PA Interview Questions

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24. What interests you most about our school?


4. Why do you want to be a PA?

Always been drawn to the medical field i. Fascinated with medicine (and the amazing ways medicine can help an ill individual), the complexity of the human body and how everything works together ii. One criteria for a job that I have always held is to help other people 1. Get a great satisfaction from helping others (experienced that through being a PAA) iii. When I came across the profession I got the feeling that this is it, no need to search more b. As a CNA I loved working as a team to provide the best care for the patient. c. I'm asked all the time why not a doctor i. I have come across a lot of doctors who are not personable and give the patient the facts of their condition but don't make them feel any better ii. From my experience PA's are more amiable iii. Don't want to spend 5 to 8 years becoming a doctor iv. Ability to switch fields is also appealing allowing me to follow passions that I may develop d. Like that I will have a doctor available for consultation

2. Tell us about the last book you read

a. A Thousand Splendid Suns b. A great book that made me appreciate even the more the life I have and gave me insight into the citizen's life that is often negatively portrayed in the Western Civilizations media

18. You have had several jobs in the past; how do we know you will finish the program if we accept you?

a. Although I have had several jobs, I have had a legitimate reason for leaving each job. Each summer I have tried to take a job that would be more beneficial for my pursuit to be a PA b. Job as a PAA shows longevity

11. Describe an interaction with a patient that made an impact on you?

a. As a CNA, I worked in a transition care unit. I had one patient who had a distended abdomen which I deduced was due to liver failure. The last few days I cared for her she had many delirious moments and hallucinations but there were also those times of clear thinking. When the patient was thinking clear, she was the sweetest lady only thinking of others and never herself. It was obvious her family loved her as she had frequent visitors and her room was plastered with flowers. She passed away minutes before my shift after only caring for her for a few days but she has left an impression on my life as I hope I am that kindhearted in my final days of life.

25. What would your ideal job be as a PA?

a. As of now, I feel as I am suited to work in family medicine but I know that can always change as I go through PA school and the clinicals. I am open to anything as of now.

20. What are your biggest weaknesses as an applicant and what do you plan to do to correct them?

a. I am a perfectionist - I constantly remind myself that I'm human and people make mistakes. Also plan ahead to allow extra time to work on projects b. I used to also believe being an introvert was a weakness as well but I have realized it makes me better at relating to people when one-on-one or in small groups c. Keeping emotions to myself - I have made great progress in this area the past couple of years with the stress of school and applying to PA school. I have learned talking with others about my stresses is a great stress-reliever

10. How do you feel about taking call or working 60 or more hours per week as a second-year student?

a. I am prepared to do whatever it takes to make my dream of becoming a PA a reality. b. I have heard stories and read blogs of PA students and understand how intense and the fast paced both the didactic and clinical phase is.

22. Do you plan to work with others or by yourself?

a. I enjoy both. When it comes to school I like to have my own study time along with studying with peers. When it comes to work, I prefer working with other people especially as a team. I love the concept of a team and that if I need assistance with a particular task, I know someone has my back

13. How do you usually deal with stress?

a. I go for runs to keep my stress level down. Whenever my stress begins to rise, I can go for a run and things I am worried about don't seem as hard to overcome. I am also more efficient with my time and motivated after going for runs

6. What have you done to prepare yourself for this program?

a. I have chosen my coursework throughout my academic career so that it will benefit me in PA school b. Job shadowed other PA's so I understand what a typical day is like c. Volunteered in the ER to submerge myself in the health care field d. Worked to gain DPC experience - helped me experience firsthand the joy that comes from helping others

14. What kind of personal stress do you see associated with the PA program?

a. I have heard the analogy that PA school is like trying to take a drink out of a fire hydrant. b. Didactic phase is fast-paced, with copious amounts of information each day, and numerous hours of studying each day c. Clinical phase - many hours along with continuing to study the specialty of the clinical you are partaking in. d. I believe my undergraduate career with rigorous chemistry and biology courses coupled with a job as a Peer Academic Assistant has prepared me to manage my time appropriately and work long hours to successfully learn the material

26. What do you want to be doing five years from now?

a. I hope to be working as a Physician Assistant b. Happy c. Hopefully starting to get my life settled and form roots in a community

16. What do you do outside of work or academic studies?

a. I like to hang out with friends and family b. Running is my stress reliever

21. Do you manage your time well?

a. I like to think so. Although there is always room for improvement, I am good at prioritizing what needs to be done. I have multiple planners and make to-do lists every day. I also plan out my free time hour-by-hour at the busiest times which has allowed me to be very efficient with my time

28. What will you do if you don't get in?

a. I plan to live with my parents for a year and work as a CNA for a year and reapply the following year.

23. Your supervising MD tells you to do something that is dead wrong; what do you do?

a. If someone tells me to do something that is wrong, I would respectfully approach the MD and tell him my dilemma and why I cannot do the task he or she is asking me to do

8. What is your understanding of what Pas do?

a. In my understanding after shadowing numerous PA's... b. See their own patients just as an M.D. does but has the opportunity to consult an M.D. if confronted with a more difficult case c. Take patient histories and are able to differential diagnose the patients d. Able to prescribe medicine e. Perform procedures such as stitches

9. Tell us about the role you see the PA playing in the health care system?

a. Physician Assistants work as a team with the doctors, nurses, therapists, and other health care providers to provide the best care for the patients.

7. Have you done anything to increase your chances of being accepted to the PA program?

a. School work was a priority throughout my undergrad career b. Got as many DPC hours as possible while still an undergrad student

15. What kind of stress do you see associated with the PA profession?

a. Someone presents with symptoms that don't seem severe and give them a diagnosis but they have a more severe underlying problem b. I have noticed a rivalry between PA's and NP's

3. What is the most important issue facing the health care system?

a. The availability of health care i. Even with health insurance becoming mandatory, there are only a limited number of physicians. ii. Not as many resources in rural communities iii. A PA I shadowed foresees the healthcare system becoming more "business-like" and less "patient-centered" with an increase in wait time and also more documentation when ordering a test (need significant reasoning for ordering a MRI instead of ordering it for the patient's best interest)

1. How has your academic life prepared you for the PA profession

a. Took courses that can be applied to the medical field b. Took challenging courses by choice, not all of which are required for my major c. My studies remained a priority in my life (seen through my 4.0 GPA) d. Held a job as a PAA and participated in extracurricular activities which taught me how to manage my time

12. Describe the most stressful work or academic situation you have been in, and how did you deal with it?

a. Try to avoid it if at all possible by planning ahead, but not always possible b. Doing student achievement project at last minute c. Didn't get results that had any correlation so had to make the most out of the data cause didn't have time to redue the experiment d. Also had to keep up with my other classes and study for tests that I had that week e. Made sure to keep up with exercising as that is my go-to stress reliever f. Talked out frustrations with friends and family g. Became more efficient with my time as I planned out my time hour by hour

5. Have you applied to other programs?

a. Yes, I have applied to 8 other schools in MN and states surrounding MN and also one in Texas. I am aware of the rigors of getting into PA school and wanted to do everything in my power to increase my chances on getting in.

27. Have you ever seen anyone die?

a. Yes. I was volunteering in the ER in Bemidji and there was a patient with COPD that was about to be transferred to Fargo. Right before he got into the ambulance, he crashed. CPR was performed for about 20 minutes. The doctors were mot able to bring him back. I learned that although a situation like that may throw a wrench into your day as a doctor or physician assistant but you still have to be able to move on and clear your head so that you can give proper care to your remaining patients.

19. What are your strengths as an applicant?

a. academically driven b. strong work ethic - people often tell me my work ethic inspires them to get the job done as well c. love working with and helping people d. not a quitter, do what it takes to get the job done e. I am fascinated with the human body and the advances in medicine and the new treatment options becoming available. f. Mature, respectful, courteous

17. Tell us a little about yourself

a. for the past 4 years I have studied biochem at BSU. I have loved my time there because I love the process of learning. Working as a PAA for the past 2 and a half years has been one of the best experiences for me. It has shown me I can work through and strive through times where it seems like I cannot accomplish all that needs to be done. My relationships in my life are very important to me as my friends and family keep me going and always have my back.

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