Organizational Behavior

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Task uncertainty can be impacted by the decision

all of the following are features of group discussion that contribute to group polarization except


allowing employees to spend part of their time working offsite, usually at home

OB modification attempts to use

positive reinforcement to encourage desired behaviors

Upward communication usually provides feedback to

top managers

According to equity theory, people

want to be treated fairly

Coaches and facilitators

what is the new role of managers in a team?


A behavior directed at gaining power and controlling the behavior of others.

may center on risk propensity

ALl of the following are turn about ethical dilemmas for managers except


If you accept orders from your supervisor solely because he or she is "the boss" you are highly

Organizing Citizenship

Individual behavior that makes a positive overall contribution to an organization.

apply to the total organization

The prescriptions that managers can use to reduce the probability of groupthink in group decision making include all of the following except

have complete information

The rational decision- making approach assumes decision makers

Conscious goals and intentions

The research of Edwin Lock assumes that behavior is a result of


The rumor grapevine can be characterized as which of the following?

two or more

The size or number of people that constitute a group is

Managers receive a much wider range of feedback information than if they had conducted the appraisal on their own

Which of the following reasons explains why 360- degree feedback is very beneficial to managers?

Cultures and national boundaries always coincide

Which of the following statements regarding cross- culture differences and similarities is not true?

Communication and decision making

Which stage of group development are goals established?


While driving home from a hard day at work, Susan finally realized the solution to the problem she had been having with a certain customer. Susan reached which stage of the creative process?

Teams give them freedom to grow and manage themselves

Why do younger workers seem to benefit from team environments?

fixed interval

a $10 bonus for every fifth sale would be an example of which schedule of reinforcement?

Positive affectivity

a dispositional tendency to experience pleasant, engaging moods such as enthusiasm, excitement, and elation

Communication is defined as

a social process that involves information exchange

Flextime is a work schedule arrangement that

gives employees more personal control over the hours they work each day


in the ______ phase of team implementation, enthusiasm runs high and the anticipation of employees is quite positive.

The goal of the Michigan leadership studies was to determine the patterns of leadership behaviors that results in effective

individual performance leader performance- wrong group performance supervisor behavior none of the above


is the ability to affect the perceptions, beliefs, attitudes, motivation, and/or behavior of others

The face-to-face medium generally has more carrying capacity than the written letter because

it allows the transmission of more than just words.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Vroom-Yetton-Jago model?

it assumes a high level of participation in decision making is best for all situations

All of the following are true about the social process of communication except

it requires face-to-face interaction.

The path-goal theory and the Vroom-Yetton-Jago model are illustrative of the perspective in which

leadership effectiveness depends on characteristics of situations.


the most significant source of change impacting many organizations today is increasing

Diversity Theory

the role of participation and empowerment in motivation can be expressed in terms of all of the following theoretical perspectives except: need for achievement expectancy theory need-based perspective of motivation diversity theory self-esteem


the state of being receptive to other ways of looking at things

All of the following are true about stereotypes except

they lead to an appreciation of individual differences.


According to Hofstede, when ambition and assertiveness are believed to provide motivation and power, the culture would be called

Delegate consult (group) consult (individually) facilitate decide- wrong

According to Vroom, a manager who presents the program to group members individually, obtain their suggestions, and then makes the decision using a

existence, relatedness, growth

Alderfer's ERG theory


The audience at an Oprah Winfrey talk show is an example of an

Job Expectancy

All of the following are examples of job design techniques except job enlargement job enrichment job rotation job specialization job expectancy

cognitive dissonance

Inner tension that a consumer experiences after recognizing an inconsistency between behavior and values or opinions


Sara tries to always be on time for work because she once saw her boss fire someone who came in late. Sara is exhibiting learning through

People with a high need for affiliation tend to

act and think as they believe others want them to

Task Groups

are formal and relatively temporary

Position power can be strong when

the leader can assign work and recommend promotions

According to the path-goal theory of leadership, the two types of situational factors that influence how leaders should behave are


What is the most expressive component of the face?


The clarity and precision of a goal

goal specificity


in its simplest form, reinforcement theory suggests that behavior is a function of


more and more firms are moving into International markets to control


The Ohio State studies and the Leadership Grid are associated with the __________ approach to leadership.

Group composition is

*the sum of the activities of individuals *a set of expected behaviors associated with a position *usually described in terms of homogeneity or heterogeneity of group members *two or more people interacting with and influencing each other. *expected behavior or behavioral patterns- wrong


Categorizing or labelling people on the basis of a single attribute is called


reflects a person's rigidity of beliefs and range of interests.

Filtering may be more likely to occur in which of the following forms of communication?


compensation packages

For expatriate employees, packages that can incorporate many types of payments or reimbursements and must take into consideration exchange rates and inflation

Satisfaction ranged from satisfaction to dissatistaction

Herzberg dual-structure theory was a response to the prevailing thinking that job

Which of the following is third step in OB modification?

Identify the existing behavioral contingencies or consequences of performance.

Which of the following is NOT a distinction between management and leadership?

Management is more important in regards to creating and directing change

job rotation

One of the earliest alternatives to job specialization used by managers was

Once a year

Organizations typically conduct performance appraisals


Programmed decisions are most common at what level of the organization

One conclusion of the University of Michigan studies was that a leader who attempts to build effective work groups with high performance goals is exhibiting

Task-oriented leader behavior consideration behavior initiating- structure behavior employee- centered leader behavior job-centered leader behavior- wrong

What is the best reason to create teams in an organization?

Teams make sense for that organization

higher pay for working under special conditions

Telecommuting involves all of the following except

In most organizations, what is the purpose of the reward system?

To attract, retain and motivate qualified employees

high; highly

WHen cohesiveness is ___________ and norms are ________ caparible with organizational goals, productivity is the highest.

Teams have fewer and broader job categories than groups

What is the difference between work groups and teams with regard to job categories?

a decision rule

When a customer voices a complaint about food taste and temperature, some restaurants provide a complimentary meal. This represents

Interest; friendship

Which of the following are types of informal groups?

Participative pay system

Which of the following best describes a reward system that involves employees in its design and administration

Forming natural work units

Which of the following is not a guideline that managers can use to implement the job characteristics theory? Combining existing tasks into more complex ones opening feedback channels Establishing direct relationships with clients raising pay levels to march the competition forming natural work units

Marital Status

Which of the following is not an example of a primary dimension of diversity?

Eye contact is a form of

nonverbal communication

Curb desires that might interfere with organizational goals

people with a high need for power can be successful managers if they

Teams differ from groups in that teams

place more emphasis on concerted action than groups do.

During the___ _ phase of team implementation, managers should provide encouragement, monitor performance and sometimes protect teams from those who want to see the team fail

reality and unreset

The real increases in organizational productivity due to information technology come from

the ability to communicate in new and different ways.

includes workers who accept the idea of using teams

the best initial site for implementing teams is one that

Group effectiveness, as a result of the communication network, can be influenced by each of the following EXCEPT

the degree of verbal versus nonverbal communication

task significance

the degree to which a job has a substantial impact on the lives or work of other people

According to Maslow, if a previously satisfied lower- level needs to become deficient,

the individual returns to the lowest level that is now deficient.

International communication is closely related to issues of coordination. One key coordination factor is

time differences across the two countries.

Implementation of self-managing work teams is a long and difficult process, often taking ____ to ____ years.

two; five


which of the following is an example of a primary dimension of diversity?


which of the following is not a secondary dimension of diversity?

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