OpMan ( Lean 6-Sigma)
unreasonable burden on people and machine
Lean Manufacturing
- manufacturing without waste in materials, time, idle equipment, and inventory - westernized version of Toyota Production System
- means absence of fat - Doing more with less
just count the defects or circles
Formula for DPU (defects per unit)
Value > Value Stream > Flow > Pull > Perfection
How to go Lean? or the 5 focus area of lean mfg.
1. Transportation 2. Inventory 3. Motion 4. Waiting 5. Overprocessing 6. Overproduction 7. Defects 8. Skills
What are the 8 waste or the TIMWOODS?
Six Sigma
an innovation program to generate profits and maximize customer satisfaction by eliminating process defects and minimizing out-of-target, applied to all kinds of processes including product design and manufacturing and transactional and support as well.
any activity that is wasteful and doesn't add value or is unproductive
any unevenness or inconsistency in physical matter or human spiritual condition
DPO times 1,000,000
formula for DPMO
Defects divided by opportunities
formula for DPO
3.4 DPMO
how many defects per million opportunities is required in 6 sigma?