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29. _____________________ facilities may not be the best approach in today's business environment that has short product and technological life cycles and in which flexibility is more important than ever before. a) Large b) Small c) Leased d) Self-operating e) Agile

Ans: a Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: easy

9. An example of an input measure of capacity is _____________________. a) floor space in square feet b) number of patients per month c) number of pizzas per day d) revenues per day e) number of cars per shift

Ans: a Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: easy

7. Investments in building or purchasing long-term production facilities are inherently risky due to __________. a) uncertainty in forecasting future demands b) unexpected changes in interest rates c) durability of materials d) corporate mergers e) rapid technology changes

Ans: a Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: hard

15. Which of the following does not contribute to the sustainability of design capacity? a) scheduled machine maintenance b) overtime c) overstaffing d) using equipment to the maximum e) subcontracting

Ans: a Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: moderate

20. The best operating level is the volume of output that results in the ____________________. a) lowest average unit cost b) most revenue c) maximum use of machinery d) best quality e) optimum product mix

Ans: a Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: moderate

4. Capacity decisions at the strategic level include ____________________. a) investment in new facilities and equipment b) size of workforce c) inventory buffers d) day-to-day use of machines e) composition of the workforce

Ans: a Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: moderate

5. If capacity is excessive, a company may have to ______________________. a) decide how to use a partially empty facility b) outsource c) back-order d) use group technology e) raise prices

Ans: a Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: moderate

50. Local wage rates, presence of local unions, and attitudes of local workers would be major factors for location decisions for businesses that ________________________. a) are labor intensive b) have perishable products c) have high transportation costs d) have need for specific raw materials e) provide in-home services

Ans: a Section Ref: Location Analysis Level: easy

47. A facility location factor that is important for both service and manufacturing organizations is locating close to ________________________. a) labor supply b) sources of transportation c) suppliers d) warehouses e) natural resources

Ans: a Section Ref: Location Analysis Level: hard

46. Which of the following is least likely to be a consideration in facility location? a) the design of the production process b) mistakes in choosing a location can be difficult to correct c) often there are a number of acceptable locations d) expanding capacity at a current location may be an option e) location decisions can have a major impact on operating costs and revenues

Ans: a Section Ref: Location Analysis Level: moderate

53. With respect to globalization, which of the following would not be considered an important location consideration? a) vertical integration b) trade barriers c) culture d) language barriers e) foreign markets

Ans: a Section Ref: Location Analysis Level: moderate

56. The least likely reason for a U.S. firm to choose to locate a factory in a foreign country is _____________. a) climate b) natural resources c) markets d) cheaper suppliers e) lower labor costs

Ans: a Section Ref: Location Analysis Level: moderate

37. Capacity cushions can be helpful if ______________________. a) demand is greater than expected b) sales need to be buffered from production c) total quality management fails d) productivity is too high e) there is excess capacity

Ans: a Section Ref: Making Capacity Planning Decisions Level: hard

63. Which of the following is not a step in the load-distance model? a) solve algebraically for the best location b) identify loads c) select the site with the lowest load-distance score d) identify distances e) calculate the load-distance score for each location

Ans: a Section Ref: Making Location Decisions Level: moderate

25. Management has decided to add capacity incrementally in smaller chunks as needed, rather than purchasing one large facility. This decision ____________________. a) is very risky b) will result in low initial costs c) will ultimately result in lower costs per unit if demand increases rapidly d) positions the company to be well prepared for high demand in the future e) can lead to a large amount of excess capacity

Ans: b Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: hard

30. Large facilities can benefit from the concept of _____________________ by creating a plant within a plant (PWP). a) just-in-time b) focused factories c) economies of scale d) supply chain e) hierarchical management

Ans: b Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: hard

73. Which of the following is not an example of factory focus? a) Ann Taylor b) Sears c) Limited Too d) The Gap e) The Limited

Ans: b Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: hard

10. Which of the following is not a measure of output capacity? a) cars per shift b) labor hours consumed c) revenues per day d) TVs sold per day e) patients served per month

Ans: b Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: moderate

14. Effective capacity is a) the maximum input rate that can be sustained under normal conditions b) the maximum output rate that can be sustained under normal conditions c) the maximum input rate that can be sustained under ideal conditions d) the maximum output rate that can be sustained under ideal conditions e) the maximum percent measure of how well available capacity is being used

Ans: b Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: moderate

16. The maximum output rate that can be achieved by a facility under ideal conditions is _________________. a) utilization b) design capacity c) effective capacity d) ultimate capacity e) temporary capacity

Ans: b Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: moderate

27. A focused factory is one that ____________________. a) produces many products with options b) is small and highly specialized c) has a large number of management specialists d) is vertically integrated e) is located at the center of demand

Ans: b Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: moderate

51. In facility location zoning restrictions, soil conditions, and access roads for trucks are ________________. a) community considerations b) site considerations c) quality of life issues d) hardly ever important e) cultural considerations

Ans: b Section Ref: Location Analysis Level: moderate

55. Issues that need to be considered in location globally include all of the following except ______________. a) different cultures b) FEC accounting requirements c) language barriers d) different laws e) different business practices

Ans: b Section Ref: Location Analysis Level: moderate

68. At the break-even point, _____________________. a) output equals capacity b) total cost equals total revenue c) total cost equals profit d) variable cost equals fixed cost e) variable cost equals total revenue

Ans: b Section Ref: Making Location Decisions Level: easy

71. The method which relies on a specific algorithm to evaluate the cost impact of adding potential location sites to the network of existing facilities is ______________________________. a) cost-volume analysis b) the transportation method c) factor rating analysis d) linear regression analysis e) the load-distance model

Ans: b Section Ref: Making Location Decisions Level: moderate

3. The maximum output that can be achieved by a facility is ____________. a) lead time b) storage space c) capacity d) productivity e) cycle counting

Ans: c Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: easy

19. _____________________ capacity can serve to intimidate and preempt competitors from entering the market. a) Design b) Flexible c) Extra d) Effective e) Focused

Ans: c Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: hard

26. Last month TMJG Co. started producing a new product called Thingamajigs from its new plant. Sales were quite good for the first couple of weeks. Unfortunately, a technological innovation was then announced by a competitor. This innovation will almost completely eliminate the demand for Thingamajigs. As a result, TMJG has decided to shut down and dismantle the plant next week. The average cost per unit will be highest if the plant was _________________________. a) a small facility b) in the right location c) a large facility d) just-in-time e) a medium facility

Ans: c Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: hard

31. One benefit PWP provides over independent plants is a) increased production output b) increased design capacity capabilities c) reduction of unnecessary layers of bureaucracy d) reduction in transportation costs e) improved supplier relationships

Ans: c Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: hard

13. When discussing the capacity of a facility, we need what two types of information? a) the amount of available capacity and the productivity of workers b) the speed of the machines and the availability of labor c) the amount of available capacity and the effectiveness of capacity use d) the investment in equipment and the availability of labor e) the investment in equipment and the number of workers

Ans: c Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: moderate

17. The maximum output rate that can be sustained under normal conditions is _______________________. a) utilization b) design capacity c) effective capacity d) ultimate capacity e) temporary capacity

Ans: c Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: moderate

21. Operating a facility close to its best operating level is clearly important because a) it reduces fixed cost b) it reduces overtime requirements c) of impact on costs d) of impact on employees bonuses e) it increases production

Ans: c Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: moderate

22. The cost per unit is $36.74 at the best operating level. When the output is higher, the unit cost will be what? a) lower b) the same c) higher d) could be higher or lower e) could be higher, lower or the same

Ans: c Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: moderate

72. Capacity planning and location analysis are decisions that must be made by _______________ working together. a) accounting, marketing and operations b) marketing and finance c) finance, marketing and operations d) accounting, marketing and finance e) marketing and operations

Ans: c Section Ref: Capacity Planning and Facility Location Across the Organization Level: hard

74. Which of the following is not part of decision trees? a) decision points b) decision alternatives c) decision events d) chance events e) outcomes

Ans: c Section Ref: Decision Trees

41. Solving a decision tree that involves maximizing profit includes ______________________. a) using probabilities to calculate expected values for decision points b) calculating from left to right c) selecting the decision alternative with the highest expected value d) calculating expected values for all chance events before considering decision nodes e) inverting decision nodes

Ans: c Section Ref: Decision Trees Level: hard

49. It takes many pounds of milk to make one pound of cheese. Therefore, there are many cheese factories in dairy states because ________________________. a) of reputation b) "cheeseheads" eat a lot of cheese c) of transportation costs d) making cheese is a batch process e) customers prefer domestic cheese

Ans: c Section Ref: Location Analysis Level: hard

35. The first step in making a capacity planning decision is ______________________. a) evaluate capacity alternatives b) implementation c) identify capacity requirements d) develop capacity alternatives e) weight capacity objectives

Ans: c Section Ref: Making Capacity Planning Decisions Level: moderate

65. The center of gravity approach a) identifies the precise location for the new distribution site b) identifies where the trucking firm should be located c) may identify a location that may not be feasible to locate to d) relies on GPS coordinates for all calculations e) relies on which transportation method is selected

Ans: c Section Ref: Making Location Decisions Level: easy

70. To plot the break-even line one end of the line is the y-intercept point. The other line point a) requires the center of gravity calculation b) is established by the finance department c) is arbitrary but usually the expected volume d) is not arbitrary e) is derived from the location analysis

Ans: c Section Ref: Making Location Decisions Level: easy

62. The load-distance model frequently utilizes _____________________ distance, which is the shortest distance between two points using only north-south and east-west movements. a) curvilinear b) Euclidean c) rectilinear d) direct e) vertical

Ans: c Section Ref: Making Location Decisions Level: hard

58. When evaluating location alternatives the firm should look at a) only qualitative factors b) only quantitative factors c) both qualitative and quantitative factors d) weighted average values e) decision support models only

Ans: c Section Ref: Making Location Decisions Level: moderate

59. An excellent procedure that can be used with location factors that are qualitative is __________________. a) the transportation method b) break-even analysis c) the factor rating method d) the center of gravity approach e) the load-distance method

Ans: c Section Ref: Making Location Decisions Level: moderate

61. A location analysis has been narrowed down to two locations, A and B. The main factors in the decision will be supply of raw materials, which has a weight of 50, and labor cost, which has a weight of 50. The ratings for raw materials and labor are: for A, 3 and 4, respectively; for B, 5 and 3, respectively. Using the factor rating method, the manager should ______________________. a) be indifferent between these locations b) choose location A c) choose location B d) reject both locations e) determine the capacity before deciding Ans: c Solution: A 3 + 4 x 50 = 350 B 5 + 3 x 50 = 400 Section Ref: Making Location Decisions Level: moderate

Ans: c Solution: A 3 + 4 x 50 = 350 B 5 + 3 x 50 = 400 Section Ref: Making Location Decisions Level: moderate

67. For fixed costs of $10,000, revenue per unit of $20, and variable cost per unit of $10, the break-even quantity is ______________________. a) 10 b) 500 c) 1,000 d) 2,000 e) 10,000

Ans: c Solution: Q = F/(p-c); 10,000 / (20-10) = 10,000/10 = 1,000 Section Ref: Making Location Decisions Level: moderate

18. The ratio of actual output rate to capacity is ____________________________. a) effectiveness b) cycle time c) throughput d) utilization e) productivity

Ans: d Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: easy

32. In the 1980s retail sales were dominated by large department stores. However, in the 1990s gains in sales were made by specialty stores because __________________________________. a) the large department stores started moving out of shopping malls, and their new locations were not nearly as effective b) customers got tired of trying to find sales clerks who would help them in the large department stores c) the specialty stores always had donuts and coffee for their customers d) consumer preferences change very rapidly, and the specialty stores can focus on a specific set of customers and respond to their unique needs e) parking is more readily available at the specialty stores

Ans: d Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: hard

33. According to the textbook, one of the fastest-growing trends today is a) Leveraging technology b) PWP c) focused plants d) developing a large network of subcontractors e) developing a large focused distribution chain

Ans: d Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: hard

11. Which of the following is not a factor in capacity planning? a) approach used to measure capacity b) economies of scale c) prepare to deal with capacity in "chunks" d) proximity to suppliers e) identify the best operating level

Ans: d Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: moderate

12. Input measures of capacity work better when a company produces _____________________. a) discrete items b) a single product c) liquids d) many different products e) off-the-shelf items

Ans: d Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: moderate

24. The concept of diseconomies of scale ________________________. a) states that the average cost of a unit produced is reduced when the amount of output increases b) is not realistic c) is not valid for regulated industries d) states that beyond a certain point the cost of each additional unit made increases e) is an approach for measuring unusable output

Ans: d Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: moderate

6. Capacity planning is complicated by the fact that ___________________. a) capital markets are complex b) existing facilities may become obsolete c) capacity is difficult to define d) capacity is usually purchased in chunks, rather than smooth increments e) depreciation must be calculated

Ans: d Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: moderate

8. Capacity planning is difficult because a) Board of directors set the requirements b) the mathematical requirements are difficult c) the planning stages always require global considerations d) there is no one way to measure it e) it is easy to confuse the service organization and manufacturing organization measurements

Ans: d Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: moderate

39. Which of the following information items is not contained in decision trees? a) points in time when decisions are made b) ) decision alternatives c) chance event probabilities d) probability of choosing decision alternatives e) outcomes, such as estimated profits

Ans: d Section Ref: Decision Trees Level: hard

42. Expected values are a) forecasted sales prices b) forecasted revenues c) average value of chance events d) weighted value of the chance events e) exponential value of the chance events

Ans: d Section Ref: Decision Trees Level: hard

44. Service organizations such as restaurants, movie theaters, and banks focus on locating near ____________. a) suppliers b) roads c) intersections d) their customers e) potential workers

Ans: d Section Ref: Location Analysis Level: easy

48. Locating close to customers is least important for ______________________. a) bakeries b) movie theaters c) flower shops d) diamond mines e) gas stations

Ans: d Section Ref: Location Analysis Level: easy

36. Long-term capacity requirements are identified on the basis of _____________________. a) the current trend of the economy b) the expected lifetime of the facility c) demographic factors d) forecasts of future demand e) future political events

Ans: d Section Ref: Making Capacity Planning Decisions Level: moderate

66. Which of the following is not a valid assumption of the breakeven model? a) only one product is involved b) everything which is produced will be sold c) the revenue per unit will be the same regardless of volume d) the fixed cost per unit will be the same regardless of volume e) the variable cost per unit will be the same regardless of volume

Ans: d Section Ref: Making Location Decisions Level: hard

60. The first step in the factor rating method for evaluating location alternatives is what? a) select a scale by which to evaluate each alternative relative to each factor b) evaluate each alternative relative to each factor c) select the alternative with the highest score d) identify dominant factors e) assign weights to factors reflecting the importance of each factor relative to the other factors

Ans: d Section Ref: Making Location Decisions Level: moderate

64. In choosing a location, the _____________________ provides an easy way to calculate X and Y coordinates for a good starting point. a) transportation method b) break-even approach c) factor rating method d) center of gravity approach e) load-distance method

Ans: d Section Ref: Making Location Decisions Level: moderate

69. For a break-even graph, the total cost for each possible location is plotted against __________________. a) fixed costs b) variable costs c) profit margin d) quantity e) price

Ans: d Section Ref: Making Location Decisions Level: moderate

34. _____________________ can perform a number of tasks to help a company focus on its core capabilities. a) A plant within a plant b) Agile manufacturing c) Total Quality Management d) Just-In-Time e) Subcontractor networks

Ans: e Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: hard

1. Capacity planning can occur at all but which level: a) organization b) division c) assembly line d) machine level e) board of directors level

Ans: e Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: moderate

2. Which of the following is a reason capacity and location decisions are usually made simultaneously? a) in order to get them in the operating budget on a consistent basis b) it makes it easier to understand capacity c) often there is not enough time available to separate them d) they require the same types of information e) the size of a new facility may affect its location

Ans: e Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: moderate

23. Economies of scale occur when a company is operating _______________________. a) at its best operating level and increases its output b) at its best operating level and decreases its output c) below its best operating level and decreases its output d) above its best operating level and increases its output e) below its best operating level and increases its output

Ans: e Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: moderate

28. Compared to large facilities, focused factories _____________________. a) bring economies of scale b) have much bureaucracy c) are ancient history d) lead to higher average inventories e) are more flexible

Ans: e Section Ref: Capacity Planning Level: moderate

38. Evaluate capacity alternatives can include use of ______________________________. a) the Delphi method b) estimated market shares c) demographic factors d) econometric forecasting e) decision trees

Ans: e Section Ref: Decision Trees Level: hard

52. Which of the following is not a quality-of-life factor? a) climate b) a desirable lifestyle c) good schools d) a low crime rate e) room for customer parking

Ans: e Section Ref: Location Analysis Level: easy

43. Which of the following has the least to do with location analysis? a) sources of transportation b) reduction in trade barriers c) information technology reducing need for proximity d) retail stores locating near each other e) automation of factories

Ans: e Section Ref: Location Analysis Level: moderate

45. Location decisions are particularly important because __________________________. a) typically they are made rather frequently b) they entail a high cost, short-term commitment c) there are so many potential locations d) they have a major impact on product design e) they can have a large impact on operating costs and revenues

Ans: e Section Ref: Location Analysis Level: moderate

54. Disadvantages of globalization include ________________________________. a) use of cheap labor in certain countries b) increased stigma due to locating factories overseas c) reduction of trade barriers d) increased sales in foreign markets e) political risks for countries with unstable governments

Ans: e Section Ref: Location Analysis Level: moderate

57. The first step managers need to take when making facility location decisions is ___________________. a) begin negotiations with governments for several potential locations b) identify specific location possibilities c) gather information on location alternatives d) evaluate specific sites e) identify the location factors that are dominant for the business

Ans: e Section Ref: Making Location Decisions Level: moderate

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