Oral Communications: Final

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Which of the following statements is an example of self-disclosure?

"I've never told anyone this, but I'm afraid to go to parties alone."

The stages of small group interaction are similar to the stages of ___.

A conversation

During stressful situations, Quinn tends to play with his glasses to calm his nerves and focus his attention. Quinn's nonverbal action is an example of an ___.


When Lilly interviews Meisha for a job, she told her, "Meisha, you have been out of college for a very long time, and I don't think you would be comfortable with our young clients." Lilly's statement could be considered ___.


Which of the following statements about small groups is true?

All groups have some type of organization among them.

To demonstrate charisma in a speech

All of the above

Which of the following is a guideline for using statistics?

All of the above

Which of the following is an appropriate supporting material for an informative speech?

All of the above

Which of the following topics would be most appropriate for a speech of description?

All of the above

Which of the following characterizes the deterioration stage of relationships?

An increase in withdrawal

The amounts of change principle suggests that persuasive efforts are more effective if as a speaker you

Ask for small changes in attitudes, beliefs, and values to move your audience closer to your position.

Julio's general style of leadership is to tell everyone in his work group exactly what to do and how to do it. Julio's general style is best described as ___.


Albert wants to ensure that he is communicating politely in his e-mail. Which of the following is the best strategy for him to use?

Avoid offensive language.

Physical flight, setting up physical barriers, or just mentally withdrawing are all examples of ___.


The outline you use when you give your presentation should ___.

Be brief, preferably just key words.

Credibility refers most closely to what we call


When Aaron and Terry argue, Aaron's all-too-frequent strategy is to belittle Terry for getting pregnant at an early age, dropping out of high school, and giving her baby up for adoption. Aaron knows these are sensitive and painful issues for Terry. Aaron's behavior is best described as ___.


Betty's friends know that she is stingy, but Betty is not aware of it herself. We can assume Betty's stinginess is part of her ___ self.


Larry never has anything good to say about any idea generated during group meetings. Because of Larry's negativity, the group has not made much progress toward its goal. In this group, Larry represents the ___.


___ serve to divide your territory from that of others.

Boundary markers

Generally, which stage of the conversation process includes the substance of the conversation?


Which of the following is true of communication?

Communication involves both verbal and nonverbal messages.

"You cannot not communicate" expresses which principle of communication?

Communication is inevitable.

Dong-Sun and Chris had a very serious argument during which Dong-Sun said some very hurtful things to Chris. After the argument, he tried to apologize for what was said during the argument. Dong-Sun's later behavior best reflects which principle of communication?

Communication is irreversible and unrepeatable.

E-mailing, blogging, and posting on Google+ and Facebook are all examples of ____ communication.


When Bill first started working at his new job, he began to disclose highly personal information to others almost immediately, often making his coworkers uncomfortable. Which guideline for self-disclosure was Bill most violating?

Consider any possible burdens self-disclosure might entail.

Dewey's problem-solving process starts with which of the following steps?

Definition and analysis of the problem and establishment of criteria for evaluation solutions.

The ___ style of the situational approach to leadership is characterized by giving little direction and little support.


According to the book, an informative speech should tell listeners something they

Did not know before

When Jeanne tells Dave, "I'm so stoked! I got an A on my chemistry midterm," and Dave replies, "I'm hungry. Let's get some lunch," Dave is engaging in ___.


Once a relationship reaches the deterioration stage, some partners may pause and try to repair the relationship, while others may progress without stopping to ___.


Xander has placed a nameplate on his desk with his name and title. This is an example of a(n) ___.


Which of the following is a guideline for effective emotional listening?

Empathize with the other person

___ theory uses the ideas of social exchange but goes a step further and claims that you develop and maintain relationships in which the ratio of rewards relative to your costs is approximately equal to your partner's.


During a departmental meeting, Donna questions Henry's suggestion concerning how to decrease turnover by saying, "That's an innovative approach to the problem, Henry, but I'm not sure how it would work for this specific work group." By making this comment, Donna is performing which member role?


As vice president of sales and marketing for HJK Company, Nin is required to give quarterly presentations to the board of directors. For these presentations, Nin prepares thoroughly and speaks from a brief outline. Nin's delivery method is best described as ___.


If Bonnie's thesis for her persuasive speech is "Capital punishment deters crime" we can assume she is addressing a question of


At the ___ stage of small group interaction, the group may reflect on what it has done and perhaps on what remains to be done. Some groups may even evaluate their performance at this stage.


Statements such as, "I'm going to tell you something because I consider you a friend," and "Please listen to everything I have to say before you respond" are most appropriately made in which stage of conversation?


The statement "I may be wrong about this, but..." best illustrates the element of communication known as ___.


Public speaking is defined as a(n) ___.

Form of communication in which a speaker addresses a relatively large audience.

Which of the following statements concerning communication apprehension is true?

Gaining experience helps to reduce communication apprehension.

Which of the following is true about self-concept?

Gender roles are generally learned through cultural teachings.

Which of the following is a guideline for an effective apology?

Give assurance that it will not happen again.

While listening to Ella talk about her accident, Mel nods his head and says, "uh huh" and "hmmm". Mel is ___.

Giving backchanneling cues

The information seeker, opinion giver, and procedural technician are best defined as ___ roles.

Group task

Functions of leadership in small group situations include ___.

Guiding members through the agreed-on agenda.

A person who stores up grievances against another person and unloads them when an argument arises is engaging in the unproductive conflict strategy known as ___.


Transitions in public speaking ___.

Help the audience see connections among your points.

At the evaluation stage of the listening process, one should ___.

Identify any biases, self-interests, or prejudices that the speaker may have

Relationship rules theory helps people to ___.

Identify successful versus destructive relationship behavior.

Which of the following statements concerning appropriateness of topic selection is true?

If you are speaking to a culturally diverse audience, check to see what topics may be taboo for certain members.

Matthew did not anticipate winning the student service award, so he did not prepare a speech. When his name was called, he had to quickly think of a few words to say that would be appropriate for the occasion. Matthew's delivery method is best described as ___.


The aggressor, blocker, self-confessor, and dominator are best defined as ___ roles.

Individual roles

Persuasion is best defined as the process of

Influencing another person's attitudes, beliefs, values, and/or behaviors

Mitch plans to give a speech recounting the major struggles of the civil rights movement of the southern city in which he lives. The general purpose for Mitch's speech would be to ___.


The open self of the Johari window represents ___.

Information about yourself that you and others know.

The detonative meaning of a word ___.

Is found in a dictionary

The transactional view is a more satisfying theory of the communication process than the linear view because it ___.

Is representative of how communication actually happens.

After Roberto arrived at the podium, the first words of his speech were an apology for lack of preparation. Roberto's apology ___.

Is something he should have omitted.

Which of the following is true of brainstorming?

It encourages creativity.

How does a story about the changes in technology her grandmother has experienced in the last 50 years fit in to Ellen's speech on new technology?

It is supporting material.

Millie has decided to speak on antiques for her 6-to-8 minute informative classroom speech. In helping Millie make her topic manageable, what would be the best advice to give her?

It might be best to start dividing and subdividing your topic until you have something more specific than "antiques".

Minami, who comes from a collectivist culture, and Jason, who comes from an individualist culture, are working together on a class project. As they work together, they need to consider some generalizations regarding their cultural orientations toward conflict, such as which of the following?

Jason may tend to disagree with statements that violate individual norms.

Artifactual communication would include ___.


Bethany want to be a good critical listener. Which of the following should she do?

Keep an open mind

Eva's general style of leadership is to let her employees do what they want, although her door is always open if they have questions. Eva's style is best described as ___.


The traits approach to leadership posits that ___.

Leadership is a function of individual characteristics

Which of the following is true concerning the level of complexity for informative speeches?

Level of complexity should be adjusted depending on factors such as context and audience's knowledge of topic.

Jenny wants to take an active role in her conflict management. What is the best advice that you can offer her?

Listen carefully.

The principle of selective exposure suggests

Listeners actively seek information that supports their existing opinions, beliefs, values, decisions, and behaviors.

Which of the following is true about the relationship between culture and listening?

Listening in any culture requires attention to both verbal and nonverbal cues

___ communication is the general term used to describe communication from one source to many receivers, some of which may be scattered throughout the world.


Matthew is sitting in communications class while the instructor is lecturing, but his mind keeps wandering to his upcoming vacation. Matthew is experiencing which type of listening barrier?

Mental distractions

In the workplace, ___ is a partnership in which an experienced individual helps a less experienced individual learn how to achieve his or her goals.


Generally, speakers who maintain eye contact appear ___.

More trustworthy than those who do not.

Which best describes the difference between examples and narratives?

Narratives are considerably longer than examples

During his speech on foreign policy, David keeps dropping the "g's" from gerunds: "I'm hopin' the findin's I'm presentin' are convincin'." Which of the following articulation problems is David demonstrating?


In regard to delivery notes, your text suggests using ___.

Only a delivery outline on 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper.

According to the text, the best way to define a problem is as a(n) ___.

Open-ended question

Which of the following sequences accurately depicts the 5 stages of conversation?

Opening, feedforward, business, feedback, closing

The small group format in which the members are "experts", the discussion is informal, and the audience may freely interject comments or questions is called a ___.


___ distance ranges from 18 inches to 4 feet and constitutes the imaginary "bubble" that keeps you protected and untouched by others.


Before launching into her presentation to the board of directors, Sandra circulates through the room making small talk about the weather, the results of last night's ball game, etc. Sandra is engaging in ___.

Phatic communication

If the thesis for Celia's persuasive speech is "Capital punishment should be eliminated" we can assume she is addressing a question of


Which of the following is a suggestion in the text for managing public speaking anxiety?

Project confidence by standing tall and maintaining eye contact.

Several students sitting together in a student lounge studying for an exam might be perceived as a study group based on the rule of ___.


During a department meeting, Antonio's boss was discussing the new software that will be implemented in the department. Antonio was daydreaming about his upcoming vacation. We can assume that his boss's message was distorted by ___ noise.


___ distance, which measure from 12 to 25 feet or more, protects you. At this distance, you could take defensive action if threatened.


At the ___ stage of listening, you note not only what is said (verbally and nonverbally) but also what is omitted.


John-David arrived 15 minutes late for study group. The others in the group were busy studying and asking questions when he arrived. John-David then proceeded to hold court for 10 minutes, interrupting everyone to boast about the promotion he just received at work. John-David's actions best classify him as a(n) ___.

Recognition seeker

Which of the following is one of the suggestions presented in your text for rehearsing a speech?

Rehearse in front of a mirror to better understand how you will look to your audience.

Which of the following is a guideline for creating an effective informative speech?

Relate new information to old.

The members of XYZ Corporation arrange themselves in a circular pattern, then share relevant information and attempt to solve a problem without any set pattern of who speaks when. These members are using the small group format known as the ___.


The first step in preparing an effective public presentation is ___.

Select a topic, purposes, and thesis.

Which of the following activities will help you develop the main points for your speech?

Select points that are most relevant to your audience.

Beverly watches only Fox News because its reporters and commentators reinforce her existing beliefs and attitudes. Beverly is engaging in ___.

Selective exposure

In dialogue, each person is both ___.

Sender and receiver

Identification in persuasion refers to

Showing your audience that you share with them important their beliefs, attitudes, and values.

Most business transactions take place at which proxemic distance?


Jose weighed the pros and cons of trying to continue a relationship with Dora after she moved across the country to take a new job. Jose decided that both the material and emotional costs of maintaining the relationship were not worth the effort. His decision o end his relationship with Dora can best be explained by ___ theory.

Social exchange

Liza wants to provide quality constructive criticism when she evaluates speeches. What is the best advice that you can offer her?

Start by saying something positive.

Artie believes Asian people are more intelligent than other people. Artie is engaging in which perceptual process?


When you hear a new song played on the radio, the ___ stage of the perception process has just occurred.


When deciding on the amount of information to present in an informative speech, a speaker should

Strive for depth of information rather than breadth

When you present yourself as ___ to another person, you put that person in an inferior position, and this is likely to be resented.


In a ___, each member delivers a prepared presentation much like a public speech.


Which of the following actions is an example of securing affirmation?

Taping a note that says "I am a worthy person" to your bathroom mirror and saying the words out loud every morning.

When you come into a lecture hall early, place your books and jacket in a seat, and then go out to talk with your friends, you have engaged in behavior best described as ___.


During a speech on the need to limit growth at State University, Leeland state, "According to Mary Sue Kaye, Dean of Students, if State U. does not cap enrollment soon it will be impossible to offer enough classes for students in most majors to graduate in 4 years." What form of supporting material is he using?


Which of the following is an example of an individualistic culture?

The United States

Which of the following myths of communication is identified in your book?

The more you communicate, the better your communication skills will be.

Temporal communication is concerned with ___.


According to the text, which of the follow is an appropriate topic for small talk?

Topics that stress similarities rather than differences.

The approach to leadership exemplified by Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and John F. Kennedy is best described as a ___ approach.


Artemis and Diana are engaged in a conversation about global warming. After speaking at length about the importance of the issue, Artemis says to Diana, "You think this is important, right?" Artemis has used a ___ cue.


To help the audience remember information, a speaker should

Use guide phrases

If the thesis for Horace's persuasive speech is "Capital punishment is inhumane" we can assume he is addressing a question of


To demonstrate character in a speech stress

Your fairness

Once the thesis is formulated, questions about the thesis help to generate ___.

Your main points

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