Organizational Communication

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The themes identified by Peters and Waterman characterize excellent organizations as

staying focused on what they do best and avoiding radical diversification.

If an organization tracks its number of minority hires, which dimension of a multicultural organization is it addressing?

structural integration

Reactions to organizational change by lower level employees that interfere with change implementation processes are called:


which of the following occurs when organizational members exert counterpressure on the power and control of management?


Which of the following types of power are surface power?

reward power

In order to fulfill the requirements of her new job, Jade must attend a seminar on desk-top publishing. Through this seminar, she will learn ____ information.


Widgets Engineering is proud of its record in hiring women and minorities. However, in the past they've had trouble retaining these new hires, so they're now instituting mentoring programs and support groups to help women and minorities learn about the corporate culture and Widgets and get ahead in the organization. Widgets Engineering would be characterized as a

second generation affirmative action organization.

The "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy adopted during the Clinton Administration is considered controversial because some say it discriminates based on:

sexual orientation

Of the three strategies used for exerting control in organizations, the one characterized by directly exerting authoritarian control is

simple control.

Which theory/model examines the extent to which others in the social environment use a particular technology and communicate positively about its use?

social information processing model

The process of organizations influencing the adaptation of individuals through formal and informal means refers to the ____ process.


Julian's coworkers often come to him for information about how their company handled disgruntled customers in the past since he has worked at the company for 25 years. The information he provides is not written down, but it is invaluable in helping his coworkers in making decisions about how to deal with difficult customers. Julian's information is an example of ____ knowledge.


Social support from coworkers is likely to be in the forms of

informational and emotional.

Which of the following is a true statemtent about cultures?

Culture is a social process, whereby we "learn the ropes" from others who came before us.

Jasprit is the new manager of Burger Barn. During his first meeting with his employees, he emphasized his many years of experience as a manager of fast food restaurants to assure the employees he knows what he is doing in a time of change. His message could most easily be studied through a ______ approach to communication.


In this approach to the emotion process, emotions are seen as sensemaking opportunities.


The assumption that the expenditure of physical and mental effort in work is as natural as play or rest is part of this theory.

Theory Y

Which of the following theories was developed by Ouchi in an attempt to apply Japanese managerial approaches to the American culture?

Theory Z

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Performance appraisal systems often involve goal-setting, the monitoring of performance, and the subsequent adjustment of goals and job-related activity. This is an example of:

a cybernetic system

The difficulty organizations are facing with e-commerce is that consumers are not coming back to the website and purchasing more. One reason for the difficulty is

all transactions are self-service.

Michael is a sales representative who spends a great deal of time out on the road and infrequently communicates with the rest of his sales team. He is

an isolate

Taylor would like to sign up for an organizational communication class and she wants to decide who is the single best instructor in the department from which to take the class. Taylor's decision making process would best be characterized as:

an optimizing model

If Seth offers to cook dinner for Magnolia because he realizes that she is stressed about an exam she hasn't had time to study for, he is providing

instrumental support.

Systems theory originated with the study of:


Although terrorism has existed for many centuries, its effectiveness is enhanced today because

1. the wider range of technology tools available today. 2. contemporary urban environments that include a high con. of residents. 3. Con. Urban environments that include high con. of mass transportation.

Conflict is a destructive process for organizations and should be avoided at all costs.


I must purchase an online textbook.


This class is completely self-directed and I have no deadlines


The collapse of the US sub-prime mortgage market and the reversal of the housing boom which then had a ripple effect around the world shows how much the interconnectedness of a ____ economy matter


Organizational communication scholars can address issues related to global warming by

Helping local, state, national, international agencies coordinate their activities to cope with the human consequences of global warming.

Which of the Hawthorne Studies found that employees were more interested in talking about their feelings and attitudes rather than the work itself?

Interview Program

The classical approach to organization is characterized by metaphor of


The direction of communication in a Human Resources organization is:


Schein's model of Culture thinks of cultures as a(n)...


Which of the following is NOT a reason that organizations are seen as open systems

Open systems exist without the need of interaction with the environment.

Systems theory replaces the machine metaphor of classical theory with the metaphor of the organization as a


A business practice associated with globalization involves businesses moving manufacturing and service centers to countries where labor is cheap. This practice is commonly known as


Investigating communication in the workplace by observing conversations between two co-workers about their personal lives and determining how that dialogue could be used to resolve their workplace conflict uses a ______ approach to communication


According to Maslow, what needs must be satisfied before an individual will become concerned about the satisfaction of social needs on the job?

Physiological needs and safety needs

Which of the following contributors is known as the Father of Organizational Communication?


Short-term project-length assignments in worldwide locations are typically called:

SWAT teams

Farrah is upset because her job as a secretary pays her very little. She's able to keep food on the table for herself and her three children, but has a difficult time paying the rent every month and is worried that they might lose the apartment if she doesn't find a better job. According to Maslow, what need level is Farrah concerned with?

Safety Needs

This tool for framing in leadership puts a subject in a positive or negative light.


The US is an outlier from its traditional competitors in which demo. way

Struggling to create enough jobs for a growing immigrant population.

It is easier today than ever before for terrorists' organizations to recruit beyond national borders primarily because

The technology of global communication systems has made it much easier to reach potential new members.

These are the basic beliefs and concepts of an organization and comprise the core of corporate culture. They define the fundamental character of the organization and provide concrete guidelines to memebers for achieving success.


Two of Donovan's subordinates have been fighting over responsibilities for months. Donovan decides to settle the dispute "once and for all" and he sends a memo out to each subordinate providing a resolution to the problem. According to media richness theory, Donovan's actions are

a communication failure, because too few cues would be available to capture message complexity.

According to the conflict management grid, if you are not very concerned about the issue itself but are highly concerned with the relationship you have with the other party, the best conflict management style to use is.....?


Ralph's Pretty Good Grocery has been making an effort to diversify their workforce. New hires are encouraged to learn the organization's norms and values as quickly as possible as a way to ensure job security. Ralph's is acculturating its new employees through


Wilbur typically logs onto his computer first thing in the morning to pick up electronic mail messages that had been sent to him the previous day. This is an example of

asynchronous communication.

Philip has never texted before and really does not understand the unique language and ways multiple cues can be expressed in a text. He does not understand its richness and that causes him to limit his use of texting. Which theory best explains his understanding of media richness?

channel expansion theory

In Network Analysis, subgroups of people who communicate primarily with one another at work are referred to as


Miller, Stiff, and Ellis discovered that human service workers' level of empathic concern had a positive influence on their

communicative responsiveness.

Stage models of small group decision making assume that

decisions are made through a rigid and unitary sequence of group activities.

Jude is the owner of an up-scale continental restaurant. Jude did not hire Kim because he believed that his customers would prefer to be served by a man. Jude has just engaged in


Globalization has had several identifiable influences on organizational communication including

disembeddedness. global consciousness and reflexivity time and space compression.

According to Klatzke, individuals leaving an organization craft different messages for different audiences in order to:

facilitate particular impressions

Steve and Judy have been coworkers for a long time and have always gotten along well. Lately, though, Judy has felt Steve has taken advantage of her by asking her to make excuses for his tardiness due to his personal problems. Judy hasn't said anything to Steve yet, but she has been thinking of ways to address the problem. According to the phases of organizational conflict, Judy and Steve are in t

felt conflict stage.

All of the following are typical problems identified with the change process except:

management support

Mosha realizes that he is coming dangerously close to burning out on his job as a CPA for a large manufacturing company because of the conflicting demands of his job. Consequently, he has asked his supervisor to provide a specific job description and have a meeting to formulate specific job-related goals. This behavior is an example of which of the following coping strategies?

problem-centered coping

The role of the critical theorist in the emancipation process is similar to the role of a


Robin Clair's research on sexual harassment and women's narratives indicates that

women frame sexual harassment in a way that keeps harassment out of the mainstream of organizational life.

The managerial strategy for communicating about change where the management focuses on fundamental issues related to change success and allows employees the creative freedom to explore various possibilitie

underscore and explore.

An individual who thinks technology's role in the workplace is always good is sometimes called a(n):


The four key components of Deal and Kennedy's "strong cultures" are

values, heroes, rites/rituals, and the cultural network.

According to Pace and Boren, which decision making strategy occurs in a group when a loud minority pushes an idea through to acceptance?

vocal coalition

Joan has a conversation with her supervisor, Judy. She asks Judy about a rumor that the nursing home is about to be sold to a new company. Judy knows the rumor is true, but tells Joan that as upper management has said, there are no plans for the home to be sold at this time. Which strategy for communicating about change is Judy using?

withhold and uphold

Which of the following is a system of governance which truly values individual goals and feelings, as well as typically organizational problems which actively fosters the connection between the two by encouraging individual participation?

workplace democracy

Which of the Hawthorne Studies found that men developed norms regarding the "proper" level of productivity and exerted social pressure on each other to maintain that level?

Bank wiring room study

cDuring this phase of workplace bullying, victims work through the shame and self-doubt that accompanies bullying.


The "match" of the leadership style to the characteristics of the situation is addressed in which of the following theories?

Contingency Theory of Leadership

According to Blake and Mouton, this management style puts concern for people above concern for production.

Country Club

According to Redding, which of the following is NOT a main concern when it comes to developing a Human Resources approach?


____ are usually described as being interactional, contextual, episodic and improvisational.

Cultural performances

The classical theories of organization emphasizes one-way communication that travels in this direction


Which of the following is not a component in our class definition of communication.


Tempest, a new employee at Litter and Kibbles Pet Supplies, arrived at work this morning at 9 a.m. only to find that all the other employees had been working since 6 a.m. She was not aware that the workday at this company began at such an early hour. Tempest has just experienced which phase of socialization?


In order to save money on real estate costs, Jacques' company asked him to begin teleworking. What is Jacques most likely to feel concerned about?

His isolation from the rest of the company.

Jacob has been hinting that he loves to bowl and would like to join the company bowling team in order to get to know his new coworkers. He is probably using which one of the following information seeking tactics?

Indirect questions

I complete 15 mini quizzes, 4 short activities, and 1 final.


I should log in multiple times a week.


Observing a sports fan wearing a Red Sox shirt represents which level of Schein's model?

artifacts and behaviors

Which one of the following is not a key theme in the research regarding reactions to the change process?

community support

Georgette has always thought she and Ted had the perfect marriage. Every time they disagree, she pushes for her side, and he wants her happy, so she always gets her way. Georgette uses a ____ style of conflict resolution and Ted uses an ____ style.


Distributive bargaining is characterized by which of the following?


Which of the following concerns are the two dimensions that make up the conflict management grid?

concern for self, concern for other

Which of the following has not directly contributed to the rise of globalization?

corporate downsizing

By examining both the time and place at which work is accomplished, Grantham (1995) discovered the variations of

distributed work.

The belief that global and multicultural organizations should do all they can to maintain the cultural distinctiveness of local areas is a(n) ____ approach to globalization.


Because emotional contagion can lead to burnout, researchers suggest that caregivers learn and practice

empathic concern.

Three people were fired at ABC Corporation. Eugene was fired because he was incompetent. Rita was fired because she was unethical. Kayla was fired because of economic conditions. This illustrates the systems property of:


A leader who models the behaviors he or she wants followers to do is fulfilling which concept of transformational leadership?


According to French and Raven, power that comes from knowledge in a specialized area is known as:

expert power

Which of the following emotional rules argues emotional displays should be managed in order to create a positive work climate?

express emotions to improve situations

In their study of the ideology of work and home life, Tracy and Rivera find male executives:

focused more on describing their daughters' family lives rather than their work lives

Which of the following is a concern for groups when the ideas begin to converge into one set of opinions?


Susan works as a firefighter in a male-dominated organization. She is often sexually harassed on the job by her male coworkers. When asked about the appropriateness of this behavior, Susan sighs, "Boys will be boys. What can I do about it, anyway?" According to the critical approach, Susan is

hegemonically contributing to the control of the patriarchal organizational power structure.

These are standard bearers within an organization, they best represent or personify the cultural value of the organization.


Which approach to the emotion process only considers job satisfaction as an emotion?

human relations

"Be self-managing to reach organizational goals" would be a message that would represent which paradox of participation?


The belief that many government officials had that the levees in New Orleans would protect it from the devastating flood waters of Hurricane Katrina represent which symptom of groupthink?

illusion of invulnerability

According to Goldhaber, participative decision making groups CAN work in organizations if certain steps are taken. Which of the following is NOT going to help PDMs work?

implement organization wide and accross the board immediately

Which of the following is not a tactic used by newcomers to seek information?

in-group relationships

What are the three key components of Putnam and Poole's definition of conflict?

incompatible goals, interdependence, interaction

With regard to communication patterns, new technologies tend to lead to

increased upward communication. increased diversity of communication contacts.

When an employee tries to change some aspect of the organization to better suit her needs, abilities, or desires, the process of ____ is occurring.


An organization with distinct national interests from two or more countries represented within its management, clients, customers, and institutional environment is considered what kind of organization?


A university is competing with other state universities for a bigger share of limited state funds. What level of conflict is this?


Many interviews follow a(n) ____ approach in which closed-ended questions are used in the beginning of the interview followed by open-ended questions as the interview progresses.


According to Ayres, information technology is making it ____ that a bank customer could charm a loan officer into believing he or she is a good risk.

less likely

Discursive rules like sell diversity as a product have stemmed from the emphasis on the business case for diversity. What does Perriton say the effect of these rules are?

limit women's linguistic choices

Gail has been working as a seamstress for 20 years, but her job is soon going to be changed drastically as the plant she works in becomes automated. According to Marxist theory, Gail may become alienated when this happens because

management has control over the means of production.

Fairhurst argued that ____ has the most impact on organizational change.

management support

Communication is enacted at which phase in the conflict process?

manifest conflict

To deal with the negative consequences of affirmative action programs, it is recommended that organizations also incorporate which criteria for hiring and promotion?


"Chutney Channel" is a small organization based in Canada that sells specialty condiments made from local ingredients to a wide array of customers around the global. "Chutney Channel" would be characterized as a(n) ____ organization.


In Network Analysis, what is the term used to represent the individual unit of analysis?


Which of the following terms can be defined as the "whole being greater than the sum of its parts"?


An organization's attention to issues of image and identity typically increases during periods of

organizational crisis.

According to more recent research on newcomer socialization, ____ are just as important in the role development process as the supervisor and subordinate.


Apologizing for mistakes the organization has made is likely to occur during which stage of a crisis?

postcrisis stage

A(n) ____ tale is like a documentary, as the ethnographer tries to provide a complete and relatively objective account of what was observed in the organization.


According to Weick, the primary goal of organizations is to:

reduce uncertainty

Jasmine works in an adult care facility and she is beginning to feel ineffective and to think that she's really not cut out for the job. Jasmine is experiencing

reduced personal accomplishment.

John, as a third party conflict resolution participant, tells a joke at the beginning of a meeting with Jill and Anthony, who are in the process of a nasty fight over a work related issue. John is using which kind of tacti


Molly did not hear about the opening for the Director of Public Relations position in her place of employment because she is not tapped into the informal communication network. Molly has experienced difficulty in access resulting from

relational barriers.

According to media richness theorists, the choice of a communication medium is based on

the ambiguity of the task. the richness of the medium.

Allie works for a large manufacturing firm and enjoys the feeling of being a "cog" in the machine and being able to leave work behind when she leaves the plant. When she is forced to participate in a new workplace democracy program, she thinks, "If this is democracy, how come they can make me go to these meetings." What paradox of participation does Allie illustrate?

the paradox of power

Rose begins her morning by opening her iPad to check her e-mail, look up a coworker's status on Facebook, getting on the web to make travel arrangements, and to review her calendar for the day. She then wakes up her daughter to get her to school on time. From this description, it is clear that Latisha lives in

the postmodern age.

According to Louis' Model of the Newcomer Experience what is meant by "sense making"?

the process of mentally determining how the change, contrast, and surprise faced at this organization are going to matter to you.

Pete's Paper Warehouse recently decided to engage in an aggressive diversity hiring program so that they will be better positioned to recruit minority hires in the future. Pete's is hoping to realize what opportunity through diversifying their workforce?

the resource-acquisition argument

Daphne works for a computer engineering firm. She uses a professional social networking site called Plaxo to connect with others in her workplace in order to appear "high-tech." She hopes that her use of this site will help her get ahead in the company. Daphne is basing her media choice on

the symbol-carrying capacity of the medium.

Corporate Cultures and In Search of Excellence had an enormous impact on organizational communication because

they provided prescriptions for managerial practice.

The idea that it is the always the beginning of the workday somewhere around the globe refers to which aspect of globalization's impact on organizational communication?

time and space compression

Anwar was recently hired at Acme Motors because the company had been criticized for treating Muslim customers poorly. He was selected to be the "spokesperson" to the Muslim community. He has been feeling very isolated in this role. He is suffering the effects of


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