other 50/100 history final questions (R)

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THIS was the Mayan ballgame, played by hitting a ball through a hoop with one's forearms or hips.


The Hajj is a pilgrimage that all faithful Muslims are expected to take to the city of Mecca once in their lifetime. During the Hajj, the faithful will circle THIS first temple built to God.

fleas on rats

The plague was most likely spread due to this...

Siddhartha Gautama

Who was the first Buddha?

Gold-leaf Background

All of the following are characteristics of Italian Renaissance art, EXCEPT

Qin Dynasty

China gets its name from which dynasty that conquered and brought together the ¨7 Warring States¨?

famous philospopher that taught about respect for elders and government

Confucius was a...

crossing the Bering Strait land bridge

During the last major Ice Age, the earliest peoples are thought to have come to the Americas by..


Early in the Hundred Years War, The English were winning due to their use of THIS better technology

Elizabeth I

Henry VIII's 2nd daughter, who never married and is famous for "settling" the Catholic/Anglican Church dispute, was...


How many people is the Black Death estimated to have killed in Europe between 1347-1357 C.E.?

Magna Carta

King John famously lost 3 major battles: 1) vs France, 2) vs the Pope and 3) vs his own nobles, who forced him to sign THIS

Silent trade

THIS is the form of trade that the West African trading kingdom of Mali used to trade gold for salt.

built to protect and entertain Emperor Qin Shi Huang Di in the afterlife

Terracotta Warriors were....

Lake Texcoco

The Aztecs built their capital city in...

Henry VIII

The English monarch that fought with the Pope over the annulment of his marriage (and ended up creating the Anglican Church and getting married 6 times) was...


The Maya lived on the Yucatan peninsula. However, they were not a unified empire, instead living in individual


The first major civilization of Mesoamerica, most famous for the giant stone heads they left behind, were the...

Hernan Cortes

The leader of the Spanish Conquistadors, famous for defeating the Aztec empire, was...


The major prophet of Islam is...

Silk Road

The major trade route that connected China with the Middle East and Europe was the

Henry II

The man credited with developing the Common Law system (including the use of juries) was...

Tai Chi

The martial art, used by Daoists to enhance their Qi (positive energy) flow is called

The Mandate of Heaven

The right of a Chinese Dynasty to rule with the blessings of the Gods is called...?


The sun god of the Aztecs, which thousands were sacrificed to annually, was named...


The tall towers outside of mosques, which muezzins (prayer callers) climb to call out the daily prayers is called a...

Classical Age

The time in history when the foundations of an empireś government, law, and/or military were set is called the


Therapy that uses needles to cure sickness and pain

Canon Laws

These are Christian laws, based on the teachings of the Bible.

Joan of Arc

This 17 year old peasant girl helped propel the French to victory in the 100 Years War by building up the morale of her troops

William Shakespeare

This Northern Renaissance writer added over 1,700 words to the English language while writing his 37 known plays.


This family of bankers came to rule the Renaissance city of Florence and used their influence and wealth to beautify the city through art.


This is a weapon that the Pope can use to get his way, whereby he takes away a person's rights to receive the sacraments

The Arabian Nights

This is the famous collection of stories, featuring Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves, which we read in class.

Il Duomo

This is the famous dome of Florence Cathedral, designed by Brunelleschi.

Domesday Book

This is the survey that William I conducted in 1086 C.E. of every town, village, castle and manor in England.


This is when an entire region is barred (i.e. banned) from receiving sacraments


This man is famous for his statues of David and the Pieta, along with his incredible fresco painting, covering the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

Johannes Gutenberg

This man's invention, the printing press, made books cheaper and more widely available, resulting in the literacy rate skyrocketing in the 1500s.


This means "worldly, or non-religious"


This was Justinian's famous wife, who urged him not to flee, but instead to fight back, during the Nika Rebellion.


This was the founder of the Malian Empire, nicknamed the "Lion King" for his ferocious roar at the Battle of Kirina.


This was the greatest Byzantine emperor, famous for his code of laws, as well as stopping the Nika Rebellion.

95 Theses

To protest the selling of indulgences, Martin Luther wrote and then posted THESE to the front door of Wittenberg Cathedral.


When Pope Urban II cried out "Deus Vult!" at the Council of Clermont in 1095 C.E., he kicked off THIS series of religious wars.


When a person, company or country owns complete control over a product, it is called a


With what type of government system did Qin Shi Huangdi rule?

Habeas Corpus

Within the Magna Carta, one of the rights given to the barons was THIS, meaning "hold the body" (i.e. due process of law, either being charged or released).

ruler and subject, father and son, husband and wife, older brother and younger brother, friend and friend

what are the "5 Relationships"?

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