Organizational Behavior MC Questions Chapter 1-12

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Allocating resources is a part of: A. planning B. organizing C. controlling D. leading


Among the special characteristics of organizational behaviour are: A. its stress on young workers' behavior B. its emphasis on rigorous inquiry C. its irrelevance to worker behavior D. its de-emphasis on an applied focus


An annualized scheme: A. is a situation in which an employee is classified as temporary B. is a scheme whereby workers weekly hours are calculated on an annual basis C. is a situation in which an employee works only at Christmas


Enhancing creativity and clarifying core values is a part of: A. informal communication B. team building C. motivating employees D. role negotiation


In alternative cultures, similar leadership behaviours are carried out: A. in similar ways B. in different ways C. by different people D. by managers only


Incremental change is: A. change that results in a major make-over of the organization B. change that occurs more frequently and less traumatically as part of an organization's natural evolution C. change that is fairly radical D. Pchange that takes place involuntarily


Meglino's values schema consists of: A. empathy, helping and concern for others, honesty and fairness B. achievement, helping and concern for others, honesty and fairness C. empathy, achievement, honesty and fairness D. honesty, helping and concern for others, fairness, integrity


Moderate levels of conflict tend to: A. have little or no effect on performance B. have a positive effect on performance C. have a negative effect on performance D. improve work-flow interdependency


Which indirect conflict management technique assigns a person to manage conflict between groups that are prone to conflict? A. decoupling B. linking pins C. authoritative command D. buffering


Collections of two or more people who interact with one another for a common purpose are which of the following? A. teams B. quality circles C. groups D. virtual teams


Bass's leadership approach: A. has been researched extensively but more research needs to be done B. has little research support C. is only now being systematically researched D. emphasises managerial actions


Heuristics are: A. simplifying strategies B. based on intuition C. biases that should always be avoided D. usually used for non-routine problems


The 'rusty halo' effect involves: A. one attribute of a person or situation leading to a negative overall impression B. one attribute of a person or situation leading to a positive overall impression C. the tendency to find in another situation or person that which you expected to find D. the assignment of an individual to a group or category and judging them accordingly


The age of leaders today is: A. an important current diversity issue B. an important issue when re-training staff C. important only when promotion takes place D. not important at all


Process theories: A. are thought to be static and descriptive B. lend insight into people's needs C. are weakly linked with work efforts. D. provide an understanding of the thoughts that influence behaviour


The degree to which members are attracted to, and motivated to remain a part of, a team is known as: A. the basic rule of group dynamics B. role negotiation C. role expectations D. cohesiveness


Below you find a number of definitions of a Divisionalized design. Mark the correct alternative. A. an organizational structure that establishes a separate structure for each business or devision B. an organizational configuration involving one or two ways of specializating individuals and units C. an organizational design whose characteristics include an advanced division of labour and coordination mechanisms


Both positive and negative reinforcement attempt to: A. encourage a desirable behaviour B. reward excellent workers on a timely basis C. discourage an undesirable behaviour D. weaken a worker's desire for monetary rewards


Content motivation theories are represented by: A. Maslow, Alderfer, Herzberg and McClelland B. Maslow, Vroom, Alderfer and Herzberg C. Alderfer, McClelland, Vroom and Adams D. Alderfer, Maslow, Herzberg and Adams


Define the expression "Inducements". A. What the organization gives to the individual on behalf of the group B. Inducements are individual work efforts of value to the organization C. The managers four functions, Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling, that they apply when they manage organizations


Departmentalization for division does which of the following? A. groups individuals and resources by product service, client, territory or legal entity B. groups individuals and resources by skill, knowledge and action C. groups individuals and resources by the goals of an organization D. provides written documentation of work rules, policies and procedures


Education and communication should be used as a strategy to overcome resistance to change when: A. people lack information B. other people have power to resist C. a person or group will lose something because of change D. other methods would not work


Fiedler´s cognitive resource theory is a further development of his previous cognitive theory. According to the latter approach the behaviour depends on the four situational contingencies listed below. In addition to these four there is a fifth alternative that is wrong. You shall mark the wrong alternative. A. the motivation of the leader or subordinate group members B. the leader's or subordinate group member's ability/competency C. stress D. experience E. group support of the leader


Flextime: A. increases individual autonomy in the work schedule B. is rapidly replacing more traditional schedules C. has positive effects at first and then negative ones D. is especially popular among makers of motor vehicles


Four functions of organizational communication are particularly important. Which of the following is not one of these: A. sourcing information B. developing information C. expressing feelings and emotions D. communicating roles


Frederick Herzberg's two-factor theory suggests more use of job: A. enrichment B. rotation C. de-skilling D. specialisation


Goal-setting theory is based on: A. expectancy theory B. equity theory C. a modified version of Maslow's theory D. Herzberg's theory


Goal-setting theory: A. is related to MBO B. has nothing to do with MBO C. is related to Organisational Behaviour Modification (OB Mod) D. is related to achievement motivation theory


Grouping individuals and resources in the organization around products, services, clients, territories and/or legal entities is an example of which form of horizontal specialisation? A. divisional B. functional C. matrix D. mixed form


Grouping resources into departments by skill, knowledge and action is known as a__________ pattern. A. functional B. divisional C. vertical D. matrix


Groups whose members have similar backgrounds, interests, values and attitudes are called__________ groups. A. homogeneous B. heterogeneous C. informal D. interest


Heroic accounts of accomplishments are called: A. sagas B. myths C. rituals D. symbols


In China, social obligations and tradition are part of deeply rooter cultural values. This is an example of Hofstede's: A. high long-term orientation B. low long-term orientation C. high uncertainty avoidance D. low uncertainty avoidance


In Deal and Kennedy's typology of culture, a process culture is characterised by: A. a need for precision and uniformity B. a need for 'fun' at work C. a need to take quick decisions D. significant investment with many years before results are apparent


In House's path-goal theory, letting subordinates know what is expected is an example of leader: A. directiveness B. supportiveness C. achievement orientation D. employee-centeredness


In corporations with a 'strong culture' one would expect: A. a broadly held and deeply shared common value system B. many countercultures C. few myths D. a flexible and dynamic social system


In the textbook there are two leadership perspectives - the traditional leadership and the new leadership. Within the new leadership perspective we have two major leadership types. Please mark the one below not among these two types. A. leader traits and behaviours B. transformal leadership C. charismatic leadership


Integrative negotiation usually leads to: A. enlarging the pie B. claiming positions of pie C. one party dominating over the other D. lose-lose outcome


Intermittent reinforcement is: A. a reinforcement schedule that rewards behaviour only periodically B. a reinforcement schedule that administers a reward each time a desired behaviour occurs C. the creation of new behaviour by positive reinforcement D. reinforcement only after punishment is administered


Interorganizational conflict occurs: A. between two firms B. between groups in an organization C. between formal and informal organizations only D. between managers and subordinates


Mark below the right definition of a virtual organization: A. organizations that comprise individuals, groups and businesses that work together across time and space B. organizations that comprise individuals, groups and businesses that work together through the their intranet C. organizations that comprise individuals, groups and businesses that are networking at the internet


Mark the correct definition of informal leadership among the alternatives below A. the process of exercising influence through special skills or resources that meet the needs of other people B. the process of exercising informal power to achieve personal benefits C. the process of exercising formal influence in an informal way


McClelland's need for achievement is characterised by a desire to: A. solve problems B. influence other people's behaviour C. be responsible for other people D. emphasise higher-order needs


Offering information and encouragement is a good way to minimize resistance to change stemming from: A. fear of the unknown B. need for security C. contrasting interpretations D. threatened vested interests


Organizational behaviour is of interest to everyone - not just managers - because: A. it provides tools for reflection on our own experiences of work organizations B. it enables us to shape others' emotions at work C. it shows us how to exploit other people subordinate to us D. it proves that management is a science


Organizational culture is said to help deal with which two fundamental problems? A. external adaptation and internal integration B. external adaptation and goal setting C. internal integration and external legitimacy D. establishing common goals and common language


Organizational politics is defined to include: A. the management of influence to obtain ends not sanctioned by the organization B. the artful use of power to develop socially acceptable ends C. the artful use of power to develop socially acceptable means D. unsanctioned means to achieve unsanctioned ends and the artful use of power


Patterns of values and philosophies that outwardly reject those of the larger organization or social system are called: A. countercultures B. common assumptions C. corporate cultures D. subcultures


Required behaviours are the: A. contributions formally requested by the organisation for continued employment B. various tasks group members perform to reach group goals C. activities that support group social and interpersonal relationships D. internal operations of a group


Self-management strategies include: A. behavioural-focused and cognitive-focused strategies B. cognitive-focused strategies only C. behavioural-focused strategies only D. classical and cognitive focused strategies


Self-managing teams are: A. small groups of people empowered to manage themselves B. informal teams empowered to manage others C. the same as a task force D. exactly the same as autonomous work teams


Simplified job designs: A. are highly specialised, with repetitive performance of a narrow set of tasks B. periodically shift workers among jobs involving different tasks C. involve building motivating factors into job content D. emphasise vertical loading of job tasks


Social learning theory is achieved through reciprocal interactions among: A. people, behaviour and environment B. motivation, needs and performance C. knowledge and skill D. performance and human resource maintenance


Stereotyping is: A. assigning an individual to a group or a category and judging the person accordingly B. overestimating capabilities of a group C. underestimating capabilities of a group D. treating every individual the same way


Strengthening of desirable behaviour comes from: A. positive and negative reinforcement B. positive reinforcement and extinction C. extinction and avoidance D. avoidance and punishment


Teams of workers who meet periodically to discuss and develop solutions for production problems related to quality, productivity or cost (an approach that originated in Japan) are known specifically as: A. quality circles B. informal teams C. self-managing work teams D. task forces


The creation of a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts is known as: A. synergy B. performance effectiveness C. performance efficiency D. value-added management


The formal structures of organizations may be shown in: A. an organization chart B. a horizontal diagram C. a matrix depiction D. a labour assignment chart


The more immediate the delivery of a reward after the occurrence of a desirable behaviour, the: A. greater the reinforcing effect on the behaviour B. less likely the reward will act as a positive reinforcer C. greater the need for extinction on the part of the organisation D. greater the capacity for negative reinforcement


The process by which managers help others acquire and use the power needed to make decisions affecting themselves and their work is called: A. empowerment B. influence C. zone of indifference D. coercion


The process of sending and receiving symbols with attached meanings in organizations - from one person to another - is called: A. organizational communication B. exchange C. encoding D. feedback


The three basic power relationships to ensure success are: A. upward, downward and lateral B. upward, downward and oblique C. downward, lateral and oblique D. downward, lateral and external


The three levels of cultural analysis highlighted in the textbook concern: A. observable culture, shared values and common assumptions B. stories, rites and rituals C. symbols, myths and stories D. cultural symbols, myths and sagas


The use of operant conditioning to modify animal and human behaviour was popularized by: A. B. F. Skinner B. Abraham Maslow C. E. L. Thorndike D. Victor Vroom


Trait theory is the earliest approach used to study leadership and dates back to the turn of the 20th century. After almost a century of study there is clearly no "magic bullet" for leader effectiveness in aspects relating to traits or various aspects of personality and attitudes. However, there are some traits theories that are frequently applied to improve the recruiting processes in the western world. One of the most popular among these theories is the BIG 5 NEO-PI-R, which has been culturally adapted to a number of countries e.g. Norway. Below you find all five of the BIG 5 theory and also a 6th factor which is wrong. You shall mark the wrong 6th factor. A. masculine - feminine B. extroversion - introversion C. conscientiousness D. agreeableness E. emotional stability F. openness to experience


Understanding leadership as a process: A. involves an understanding of followers B. does not involve motivating subordinates C. does not mean changes D. does not involve communication.


Valence is defined by Vroom as the: A. value attached by an individual to various work outcomes B. given level of achieved task performance C. anticipation of negative inequities D. value attached by an individual to effort


Value congruence occurs when: A. individuals express positive feelings on encountering others with similar values B. individuals express negative feelings on encountering others with similar values C. an individual experiences a state of inconsistency between their values and behaviour D. an individual changes their future behaviour to align with their values


What is Locus of control? Mark the right answer below: A. The extent to which people feel able to affect their own lives B. The basic drive for people in social settings C. The ability to exercise dictatorial power


Which of the following provides necessary preconditions for organizational learning? A. trust, commitment and organizational support B. trust, commitment and organizational change C. commitment, organizational change and individual learning D. trust, organizational support and individual learning


Which of the following statements best describes planned change? A. It occurs as a result of specific efforts on its behalf by a change agent B. It is intense and all-encompassing C. It builds on existing operating methods and seeks to enhance or extend them in new directions D. It is the discrepancy between an actual and a desired state of affairs


Which of the following statements best describes unplanned change? A. It occurs at random without a change agent's direction B. It occurs as a result of specific efforts on its behalf by a change agent C. It is intense and all-encompassing D. It is the discrepancy between an actual and a desired state of affairs


Which of the following statements regarding generations X and Y is not true? A. they expect to have one job throughout their working lives B. they bring high levels of technical competence to the workplace C. they are less focused on pay and security than earlier generations D. they are increasingly concerned with quality of life issues


Which of these statements is correct? A. In Scandinavian countries employees prefer participative management styles B. In Scandinavian countries employees prefer autocratic management styles C. In Scandinavian countries employees prefer negligent management styles D. In Scandinavian countries employees prefer macho management styles


Which of these statements is correct? A. stereotypes are not always inaccurate B. stereotypes are always accurate C. stereotypes are always inaccurate D. stereotypes are always the result of culture shock


Which of these statements is correct? A. cultural self-awareness is a pre-requisite for understanding other cultures B. cultural self-awareness is a hindrance to understanding other cultures C. cultural self-awareness was a term coined by Rotter D. cultural self-awareness was a term coined by Machiavelli


Who developed a diagnostic approach to job enrichment based on five core job characteristics? A. Hackman and Oldham B. Herzberg C. Skinner and Thorndike D. Mintzberg


Who started the situational contingency era with his contingency theory of leadership effectiveness? A. Fred Fiedler B. Robert House C. Kurt Lewin D. Bernard Bass


Work effort is best described as: A. willingness to turn up to work B. willingness to work long hours C. willingness to perform D. motivation to work


__________ help turn routine activities into valuable, important actions: A. shared values B. ambiguous descriptions C. sagas D. culturally shared symbols


_________is the ability to control another's behaviour because the person wants to identify with the power source. A. referent power B. coercion C. influence D. Machiavellianism


'The Prince' is the basis of a personality dimension called: A. dogmatism B. Machiavellianism C. authoritarianism D. extroversion


A conflict that involves interpersonal difficulties that arise over feelings of anger, mistrust, fear etc. are known specifically as a(n)__________ conflict. A. relationship B. emotional C. substantive D. intrapersonal


A conflict that occurs in the form of a fundamental disagreement over ends or goals to be pursued and the means for accomplishment is known specifically as a(n)__________conflict. A. relationship B. substantive C. procedural D. interorganizational


A halo effect occurs when: A. an individual is assigned to a group or category and judged accordingly B. one attribute of a person or situation is used to develop an overall impression C. one assigns one's own personal attributes to another individual D. an individual overestimates the influence of personal factors on other people's behaviour


According to the textbook, up to what percentage of time do managers spend dealing with conflict, including conflicts in which the manager is directly involved as one of the principle actors? A. 10 B. 20 C. 30 D. 50


An approach avoidance conflict occurs when: A. a person tries to avoid a positive or negative consequence. B. a person must decide to do something that has both positive and negative consequences. C. a person must decide between two negative consequences. D. a person must decide between two positive consequences.


An attitude or behaviour that reflects a person's unwillingess to make or support a desired course of action is known as: A. a performance gap B. resistance to change C. a stressor D. distress


An escalating commitment is a: A. commitment to stick to a proven course of action B. tendency to continue with a course of action despite negative feedback C. tendency to continue with a course of action until results on its success are available D. decision made using classical decision theory


An individual's willingness to perform is directly related to their: A. needs, expectations, rewards B. needs, expectations, values C. expectations, values, effort D. expectations, competencies, needs


As leaders, senior managers are expected to: A. use power and influence to achieve personal goals B. foster work environments conducive to learning and self-renewal C. promote stability D. engage in routine interactions


Assigning people to jobs is a part of: A. planning B. organizing C. controlling D. leading


Change that results in a major make-over of the company and/or its component systems is known as: A. frame-bending change B. radical change C. reorganizational change D. creative change


Child discusses the concept of "emergent change" and links this to: A. the role of the Chief Exective Officer, and their decision-making capability B. the range and size of change C. resistance to change D. the strategic plan


Communication which occurs at minimum cost in terms of resources expended is: A. effective B. efficient C. affective D. normal personal


Decision making in 'collectivist' cultures: A. is fast B. aims at consensus C. makes implementation difficult D. is based on simple majority rate


Dogmatic superiors tend to: A. reject authority B. accept subordinates based on how much the subordinates agree with accepted authority C. alternate between being rigid and flexible D. use a flexible approach as managers


ERG theory is the work of: A. Maslow B. Herzberg C. Adams D. Alderfer


Effective communication occurs when: A. the receiver does as the sender says B. the intended meaning of the source is the same as the perceived meaning of the receiver C. the sender is clear and articulate D. the receiver provides feedback to the sender


Effective negotiation occurs when: A. substance issues are resolved and action plans are implemented B. substance issues are resolved and relationships are maintained C. good decisions are made and action plans are implemented D. a wise decision is made


Extinction is: A. The stopping of undesirable behaviour by punishment B. The withdrawal of the reinforcing consequences of behaviour C. When behaviour changes as a result of successive punishments D. The administration of negative consequences that lead to behavioural changes


Fiedler applied an instrument called the ______ to measure a person´s leadership style. Mark below the missing alternative in the sentence above. A. leader-member exchange (LMX) scale B. least preferred co-worker (LPC) scale C. Likert scale


Globalization is the process of: A. understanding international business strategy B. becoming more international in scope, influence or application C. moving across borders to do business D. acquiring global management skills and competencies


Goals that define the types of businesses an organization is in are called: A. mission statements B. output goals C. systems goals D. primary beneficiary goals


Hofstede developed originally four dimensions of culture. In the 90ties, a further so called fifth dimension was added. Mark the name of the fifth dimension among the alternatives below. A. power distance B. long term/short term orientation dimension C. uncertainty avoidance D. individualism-collectivism


Improper refreezing results in: A. long-term internalisation B. change that is abandoned C. change that is completely implemented D. temporary complete compliance


In Alderfer's theory: A. only one need can be activated at one time B. more than one need can be activated at one time C. activated needs become rewards D. content and process theories are combined


In Fiedler's contingency theory, the three variables which define the amount of control a situation allows the leader are: leader-member relations, task structure and: A. expert power B. position power C. complexity D. leader structuring


In Handy's power culture type, an organization's culture is dominated by: A. set rules, procedures and job descriptions B. a powerful central figure C. members' interests, particularly 'star performers' D. teams formed for specific task performance


In the experiments on obedience at Yale University: A. only a very few subjects would shock another person to a dangerously high level B. the majority of subjects would shock another person to a dangerously high level C. most people rejected the apparent authority of the laboratory experimenter D. a few subjects would shock another person to a dangerously high level


Increasing the variety of tasks performed by a worker is called: A. job simplification B. job rotation C. scientific management D. job specialisation


Intrapersonal conflict occurs: A. between groups in an organization B. within the individual C. between managers and subordinates D. between two or more individuals


Leader trait and behavioural approaches assume that traits and behaviours: A. are equally important with other variables B. are more important than other variables C. are caused by other variables D. explain the romance of leadership


Leadership is a special case of ______ influence that gets an individual or group to do what the leader wants done. Choose the missing word among the alternatives below. A. intrapersonal B. interpersonal C. intergroup


Maintaining group cohesion by 'coming half-way' or admitting an error is an example of: A. gatekeeping B. compromising C. following D. setting standards


Mark below the right definition of Distributive negotiation: A. negotiation in which the focus is on the merits of the issues and both of the parties involved are trying to enlarge the available "pie" rather than stake claims to certain portions of it B. negotiation in which the focus is on "positions" staked out or declared by the parties involved, who are each trying to claim certain portions of the available "pie" C. negotiation in which the focus is on the merits of the issues and one of the parties involved is trying to enlarge the available "pie" rather than stake claims to certain portions of it


Maslow's theory: A. applies equally to all people B. is a content motivation theory C. is more a theory of leadership than of motivation D. is a process motivation theory


New technologies and new systems are specific examples of: A. radical change B. incremental change C. unplanned change D. informational change


One of the needs in Alderfer's theory is called: A. physiological B. growth C. self-actualisation D. security


One way of looking at leaders and managers is: A. managers promote change: leaders promote stability B. leaders promote change: managers promote stability C. leaders promote both stability and change D. neither leaders nor managers are involved with stability


One-way messages: A. are effective B. are efficient C. are satisfying for the receiver D. always communicate the message accurately


Operant conditioning is illustrated by: A. Pavlov's dog salivating at the bell B. a department store manager congratulating employees for replacing product on demand C. a previous reaction when asked to step into the boss's office D. a person experiencing a sharp pain when seeing an electric prod after being tortured with one


Performance contingent reward behaviour is: A. the degree to which a leader administers punishment related to performance B. the degree to which a leader rewards or positively reinforces performance C. a behavioural theory of leadership D. a substitute for leadership


Planned change is change that: A. occurs randomly or spontaneously B. happens as a result of specific efforts on the part of the change agent C. results in a major make-over of the organization D. change that occurs more frequently and less traumatically as part of an organization's natural evolution


Positive reinforcement is a part of: A. cognitive learning B. operant conditioning C. classical conditioning D. social learning


Rewarding individual results tends to: A. increase cohesiveness B. decrease cohesiveness C. increase performance norms D. decrease performance norms


Specifically, intergroup conflict occurs: A. between organizations B. between groups in an organization C. within the individual D. between a supervisor and one of his/her subordinates


Task goals are expected to lead to higher performance when: A. self-efficacy is low B. they are specific C. they are arbitrarily set by the supervisor D. there are many of them


The 'glass ceiling' is referred to as: A. corporate status B. corporate hierarchy C. corporate leadership D. corporate management


The _________ is the shared set of understandings in an organization about what is correct behaviour and how ethical issues will be handled. A. cultural aspect B. ethical climate C. organizational symbolism D. integrated ethics


The bargaining zone in negotiation is: A. the action setting for the negotiation B. the range between minimum and maximum reservation points C. based on increasing the available resources or 'pie' D. based on making claims and staking out positions


The benefits associated with compressed work week plans include: A. less total time spent on the job B. lower commuting costs C. higher absenteeism D. less fatigue


The business control process consists of 4 activities. There are 5 alternatives below. Mark the one that is not included among these four. A. set standards B. set input C. measure output D. compare output with standard E. take corrective action if necessary


The combination of resources, knowledge and techniques that creates a product or service output is called: A. the environment B. technology C. formalisation D. organizational design


The creation of a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts is known as: A. status congruence B. synergy C. the Ringelmann effect D. group effectiveness


The creation of new behaviour by the positive reinforcement of successive approximations to the desired behaviour is known as: A. extinction B. shaping C. operant conditioning D. classical conditioning


The degree to which authority to make decisions is given to lower levels in an organization's hierarchy is referred to as: A. bureaucracy B. decentralisation C. line units D. empowerment


The essence of Management by Objectives (MBO) is: A. joint goal setting between two subordinates B. joint goal setting between a manager and a subordinate C. the application of Herzberg's motivation theory D. the application of Maslow's motivation theory


The firm is a network of information and communication channels. There are now three categories. Which of the following is not one of these? A. formal channels B. external channels C. quasi-formal channels D. informal channels


The integrated motivational model: A. combines content and context motivation theories B. combines content and process motivation theories C. shows how rewards can lead to individual and group performance D. shows how contingencies can lead to individual and group performance


The nomothetic view of personality: A. believes that an individual's personality emerges and develops with experience B. seeks to identify the ways in which an individual's personality varies from others C. gives stress to an individual's childhood experience in determining personality D. believes that we behave in ways that create and maintain desired impressions


The presence of demographic differences among members of a given workforce is known specifically as: A. cultural diversity B. workforce diversity C. the global workplace D. internaitonalism


The probability assigned by an individual that work effort will be followed by a given level of achieved task performance is: A. instrumentality B. expectancy C. deprivation D. valence


The taken-for-granted truths refers to which level of cultural analysis? A. shared values B. common assumptions C. belief systems D. observable culture


The three acquired needs in McClelland's theory are: A. achievement, affiliation, self-actualisation B. achievement, affiliation, power C. achievement, safety, power D. achievement, affiliation, security


The three needs in Alderfer's modification of Maslow's theory are existence, relatedness and: A. achievement B. growth C. power D. affiliation


The three phases of change are: A. unfreezing, refreezing and evaluating B. unfreezing, changing and refreezing C. planning, implementing and evaluating D. unfreezing, modifying and refreezing


The two basic types of conflicts are: A. relationship and substance B. substantive and emotional C. interpersonal and interorganizational D. intrapersonal and interpersonal


The vertical emphasis of machine bureaucracy facilitates: A. job satisfaction B. control C. higher profits D. coordination across divisions


Tichy argues that there are 3 fundamental sets of problems associated with those people who design, manage and change organizations: A. Technological, structural and cultural design problems B. Technical design, political allocation and culture/ideological mix problems C. Cultural/ideological mix, technical design and resource based problems D. Cultural/ideological mix, structural and technical problems


What is a psychological contract? Mark the right alternative. A. A letter of intent B. A specification of what an individual expects to give and receive from the organization C. A contract regarding how an employee should behave at work within his/her job


What is not part of the performance equation factors? A. attributes B. motivation C. work effort D. organizational support


What is the definition of the expression "Casual work"? A. Principles related to work conducted remotely from the central organization B. Work where the number and schedule of work hours vary and there are little or no security of ongoing employment C. The employee's right to choose between work tasks within the job description that he/she wants to perform at a given time


What is the periodic shifting of workers from one job to another? A. job enlargement B. job rotation C. job enrichment D. job simplification


What is the process of reaching goals and dealing with outsiders? A. internal integration B. external adaptation C. goal setting D. cultural bonding


What strategy could be employed where people are resisting the change because there will be adjustment problems? A. Try the change on a step-by-step basis B. Try giving facilitation and support C. Bring in expert testimony D. Continue with the change until the resistance stops


When a worker meets his/her production quota to avoid nagging by the supervisor it is an example of: A. positive reinforcement B. negative reinforcement C. extinction D. punishment


When using organizational culture to help the organization to compete: A. allow employees to become disenchanted when facing initial technical barriers B. take the opportunity to reassess approaches to decision making when adding new products to an existing market C. use 'conventional wisdom' when adjusting to new markets with new products D. when entering the market slowly, give competitors as big a lead as possible


Which of the following characteristics apply to an organic organization? A. centralised authority B. ambiguous division of authority C. many rules and procedures D. formal methods of coordination and control


Which of the following is the power base for rational persuasion? A. rewards B. expertise C. punishments D. legitimacy


Which of the following statements is most typical of the storming stage of group development? A. people are interested in discovering what is considered to be acceptable behaviour B. hostility and infighting may occur C. the group may disband D. it is the performing stage


Which of the following statements is not true of the continual improvement approach to team building? A. group members frequently take responsibility for regularly engaging in the team-building process B. it is typically held with the assistance of a consultant C. members occasionally hold self-managed retreats D. the commitment of team members is to monitor group development and accomplishments continuously


Which of these statements is correct? A. culture shock does not involve a re-evaluation of core values B. culture shock necessarily involves re-evaluation of core values C. culture shock is experienced more by females than by males D. culture shock is experienced more by males than by females


A rational persuasion strategy assumes that: A. people have complex motivations B. behaviour is influenced by sociocultural norms C. people are influenced by logic D. people are motivated primarily through self-interest


A well-developed management philosophy is important because: A. it is unique B. it can help the firm financially C. it provides a consistent way of approaching novel situations D. it is built upon diversity


A worker being reprimanded for absenteeism is an example of which OB Mod strategy? A. extinction B. negative reinforcement C. punishment D. shaping


According to Bass, which is the more realistic way of looking at leadership? A. in terms of a one-way relationship between leader and follower B. as a transactional relationship only C. as a transformational and transactional relationship D. in terms of organizations influencing followers


According to Marris, organizations that go through change need to allow employees: A. To have access to resources needed to undertake change B. To have their say on strategic change issues C. Time to digest the changes, as they would if they endured a family bereavement D. To gain the competences required within a change process


According to Miles, radical change is: A. mission led, total-system based, and requires sustained organizational learning B. strategy led, total-system based, and requires sustained organizational learning C. vision led, total-system based, and requires sustained organizational learning D. goal led, requiring sustained organizational learning


Among the definition alternatives below only one is correct in defining adhocracy. Mark the right answer. A. announced cooperative agreements or joint ventures between two independent organizations. B. comprise individuals, groups and businesses that work together across time and space. C. an organizational structure that emphasizes shared, decentralized decision making, extremely horizontal specialization, few levels of management, the virtual absence of formal controls and few rules, policies and procedures.


An advantage of working in a 'virtual office' is: A. it is the sole focal point of employee activity B. workers are in close proximity C. workers can work in a variety of locations D. it is easy to control others


An effective manager is one who: A. believes in saving money and time at every opportunity B. helps others to plan ahead and control their outputs C. focuses on task performance and human resource performance D. follows rules and regulations to the letter


An internal organizational competition usually results in a: A. win-win outcome B. lose-lose outcome C. win-lose outcome D. broader bargaining zone


Best alternatives to negotiated agreement (BATNA) is associated with: A. classic two-party negotiation B. attitudinal foundations of integrative agreements C. informational foundations of integrative agreements D. distributive negotiation


Common signs of too much control include all of the following except: A. too much confusing of documentation with action B. too much focus on one goal to the exclusion of others C. too many realistic expectations D. too much rigidity and inflexibility


Corporate culture refers to: A. an extreme form of counterculture B. a culture that has grown organically along with an organization's history C. an attempt by managers to deliberately create and mould organizational culture D. an attempt by managers to implement payment by results


Corporations with a 'strong culture' are: A. more successful and easier to change than other firms B. more successful than other firms because they prize diversity C. more difficult to change than other firms D. more suited to international operations


Delaying change and awaiting a better time is a good way to minimize resistance to change stemming from: A. fear of the unknown B. no felt need for change C. poor timing D. threatened vested interests


Effective teams: A. operate with scheduled dates for disbanding B. are temporary C. have a long-term working relationship D. simply make recommendations


Find and mark the correct definition of the glass ceiling phenomenon in international management A. A leader's incompetence level B. An employee's incompetence level C. The invisible barrier that stops women from attaining senior positions within organizations D. The invisible barrier that stops applicants from attaining positions within organizations due to their political, ethnical and religious background


In goal-setting theory: A. difficult goals lead to lower performance than easy ones B. specific goals lead to lower performance than general ones C. difficult goals lead to higher performance than easy ones D. goal acceptance is irrelevant


Mark the correct definition of empowerment below. A. the ways in which a person goes about gathering and evaluating information B. a person's emphasis on authority C. the process by which managers delegate power to employees D. the process by which managers centralize power in organizations


Mark the right definition of the expression "Unity of command": A. the number of individuals reporting to a supervisor B. the number of supervisors that each worker has a clear reporting relationship to C. the situation in an organization where each worker has a clear reporting relationship to only one supervisor


Monitoring performance is a part of: A. planning B. organizing C. controlling D. leading


Most management writing on organizational culture adopts the following perspective: A. fragmentation B. ambiguity C. integration D. critical


One major concept of leadership was originally developed by Bernard Burns (1978) and was revised and enhanced by Bernard Bass in the 1980ties Mark the correct alternative of this concept among the alternatives below. A. the transactional and the transforming leadership approach B. the laissez faire leadership and the transforming approach C. the transformational and transactional leadership approach


Organizational behaviour is: A. a commitment to continuous improvement B. a relatively permanent change in behaviour that occurs as a result of work experiences C. the study of individuals and groups in organizations D. the attraction and continuation of a viable workforce


People acquiring new behaviours by directly observing and then imitating the behaviour of others is called: A. shaping B. positive reinforcement C. social learning D. cognitive conditioning


Planned change often assumes that: A. Change is often best unplanned B. Environmental scanning is unnecessary and time consuming C. The future is predictable and there is an end stage to be reached D. The future is unpredictable, so contingency planning is best


Resistance to the change agent is most likely to occur with a change agent who: A. has low emotional involvement in the change B. is not an employee of the company C. has different characteristics from key persons involved in the change D. uses a rational persuasion strategy


Satisficing is: A. choosing the optimum solution to a problem B. knowing all action alternatives and their consequences before making a decision C. choosing the first alternative that appears to give an acceptable resolution to a problem D. making a decision which satisfies all parties


Single loop learning is concerned with: A. the understanding and reflecting upon experience B. innovation and creativity C. learning by rote, with an emphasis on memorisation rather than comprehension D. accessing, retrieving and capturing knowledge


Standardized activities at special times/occasions that may have practical consequences are called: A. symbols B. myths C. rites D. terminal values


Substitutes for leadership: A. have replaced Fiedler's approach B. rely most heavily on leader training C. are related to job characteristics D. involve changing leader LPC scores


The "Law of effect" is most commonly associated with: A. B. F. Skinner B. Abraham Maslow C. E. L. Thorndik D. Victor Vroom


The advice to match leadership style with leadership situations is most associated with which kind of leadership approach? A. trait B. behavioural C. situational contingencies D. symbolic


The practice of building motivating factors into job content is known as: A. job simplification B. job moderators C. horizontal loading D. job enrichment


The process of choosing and implementing structural configuration is called: A. planning B. control C. organizational design D. staffing


The process of identifying a problem or opportunity and choosing among alternative courses of actions is called: A. judgement B. intuition C. decision making D. heuristics


The theory of acquired needs that focus on power was developed by: A. Maslow B. Alderfer C. McClelland D. Vroom


Two goals are at stake in any negotiation. These are ______. and ______. Mark the two missing words among the alternatives below. A. result goals and relationship goals B. substance goals and ambitious goals C. substance goals and relationship goals


Unique, shared values can: A. reduce collective commitment B. enhance ambiguity C. provide a stable social system D. provide the need for formal and bureaucratic controls


Vertical loading is defined as: A. increasing task variety by combining several jobs into one B. shifting workers to new and more challenging positions C. expanding job content by adding tasks previously performed by supervisors D. increasing task specialisation


Victor Vroom: A. proposed a theory of hierarchy of needs B. developed a well-known version of expectancy theory C. refined Maslow's theory D. refined equity theory


When an individual contribution is less noticeable, there is greater risk for: A. status incongruence B. synergy C. the Ringelmann effect D. group ineffectiveness


When one full-time job is assigned to two persons who divide the work, it is called: A. job rotation B. job enrichment C. job sharing D. the compressed work week


When the compressed work week is first implemented: A. negative effects seem to occur B. results are hard to interpret one way or the other C. positive effects seem to occur D. there is high worker turnover


Which leadership theory argues that a leader's key function is to act in ways that complement the work setting in which subordinates operate? A. trait B. behavioural C. path-goal D. multiple influence


Which of the following are considered higher-order needs? A. self-actualisation and social B. esteem and social C. esteem and self-actualisation D. self-actualisation and safety


Which of the following is not one of the 'Big 5' personality dimensions? A. extroversion-introversion B. agreeableness-hostility C. halo-rusty halo D. open to experience-closed to experience


Which of the following is not one of the four basic steps in systematic decision making? A. analysing alternative courses of action B. choosing a preferred course of action C. consulting and seeking approval of others involved in the decision D. recognising and defining the problem


Which of these statements is correct? A. values are more specific than attitudes B. attitudes are more positive than values C. values are less specific than attitudes D. attitudes are more negative than values


Which one of the following is not one of Belbin's team roles: A. Shaper B. Plant C. Negotiator D. Team worker


A normative-reeducative strategy seeks to: A. offer people reasons and rationales for change B. convince others to change through logic C. change people through rewards and punishments D. establish social support for change


AII - the second variant on the authority decision in the Vroom-Jago model - means that the manager: A. shares the problem with subordinates as a group and leads them to a consensus B. solves the problem alone using information available at that time C. shares the problem with subordinates individually, and the decision may or may not reflect their input D. obtains information from subordinates, then solves the problem alone


An effective group is one that: A. shares a common sense of group purpose B. simply achieves high levels of task performance C. simply achieves high levels of human resource maintenance D. achieves high levels of both task performance and human resource maintenance


An example of a re-engineered work value is: A. the boss pays our salaries, keep the boss happy B. to keep your job, stay quiet and don't make waves C. when things go wrong, pass problems to others D. we are all part of a team, a good manager builds teams


An object, act or event that serves to transmit cultural meaning is called a__________. A. foundation saga B. rite C. ritual D. symbol


An uncertain decision environment occurs when: A. there is only limited certainty of the outcomes of various courses of action B. those involved in the decision making cannot agree on a course of action C. information is sufficient to predict the results of each alternative D. probabilities as to the outcome of various courses of action cannot be predicted


Cognitive dissonance occurs when: A. an individual experiences a feeling of dissatisfaction with their work B. an individual experiences a feeling of dissatisfaction with their employer C. there is a state of consistency between an individual's attitudes and behaviour D. there is a state of inconsistency between an individual's attitudes and behaviour


Communication is the: A. interpretation of symbols sent from the sender to the receiver B. process by which entities exchange information and establish a common understanding C. process of telling someone else how one feels about something the person did or said about the situation in general D. process of sending and receiving symbols with attached meanings, from one person to another


Control involves all of the following except: A. measuring results B. taking corrective action C. comparing results with goals D. selecting manpower


Departementalization can be achieved in a number of ways. Among the four alternatives below, three are correct. Please mark the one that is wrong. A. by division B. by geography C. by customer D. by departments


Each of the following is a step in the team-building process except: A. evaluation of results B. action planning C. data gathering and analysis D. promoting individual competition


Each of the following is one of the four major categories of group input factors except: A. nature of the task B. membership characteristics C. group size D. task performance


Equity theory and expectancy theory: A. are both content theories B. are both extensions of Maslow C. each involve need satisfaction D. are both process theories


Ethical concerns about systematic use of punishment include that: A. it is always the innocent worker who is punished B. it is not effective at all in changing behaviour C. it is inequitably administered D. managers can abuse their power


Externals are__________ than internals. A. less dogmatic B. less authoritarian C. less Machiavellian D. less reliant on their judgement


Extrinsic rewards: A. tend to be large in magnitude B. are similar to needs C. are expensive to administer D. are given to the individual by someone else


Force-coercion strategy: A. tries to influence change by identifying or establishing values and assumptions that support change B. tries to influence change by persuading people through the strategic planning process C. tries to influence change through informal processes of promises or threats D. tries to command change through the formal authority of legitimacy, rewards and punishments


Herzberg's work: A. has been fully approved by OB experts B. led Maslow to develop his own theory C. is a form of process motivation theory D. is quite controversial


House's path-goal theory of leadership is a situational contingencies theory. It emphasizes how a leader influences employees' perceptions of both work goals and ME LTD (personal) goals and links or paths found between these two sets of goals. House's path-goal theory represents a process approach to leadership that takes into account three interrelated variables. Taking these three aspects together, they can lead to outputs that enhance the organization, the employee and the leader. Below you find the 3 interrelated variables and a fourth that this wrong. You have to mark the wrong variable. A. Leadership factors B. Context/contingency factors C. Employee motivation/outcomes D. Employee attributes


If employees hold values which contradict those of dominant coalitions: A. organizational culture will necessarily be characterised by destructive conflict B. it will always be difficult to change 'the way we do things around here' C. an organization's performance will inevitably decline D. differences may be a source of creativity and diversity


In communication, noise would not include: A. uncomfortable temperature B. construction work going on outside the building C. cultural differences D. the sender


In which design are managers most likely to run their own businesses and compete against one another for resources? A. adhocracy B. simple C. professional bureaucracy D. divisionalized


Inspiring commitment is a part of: A. planning B. organizing C. controlling D. leading


Kolb's learning theory is an example of: A. Social Learning Theory B. Classical Conditioning Theory C. Operant Conditioning Theory D. Experiential Learning Theory


Mechanistic design is characterised by: A. high job satisfaction B. effective use of human resources C. creative solutions to problems D. inflexibility


One guideline for implementing a successful empowerment strategy is: A. delegation of authority should be left ambiguous and open to individual interpretation B. managers should refrain from communicating to subordinates C. planning should be separated according to the level of empowerment D. allow room for error: encouraging employees to be more involved inevitably entails some risk-taking


People's approach to ethics are influenced by the stance they adopt when confronting an ethical dilemma. Below three of these approaches from the textbook are mentioned along with one approach that is wrong. Please mark the latter. A. deontological B. consequential C. character virtue D. social responsibility


Please mark the change strategy that attempts to bring about change by identifying or establishing values and assumptions so that support for the change naturally emerges: A. incremental B. radical C. rational persuasion D. shared power


Reason, coalition, bargaining and assertiveness are all strategies for: A. enhancing personal power B. enhancing position power C. exercising referent power D. exercising influence


Reward power is the power over subordinates: A. due to their belief that the superior has a right to command B. because of knowledge and experience of the superior C. because they like to identify with the superior D. because the superior controls money, compliments etc


Rules and procedures: A. are written statements of organizational purpose B. are flexible enough to accommodate unique conditions C. allow for individual discretion without direct clearance from a higher-level authority D. describe in detail how a task is to be performed


Social learning theory is associated with the work of: A. Abraham Maslow B. B. F. Skinner C. E. L. Thorndike D. Albert Bandura


Staff personnel: A. directly link clients and/or suppliers to the organization B. conduct the major business that directly affects the organization C. work independently of line personnel D. include such departments as public relations and accounting in a manufacturing firm


The ________ perspective views organizational culture as a system of shared meanings, unity and harmony. A. fragmentation B. ambiguity C. differentiation D. integration


The ability to get someone to do something or to make things happen in a specific way is called: A. influence B. coercion C. Machiavellianism D. power


The change strategy that tries to command change through formal authority is: A. incremental B. radical C. rational persuasion D. top-down


The creation of a collective identity and the means of matching methods of working and living together is internal: A. culture B. bonding C. differentiation D. integration


The difference between organizational learning and teaching organizations is: A. organizational learning is done by individuals whereas teaching organizations are those that teach all employees B. none C. teaching organizations aim to pass on learning to others to achieve and maintain success, whereas organizational learning is simply the sum of all learning in the organization D. teaching organizations aim to pass on learning to others to achieve and maintain success, whereas organizational learning explains the process of acquiring or developing knowledge that can change behaviour and improve performance


The key difference between making a decision in the classical style and making one in the behavioural style is: A. the individual's management style B. the presence of judgemental heuristics C. whether all parties agree to the course of action D. the presence of cognitive limitations


The managerial grid perspective: A, is similar to transformational leadership B. was developed by Bass C. is a situational contingency approach D. is similar to the Ohio State studies


The nomothetic (traits) approach to personality typically stresses the way of understanding personality that centres on two elements, traits and characteristics. Mark the right alternative presenting the two specific expressions of these two elements below: A. Nomothetic and Canimethic B. Psychometric and Charimetric C. Nomothetic and Charimetric D. Nomothetic and Psychometric


The novel used as an illustration of the totalitarian aspects of organizational culture is: A. Emma by Jane Austen B. A Suitable Boy by Vikram Seth C. Mad Cows by Kathy Lette D. Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell


The set of cultural, economic, educational and legal-political forces in a given geographical area is called the __________ of an organization. A. environmental complexity B. environmental interdependence C. specific environment D. general environment


The sources of noise include all of the following except: A. semantic problems B. status effects C. cultural differences D. feedback


The unity of command principle is not achieved in which form of departmentalization? A. functional B. divisionalization by product C. divisionalization by customer D. matrix


The use of stereotyping for judging people results in: A. correct evaluation of differences between individuals B. correctly identifying characteristics of a group C. accurate prediction of job performance D. inaccurate assessment of an individual's performance potential


The word "Presenteeism" is mentioned in the textbook. Mark the right definition below. A. the staff's psychological presence at work B. an average time ratio for staff attendance C. a staff motivation ratio D. presenteeism is the act of attending work while sick


To work well, merit pay plans should: A. be dependent on cost-of-living adjustments B. be based on group incentives C. make pay contingent on satisfaction D. be based on accurate measure of individual performance


Two alternative work arrangements are: A. part-time work, job enrichment B. job sharing, job rotation C. job rotation, compressed work week D. compressed work week, flextime


What is a system goal? Mark the right answer below: A. a goal that has focus on desired targets and allow managers to use their own methods for reaching these B. it is a goal that defines the organization's type of business C. goals that attempt to specify the manner in which tasks will be accomplished D. a goal that is concerned with conditions within the organization that are expected to increase its survival potential


What specifies what the individual and the organization expect to give to and receive from each other in the course of their working relationship? A. exchange theory B. contribution/inducement theory C. the offer of employment D. the psychological contract


When a manager shares a problem with subordinates or other group members individually, then makes a decision that may or may not reflect their input, the manager is using which variant of the Vroom-Jago model? A. AI - first variant on the authority decision B. AII - second variant on the authority decision C. CII - second variant on the consultative decision D. CI - first variant on the consultative decision


Which element of the communication process encodes the intended meaning into a message? A. the decision implementer B. the consultant C. the receiver D. the source


Which level of analysis deals with a description of an awards banquet? A. shared values B. belief systems C. philosophy D. observable culture


Which of the following is a basis for position power? A. expert power B. knowledge power C. referent power D. coercive power


Which of the following is not a consideration that Williams, Dobson and Walters recommend when attempting to change organizational culture: A. Change the people in the organization B. Changing behaviour C. Changing the corporate image D. Change the corporate strategy


Which of the following is not a strategy or technique for empowering employees? A. provide emotional support B. encourage job mastery C. provide appropriate feedback D. surrender all power


Which of the following is not an advantage of employing a diverse workforce? A. diverse perspectives bring creativity and innovation B. where there is a shortage of skilled labour, diversity has recruitment benefits C. problems are solved using a wide range of ideas and perspectives D. in diverse workforces individual are stereotyped


Which of the following is not an example of a cultural form? A. 'employee of the month' award B. branding C. the story of how the company was founded D. the assumptions held by the Managing Director


Which of the following is not included as a major factor contributing to perceptual differences? A. characteristics of perceiver B. characteristics of the perceived C. situation D. motivation


Which of the following provides insights which can help any organizational member deal with common workplace problems and opportunities? A. total quality management B. human resource maintenance C. the contingency approach D. organizational behavior


Which of the following statements best describes incremental change? A. It occurs randomly without a change agent's direction B. It occurs as a result of specific efforts on its behalf by a change agent C. It is intense and all-encompassing D. It builds on existing operating methods and seeks to enhance or extend them in new directions


Which one of the following is not a trend in workplace diversity? A. more women are entering the workforce B. the size of the workforce is growing more slowly than in the past C. workforce mobility is increasing D. there is a smaller pool of younger workers


Which theory of decision making holds that people act only in terms of what they perceive about a given situation? A. classical B. heuristic C. perception D. behavioural


A person's belief that he or she can perform adequately in a situation is called: A. self-efficacy B. empowerment C. motivation D. competency building


A set of expectations for the behaviour of a person holding a particular office or position is known as a: A. role B. job description C. psychological contract D. norm


A work group: A. transforms resource inputs into resource outputs B. provides members with the opportunity to become more broadly included in workplace affairs C. fosters sub-goal optimization D. achieves high levels of task performance and human resource maintenance


Alderfer's modification of Maslow's theory puts the need levels into how many different categories? A. three B. four C. five D. six


Bureaucracy is the theory proposed by: A. Weber B. Thompson C. Burns/Stalker D. Woodward


Each of the following is a type of formal work group except one. Mark the latter: A. project team B. task force C. command group D. interest group


Intrinsic work rewards: A. result directly from task accomplishment B. result directly from pay C. are controlled externally by supervisors D. are controlled by co-workers


Job simplification is characterised by: A. de-skilling work B. an increase in meaningfulness of work C. an increase in satisfaction D. reducing monotony and boredom


Job simplification: A. increases task specialisation B. increases task variety C. shifts workers among jobs involving different tasks D. builds in motivators


Knowledge management focuses on: A. processes designed to improve an organization's ability to capture, share and diffuse knowledge in order to improve business performance B. knowledge-based economics in order to make an effective contribution C. effective management planning in order to increase intellectual stimulation D. the psychological contract


Legitimate power is a form of: A. position power B. expertise C. personal power D. coercion


Legitimate power is based on the: A. subordinate's beliefs that the superior has the right to command B. knowledge of the boss C. rewards available to the boss D. personality of the boss


Lessons learned from the heroic effort of an embattled entrepreneur are called: A. founding stories B. sagas C. organizational myths D. cultural symbols


Phase One, unfreezing, includes: A. creating a felt need for change, minimising resistance to change B. reinforcing outcomes and evaluating results C. changing people, tasks, structure and technology D. making constructive modifications


Political power is: A. power that is directed towards ends not sanctioned by the organization B. power used for formally auditing groups and substituting for formal authority C. power that is overemphasised and upheld by top management D. power that is used for maintaining the status quo


Possible problems of bureaucracy include which of the following? A. inflexibility B. underspecialisation C. rules specifying minimum requirements D. dominance by the leaders


Projection is: A. the assignment of one's own personal attributes to other individuals B. the tendency to find in another situation or person that which you expected to find C. when one attribute of a person or situation is used to develop an overall impression D. assigning an individual to a group or category and judging the person accordingly


Self-management strategies are related most closely to: A. social learning theory B. extinction C. negative reinforcement D. operant conditioning


The fundamental attribution error occurs when: A. we overestimate the influence of personal factors on the behaviour of others B. we assign an individual to a group of category and judge them accordingly C. we assign our own personal attributes to another individual D. we behave in ways that will create and maintain desired impressions


The idiographic approach to personality: A. believes that an individual's personality emerges and develops with experience B. believes that one should do whatever it takes to get our own way C. seeks to identify the ways in which an individual's personality varies from others D. believes that extroversion-introversion is the most important personality dimension


The individual performance equation comprises: A. individual attributes, organizational support and work effort B. work effort, personal goals and organizational support C. individual attributes, organizational support and personal goals D. personal goals, work effort and individual attributes


The key terms in expectancy theory are: A. expectancy, instrumentality, valence B. instrumentality, equity, tension C. valence, desirability, instrumentality D. tension, valence, expectancy


The meaning of pay from an equity theory perspective is that: A. pay is an object of social comparison B. pay is only one of many work valued rewards C. pay is one of the extrinsic rewards that a manager may use D. pay is one of the intrinsic rewards that a manager may use


What is an organigraph? Mark the right answer below: A. a drawing of how companies really work B. a partial organizational chart C. an organizational chart of production processes


What is the distinction between leadership and management? Mark the right answer. A. Management is primarily concerned with administration within a stable context, while leaders provide inspiration, and motivate people to gain (and then use) their support on fundamental long-term choices B. Managers are in charge of developing and getting support for the company´s vision and for the crafting of the overall direction and strategy of the organization. Leaders on the other hand generally emphasize on coaching and motivating people to get them to enhance their work efforts C. Managers are both leaders and administrators thus there no major difference between a manager and a leader


When using explicit or implicit coercion to deal with resistance to change, a manager is most likely to: A. use force to get people to accept change B. buy off leaders of resistance to gain their support C. help people see the logic of the change D. offer incentives to actual or potential resistors


Which communication channel follows the chain of command established by the organisational hierarchy? A. formal B. informal C. upward D. downward


Which design is appropriate for a huge corporation that produces many different products and services in many different industries? A. conglomerate B. quasi-autonomous C. simple structure D. machine bureaucracy


Which of the following is a characteristic of a mechanistic organization? A. many rules and procedures B. ambiguous division of labour C. informal coordination and control D. emphasis on coordination


Which of the following is one of the core elements in the Job Characteristics Model of job enrichment? A. task significance B. affiliation C. task specialisation D. power


Which of the following relates to Alderfer's existence needs? A. material wellbeing B. continued personal development C. continued personal growth D. continued self-actualisation


A continuous reinforcement schedule, as compared to an intermittent reinforcement schedule: A. is more durable B. is less costly C. is more costly D. is more disliked by subordinates


A design configuration which involves one or two ways of specializing individuals and units is called a __________ design. A. bureaucratic B. longitudinal C. simple D. mechanistic


A greater need for flexibility in production has led to a(n) ________________ organization structure? A. mechanistic B. organic C. core-ring D. divisional


A manager with a wide span of control is most likely to have: A. many subordinates and high levels of authority B. few subordinates and low levels of authority C. many subordinates D. few subordinates


Formal communication channels: A. interfere with the effectiveness of the communication attempt B. are planned communication connections between holders of the various positions within the organization C. adhere to the organization's hierarchy D. cut across vertical chains of command


Groupthink is: A. believing that most problems can be solved B. an advantage of group decision making C. when members in highly cohesive groups demand conformity and become unwilling to criticise group members' ideas D. group decision making carried out by all members


Herzberg suggested that performance can be improved by: A. emphasising instrumentality B. stressing higher-order needs C. adding satisfiers to people's jobs D. adding hygienes to people's jobs


Herzberg's theory does not include: A. satisfiers B. hygiene factors C. equity D. job content factors


High levels of conflict tend to: A. have no effect on performance B. have a positive effect on performance C. have a negative effect on performance D. improve work-flow interdependency


Impression management is: A. the assignment of an individual to a group or category and judging them accordingly B. the assignment of our own personal attributes to another individual C. an attempt to behave in ways that will create and maintain desired impressions D. an overestimation of the influence of personal factors on other people's behaviour


In Hofstede's classification of culture, Singapore is depicted as exhibiting: A. low power distance B. high individualism C. low uncertainty avoidance D. low masculinity


In order to increase survival potential, organizations create: A. process controls B. matrix specialisations C. system goals D. line and staff units


Internals are __________ than externals. A. more alienated B. more rootless C. better at learning and problem solving tasks D. more dependent


Introducing a new product is an example of a change called: a. radical b. frame breaking c. incremental d. unplanned


Job enrichment is inspired by which of the following theories? A. Maslow's theory of hierarchy of needs B. McClelland's achievement motivation theory C. Herzberg's two-factor theory D. Scientific management


Job sharing: A. is being used by a majority of employers B. is especially common among supervisors C. may require a high degree of co-ordination D. has extremely positive effects on productivity


Joint decision making by superior and subordinate in MBO is called: A. commitment B. expectancy C. means-end chains D. goal setting


Learning is: A. a relatively temporary change in behaviour resulting from experience B. not related to behaviour or experience C. a relatively permanent change in behaviour resulting from experience D. concerned with both permanent and temporary changes


Lifelong learning can be defined as: A. The total experience that we have during our working careers B. The commitment that an organization shows to employee development and learning C. The adoption of a philosophy that we learn throughout our lives, and that learning does not cease when we reach a certain age D. The culmination of qualifications that we accrue over our lifetime


Management by exception and laissez-faire behaviours represent which type of leadership? A. charismatic B. transformational C. transactional D. inspirational


Mark below the right definition of a strategic alliance: A. announced formal or informal cooperative agreements between two individuals at work B. announced cooperative formal agreements between departments within an organization C. announced cooperative agreements or joint ventures between two independent organizations


The aerospace solution to the problem of a management structure placing emphasis both on technical development and on product development is called: A. functional pattern of departmentalization B. departmentalization by function C. matrix organization D. coordination organization


The compressed work week is more effective if accompanied by: A. job simplification B. increased job specialisation C. job enrichment D. change in job design


The contingency approach to organizational behaviour believes that: A. women typically outperform men in management jobs B. emotional intelligence is the most important attribute of a successful manager C. behavior may vary depending on circumstance and the people involved D. the purpose of an organization is to gather information


The degree to which the authority to make decisions is restricted to higher levels of management is called: A. departmentalization B. coordination C. centralization D. control


The first step in decision making is to: A. choose a preferred course of action B. implement the preferred course of action C. recognise and define the problem D. identify alternative courses of action


The methods that organizational groups develop and teach to new members are called: A. shared values B. common assumptions C. observable culture D. founding stories


The most effective style in the leadership grid is: A. country club management B. task management C. team management D. impoverished management


The need for love or affection or the sense of belongingness in one's relationships is known as: A. self-actualisation B. safety C. social D. security


The need level immediately preceding self-actualisation in Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory is: A. social B. safety C. esteem D. security


The zone of indifference is a: A. lack of motivation to follow superior's directives B. high level of motivation to follow a superior's directives C. willingness of the subordinate to follow directives without critical evaluation or judgement D. superior ignoring certain mistakes of the subordinates


We have two major leadership categories. Choose the right alternative among the alternatives below. A. formal management and leadership B. informal and formal management C. informal and formal leadership


What does a contingency approach imply? A. That there is a universal way in which to manage people and organizations B. That there is a way to predict and control human behaviour and performance C. That the approach is based on a recognition that human behaviour may vary depending on the circumstances and the people involved.


What is an effective manager? There are ten roles of effective managers. They are categorized in three major groups. Below four alternatives are mentioned. Your job is to mark the fourth alternative that is wrong. A. Interpersonal Roles B. Decisional Roles C. Intrapersonal Roles D. Informational Roles


What is the process of developing, negotiating and formalising the task objectives that an employee is responsible for accomplishing? A. job enrichment B. job design C. goal setting D. goal availability


When a manager counsels an employee's co-workers to stop 'covering up' for the worker's lateness and poor performance, it is an application of: A. punishment B. negative reinforcement C. extinction D. shaping


When achieving upward influence, employees: A. can easily use their position power B. expect their superiors to support them C. need to use personal power D. can rely upon loyalty


When action is needed quickly in a crisis situation, which design is typically most appropriate? A. conglomerate B. free form C. organic D. mechanistic


Which of the following conflict management styles is highly cooperative but unassertive? A. competition B. compromise C. accommodation D. collaboration


Which of the following disadvantages is most likely to be encountered with flextime? A. lower job satisfaction B. higher worker performance C. potential problems with scheduling D. reduced turnover


Which of the following does the textbook list as a disadvantage of functional structure? A. it is difficult to retrain new managers B. it often yields confusing task assignments C. too much time and effort spent by management D. too little emphasis on technical affairs


Which of the following is not included in general approaches to learning? A. social learning B. operant conditioning C. motivation learning D. cognitive learning


Who specified a goal-setting theory for improving work performance? A. Evelyn Tweedy B. Edward Lawler C. Edwin Locke D. David McClelland


Withholding reinforcement for a behaviour that has previously been positively reinforced is known as: A. shaping B. classical conditioning C. extinction D. avoidance


A person's perceptual set is: A. when one attribute of a person or situation is used to develop an overall impression B. the assignment of one's own personal attributes to other individuals C. the tendency to find in another situation or person that which you expected to find D. a person's past experiences, personality and values influencing their perception


A situation in which a person must decide whether to do something that (although benefiting the person or the organization or both) may be considered unethical or perhaps illegal is called: A. ethical perspective B. ethical decision-making standard C. escalating commitment D. ethical dilemma


Self-management behaviour strategies do not include: A. rehearsing and self-punishing B. self-setting goals and self-observing C. managing cues and self-rewarding D. establishing negative thought patterns and reduce self-efficacy


Societal-level culture can affect organizational culture due to: A. culturally-derived attitudes being embodied by employees B. institutional factors setting limits on how an organization operates C. managers exhibiting culturally-derived preferences e.g. on responsibility D. all of the alternatives


____________________are unique patterns of values and philosophies within a group that are not inconsistent with the dominant culture of the larger organization or social system. A. observable cultures B. countercultures C. organizational cultures D. subcultures


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