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Produce + convert energy *Break down carbs and fatty acids *Has a double membrane (outer and inner) *Powerhouse of the cell *Found in plant and animal cells

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

Produces Lipids and certain Proteins for the cell Found in both plant and animal cells Located around the Nucleus Like the assembly line of the cell


-like a factory that makes tools used to build other objects. -small, dense structure in the nucleus composed of RNA and proteins. -the assembly of proteins (ribosomes) begins here -largest structure in the nucleus -found in both plant and animal cells

Contractile Vacuole

-will absorb extra water and waste from a cell, and excrete them into the environment by contracting/emptying the vacuole -protects a cell from absorbing too much water and exploding -like a lake because if the lake holds too much water, it could overflow formerly known as a pulsating vacuole contractile vacuoles are unicellular and found in protists


A Chromoplast is a plastid that is responsible for pigment synthesis and storage Makes different plants and fruits change colors Cans of paint waiting to be used by a painter Only found in plant cells

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

A membrane system found in Eukaryotic cells Found close to the nucleus Found in both animal and plant cells Contains ribosomes at the surface Produce proteins Proteins do most of the work in our bodies Like an employer hiring employees to do work


A network of protein filaments that helps the cell maintain its shape. Also involved in movement. Made up of proteins, microtubules, and microfilaments. In both plant and animal cells. Analogy: Like steel beams in a building that help keep its shape and support the cell.

Oral Groove

Collects and directs food into the cell mouth. Ingests nutrients. Large pocket on the ventrolateral surface. Unicellular organisms-paramecium. Like the hose to a vacuum-it collects particles and directs them inside the vacuum.


Detoxifies alcohol •Breaks down fatty acids Click Me •Are found in the membrane of cells Click Me It's basically the bomb squad of the cell, if toxins were bombs.

Golgi Apparatus

Discovered by Italian scientist Camillo Golgi Closely stacked membranes similar to pancakes Modifies, sorts, and packages proteins for the cell "Customization shop" to put finishing touches on proteins


Found in eukaryotic cells and some bacteria Maintain structure of cell Internal structure of pili and flagella In chromosome separation, mitotic spindles, and movement of secretory vessels Looks like a tube of nerds Maintenance man of the cell


Found near the nucleus in animal cells, and help organize cell division. Found in pairs Nine groups of specifically arranged microtubules make up centrioles. Only seen during cell division During division, two pairs go to opposite sides of the cell Like the organizers of a project


Gel-like structure that surrounds everything in a cell Like water in a swimming pool Present in both plant and animal cells


Principal pigment of plants and some other organisms Captures light energy Found in chloroplasts Chlorophyll is like a farmer, it takes energy from the sun to be used as food were a farmer harvests crops to be used as food


If the cell was a factory... the nucleus would be the CEO or the "Chief Executive Officer" or it is like a boss the knows how everything works perfectly. Controls everything inside of the cell and makes sure its doing its job correctly. Found within every Eukaryotic cell and takes up 10% of a cell's volume, which makes it the largest membrane bound organelle.

Food Vacuole

Is a small saclike cavity in the cytoplasm that temporarily stores food. Only found in some cells of a plant, protists, fungi, and animals. When food enters the cell the food vacuole encircles the it. Once the food is inside the cell "eats" so that it can use it as energy. The food vacuole is like a hamster's cheeks.


Like oars on a boat helping it to move -help cells move -Look like tiny microscopic hairs, sticking strait out on the outside of the cells -in animal and eukaryotic cells -cili, means eyelash


Like the UPS delivering mail and packages to people found in the cytoplasm of a cell in large numbers ribosomes transfer and carry protein to other cells Found in all prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells


Lysosome- cell organelle filled with enzymes needed to break down certain materials in the cell Digest and breaks down lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins into small molecules that can be used Analogy: even the neatest and cleanest factory needs a clean up crew (a janitor) Found in plant and animal cells


Microfilaments are like a highway and I'm gonna ride it all night long a small rodlike structure which is the thinnest part of the cytoskeleton used to give shape to the cell assist with cell movement, made of a protein called actin. Actin works with another protein called myosin to produce contractile filaments of muscle cells keep organelles in place within cell. In both plant and animal cells


Movement and a tool capture prey Temporary projection of cytoplasm in certain cell such as: Amoeba and certain unicellular organisms Amoeba is a type of cell that can change its shape Able to form back into cell Pseudopod is like a tentacle, grabbing food, instead of just one limb your whole body


Saclike structure that stores materials such as water, salt, protein, and carbohydrates Also contains the cell's waste to keep the rest of the cell from being contaminated Found in both plant and animal cells but is larger in plant cells Only one per cell The pressure in the vacuole allows plants to support heavy structures such as leaves or flowers The vacuole is like a storage closet.

Cell Wall

Strong supporting layer around the cell membrane found in plants, fungi, and bacteria. Main function is to provide support and protection for the cell. Made from fibers of carbohydrate and protein. They are produced in the cell, released at the surface of the cell membrane, and assembled to form a wall. The cell wall is like a fort, protecting everything inside

Cell Membrane

Surrounds the cytoplasm, flexible, controls what enters cell, found in all cells -Like drywall in a house


The food producers of the cell- capture energy from sunlight and convert it into chemical energy through photosynthesis Biological equivalent to a solar power plant Inner and outer membranes, inside are stacks of other membranes (thylakoid) that contain chlorophyll. Region between the thylakoid and inner membrane is the stroma. Only found in the cytoplasm of plant cells; Eukaryotic


a long whiplike extension on the cell body Flagella is like Park rides: both involve the movement of organelles The flagella moves the cell and the park rides move the people Unicellular

Nuclear Membrane

aka= Nuclear Envelope -Separates nucleus from cytoplasm in cells -Has a double layered membrane(inner and outer) -Envelopes have thousands of nuclear pores which allow materials to move in and out of the nucleus -Would be like messages and blueprints moving in and out of a main office -In all types of eukaryotic cells


small structure within a cell consisting of fluid enclosed by a lipid bilayer involved in transport, buoyancy control, and enzyme storage. transports materials within the cytoplasm during the secretion process. found in animal and plant cells and are both prokaryotic and eukaryotic. located inside the cell next to the Golgi apparatus.

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