slower vehicles to move into the right lane so faster ones can pass on the left

What are passing or climbing lanes for? a. They allow for frequent stops and a rest area ahead b. They are for vehicles that have trouble climbing hills c. They help thin out traffic by providing an extra lane d. They allow slower vehicles to move into the right lane so faster ones can pass on the left

b. Slow down, safely pull over in the right lane and come to a complete stop

What are you required to do if a police officer signals you to pull over? a. Slow down, safely pull over in the left lane and come to a complete stop b. Slow down, safely pull over in the right lane and come to a complete stop c. Slow down and stop in the lane you are in d. Signal and stop at the next intersection and wait for the police officer

b. They make wide turns

What challenges do commercial vehicles have that are dangerous for other vehicles? a. They have small blind spots b. They make wide turns c. They roll forward after stopping d. They block large amounts of snow and slush from your windshield

d. No vehicles may pass in either direction

What do double solid pavement markings mean? a. Vehicles travelling on the right may pass when the way is clear b. Vehicles travelling on the left may pass when the way is clear c. Both vehicles may pass in either direction when the way is clear d. No vehicles may pass in either direction

d. There is a two-way left turn lane in centre for traffic going in both directions

What do the markings on the road mean and what does the sign represent in the picture? a. There is a left turn lane in the centre for those travelling north b. There is a left turn lane in the centre for those travelling south c. There is an extra lane for driving in d. There is a two-way left turn lane in centre for traffic going in both directions

d. Allows parking in designated spaces for you or passengers with you who qualified for the parking permit

What does the Accessible Parking Permit give you? a. It gives everyone in your family the privilege to park, stand or stop in any area b. Allows parking in designated spaces even if the person with the disability is not a passenger c. Allows parking everywhere during specified times d. Allows parking in designated spaces for you or passengers with you who qualified for the parking permit

d. All toddlers 9-18kg must be in an approved child car seat that is properly attached

What does the law state about seatbelts and children 9-18kg (20-40lbs)? a. All infants, toddlers and children under 8 must be in a booster seat b. All infants, toddlers and children under 8 must be in a rear-facing child car seat c. All infants, toddlers and children under 8 must wear protective head gear d. All toddlers 9-18kg must be in an approved child car seat that is properly attached

c. When asphalt has a thin layer of ice on it

What is black ice? a. When snow is mixed with mud and then freezes b. When newly paved roads are wet c. When asphalt has a thin layer of ice on it d. When ice is mixed with snow

b. Stop and wait until all pedestrians, including school crossing guards, have completely crossed the road

What must drivers do at pedestrian crossovers and school crossings? a. Stop and wait until the lane you are in is clear b. Stop and wait until all pedestrians, including school crossing guards, have completely crossed the road c. Stop and wait until pedestrians have almost crossed the road d. Slow down and proceed with caution

a. Check mirrors and blind spots for space, signal, check for space again, steer into lane

What must you do when changing lanes? a. Check mirrors and blind spots for space, signal, check for space again, steer into lane b. Signal and steer into lane slowly c. Signal and steer into lane quickly to get into lane safely d. Sound horn, signal and move slowly

d. All of the above

What should you do if you are the victim of road rage? a. Lock the doors and remain in your vehicle b. If you have a cell phone, safely pull over and phone the police c. Attract attention to your car by honking the horn and using your signals d. All of the above

c. Take a nap off the road in a safe area

What should you do if you feel drowsy while driving? a. Reduce speed b. Turn up your radio c. Take a nap off the road in a safe area d. Open all windows

c. Report the incident to the Ministry of Natural Resources or local police

What should you do if you hit a deer or moose? a. Try to move the animal off the road so other vehicles will not hit it b. Sound your horn to ward off other animals from coming onto the roadway c. Report the incident to the Ministry of Natural Resources or local police d. Do nothing but drive cautiously as more animals may be in the area

d. All of the above

What should you do when approaching a construction zone? a. Slow down as signs may be posted with reduced speed limits b. Obey all warning signs c. Follow the directions of the traffic control worker d. All of the above

d. All of the above

What should you do when glare from bright sunshine makes seeing difficult? a. Wear a good pair of sunglasses that cut glare well b. Use your sun visors and adjust them according to the glare c. Reduce speed when entering a tunnel, remove sunglasses, turn on low beam headlights d. All of the above

a. Slow down and drive cautiously. You must leave one lane clearance between you and an emergency vehicle if there are multiple lanes in your direction

When approaching a stopped emergency vehicle with its sirens or red lights flashing, or a tow truck with amber lights flashing you must? a. Slow down and drive cautiously. You must leave one lane clearance between you and an emergency vehicle if there are multiple lanes in your direction b. Maintain the posted rate of speed for the area c. Slow down, stop and pull over to the right d. Slow down, stop and pull over to the left

d. All drivers and passengers are required to wear a seatbelt and be properly buckled up

When are you required to wear a seatbelt? a. Wearing a seatbelt is optional b. Only drivers are required to wear a seatbelt c. Only passengers are required to wear a seatbelt d. All drivers and passengers are required to wear a seatbelt and be properly buckled up

b. Only if a vehicle is turning left and you have a paved shoulder on the right

When can you pass on a shoulder? a. Only if a vehicle is turning left and you have an unpaved shoulder on the right b. Only if a vehicle is turning left and you have a paved shoulder on the right c. Whenever the vehicle in front of you is moving under 40km/h d. Whenever you can do it safely

c. On one-way or multi-lane roads, when passing a streetcar or vehicle turning left

When can you pass on the right? a. You may never pass on the right b. You can only pass on the right if there is an emergency c. On one-way or multi-lane roads, when passing a streetcar or vehicle turning left d. On any type of road providing there is an unpaved shoulder

a. When you are backing up

When can you remove your seatbelt while driving? a. When you are backing up b. When you are the only person in the car c. If you are a G1 driver d. If you are on a country road

d. Only if you are behind a stopped bus which has its upper red alternating lights flashing

When do you stop for school buses if there is a median? a. Whenever you approach and see one b. Never, because they will stop for you c. Whenever they stop d. Only if you are behind a stopped bus which has its upper red alternating lights flashing

a. Turn your tires to the left to catch the curb if your vehicle rolls backward

When parking uphill with a curb what should you do? a. Turn your tires to the left to catch the curb if your vehicle rolls backward b. Turn your tires to the right to catch the curb if your vehicle rolls backward c. Make your tires straight and parallel with the curb d. The direction of your tires does not matter as long as you set the parking brake

a. Within 150m of oncoming vehicles

When using high beam lights when do you have to switch to low beam lights? a. Within 150m of oncoming vehicles b. Within 50m of oncoming vehicles c. You do not have to switch d. If the oncoming car puts their high beams on you do not have to switch

c. Stop and wait for the signal lights to stop flashing

When you come to a railway crossing and there are flashing signal lifts, what must you do? a. Continue slowly because flashing lights are only a warning to drive slow b. Stop and then proceed slowly across the tracks c. Stop and wait for the signal lights to stop flashing d. Drive around the gate or barrier to avoid getting stuck on the tracks

b. Do not park within 3m of a fire hydrant

Which one of these statements is a basic parking rule? a. Park on a curve or hill so that you can see ahead b. Do not park within 3m of a fire hydrant c. Do not park within 150m of intersections with traffic lights d. Do not look while opening your door

d. Rain can increase your braking ability

Which statements are false about driving in the rain? a. Rain can reduce visibility b. Rain can fill potholes and cause damage to your car c. Rain can cause your vehicle to hydroplane (ride the water like skis) d. Rain can increase your braking ability

b. Traffic in the roundabout

Who has the right-of-way in a roundabout? a. Traffic approaching the roundabout b. Traffic in the roundabout c. Traffic turning right in the roundabout d. Traffic turning left in the roundabout

c. Another vehicle can push your vehicle into oncoming traffic

Why is it a bad idea to turn you steering wheel to the left while waiting to make a left turn at an intersection? a. In case you need to turn right - it will be harder to steer out of the turn b. It is not a bad idea - Your vehicle will not be able to make the turn in time if you do not c. Another vehicle can push your vehicle into oncoming traffic d. Turning your steering wheel unnecessarily will add to your car's wear and tear

d. All of the above

Why must you use signals when turning? a. To inform other drivers of what you want to do b. To inform pedestrians of what you want to do c. To send out an alert of your intentions d. All of the above

d. All of the above

Why must your vehicle undergo emissions testing? a. To identify if it's grossly polluting the environment b. Your vehicle may be of an age where it's necessary to get tested c. So that you may renew your vehicle registration d. All of the above

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