Pacific World Final

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"Providence has showered on this favored land blessings without number, and has chosen you as the guardians of freedom, to preserve it for the benefit of the human race."

Andrew Jackson Farewell Address, 1837

"Generally speaking, no Chinese will leave his home to seek his fortune at a distance unless he is in some way driven to do so...No Chinese leaves his home not intending to return. His hope is always to come back rich, to die and be buried where his ancestors are buried."

Arthur H. Smith


Practice of recruiting Kanakas -exploitation of these people for agricultural undertakings and on ships

"As to your entreaty to send one of your nationals to be accredited to my Celestial Court and to be in control of your country's trade with China, this request is contrary to all usage of my dynasty and cannot possibly be entertained. As your Ambassador can see for himself, we possess all things. I set no value on objects strange or ingenious, and have no use for your country's manufactures. This then is my answer to your request to appoint a representative at my Court, a request contrary to our dynastic usage, which would only result in inconvenience to yourself. I have expounded my wishes in detail and have commanded your tribute Envoys to leave in peace on their homeward journey. It behooves you, O King, to respect my sentiments and to display even greater devotion and loyalty in future, so that, by perpetual submission to our Throne, you may secure peace and prosperity for your country hereafter" Shows reluctance to engage in diplomatic affairs with Europeans

Qianlong's letter to King George III, 1793

"During our absence in Canton a brisk trade had been carrying on with the Chinese for sea-otter skins which had everyday been rising in value. One of our seamen sold his stock alone for eight hundred dollars: and a few prime skins...were sold for one hundred and twenty each....the whole amount in both ships, I am confident did not fall short of two thousand pounds sterling...The rage which our seamen possessed to return to Cook's River [in Pacific Northwest], and buy another cargo of skins to make their fortune at one time, was not far short of mutiny."

Quote from journal of crew member on Cook's third voyage: James King A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean 1784 King's vivid account of the prices paid at Canton for the sea otter furs the crew had gathered on the American coast was repeatedly referred to in public discussion

Republic of Korea

South Korea; Seoul -Korea divided by US at 38th parallel bc of USSR in the North -US commander wouldn't recognize independence movement in 1945 because communists -US initial plan was 4 power trusteeship -5 years of teaching korea how to be indpendent violent reactions

Viet Minh

"League for the Independence of Vietnam" -Organization that led the struggle for Vietnamese independence from French rule. -The Viet Minh was formed in China in May 1941 by Ho Chi Minh. -Led primarily by Communists

O. Ovington

"O Evolution, what crimes are committed in thy name!" "War & Evolution," -Part of civilizing mission

Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz

-1697 -" is difficult to describe how beautifully all the laws of the Chinese, in contrast to those of other peoples, are directed to the achievement of public tranquility and the establishment of social order, so that men shall be disrupted in their relations as little as possible."

"Rich country and strong army"

"Enrich the country and strengthen the military" -slogan of Meiji economic modernization

Sonno joi

"Revere the emperor! Expel the barbarians! -Emperor considered divine, reigned but did not rule (no political power, but had a vocal role) -When Perry came and made his demands, the emperor made it clear that he opposed signing the treaties but nevertheless the Shogun (head of Tokugawa) went ahead and signed anyway -Japanese people: our emperor is divine, what kind of servant of the emperor are you if you go against the expressed will of the emperor: does the Shogun even deserve that title (shogun means barbarian subduing general), yet shogun gave in and signed treaties with them, goes against the very title -Leads to growing expressions of imperial loyalism and anti-western sentiments -The Tokugawa don't just take this criticism they attempt to crack down on their critics, which makes them respond even more harshly -Growing disinclination of Samurai around the country to submit to Tokugawa authority -Increasing acts of violence, assassination of high ranking individuals or westerners

"Chinese essence, Western techniques"

-"Chinese studies for substance, Western studies for function" -No changes made to the Chinese essence, traditional institutions or society -Goal to use practical Western knowledge while preserving Chinese civilization, yet trying to maintain essence but adopt technology was not effective (neither practical nor possible to adopt function without altering Chinese essence) -Reflects the Chinese inherent superiority and reluctance to integrate foreign ideas and learning

Conditions for indentured laborers in transit

-"We proceeded to sea, we were confined in the hold below; some were even shut up in bamboo cages, or chained to iron posts, and a few were indiscriminately selected and flogged as a means of intimidating all others; whilst we cannot estimate the deaths that, in all, took place, from sickness, blows, hunger, thirst, or from suicide by leaping into the sea" -"On board 300 died from thirst" -"Eleven men committed suicide. The day after I embarked we were all ordered on deck, and foot irons were attached to 173 physically strong men, besides 160 men were stripped and flogged on their naked persons with rattan rods"; deposition of Huang Afang 1876

National Seclusion

-1633-1854 -Began through edicts issued by Tokugawa Shogunate from 1633-1639 -Ended with the arrival of Commodore Matthew C. Perry (1794-1858) and his black ships in 1853 -The Japanese called it Sakoku = chained country/locked door -Only the Dutch and China were really able to trade with Japan, and only in Nagasaki -Foreigners could not enter Japan without special permission -Japanese could not leave Japan until Meiji restoration 1868 -US approach Japan to end national seclusion, they want trade and diplomatic relations

Qing dynasty

-1644-1911 -Run by the Manchus -Last Imperial dynasty of China -Overthrew the Ming with the help of the Dutch -Granted them the right to trade at 4 ports: eventually add the rest of the western "barbarians" because it gives them control, and is better to have legal outlets vs. illegal trade -Canton emerged as the center of Western trade: 1757 Qing restricted all Western trade to Canton (Can only trade at Canton, Only during a certain season, Only interact with the Cohong (who have to bribe officials to be a part of the Cohong) -Three main reasons for growing western dissatisfaction: 1.Chinese demand that westerners submit to Chinese law while in Canton: Europeans thought the Chinese law system was unfair (why should our people be subject to an inferior law system) 2. Chinese trade restrictions (Canton system and Cohong monopoly): imbalance of trade, the British want to be able to trade everywhere, but restricted by the system + think the Cohong are corrupt and cannot contact the Chinese officials 3.Chinese refusal to deal with Western officials directly or as equals: Europeans want the western norms for diplomacy, meetings as equals and ambassadors -Europeans were eager to bring about change but the Qing saw no benefit for China in changing the status quo: what led to confrontation was the changing conditions of trade: -Up until the Mid 1830s the British traded as the British East India Company -As the British craze for Chinese Tea increased (214,000 lbs in 1713 --> 32 mill. pounds in 1818), there was a trade deficit: forced the British to pay into gold and silver (British payment for Chinese goods was 94.9% in specie and only 5.1% in goods) -British solution to end the deficit = Opium -BEIC forced Indian farmers in Bengal to grow Opium, sold in China to buy Chinese goods


-16th - 19th century -Districts in the Philippines, during the country's Spanish colonial era, where non-Christian Chinese residents and merchants were confined as required by Spanish colonial authorities. -Spanish authorities believed that for political, administrative, and religious reasons it was necessary to keep disparate ethnic groups segregated. -Spanish colonial government promulgated the policy of isolation to the Chinese in fear or uprising -Quickly became a bustling Chinese trading hub and the 'nerve-center' of business life in Manila -Became the backbone of the galleon trade with Acapulco for the next 200 years -Port where Chinese craftsmen provided their skilled services as shipbuilders, carpenters, sculptors, etc. as it was a shopping center for Spaniards and Filipinos for products on sale from China. -During the years 1572 until 1588, approximately 95% of all goods imported to Manila from China were silk products because it is what brought silver to the coffers of China

Nicolas Boulanger

-1763 -"All the remains of her [China] ancient institutions...will necessarily be lost; they will disappear in the future revolutions...[and] as she acquires nothing new, she will always be on the losing side." -Significant shift in Western view of the Chinese as more information from the East is sent back to the west

Adam Smith

-1776 -"the poverty of the lower ranks of people in China far surpasses that of the most beggarly nations in Europe." -They praised China because it was a meritocracy - perceived as rational humanists -You had to pass the civil service exam to enter into the government, based off of skill not family -This sentiment faded quickly because by the end of the 18th century as 1.You had more Europeans making their way to China and sending back less flattering reports 2.European values had also changed, caused by the industrial and political revolutions (US & French) where its meritocracy viewed as composed of either corrupt officials or effeminate literati, Enlightened despotism seen as "Oriental" despotism, Descriptions of deistic humanists were supplanted by images of opium addicts

Lin Zexu

-1785-1850 -Drug Czar of China; he dealt with users and dealers by implementing a one-strike policy (you get one chance to get clean, and if you backslide, then off with your head). -Sent down to Canton to crack down on the illegal Opium trade (banned in 1729) -Drug trade exacerbates the problem with corruption, because it is illegal, lots of bribery going on which reflects negatively on the emperor, and influx of Opium had also flipped the balance on the trade deficit -Carries out the war on drugs -At first is very successful. cracks down on the Chinese dealers with the threat of execution, same offer to Chinese opium users -Approach Westerners, telling them they can't import opium anymore and to turn over their opium stocks -The British keep all of their opium on ships up the river that leads to Canton -The Chinese force the British to sign a bond that they will not sell any more opium: originally refuse to do this, but eventually with increasing Chinese pressure, a official tells the British opium sellers that their costs will be covered if they give up their opium (he does this without authority, Brits turn over opium and Zexu quickly destroys it)


-1800s -Pacific World Agricultural laborers that were hired by Western nations -They played a crucial role in trade as they did agriculture work -Across the pacific and western US -The Western states needed more labor power and the Pacific Island people were their source -Created Pacific Island populations in variation places especially the Western US

Charles Darwin

-1809-1882 -English naturalist and geologist, best known for his contributions to evolutionary theory. -Established that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestors and introduced the concept of natural selection - Darwin's discovery explains the diversity of life. -Natural selection came to be known as the basic mechanism of evolution

Treaty of Nanjing

-1842 to end Opium War -Set an indemnity of $21 million (includes payment for destroyed opium as British count this as destruction of British private property) -Abolished the Canton system and Cohong monopoly -Opened five ports to trade: each to have British consul, merchants and family residences permitted -Ceded Hong Kong to Britain -Granted equality in diplomatic relations (could not be called barbarians by Qing) -Fixed low tariffs on Western goods going into China eventually (eventually set at 5% in most cases, British fix the tariffs) -Significance: Europeans now had much greater ability to dictate trade terms in China which ended China's superiority of trade; opened up more of the Asian market to the West

Treaty of the Bogue

-1843 End of Opium War -Extended right of extraterritoriality (British citizens will not be punished under Chinese law but British law) -Gave British right to anchor warships at open ports -Most-favored Nation clause (if in the Future the Qing dynasty signs a treaty with another country that includes more favorable terms, the British will also get these terms)

Civilizing mission

-All that were involved in New Imperialism, but especially France/Portugal -Same time period as new imperialism -The civilizing mission was the belief/claim/justification that expanse of empire (industrialization, religion, etc.) would raise backwards people up the ladder of civilization. This would educate these other peoples. -The European colonial powers felt it was their duty to bring Western Civilization to what they perceived as backwards people. Rather than merely govern colonial peoples, the Europeans would attempt to Westernize them in accordance with a colonial ideology known as "assimilation."

Self-Strengthening Movement

-1860s-1880s -Foreign/Western Affairs Movement -Foreign counterpart to the Tongzhi Restoration (essentially a foreign modernization plan) -China started to build defenses against Western movements, acknowledged that China needed to adopt Western technologies (but not ideologies) -Two parts; diplomatic front (China will adhere to western rules and obligations, but wants to eliminate the unequal treaties) and military front (guns and ships are necessary but not enough; West made strong by overall economic development) Diplomats -China for the first time in history dispatches diplomats to different parts around the world (1860s), playing under the Western system of international relations, and China agree to accept the Western diplomatic norms, follow international law, fulfill treaty obligations -Desire of the Qing to seek revision to these unequal treaties using Western equality approach to debate (unsuccessful) Military: a) Stage 1 = 1860s -Acquisition and/or production of military technology (guns and ships) b)Stage 2 = 1870s -Western strength was not just about military technology: creation of support industries and transportation and communication systems c) Stage 3 = 1880s -Western power rested on overall economic development, so call for overall economic development: China's own industrial revolution -Overall impact of the self-strengthening movement was limited because China thought it was enough to just acquire western technology but not western essence -On the surface the movement seems to have realized a number of achievements but overall the impact of the movement was very limited (limited vision) -Lack of central government coordination and support (to a great extent driven by resistance to change)

Tongzhi Restoration

-1862-1874 -Efforts made by the Qing in attempt to rectify internal problems in China -Believed that they needed to fix the problems within before they could address the international threats -Pop. at the time was approx. 450 million people (overwhelmingly peasants, want to keep them happy) -Intended to eliminate the domestic conditions that contributed to the rise of popular discontent: a)Relief for the poor b)Building public granaries c)Reduction of taxes to enable recovery d)Repair of irrigation & flood-control systems e)Encouragement of education f)Tightening of regulation to eliminate corruption -This effort was not systematic though, still wanted to maintain traditional Chinese society, so no effort to restructure economy, change Chinese government institution -This was not a modernization effort (no change in essence) -Reflected a continued confidence that despite all of their problems in the mid 19th century, there was nothing wrong with traditional Confucian society or government

Guangxu Emperor

-1871-1908 -Reign 1875-1908 -11th Emperor of the Qing dynasty -Seen as "reform minded" and implements 100 Days Reform in 1898


-1900s -Japanese idealist belief in special humanitarian mission wanted to bring all 8 corners of the world under 1 roof enlighten & reform the decaying Chinese Empire, Serve as the teacher/tutor of the Pacific Asian region -Manifests in the Yellow Promise for the East and the Yellow Peril for the West -Stop following the West, taking back "Asia for the Asians" -Contrasts to the US Humanitarian impulses: idealist humanitarian call to empire, aka Manifest Destiny freedom, democracy (political), economic prosperity (capitalism), values and religion (Christianity) -Emerges from shared experience of people in the Pacific World suffering at the hands of Western Imperialism -Scares the already established powers especially after the expansionist success of Japan a) Yellow Peril b) Japan's success had in fact allowed it to join the ranks of those great powers c) That very same success (Russo-Japanese war) had prompted concern d) The great western powers are less than welcoming "we don't view you as an equal" (Crucial example of the issue of the racial equality cause) -The non-white world (Pacific or not) looked up to Japan as a model = Yellow promise -Within Japan 1) We (Asians) are all in this together 2) Asians united, but dominated and lead by a single country (Japan) -1940s lots of rhetoric about Pan-Asianism -Tokyo launches attempt to translate into political reality, via the Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere, envision it to be a separate block, culturally, politically, and economically, led by Japan free of Western powers

Ngo Dinh Diem

-1901-1963 -South Vietnamese politician. -Prime Minister of the State of Vietnam -Deposed Bảo Đại and established the first Republic of Vietnam -Born into a noble Vietnamese Catholic family. -A staunch anti-Communist, he joined the U.S.-backed government, making himself president in 1955. -He imprisoned and murdered hundreds of Buddhists, causing the U.S. to remove its support. Diem's assassination in 1963 left Vietnam vulnerable to the Communist threat from the north, eventually resulting in civil war.

Pu Yi

-1906-1967 -Was the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty and made the first King of Manchukuo -Still a child, he ruled as the Emperor from 1908 until his abdication in 1912, after the successful revolution. -In 1934, he was declared the Kangde Emperor of the puppet state of Manchukuo by the Empire of Japan, and he ruled until the end of the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1945 -Used by the Japanese as a puppet emperor in Manchukuo -After the People's Republic of China was established in 1949, Pu Yi was imprisoned as a war criminal for ten years


-19th century -Core (Western Europe, US) -Periphery (less developed world) -Western nations were more developed and had the resources/capital to exploit the lesser developed nations -Lesser developed nations provide resources (including human labour) -Industrialization increased the disparity between these two groups -Imperialism in the Pacific becomes resource raiding, fueling their economies (resources and people)

Theodore Roosevelt

-26th President of the US 1901-1909 -Challenge to the existing interest of other powers, ensuring that the Pacific was the US ocean "We [the US] are in the vanguard, though, of modernism. If the 20th century is going to be the Pacific Century, then we have to be involved and we have to be sure that it is....our ocean." "All eight corners of the world under one roof"

Korean Japanese Convention of 1905

-500 years of unity and sovereignty -Japan is going to be the dominant outside power in 1905 -In 1905 King Gojong, under duress, seeded to Tokyo full administrative control over Korea's foreign affairs -Korea becomes a protectorate of Japan -Japan decides that the best way to deal with the protests is to make Korea a fully colony of Japan, happens in 1910 Preamble. The governments of Japan & Korea, "desiring to strengthen the principle of solidarity which unites the two Empires, have...concluded: Article 1. The Government of Japan...will hereafter have control and direction of the external relations and affairs of Korea..."

Racial equality clause

-Amendment to the Treaty of Versailles that under consideration at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference offered by Japan "The equality of nations being a basic principle of the League of Nations, the High Contracting Parties agree to accord, as soon as possible, to all alien nationals of States members of the League equal and just treatment in every respect, making no distinction, either in law or in fact, on account of their race or nationality." Original version of the clause submitted by the Japanese delegation to the Commission on the League of Nations -Wilson does not accept Japanese call for racial equality in order to appease europeans -Western powers did not welcome japan as world power -Key goal was creation of league of nations, but japan wasn't into this idea because this order would perpetuate this white man's world order -Japan viewed statement as getting western recognition -Japan would only support league if Japan would be seen as equal -British and specifically Australia resisted -Wilson opposed the clause bc he needed British support for league and would be politically unwise at home -Japan joined anyway, US did not join -Consequences: growing distrust of the west in Japan, the system of IR hinged on power alone so Japan had to gain via use of force, strengthened idea of PanAsianism

Arthur H. Smith

-American missionary in China in the late 1800s, early 1900s -Fled to Peking during Boxer Rebellion (1900, Chinese organization called the Society of the Righteous and Harmonious Fists led an uprising in northern China against the spread of Western and Japanese influence there) -Notable for spending 54 yrs. in China and writing books which presented China to foreign readers -Best known American missionary of the day and in 1907 elected the American co-chairman of the China Centenary Missionary Conference in Shanghai. -Wrote the most detailed account of the Boxer Rebellion in his book, China in Convulsion. -Played role in the siege as a gate guard of the Legation Quarter during the Boxer Rebellion, he was able to gather materials for his book. -Coined the term "Boxers" for famers involved in indigenous anti-foreign movement in Shandong -Helped persuade President Teddy Roosevelt to devote the indemnity payments China was making to the US to the education of Chinese students (more than $12 million was spent on this program)

"Open Door" Policy

-Arose from 9 Power Pact during Washington Conference 1921-1922 -Stated no one member may dominated China, it must be shared , equal privileges amongst nations are trading with China -Maintenance of Chinese territorial and administrative integrity

Russian Expansion into the Far East and North America

-As part of Peter the Great's plans of modernization of Russia, he commissioned Bering to lead the expedition of the peninsula in order to map the entire Northern Sea Route, eastern reaches of Siberia, and the western shore of North America. -Marked an immense scale of achievements in maritime and science -Part of one of the largest organized exploration enterprises in history, resulting in mapping of the most of the Arctic coast of Siberia and some parts of the N. America coastline

Strait of Malacca

-B/w Malaysia and Sumatra of Indonesia -British East India company, British needed to control it as a trading post (Singapore) -One of the most important shipping lanes in the entire world -Main shipping channel between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean -Links major Asian economies such as India, China, Japan -Carries about ¼ of the world's traded good including oil, Chinese manufactures, and Indonesian coffee -British controlled it and used it during age of new imperialism


-Bombed 1945 by Bock's Car -US becomes the first country to use an atomic weapon in battle -Drops on the city of Hiroshima -No one knows the exact population at the time, death toll was debated but approximately 140,000 people were killed by this single bomb -Turned Hiroshima into a wasteland -Over 80% of buildings were destroyed -The decision to drop the atomic bombs continues up into the present to be a hotly debated topic, was it militarily/morally/politically justified? -By early 1945 the island hopping campaign had been successful, US bombers were now in range of the home islands of Japan -Fly, drop bombs, and make it back without running out of fuel -US bombers are carrying out regular raids over Japan -Emperor Hirohito's broadcast to Japanese people: "...the war situation has developed not necessarily to Japan's advantage, while the general trends of the world have all turned against her is according to the dictates of time and fate that we have resolved to pave the way for a grand peace for all the generations to come by enduring the [unavoidable] and suffering what is unsufferable."

Manifest Destiny

-Coined by John L O'Sullivan in the midle of the 1800s -Idea that American settlers were destined to expand throughout the continent, it was American people's duty to do so -cultural concept reflecting Anglo-Saxon attitude towards Native Americans -genuine American belief that they were doing good, expanding bonds of freedom and liberty BUT also comes out of an excuse to rationalize greed for more land -Came out of hegemonic desire of Americans to expand; need to expand in order to preserve liberty and greatness, but also because some wanted to gain more secure and easier access to China's markets -Historical Significance: a) Oppressed and pushed out Native Americans, gave an excuse/rationale for territorial expansion b) After the Civil War (1861-1865) manifest destiny was applied to justify US international expansion (not just continental anymore)

Resource raiding

-Commerce raiding done by C.S.S. Shenandoah 1864-1865 -Resulting in the capture and sinking or bonding of 38 Union merchant vessels (mostly whaleships). -Close to 1,000 prisoners w/o a single war casualty among the crew -Goal to "seek out and utterly destroy" commerce in areas undisturbed, thus pursued merchantmen on the Cape of Good Hope (Australia route/Pacific whaling fleet) -Claimed nearly $1.4 million from more than 20 prizes and caused devastation around the globe for Union merchant shipping

C.S.S. Shenandoah

-Confederate Navy Lieutenant (w/ 20 years of prior service in the US navy) converted ship to a ship-of-war -Commissioned 1864-1865 -Cape of Good Hope unofficial home port -Iron-framed, teak-planked, full-rigged ship, with auxiliary steam power that became one of the most feared commerce raiders in the Confederate Navy as a cruiser to capture and destroy Union merchant ships -Undertook commerce raiding resulting in the capture and sinking or bonding of 38 Union merchant vessels (mostly whaleships; close to a thousand prisoners without a single war casualty among the crew -Assigned to "seek out and utterly destroy" commerce in areas undisturbed, thus pursued merchantmen on the Cape of Good Hope (Australia route/Pacific whaling fleet) -Claimed nearly $1.4 million from more than 20 prizes and caused devastation around the globe for Union merchant shipping -Notable for firing the last shot of the American Civil War off of the Aleutian Islands -Last sovereign Confederate flag to be furled -Only Confederate flag that circumnavigated the globe during Confederacy.

"Internal unity before external danger"

-During the Second Opium War, China was faced with several domestic rebellions, specifically the Taiping Rebellion (resulted in the deaths of 20-40 million people and threatened existence of the Qing dynasty) -While the wars between China and Western powers were destructive, this Taiping rebellion was internally more devastating and came closer to toppling the Qing Dynasty -belief that Unless China's internal stability restored then the Qing had no hope in resisting external aggression (Need internal unity before we can face this external danger) -On the other hand, whereas internal forces want to topple the Qing Dynasty, the external forces (esp. France and Britain) want to actually preserve Qing power because these countries just signed favorable trade agreements -On the domestic side there is pursuit of revitalization (known collectively as the Tongzhi restoration) and external was the self-strengthening movement

Education Order of 1872

-Established Japan's first consolidated, modern school system -Order was accompanied by a proclamation (called the Oseidasaresho) that explained that education was the principal means of advancement in life -The function of schools was to produce independent, moral, and patriotic individuals -Schooling must be made available to all -All Japanese must study practical arts and sciences that would benefit society and help build a modern state


-Established by Japanese 1932 -Japanese and Chinese, Northern China, out of the three historic provinces of Manchuria (northeastern China) -Japanese puppet state -After the Russo-Japanese War, Japan gained control of the Russian-built South Manchurian Railway, and its army established a presence in the region; expansion there was seen as necessary for Japan's status as an emerging world power. In 1931 the Japanese army created an excuse to attack Chinese troops there, and in 1932 Manchukuo was proclaimed an "independent" state. -Manchukuo not recognized as independent state by League of Nations. US won't recognize any treaty that impaired open door or with use of aggression-Stimson doctrine 1) Violated open door policy 2) Aggression was used 3) Took away from Chinese sovereignty -Even though they condemned they didn't take any concrete steps


-First half of 1800s -Whaling in the Atlantic had a long history, but deplete the resource, so they turn to the pacific -Whales are valued for their oil which has many uses -Becomes based out of Boston and SF -All western nations (US & Russia) -Whaling is very profitable, oil and other parts can be used, nothing goes to waste -Changed the US perception of the Pacific, started to see the Pacific as their own domain -Three main reasons why whaling ended 1.Civil War (1861-1865) 2.Depletion of Stock 3.Invention of kerosene which replaced whale oil as lighter for lamps

Russian-American Company

-Found 1799 -Fur rush 1658, originally 15 companies operating in Alaska, all unified under the Russian America Company -Headquarters St. Petersburg 1801 -First state-sponsored chartered company by Tsar Paul I, confronted foreign activity more effectively -Created a monopoly over trade in Russian America (including Alaska) while establishing colonies in America -Served as the governing body over Russian America settlement affairs -Served as Russia' first joint stock company which funded expeditions such as Russia' first naval circumnavigation and the voyage of Riurik's circumnavigation of 1814-16 (which provided substantial scientific information on Alaska and California) -Established settlements in Alaska, Hawaii, and California


-French Enlightenment writer, birth name François-Marie Arouet -1694-1778 -"One need not be obsessed with the merits of the Chinese to recognize....that their empire is in truth the best that the world has ever seen." (1764) showed that China was a type of enlightened despotism that was not generally seen in Europe

"soft gold"

-General Fur Trade era: 1800-1840 -Cooks final voyage: 1776-1779 -On Cook's third voyage he found sea otters, with their super soft fur, and finds that the pelts can be purchased for very cheap from the PNW people -In the PNW fur could be obtained cheaply -Sold pelts for $120 each, huge profit in the Chinese market -Great return on investment -When the furs are brought to Canton, the Chinese go crazy and pay up -Sea otters become referred to as "soft gold" -Led to a depletion of sea otters in the Pacific -Fueled eastward expansion of the Russians into Alaska and the PNW -Enslavement of the PNW people who were forced to farm sea otter pelts as their families were held hostage -This trade in the Pacific contributes to making Hawaii a trade entrepot

America's Golden Age

-Golden Age of American whaling -In 1834, 38 East Coast ports between Maine and Delaware were involved in the whale industry -In 1846, the US whaling fleet had 735 vessels -1876, only 39 ships) -Killing ~10,000 whales annually -Employing over 70,000 -Between 1851-1861, revenue of $3 million annually -Changed the US perception of the Pacific, started to see the Pacific as their own domain

Pacific Age/Century

-History shifting towards the Pacific -Turn of the century

Alfred Thayer Mahan

-Important during the 1890s -US navy flag officer and historian known as "the most important American strategist of the 19th century. -Wrote "The Effect of Naval Power on History" -His concept of "sea power" was based on the idea that countries with greater naval power will have greater worldwide impact. -Mahan's views were shaped by the seventeenth century conflicts between Holland, England, France and Spain, and by the nineteenth century naval wars between France and Britain, where British naval superiority eventually defeated France, consistently preventing invasion and blockade. -Mahan backed a revival of Manifest Destiny through overseas imperialism. -He held that sea power would require the US to acquire defensive bases in the Caribbean and Pacific as well as take possession of Hawaii. -This came at the time when the United States launched a major shipbuilding program to move the United States to the third place amongst worldwide naval powers by 1900. -The concept had an enormous influence in shaping the strategic thought of navies across the world, especially in the US, Germany, Japan and Britain, ultimately causing a European naval arms race in the 1890s, which included the United States. -His ideas still permeate the U.S. Navy Doctrine.

Guandong Army

-Japanese military unit stationed in Manchuria -Manchurian incident -Guarded Japanese interest in Manchuria, particularly south Manchuria railway, only way to protect was to take direct control of Manchuria

Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

-Japanese version of Asia for Asians -Only if westerners are removed could PW people be free -Japanese leaders promoted need to liberate region from west regional economic block -Japanese do not view themselves as equal to other asians, used to justify Japanese expansionism and resource gain -Replaced western govs with local govs but still bad "The Japanese empire is a manifestation of morality and its special characteristic is the propagation of the Imperial Way...It is necessary to foster the increased power of the empire, to cause East Asia to return to its original form of independence and co-prosperity by shaking off the yoke of Europe and America, and to let its countries and peoples develop their respective abilities in peaceful cooperation and secure livelihood."

Matteo Ricci, S.J.

-Jesuit that gets an audience with the Ming emperor in 1601 -In his early writings he is positive about China -Praises the industry of the Chinese people and the sophistication of their bureaucracy -This gets back to enlightenment thinkers

New Imperialism

-Late 1800s, early 1900s -US/Britain/Japan -Period of unprecedented colonial territorial expansion by major global nations (speed and scale, new players) -Politically, culturally, and socially driven -Political: growing link between geopolitics and nationalism (British hegemony is facing new challengers (US/JAP), emergence of nationalism and pursuit of imperialism for national prestige -Cultural: civilizing mission (Kramer reading) believe that the extension of the empire brought law and order, would raise up the heathens to civilization, reaction to racial concepts and social Darwinism, Kipling's white mans' burden to go uplift these people -Industrial: revolution leads to rural exodus, move to the cities where there are jobs, urban overcrowding, colonies provide more space for excess population, imperialism used to diffuse domestic race & class tension by inspiring people with the glory of the nation -Not simply about trade and territory, linked to shift in intellectual, economic, and cultural values and institutions, rise of nationalism, racism and industrialization -American factories were churning out widgets, markets were saturated, imperialism = opportunity for new markets -End of 19th century western domination of globe and world economy - set up by the west to serve the west, growing disparity between the core and periphery -Settlement, Missionary efforts, Adventure Loot, European rivalries, National pride, Conquest Trade

Nationalist Party

-Leader Sun Yatsen (father of modern China) established it in 1894 "Expel the Manchus, restore/revive China, and establish a unified government." -Overthrew the Qing (Manchu) dynasty (1911/12) -Civil war with communist party before WW2 -Party had upper hand after WW2 -Civil war end in 1949 with establishment of PRC led by Mao

Empress of China

-Left in 1784, returned in 1785 to the US -First American ship to sail from the newly independent United States to China -Transporting first official representative of the American government to Canton -Beginning of US/China trade relations -Empress of China arriving in China, carrying cargo of 2,600 animal skins, fine camel cloth, cotton, and a few barrels of pepper and 30 tons of ginseng -Return Cargo: cinnamon, Chinaware dishes, cloth, green tea, black tea, silk

" seems to be quite remarkable...that in a kingdom [China] of almost limitless expanse and innumerable population and abounding in copious supplies of every description, though they have a well-equipped army and navy that could easily conquer the neighboring nations, neither the King nor his people ever think of waging a war of aggression They are quite content with what they have and are not ambitious of conquest. In this respect they are much different from the people of Europe, who are frequently discontent with their own governments and covetous of what others enjoy."

-Matteo Ricci -This positive Jesuit portrayal of China was interesting to many people during the Enlightenment

Immigration Act of 1924

-National Origins Act/Johnson-Reed Act -Barred entry to those that could not become citizens of the US -Ended all Asian immigration -Set a quota immigration visas to 2% of the total people of each nationality in the US as of the 1890 national census

Okakura Kakuzo

-Nationalism on a national scale before, but gets taken a step further, expanded to the whole pacific world -The experience of this imperialism was something that eclipsed the regions diverse borders, religions, ethnicities etc. -Not just a community within borders, but now (1904) people are looking beyond that -We are all in this together (Pan-Asianism emerges from this) "Asia is one...[a] broad expanse of love for the Ultimate and Universal, which is the common thought-inheritance of every Asiatic race, enabling them to produce all the great religions of the world, and distinguishing them from those maritime peoples of the Mediterranean and the Baltic, who love to dwell on the Particular, and to search out the means, not the end, of life."

"Asia for the Asians"

-Not really Asia for the Asians its Asia for the Japanese -Stop following the West, taking back "Asia for the Asians" "What problem does Pan-Asianism attempt to solve? The problem is how to terminate the sufferings of the Asiatic peoples and how to resist the aggression of the powerful European countries. In a word, Pan-Asianism represents the cause of the oppressed Asiatic peoples." Sun Yat-sen (1924)


-Part of Manchurian incident -Claimed it had been an act of Chinese sabotage against the Japanese outside of Mukden, and Japanese used it to take control -Within 3 months, Japan had control of Manchuria

Kamchatka Peninsula

-Peninsula in the Russian Far East -1713 Peter the Great sent shipbuilders to Okhotsk during his period of modernization to create a route to the peninsula -Ivan Yevreinov maps Kamchatka 1720 -During the service of the Russian Navy during the Great Northern Expedition, Danish explorer Bering founded Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky—administrative center of the peninsula and transit point for traders on their way to US territories; also used as an area used by the government for exile, used as a home port to set sail for mapping expeditions. -Peter the Great commissioned Bering to lead the expedition of the peninsula in order to map the entire Northern Sea Route, eastern reaches of Siberia, and the western shore of N. America (part of plans to modernize Russia) -Marked an immense scale of achievements in maritime and science -Searching for Northwest Passage. -Part of one of the largest organized exploration enterprises in history, resulting in mapping of the most of the Arctic coast of Siberia and some parts of the N. America coastline, greatly reducing the "white areas" on the maps


-Present-day Izmir (in Turkey) -Advantageous port conditions due to ease of defense and good inland connections thus rose to prominence. -Remarkable growth began in the late 1500s when cotton and other products of the region brought French, English, Dutch and Venetian traders

Hundred Days' Reform

-Reforms of 1898 in China implemented by Quangxu Emperor -Relatively speaking radical reform -Does not go well -Pushback from the conservatives at the Beijing Court -Comes to an end swiftly by the Coup of 1898 led by Empress Dowager Cixi that believed that the reform was too radical

Qianlong Emperor

-Reign 1735-1796 -Seen as the zenith of the Qing Period -Qing dynasty decline with this emperor -He put He Shen in charge: extremely corrupt, the only way to get things done in China became bribery -Consequences of Qing-era corruption: a) Decline in administrative efficiency b) Neglect of public works c) Growth in number of fees and unofficial taxes levied upon the commoners d) Tenancy, homelessness, and starvation e) Growing popular dissatisfaction

Harry Truman

-Roosevelt dies -Becomes president of the US - not prepared to fill the shoes -1945-1953 -War in the pacific continues -Soviet Union was not at war -US want to defeat the Japanese -Truman is interested in obtaining Soviet help... "Korea is the Greece of the Far East. If we are tough enough now, if we stand up to them like we did in Greece three years ago, they won't take any next steps. But if we just stand by, they'll move into Iran and they'll take over the whole Middle East. There=s no telling what they'll do, if we don't put up a fight now." (1950) "Korea is a small country, thousands of miles away, but what is happening there is important to every AmericanY.This attack has made it clear, beyond all doubt, that the international Communist movement is willing to use armed invasion to conquer independent nations. An act of aggression such as this creates a very real danger to the security of all free nations....what is at stake here is nothing less than our own national security and the peace of the world." (1950)

Mayor Eugene E. Schmitz

-San Francisco 1905 quoted in the article "San Francisco Mayor Wants Exclusion Act to Bar the Japs" -Super against Japanese Immigration -The Japanese began arriving in Hawaii working in the sugar cane fields -First mass emigration of the Japanese over seas -Begins in the later 1860s (Meiji era) -In 1890 Us census recorded only 2,038 Japenese living in the US -1898 Annexation of Hawaii caused more Japanese migration into the US mainland -By 1900 there were <25,000 in the US mainland most of whom were engaged in agricultural work, by 1908 there were over 180,000 Japanese plantation workers in Hawaii (mostly men) -Anti-Japanese sentiment is built on the foundation of Anti-Chinese sentiment "I would sooner see the bars of civilization let down on this western borderland to the heathen Chinese, and meet all of the grave dangers incidental to their coming, than to witness an unrestricted Japanese immigration, fraught with the many great evils that would at once beset our industrial welfare if the brown toilers of the mikado's realm were permitted to swarm through our gates unhindered."

"Use of the barbarians' superior techniques to control the barbarians"

-Self-Strengthening Movement -"respecting barbarians as teachers" -We will use their own tools against them to protect China

Unequal treaties

-The First Opium War (1839-1842) demonstrates how weak China was at the time, concrete demonstration of Western dominance over China - Rest of the world sees the wounded Qing dynasty and the western powers punch -After the Opium wars, Sino-Western interactions now centered around a treaty system that was imposed by force -Caused complete reversal in their power relationship -China had 3 main systems over time: the tribute system, the canton system, and the treaty system; each development demonstrates the waning Chinese influence and power -Marked the end of the Chinese ability to exert superiority and beginning of century of humiliation -Allowed the British to dictate to the Chinese in a way that was detrimental to Chinese sovereignty

Social Darwinism

-Theories of society that sought to apply biological concepts of natural selection and survival of the fittest to sociology and politics. -The term first appeared in Europe in 1877: relevant in American expansion during the 1880s -Application of Darwin's beliefs to the social sphere -Argues that certain races are superior to others by nature of having experience history in a different way -Social/natural selection -Very prevalent amongst Americans & Europeans at the time -Some races are superior to others due to history -Combined with Ideas of Manifest Destiny, Americans believed that they were the most powerful people in North America, helped US Expansion across North America

Century of humiliation

-Towards the end of the Qing dynasty they were repeatedly humiliated by the West -Lost Opium Wars (begins century of humiliation), lost to Japanese (Sino-Japanese War) -Unequal treaties -End of the Chinese ability to assert superiority -Positioned the Western powers to dictate to the Chinese in ways that were detrimental to Chinese sovereignty -Swing pendulum in complete opposite direction -Leads to the rise of Chinese nationalists who want to restore China to its former glory

Crimp (broker)

-Used until 1915 -Boarding masters who were paid "by the body" -Flourished in port cities like San Francisco, Portland, Astoria, Seattle -Those engaged in Shanghaiing: the practice of kidnapping people to serve as sailors by coercive techniques such as trickery, intimidation, or violence -Why did the Chinese leave? a) Poverty/Lack of economic opportunity b) Overpopulation: between 1790 and 1850 the population in one province had increased nearly 80% c) Natural disasters (floods and droughts) d) Lawlessness e) Rebellion f) Foreign intrusion (Opium war and Treaty system) g) Economic impact -Recruitment methods a) Deceit b) Kinship network (join your family) c) Material advances (advance of pay to "front" money) d) Promise of fortune (gold rush); e) Payment of gambling debts -The role of crimps and the spread of the practice of shanghaiing resulted from a combination of laws, economic conditions, & the shortage of experienced sailors on the US West Coast in the mid-1800s -CA Gold Rush essentially made crews abandon ship and thus there was a shortage of labor. -Practice was finally ended by a series of legislative reforms that spanned almost 50 years -Practice had grown huge with crimpers making upwards of 200k (modern relation) and crimpers being elected as legislators -In 1915, the Seamen's Act of 1915 finally made crimping a federal crime: legislation was successful primarily because of the widespread use of steam powered vessels in the world's merchant marine services

Five-Power Naval Limitation Treaty

-Washington Naval Treaty of 1922 -Signed by US, Britain, Japan, France, and Italy -10 year "holiday" - on building of new capital ships -Set tonnage ratio of - 5:5:3:1.75:1.75 - for tonnage of capital ships (US, UK, Japan, France, Italy, respectively; *capital ships [aka battlecruisers] - warships of more than 10,000 tons displacement or carrying guns with a caliber exceeding 8 inches, basically denoted battleships and aircraft carriers) -Bound signatories to scrap some older ship and some under construction

Pig trade/coolie trade

-Word coolie traced back to the Hindu-word which means day-laborer -Movement of Chinese within the Pacific World to the Americas during the mid 1800s participated in either indentured or free labor (depends on destination and type work in which you were engaged) -Indentured labor = coolie laborers, most often used in agriculture -Had to sign labor contracts (6-8 years) in return for receiving: wage, housing, medical care, clothing, rations -In theory once you completed your contract you were free to leave, but a lot of these folks would find themselves in debt, forced to sign another contract, essentially a new form of slavery -From 1847-1875 250,000 Chinese signed 8 year contracts to work in Peru (sugar plantations) and Cuba (Guano mines and Andean railroad) -To some extent they are being pushed into this system -Even if it was voluntary they were still bound by deceptive contract -Most of the people who participated in this were illiterate, but they had no idea what they were signing -The Chinese who were involved in recruitment would assemble potential laborers/immigrants in what was called a pig pen, stripped naked and examined, and if they were approved they would then mark them -Growing industrialization = growing demand for labor -As many Chinese and other immigrants came to the US and "took" jobs this started to lead to growing "Asian peril" and overall resentment of immigrants -The Report of the Commission Sent by China to Ascertain the Condition of Chinese Coolies in Cuba (1876) exposed the conditions for indentured laborers in transit and the ways that they were exploited -Qing government sends out commission to investigate situation -Growing international outcry against coolie trade -Not long after this it was brought to an end

Tokugawa Shogunate/Bakufu

1603-1868 -Issue the National Seclusion policy

Peter the Great (I)

1672-1725 -Ruled the Tsardom of Russia (1682-1721) and the Russian Empire (founded 1721) -"Emperor of All Russia" until his death in 1725 -Expanded the Tsardom into a huge empire that became a major European power through modernization of the military, church, education and economy -Established the first Russian Navy base and worked to build Russian maritime supremacy -Implemented social modernization by creating a tax for long beards/robes thus requiring courtiers, state officials, and the military to shave beards and adopt modern clothing styles -1697 declared that sable trade was a government monopoly -Attempts to create sweeping reforms to modernize Russia -Influenced by his advisors from Western Europe in hopes of reorganizing the Russian army and making Russia into a maritime power. -Led a Cultural Revolution that replaced some of the traditionalist and medieval social and political system with a modern, scientific, Europe-oriented, and rationalist system. The Church became a part of the government under Peter's control.

Vitus Jonassen Bering

1681-1741 -Russian explorer and officer of Russian Navy commissioned by Peter the Great for First and Second Kamchatka Expedition -Led one of the largest expedition projects in history to map out the entire Northern Sea Route and the coast of N. America -Part of Peter the Great's vision to modernize Russia, he was commissioned as a first Captain -Awarded money, prestige, and promotion to the noble rank of Captain Commander thus inspiring his second expedition -Led to the European discovery of Alaska, the Aleutian Islands, the Commander Islands, Bering Island/Strait, as well as a detailed assessment of northern/north-eastern coast of Russia and the Kuril Islands

First Kamchatka Expedition

1725-1730 Vitus Jonassen Bering, Russian explorer and officer of Russian Navy commissioned by Peter the Great to map out the north-eastern coast of the Asian continent

Second Kamchatka Expedition

1733-1741/2 -Vitus Jonassen Bering, Russian explorer and officer of Russian Navy commissioned by Peter the Great to map out the western coast on the N. American continent

Russian America

1733-1867 -Russian colonial possessions in N. America (CA, Alaska, and 2 ports in Hawaii) -1804 first Russians arrive in Hawaii -Included the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, and the territory south to 55° N latitude

John Ledyard

1751-1789 -American explorer and adventurer who joined Captain Cook's third and final voyage -1783 published Captain Cook book. -Traveled from Sandwich Islands, Cape of Good Hope, New Zealand to Hawaii -Most notable for lobbying for the formation of fur-trading companies to trade sea otter furs for Chinese silk and porcelain in Macau -Laid the pattern of subsequent China trade and published the first work protected by copyright in the US -Essentially made the first travelogue describing Hawaii ever to be published in America

Robert Gray

1755-1806 -American merchant sea-captain -Voyages between 1787-1793 -First voyage departs from Boston, sails to pacific northwest coast, then to China -Boston merchants finance voyage to sell sea otter pelts from American Northwest to China, Gray leads this trip and then a second voyage in 1790 -Boston merchants came up with the idea to sell fur pelts to the Chinese after reading about Cook's success doing the same in his journals; Americans had a hard time finding goods Chinese wanted, pelts solved this issue -Finally profitable trade between New England merchants and Chinese (New England/Boston at this time was mostly a maritime economy) -First circumnavigation by Americans, Gray was also the first captain to make it back alive -Named the Columbia River after his ship the Columbia Rediviva in 1792

Andrew Jackson

1767-1845 -7th president of the US -Jackson was a politician and army general who defeated the Creek Indians at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend (1814), and the British at the Battle of New Orleans (1815). -Polarizing figure who dominated the Second Party System in the 1820s and 1830s, as president he dismantled the Second Bank of the United States and initiated forced relocation and resettlement of Native American tribes from the Southeast to west of the Mississippi River with the Indian Removal Act (1830). -His enthusiastic followers created the modern Democratic Party. -1830-1850 period later became known as the era of Jacksonian Democracy - the political movement toward greater democracy for the common man

Boston Tea Party

1773 -The British East India Company was sitting on a large amount of Chinese Tea that they would not sell in the UK -1773 Tea Act to sell the tea of the colonies at a reduced price, undercutting local tea merchants -"no taxation without representation" -Taxation only by their own elected representatives and not by a British parliament where they were not represented -American protestors dressed as Native Americans and threw 10,000 GBP worth of Chinese Tea into Boston Harbor -Protesting restrictions within the British system escalated the American Revolutionary War

American Revolutionary War

1775-1783 -Between Britain and US allies -Americans are fed up with the British so they rebel (13 colonies want their independence) -Britain's taxes on trade are too high and deemed unfair, Americans also want to explore new foreign markets (colonies only allowed to trade with British) -Americans gain independence, leads to American trade with China and other foreign markets -Ends with the Treaty of Paris

Captain Cook's final voyage

1776-1779 -Led to Chinese "rage" for furs -On Cook's third voyage he found sea otters, with their super soft fur, and finds that the pelts can be purchased for very cheap from the PNW people then sold for huge profit in Chinese market -Sea otters become referred to as "soft gold" -Led to a depletion of sea otters in the Pacific -Fueled eastward expansion of the Russians into Alaska and the PNW -This trade in the Pacific contributes to making Hawaii a trade entrepot

Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles

1781-1826 -British statesman -Known as the "Father of Singapore" -Founded Singapore -Brits take control of Singapore and establish it as a free port: a) No duties b) Grew quickly in terms of population and trade volume c) Used as a launching pad: conquest of Malaya, Burma (1880's) d) Paris also wants to be a part of this (1850-80's): French slowly take control of French IndoChina: Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia

Treaty of Paris

1783 -Between the US and Britain -Treaty that ended the Revolutionary war and granted the United States independence -Freed America from British mercantile policies on trade -America needed new markets for goods and trade -Within a year of signing the treaty America starts direct relations with China -USA becomes the first independent nation in North America -No continental enemies, far more secure than Europe -Had a dual economy: industry in the north, agriculture in the south (most European countries only had one)

Matthew C. Perry

1794-1858 -Millard Fillmore (US Prez 1852) decides we must bring about a change so sends CaptainPerry to Japan in a fleet of modern ships under the order not to leave Japan until trade relations had been established and national seclusion was ended -Under the original premise of US whaling presence, if any US men were to end up on Japanese shores, ensure that the Japanese would treat them well -At the time could only go to Deshima (Nagasaki) as was the sole conduit for Western/Japanese contact -Perry arrives at Edo Bay in July of 1853 -Shogun decides they have no choice but to give in (See China as an example of what happens to refusing the West) -1854 Japan ends national seclusion -Leads to two initial treaties with the US -1850s-60s increasingly intense political struggle between the Tokugawa Shogunate and its critics: all people of political power are samurais, and they become increasingly vocal -Just like the Qing, the Japanese are dealing with domestic and foreign challenges

The Fur Trade Era

1800-1840 -Slows down because: a) Running out of seals b) Change in fashion

Partial Chronology of US Westward expansion

1803 - Louisiana Purchase 1804-1806 - Lewis & Clark Expedition 1818 - Acquisition of the Red River Valley (in Minnesota & North Dakota) 1841 - First wagon train to California 1842 - Settlement of Oregon begins via the Oregon Trail 1845 - Texas Annexation 1846 - Oregon Treaty (established the US/Canada border at the 49th parallel; Britain ceded to the US present-day Oregon, Washington, Idaho and parts of Montana and Wyoming 1848 - Mexican Cession (following the Mexican-American War, Mexico ceded to the US present-day California, Nevada, and Utah, and portions of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming) 1848 - Start of the California Gold Rush 1867 - Alaska Purchase (from Russia) 1869 - Completion of the transcontinental railway

John L O'Sullivan

1813-1895 -Writer and Editor for the Democratic Review (1845) -Man who coined the term "Manifest Destiny" → expansion is a God given natural right and national duty, carrying out God's will by moving west → it is not about seizing land for conquest it is about divine right

James G. Blaine

1830-1893 Quote in the New York Tribune 1879 "Have the right to exclude immigration that reeks with impurity and which cannot come to us without physical and moral disease"

King Gojong

1852-1919 -1st emperor of Korea -Father held throne for him until he was older, father was an advocate of isolationism, persecuted and executed Catholics which led to French and American invasions in 1871, came to power in 1873 -Gojong, with the influence of Queen Min, adopted more of an open-door foreign policy than his father had maintained -He signed a Treaty of Amity and Trade with the United States in 1882, hoping to gain protection from the imperial designs of neighbors Japan, China and Russia -Proved a futile hope as the struggle between those three Asian powerhouses erupted into the Sino-Japanese War (1894-95) and, later, the Russo-Japanese War of 1905 -Forced to abdicate in 1907; replaced by his mentally impaired son

Fukuzawa Yukichi

1835-1901 -Philosopher and translator for Tokugawa Bakufu -Scholar who advocated for modernization and Western adoption in Japan -De-Asianization of Japan: argued for Japan to disassociate itself with the other Asian countries, and give loyalty to the Western countries -Believed the modern Western world would easily conquer Japan if Japan did not modernize and westernize -Through his publication he strongly influenced Japanese public to adopt moderate political attitudes toward the change of the social and political structures that was occurring in Japan -Advocated national independence through Western learning -Not just the elites that want this but everyone for vitality of the nation -Showed that there were at least some people in Japan who saw Meiji modernization as necessary -Said that China and Korea "cannot survive as independent nations with the onslaught of Western civilization to the East", predicted that they would be wiped out by civilized nations

Opium War

1839-1842 -Clash between the Qing Dynasty (which was attempting to preserve its ability to dictate terms of interactions and trade) and Britain (which was a self-confident and expansionist polity that was intent on imposing its own terms of trade; free trade and diplomatic equality) -Triggered by Lin Zexu seizing and burning 20,000 chests of Opium -This war was significant because this it was the first time that the Brits used steam powered ships in battle; this was an eventually significant factor in naval fighting because they were not limited by the wind like Chinese ships.Additionally, Chinese forces fought poorly because they had been inactive for so long (weak and soft) -Qing lose in end as British has more modern and effective tactics, overall better weapons -Ends with the signing of the unequal treaties which begins the century of humiliation

Denis Kearney

1847-1907 -CA labor leader of the late 1800s who was known for his nativist and racist views about Chinese immigrants "Chinese must go" was his catchphrase -After the completion of the transcontinental railroad, many Chinese workers are left unemployed and they move into cities (especially SF Chinatown) -Due to the volatile nature of the US economy, post-civil war (1861-1865) Chinese immigrants are willing to work for less, growing resentment -Irish and Irish Americans were looking for someone to be on the bottom of the ladder led by Denis Kearney -Formed Workingmen's party of California

Josiah Strong

1847-1916 -American Protestant clergyman and author. -Leader of the Social Gospel movement -Pleaded for more missionary work in the nation's cities and for reconciliation to end racial conflict -Supported missionary work so that all races could be improved and uplifted and thereby brought to Christ. -Promoted domestic missionary activity in the American West -Connected the notion of the American Empire with the missionary ideal -Spreading the two ideas: civil liberty and spiritual/Christian identity = what makes up America

Pacific Mail Steamship company

1848 founded -Group of NYC merchants -Joint stock company under the laws of the State of NY that served as the key mover of goods and people -Acquired the lucrative right to transport mail under contract from the US Government from the Isthmus of Panama to CA -Launched first regularly scheduled trans-Pacific steamship service with a route between San Francisco, Hong Kong, and Yokohama, with extended service to Shanghai -Initially planned to transport agricultural goods and people from the West Coast to New York and vice versa; however, when it stopped in Panama en route to San Francisco, the ship found hundreds of gold-seekers waiting to board. -Played a key role in the growth and cultural diversity of San Francisco and led to an influx of Japanese and Chinese immigrants -As an indirect effect, it helped establish the trans-continental railroad and enriched California's economy

Foreign Miners' Law

1850 -First large scale immigration of Asians started in the late 1840s triggered by the CA Gold Rush -Sutters Mill strikes gold in 1848, mad rush of people who are dreaming of gold and instant wealth -Established San Francisco as an economic hub overnight -Led to large immigration boom -At this point CA not a part of US -1848 there were sources that say there were only 7 Chinese known to be in CA, by the mid 1850s there were almost 25,000 -Part of backlash is because native born Americans resented all of the competition -White American's seek laws to back up their dislike -CA becomes a US state in 1850 -1850 Foreign Miners' tax: each foreigner have to pay $20 a month to mine -Resulted in a revolt, eventually reduced -Tax was created with the clear understanding that it would be enforced directly against the Chinese -Some see this as the first piece of anti-Chinese legislation

Senator William H. Seward

1850 Senator from New York Said "European thought, European commerce, and European enterprise, although actually gaining in force, and European connections, although becoming more and more intimate, will nevertheless relatively sink in importance in the future, while the Pacific Ocean, its shores, its islands, and adjacent territories will become the chief theater of human events and activities in the world's great hereafter." • Because you have these economic goals and resource needs means that the center stage of history was moving to the pacific -Economic "Impulses" to Empire US: Dreams of the "China Market": calls for Washington to promote American commerce & investment in Pacific to meet or prevent Japanese & European encroachment -Commercial interests: Hawaii (plantations) -Japan: Commercial interests: Sugar plantations in Taiwan, Business industry in Korea -Manchuria: resources for the Japanese industry, buffer against Russia -Migration: for excess population

Lafcadio Hearn

1850-1904 -Journalist -British citizen born in Greece, and one-time resident of Louisiana, who eventually became a naturalized Japanese citizenship "SAINT MALO a lacustrine village in Lousiana [is the home to people who] are not less strange, wild, picturesque [than their surroundings]. Most of them are cinnamon-colored men; a few are glossily yellow.Their features are irregular without being actually repulsive. In Manila there are several varieties of the Malay race, and these Louisiana settlers represent more than one type. Non of them appeared tall; the greater number were under-sized, but all well knit, and supple as fresh-water eels. They speak the Spanish language; and a Malay dialect is also used among them."

People v. Hall, Supreme Court of the State of California

1854 -Barred the Chinese from testifying in court -Decision held that Chinese were a race of people whom nature has marked inferior and incapable of progress or intellectual development beyond a certain point (social Darwinism in action) -"between whom and ourselves nature has placed an impassable difference" and as such had no right "to swear away the life of a citizen" or participate "with us in administering the affairs of our Government."

Treaty of Peace and Amity

1854 -Perry Convention -Between the US and Japan -Another unequal treaty -Opened 2 ports to US ships seeking provisions -Guaranteed good treatment to shipwrecked US sailors -Allowed US consul to take up residence in Shimoda within 18 months -Contained a most favored nation clause -Terms of the treaty were set by the US and favored them -Just like the case with China, these treaties erode Japan's sovereignty

Yan Fu

1854-1921 -Chinese scholar responsible for translating western books from English to Chinese -Recognized that China was backwards in comparison the modern western world (China had lost both Opium wars and to the Japanese) -First Chinese nationalist -" Think the greatest difference between China and the West which can never be made up, is that the Chinese are fond of antiquity but neglect the present. The Westerners are struggling in the present in order to surpass the present." -Discussed the Chinese love for antiquity, and how it meant that China neglected the present -Showcases the growing nationalist movement within China that wanted a change to traditional Chinese governance

US Acquisitions in the Pacific

1856 - Guano Islands Act (Legislation allowing the US to take possession of islands containing guano deposits; over the years, more than 100 islands, primarily in the Pacific, were claimed) 1898 - Annexation of Hawaii 1898 - Spain cedes the Philippines and Guam to the US following the Spanish-American War (Treaty of Paris) 1899 - Annexation of Wake Island and the occupation of American Samoa

Woodrow Wilson

1856-1924 -President of the US -US hangs back a bit in WWI, eventually tensions between the US and Germany escalate, Wilson requested a declaration of war from congress in 1917 -Wanted the United States to serve as a democratic police force -Wilson vowed to protect the "little guys", fight for self-determination and the rights and liberties of smaller nations, inspired hopes of freedom in the colonies -But didn't follow through on them -In his famed 14 points speech (1918) Wilson emphasized self-determination which further galvanized nationalism in the Pacific -Really wanted to join a league of nations -Wanted to expand democracy, saw it as the duty of the US -War ends in 1919 winners gather in Versailles -Wilson is greeted like a hero because of his rhetoric, but his actions thereafter did not live up to his promises -A raging racist -He wanted to create the League of Nations (precursor to the UN) -To get this to happen he needs to get the winning powers on board -The US didn't end up joining the league of nations -Imperialist states did not relinquish their colonies following the war "The world must be made safe for democracy... and we shall fight for the things which we have always carried nearest our hearts -- for democracy, for the right of those who submit to authority to have a voice in their own governments, for the rights and liberties of small nations, for a universal dominion of right by such a concert of free peoples as shall bring peace and safety to all nations and make the world itself at last free." "War Message," April 2, 1917 V. A free, open-minded, and absolutely impartial adjustment of all colonial claims, based upon a strict observance of the principle that in determining all such questions of sovereignty the interests of the populations concerned must have equal weight with the equitable claims of the government whose title is to be determined. January 8, 1918

Kang Youwei

1858-1927 -Reformer part of the Gongche Shanshuji movement (Same leaders became leaders of 100 Days Reform) -Accepted the view that progress was not only necessary but also desirable -Altering the Chinese essence and tradition was needed -Writes letter to the Guangxu Emperor after loss of First Sino-Japanese War -1898 Kang Youwei gains an audience with the emperor

"When no man could leave his house even in the public thoroughfare and in open day without the danger of being hustled under false pretences of debt or delinquency and carried off a prisoner in the hands of crimps to be sold to the purveyors of coolies at some much a head, and carried off to sea never again to be heard of, the whole population of the city and adjoining districts were roused by a sense of common peril."

1859 R. Alcock, British Consul (Canton) to J. Bowring

Kaiser Whilhelm II

1859-1941 -German Emperor and King of Prussia -Rhetoric and imagery of the yellow peril is often traced back to him -Spread interest to other European rulers - concerned about trends in Asia in the 1800s -Used the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) to incite fear in the west -Surprised by Japanese victory in the Sino-Japanese War -Asia is threatening the security and well-being of the West -Growing resentment towards the people of the East

Frederick Jackson Turner

1861-1932 "Frontier Thesis" -American historian -Thought the spirit and success of the US was directly tied to the country's westward expansion; said the moving western frontier shaped American democracy and the American character from the colonial era until 1890 -Traits and characteristics such as mobility, initiative, and rugged individualism contributed to American success -Westward thinking/expansion is reason for the development of these unique characteristics -Helped shape character of American people; new type of citizen - strength and individuality from the wild, and power to tame the wild -As each generation of pioneers moved 50 to 100 miles west, they abandoned useless European practices, institutions and ideas, and instead found new solutions to new problems created by their new environment -Turner's thesis came about from witnessing American westward expansion, both in population movement and acquisition of new territories (Louisiana and Gadsden Purchases); also related to notions of manifest destiny -Reasons for US Expansion a) Manifest Destiny b) Population growth = 5 mil in 1800 to 23 mil in 1850 c) Agricultural country : land-ownership indicated self-sufficiency, enfranchisement and success d) Economic crises in 1919 and 1930 pushed people westwards e) Sectional division in US politics, expansion of industrializing/ commercial North or slave-holding South = civil was (1861-1865) f) Expansion is constantly being challenged By ignoring the victims of expansion and the oppression of these minority groups, it left a precedent for the treatment of minorities in America and perpetuated ideas of American superiority. The closing of the frontier was seen as problematic, giving incentive for overseas expansion as a new type of frontier.

Chinese Police Tax Law

1862 -Act to protect free white labor against competition with the Chinese coolie labor and to discourage the immigration of the Chinese into the state of CA -Segregated schools for the Chinese -One of the reasons that China towns exist is they were not allowed to live anywhere else -$2.50 fee on all Chinese living in the state "An Act to Protect Free White Labor Against Competition with Chinese Coolie Labor, and to Discourage the Immigration of the Chinese into the State of California"

Rudyard Kipling

1865-1936 -Author of the poem: The White Man's Burden -Wanted to reflect the subject of American colonization of the Philippines, recently won from Spain in the Spanish-American War -At face value it appears to be a rhetorical command to white men to colonize and rule other nations for the benefit of those people (both the people and the duty may be seen as representing the "burden" of the title). -Although Kipling's poem mixed exhortation to empire with somber warnings of the costs involved, imperialists within the US understood the phrase "white man's burden" as a characterization for imperialism that justified the policy as a noble enterprise -Because of its theme and title, it has become emblematic both of Eurocentric racism and of Western aspirations to dominate the developing world -Belief that White, Anglo-Saxon people had a moral obligation to empire and to bring civilization to the uncolonized heathens -Racist excuse for imperialism and colonialism -Ideology that helped fuel Western Nation expansion and colonization

Sun Yat-sen

1866-1925 -Leader of the Chinese nationalists -China was ruled by the Manchurian Qing dynasty (1644-1912) -Towards the end of the Qing dynasty they were repeatedly humiliated by the West, unequal treaties and century of humiliation -Qing placing their own interests above those of China -Leads to the rise of Chinese nationalists who want to restore China to its former glory -Sun Yat-Sen leads the movement in China -Known for his political philosophy, three principles of the people: nationalism, democracy, and the people's livelihood -Revolutionary movement culminated in the setting up the Republic of China -Still weak, but set the nation on a new course "Expel the Manchus, restore/revive China, and establish a unified government." Oath taken by members of the Revive China Society (Society for Regenerating China), established by Sun in 1894

Meiji Restoration

1867-1912 -Meiji Ishin; "ishin" literally means "renovation" -Period in Japanese history of momentous political, economic, and social transformation -At the start of the Meiji period Japan is a semi-feudal entity, by the end Japan had been transformed into a modern industrial state -Japan joins ranks of major world powers -Factors facilitating Transformation a) Strong solidarity among Meiji leaders (similar social backgrounds & political experiences; different to Qing China where much of the desire for change came from the bottom) b) Clear goal: modernization is the only alternative. Get rid of national essence c) Sense of urgency: Resistance to change brings humiliation and defeat (China) d) "Defensive modernization": use "modern" ways to protect Japan from the modern world (way to convince all of the people who doubted modernization that in order to avoid China's humiliation, these Japanese leaders who have already had imposed on them their own set of unequal treaties realize they must change and must do it quickly -Transformation taking place not for that sake of change, but by necessity -The Meiji leaders recognized that to counter the economic threats of imperialism, Japan had to become economically powerful -To counter political, Japan had to be militarily strengthened -End goal to protect Japan depends on widespread modernization (all our nothing event, every aspect of the country had to be modernized or transformed to some extent otherwise no single aspect of transformation would be successful) -Took an internal toll on Japan, especially on the peasant class Achievements: -Abolish Tokugawa feudal system & established a constitutional monarchy -Constitution of the Empire of Japan (1889) -Created elected national assembly -Eliminated legally-sanctioned class distinctions (all equal under the emperor) -Established conscript arm -Imperial Rescript to Soldiers & Sailors (1882) (the official code of ethics for military personnel, basis for Japan's pre-World War II national ideology) -Education Order of 1872 -Imperial Rescript on Education (1890) -Construction of an industrial infrastructure (initiated by government taken over by private sector) -Established colonial empire (Taiwan, Korea, Pescadores, Liaodong Peninsula)

Burlingame-Seward Treaty

1868 -Amending the Treaty of Tientsin (an unequal treaty) -Established formal friendly relations between the two nations (China/USA) -US granted China most favorable nation status -Protection of Chinese citizens -Free immigration from Chinese to US Article V - The United States of America and the Emperor of China cordially recognize the inherent and inalienable right of man to change his home and allegiance, and also the mutual advantage of the free migration and emigration of their citizens and subjects respectively from the one country to the other, for purposes of curiosity, of trade, or as permanent residents.

Restoration of Imperial Rule

1868 -When Yoshinobu gives up the political power of the Shogun and ends the ruling of the Tokugawa he also forfeits the land (give up lands ~20% of Japan) -This is referred to as the restoration of imperial rule = power back to emperor -This doesn't really happen, all power to Meji oligarchy

Suez Canal

1869 completed -Connected the Mediterranean and Indian ocean -Can now avoid going around the Southern tip of Africa -Controlled by the British in partnership with the French

Vladmir Ilyich Lenin

1870-1924 -Critic of economically driven imperialism -Marx vision of all societies going through stages -Lenin & Marx looked at the Western World as in a stage of capitalism where workers are being exploited by the bourgeoisie -Very same countries in the stage of capitalism are not progressing? Why is the working class not rising up? -Industrialized nations have already addressed as much as they could in their own economics, going out to colonies to make profit -Market is saturated in their own economies so they need to find opportunity for investment elsewhere -The used the labor/profits from overseas to keep their Western working class happy (doubly exploiting) -Lenin: we need revolution to happen in Western Europe, do so by launching an anti-imperialist revolution in the colonies, cut off bribe money, Western proletariat will rise up in turn

"There is apparently much truth in the belief that the wonderful progress of the United States, as well as the character of the people, are the results of natural selection..."

1871 Charles Darwin The Descent of Man

Syngman Rhee

1875-1965 -South Korean statesman, the first president of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea, and the first President of the Republic of Korea (commonly referred to as South Korea). -His three-term presidency of South Korea (August 1948 to April 1960) was strongly affected by Cold War tensions on the Korean Peninsula. -Not democrat christian talked about going north into Korea so didn't give him offensive handpicked by us Rhee was regarded as an anti-Communist and a strongman, and he led South Korea through the Korean War

Treaty Regulating Immigration from China

1880 Angell Treaty -US and Qing China negotiated a treaty that ended unrestricted Chinese immigration into the US -Could not be outright prohibited, but the US abstained the right to limit and suspend Chinese immigrants into the US "....Whereas the Government of the United States, because of the constantly increasing immigration of Chinese laborers to the territory of the United States, and the embarrassments consequent upon such immigration, now desires to negotiate a modification of the existing Treaties. ART. I. Whenever in the opinion of the Government of the United States, the coming of Chinese laborers to the United States, or their residence therein, affects or threatens to affect the interests of that country, or to endanger the good order of the said country or of any locality within the territory thereof, the Government of China agrees that the Government of the United States may regulate, limit, or suspend such coming or residence, buy may not absolutely prohibit it. The limitation or suspension shall be reasonable and shall apply only to Chinese who may go to the United States as laborers, other classes not being included in the limitations."

Maxim gun

1880s -Fired 11 bullets per second -Used to take 1 minute to reload muskets -188 battle in Sudan, local leader attempted to force out the British, but they had the Maxim gun -Brits lost 40 soldiers -Sudanese lost 11,00 soldiers

Imperial Rescript to Soldiers & Sailors

1882 "...Soldiers and Sailors, We [Emperor] are your supreme Commander-in-Chief. Our relations with your will be most intimate when We rely upon you as Our limbs and you look up to Us as your head....The soldier and sailor should consider loyalty their essential duty...therefore neither be led astray by current opinions nor meddle in politics, but with single heart fulfill your essential duty of loyalty, and bear in mind that duty is weightier than a mountain, while death is lighter than a feather."

Chinese Exclusion Act

1882 -All Chinese immigration into the US was stopped -Reversed the Burlingame-Seward Treaty of 1868 -Culmination of all anti-Chinese sentiments: as the Chinese numbers grew it magnified their racial and cultural differences in an increasingly intolerant American society to foreigners in general -Major opponents of Chinese immigration were the white working class but obviously there were governmental supporters too who passed the legislation -White perceptions of the Chinese = immorality and criminality -Opium dens and prostitution -Result of zoning restrictions and male dominated population because of immigration restrictions -Chinese did not assimilate because of this -Not unanimously approved within the US though -First US law prohibiting a specific ethnic group -Racial prejudice, economics, and ignorance initially combined to impact the Chinese reception in the US "Whereas, in the opinion of the Government of the United States the coming of Chinese laborers to this country endangers the good order of certain localities within the territory thereof: Therefore,

Omar Said Tjokroaminoto

1882-1934 Founded Islamic Association/Union "We are loyal toward the Government; we are satisfied with the Dutch Government; it is not true that we want to fight; he who says so or thinks so, is not sane, we don't want to fight, a thousand times, NO! The Sarekat Islam is not a political party; it is not a party that wants revolution, as many think."

"The world-wide facility of communication has allowed the wind of Western civilization to blow into the East, where not a single grass or tree has been left unswayed by it.... there can be no other policy than to move on with the rest of the world and join them in dipping into the sea of civilization....our country cannot afford to wait for the enlightenment of neighbors....Rather, we should leave their ranks to join the camp of the civilized countries of the West. Even when dealing with China and Korea, we need not have special scruples simply because they are our neighbors, but should behave towards them as the Westerners do."

1885 Fukuzawa Yukichi on de-Asianization

Chiang Kai-shek

1887-1975 US friend (nationalist party) retreat to island of Taiwan - not controlled by Beijing

Constitution of the Empire of Japan

1889 -Gave Emperor supreme control over the army and navy -Created first parliamentary government in Asia -Article 1. The Empire of Japan shall be reigned over and governed by a line of Emperors unbroken for ages eternal. -Article 4. The Emperor is the head of the Empire, combining in Himself the rights of sovereignty, and exercises them, according to the provisions of the present Constitution.

Imperial Rescript on Education

1890 -Mandated compulsory education (for boys & girls)

Hồ Chí Minh

1890-1969 -Vietnamese nationalists -Joined the crew of a French merchant ship when he was young and travelled around - exposed to lots of ideas -Letter to Woodrow Wilson: "All subject people are filled with hope that the prospect of an era of right and justice is open to them" -Ho Chi Minh travels to Versailles (end of WWI) to presents his 8 point petition for Vietnam which was under French colonial rule, not for independence but equality, didn't even get to present, super underwhelmed by Woodrow Wilson (surprise! He's racist!) -Equal rights for Vietnamese and French in Indochina -Freedom of press and opinion -Freedom of association and assembly -Freedom to travel at home and abroad -Substitution of rule of law for government by degree -Dreams are crushed, leads him away from Democracy, and instead Ho Chi Minh turns to Lenin and Communism founder of the French Community party "If the French colonialists are unskillful in developing colonial resources, they are masters in the art of savage repression and the manufacture of loyalty made to measure...Surrounded by all the refinements of courts martial and special courts, a native militant cannot educate his oppressed and ignorant brothers without the risk of falling into the clutches of his civilizers. Faced with these difficulties, what must the Party do? Intensify propaganda to overcome them." " Some Considerations on the Colonial Question (1922)

"We are often told 'Colonialism is dead.' Let us not be deceived or even soothed by that. I say to you, colonialism is not yet dead. How can we say it is dead, so long as vast areas of Asia and Africa are unfree...Wherever, whenever and however it appears, colonialism is an evil thing, and one which must be eradicated from the earth."

1955 Sukarno (Indonesia) Speech at the Opening of the Bandung Conference

Mao Zedong

1893-1976 -Chariman and Chief of State of the Chinese Communist Party -After Second Opium war established the Communist Part of China in 1949 -Led China's Communist revolution -Founding Father of the People's Republic of China (1949) -Great Leap Forward 1957: transformation of China from an agrarian economy to an industrial one "The Chinese have always been a great, courageous and industrious nation; it is only in modern times that they have fallen behind. And that was due entirely to oppression and exploitation by foreign imperialism and domestic reactionary governments..."

Sino-Japanese War

1894-1895 -Between "modernized" China and Meiji restored Japan -Occurred mainly in Korea, Manchuria and the Yellow sea -Both nations wanted influence over Korea, Japan didn't want Korea to be China's puppet anymore -Japan wins -China puts forth parts of its modern army and navy, but so does Japan, and their forces are devastated by the Japanese -Failure of Qing empire to modernize its military and fend off threats to its sovereignty, especially, in comparison to the Meiji Restoration -For the first time dominance in East Asia shifts from China (to Japan) -Japan gains control of Taiwan (Treaty of Shimonoseki) -Loss makes it even clearer that China was at a disadvantage despite their recent modernization efforts (loss of prestige) -Silver lining: losing to the Japanese, China calls for further reforms and eventually calls for revolution (change to Chinese essence was needed); western institutions must be adopted

"Examination Candidates' Memorial"

1895 Kang Youwei -China: reject peace treaty, transfer capital, reform -If the institutional reform had been undertaken earlier, there would have been no disaster today -If the institutional reform is undertaken now, it can avert future disaster -If not, the future disaster will be worse than the present one

Spanish American War

1898 -US declares war on Spain after the U.S.S. Maine is blown up in Havana Harbor -US guns had better range and accuracy which allowed them to win -Ended Spain's colonial empire in the Western Hemisphere and secured the position of the US as a Pacific power -U.S. victory in the war produced a peace treaty: Treaty of Paris: a) Spain relinquished its claim to Cuba b) Spain ceded control of Puerto Rico & Guam c) US given right to determine control, disposition and government of the Philippines (in return for US payment of $20 million) as Philippines has been a Spanish colony since the 16th century (1570s) -The US annexed the independent state of Hawaii during the conflict (1898) -Supporters of annexation argued that the islands, but especially Hawaii, were vital to the U.S. economy, as they would serve as a strategic base that could help protect U.S. interests in Asia, and that other nations were intent on taking over the islands if the US did not. -The war enabled the US to establish its dominance in the Caribbean region and to pursue its strategic and economic interests in Asia

Westminster Review

1900 Quarterly British publication Established in 1823 as the official organ of the Philosophical Radicals, it was published from 1824 to 1914. James Mill was one of the driving forces behind the liberal journal until 1828.

Russo-Japanese War

1904-1905 -B/w Russia and Japan over imperial ambitions in Manchuria and Korea -Fought over the territorial acquisitions of Manchuria and Korea -Japan wins the war, and this is the first time in history that an Asiatic power had defeated a Western power in battle -Increases threat of Yellow Peril -Helped cement Japan as a major player in the Pacific -Demonstrated success of Meiji restoration -The resulting campaigns, in which the Japanese military attained complete victory over the Russian forces arrayed against them, were unexpected by world observers -Over time, the consequences of these battles would transform the balance of power in East Asia, resulting in a reassessment of Japan's recent entry onto the world stage -Japanese historians regard this war as a turning point for Japan, and a key to understanding the reasons why Japan may have failed militarily and politically later -This win added to growing hostility towards the west, and fueled Japan's military and imperial ambitions

George F. Kennan

1904-2005 Strategist of cold war "...impervious to logic of reason and it is highly sensitive to the logic of force" "The main element of any United States policy toward the Soviet Union must be that of a long-term, patient but firm and vigilant containment of Russian expansive tendencies." -Successful advocacy of a "containment policy" to oppose Soviet expansionism following World War II -Long telegram Feb 1946 -Main element of any US policy regarding the soviet union must be that of long term but patient containment of Russia's expansive tendencies -Came to be understood that Americans must meet and contain Russia everywhere

Asiatic Exclusion League

1905 San Francisco -Creation of a coalition of 67 labor unions -Diffusion of anti-Asian propaganda, job exclusion, lobby for restriction on Asian immigration -US/Japanese tensions who will emerge as the Pacific leader -1906/07 the SF school board decided to segregate the city schools in fear of the Japanese men and their interactions with young white girls -Roosevelt criticizes this decision w/ pressures from the Meiji oligarchy, gets the SF government to rescind

Gentlemen's Agreement

1907-1908 -Between Washington and Tokyo -Japanese and US engage in diplomatic discussions -Japan voluntarily agrees to restrict the departure of Japanese laborers, so that the US would not fully prohibit Japanese immigration avoiding another Chinese exclusion act -Agreed to leave the already existing Japanese immigrants alone -Informal agreement b/w US and Japan that outlined an agreement from Japan to deny passports to Japanese laborers if the US agreed not to impose restrictions on Japanese immigrants. Roosevelt personally guaranteed that if the Japanese were to seize granting of passports to laborers looking to travel to the US (with exception to those traveling to family or pre-owned land), the US School Board would reverse an earlier school board order and allow Japanese students to attend public schools -Attempts to reduce tensions between the two most powerful Pacific nations at the time.

NSC 48/1 - "The Position of the United States With Respect to Asia"

1949 " and for the foreseeable future it is the USSR which threatens to dominate Asia through the complementary instruments of communist conspiracy and diplomatic pressure supported by military strength. For the foreseeable future, therefore, our immediate objective must be to contain and where feasible to reduce the power and influence of the USSR in Asia to such a degree that the Soviet Union is not capable of threatening the security of the United States from that area and that the Soviet Union would encounter serious obstacles should it attempt to threaten the peace, national independence or stability of the Asiatic nations."

"Noble/High Endeavor"

1908 nationalist movement -Indonesia was a Dutch colony - used the nation simply for its resources -The nationalist movement had the advantage of commonalities amongst the people, Muslim majority, poor, but educated (helped facilitate movement) -1st Indonesian nationalist organization, founded by a retired Javanese physician who wanted to utilize western social and political institutions as a model to help elevate the Javanese people -Known as a nationalist prototype--ignited flame of nationalist movement -Sought to obtain support for a scholarship fund for Indonesian students, also encouraged agriculture and trade -Sought equal educational opportunity in Indonesia, members were almost exclusively elite Javanese - group wasn't very political (more cultural) or taken as a serious threat by the Dutch authorities, but still led to more nationalist groups -Limited organization because it only appealed to elitist Indonesian -Lead to/replaced by Islamic Trade Union

The Threat of Japan, Teddy Roosevelt

1909 -View Japan as a formidable opponent after they win the Russo-Japanese war and tell U.S. citizens to show all possible courtesy to the Japanese -Underlying fear of Japan invading the US -Japan is a new world power --> feared after convincing victory "She [Japan] is a most formidable military power. Her people have peculiar fighting capacity. They are very proud, very warlike, very sensitive, and are influenced by two contradictory feelings; namely, a great self-confidence, both ferocious and conceited, due to their victory over the mighty empire of Russia; and a great touchiness because they would like to be considered as on a full equality with, as one of the brotherhood of, Occidental nations, and have been bitterly humiliated to find that even their allies, the English, and their friends, the Americans, won't admit them to association and citizenship, as they admit the least advanced or most decadent European peoples." send great white fleet bc of russo japanese war sought to demonstrate growing American martial power and blue-water navy capability. Hoping to enforce treaties and protect overseas holdings, the United States Congress appropriated funds to build American sea power. Beginning with just 90 small ships, over one-third of them wooden, the navy quickly grew to include new modern steel fighting vessels. The hulls of these ships were painted a stark white, giving the armada the nickname "Great White Fleet".

Kim Il-sung

1912-1994 -Supreme leader of North Korea, for 46 years, from its establishment in 1948 until his death in 1994. -He held the posts of Prime Minister from 1948 to 1972 and President from 1972 to 1994. -He was also the leader of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) from 1949 to 1994 (titled as chairman from 1949 to 1966 and as general secretary after 1966). -Coming to power after the overthrow of Japanese rule in 1945, he authorized the invasion of South Korea in 1950 triggering a defense of South Korea by the United Nations led by the United States. -A cease-fire in the Korean War was signed on 27 July 1953

Panama Canal

1914 opened -Connected the Pacific and Atlantic -Huge for trade, can now avoid time consuming and concerning trip around Cape Horn -Built by the US -The shorter, faster, and safer route to the U.S. West Coast and to nations in and around the Pacific Ocean allowed those places to become more integrated with the world economy.

Four-Power Pact

1921 -Signed by US, Britain, Japan, and France -Agreed that large section of Western Pacific - including Hong Kong, Philippines, and Guam - to be kept at status quo (regarding existing or planned defensive fortifications) -All signatories would be consulted in event of a controversy between two of them over "any Pacific question." -An accompanying agreement stated each would respect one another's rights regarding various Pacific islands and mandate territories they possessed.

Nine-Power Pact

1922 -Signed by US, Britain, Japan, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal, Belgium, and China -Came into full effect in August 1925 -Affirmed China's sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity -Gave all nations the right to do business with it on equal terms (US "Open Door" policy) -Japan also agreed to withdraw its troops from China and evacuate troops from Siberia (there since 1918 Siberian Intervention; withdrawn 10/22)

Henry L. Stimson

1929-1933 -Secretary of State during the Hoover administration -Sent notes to China and Japan after the establishment of Manchuria that outlined the Stimson Doctrine.

Manchurian Incident

1931 -Japan had been messing around with Manchuria since the 1920s, however as the Chinese nationalist movement grew so did anti-imperialist/Japanese sentiments -Japan deemed that the only way to sure up control of Manchuria was through direct control, especially believed by the Guandong Army which was stationed in Manchuria -These young officers set off an explosion along a small section of what is known as the South Manchurian Railway -The Japanese control this - "their railway" -They are looking for an excuse - the Japanese officers say who did this, answer is the Chinese -Claimed it had been an act of Chinese sabotage against the Japanese outside of Mukden, and used it to take control -Within 3 months, Japan had control of Manchuria -Surprising lack of Chinese response to all of this, so Japan continued to expand its influence in Northern China -Protecting Japanese lives and property

Stimson Doctrine

1932 Non-Recognition Policy Said, diplomatically, that the US could not recognize any changes in China that were executed by force by the Japanese and any changes that would threaten the "open door" of China -Political tool - alienated the Japanese with no impact on the US -Response to the Manchurian Incident & Manchukuo "...the American Government deems it to be its duty to notify both the Imperial Japanese Government and the Government of the Chinese Republic that it cannot admit the legality of any situation de facto nor does it intend to recognize any treaty or agreement entered into between those Governments, or agents thereof, which may impair the treaty rights of the United States or its citizens in China, including those which relate to the sovereignty, the independence, or the territorial and administrative integrity of the Republic of China, or to the international policy relative to China, commonly known as the open door policy; and that it does not intend to recognize any situation, treaty or agreement which may be brought about by means contrary to the covenants and obligations of the Pact of Paris [Kellogg-Briand Pact; 1928] which Treaty both China and Japan, as well as the United States, are parties." Letter, Stimson to the Japanese Government (1932)

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

1933-1945 -32nd POTUS -The New Deal (Great Depression Era), WWII -December 7, 1941: Pearl Harbor, 2 hours, 2400 American deaths -Angered US Public into abandoning isolationism -US entering into WWII starts in the Pacific -Roosevelt: Day of Infamy, declaration of War against Japan -Tensions had been building since Russo-Japanese War -US had placed sanctions on Japan for invading Vietnam in 1940's -Confrontation with the US was inevitable, Japan wanted to hit first so it could buy time for Japan to build an empire in Asia, dissuade US from taking on Japan -US is victorious in WWII, Japan loses, determines who would control the Pacific in the century of the Pacific -Pearl Harbor: December 7, 1941 -Japan devise a surprise attack at the US naval base at Pearl Harbor (HI) planned by Japanese Admiral Yamamoto -Japan had been forced into an ultimatum as the aggression and expansion in the East had led to the US placing an embargo on Japan (include 88% of Japan's oil), the fuel of their war machine, so Japan must attack -Brought the previously reluctant US into the war Beginning of WWII in Asia and second Sino-Japanese War

"China Incident"

1937 Marco Polo Bridge Incident -Japanese troops and Chinese troops near Beijing on the Marco Polo Bridge -Japanese troops near Beijing, shots fired (no one knows by whom), Japanese troops end up occupying the bridge -Japanese had demanded that Chinese military withdraw from the area, but Chinese had refused because giving up the bridge would isolate Beijing -

Second Sino-Japanese War

1937-1945 -Start of WWII in the Pacific -Fought in China -China, supported by Soviet Union and US (Following outbreak: no ntervention by the US because of isolationist policy, provided some material support and small loans to China (1937-1939), but China was fighting Japan on its own -At the end of WWII, Japanese surrender to Chiang Kai Shek north of 16 latitude on September 9, 1945. -Conflict began with invasion of Manchuria, but the Marco Polo Bridge incident marked beginning of the war (1937) -Japan, as a result of losing the war, loses its occupation of Manchuria and other holdings in China. -Largest Asian war of 1900s -China, left militarily strong but economically weak, lapses into Civil War post-Sino-Japanese War -First was (1894-1895)

Atlantic Charter

1941 -Early in WWII (Before US officially joined War) -Britain and US -Charter that define Allies' goals in the War. Includes: a) No territorial aggrandizement b) No territorial changes made against the wishes of the people c) Restoration of self-government to those deprived of it d) Reduction of trade restrictions e) Global cooperation to secure better economic and social conditions for all f) Freedom of the seas g) Abandonment of the use of force h) Disarmament of aggressor nations -To consolidate that goals of the War so that the allies could take appropriate steps to achieve these goals. -The Atlantic Charter was a statement not an official legal document. However, it did highlight the goals of the allies (at least the official ones). Emphasized US commitment to democracy, free trade, free peoples. "...respect the right of all peoples to choose the form of government under which they will live; and they wish to see sovereign rights and self government restored to those who have been forcibly deprived of them."

Excerpt from Draft of Basic Plan for Establishment Of Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

1942 The Plan. The Japanese empire is a manifestation of morality and its special characteristic is the propagation of the Imperial Way. It strives but for the achievement of Hakko Ichiu, the spirit of its founding.... It is necessary to foster the increased power of the empire, to cause East Asia to return to its original form of independence and co-prosperity by shaking off the yoke of Europe and America, and to let its countries and peoples develop their respective abilities in peaceful cooperation and secure livelihood The states, their citizens, and resources, comprised in those areas pertaining to the Pacific, Central Asia, and the Indian Oceans formed into one general union are to be established as an autonomous zone of peaceful living and common prosperity on behalf of the peoples of the nations of East Asia. The area including Japan, Manchuria, North China, lower Yangtze River, and the Russian Maritime Province, forms the nucleus of the East Asiatic Union. The Japanese empire possesses a duty as the leader of the East Asiatic Union (Tokyo 1943)

Declaration of the United Nations

1942 -Big Four allies (US, Britain, USSR, China), plus other smaller allied nations (26 total) -During Arcadia Conference in Washington -Established goal of obtaining complete surrender for the Axis' Powers. -Basis of the Current UN -Many other nations acceded to the declaration by the end of the war, including many independent African countries and all the countries in South America except Argentina. The declaration lumped Germany, Italy and Japan as militarized powers that needed to be defeated "Being convinced that complete victory over their enemies is essential to defend life, liberty, independence and religious freedom, and to preserve human rights and justice in their [signatory governments] own lands as well as in other lands, and that they are now engaged in a common struggle against savage and brutal forces seeking to subjugate the world..."

Battle of Midway

1942 -Japanese and US ~6 months after Pearl Harbor -Island of Midway (near Hawaii) -Decisive battle that proved to be the turning point of the war in the pacific, US was able to destroy 4 Japanese aircraft carriers -Japan wants to weaken the US naval fleet, but ends up working against them -Prior to this battle, Japan's navy was superior to the American Fleet and thus Japan could usually decide when and where to attack. The battle of Midday helped equalize the two naval fleets so that Japan's was no longer superior. Japan was on the defensive for remainder of the war.

Memorandum from General Omar Bradley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Secretary of Defense on the Strategic Assessment of Southeast Asia

1950 "Southeast Asia is a vital segment in the line of containment of communism stretching from Japan southward and around to the Indian Peninsula." -Beyond this line communism will not spread alucian island through japan through SEA through Indian ocean then Korean war breaks out

Korean War

1950-1953 -Began when North Korea invaded South Korea at 38th parallel. -The UN, with the US as the principal force, came to the aid of South Korea. -China came to the aid of North Korea, and the Soviet Union gave some assistance. -As far as American officials were concerned, it was a war against the forces of international communism itself. 1953 armistice to end of war peninsula still divided

Cairo Conference

1943 -Attended by FDR, Winston Churchill, and Chiang Kai-she (Nationalist leader, first time Roosevelt and Churchill met with their Chinese ally) -meeting outlining Allie strategy against Japan -To outline Allied position and discuss post-war decisions. -Decided to continue deploying military force until Japan's UNCONDITIONAl Surrender - no negotiations -The three great allies declare that they are fighting this war to restrain Japan and are not planning to take part in territorial expansion after the war's end. They declare that they are trying to restrain and punish Japan's aggression. They also declare that the territories that Japan seized from China (including Manchuria) should be restored to China. "In due course Korea shall become free and independent." -Cairo Declaration: a) "Three Allies, in harmony with those of the United Nations at war with Japan, will continue to persevere in the serious and prolonged operations necessary to procure the unconditional surrender of Japan" b) "Japan shall be stripped of all the islands in the Pacific which she has seized or occupied since the beginning of the first World War in 1914, and that all the te`rritories Japan has stolen from the Chinese, such as Manchuria, Formosa, and the Pescadores, shall be restored to the Republic of China" c) "Three great powers, mindful of the enslavement of the people of Korea, are determined that in due course Korea shall become free and independent"

Charter of the United Nations, Chapter XI, Declaration Regarding Non-Self-Governing Territories, Article 73

1945 "Members of the United Nations which have or assume responsibilities for the administration of territories whose peoples have not yet attained a full measure of self-government recognize the principle that the interests of the inhabitants of these territories are paramount, and accept as a sacred trust the obligation to promote to the utmost...[the development of] self-government"

Potsdam Declaration

1945 -Call for unconditional surrender -It called on Tokyo to proclaim now the unconditional surrender of all armed forces or face prompt and utter destruction -2 days after the declaration is made public Tokyo declared that is did not regard it as something of value = we will ignore it -1945 morale in Japan had been on a decline -By spring of 1945 Japanese public patience was wearing thin -But the situation within the government is different -Grandson of Meiji emperor has 2 camps -Civilians = be diplomatic -Military = we need to fight on/need one decisive victory, if we can do it we might be able to gain an honorable surrender - be able to bargain "We do not intend that the Japanese shall be enslaved as a race or destroyed as a nation...We call upon the government of Japan to proclaim now the unconditional surrender of all Japanese armed forces, and to provide proper and adequate assurances of their good faith in such action. The alternative for Japan is prompt and utter destruction."

Indonesian Declaration of Independence

1945 -Document signed by Sukarno, leader of Indonesian fight for freedom against the Netherlands (who was appointed as first president of Indonesia) -System of colonization is extremely de-stabilized -At the end of WWII the peoples of the Pacific were not willing to allow the Westerners to return to the region as if nothing happened -Jakarta, Capital of Indonesia -Statement of Declaration of Independence. Had been planned for months, Japan's recent surrender help bring the document forward -Began official armed resistance in Indonesia that resulted in Indonesia's independence in 1949 -Independence did not significantly improve economic status of Indonesia. It did significantly change racial caste and lessen power of government officials. "We, the Indonesian people, hereby declare the independence of Indonesia. Matters concerning the transfer of power, etc., will be carried out in a conscientious manner and as speedily as possible." (read by Sukarno [1901-1970; first president of Indonesia])

Instrument of Surrender

1945 -Immediate cessation of all hostilities -Formal acceptance of the terms of the Potsdam Declaration -Placement of all administrative powers of the Japanese government under SCAP [Supreme Commander of the Allied powers] -Formal surrender of Japan was signed on the U.S.S. Missouri -Establishment of the basic conditions for the Occupation of Japan -Place of race in this war -The racial aspects of this war brought about a revolution to racial consciousness -When you combine it with fighting a war what emerges is a conflict that is merciless -In many ways war thinking and racial thinking came together in the war in the pacific in a manner which did not just reflect the savagery of the battle but contributed to it by reinforcing the impression of a struggle between two completely incompatible antagonists à response to such a vision was an extermination on both sides

Potsdam Conference

1945 Potsdam, Germany -Attended by Truman, Stalin, Churchill -Outside Berlin, primary focus is post war Europe but also discuss fate of the war in the Pacific & potential for USSR involvement in the Pacific -the last of the World War II meetings held by the "Big Three" heads of state Truman Churchill Stalin -Churchill in the middle of this conference is voted out of office - replaced by Clement -Trinity tests the US conducts its first successful atomic explosion -In the middle of the conference Truman is notified that this worked, other leaders noticed a change in Truman's attitude = more confident

"reverse course"

1945-1952 -Japan occupied by US Initially policy of demilitarization and democratization -Eventually Shift from reform to rehabilitation wanted to make japan junior partner in cold war - not equals but building them up to be an ally -Write new constitution for them: emperor just figure head no power -Article 9 - Japanese relinquishes army for attack purposes - for defense only -Japans pre ww2 economy had been heavily dependent on raw materials from rest of pacific world -In order to rebuild japan economy then need to stabilize whole pacific world: this thinking leads to involvement in Vietnam

"Long Telegram"

1946 -Kennan sent 8,000-word telegram to the Department of State detailing his views on the Soviet Union -Caused a sensation in Washington -Stalin's aggressive speeches and threatening gestures toward Iran and Turkey in 1945-1946 led the Truman administration to decide to take a tougher stance and rely on the nation's military and economic muscle rather than diplomacy in dealing with the Soviets. -Kennan published public version of the telegram as "The Sources of Soviet Conduct" in July 1947 in Foreign Affairs

First Indochina War

1946-1954 -French Indochina -Fighting between French forces and their Việt Minh opponents in the south -Ho Chi Minh led guerrilla warfare against them in the first Indochina War that ended in the Vietnamese victory -An agreement was signed at Geneva on July 21, 1954, providing for a temporary division of Vietnam, at the 17th parallel of latitude, between a communist-dominated north and a U.S.-supported south.

Song dynasty

960-1279 -Emperor Taizu of Song -Southern Song Empire contained 60% of China's population and a majority of the most productive agricultural land -Bolstered its naval strength to defend its waters and land borders and to conduct maritime missions abroad. -Song also developed new military technology augmented by the use of gunpowder to repel the Jin -Expanded rice cultivation in central and southern China, the use of early-ripening rice from southeast and southern Asia, and the production of abundant food surpluses led to doubling the size of the population. -Hakk people (subgroup of Han) migrate over time in masses towards the South

"The continuance of [Great Britain's] prosperity at home depends primarily upon maintaining her power abroad....[Britain's] power was everywhere that her ships could reach...[The navy] sweeps the sea for the service of the land, it controls the desert that man may live and thrive on the habitable globe."

Alfred Thayer Mahan The Influence of Sea Power Upon History 1890

Chinese Communist Party

Chief of State = Mao Zedong -Led China's Communist revolution ¥ "...the Chinese people, comprising one-quarter of humanity, have now stood up. The Chinese have always been a great, courageous and industrious nation; it is only in modern times that they have fallen behind. And that was due entirely to oppression and exploitation by foreign imperialism and domestic reactionary governments..." Mao, "The Chinese People Have Stood Up!" (September 21, 1949) ¥ "...all Chinese without exception must lean either to the side of imperialism or to the side of socialism. Sitting on the fence will not do, nor is there a third road. We oppose the Chiang Kai-shek reactionaries who lean to the side of imperialism, and we also oppose the illusions about a third road." Mao, "On the People's Democratic Dictatorship" (June 30, 1949)

Whereas, in the opinion of the Government of the United States the coming of Chinese laborers to this country endangers the good order of certain localities within the territory thereof: Therefore, be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That from and after the expiration of ninety days next after the passage of this act, and until the expiration of ten years next after the passage of this act, the coming of Chinese laborers to the United States be, and the same is hereby, suspended; and during such suspension it shall not be lawful for any Chinese laborer to come, or, having so come after the expiration of said ninety days, to remain within the United States."

Chinese Exclusion Act 1882

"....To add to our misery and despair, a bloated aristocracy has sent to China - the greatest and oldest despotism in the world - for a cheap working slave. It rakes the slums of Asia to find the meanest slave on earth - the Chinese coolie - and imports him here to meet the free American in the Labor market, and still further widen the breach between the rich and the poor, still further to degrade white Labor. These cheap slaves fill every place. Their dress is scant and cheap. Their food is rice from China. They hedge twenty in a room, ten by ten. They are wipped curs, abject in docility, mean, contemptible and obedient in all things. They have no wives, children or dependents. They are imported by companies, controlled as serfs, worked like slaves, and at last go back to China with all their earnings. They are in every place, they seem to have no sex. Boys work, girls work; it is all alike to them. The father of a family is met by them at every turn. Would he get work for himself? Ah! A stout Chinaman does it cheaper. Will he get a place for his oldest boy? He can not. His girl? Why, the Chinaman is in her place too! Every door is closed. He can only go to crime or suicide, his wife and daughter to prostitution, and his boys to hoodlumism and the penitentiary....California must be all American or all Chinese. We are resolved that it shall be American, and are prepared to make it so. May we not rely upon your sympathy and assistance?" (Dennis Kearney, President, and H. L. Knight, Secretary, "Appeal from California. The Chinese Invasion. Workingmen's Address," Indianapolis Times, 28 February 1878.)

Denis Kearney End of 1800s

"Sir: You are about to proceed upon a cruise in the far-distant Pacific, into the seas and among the islands frequented by the great American whaling fleet, a source of abundant wealth to our enemies and a nursery for their seamen. It is hoped that you may be able to greatly damage and disperse that fleet, even if you do not succeed in utterly destroying it."

Detailed Instructions from Commander Bulloch, C.S. Navy, to Lieutenant J.I. Waddell, C.S. Navy 1864 Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion

"Island hopping"

During WWII (1939-45) • After the Battle of Midway the US was on the front foot for the rest of the War implemented an Island Hopping Campaign as they inched north in the Pacific getting closer and closer to the Japanese mainland • Naval and air forces were crucial -Strategy where Allies would bypass heavily fortified Japanese areas and take small islands that can serve as landing strips from which US could launch air attacks on Japan. It was very challenging to win back islands the Japan had taken, because Japan did not easily surrender goal to get into bombing range -Made it easier for Allied forces to reach Japan because they didn't need to take heavily fortified Japanese Bases. -Ultimately, the island hopping campaign was successful. It allowed the US to gain control over sufficient islands in the Pacific to get close enough to Japan to launch a mainland invasion. However, the island hopping took a long time and was very costly. Even after war was close to ending in Europe it appeared that the war might continue indefinitely in the Pacific. Fearing a drawn out war with many more casualties, the US made plans to end the war quickly and force Japan's surrender. They achieved this with the World's first Atomic bombs.

Workingmen's party of California

Established 1877 -Labor organization led by Denis Kearny -Positioned against Cheap Chinese immigrant labor and the Central Pacific Railroad that employed them -Support from White Californians -Led to Chinese Exclusion Act -Making up for how the Irish Catholics were treated, finding a way to boost themselves up -Goes from local issue to a state issue, plays a role in political elections -Linked anti-Chinese sentiment to vote of the white working class (the Chinese could not vote) play to your constituents -Growing Sinophobia

"Yesterday, December 7, 1941- a date which will live in infamy - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan."

FDR, 1941

"Islamic Association/Union"

Founded in 1912; initially known as the Islamic Trade Union -Interested in protecting the Indonesian economic vitality -Omar Said Tjokroaminoto -On the Island of Java the Muslim merchants in the colored cloth trade felt that their economic livelihood faced imminent collapse in the face of mounting ethnic Chinese competition in the trade -Farmers did not have autonomy, the Dutch had control -Evolved into more of a nationalist movement -In 1916 the Islamic Union claimed to have 350,000 members -By 1919 it stated that membership had risen to 2,500,000 (later research reveals that the number was more likely around 400,000 -Either way the Union represented the largest nationalist movement of the time -Showed the power and slippery slope of education -It was so broad, didn't really work, fragmented into multiple different movements -In the end of 1949 Dutch was forced to surrender and give independence to Indonesians

"The existence of an area of free land, its continuous recession, and the advance of American settlement westward, ex- plain American development. Behind institutions, behind constitutional forms and modifications, lie the vital forces that call these organs into life and shape them to meet changing conditions. The peculiarity of American institutions is the fact that they have been compelled to adapt themselves to the changes of an expanding people--to the changes involved in crossing a continent, in winning a wilderness, and in developing at each area of this progress out of the primitive economic and political conditions of the frontier into the complexity of city life....From the conditions of frontier life came intellectual traits of profound importance.... The result is that to the frontier the American intellect owes its striking characteristics. That coarseness and strength combined with acuteness and acquisitiveness; that practical, inventive turn of mind, quick to find expedients; that masterful grasp of material things, lacking in the artistic but powerful to effect great ends; that restless, nervous energy; that dominant individualism, working for good and for evil, and withal that buoyancy and exuberance which comes with freedom - these are traits of the frontier, or traits called out elsewhere because of the existence of the frontier....American democracy was born of no theorist's dream; it was not carried in the Sarah Constant to Virginia, nor in the Mayflower to Plymouth. It came out of the American forest, and it gained new strength each time it touched a new frontier. Not the constitution, but free land and an abundance of natural resources open to a fit people, made the democratic type of society in America for three centuries while it occupied its empire." "The Significance of the Frontier in American History"

Frederick Jackson Turner 1893 The "Frontier Thesis"

"In a recent bulletin of the Superintendent of the Census for 1890 appear these significant words: 'Up to and including 1880 the country had a frontier of settlement, but at present the unsettled area has been so broken into by isolated bodies of settlement that there can hardly be said to be a frontier line. In the discussion of its extent, its westward movement, etc., it can not, therefore, any longer have a place in the census reports.'"

Frederick Jackson Turner The "Frontier Thesis" 1893

"... this sudden demand for foreign markets for manufactures and for investments...was avowedly responsible for the adoption of Imperialism as a political policy... Every improvement of methods of production, every concentration of ownership and control, seems to accentuate the tendency... Everywhere appear excessive powers of production, excessive capital in search of investment. It is admitted by all business men that the growth of the powers of production in their country exceeds the growth in consumption, that more goods can be produced than can be sold at a profit, and that more capital exists than can find remunerative investment. It is this economic condition of affairs that forms the taproot of Imperialism."

John Hobson (1858-1940) From book Imperialism (1902)

"...our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions."

John L O'Sullivan "Annexation," Democratic Review, July/August 1845

"We are the nation of human progress, and who will, what can, set limits to our onward march."

John L O'Sullivan on Manifest Destiny 1839 "The Great Nation of Futurity," Democratic Review

"...our national birth was the beginning of a new history, the formation and progress of an untried political system, which separates us from the past and connects us with the future only; and so far as regards the entire development of the natural rights of man, in moral, political, and national life, we may confidently assume that our country is destined to be the great nation of futurity." "The Great Nation of Futurity," The United States Democratic Review, Volume 6, Issue 23.

John L O'Sullivan on Manifest Destiny The United States Democratic Review 1839

My dreams, even as a child, My dreams, when a young man in the prime of life, Were to see you one day, jewel of the eastern seas, Dry those dark eyes, raise that forehead high, Without frown, without wrinkle, without stain of shame. My lifelong dream, my deep burning desire, Is for this soul that will soon depart to cry out: Salud! To your health! Oh how beautiful to fall to give you flight, To die to give you life, to rest under your sky, And in your enchanted land forever sleep.

Jose Rizal Pahimaka 1896

"Without controversy, these are the forces ["civic liberty" and "spiritual Christianity"] which, in the past, have contributed most to the elevation of the human race, and they must continue to be, in the future, the most efficient ministers to its progress, It follows then that the Anglo-Saxon, as the great representative of these two ideas, the depository of these two great blessings sustains peculiar relations to the world's future, is divinely commissioned to be, in a peculiar sense, his brothers keeper."

Josiah Strong 1891 Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis

US-Japan Treaty of Amity & Commerce

July 29, 1858 -Harris Treaty -There shall henceforth be perpetual peace and friendship between the United States of America and His Majesty the [shogun] of Japan and his successors. -Exchange of diplomatic agents -Opening of various ports in Japan -Gave Americans right to live in those ports & trade without interference -Fixed low import and export duties -Extraterritoriality

"If the institutional reform had been undertaken earlier, there would have been no disaster today; if the institutional reform is undertaken now, it can avert future disaster; if not, the future disaster will be worse than the present one."

Kang Youwei

Treaty of Annexation of Korea by Japan

Known in Korea as Humiliation of the Nation in the Year of the Dog 1910 -1910-1945 Korea was perhaps one of the most brutally exploited colonial country in the world "In order to maintain peace and stability in Korea, to promote the prosperity and welfare of Koreans, and at the same time to ensure the safety and repose of foreign residents...The Governments of Japan and Korea...have, with the approval of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan and His Majesty the Emperor of Korea, concluded....a treaty providing for complete annexation of Korea to the Empire of Japan."

March First Independence Movement

March 1, 1919 Proclamation of Korean Independence -King abdicates from throne in 1907 & Wilson's self-determinism rhetoric spark a Korean independent movement -Tens of thousands of students in Seoul shouting long live Korea -Quote from Matti Wilcox Noble, an American Presbyterian missionary in Korea at the time -Violently crushed by the Japanese, failed movement and no one came to help the Koreans, showed how the world really still believed in imperialism Excerpt from the diary of Matti Wilcox Noble, an American Presbyterian missionary in Korea at the time "March 1, 1919 - This is a great day for Korea, but no one know how long their happy spirit will last...all middle and higher schools boycotted classes in protest of the Japanese occupation. The students marched in the streets waving their hats over the head and shouting 'Manseh (Long Live Korea)!'... the rumor of King Kojong's murder by the Japanese spread throughout the city. King Kojong attempted to send a secret anti-Japanese message to the Paris Peace Conference but his emissary was arrested by the Japanese. The rumor said that is why the Japanese killed King Kojong...[The independence proclamation] was in support of the Korean delegates to the Peace Conference...The delegates would be in a stronger position to state Korea's case with the nationwide popular march standing behind them." We here with proclaim the independence of Korea and the liberty of the Korean people. We tell it to the world in witness of the equality of all nations and we pass it on to our posterity as their inherent right. THREE ITEMS OF AGREEMENT This work of ours is in behalf of truth, religion and life undertaken at the request of our people, in order to make known their desire for liberty. Let no violence be done to anyone. 2. Let those who follow us every man all the time, every hour, show forth with gladness this same mind. 3. Let all things be done decently and in order, so that our behavior to the very end may be honorable and upright." The 4252nd year of the Kingdom of Korea 3d Month

"Civilization and enlightenment"

Meiji Restoration


Meiji emperor of Japan Reign 1867-1912 -Comes into power when he is 15 years old (at the same time as Yoshinobu) -Power that was restored didn't go to the emperor but to his closest advisors -Meiji leaders recognized that they can use the emperor to implement their goals of modernization -Emperor is a symbol: Meiji emperor reigned but didn't rule (like as was under the Tokugawa) -The leaders in the Meiji gov. were the ones making the moves, they don't give emperor any political power -Claim to be serving the emperor, gives them legitimacy and authority -They are known as the Meiji oligarchs (oligarchy = small group of political individuals that exercise political control) -Make moves towards mass modernization

John Breuilly

Nationalism and the State (1985) "The term 'nationalism' is used to refer to political movements seeking or exercising state power and justifying such actions with nationalist arguments. A nationalist argument is a political doctrine built upon three basic assertions: 1. There exists a nation with an explicit and peculiar character. 2. The interests and values of this nation take priority over all other interests and values. 3. The nation must be as independent as possible. This usually requires at least the attainment of political sovereignty." -Says that nationalism doesn't stem from cultural identity, but from elites/social groups/foreign governments that use nationalist idealism to appeal to the masses and gain popular support against the state (propaganda)

Democratic People's Republic of Korea

North Korea -Under soviet observation

Maritime fur trade

Peaked 1800-1820 -Slows down because: a) Running out of seals b) Change in fashion

Robert Lansing

Secretary of State 1915-1920 -Discussed how self-determination was a case full of dynamite, dangerous idea to put "into the minds of certain nations" -"When the President talks of 'self-determination' what unit has he in mind? Does he mean a race, a territorial area, or a community? Without a definite unit which is practical, application of this principle is dangerous to peace and stability." 1918 "The more I think about the President's declaration as to the right of `self-determination', the more convinced I am of the danger of putting such ideas into the minds of certain races. It is bound to be the basis of impossible demands on the Peace Congress, and create trouble in many lands . . . . The phrase is simply loaded with dynamite. It will raise hopes which can never be realized. It will, I fear, cost thousands of lives. In the end it is bound to be discredited, to be called the dream of an idealist who failed to realize the danger until too late to check those who attempt to put the principle into force. What a calamity that the phrase was ever uttered! What misery it will cause! Think of the feelings of the author when he counts the dead who dies because he coined a phrase! A man, who is a leader of public thought, should beware of intemperate or undigested declarations. He is responsible for the consequences." Notes, December 30, 1918. Found in Lansing. The Peace Negotiations: A Personal Narrative (1921)

Tokugawa Yoshinobu

Shogun of Japan 1867 -Last shogun (same year Japan gets a new emperor) -Satsuma and Choshu are the main areas leading the domestic revolts in 1866 -In the fall of 1867 the opponents of the Tokugawa are increasingly numerous -Yoshinobu recognizes that the Tokugawa cannot stand up against these critics and gives in to demands and gives up all of his political power -Shogunate ends in 1868 after losing two battles to imperialist forces, imperial rule is restored in Japan -Meiji Restoration begins 1868

Excerpt from the Joint Declaration of the Greater East Asia Conference

Tokyo, 1943 "It is the basic principle for the establishment of world peace that he nations of the world have each its proper place, and enjoy prosperity in common through mutual aid and assistance. The United States of America and the British Empire have in seeking their own prosperity oppressed other nations and peoples. Especially in East Asia, they indulged in insatiable aggression and exploitation, and sought to satisfy their inordinate ambition of enslaving the entire region, and finally they came to menace seriously the stability of East Asia. Herein lies the cause of the recent war. The countries of Greater East Asia, with a view to contributing to the cause of world peace, undertake to cooperate toward prosecuting the War of Greater East Asia to a successful conclusion, liberating their region from the yoke of British-American domination, and ensuring their self-existence and self-defense"

"Suppose there were people from another country who carried opium for sale to England and seduced your people into buying and smoking it. Certainly you would deeply hate it and be bitterly aroused..."

Undelivered letter from Lin Zexu to Queen Victoria

Second Indochina War

Vietnam War, American War; 1959-1975 -Activities of procommunist rebels in South Vietnam led to heavy U.S. intervention brief halt in 1973, when a cease-fire agreement was signed (January 27) and the remaining U.S. troops in South Vietnam began to be withdrawn -The war was soon resumed -In 1975 the South Vietnamese government collapsed and was replaced (April 30) by a regime dominated by the communists. -On July 2, 1976, the two Vietnams were reunited as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

"...capitalism has now singled out a handful...of exceptionally rich and powerful states which plunder the whole world...[leading to enormous profits]. Obviously, out of such enormous superprofits (since they are obtained over and above the profits which capitalists squeeze out of the workers of their 'own' country) it is possible to bribe the labor leaders and the upper stratum of the labor aristocracy"

Vladmir Ilyich Lenin Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism (1916)

"World capitalism and the 1905 movement in Russia have finally aroused Asia. Hundreds of millions of the down trodden and benighted have awakened from medieval stagnation to a view life and are rising to fight for elementary human rights and democracy. The workers of the advanced countries follow with interest and inspiration this powerful growth of the liberation movement...The awakening of Asia and the beginning of the struggle for power by the advanced proletariat of Europe are a symbol of the new phase in world history that began early this century."

Vladmir Ilyich Lenin The Awakening of Asia (1913)

Washington Conference of 1921-22

Washington Naval Conference November 1921 - February 1922 -Participants: US, Japan, Great Britain, France, and Italy -Post WWI powerful nations unanimously agreed that they did not want another world war, cooperated to end the arms race that was occurring -The fact that Japan was invited illustrates that Japan was now seen as a world power, but unequal treatment, especially in the naval limitation treaty, show how the others still thought of Japan as inferior -3 treaties come out of this 1) 5 power naval limitation treaty: limited the number of ships allowed in a nation's navy, Japan was allowed less ships than the US and Britain 2) 9 power pact - recognized China was sovereign, independent, and as having territorial integrity, reaffirmed US's "open door policy, maintenance of Chinese territorial and administrative integrity 3) 4 power pact - dealt with defensive placements

Occupation of Japan

from Japan's formal acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration [August 14, 1945] until the implementation of the San Francisco Peace Treaty [April 28, 1952])

Declaration of Independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (September 2, 1945)

¥ "'All men are created equal; they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.' This immortal statement was made in the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America in 1776. In a broader sense, this means: All the peoples on the earth are equal from birth, all the peoples have a right to live, to be happy and free. The Declaration of The French Revolution made in 1791 on the Rights of Man and the Citizen also states: 'All men are born free and with equal rights, and must always remain free and have equal rights.' Those are undeniable truths....the French imperialist have... ¥ deprived our people of every democratic liberty ¥ enforced inhuman laws ¥ built more prisons than schools ¥ mercilessly slain our patriots ¥ drowned our uprisings in rivers of blood ¥ fleeced us to the backbone, impoverished our people, and devastated our land ¥ robbed us of our rice fields, our mines, our forests, and our raw materials"

Domino Theory Effect

¥ "You have a row of dominoes set up, you knock over the first one, and what will happen to the last one is the certainty that it will go over very quickly. So you could have a beginning of a disintegration that would have the most profound influences." Dwight Eisenhower (April 7, 1954) relation to communism

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