Operating Systems Test Questions

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IEEE developed a standard for UNIX that defines a minimal system-call interface that conformant UNIX systems must support called ____.


If a disk with a 2 MB per track, a rotation time of 9 msec, and an average seek time of 4 msec how long will it take to read a 15 MB file into memory?


If a page has been modified and has not be written back to the disk it is considered ____.


In MULTICS the components of the path are separated by ____.


In UNIX, the system call for deleting files is ____.


In the 1960s programs were split into little pieces, called ____.

Match the functions in the THE system with the layer's number

Input/output management: 3 User programs: 4 Operator-process communication: 2 Memory and drum management: 1 Processor allocation and multiprogramming: 0 The operator: 5






Messages can be lost by the networks, to guard against lost messages, the sender and receiver can agree that as soon as a message has been received, the receiver will send back a special ____ message.


Microsoft's NTFS file system and the Linux ext3 and ReiserFS file systems keep a log of what the file system is going to do before it does it, so that if the system crashes before it can do its planned work, upon rebooting the system can look in the log to see what was going on at the time of the crash and finish the job. The name of this protection is called ____.




Printers, network interfaces, mice (for pointing), rats (for psychology lab experiments), and most other devices that are not disk-like can be seen as ____ devices.


Processes that stay in the background to handle some activity such as email, Web pages, news, printing, and so on are called ____.


Resource management includes ____ (sharing) resources in two different ways: in time and in space.

Medium real time

Scheduling in Real-Time Systems can be divided into all of the following categories except ____.

Master Boot Record

Sector 0 of the disk is called the MBR and is used to boot the computer, MBR stands for ____ ____ ____ (Incorrect spelling is an incorrect answer).

I/O bound

Some processes spend most of their time waiting for I/O and less of their time computing is know as ____.


Sometimes a pecking order exists when deciding the order to run the processes, therefore the need to take external factors into account leads to ____ scheduling.

Simultaneous Peripheral Operations On Line

Spooling is an acronym that refers to putting jobs in a buffer, a special area in memory or on a disk where a device can access them when it is ready. What does spooling stand for? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ (Incorrect spelling is an incorrect answer)



Basic Input Output System

The BIOS contains low-level I/O software, including procedures to read the keyboard, write to the screen, and do disk I/O, among other things. BIOS is an acronym what does it stand for? ____ ____ ____ ____ (Incorrect spelling is an incorrect answer)


The RAID level ____ it duplicates all the disks, so there are as many primary disks as there are backup disks making sure that on a write, every strip is written twice.


The UNIX system call which forces all the modified blocks out onto the disk immediately is known as ____.

second chance

The algorithm that is looking for an old page that has not been referenced in the most recent clock interval is known as ____.


The algorithm that removes a page at random from the lowest-numbered nonempty class is known as ____.


The algorithm that removes a page that has been in memory the longest is known as ____.


The algorithm that requires a linked list of all pages in memory, with the most recently used page at the front and the least recently used page at the rear is known as ____.

Parkinson's law

The computer phrase "Programs expand to fill the memory available to hold them." is known as ____ Law.

address space

The concept of each process having its own address space, independent of those belonging to other processes is known as ____.


The first or top-most directory in a hierarchy is known as the ____ directory.


The following are some of the most common system calls relating to files except ____.


The part of a file name following the period is called the file ____.


The part of the operating system that efficiently manages memory: keeps track of which parts of memory are in use, allocate memory to processes when they need it, and deallocate it when they are done is called the memory ____.


The part of the operating system that makes a choice of which process to run next when only one CPU is available is called the ____.


The simplest strategy that consists of bringing in each process in its entirety, running it for a while, then putting it back on the disk is called ____.

device driver

The software that talks to a controller, giving it commands and accepting responses, is called a ____.

Virtual memory

The strategy that allows programs to run even when they are only partially in main memory is called ____.

ASCII, binary

The two types of regular files are generally ____ or ____.


To prevent people from hogging too much disk space, multiuser operating systems often provide a mechanism for enforcing disk____.


Together, all the tracks of a magnetic hard disk for a given arm position form a ____.

relocation, protection

Two problems have to be solved to allow multiple applications to be in memory at the same time without interfering with each other: ____ and ____.


Typical information in the superblock includes a magic number to identify the file-system ____.

5 Gbps

USB 3.0 could handle an aggregate load of ____.


Using Fig. 1-14 provide the absolute path name from the root directory to get to the file in the COST-11 directory on a Windows system. (Incorrect spelling is an incorrect answer)


Using a contiguous allocation scheme on a disk with 4-KB blocks, a 50-KB file would be allocated ____ consecutive blocks.

pthread yield

What Pthread command releases the CPU to let another thread run?

User Kernel

What are two modes that most computers operate in?

Xerox PARC

What company was the first company to incorporate into the machines they built a Graphical User Interface, complete with windows, icons, menus, and mouse?

Fortran Monitor System

What does the "FMS" referred to in the book stands for?


What is the name of a special token given to a parent process that it can use to control its child?


What is the protection's numeric value of a UNIX directory that allows the owner to read/write/execute, the group can read/write, and everyone else can read/execute?


What is the system call that Windows uses to tell the operating system that it is finished doing its work?


What is the system call that the process executes to terminate another process in the UNIX operating system?

None of the above

What would the drive letter be of a newly mounted CD-ROM on a UNIX system? C, D, E, or None of the above

cycle stealing

When a bus operates in word-at-a-time mode, when the DMA controller has control of the bus and the CPU also wants the bus, it has to wait, this is called ____ ____.

Soft miss

When a page that is referenced is not in the TLB, but is in memory it is known as a ____.


When designing a scheduling algorithm, it is important under all circumstances to take ____ into consideration.


When swapping creates multiple holes in memory, it is possible to combine them all into one big one by moving all the processes downward as far as possible, this technique is known as memory ____.


Where two or more processes are reading or writing some shared data and the final result depends on who runs precisely when, are called ____ conditions.

worst fit

Which fit always take the largest available hole, so that the new hole will be big enough to be useful

Doug Engelbart

Who invented the Graphical User Interface?


Windows 95 and Windows 98 both used the MS-DOS file system is called ____


Windows is well over ____ million lines of code.






____ are logical units of information created by processes.


____ links can be used to link to files on machines anywhere in the world, by simply providing the network address of the machine where the file resides in addition to its path on that machine.


















A ____ dump starts at block 0 of the disk, writes all the disk blocks onto the output disk in order, and stops when it has copied the last one.


A ____ is a shared variable that can be in one of two states: unlocked or locked.


A ____ is a sort of pseudo file that can be used to connect two processes.


A ____ is just an instance of an executing program, including the current values of the program counter, registers, and variables.


A ____ scheduling algorithm picks a process to run and then just lets it run until it blocks (either on I/O or waiting for another process) or voluntarily releases the CPU.


A ____ server is a server whose job is to check if the other servers and drivers are functioning correctly.

double interleaving

A disk that has sequential sectors numbered 0, 3, 6, 1, 4, 7, 2, 5 is using ____ ____.

device independence

A key concept that states we should be able to write programs that can access any I/O device without having to specify the device in advance is known as ____ ____.


A kind of processes within processes, or miniprocesses are called ____?


A lock that uses busy waiting is called a ____ lock.


A process could read all the bytes or records in a file in order, starting at the beginning, but could not skip around and read them out of order is known as ____ access.


A program causing page faults every few instructions is said to be ____

Translation Lookaside Buffer

A small hardware device for mapping virtual addresses to physical addresses without going through the page table. is called a TLB or sometimes an associative memory. TLB stands for ____ ____ ____ (Incorrect spelling is an incorrect answer).


A system that is more rigid where the sender and receiver are forced to run in lockstep is often known as a ____.


A transaction that must complete either all of its operations or none of them is known as ____.

Aging, WSClock

According to the author, the two best algorithms are ____ and ____.


After the system has been running for a while, memory will be divided up into a number of chunks, some containing segments and some containing holes, this phenomenon, called ____ or external fragmentation, wastes memory in the holes.

the information must be able to be kept private from other users

All of the requirements are essential for long-term information storage except?

base and limit

An easy way to give each process its own private address is to automatically add a number to the generated address before being sent to memory while also ensuring it doesn't exceed the available memory is known as ____.


An item used to block a process until all processes have come together is known as a(n) ____.

Google's Android OS

At the time of the writing of this book what was the dominant operating system used on smartphones?


Batch system scheduling algorithms include all of the following except?

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