Out of Many Chapter 17

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African American Churches

**THE CREATION OF SEPARATE AFR.AM. churches= most lasting + important institution building post-emancipation!!! Before the war: South Protestant church= gave slave + freedmen to 2nd class membership. Black worshipers= require sit in Back, denied any role in church governance, exclude from Sunday School. -Law required white pastors, even in all black congregations! -White pastors= use Scripture justify slavery + white superemacy Now: pool money to build. used to have services in railroad boxcar (Atlanta 1st Baptist Church), or in outdoor arbor (1st Baptist Church o' Memphis) -Charleston: 11curches!, methodist, presbyterian, episcopalian, baptist, congregational Rural areas: different denominations share same building. Churches= center religious, schools, picnics, festivals, political meetings *Church = 1st social institution fully control by AFr.Am. !!! Ministers most influential leaders. huge majority blacks withdraw from white churches. (SC: 40000 to 100's) ** Black Baptists= decentralized + democratic structure, more emotional services, got the MOST NUMBER OF FREEMEN By end of Reconstruction: Vast majority of Afr. Am. Christians belong to Baptist or MEthodists

What were Freedmen able to do now?

- 15% bought land -Most did sharecropping, others rent land from owners (became TENANT FARMERS) -Local Afr.Am. organize politically Congress pass Civil Rights Act 1866 + 14th Ammendment: full citizenship rights to former slaves -HAle County freedmen- join Republicans, and Union League chapters. Used politic power to get better labor contracts, demand more autonomy for blacks, try to get land confiscation/redistribution -Buy stock to make crops. -2 HAle County slaves - Brister Reese, and JAmes Green got into Bama state legislature!

Andrew Johnson's Presidential Plans

- Define Reconstruction as province of executive, not legislative branch Want restore Union asap. Blamed individual Southerners, (planter elite) not entire states Grant Amnesty + pardon, restoration of property rights, except slave, to all Confederates pledge loyalty to Union/ support emancipation -14 classes of Southerners, mostly Officials/wealthy landowners excluded, but could apply fro presidential pardons. -pardoned 90% of appliers., instituted this plan when Congress NOT IN SESSION - by 1865, 10 of 11 Confed states met hi requirements to enter Union. Declare "restoration" almost complete. -Congress not going to allow president free rein in detmn condition of South readmission -wanted to build new gov't w/ North Democrats, conservative Repubs, and South unionists. . Oppose political rights for freedmen, open sympathyfor white southerners, antiblack, dtmn to control Reconstruction

Congressional Reconstruction

- First Reconstruction Act over Johnson's veto.-- divide South into 2 military districts subject to martial law - to get restoration, South States require to call new constitutional conventions, elect by UNIVERSAL MANHOOD SUFFRAGE. --after draft new constitutions, guarantee Afr.Am. voting rights, ratified 14th ammendment, the states could now join union. -Supplementary Legilsation-- invalidate provisional gov't establish by Johnson. Lol. TENURE OF OFFICE ACT= any officeholder appointed by president w/ senate's advice + consent could not be removed until Senate approved a successor.--> congressional leaders could protect Republicans like Ed Stanton, Secreatry of War **However, Johnson suspended Stanton, appoint Ulysses Grant sec. of war.--> Allowed President to remove generals in the field that he thought too radical, replace them w/ men who were sympathteitc to his own views. Challenged Tenure of Office Act, Overruled his suspension -Stanton barricaded himself in office when Johnson to remove him again

What was going on between freed blacks and white?

-4 million freed people, but black to white ratio in places varied. -Since Union army was strong presence in most places- there were experiments in free labor for freedmen, but other places stayed the same- small farms, large plantations dominated -Challenge traditional plantation labor,some were entirely w/o laborers, Black women no work, stay home w/ kids. -Freed Males no care for hogs, work that wouldn't increase their share of the cotton crop -Want more autonomy, therefore owner allow them work "in families"- choose own supervisors, get own food/provisions. -Shift from gang labor to Share crops-- \ where Afr.Am. family work small plots o' land for small share of crop.

Hale County

-4000 ex slaves, come hear speeches of 2 delegates of freedmen's convention, find out political status blacks in Reconstruction Act --Before: military authorities began supervise voter registration for elections in Bama -John Orrick, white, shot Webb, a freedman appointed voter registrator. -500 local freedmen made a cahpter of the UNION LEAGUE, (republican party organizational arm in South)

Brief Effects of the Civil War

-600k soldiers die - Ended slavery, not racism -Settled Constitutional crisis by secession of Confederacy and justifying appeals to states' rights. -"United States" now become Singular noun, not plural,--American nationality. -show how fedgov't took precedence over individual states.

The African American Family?

-Emancipation allow freedmen strengthen family ties. Freedom= opportunity reunite w/ lost family. Track down relatives , put ads in the paper, sought help of Freedmen's Burea, question anyone who might know abt they loved ones. 1000s reunions happened after the war., sadly, most of the time, it was discovered that their loved one found new partners and started new families. so sad --Couples rushed to get married legally. --Men could now serve on juries, vote, hold office, women couldn't -Husband= household head, establish lower wage scales for women laborers. E Males assert authority, insist they wives work at home, instead of in the fields, and women want spend more time w/ kids and domestic chores. , but thye still worked outside, field labor for wages. Families barely made a living, so everyone had to work anyway. Got to choose when and where family members worked.

Wounds of the South?

-Much of the best agricultuarl land lay waste -Many towns and cities were in Ruins- Richmond, Atlanta -Most precious commodities (cotton and slaves) no longer measures of wealth + presige. -Retreating Confederates destroy most of South's cotton to prevent the North getting to it. facepalm -Union confiscated the remainder of Cotton as contraband of war -Would take South economy 1 generation overcome wounds., in 1860 had 25% nat'l wealth, 1 decade later only 12% - ppl lost everything, their sons/home/ and slaves. -Emancipation made people regard Blacks even more inferior since the White Skin privilege no more, -racism can be seen as major force driving Reconstruction

Election of 1868

-Repub: nominate Ulysses Grant. enjoyed lots of popularity after the war, especially when he "broke up" with JOhnson. Lacked in political experience. -At the same time that south was forced to enfranchise ex slaves to be readmitted, the Repubs reject campaign to endorese black suffrage in North. -Leave suffrage to the northern states, State referendums for Black suffrage failed in 8 states, suceed in Iowa + Minnesota. -Democrats: want reverse Reconstruction, nominate Horatio Seymour, hate emancipation, supporter of state rights. Ku Klux Klan= weapon of terror, they threatened whipped murdered black and white repubs to prevent them from voting...helped Demos get South votes, but not the Demos in the North. , Repubs kept large majority in cvongress.

Congressional Action to help out Freedmen

-civil Rights Bill=Bestowed full citizenship on Afr.Am., overturned the Dred Scott decision and black codes. Defined all ppl born in US as nat'l citizens (except indians) , gave various rights- right to make and enforce contracts, to sue, give evidence, buy and sell property Afr. Am. got full and equal laws as whites -Freedmen=Enlarge scope of Freedmen's bureau, let it build schools, pay teachers, establish courts to prosecute ppl charged w/ depriving Afr. Am of civil rights. Got success. Help lay foundation for South public education--network of courts allow free ppl bring suits against whites in violence cases, non payment of wages, unfair division of crops Help stop racial domination

Abe's Plan

-in 1863 he made a plan.- bring states back asap. Respect private property, no harsh punishments for rebellion. -Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction= full pardon, restoration of property (not slaves), to white South willing swear oath of allegiance to US + laws., include EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION --He excluded confederate military + civil leaders from offer, would freely pardon them. - 10% PLAN=When # of any Confed state's voters took oath reach 10% of # who voted in election of 1860, the group could establish a leitimate state gov't. Gov't must accept abolitionism. Way to shorter war + gain white support for emancipation. Angered Rad Republicans who want equal rights for freedmen and tougher stance on white south

How did Slaves Test their Freedom?

-leaving home, huge #'s of freed ppl moving , but those who left returned soon afterwards to get work in the same area they were in, eve on the plantation they left. They didn't want to leave familial ties nad friendships. Other got jobs in towns + c ities, , left for black communities. Population shift after the war toward black belt plantation counties + towns after the war. Afr. Ams attracted by schools, churches, fraternal societies, army, liked the city. -Now the humility whites expected from slaves no longer taken fro granted, -- moving about freely, refusing to tip one's hat to white people, ignore former masters on streets, refuse to step aside on side walks.

Name some successful Railroads

1. Central Pacific = 1st transcontinental line, most fanfare 2.Southern Pacific (San Fran to Los Angeles) 3. Atchinson 4.Topeka 5.Santa Fe 6. Great Northern ( one of the few lines financed by private capital)

Southern Republicans

3 groups Republican South: 1. African Americans-- large majority of Repubs. but Afr. Am. outnumber whites in only 3 south states, therefore, Repubs need white support 2. White Northereners called "carpet baggers". Carpetbaggers= desire for personal gainsw/ commitment reform unprogressive south by develop material resources + introduce Yankee institutions (free labor, free public s chools) Most= veterans of Union army who stay in South post war. Others= Freedmen Burea agetns + Business men who invest capital in cotton plantations, etc. Mostly well educated and middle class Not too many, but played big role in politics--> won large share of Reconstruction offices in areas w/ large black communities 3. Native whites "scalawags" more diverse backgrounds + motives. Some= prominent Whigs who join Repubs to regain politic influence., others saw party as modernization and econ expansion! we want their ideas and enterprise! Hate planter elite, loyalist to union, try to go to repubs get help from wartime devastation **White southerners agreed with AFr.Am ideas. More concerned maintain white control o' party, and economic investment in south, not really Land confiscation + distribute.

Black codes

= restrict freedom of blacks + keep them as close to slaves as possible. Laborers who left jobs before contracts expired, would forfeit wages already earned, be subject to arrest by ANY white citizen. -Vagrancy= punishable by fines + involuntary plantation labor. -Apprenticeship clauses made black kids work w/o pay from employers -Some states try prevent black from land ownership -Denied them equality w/ white ppl in civil rights, exclude them from juries, prohibit interracial marriage -Showed unwillingness of white South accept freedom for blacks. -

Why was political structure too hard to keep up in the South?

Active participation of blacks was dangerous to the whites, Fed troops constantly needed to protect repub gov't and supporters from violence Now it is routine to monitor South elections, + protect black voting rights by Congress South Repubs= unstable group of conflicts, then the Demos regained politics in all South states.

Republican Gov't Failures in the Economy of the South

Afr. Am. had not hope to get new land. Ex slaves no have cash buy land in open market, try to get state help. Repubs try weaken plantation system + promote black ownership by raise taxes on land, -----but when State gov't seize land for nonpayment of taxes, property was never used to help create black homesteads...usually just went right back to original owners.

Military Redistribution of Southern Land

As Union occupied parts of the South, commanders improvise--> confiscated plantations and afr.Am labor force. -*Ben Butler* transform LA sugar plantation slaves into wage laborers under supervision of federal troops -He require slaves stay on estates of planters, and get wages at a fixed schedule, food, medical care for old/sick. -*Abandon plantations* leased to North investors, now 50k blacks work either directly for gov't, or for individual planters under contracts supervised by the army (Louisiana) *-Spec Field Order 15*--> set aside Sea Islands off GA coast/SC rice fields for exclusive settlement of freed men. Each family get land, mules, "fort acres and a mule" -- He did this to stop Blacks foloowing his army and draining resources. They settled on "sherman land"

Union League

Began as white middle class patriotic club Now became political voice of ex slaves Brough tgthr local Blacks, soldiers, Freedmen's Beurea agents 2 demand suffrage, and end to legal discriminatio =n against blacks. Brought out black voters, instruct freemen on rights + duties of citizenship, promote Repub Candidates Not surprising: Most freedement vote Repubs, form the core of Repub party in the South. Most Blacks, politics= inseparable from economy issues. Esp Land. political organizations= frequently intervene w/ disputes btw planters and terms of labor contracts Blakc groups follow Congress debate on reconstruction, agitate land confiscation and distribution **politics= only arena black and whites South engage on an equal basis!

Liberal Republicans

By end of Grant's first term, large # Republicans sought an alternative to corruption Shared Core Values: 1.doctrines of classical economics --Law of supply and demand, free trade, defense of property rights, individualism. 2.Return to limited Government--bribery scandal, high taxes came from excessive state interference in the economy 3. Suspiscious of expanding democracy. "Universal suffrage" unseemly-- want Politics to be province of the "best men" educated and well-to-do men devoted to gov't. Civil service reform= best way to break party machines on patronage!! (machine politics) 4. opposed continued federal intervention in the South. Nat'l gov't already did enough for ex-slaves, now treat themselves.. Lib. Repubs. nominate Horace Greeley run for prezzident. Their politic + economy views attract growing # of middle-class professionals and business men. --Retreat from ideal of racial justice, --hostility toward trade unions, --suspicion of working class and immigrant political power, --celebration of competitive individualism, --opposition to gov't intervention in economy

Republicans on Land Distribution

Conflicts in the party prevent develop systematic distribution program Tried other measures to help freedmen. --Freedmen's Bureau, provide food/cloth/fuel for ex slaves, supervise + manage "all abandoned lands in South and control everything relate to refugees and freedmen. Forty acres of abandoned/confiscated land be leased to freed slaves/ white Unionists, have option to buy it after 3 years -Assasination-- policy was incomplete, but seemed to want speedy restoration of South states to Union, and minimum fed intervention in South

How did Southern Republicans react to White resistance?

Congress pass 3 enforrcement acts counter racial terrorism: interference w/ voting= federal offense Federal supervision of voting + authorize president send army + suspend writ of Habeas copusin districts in state of "insurrection" KKK Act April 1871--Made violent infringement o civil and political rights= federal crime punishable by nat'l gov't President Grant send fed. troops occupy 9 SC counties, got 1000's klan members, by 1872 election, fed gov't break Klan + restore law and order Civil Rights Act 1875-- outlaw racial discrimination theaters, hotels , railroads, etc,. Not really any federal intervention, more of just a "assertion of principle" Enforcement require blacks take cases to fed courts (costly + time consuming)

Republican Government in the South

Crisis of legitimacy limited ability to legislate change. Had to balance reform against need to gain acceptance. Equal Rights, anti discrimination: followed up Civil Rights Act 1866 w/ anti-discrimination clauses in new constitutions + laws prescirbe harsh penalties for violations. Blacks support Black only churches , fraternal societies, schools, but insist state "color blind". Blacks now be employed in police forces, firedepartments, serve on juries, school boards, city councils, could hold public office at all levels of gov't.

Radical Republican

Deep belief in equal political rights and equal economic opportunity, power nat'l gov't - Once free labor universal education, equal rights implanted in South , the region able to share North's wealth, progress, social mobility -George Julian--stop large estates, scattered settlements, wasteful agriculture, popular ignorance, social degradation, decline of manufacturers, oligarchy. -Want develope social independence flourishing manufactures, cultured, honest labor, equality. - Want guarantee civil rights, and suffrage for freedmen through powerful fed gov't. Thaddeus Stevens want confiscate 400 milly acres that belong to wealthiest 10% of Southerners to be distributed to black + white yeoman, + northern land buyers - Hated Black codes, joined by moderate Repubs and North as ppl gres suspicious of White South intransigence, dnial of rights to freedmen. At congress mconvention, Repubs prevent white Southerners elcted under Johnson's state gov'ts to sit down. -Establish Joint committee on Reconstruction--> Now it seems old Confederate were back in power! and increased blackcode/ racial violence, need more protection for blacks

Andrew Johnson biography

Democrat, ex slaveholder. Hated South plantation aritocrats, loved yeoman farmers ONLY SOuthern member of US Senate remain loyal to Union, held planter elite RESPONSIBle for secession + defeat. -Appointed to difficult post of military governor of Tennessee, succesffuly got wartime Reconstruction, cultivate Union support - Was nominated by Republicans to appeal to War Democrats -Distrusted by repubs, political outsider. -Side w/ Rad Repubs who want treat south as conquere d province, hint at indicting confed officials for treason, confiscate property. appealed to Rad Repubs.

Tweed Ring

Democratic Party Boss William M. Tweed + firneds systematically stole tens of millions from City Treasury. "Tweed ring" had got enormous bribes + kick backs from city contractors + business men. Preeminent nat'l symbol of increasingly degraded + DISHONEST URBAN POLITICS!!!. Scandal= most extreme case of routine corruption in American politics.

Electoral Crisis of 1876

Democrats want capture the White House. New Scandals in Grant administration weaken Repubs. Conspiracy: btw. Dsitillers + US revenue agents to cheat gov't out of millions in tax revenues. --gov't indicted +200 members of "Whiskey ring". e.g. Orville E. Babcock (Grant private secretary, he resigned later although acquitted) --Secretary of War will w. Belknap impeached for being bribed on sale of trading posts in Indian Territory. Democrats: point out low honesty in gov't of Grant Admin. Nominate Sam J. Tilden of NY for president. Linked corruption to an attack on Reconstruction policies, blame repubs for create "corrupt centralism" that made southern states suffer under "Carpetbag tyranny", and faud gov't, and cared about only industrious ppl in hard times. Republicans: charge tilden w/ disloyalty during war, income tax evasion, close relation w/ powerful railroad interests. Rutherford B. Hayes (Gov.OH)-Republican Nominee. --> promised to support effieicient civil service system to prosecute corrupt officials, and system of free universal education. Election Day: vote fraud + Violent intimidation, Tilden got 250k more popular votes. but Repubs challenge vote totals in electoral college. (184 Tilden to 165 Hayes) 20 disputed votes in FL, LA, SC, and OR. in OR--> Democratic governor replaced Republican elector w/ a Democrat!...but Hayes still won that state. Congress established Electoral Commision composed of 5 senators, 5 represeentatives, 5 supreme court justices. (8 Repubs, 8 Dmos) Commission voted along strict partisan lines, award all contested electoral votes to HAYES, Democratic congress men threaten filibuster to block Hayes' inauguration!!

How did the Republican Gov't try to promote Northern Style capitalist development in the South?

Factories, large towns, diversified agriculture--all through state aid Republican lawmaking devoted to encourage railroad construction--> Gov't backing gave railroad companies credibility, helped them raise capital States received liens on railroads as security against defaults on payment to bondholders south Railroad system rebuilt, over 3k new miles of track added., but despite all this, it proved impossible to attract large #'s North + european investment capital. Obsession w/ railroad Withdrew resources from education + other programs. Opened doors to widespread corruption + birbery of public officials! Railroad failures destroy public confidence in Repub + ability to govern. Failed to modernize economy + solidify Repubs in the South.

Effects of the Depression of 1873?

Human Toll: As factories closed, unemployment rate increased 15%. other cities had higher.. 1/4 NYC workers unemployed. 1000's men look for work, "tramp" emerged as threatening social figure! Farmers hit hard--> Prices and land values fell sharply, but output still increased Meetings of workers issue calls to gov't officials create jobs through public works!, but appeals rejected. Business leader/political figures denounce any charity. "soup must be prohibited, unless you are paid" Most ppl saw depression= natural of business cycle. Only allow strongest enterprises + workers to survive. dismiss attempts at gov't interference of job creation/ relief for poor. depression made workers + farmers question "free labor" and harmony of interests in Northyern society. Anger + distrust of large corporations that had big economy power. business Men + Merchants in large cities= more conscious of class interests. New politic organizations --> Chicago's Citizens' Association unite business men in campaign for fiscal conservatism + defense of property rights. Republican party very vulnerable

Compromise for the Electoral crisis of 1876?

In return of Hayes presidency, Republicans promised to appropriate more money for South internal improvements appoint Southerner to Hayes cabinet Pursue policy noninterference "home rule" in South affairs After Hayes assume office, order removal of remaining fed troops in LA and SC. now, w/o the military there, Republican governors lost power to the Democrats. "Home rule"- Republican abandonment of freedmen, Radicals, Carpet baggers, scalawags. it Nullified 14th + 15th ammendments + Civil Rights Act of 1866. compromise of 1877= stopped idea of powerful fed gov't protect rights of all American citizens. Turning point, now "negro will disappear from nat'l politics"

Origins of Afr.Am. Politics

Inclusion= objective Greatest political activity= areas occupied by Union forces during War '65-'66: Organize scores of mass meetings parade petitions, demand civil equality, right to vote, Growing web of churches + fraternal societies help make early efforts @ politic organize!--> 100's AFr.Am. delegates, selected by local meetins/churches, attend statewide politic conventions in south. Before: Free Afr.Am. + Black ministers/artisans/veterans of Union army, dominate these conventions, set pattern throughout Reconstruction. Convention debates reflect tensions in Afr. Am communities--> poorere ex slaves vs. better-off Freedmen, or Light skins vs. Dark skins. Most gatherings concentrate: pass resolutions issues tht unite all Blacks. --> Suffrage, equality. 1st Reconstruction Act encourage even more politic activity in blacks. Military register South's electorate, enroll 735k blacks, and 635k whites in the 10 unreconstructed states. <1/2 registered White voters participate in elections for state constit. conventions, but 4/5 blacks cast ballots Most Afr. Am. Politic Activism through UNION LEAGUE CHAPTERS, but whites not happy w/ this.

How did all this rapid growth of large-scale capital intensive enterprises Affect Republicans?

Increasingly identified w/ interests of business, not rights of freedmen/ "free labor". Radical Republicans decline in influence State Republican parties organize around spoils of Federal Patronage, not preserving the Union, or ending slavery Republicans had no monopoly on political scandal. Democrats did tho.

Northern economic growth:

Industrial boom, gronw 75%. Nonagricultural workers outnumbered farmers. Wage earners in manufacturing + construction doubled!. Nearly 3 milly immigrants arrive USA, settle in North + West. Railroad business: Private companies (before war) took expensive job to construct, but fed gov't fund project, LARGEST SUBSIDY IN US HISTORY. Pacific Railway Act 1862: Pacific + Central Pacific Rgihts to land out to Sacramento. 1864 Act bestow subsidy 15k per mile track, in smooth plains, to 48k pmile in foothills/mmountains. Union Pacific employ gang Irish + black workers lay tracks. Central Pacific recruit 1000's men from china. Ratified BURLINGAME TREATY: give chinese right to emigrate to USA, but no offere citizenship...Turn down 12k laborers went to difficult cconditions of Sierra NEvada mountains. Kknown for Toughess + efficiency.

Women's Suffrage

Inspired and Frustrated by 14th and 15th ammendments. Women actively worked through War, National Woman's Loyal League and USSC. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony--obejct inclusion of "male" in 14th ammendment. Need to link Afr.Am. votes and women's votes together. -Stanton, Anthony, Lucy Stone, found Americal Equal Rights association.--> lobbying + petition campaign, remove racial + sexual restriction on voting from state constitutions -Repub Party + old abolitionist organizations withdrew funds from woman suffrage - Radicals = Stanton + Anthony, oppose 15th, it would establish Aristocracy of sex, gave all men rights, leave women w/o anything. Used racist + elitist appeals to get votes. Classy women shouldn't have their society poluted w/o different races' low views on women. Other women feared that debate would jeopardize the passage of the ammendments. Suffragists split into 2 organizations--> Moderate American Woman Suffrage Association (AwSa) led by Stone, Julia Ward Howe, Henry Blackwell--> focus on achieve woman suffrage at state level, close w/ Republican party, old abolitionists, pro 15th ammendment, sought support of men. Raidcals: National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA)--> All women, only represented 1 part of broad spectrum of goals inherited from Declaration of Sentiments at Seneca Falls. Women didn't get the right to vote, but did establish suffrage movement that got millions of women into politics, self gov't + participation is crucial for emancipation.

Impeachment Crisis

Johnson relentelss, and violation of Tenure of Office Act, Radicals and Moderates join to impeach president. Charge him w/ eleven counts of high crimes + misdemeanors. To get support of Moderates, articles of impeachment focus on Tenure of Office Act. --Case on Johnson have to be made on basis of willful violation of the law....but really, they hate him bc of Johnson's political views and opposition of Reconstruction Acts --Moderates worried about Benjamin wade, president pro tem of the Senate, lader of Rad Repubs, who would become president if Johnson impeached. John= 1 vote shy of 2/3 necessary for removal from office. Precedent established: only criminal actions of by president, not political disagreements allowed removal

White Counterattack to blacks?

Ku Klux Klan- secret organization terrorize, intimidate blacks + white Republican allies, come to Hale county. -guns whips horseback night raids, flogged beat, murder freedmen. -Intimidate voters, silence politc activists Planters used Klan to prevent ex-slaves from leave plantations/ organize for higher wages! -Ku Klux Klan Act-- Fed gov't temporarily broke its power in some parts of South, but not able to stop in Bama Black Belt-->therefore planters got their control back.

Election of 1872

Lib repubs: Nominate Horace Greeley. Greeley= longtime foe against Democrats. He also got their presidential nomination...lol wut? Made new policy for south center of his campaign against grant. ---"best men of both sections should support more generous Reconstruction policy based on universal amnesty + impartial suffrage." --All Americans must put Civil War behind them, and join together Grant: crushed Greeley, carried every state, 56% popular vote. Repubs not willing abandon regular party organization. "Waving blooddy shirt" still good campaign technique Election: accelerated trend toward federal abandonment of Black civil rights!. Lib repubs quickly faded away, but ideas show a grwoing conservative feeling in Northern Public! Their politic + economy views attract growing # of middle-class professionals and business men. --Retreat from ideal of racial justice, --hostility toward trade unions, --suspicion of working class and immigrant political power, --celebration of competitive individualism, --opposition to gov't intervention in economy

What class of white southerrners befit from Crop lien cycle?

Local merchants as more villages sprung up in south, local merchants provide goods + credit to local farmers, power based on control of credit + marketing. \Merchants emerge as new economic elite unconnected to antebellum planters.

Sam J. Tilden

Nominated by Democrats for president. good reform credentials Helped expose + prosecute "Tweed Ring". toppled "Canal Ring" --> Scheme involve inflated contract for repairs on Erie Canal.


Normal in sschool systems. Afr.Am. Leaders accept segregation bc fear integration would jeopardize funding for new school systems. Focus on giving education + employment to black teachers rather than integration Agree that separate shcools = superior to no schools...duh? demands to prohibit in railroad cars/boats/theaters/ etc. caused divisions in Repub party. Moderate white repubs thought laws would alienate white supporters! Black influence grew, and laws guarantee equal access to transport + public passed....difficult to enforce these laws tho.


Now Sharecropping emerge as dominant!-- compromise btw planters + ex slaves, arrangements very detailed. Families contract w/ landowner, responsible for plot, plantations broken into family sized farms! Families get 1/3 or year crops if owner gave seed tools, supplies, or 1/2 if they supply themselves. Freedom from white ppl and hours, stabilize the workforce by require sharecroppers remain there until harvest + employ alll family members, way around shortage of cash in postwar south More desirable to tenant farm and own land, but vast majority of sharecroppers never got econ. independence, or land ownership.STILL REMAINED SUBORDINATE LABOR FORCE 80% belt divided into family sized farms. almost 3/4 black South= sharecroppers Often, several families work together pool labor to get by, Men= crop production, Women= tend to household chores + child care, some planting/harvesting. Women= held jobs that bring in cash--> raise chickens, taking in laundry Cotton demanded all member of community work

What did Republicans want to accomplish in the South after Reconstruction?

Nurture 2 party system there, where no Republican Party ever existed Want Repubs and Democrats in South compete for votes, etc. like in the north Most Repubs= moderates, want REconstruction in limited terms, reject radical calls for confiscation + redistribute land, and permanent military rule of the South

New State constitutions

Old Confederate leaders banned from politics, new carpet baggers + freedmen, Republicans dominate conventions '67-'69. Most conventions make constitutions expand democracy + public role of state. Guarantee politic + civil rights of blacks, abolish property qualifications for officeholding + jury service + imprisonment for debts. Create 1st state-funded system of education in South administered by state commisioners. Const: establish orphanage, penitentiaries, homes for insane, Seemed radical to many, by '69 new const ratified in all old confed states

How did the Democrats change gov't when they took over?

Once Democrats took control--> Blacks face obstacles to vote, more control on plantation labor, deep cut in social services Supreme court rulings w/ 14th + 15th amndmt constrained fed protection of black rights. "slaughterhouses Cases" issue 1st ruling on 14th.--> LA charter, gave NO meat packing company monopoly over city's butcher business to protect public health --Butchers sued, claim law violate 14th, (prohibit states from deprive ANY person of life liberty/property w/o due process of law). --Court Say: Only apply to former slaves...not butchers, and protect only nat'l citizenship rights...not regulatory powers of states United States vs. Reese (1876) + Univted States vs. Cruikshank--> Court restrict congress power to enforc KKK act!!. Prosecution depend on the states, not fed authority. Also, Fed can only protect cases involve discrimination by states! dscrimination by individuals/groups not covered! 15th Ammendment--> now not guarantee citizen's right to vote, only barr certain specific grounds for deny suffrage "race, color, previous condition of servitude" --> this allowed South states disfranchise blacks for nonracial reasons. States under Democrats began limit black voting--> pass laws restrict voter eligiblity through poll taxes + property requirements 1883 civil Rights Cases decision: court say Civil Rights Act of 1875 Unconstitutional, --> 14th ammendent gave congress power to outlaw discrimination by States, not by Private individuals. Black people must no longer " be special favorite of laws" These Sup.Court decisions = end of federal attempts to protect black rights

Describe Depression of 1873 (why, overall what happened?)

Postwar boom stopped. Why?: Commercial overexpansion, speculative investing in nation's railroad system. --Investment banking house of Jay Cooke + company failed in '73, unable to market millions of dollars in Northern Pacific Railroad bonds. --Other banks/bokeragehouses (those dealing in railroad securities) caved. --New York Stock exchange suspended operations --1/2 Nation's railroads defaulted on their bonds in '76 --More than 100 banks folded, 18k businesses shut doors. --Depresssion lasted 65 months! Longest economic contraction in history at that point.

How were Railroads financed?

Railroad Corporations--> Railroads needed huge outlay of investment capital, growth increase economic power of banks + and investment houses in Wall Street --Bankers gained seat ons Board of directors of railroad companies + access to capital gave them real control of railways E.g. Pennsylvania Railroad= nation's largest single company, 20k employees,.. new aggressive entrepreneusr Absorbing smaller companies, formed "pools" that set rates + divide the market. earned huge fortunes (Vanderbilt= $100 milly, when "good" income was aroung $350/year)

Freed Afr. Am. + Finding Jobs and Work

Railroad building, mining ,ranching, construction Subsistence crops, tend vegetalbe gardens as Squatters White planters try to make Afr. AM. permanent agricultural laborers, restrict employment of former slaves= important in black codes! SC legislation= No person of color can practice art, trade, buisiness of artisan, mechanic, shopkeepr, business, besides HUSBANDRY, or SERVANT under contract Unless you pay a special + Costly permit! Most want self-sufficient farmers= believe entitled to da land they work throughout they lives. Assumed they divide among the lands of their conquered owners. Economic autonomy= comes w/ owning land Land distribution= serious public debate. @ Colored Convention in Montgomery= delegates argue property owned by planters, all earned by slave work! Has been forfeited to gov't by treason of its owners, and liable to be confiscated! Johnson told Freedmen's Burea evict 10's of 1000's freedmen settling on Confiscated + abandoned land in VA, La, Ga, SC! BETRAYAL

How did Railroads give influence to the government?

Railroad promoters, lawyers, lobbyists became ubiquitous in Washington + state capitals, huge influence. Railroads benefitted alot from gov't subsidies, , Congress gave +100 milly acres public land to companies + provide over $64 milly in loans/tax incentives Prominent politicaisn accepted railroad largesse (bribes/monetary gifts/gifts). Republican senator Will stewart (member of committe o Pacific Railroads) got 50k acres of land from Central Pacific. **Worst scandal of Grant administration grew out of corruption involve railroad promotions--> To get money for Union Pacific Railrd., stockholders create dummy "Credit Mobilier" construction company. Republicans got stock in this company for their political favors... got caught, ruined VP Schuyler colfax!


Reflect Afr. Am. Thirst fro self-improvement South: many free blacks got to go to school, few slaves taught themselves +90% South adult AFr.Am. population illiterate. Education= freedom Makeshift classrooms already built in rural areas "Wayside schools"-- group on a platform of a depot Got education aide from outside organizations--> Freedmen's bureau supervise approx 3k schools, serve +150k students, in south 3300 teachers, 1/2= black , most were free before the War, others= dedicated Northern White women, volunteers sponsored by american Missionary Association (AMA). Bureau+AMA found several black colleges-- Tougaloo, Hampton, Fisk, designed to train black teachers Afr. Am. Raise money to build schoolhouse,buy supplies, pay teacher, Black Artisans donate labor for construction, black famlies offered room + board to teachers

Rutherford B. Hayes

Republican nominee--> Lawyer in Cincinnati, defend runaway slaves. General in Union army. Hayes's Administration would respond to worst outbreaks of class violence in American history--> dispatch federal troops to several North cities to break Great Railroad Strike of 1877.

White Resistance In the South

Repubs didn't create 2 party system. Democrats refuse acknowledge them in politics--> Repubs= partisan instrument of Northern congress! Since Repubs control State gov't, denial of legitimacy= rejection of state authority itself!!! Repubs were split btw ppl who want conciliation to get white acceptance vs. ppl consolidate party under protection of the military KKK: ongoing terrorist campaign against Reconst. gov'ts + leaders. Klan= powerful in every South state, kinda a service of Democrats+ planter class + white supremacists. Planter sometime employ Kkk to enforce labor discipline by drive Afr.Am. off plantations to deprive them of harvests! **SINGLE BLOODIEST EVENT of RECONSTRUCTION VIOLENCE: COLFAX, LA. Nearly 100 blacks murdered after failed to hold a besieged courthouse in a contested election

15th ammendement

Rights of citizen of US to vote, shall not be denied by race/color/previous condition of servitude! Congress require 3 remaining unreconstructed states (miss, TX, VA) ratify both 14th + 15th ammendment before readmission. They did, and rejoined. Reconstruction= complete as states joined union again.

Southern Economic Decline

South Declines into country's poorest agricultural Region Almost entirely dependent on 1 commodity. "king cotton" expanded and more small white farmers found themselves switch from subsistence crops to grow cotton for hte market!! Shortage of capital + banking institutions made local merchants + planters sole source of credit. --> They advance loans + supplies to small owners/tenant farers/sharecroppers for a lien/claim on the year's cotton crop Charge huge interest rates on advances, marking up prices of goods sol in their stores Take advantage of high illiteracy rates in poor south--> Landlords + merchants easily alter books to inflate figures. Share croppers + tenant dug deep into debt to stores for seed/supplies/clothes. No matter how hard + bountiful crops were, few escape heavy debt.

Why were Farmers increasingly forced into Cotton growing?

Spread of "Crop Lien" system as main form of agricultural credit. Transition developed unevenly. 3 factors: Penetration by railroads, availability of commercial fertilizers, + opening up of new lands to cultivation= key factors to transform to market oriented production Demand for cotton after war= high prices. , but as crop lien made more farmers go to cotton growing (only way to get credit) depressed prices!! Competition btw Egypt, India, etc depressed prices too. 43cents-->11cents-->5cents.,. Small farmers caught up in low prices, debt, and low food crops... no more independent yeoman farmers!! Nearly 40% south farms= operate by tenants + sharecroppers, 1/3 of white farmers + 3/4 black farmers share croppers/ tenants. Most =forced to produce cotton for market. Enmeshed in lien system. Landless farmers growing cotton now replaced slave growing cotton (in traditional cotton producing areas) In upcountry, cotton dominated commercial agriculture w/ landless tenants + sharecroppers= main workforce, replace subsistence economy.

Significance of Hale County

Struggles of communities in South during Reconstruction. Destructino of Slavery force blacks + whites RENEGOTIATE old economic/political roles, battles shaped by new expansive federal gov't REconstruction= partially successful, only until 2nd Reconstruction did Blacks get real freedom

What Was Abraham's Vision of economy, and how did it change?

Superiority lf Free labor over slavery. If you work hard, you advance, improve in condition. However: factory system spread, growth of large + powerful corporations, rapid expansion of capitalist enterprise, development of large unskilled + routinized workforce. Ppl no become independent producers, more wage labor dependent No harmony of interest ideal, now just class conflicts Violent nat'l railroad strike broken w/ direct invention of fed troops: this as a turning point. Northern society, was more hierachial than equal

Other industries that boomed during Railroad period?

Those engaged in extract minerals + processing natural resources. Railroad growth stimulate expansion in production of coal, iron , stone, lumber. All got good gov't aid National Mineral Act of 1866--> Mining companies recieve millions of acres of free public land Oil Refining huge expansion. early period of fierce competition led to concentration: John D. Rockefellers Standard Oil Company controll 90% nation's oil refining capacity.

Northern Republican Problems in the North

Trouble retiain political control. 1874, Demos gain majority in House of Representatives. Northern states fell to Democrats Northern repubs abandon freedmen + white allies in the South! South Demos exploit a deepening fiscal crisis by blame Repubs for excessive extension o public credit + increase in tax rates. (repubs did spend public money fro new school systems orphanages, roads + etc) Democrats won over more states. Start w/ VA + TN **Mississippi-- white conservatives use violence + intimidation to get control + make it Democrats

Johnson vs. Congress

Vetoe both bills--> Civil Rights= assertion of nat'l power protect rights= stride toward centralization, ocncentration of all legislative powers in nat'l gov't. -Called them traitors, unwilling to restore union. -This made Moderate and Radicals unite, and override vetoes. Republicans now unified to challenge his power -Congress pass 14th ammendment= define nat'l citizenship include former slaves, prohibit state violate privileges of citizens w/o due process of law. -empower congress reduce represenattion of any state tht deny suffrage to males over 21. -Repubs use this as a condition of readmission. Johnson very mad, unrestrained speeches, alinated voters. -Repubs portray Johnson + North Demos as disloyal, and White South= unregenerate. -Utilized " waving the bloody shirt" that 1000's soldiers die in war in their campaigns. Repubs increase majority in congress, gain control of Nortern States.

Wade Davis Alternative to 10% plan

Wade-davis bill= require 50% of a seceding state's white males take loyalty oath before elections held for convention to rewrite state constitution -Guarantee equality for former slaves, no suffrage tho. -Saw a chance to effect transformation of South Society.--> Want to delay process until war's end, limit participation to small # of southern Unionists -Linconl saw Reconstruction as a way to win the war, and abolish slavery, want weaken confederacy by create new gov't tht win support from South Whites--> Wade-Davis bill weakened efforts in the South, and Lincoln Pocket vetoed it

New Merchant Class family life.

Within New Towns + old planter elite, white families increasingly define social position by celebrate certain type of household--> women found meaning in role as upholders of domestic virtue,by create comfortable home environment + tend to kids + husbands. Men= strong moral provide material support for family. These elite ideals rested on belief that one's ability to reach womanhood + manhood through moral character + individual choice. (shown in magazines schools, sermons, other public discourse)

Chinese Labor

work in baskets suspend by ropes chip away at solid granit walls, became expert in TNT (nitroglycerin) blast through mountains. but after railroad complete, 1000's chinese go to Cali labor market,, create anti-chinese agitation in west + labor unions. Chinese Exclusion Act: suspend any further immigration for 10 years 1882.

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